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<LTTextBoxHorizontal(0) 54 000,690 564,90 000,732 072 'W\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(1) 54 000,655 514,104 325,668 197 'WALNUT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(2) 53 905,335 820,560 375,651 295 'Botanical name: Juglans regia L and other Juglans species\nBotanical family: Juglandaceae\nForeign names: Noyer commun (Fr ), Walnuss (Ger ), Nogal (Sp ), Noce (It )\nDescription: Majestic tree up to 30 m (98 ft) in height, branched, with large, alternate pinnatifid leaves and staminiferous and \npistilliferous flowers (April to June) The fruits have a fibrous mesocarp, woody endocarp and fleshy, oily seeds edible when ripe \n(September) The parts used are the leaves, husks and edible seeds Walnut has a bitter-tonic flavor and a warm, sweet odor \nDerivatives: The derivatives from leaves are decoction (5%), fluid extract, tincture (20% in 20% ethanol) and soft aqueous extract \nThe derivatives from husks are fluid extract and petroleum ether fluid extract\nConsumption: Annual: n/a \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: 21 CFR 164 110, 172 510\nFDA (other): HOC (1992)\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: n/a \nIOFI: n/a\nComposition: The total oil content of walnut ranged from 62 6 to 70 3%, while the crude protein ranged from 13 6 to 18 1% Dietary \nfiber ranged from 4 2 to 5 2%, while the starch content made up no more than 2 8% of the remaining portion of the kernel The amino \nacid content of the walnuts was similar between cultivars and the patterns of essential amino acids were characteristic of a high qual-\nity protein * The immature fruit is one of the richest sources of ascorbic acid The leaves, also rich in ascorbic acid (almost 1% of the \nweight), are rich in carotene (ca 0 3% wet weight) Juglone is the active compound in the leaves; also quercetin, cyanadin, kaempferol, \ncaffeic acid and traces of p-coumaric acid, hyperin (0 2%), quercitrin, kaempferol-3-arabinoside, quercetin-3-arabinoside The seed \noil contains 3 to 7% palmitic, 0 5 to 3% stearic, 9 to 30% oleic, 57 to 76% linoleic and 2 to 16% linolenic acids \nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(3) 501 953,528 308,557 984,538 910 'Individual: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(4) 54 000,295 015,198 441,307 698 'WALNUT HULL EXTRACT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(5) 181 998,267 113,234 249,291 205 'FL No :\nEINECS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(6) 242 000,267 113,253 610,291 205 'n/a\nn/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(7) 53 996,75 666,273 902,291 205 'CAS No :\nn/a\nCoE No :\nn/a\nDescription: See Walnut \nConsumption: Annual: 5433 33 lb \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: 21 CFR 172 510\nFDA (other): See Walnut \nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: 30 020 mg \nReported uses (ppm): (FEMA, 1994)\nFood Category\nAlcoholic beverages\nBaked goods\nBreakfast cereals\nFrozen dairy\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(8) 199 729,75 666,225 873,140 580 'Usual\n80 91\n72 79\n346 40\n73 72\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(9) 253 727,75 666,279 871,140 580 'Max \n80 91\n94 20\n346 40\n96 13\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(10) 54 000,47 256,213 704,56 480 '* Savage (2001) Plant Foods Hum Nutr 56, 75 \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(11) 54 000,10 800,157 548,17 568 '© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(12) 307 997,267 113,354 272,291 205 'FEMA No :\nJECFA No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(13) 367 999,267 113,386 999,291 205 '3111\nn/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(14) 433 995,267 113,483 082,291 205 'NAS No :\nEAFUS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(15) 493 998,267 113,543 075,291 205 '3111\n977014-38-2\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(16) 433 853,236 856,558 009,247 458 'Individual: 0 004604 mg/kg/day\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(17) 505 445,159 830,557 999,170 432 'IOFI: Natural\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(18) 321 975,89 156,414 087,140 580 'Food Category\nGelatins, puddings\nNonalcoholic beverages\nSoft candy\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(19) 463 743,89 156,489 868,140 580 'Usual\n170 50\n45 38\n67 36\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(20) 517 741,89 156,543 866,140 580 'Max \n189 50\n65 21\n88 29\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(21) 540 422,28 900,557 990,38 800 '2017\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(0) 54 000,745 440,74 454,756 042 '2018 \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(1) 54 000,698 936,168 684,725 394 'Aroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(2) 422 302,744 990,558 002,756 520 'WALNUT LEAVES EXTRACT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(3) 54 000,658 114,210 453,670 797 'WALNUT LEAVES EXTRACT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(4) 53 986,441 903,560 374,654 304 'CAS No :\nn/a\nFL No :\nn/a\nFEMA No :\nn/a\nNAS No :\n6168\nCoE No :\nn/a\nEINECS No :\nn/a\nJECFA No :\nn/a\nEAFUS No :\n977091-98-7\nDescription: The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves with yields ranging between 0 012 and 0 029%; it is little \nknown and seldom used The oil is a yellow to greenish-brown liquid exhibiting a powerful, warm, sweet odor reminiscent of tea and \nlabdanum \nConsumption: Annual: 366 67 lb \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: 21 CFR 172 510\nFDA (other): n/a\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: n/a \nIOFI: Natural\nComposition: The main constituents of the leaf oil include juglone, α- and β-hydrojuglone, tannin, geraniol, cineol and methyl \neugenol \nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(5) 430 414,576 946,558 018,587 548 'Individual: 0 0003107 mg/kg/day\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(6) 54 000,401 137,152 868,413 820 'WHORTLEBERRY\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(7) 54 000,385 964,211 672,396 918 'Botanical name: Vaccinium myrtillus L \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(8) 433 995,313 226,471 663,323 828 'NAS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(9) 493 998,313 226,505 607,323 828 'n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(10) 53 977,57 904,560 393,381 414 'Botanical family: Ericaceae\nOther names: Arandano; Black Whortles; Bleaberry; Blueberry; British Bilberry; Hurtleberry; Hurts; Whinberry; Whortle-berry; \nVaccinium myrtillus\nForeign names: Myrtille (Fr ), Heidelbeere, Blaubeere (Ger ), Arandano (Sp ), Mirtillo nero (It )\nCAS No :\nn/a\nFL No :\nn/a\nFEMA No :\nn/a\nCoE No :\n469\nEINECS No :\nn/a\nJECFA No :\nn/a\nDescription: A European species of blueberry The shrub is approximately 40 to 60 cm (16 to 24 in ) high and grows wild in the \nmountain areas of Europe and Asia The plant has erect, branched stems; long, creeping rhizomes; alternate oval leaves; white-\npinkish flowers; and bluish, globose berries This variety should not be confused with V vitio idaea, leaves of which are used for \npharmaceutical purposes The parts used are the berries and leaves Whortleberry has a sweet, aromatic, sour, astringent flavor \nAnnual use in Europe is 13,000 kg Fruits of other species, V macrocarpon Ait (cranberry) and V uliginosum L (Bog bilberry), are \nconsumed as a foodstuff \nDerivatives: The derivatives from the berries are f1uid extract, tincture (20% in 20% alcohol), concentrated (six- to eightfold) juice \nThe derivatives from the leaves are infusion (3%), dried aqueous extract \nConsumption: Annual: n/a \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: Fruits: Category 1 (no restriction on use) Fruits are used in the preparation of jellies and marmalades, dairy products or \nconsumed as is Derivatives are used for medical purposes Leaves: Category 5 (additional toxicological and/or chemical infor-\nmation is required) Leaves are used in beverages (3 g/L) \nFDA: n/a\nFDA (other): HOC (1992)\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: n/a \nIOFI: n/a\nComposition: Whortleberry fruit contains flavonoids (including quercitrin, rutin, myrtillin, isoquercitrin, anthocyan pigments), \nursolic acid, coumaric acid, tannins (7%), volatile alcohols, terpene hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds (CoE, 2000) The leaves \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(11) 501 987,184 947,558 018,195 549 'Individual: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(12) 54 000,10 800,157 548,17 568 '© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(0) 54 000,744 990,182 070,756 520 'WINTERGREEN EXTRACT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(1) 54 000,745 440,56 375,756 042 ' \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(2) 539 735,745 440,557 994,756 042 '2019\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(3) 54 000,671 928,560 360,725 042 'contain flavonoids (including quercetin, quercitrin, rutin, myrtillin, isoquercitrin, anthocyan pigments), vaccinin and neomyrtillin, \nphenol glucosides, tannins, triterpenoids and alkaloids (CoE, 2000) \nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(4) 54 000,631 114,142 110,643 797 'WINTERGREEN\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(5) 54 000,615 941,226 178,626 894 'Botanical name: Gaultheria procumbens L \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(6) 53 971,341 856,560 378,611 390 'Botanical family: Ericaceae\nOther names: Boxberry; Checkerberry; Deerberry; Mountain tea; Canada tea; Patridgeberry\nForeign names: Gaultherie (Fr ), Wintergrün (Ger ), Gaulteria (Sp ), Gaulteria (It )\nDescription: Wintergreen is an evergreen shrub with slender, creeping stems, assurgent, flowering branches with toothed leaves \nclustered at the top, white, bell-shaped flowers blossoming July to August, followed by red berries (checkerberries) The plant grows \nextensively in the woods of Canada and the United States (Pennsylvania) The leaves are harvested between June and September \nWintergreen has an aromatic odor and flavor similar to methyl salicylate \nDerivatives: Infusion and alcohol extract \nConsumption: Annual: n/a \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: n/a\nFDA (other): HOC (1992)\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: n/a \nIOFI: n/a\nComposition: The leaves of wintergreen are reported to contain arbutin, caffeic acid, ericolin, ferulic acid, gaultherase, gaultheric \nacid, gaultherin, gentisinc acid, methyl salicylate (5445 to 7920 ppm) o-pyrocatachuic acid, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, \nprimverose, protocatachuic acid, syringic acid, tannic acid, tannin, tricontane and vallininc acid \nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(7) 501 963,488 403,557 994,499 005 'Individual: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(8) 54 000,301 114,200 531,313 797 'WINTERGREEN EXTRACT\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(9) 181 998,273 213,234 249,297 305 'FL No :\nEINECS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(10) 242 000,273 213,281 578,297 305 'n/a\n289-888-0\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(11) 53 970,64 998,278 481,297 305 'CAS No :\n90045-28-6\nCoE No :\nn/a\nDescription: See Wintergreen \nConsumption: Annual: <1 00 lb \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: n/a\nFDA (other): See Wintergreen \nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: 764 025 mg \nReported uses (ppm): (FEMA, 1994)\nFood Category\nAlcoholic beverages\nBaked goods\nFrozen dairy\nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(12) 194 988,95 256,225 873,146 679 'Usual\n250 00\n5000 00\n450 00\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(13) 248 986,95 256,279 871,146 679 'Max \n275 00\n7500 00\n500 00\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(14) 54 000,10 800,157 548,17 568 '© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(15) 307 997,273 213,354 272,297 305 'FEMA No :\nJECFA No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(16) 367 999,273 213,386 999,297 305 '3112\nn/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(17) 433 995,273 213,483 082,297 305 'NAS No :\nEAFUS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(18) 493 998,273 213,543 075,297 305 '3112\n977092-74-2\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(19) 448 702,242 955,558 028,253 557 'Individual: <1 00 mg/kg/day\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(20) 505 445,165 929,557 999,176 531 'IOFI: Natural\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(21) 321 975,95 256,414 087,146 679 'Food Category\nGelatins, puddings\nNonalcoholic beverages\nSoft candy\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(22) 458 974,95 256,489 868,146 679 'Usual\n450 00\n250 00\n4000 00\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(23) 512 972,95 256,543 866,146 679 'Max \n500 00\n275 00\n5000 00\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(0) 54 000,745 440,75 584,756 042 '2020 \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(1) 459 931,744 990,558 001,756 520 'WINTERGREEN OIL\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(2) 54 000,701 402,166 178,714 085 'WINTERGREEN OIL\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(3) 433 995,671 490,471 663,682 092 'NAS No :\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(4) 493 998,671 490,512 997,682 092 '3113\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(5) 435 525,581 725,557 971,592 327 'Individual: 0 002316 mg/kg/day\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(6) 505 407,504 699,557 961,515 301 'IOFI: Natural\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(7) 316 001,456 017,393 597,466 619 'Solubility in alcohol\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(8) 406 004,456 017,446 236,466 619 'Passes test\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(9) 53 958,257 842,560 385,697 183 'Other names: Gaultheria oil; Oils, wintergreen\nCAS No :\n68917-75-9\nFL No :\nn/a\nFEMA No :\n3113\nCoE No :\nn/a\nEINECS No :\nn/a\nJECFA No :\nn/a\nDescription: Wintergreen essential oil is water steam-distilled from leaves charged into the still and allowed to macerate for several \nhours to hydrolyze the gaultherin glucoside (methyl salicylate + glucose) Distillation lasts from 5 to 6 hours and yields approximately \n0 7% essential oil The oil is often adulterated by intentionally co-distilling sweet birth (Betula lenta) bark FCC (1996) has described \nwintergreen oil as obtained from the leaves of G procumbens and bark of B lenta The oil has a strong, sweet, aromatic odor remi-\nniscent of methyl salicylate, its main constituent \nConsumption: Annual: 2733 33 lb \nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: n/a\nFDA (other): n/a\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: 42 238 mg \nSpecifications: (FCC, 1996)\nAcid value (max)\n1 0\nSlightly levorotatory, exhibiting a \nrotation of not more than –1 5°\nNot less than 98% and not more than \n100 5% methyl salicylate (C8H8O3)\nHeavy metals (as\xa0Pb)\nPasses test\nPhysical–chemical characteristics: Wintergreen oil is a colorless, yellowish or reddish liquid It boils with decomposition between \n219 to 224°C It is soluble in alcohol and in glacial acetic acid, and it is very slightly soluble in water \nEssential oil composition: The oil contains approximately 98% methyl salicylate \nReported uses (ppm): (FEMA, 1994)\nFood Category\nAlcoholic beverages\nBaked goods\nChewing gum\nFrozen dairy\nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(10) 321 965,288 100,414 087,353 013 'Food Category\nGelatins, puddings\nHard candy\nNonalcoholic beverages\nSoft candy\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(11) 194 979,288 100,225 873,353 013 'Usual\n49 19\n249 80\n1550 00\n58 81\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(12) 248 977,288 100,279 871,353 013 'Max \n84 53\n307 10\n3006 00\n184 30\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(13) 463 715,288 100,489 868,353 013 'Usual\n9 88\n584 80\n27 64\n193 90\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(14) 316 001,474 513,378 530,485 115 'Refractive index\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(15) 406 004,474 513,531 176,485 115 'Between 1 535 and 1 538 (20°C)\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(16) 315 997,432 534,375 705,443 136 'Specific gravity\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(17) 406 000,432 534,531 172,443 136 'Between 1 176 and 1 182 (25°C)\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(18) 58 000,456 026,121 061,466 628 'Angular rotation\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(19) 58 000,432 533,81 218,443 135 'Assay\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(20) 517 713,288 100,543 866,353 013 'Max \n19 25\n584 80\n108 20\n405 40\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(21) 54 000,217 029,166 431,229 712 'WOODRUFF, SWEET\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(22) 54 000,201 856,315 782,212 809 'Botanical name: Asperula odorata L ; Galium odoratum (L ) Scop \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(23) 53 995,54 851,560 393,197 305 'Botanical family: Rubiaceae\nOther names: Woodruff; Sweet woodruff: Master of the wood; Woodward; European woodruff\nForeign names: Asperule odorante (Fr ), Waldmeister (Ger ), Asperula (Sp ), Asperula (It )\nCAS No :\nn/a\nFL No :\nn/a\nFEMA No :\nn/a\nNAS No :\n6364\nCoE No :\nn/a\nEINECS No :\nn/a\nJECFA No :\nn/a\nEAFUS No :\n977070-09-9\nDescription: Woodruff sweet is a small, slightly sweet-scented perennial herb widespread throughout Europe and the Near East It \nhas very thin creeping rhizomes, both fertile and sterile stalks, and spear-like oblong leaves arranged about the central axis of the \nstalk (verticil) as spokes on a wheel The verticils are spaced along the length of the stalk The plant has terminal flowers (usually \nthree) with white petals and blooms from June to July The dried herb is commercially available throughout Europe The whole plant \nis used Sweet woodruff has a heavy, sweet, tobacco-like flavor and odor The plant does not yield an essential oil upon steam distil-\nlation While the fresh plant is nearly odorless, it exhibits a coumarin-like fragrance when dried \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(24) 54 000,10 800,157 548,17 568 '© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(0) 54 000,744 990,152 690,756 520 'WOODRUFF, SWEET\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(1) 54 000,745 440,56 375,756 042 ' \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(2) 539 308,745 440,557 994,756 042 '2021\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(3) 53 962,552 436,560 359,725 395 'Derivatives: Tincture (10% in 65% ethanol), infusion (5%); absolutes and concretes are rarely seen as articles of commerce \nConsumption: Annual: 50 00 lb \nIndividual: 0 00004237 mg/kg/day\nRegulatory Status:\nCoE: n/a\nFDA: 21 CFR 172 510\nFDA (other): HOC (1992)\nJECFA: n/a\nTrade association guidelines: FEMA PADI: n/a \nIOFI: Natural\nComposition: The agreeable odor of sweet woodruff is due to coumarin The plant also contains citric, malic and rubichloric acids, \ntogether with some tannic acid Coumarin is present in glycosidic form, which is freed by the enzymatic action during the drying \nprocess The other minor components include asperuloside (0 05%) and monoterpein *\nAroma threshold values: n/a\nTaste threshold values: n/a\n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(4) 54 000,47 256,198 240,56 480 '* Sticher (1971) Pharm Acta Helv 46, 121 \n'><LTTextBoxHorizontal(5) 54 000,10 800,157 548,17 568 '© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC\n'>