Asymmetric Key
- Elliptic Curve
- Digital Certificate
- Signature - ECDSA
Key Exchange Tunnel
- Diffie Hellman
- ECDH ( Elliptic Curve DH )
- SSh
- IPSec
Symmetric Key
- Block Cipher
- ChaCha20
- Stream Cipher
Hashing & MAC
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
- LM, MD5, Bcrypt
- OpenSSL
- hashcat
- Nmap
Github Codebase
ASCII (7-bit format)
Binary value
- Hex - 4 bits at a time
- Base-64 - 6 bits at a time
Two main operations of encryption
- exor
- ror/rol
CRC is one of the most reliable error detection schemes and can detect up to 95.5% of all errors.
Two types
- Stream Cipher
- Block Cipher
EX: DES, Twofish, AES, RC2, Blowfish, ChaCha20 Others
- Padding used in case of block cipher
- AES 128 blocks, DES 64 bit, 3 DES 112 bits
- Salt added in encryption by initialization vector which must be transmitted.
- Electronic Code Block - Same block same encryption.
- Cipher Block chaining - Only the first block salt is added from the initialization vector. Others were added from the previous vector.
- Key Entropy = log( num_of_phrases )
- MD5 128 bits
- SHA 1 160 bits
- RIPEMD used in blockchain
- The same hash can be generated using a birthday attack
- Integer factorization
- Discrete Algorithm
- Elliptic Curve
- Bitcoin uses
and Tor usesCurve 25519
- For https only server authenticated
- Tunneling
- Over untrusted network
- Host to host - tunnel
- In the case of VPN a tunnel is created and can't see hop in
openssl s_client -connect
openssl dgst -md5 file
openssl genrsa -out mykey.pem 1024
openssl rsa -in mykey.pem -pubout >
echo "This is a group of words that should not be considered random anymore so never use this to generate a private key" | openssl sha256
- Intrusion
- Blocking
- Malware
Buffer overflow
IP Spoofing prevention
used to override the default kernel paramnet.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=1
Firewall Type
- Packet Filtering
- Application Gateway
- Circuit-level gateway
- Stateful packet inspection