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Merge pull request #139 from NIFU-NO/dev
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setup_mesos handles arbitrary levels of subfolders
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sda030 authored Jan 3, 2025
2 parents df8eb67 + a57c7c7 commit cd9f781
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Showing 4 changed files with 268 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: saros.base
Title: Base Tools for Semi-Automatic Reporting of Ordinary Surveys
Version: 0.5.0
Version: 0.5.1
Authors@R: c(
person(given = "Stephan",
family = "Daus",
Expand Down
202 changes: 160 additions & 42 deletions R/setup_mesos.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,22 +18,129 @@ search_and_replace_files <- function(

create_includes_content_path_df <-
main_directory = character(),
mesos_var = character(),
mesos_var_subfolders = character(), # Assumed always a character vector or NULL
mesos_groups_abbr = character(),
prefix = '{{< include \"',
suffix = '\" >}}') {
if (!rlang::is_string(prefix)) cli::cli_abort("{.arg prefix} must be a string.")
if (!rlang::is_string(suffix)) cli::cli_abort("{.arg suffix} must be a string.")
if (missing(files_to_process) || !is.character(files_to_process)) cli::cli_abort("{.arg files_to_process} must be a character vector.")
## By design, the order of this vector does not match the working order
full_dir_path <- c(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_var_subfolders, if (length(mesos_groups_abbr) > 0) "")

includes_df <-
seq_along(full_dir_path) |>
lapply(FUN = function(path_lvl) {
dir_path <- fs::path_join(stringi::stri_remove_empty_na(full_dir_path[seq_len(length(full_dir_path) - path_lvl + 1)]))

lapply(files_to_process, function(filename_parent) {
filename_child <- filename_parent

if (path_lvl == 1) {
# If inner-most child path, remove leading underscore, and add mesos_group folders
filename_child <-
pattern = "^_",
replacement = ""
if (length(mesos_groups_abbr) > 0) {
filename_child <- fs::path(mesos_groups_abbr, filename_child)
} else {
filename_child <-
pattern = , "^(?!_)",
replacement = "_"
if (path_lvl != length(full_dir_path)) {
filename_parent <-
pattern = "^(?!_)",
replacement = "_"

content = paste0(paste0(rep("../", times = path_lvl), collapse = ""), filename_parent),
path = if (nchar(dir_path)) fs::path(dir_path, filename_child) else filename_child
}) |>
}) |>
if (nrow(includes_df) > 0) {
includes_df[["content"]] <- paste0(prefix, includes_df[["content"]], suffix)

create_metadata_yml <- function(main_directory,
subtitle_separator = " - ") {
mesos_groups_base_paths <- fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_var_subfolder, mesos_groups_abbr)

lapply(mesos_groups_pretty, function(mesos_group) {
out <- list(params = list(mesos_group = mesos_group))
if (rlang::is_string(subtitle_separator)) {
out$title <- mesos_group
out$subtitle <- paste0(basename(main_directory), subtitle_separator, mesos_var_pretty)
}) |>
stats::setNames(nm = fs::path(mesos_groups_base_paths, "_metadata.yml"))

create_mesos_stubs_from_main_files <- function(mesos_df,
subtitle_separator = " - ") {
subtitle_separator = " - ",
prefix = '{{< include \"',
suffix = '\" >}}') {
# For each mesos_var
for (j in seq_len(length(mesos_df))) {
mesos_var <- names(mesos_df[[j]])[1]
mesos_var_pretty <- unname(get_raw_labels(mesos_df[[j]], col_pos = 1))
if (is.null(mesos_var_pretty)) mesos_var_pretty <- mesos_var
mesos_groups_pretty <- as.character(mesos_df[[j]][[1]])
mesos_groups_pretty <- mesos_groups_pretty[!]
mesos_groups_abbr <- filename_sanitizer(mesos_groups_pretty, max_chars = 12, accept_hyphen = TRUE, make_unique = TRUE)
mesos_groups_base_paths <- fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_groups_abbr)
fs::dir_create(fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var))
# mesos_groups_base_paths <- fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_var_subfolder, mesos_groups_abbr)
fs::dir_create(fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_var_subfolder))

## Assumes pre-cleaning of mesos_var_subfolder
mesos_var_subfolders <- stringi::stri_split_regex(mesos_var_subfolder, pattern = "[/\\\\]")
mesos_var_subfolders <- mesos_var_subfolders[[min(c(j, length(mesos_var_subfolder)))]]
mesos_var_subfolders <- stringi::stri_remove_empty_na(mesos_var_subfolders)

includes_df <- create_includes_content_path_df(
files_to_process = basename(unname(files_to_process)),
main_directory = main_directory,
mesos_var = mesos_var,
mesos_var_subfolders = mesos_var_subfolders,
mesos_groups_abbr = mesos_groups_abbr,
prefix = prefix,
suffix = suffix
for (i in seq_len(nrow(includes_df))) {
cat(includes_df[i, "content", drop = TRUE], file = includes_df[i, "path", drop = TRUE])

# Write _metadata.yml in each mesos_var folder
x = list(params = list(
Expand All @@ -42,70 +149,76 @@ create_mesos_stubs_from_main_files <- function(mesos_df,
file = fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, "_metadata.yml")

for (f in seq_along(files_to_process)) {
cat(paste0('{{< include "../../', basename(unname(files_to_process[f])), '" >}}'),
file = fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, basename(unname(files_to_process[f])))
# Write empty metadata.yml files in all child folders of mesos_var that is not the mesos_group folders
# Uses trick of fs::path returning a character vector if mesos_var_subfolders is a vector
# Avoids overwriting in case user has modified it manually
for (f in fs::path(main_directory, mesos_var, mesos_var_subfolders, "_metadata.yml")) {
cat(file = f, append = TRUE)

for (i in seq_along(mesos_groups_pretty)) {
mesos_group <- mesos_groups_pretty[i]

# Write _metadata.yml in each mesos_group foldre
yml_contents <- list(
params = list(mesos_group = mesos_group)
if (rlang::is_string(subtitle_separator)) {
yml_contents$title <- mesos_group
yml_contents$subtitle <- paste0(basename(main_directory), subtitle_separator, mesos_var_pretty)
x = yml_contents,
file = fs::path(mesos_groups_base_paths[i], "_metadata.yml")
# Write chapter stubs in each mesos_group folder
out_files <-
pattern = "^_",
replacement = ""

for (k in seq_along(unname(files_to_process))) {
cat(paste0('{{< include "../', basename(unname(files_to_process[k])), '" >}}'),
file = out_files[k]
yml_contents <- create_metadata_yml(
mesos_groups_pretty = mesos_groups_pretty,
main_directory = main_directory,
subtitle_separator = subtitle_separator,
mesos_var = mesos_var,
mesos_var_pretty = mesos_var_pretty,
mesos_var_subfolder = mesos_var_subfolder,
mesos_groups_abbr = mesos_groups_abbr
for (i in seq_along(yml_contents)) {
yaml::write_yaml(x = yml_contents[[i]], file = names(yml_contents)[i])
# for (i in seq_along(mesos_groups_pretty)) {
# mesos_group <- mesos_groups_pretty[i]

# # Write _metadata.yml in each mesos_group folder
# yml_contents <- list(
# params = list(mesos_group = mesos_group)
# )
# if (rlang::is_string(subtitle_separator)) {
# yml_contents$title <- mesos_group
# yml_contents$subtitle <- paste0(basename(main_directory), subtitle_separator, mesos_var_pretty)
# }
# yaml::write_yaml(
# x = yml_contents,
# file = fs::path(mesos_groups_base_paths[i], "_metadata.yml")
# )
# }

#' Simply create qmd-files and yml-files for mesos reports
#' @param main_directory String, path to where the _metadata.yml, stub QMD-files and their subfolders are created.
#' @param mesos_var_subfolder String, optional name of a subfolder of the mesos_var folder in where to place all mesos_group folders.
#' @param files_to_process Character vector of files used as templates for the mesos stubs.
#' @param mesos_df List of single-column data frames where each variable is a mesos variable, optionally with a variable label indicating its pretty name. The values in each variable are the mesos groups. NA is silently ignored.
#' @param main_files Character vector of files for which titles should be set as the mesos_group. Optional but recommended.
#' @param read_syntax_pattern,read_syntax_replacement Optional strings, any regex pattern to search and replace in the qmd-files. If NULL, will ignore it.
#' @param qmd_regex String. Experimental feature for allowing Rmarkdown, not yet tested.
#' @param subtitle_separator String or NULL. If a string will add title and subtitle fields to the _metadata.yml-files in the deepest child folders. The title is the mesos_group. The subtitle is a concatenation of the folder name of the main_directory and the mesos_var label.
#' @param prefix,suffix String for the include section of the stub qmd files.
#' @export
setup_mesos <- function(
mesos_var_subfolder = "",
main_files = c("index", "report"),
read_syntax_pattern = "qs::qread\\('",
read_syntax_replacement = "qs::qread('../",
qmd_regex = "\\.qmd",
subtitle_separator = " - ") {
subtitle_separator = " - ",
prefix = '{{< include \"../',
suffix = '\" >}}') {
## Checks

if (!inherits(main_directory, "character") || length(main_directory) == 0) cli::cli_abort("{.arg main_directory} must be a string, not {.obj_type_friendly {main_directory}}")
if (is.null(mesos_var_subfolder) || length(mesos_var_subfolder) != 1 || mesos_var_subfolder <- ""
if (!is.character(files_to_process) ||
length(files_to_process) == 0 ||
!all(file.exists(files_to_process))) {
Expand All @@ -123,14 +236,19 @@ setup_mesos <- function(
if (!inherits(main_files, "character")) cli::cli_abort("{.arg main_files} must be a character vector, not a {.obj_type_friendly {main_files}}")
if (!inherits(read_syntax_pattern, "character")) cli::cli_abort("{.arg read_syntax_pattern} must be a string (regex), not a {.obj_type_friendly {read_syntax_pattern}}")
if (!inherits(read_syntax_replacement, "character")) cli::cli_abort("{.arg read_syntax_replacement} must be a string (regex), not a {.obj_type_friendly {read_syntax_replacement}}")
if (!inherits(qmd_regex, "character") || length(qmd_regex) == 0) cli::cli_abort("{.arg qmd_regex} must be a string, not a {.obj_type_friendly {qmd_regex}}")
if (!inherits(qmd_regex, "character") || length(qmd_regex) != 1) cli::cli_abort("{.arg qmd_regex} must be a string, not a {.obj_type_friendly {qmd_regex}}")
if (!inherits(prefix, "character") || length(prefix) != 1) cli::cli_abort("{.arg prefix} must be a string, not a {.obj_type_friendly {prefix}}")
if (!inherits(suffix, "character") || length(suffix) != 1) cli::cli_abort("{.arg suffix} must be a string, not a {.obj_type_friendly {suffix}}")

mesos_df = mesos_df,
main_directory = main_directory,
mesos_var_subfolder = mesos_var_subfolder,
files_to_process = files_to_process,
subtitle_separator = subtitle_separator
subtitle_separator = subtitle_separator,
prefix = prefix,
suffix = suffix

if (is.character(read_syntax_pattern) &&
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion man/setup_mesos.Rd

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