- Aluminium plates (300mm x 400mm x 5mm)
- Aluminium blocks:
- SYRINGE MOUNT: block 35mm x 45mm x 70mm (minimum)
- FRONT CAP: block 40mm x 12mm x 60mm (minimum)
- 24BYJ48 NUT: block 15mm x 25mm x 30mm (minimum)
- M3x12 DIN965 philips screw 10 pcs
- M3x12 BN6404 torx sxrew 20pcs
- 2 x fi3 stainless steel rod (L = 110mm)
- 40mm x 8mm x 2mm rubber sheet
- Stepper motor Nema11 planetary (1:5 gear ratio)
- 28BYJ48 unipolar motor ([modified into a bipolar motor] http://www.jangeox.be/2013/10/change-unipolar-28byj-48-to-bipolar.html )
- Linear rail with carrige (L = 100mm)
- Sliding rods (stainles steel, fi 3mm)
- Brass spindle (M5x0.5mm, L = 90mm)
- NUT: 3D printed 100% infill ABS block (28x28x55mm)
- Thermistor (read how to calibrate your own thermistor in the Calibration section)
- 40W ceramic heater for 3D printers
- 24V DC power supply
- In our iteration we used PID thermoregulation algorithm (parameters need to be tuned by the user, depending on the control setup). Other temperature control systems can also be applied with this given hardware (relay switchin etc.).