Releases: NescienceSoftware/Nescience-Indexing-GUI
Releases · NescienceSoftware/Nescience-Indexing-GUI
Nescience GUI v0.7.2
- Bug Fix for Binance order size check
Nescience GUI v0.7.1
- Updated Binance minimum order
- Increased slippage on Bittrex ensuring market orders in illiquid markets
Nescience GUI v0.7.0
- Minor syntax fix
- Fixed Multithreading issue causing strain when CPU use is high
Nescience GUI v0.6.0
- Multithreaded plot refresh
- Multithreaded data refresh
Nescience GUI v0.5.0
-Fixed Error on some exchange's performance tracking
Nescience GUI v0.4.0
- Fixed Performance Data Tracking w/ Periodic
- More Consistent Periodic Performance Tracking
Nescience GUI v0.3.1
Fixed performance x axis label bug
Tweaked and improved error verbosity
Nescience GUI v0.2.0
Fixed issues with periodic rebalancing on some exchanges
Increased error verbosity
Began integrating reliability increases in performance tracking
Nescience GUI v0.1.0
Nescience Portfolio Maintenance & Direct Indexing GUI
Initial Release 2/1/2020