- Code cleanup
- Layer interface selection events unified
- Layer property read from Mlsetup instance instead of the interface
- Material Composer extension
- Appearances Editor
- Panels column slider
- Content list and editor together
- Mlsetup autocompile in Wolvenkit project from raw to archive folder
- Packages upgrade
- Redesign preferences
- Unbundle and depot folder reunified
- access to Mod path source files
- New model Library based on DataTables
- Custom model addition and remove
- Row grouping by type : vanilla, custom
- Tag addition and complex filtering on
- default tag filter configuration (partial)
- Search in the library on filter enter press
- new Material library
- Thumbnails rebuild
- Microblends update
- Replacing DAT.gui with Tweakpane library
- Light configuration addition
- Camera far/near distance configurable
- Fog configuration addition
- Editor configuration parameters
- Debug options
- Models debug option
- Textures debug option
- Three.js library Update
- Rewriting the 3d management code to be more maintainable
- Add fx support (partial)
- Loaded Textures panel with preview
- Doubleclick on the Texture Preview player to export the texture in PNG format
- New shaders management based on .Material.json file
- Assign shaders as from appearances
- masks loading from material configuration
- multilayer.mt conversion to three.js format (partial)
- One layer render at the time
- metal_base.remt conversion to three.js format
- mesh_decal.mt conversion to three.js format
- Custom models Material.json search and usage
- Material Database and preview updated at PL last release
- UI redesign for the new materials management
- Material Composer extension (postponed)
- Interface Workspace setup saved and reloaded from session to session
- Keyboard shortcut override
- CTRL+A Apply the edits on the current layer
- Mlsetup import preview skip
- PouchDB database support
- Management model addition
- Log copy syntax for Discord
- DotNet Framework check installation check
- Cleanup in the import function
- Support the newest Wolvenkit console 1.8.1
- Adapt to the new system of loading 3d models from the library
- In-demand mesh/masks export
- A circular Array for different CSS Workspaces
- Layer Multiselect for cleaning more then once at the time
- The tool could remember the name of the last file it opened and pre-set it in the output panel
- add the assets/environment folder to the models lists
- MLSB start with a fixed window size too little for 4k monitor (autoresize)