This is a GPIO input example for RVSTAR board that uses the PA0-WKUP key to control the built-in green led.
Here are the steps build and run in Nuclei SDK using command line.
# clone nuclei-sdk repo and cd to it
git clone
cd nuclei-sdk
# Setup nuclei tools environment following
# Assume you are in Windows, and have create and setup the setup_config.bat file
# source the nuclei tool environment
# clone nuclei-board-labs
git clone
cd nuclei-board-labs/
# cd to this example
cd rvstar/gpio/gpio_input_key
# Build this example for nuclei rvstar board
## clean this example first
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar clean
## build this example
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar all
## connect rvstar board using USB dongle, and make sure driver is setup correctly
## see
## upload this example
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar upload
## debug this example
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar debug
Then you can switch the green led by pressing the PA0-WKUP key on the board.
You can also refer to this guide for more details:
If you are not familar with command line, you can also create projects using Nuclei Studio and PlatformIO IDE, put this example code in the IDE and then build, upload and debug on it.
You can create a project in Nuclei Studio IDE or PlatformIO IDE.
Copy the main.c file from this directory and replace the existing application code in the IDE project directory.
Connect RVSTAR board to your PC, build and upload the project and then you can switch the green led by pressing the PA0-WKUP key on the board.