This example shows 3rd party authorization in Pubky.
It consists of 2 parts:
- 3rd party app: A web component showing the how to implement a Pubky Auth widget.
- Authenticator CLI: A CLI showing the authenticator (key chain) asking user for consent and generating the AuthToken.
First you need to be running a local testnet Homeserver, in the root of this repo run
cargo run --bin pubky_testnet
Run the frontend of the 3rd party app
cd ./3rd-party-app
npm start
Copy the Pubky Auth URL from the frontend.
Finally run the CLI to paste the Pubky Auth in.
cargo run --bin authenticator <RECOVERY_FILE> "<Auth_URL>" [Testnet]
Where the auth url should be within qutoatino marks, and the Testnet is an option you can set to true to use the local homeserver
You should see the frontend reacting by showing the success of authorization and session details.