Eden AI's Providers Connectors is the open source package including necessary methods for using AI technologies from different providers. The package contains principally five packages
and one interface module
The module interface is responsible of linking providers subfeature methods to our back-end project (which is, on the other hand, private). It contains principally five functions that you can use to interact with providers' subfeatures. We list the methods hereafter:
Returns possible combinations of (
) or (provider
) given a provider, feature and subfeature as a list if as_dict is set to False, otherwise returns the results as a dictionary. If neither the provider, feature or subfeature are passed withing the function arguments, it returns the list of all possible combinations.def list_features( provider_name: str = None, feature: str = None, subfeature: str = None, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[List, Dict]:
E.g. of a dict results:
{ [provider]:{ [feature]: { [subfeature]: True } } or [provider]:{ [feature]: { [subfeature]: { [phase] : True } } } }
Returns a list of providers given a feature and a subfeature: List[str]. If neither the feature or subfeature are passed within the function arguments, the function returns the list of all available providers.
def list_providers(feature: str = None, subfeature: str = None) -> List[str]
Runs the actual computation of a triple (feature, subfeature, phase) for a specific provider.
can be not passed for arguments for subfeatures that do not require a phase (most of the subfeatures available in the project does not require aphase
). The optional argument fake is set toFalse
by default. When set toTrue
, compute_output will return results from the sample output saved in the project.def compute_output(provider_name: str, feature: str, subfeature: str, args: Dict, phase: str = "", fake: bool = False, user_email: str = None) -> Dict
When the computed subfeature using
is asynchronous, apublic_job_id
is returned. Passing thispublic_job_id
along a given provider, feature, subfeature and phase as arguments for theget_async_job_result
function returns the result of the asyncronous call.def get_async_job_result(provider_name: str, feature: str, subfeature: str, async_job_id: str, phase: str = "", fake: bool = False, project_name: str = None) -> Dict:
check if a triple (provider, feature, subfeature)'s info constrains conforms to the given
dictionary argumentdef check_provider_constraints(provider_name: str, feature: str, subfeature: str, phase: str = None, constraints: Dict = None) -> Tuple[bool, str]
In the EdenAI organization, we follow a naming patterns based on four
principle bricks: provider, feature, subfeature and phase. We explain each of them hereafter:
represents names of the suppliers from which we integrate our AI technologies. E.g.: Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Dateleon and Mindee and many others. To this time, Eden AI has integrated in it's platform more than 25 providers.
represents the naming schema for the integrated AI Technologies
. E.g,: automatic_translation, text_to_speech, face_detection, invoice_parser or keyword_extraction.
To better apprehend the use of each of the subfeatures
available in our platform, we grouped related subfeatures into categories that we named features
. In other words, each feature encompasses a list of subfeatures. E.g.: the feature audio contains the two subfeatures: speech_to_text_async and text_to_speech.
For some subfeatures, the computation may encompass different stages to execute, usually sequentially, but not always. These stages are named phases
. E.g. the subfeature seach
inside the feature image
encompass four phases: upload_image, get_image, get_images, launch_similarity, delete_image.
Some subfeatures can be time consuming, like converting speech to text, and so, in a logic cycle of (request/response), the computing result can not be sent directly to the user. In this context, we propose an Asynchrone logic
, in which the final result is differed, but instead, users can check repeatedly for the call result.
In order to support this implementation logic, subfeatures that are asynchronous end with _async and are splitted into two methods called with two possible suffix
: __launch_job and __get_job_result. E.g.:
def audio__speech_to_text_async__launch_job(self, file: BufferedReader, language: str) -> AsyncLaunchJobResponseType:
def audio__speech_to_text_async__get_job_result(self, provider_job_id: str) -> AsyncBaseResponseType[SpeechToTextAsyncDataClass]:
Used suffixes are usually either __launch_job or __get_job_result. The __launch_job suffix refers to the subfeature method responsible for starting the the asynchronous call. The __get_job_result refers to the subfeature method for handling the result of the asynchronous call.
Responses to the same subfeature
even if called from different providers are all standardized
to a uniform response.
The api
package is grouped by providers name, each of this providers folder containing:
: The module containing all the provider's AI technologiesmethods
listed inside the providerclass
under the following format:feature
, wherephase
can be nulls. E,g, thetext__sentiment_analysis()
method inside theAmazonApi
class in theamazon_api.py
module, where text represents the feature and sentiment_analysis the subfeature or the AI technologie you are going to use. E.g,:def image__explicit_content( self, file: BufferedReader ) -> ResponseType[ExplicitContentDataClass]: file_content = file.read() response = clients["image"].detect_moderation_labels( Image={"Bytes": file_content}, MinConfidence=20 ) ........ ......
: The file containing json informations about the available subfeatures for the provider package. -
helpers \& confif files
: Additional files needed to process correctly each of the subfeatures.
The package listing all the features available in the project, each of the feature package containing a data folder containing raw data for testing the subfeatures + a list of subfeatures associated to the feature. Each subfeature package containing:
: the subfeature input args or parameters used for testing.subfeature_
: the subfeature dataclass used for mapping the subfeature call result to a uniform dictionary (json).subfeature_
: the subfeature standardized response resulting from mapping the the call result to the appropriate dataclass.
The loaders
package is used to load data either from from the providers
package or from the features
one. It contains two functions, each one responsible for loading data for each of the two previous packages. E.g:
class ProviderDataEnum(Enum):
INFO_FILE = "load_info_file"
CLASS = "load_class"
OUTPUT = "load_output"
SUBFEATURE = "load_subfeature"
PROVIDER_INFO = "load_provider_subfeature_info"
KEY = "load_key"
def load_provider( data_provider: ProviderDataEnum,
provider_name: str = "",
feature: str = "",
subfeature: str = "",
phase: str = "",
suffix: str = "",
translation_output = load_provider(ProviderDataEnum.OUTPUT, "amazon" , "translation", "automatic_translation")
The tests
package groupes all tests used in EdenAI - Providers Connectors
. For more details about tests, please refer to the following README.md file
The package utils
encompass different util functions used to aid subfeatures' computation.