The wiki is moving! This article can be found in the Onion Docs already, and will be updated there.
Step 1:
Unpack the Omega and Dock from the boxes.
Step 2:
Connect the Omega to the Dock.
Ensure the Omega's pins are fully plugged into the socket on the Dock
Step 3:
Connect the Omega to your computer through USB. For best results, use a cable that is two feet long or less.
Step 4:
Turn on the Omega using the switch.
Step 5:
When the amber LED has been on for about a minute, your Omega will have booted.
We're working on making this step more intuitive, stay tuned!
Step 1:
Your computer may need some additional programs to access the Omega through a browser:
- If you are using Windows, install Apple's Bonjour Service
- If you are using OS X, you're all set to go
- If you are using Linux, the Zeroconf services should already be installed and you will be good to go
Step 1.5:
Your Omega2 Prototype will have a note of some sort indicating the Omega's name. The Omega name will be Omega-ABCD
where ABCD
are four hexadecimal characters.
For reference, the one from the photos is named Omega-296A
Step 2:
Connect to the Omega’s Access Point, it's named the same as your Omega.
The default password is 12345678
Step 3:
Open your favourite browser and navigate to http://omega-ABCD.local/
where ABCD
are the same characters from the network name above.
Alternatively, you can also browse to
You have now arrived at the Setup Wizard:
Login with the following information:
username: root
password: onioneer
Follow the wizard to complete the setup of the Omega, by the end of it, your Omega will be updated with the latest firmware and connected to a WiFi network of your choosing.
Step 3.5:
When you've reached the last page of the wizard, and the Omega's LED turns off, toggle the switch to off, chill for a few seconds, and then toggle it back to on.
Step 4:
Start using your fresh Omega, check out the Tutorials section or the Project guides for ideas on what to do next!