This project uses Git hooks to maintain code quality and consistency. The hooks are stored in the .githooks
directory and need to be configured locally.
To enable the git hooks, run these commands in your local repository:
# Make the pre-commit hook executable
chmod +x .githooks/pre-commit
# Configure git to use the .githooks directory
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
# Install cargo-deny for security checks (optional but recommended)
cargo install cargo-deny
The pre-commit hook runs several checks before allowing a commit:
Code Formatting (
cargo fmt
)- Checks if code needs formatting
- Automatically formats and stages any unformatted code
Linting (
cargo clippy
)- Runs clippy with warnings as errors
- Fails if any linting issues are found
Tests (
cargo test
)- Runs the full test suite
- Fails if any tests fail
Security Audit (
cargo deny
)- If cargo-deny is installed, checks for known security advisories
- Skipped if cargo-deny is not installed (with a warning)
The hook will prevent commits if any checks fail (except formatting, which is auto-fixed). This ensures that all committed code:
- Follows standard Rust formatting
- Passes all linting checks
- Has passing tests
- Is free from known security vulnerabilities
All output is color-coded for better visibility.