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Dokpool is a CMS based on Plone 5, a website developed for handling documents in multiple contexts, using several editorial roles and workflows. The main application for Dokpool is ELAN5, an Electronic Situation Display for the emergency management.


Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz / General Office for Radiation Protection SW2 Notfallschutz, Zentralstelle des Bundes (ZdB) Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5 38226 Salzgitter [email protected]


Dokpool including ELAN5 and most of its components are published using the GNU GPL v>=3 license. See LICENSE for more details.


Publicly available repo:

git clone


(1) For rapid simple testing/demonstrations we provide Dockerfiles in ./Docker . ---> See Docker ( for further information on this Container technology.

(2) If you want to run Dokpool in a current Linux Distribution there are several ways.       (a) run Dokpool as simple test installation using ZODB/SQLite Backend       (b) or run it in a production environment using PostgreSQL as Backend.       Using Varnish/Supervisor, Dokpool can be configured to run in a multi instance mode as well. ---> See several *.cfg files in ./Plone to be used with buildout.


  • If you want to start from scratch, just go on.
  • If you want to use a preconfigured Dokpool, you need a zodb-Backup (created with plonebackup) of a zodb or adequate Dumps of a PostgreSQL. --> See various Dockerfiles in ./Docker that take care of this. Containers using zodb/sqlite as backend run standalone using sqlite- and zope-Databases but are not recommended for production use!
  • For production use a PostgreSQL-DB backend is recommended.

(1) Build using Docker Containers:


$ docker build --force-rm=true -t elan5/standalone -f Dockerfile.standalone .

or for Oracle Linux

$ docker build --force-rm=true -t elan5/standalone -f Dockerfile.oel7 .


$ docker run --name elan5_standalone -dp 18081:8081 elan5/standalone:latest

Your running Dokpool is available on port 18081 on your host machine (http://localhost:18081).

In case you want to interact with the running container, use e.g.

$ docker exec -it elan5_standalone "/bin/bash"

(2) Build your own standalone Dokpool/ELAN5 on a current Linux Distribution

To build Dokpool on a current Linux Distribution you simply have to clone the repository, run a few commands from command line interface and get it running. Dokpool refuses to run as root. Add a system account (e.g. elan) which can be used to run Dokpool.


  • system account (e.g. elan) which can be used to run Dokpool.
  • Git (to clone the Repo).
  • Python2.7
  • Libraries:
$ apt-get install git python libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libssl-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libffi-dev python-virtualenv tar libjpeg-turbo8-dev python-dev gcc make g++ ghostscript libav-tools apt-utils tzdata locales

Additional requirements for varnish

$ apt-get install libncurses-dev python-docutils autoconf automake libjemalloc-devel libtool libpcre3-devel pkg-config python-sphinx graphviz

(a) Dokpool with sqlite:


$ git clone
$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
# you can do all the following steps in a virtual python environement
$ virtualenv ./venv/dokpool
$ source ./venv/dokpool/bin/activate
# go on wether you have a virtual python env or not
$ export ELANENGINE=sqlite:////tmp/elan5db
$ pip install --upgrade pip docutils sphinx
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ buildout bootstrap
$ ./bin/buildout -vc buildout.cfg


# first activate python virtual env, if your installation runs within a virtualenv
$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
$ export ELANENGINE=sqlite:////tmp/elan5db
$ ./bin/buildout -Nvc buildout.cfg

Run / Start instance:

# first activate python virtual env, if your installation runs within a virtualenv
$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
$ export ELANENGINE=sqlite:////tmp/elan5db
$ ./bin/instance fg

Stop instance:


(b) Dokpool with PostgreSQL

Installation and Preparation of Postgres:

Install Postgres Server and Client:

$ apt-get install postgresql-server-dev postgresql-client

Establish Access to Postgres Configuration File Check if pg_config can be called from the system prompt

$ pg_config

if not (answer: command not found): add path to postgres config file to environment variable:

  • locate the file pg_config in your Postgres Directory on the server, e.g. in /usr/pgsql-9.5/bin
  • the path to this file mus be added to the PATH variable of user elan
(if logged in as elan:) 
$ PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-9.5/bin
$ export PATH

Create the Needed Databases and Database Users:

#Create database zodb (user zodbuser, password zodb)
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O zodbuser zodb 
#Create database elan (user elan, password elan)
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O elan elan


$ git clone
$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
# you can do all the following steps in a virtual python environement
$ virtualenv ./venv/dokpool
$ source ./venv/dokpool/bin/activate
# go on wether you have a virtual python env or not
$ pip install --upgrade pip docutils sphinx
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ buildout bootstrap
$ ./bin/buildout -vc relstorage.cfg


$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
# first activate python virtual env, if your installation runs within a virtualenv
$ ./bin/buildout -Nvc relstorage.cfg

Run / Start Application:

$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
# first activate python virtual env, if your installation runs within a virtualenv
$ ./bin/supervisord

Shutdown / Stop Application:

$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
# first activate python virtual env, if your installation runs within a virtualenv
$ ./bin/supervisorctl shutdown all

Backup and Restore Standalone Instances

$ cd dokpool-plone/Plone
$ ./bin/plonebackup-full
# backups will be stored in
# dokpool-plone/Plone/var/plonebackups
$ ./bin/plonebackup-restore

Access to the Application


instance / instance1 (if started via supervisord):   http://localhost:8081 instance2 (- if started via supervisord):   http://localhost:8082 varnish (- if started via supervisord):   http://localhost:8100 supervisor:   http://localhost:9001


Username: admin Password: istrator

Preparing Dokpool

Create a Plone Site, Install Policy

Create a Docpool

  • logon to your Plone Site as admin
  • Add a docpool via Plone Tool Bar / menu item "Add"
  • give a <name> and a <prefix> and select the available applications (e.g. ELAN)
  • after that, you can logon to the docpool with <prefix>_elanadmin / admin

Known Issues

coming soon

Mailing Lists

coming soon


coming soon

More Information

Users and Passwords

There are several users and passwords that should not be mixed up:

  • The password of the system user "elan" - just needed for login/logout the system. There is a system account "postgres" as well, running the PostgreSQL database cluster. Usually you do not have to set a password for this account.

  • The passwords of the database accounts "elan" and "zodbuser" - needed by Dokpool to get access to the two databases in the PostgreSQL database cluster. User "elan" should have "elan" as password and "zodbuser" should have "zodb". PostgreSQL has its own user management independent from the operating system.

  • The accounts from the Dokpool application (totally independent from the system- or database accounts.) These are the accounts to log into Dokpool/ELAN using a webbrowser, e.g. Firefox. The initial default account for this is Username: admin PW: istrator

Additionally there are some more power users with default passwords

at DokPool-Level (http://localhost:8081/docpool@@usergroup-userprefs)

  • elanmanager / admin
  • dpmanager / admin
  • elanadmin / admin
  • dpadmin /admin

and at ELAN-Level (http://localhost:8081/docpool/@@usergroup-userprefs)

  • <name>_elanadmin
  • <name>_dpadmin

Default passwords should be changed before Dokpool goes to production mode

  • login as specific user and change your own password in the user menu


Basically, Plone is supporting different languages which can be set when creating a Plone Site.

Configuration of language-specific portal properties, document types and navigation items of Dokpool in external files: For English, German and Romanian, there are already configuration files that can be copied to standard configuration files before buildout is run.

portal properties:

$ cp dokpool-plone/Plone/src/elan.policy/elan/policy/profiles/default/properties_de.xml dokpool-plone/Plone/src/elan.policy/elan/policy/profiles/default/properties.xml

configuration (general):

$ cp dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/general/ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/general/
$ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/general/ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/general/

configuration (local):

$ cp dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/local/ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/local/
$ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/local/ dokpool-plone/Plone/src/docpool.config/docpool/config/local/

Translation of text strings Plone i18n uses the standard gettext system for internationalization. In every product, there are special .po-files in which the text strings used in the application can be translated, e.g.


The relevant translations will be used if

  • the plone site has been created in the target language
  • the browser language has been switched to the target language
  • the target language is configured in the relevant sections of buildout.cfg, e.g.
recipe = collective.recipe.template
input = ${buildout:directory}/buildout.d/
output = ${buildout:bin-directory}/i18nize_docpoolbase
mode = 775
dollar = $
domain = docpool.base
packagepath = ${buildout:directory}/src/docpool.base/docpool/base
languages = en de

Browser based Configuration

Further documentation on browser based configuration of the Plone Site and Dokpool (e.g. scenarios, dashboard, modular situation report) will soon be available on our ELAN Demo website.