- jaxws, javax.xml.bind, jaxb to current versions (libs and plugins)
- remove dependency on log4j (use System.Logger instead)
- update Dokpool Client to 3.1.0 (XMLRPC->REST)
- deployment tested with Java 11 and 21 (build version still 11)
- start of upgrade to Java 11, Java build version: 11
- rpm-maven-plugin removed
- update Dokpool Client to 2.3.0 (XMLRPC->REST)
- update log4j dependency
- Dokpool schema 2.6.0
- IRIXBroker 2.7
- update commons-io+junit
- IRIXBroker 2.6
- Dokpool schema 2.5.0
- IRIXBroker 2.5
- Dokpool-Client 2.2.0
- rpm maven plugin
- IRIXBroker 2.1.1
- Doksys support
- added type to example xml
- many breaking changes
- many more examples
- first working status for Rodos and Rei support
- Java 8 and IRIX Broker / Dokpool Client 2.x
- irix-schema as submodule
- pass properties for IRIXBroker
- move IRIXBroke code to extra repo
- first tagged version in this repo