A versatile VHDL implementation of a power detector supporting both IQ (complex) and real signal processing with configurable dual-stage exponential moving average filtering.
This module implements a configurable power detector that can process either:
- Complex (IQ) signals by computing I² + Q²
- Real signals by computing I² or Q² individually
- Dual-stage filtering for enhanced smoothing capabilities
The power computation is followed by two cascaded exponential moving average (EMA) filters for flexible signal smoothing.
- Support for both IQ and real signal processing
- Configurable input data width
- Dual-stage EMA filtering with independent alpha values
- Pipeline-optimized architecture
- Selectable I/Q processing modes
- Built-in squared magnitude computation
- Automatic width handling for multiplications and accumulations
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
DATA_W | NATURAL | 12 | Width of input data |
ALPHA_W | NATURAL | 18 | Width of alpha (smoothing factor) inputs |
IQ_MOD | BOOLEAN | False | Enable IQ (complex) mode |
I_USED | BOOLEAN | True | Enable I channel processing |
Q_USED | BOOLEAN | False | Enable Q channel processing |
Port | Direction | Width | Description |
clk | IN | 1 | System clock |
init | IN | 1 | Reset/initialization signal |
alpha1 | IN | ALPHA_W | First stage EMA smoothing factor |
alpha2 | IN | ALPHA_W | Second stage EMA smoothing factor |
data_I | IN | DATA_W | I channel input data |
data_Q | IN | DATA_W | Q channel input data |
data_ena | IN | 1 | Input data enable |
power_squared | OUT | 2*DATA_W-2 | Output power (magnitude squared) |
The power detector implements the following processing chain:
Power Computation:
- IQ mode: power = I² + Q²
- I only mode: power = I²
- Q only mode: power = Q²
Dual-stage Filtering:
First stage: ema1[n] = alpha1 * power[n] + (1-alpha1) * ema1[n-1] Second stage: ema2[n] = alpha2 * ema1[n] + (1-alpha2) * ema2[n-1]
- Include the module and its dependencies in your project:
USE work.ALL;
- Instantiate the module:
power_detector_inst : ENTITY work.power_detector
DATA_W => 12,
ALPHA_W => 18,
IQ_MOD => True, -- For complex signal processing
I_USED => True,
Q_USED => True
clk => system_clock,
init => reset,
alpha1 => first_stage_alpha,
alpha2 => second_stage_alpha,
data_I => i_channel_data,
data_Q => q_channel_data,
data_ena => data_valid,
power_squared => power_output
This module requires the lowpass_ema
module for the filtering stages. Ensure it's included in your project.
There are two common standards for referencing digital signal levels:
AES Standard (dBFS): Defined in AES17-1998 (and subsequent revisions), where 0 dBFS is referenced to the RMS value of a full-scale sine wave. For a signed N-bit system, this means:
0 dBFS = RMS value of sine wave with peak value = ±(2^(N-1) - 1)
This is the most commonly used standard in professional audio applications.
ITU-T G.100.1 (dBov): Defines 0 dBov (decibels relative to the overload point) as the RMS value of a full-scale square wave. Under this definition:
0 dBov = RMS of full-scale square wave -3 dBFS = RMS of full-scale sine wave
This standard is often used in telecommunications applications.
- AES17-1998 (r2009): AES standard method for digital audio engineering - Measurement of digital audio equipment
- ITU-T G.100.1: The use of the decibel and of relative levels in speechband telecommunications
The power_detector module computes |x|² (power_squared output). To convert this to RMS and then to dBFS:
For a signed N-bit fixed-point input:
- Full-scale sine peak value = 2^(N-1) - 1
- RMS value of full-scale sine = (2^(N-1) - 1)/√2
- Reference power (0 dBFS) = ((2^(N-1) - 1)/√2)²
Computing RMS from power_squared:
RMS = √(power_squared)
The level in dBFS can then be computed as:
dBFS = 20 * log10(RMS / reference_RMS)
or equivalently:
dBFS = 10 * log10(power_squared / reference_power)
Example for 12-bit signed input (DATA_W = 12):
-- Full-scale peak value = 2^11 - 1 = 2047
-- Reference RMS = 2047/√2 ≈ 1447.4
-- Reference power = (2047/√2)² ≈ 2,095,104
-- For power_squared output value P:
-- RMS = √P
-- dBFS = 20 * log10(√P / 1447.4)
-- = 10 * log10(P / 2,095,104)
For ITU-T G.100.1 dBov:
- Subtract 3 dB from the above calculation
- dBov = dBFS - 3
- A full-scale sine wave will read -3 dBov under ITU-T G.100.1, while reading 0 dBFS under AES17
- When using IQ mode (I² + Q²), both reference power and RMS should be doubled
- For real power measurements, use the I or Q channel reference alone
- The square root operation for RMS calculation can be implemented in hardware if needed, but is often performed in software post-processing
- Output width is automatically adjusted to account for squared values
- The dual-stage EMA filtering provides enhanced smoothing capabilities
- Pipeline stages are optimized for FPGA implementation
- The module supports flexible configuration for various signal processing needs
- All arithmetic operations include appropriate width handling to prevent overflow
This project is licensed under the CERN Open Hardware License Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal (CERN-OHL-W v2). See the header of the source file for full license text and conditions.
This README.md created with the assistance of Claude.ai