diff --git a/pages/donate.html b/pages/donate.html
index d2e5839f..edcf2c39 100755
--- a/pages/donate.html
+++ b/pages/donate.html
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
A direct bank transfer is generally the cheapest way to donate, if you have a GBP, USD or EUR bank account. Please note that this may incur charges from your bank otherwise. You can use the following bank details to donate. Please note that the accounts listed below will only accept transfers from the countries specified.
- - GBP (United Kingdom): Account number 75798685, sort code 23-14-70
+ - GBP (United Kingdom): Account number 75798685, sort code 23-14-70, account name Owen Rudge
- USD (United States): Please e-mail Owen Rudge for details
- EUR (Eurozone): IBAN BE65 9670 3187 7596, BIC TRWIBEB1XXX