git clone
You need Ansible installed on your laptop or wherever you are running this playbook. To install Ansible run the following commnads:
$ sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y ansible
Besides you need to install this role for Docker:
sudo ansible-galaxy install -p /etc/ansible/roles geerlingguy.docker
You need 1 instance for OpenVidu Server and at least 1 more for Kurento Media Server with a minimum of 2 cpus and 8gigs of RAM. All instances should be accesible by SSH from your laptop.
The instances (all of then) need Python to be installed.
$ sudo apt update; sudo apt install -y python
OpenVidu Pro Server
- 4443 TCP (OpenVidu Server listens on port 4443 by default)
- 3478 TCP (coturn listens on port 3478 by default)
Media Servers
- 40000 - 65535 UDP (WebRTC connections with clients may be established using a random port inside this range)
- 40000 - 65535 TCP (WebRTC connections with clients may be established using a random port inside this range, if UDP can't be used because client network is blocking it)
- 8888 TCP (must only be accessible for OpenVidu Server Pro instance) (Kurento Media Server listens on port 8888 by default)
It's highly recomended to use a DNS server to register a FQDN for the OpenVidu instance.
As you probably alredy know, Ansible uses an inventory file to know which instances connect to and how to configure then. The inventory is a YAML file looks like
ansible_host: X.Y.Z.W
ansible_host: X.Y.Z.1
# media-server-2:
# ansible_host: X.Y.Z.2
# ...
# media-server-N:
# ansible_host: X.Y.Z.N
ansible_become: true
ansible_user: USER
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /PATH/TO/SSH_public_key
# media-server-2:
# ...
# media-server-N:
You need to change:
: the user you use to connect to the instances, i.e. Ubuntu Server Cloud uses ubuntu. If you've deployed those instances in OpenStack using Ubuntu Official Image, this will be the user.ansible_ssh_private_key_file
: Path to the RSA private key you use to connect to your instances.X.Y.Z.W
: Public IP to connect to the instance.X.Y.Z.1
: Public IP to connect to the instance.
Uncomment the lines if you're using more than one Media Server
In group_vars/all
file you will find all the parameters we use to configure the infrastructure. Read all of then carefully as they don't have a default value.
For futher information check out
First time you connect to an instance through SSH, it will ask you to confirm the instance fingerprint, so try to login into all the instances to accept the fingerprint so Ansible can do the job.
ssh -i /PATH/TO/SSH_public_key USER@INSTANCE
Replace the parameters by the apropiates values. Then you maybe want to check that Ansible can access the instances:
ansible -i inventory.yml -m ping all
This command will perform a ping command in the instances, so we're now sure you have access to the instances and the inventory file is fine.
Once you have completed all the information and parameters you can launch the playbook by running:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml play.yaml
After a while, you'll see this lines showing OpenVidu Server Pro is up and ready:
TASK [check-app-ready : check every 60 seconds for 10 attempts if openvidu is up and ready]
FAILED - RETRYING: check every 60 seconds for 10 attempts if openvidu is up and ready (10 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: check every 60 seconds for 10 attempts if openvidu is up and ready ( 9 retries left).
ok: [openvidu-server]
kurento-server-1 : ok=21 cshanged=18 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
kurento-server-2 : ok=21 changed=18 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
openvidu-server : ok=53 changed=43 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=14 rescued=0 ignored=0
Once it's installed you can access the service through the URL: https://YOUR_DNS_NAME/inspector replace YOUR_DNS_NAME by your FQDN. Also, we provide a full featured Kibana Dashboard in https://YOUR_DNS_NAME/kibana where you can check for performance and useful statics.
If you get stuck deploying this playbooks remember we're here to help you. So please, when you open a new issue provide the full Ansible output log and, if you were able to deploy OpenVidu Server, please provide also the log from the server:
sudo journalctl -u openvidu
this content could be big. Check if you can spot any failure to help us to help you.