diff --git a/.github/workflows/mill-ci.yml b/.github/workflows/mill-ci.yml
index 5ffecd16589..a75ab0300fc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/mill-ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/mill-ci.yml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- config: [DefaultConfig, DefaultBufferlessConfig, DefaultRV32Config, TinyConfig, DefaultFP16Config]
+ config: [DefaultConfig, DefaultBufferlessConfig, DefaultRV32Config, TinyConfig, DefaultFP16Config, DefaultBConfig, DefaultRV32BConfig]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ jobs:
if: ${{ false }} # disable for now, I prefer adding firesim-based simulation framework in the future.
- config: ["DefaultRV32Config,32,RV32IMACZicsr_Zifencei", "DefaultConfig,64,RV64IMACZicsr_Zifencei", "BitManipCryptoConfig,64,RV64IZba_Zbb_Zbc_Zbkb_Zbkc_Zbkx_Zbs_Zknd_Zkne_Zknh_Zksed_Zksh", "BitManipCrypto32Config,32,RV32IZba_Zbb_Zbc_Zbkb_Zbkc_Zbkx_Zbs_Zknd_Zkne_Zknh_Zksed_Zksh"]
+ config: ["DefaultRV32Config,32,RV32IMACZicsr_Zifencei", "DefaultConfig,64,RV64IMACZicsr_Zifencei"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 77819d7f768..b64ce5416e0 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-[submodule "hardfloat"]
- path = hardfloat
+[submodule "dependencies/hardfloat"]
+ path = dependencies/hardfloat
url = https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat.git
-[submodule "torture"]
- path = torture
- url = https://github.com/ucb-bar/riscv-torture.git
-[submodule "cde"]
- path = cde
+[submodule "dependencies/cde"]
+ path = dependencies/cde
url = https://github.com/chipsalliance/cde.git
+[submodule "dependencies/chisel"]
+ path = dependencies/chisel
+ url = https://github.com/chipsalliance/chisel.git
+[submodule "dependencies/diplomacy"]
+ path = dependencies/diplomacy
+ url = https://github.com/chipsalliance/diplomacy.git
+ branch = master
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 32059adb558..bab1036d86c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Rocket Chip Generator :rocket: ![Build Status](https://github.com/chipsalliance/
This repository contains the Rocket chip generator necessary to instantiate
-the RISC-V Rocket Core. For more information on Rocket Chip, please consult our [technical report](http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2016/EECS-2016-17.html).
+the RISC-V Rocket Core. For more information on Rocket Chip, please consult our [technical report](https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2016/EECS-2016-17.html).
## RocketChip Dev Meeting
@@ -233,4 +233,4 @@ A list of contributors can be found [here](https://github.com/chipsalliance/rock
If used for research, please cite Rocket Chip by the technical report:
-Krste Asanović, Rimas Avižienis, Jonathan Bachrach, Scott Beamer, David Biancolin, Christopher Celio, Henry Cook, Palmer Dabbelt, John Hauser, Adam Izraelevitz, Sagar Karandikar, Benjamin Keller, Donggyu Kim, John Koenig, Yunsup Lee, Eric Love, Martin Maas, Albert Magyar, Howard Mao, Miquel Moreto, Albert Ou, David Patterson, Brian Richards, Colin Schmidt, Stephen Twigg, Huy Vo, and Andrew Waterman, _[The Rocket Chip Generator](http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2016/EECS-2016-17.html)_, Technical Report UCB/EECS-2016-17, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, April 2016
+Krste Asanović, Rimas Avižienis, Jonathan Bachrach, Scott Beamer, David Biancolin, Christopher Celio, Henry Cook, Palmer Dabbelt, John Hauser, Adam Izraelevitz, Sagar Karandikar, Benjamin Keller, Donggyu Kim, John Koenig, Yunsup Lee, Eric Love, Martin Maas, Albert Magyar, Howard Mao, Miquel Moreto, Albert Ou, David Patterson, Brian Richards, Colin Schmidt, Stephen Twigg, Huy Vo, and Andrew Waterman, _[The Rocket Chip Generator](https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2016/EECS-2016-17.html)_, Technical Report UCB/EECS-2016-17, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, April 2016
diff --git a/RocketChip_Technical_Charter_8-23-2024.pdf b/RocketChip_Technical_Charter_8-23-2024.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2e5ed34ee5f
Binary files /dev/null and b/RocketChip_Technical_Charter_8-23-2024.pdf differ
diff --git a/build.sc b/build.sc
index bfd9eb3e0e9..cf602b2a8ab 100644
--- a/build.sc
+++ b/build.sc
@@ -2,20 +2,37 @@ import mill._
import mill.scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.publish._
import coursier.maven.MavenRepository
-import $file.hardfloat.common
-import $file.cde.common
+import $file.dependencies.hardfloat.common
+import $file.dependencies.cde.common
+import $file.dependencies.diplomacy.common
+import $file.dependencies.chisel.build
import $file.common
object v {
- val scala = "2.13.10"
+ val scala = "2.13.12"
// the first version in this Map is the mainly supported version which will be used to run tests
val chiselCrossVersions = Map(
- "3.6.0" -> (ivy"edu.berkeley.cs::chisel3:3.6.0", ivy"edu.berkeley.cs:::chisel3-plugin:3.6.0"),
- "5.0.0" -> (ivy"org.chipsalliance::chisel:5.0.0", ivy"org.chipsalliance:::chisel-plugin:5.0.0"),
+ "5.1.0" -> (ivy"org.chipsalliance::chisel:5.1.0", ivy"org.chipsalliance:::chisel-plugin:5.1.0"),
+ // build from project from source
+ "source" -> (ivy"org.chipsalliance::chisel:99", ivy"org.chipsalliance:::chisel-plugin:99"),
val mainargs = ivy"com.lihaoyi::mainargs:0.5.0"
val json4sJackson = ivy"org.json4s::json4s-jackson:4.0.5"
val scalaReflect = ivy"org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:${scala}"
+ val sourcecode = ivy"com.lihaoyi::sourcecode:0.3.1"
+ val sonatypesSnapshots = Seq(
+ MavenRepository("https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots")
+ )
+// Build form source only for dev
+object chisel extends Chisel
+trait Chisel
+ extends millbuild.dependencies.chisel.build.Chisel {
+ def crossValue = v.scala
+ override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "dependencies" / "chisel"
+ def scalaVersion = T(v.scala)
object macros extends Macros
@@ -33,33 +50,60 @@ trait Macros
object hardfloat extends mill.define.Cross[Hardfloat](v.chiselCrossVersions.keys.toSeq)
trait Hardfloat
- extends millbuild.hardfloat.common.HardfloatModule
+ extends millbuild.dependencies.hardfloat.common.HardfloatModule
with RocketChipPublishModule
with Cross.Module[String] {
def scalaVersion: T[String] = T(v.scala)
- override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "hardfloat" / "hardfloat"
+ override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "dependencies" / "hardfloat" / "hardfloat"
- def chiselModule = None
+ def chiselModule = Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel)
- def chiselPluginJar = None
+ def chiselPluginJar = T(Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel.pluginModule.jar()))
- def chiselIvy = Some(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._1)
+ def chiselIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._1)
- def chiselPluginIvy = Some(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._2)
+ def chiselPluginIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._2)
+ def repositoriesTask = T.task(super.repositoriesTask() ++ v.sonatypesSnapshots)
object cde extends CDE
trait CDE
- extends millbuild.cde.common.CDEModule
+ extends millbuild.dependencies.cde.common.CDEModule
with RocketChipPublishModule
with ScalaModule {
def scalaVersion: T[String] = T(v.scala)
- override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "cde" / "cde"
+ override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "dependencies" / "cde" / "cde"
+object diplomacy extends mill.define.Cross[Diplomacy](v.chiselCrossVersions.keys.toSeq)
+trait Diplomacy
+ extends millbuild.dependencies.diplomacy.common.DiplomacyModule
+ with RocketChipPublishModule
+ with Cross.Module[String] {
+ override def scalaVersion: T[String] = T(v.scala)
+ override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "dependencies" / "diplomacy" / "diplomacy"
+ // dont use chisel from source
+ def chiselModule = Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel)
+ def chiselPluginJar = T(Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel.pluginModule.jar()))
+ // use chisel from ivy
+ def chiselIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._1)
+ def chiselPluginIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._2)
+ // use CDE from source until published to sonatype
+ def cdeModule = cde
+ def sourcecodeIvy = v.sourcecode
object rocketchip extends Cross[RocketChip](v.chiselCrossVersions.keys.toSeq)
@@ -73,13 +117,13 @@ trait RocketChip
override def millSourcePath = super.millSourcePath / os.up
- def chiselModule = None
+ def chiselModule = Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel)
- def chiselPluginJar = None
+ def chiselPluginJar = T(Option.when(crossValue == "source")(chisel.pluginModule.jar()))
- def chiselIvy = Some(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._1)
+ def chiselIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._1)
- def chiselPluginIvy = Some(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._2)
+ def chiselPluginIvy = Option.when(crossValue != "source")(v.chiselCrossVersions(crossValue)._2)
def macrosModule = macros
@@ -87,9 +131,15 @@ trait RocketChip
def cdeModule = cde
+ def diplomacyModule = diplomacy(crossValue)
+ def diplomacyIvy = None
def mainargsIvy = v.mainargs
def json4sJacksonIvy = v.json4sJackson
+ def repositoriesTask = T.task(super.repositoriesTask() ++ v.sonatypesSnapshots)
trait RocketChipPublishModule
@@ -108,7 +158,6 @@ trait RocketChipPublishModule
override def publishVersion: T[String] = T("1.6-SNAPSHOT")
// Tests
trait Emulator extends Cross.Module2[String, String] {
val top: String = crossValue
@@ -136,12 +185,40 @@ trait Emulator extends Cross.Module2[String, String] {
+ object litexgenerate extends Module {
+ def compile = T {
+ os.proc("firtool",
+ generator.chirrtl().path,
+ s"--annotation-file=${generator.chiselAnno().path}",
+ "--disable-annotation-unknown",
+ "-dedup",
+ "-O=debug",
+ "--split-verilog",
+ "--preserve-values=named",
+ "--output-annotation-file=mfc.anno.json",
+ "--lowering-options=disallowLocalVariables",
+ s"-o=${T.dest}"
+ ).call(T.dest)
+ PathRef(T.dest)
+ }
+ def rtls = T {
+ os.read(compile().path / "filelist.f").split("\n").map(str =>
+ try {
+ os.Path(str)
+ } catch {
+ case e: IllegalArgumentException if e.getMessage.contains("is not an absolute path") =>
+ compile().path / str.stripPrefix("./")
+ }
+ ).filter(p => p.ext == "v" || p.ext == "sv").map(PathRef(_)).toSeq
+ }
+ }
object mfccompiler extends Module {
def compile = T {
- "-disable-infer-rw",
@@ -268,6 +345,7 @@ object emulator extends Cross[Emulator](
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultBufferlessConfig"),
// RocketSuiteC
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig"),
// Unittest
("freechips.rocketchip.unittest.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.unittest.AMBAUnitTestConfig"),
("freechips.rocketchip.unittest.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.unittest.TLSimpleUnitTestConfig"),
@@ -295,8 +373,42 @@ object emulator extends Cross[Emulator](
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultFP16Config"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.BitManipCryptoConfig"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.BitManipCrypto32Config"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultBConfig"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32BConfig"),
+ // Litex
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall1x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall1x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall1x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall1x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall2x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall2x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall2x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall2x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall4x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall4x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall4x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall4x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall8x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall8x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall8x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigSmall8x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig1x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig1x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig1x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig1x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig2x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig2x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig2x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig2x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig4x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig4x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig4x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig4x8"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig8x1"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig8x2"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig8x4"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.LitexConfigBig8x8"),
object `runnable-riscv-test` extends mill.Cross[RiscvTest](
@@ -358,8 +470,8 @@ object `runnable-riscv-test` extends mill.Cross[RiscvTest](
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32uc-v", "none"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32uf-p", "none"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32uf-v", "none"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32ui-p", "none"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32ui-v", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32ui-p", "ma_data"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32ui-v", "ma_data"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32um-p", "none"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "rv32um-v", "none"),
@@ -371,11 +483,17 @@ object `runnable-riscv-test` extends mill.Cross[RiscvTest](
// lsrc is not implemented if usingDataScratchpad
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig", "rv32ua-p", "lrsc"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig", "rv32uc-p", "none"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig", "rv32ui-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig", "rv32ui-p", "ma_data"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig", "rv32um-p", "none"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultFP16Config", "rv64uzfh-p", "none"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultFP16Config", "rv64uzfh-v", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultBConfig", "rv64uzba-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultBConfig", "rv64uzbb-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultBConfig", "rv64uzbs-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32BConfig", "rv32uzba-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32BConfig", "rv32uzbb-p", "none"),
+ ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32BConfig", "rv32uzbs-p", "none"),
object `runnable-arch-test` extends mill.Cross[ArchTest](
@@ -384,9 +502,6 @@ object `runnable-arch-test` extends mill.Cross[ArchTest](
// For CI within reasonable time
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultConfig", "64", "RV64IMACZicsr_Zifencei"),
("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultRV32Config", "32", "RV32IMACZicsr_Zifencei"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.BitManipCryptoConfig", "64", "RV64IZba_Zbb_Zbc_Zbkb_Zbkc_Zbkx_Zbs_Zknd_Zkne_Zknh_Zksed_Zksh"),
- ("freechips.rocketchip.system.TestHarness", "freechips.rocketchip.system.BitManipCrypto32Config", "32", "RV32IZba_Zbb_Zbc_Zbkb_Zbkc_Zbkx_Zbs_Zknd_Zkne_Zknh_Zksed_Zksh"),
object `runnable-jtag-dtm-test` extends mill.Cross[JTAGDTMTest](
diff --git a/common.sc b/common.sc
index 574f0ad4310..d11edcc116a 100644
--- a/common.sc
+++ b/common.sc
@@ -42,19 +42,18 @@ trait RocketChipModule
// should be hardfloat/common.sc#HardfloatModule
def hardfloatModule: ScalaModule
- // should be cde/common.sc#CDEModule
- def cdeModule: ScalaModule
+ def diplomacyModule: ScalaModule
def mainargsIvy: Dep
def json4sJacksonIvy: Dep
- override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(macrosModule, hardfloatModule, cdeModule)
+ override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(macrosModule, hardfloatModule, diplomacyModule)
override def ivyDeps = T(
super.ivyDeps() ++ Agg(
- json4sJacksonIvy
+ json4sJacksonIvy,
diff --git a/cde b/dependencies/cde
similarity index 100%
rename from cde
rename to dependencies/cde
diff --git a/dependencies/chisel b/dependencies/chisel
new file mode 160000
index 00000000000..e3bcc90db37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/chisel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit e3bcc90db37f1aec9f8048813f4f0666098d9bee
diff --git a/dependencies/diplomacy b/dependencies/diplomacy
new file mode 160000
index 00000000000..edf375300d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/diplomacy
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit edf375300d99a4c260a214d7c1553de0040771d7
diff --git a/hardfloat b/dependencies/hardfloat
similarity index 100%
rename from hardfloat
rename to dependencies/hardfloat
diff --git a/docs/src/diplomacy/adder_tutorial.md b/docs/src/diplomacy/adder_tutorial.md
index 9ab77ff29d5..2548ac43dc8 100644
--- a/docs/src/diplomacy/adder_tutorial.md
+++ b/docs/src/diplomacy/adder_tutorial.md
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ behavior of typical Chisel width inference.
```scala mdoc:invisible
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.{Config, Parameters}
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
+import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import chisel3.stage.ChiselStage
import chisel3.util.random.FibonacciLFSR
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{SimpleNodeImp, RenderedEdge, ValName, SourceNode,
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index b0128cb6f91..e0cf2cdc548 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
"nodes": {
"flake-utils": {
+ "inputs": {
+ "systems": "systems"
+ },
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1676283394,
- "narHash": "sha256-XX2f9c3iySLCw54rJ/CZs+ZK6IQy7GXNY4nSOyu2QG4=",
+ "lastModified": 1694529238,
+ "narHash": "sha256-zsNZZGTGnMOf9YpHKJqMSsa0dXbfmxeoJ7xHlrt+xmY=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
- "rev": "3db36a8b464d0c4532ba1c7dda728f4576d6d073",
+ "rev": "ff7b65b44d01cf9ba6a71320833626af21126384",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -17,11 +20,11 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1676300157,
- "narHash": "sha256-1HjRzfp6LOLfcj/HJHdVKWAkX9QRAouoh6AjzJiIerU=",
+ "lastModified": 1696019113,
+ "narHash": "sha256-X3+DKYWJm93DRSdC5M6K5hLqzSya9BjibtBsuARoPco=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
- "rev": "545c7a31e5dedea4a6d372712a18e00ce097d462",
+ "rev": "f5892ddac112a1e9b3612c39af1b72987ee5783a",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -36,6 +39,21 @@
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
+ },
+ "systems": {
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1681028828,
+ "narHash": "sha256-Vy1rq5AaRuLzOxct8nz4T6wlgyUR7zLU309k9mBC768=",
+ "owner": "nix-systems",
+ "repo": "default",
+ "rev": "da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "nix-systems",
+ "repo": "default",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
"root": "root",
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index d9a19fcf541..28d32e91fb4 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
verilator cmake ninja
- python3 python3Packages.bootstrapped-pip
+ python3
+ python3Packages.pip
diff --git a/overlay.nix b/overlay.nix
index c7698a02821..3cd0989b795 100644
--- a/overlay.nix
+++ b/overlay.nix
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ final: prev: {
riscvTests = final.pkgsCross.riscv64-embedded.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "riscv-tests";
- version = "55bbcc8c06637a31cc01970881ba8072838a9121";
+ version = "f2f748ebb9cf8ea049103f85c4cbf7e8a2927b16";
src = final.fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-tests.git";
rev = "${version}";
fetchSubmodules = true;
- sha256 = "sha256-TcIU+WFQxPqAG7lvfKPgHm4CnBpTkosqe+fYOxS+J7I=";
+ sha256 = "sha256-E3RfrP+PFIYy9c/pY04jYPxeGpnfgWwjV8iwL5+s+9w=";
enableParallelBuilding = true;
diff --git a/scripts/arch-test/emulator/riscof_emulator.py b/scripts/arch-test/emulator/riscof_emulator.py
index 82658c725a5..d0ea02253a1 100644
--- a/scripts/arch-test/emulator/riscof_emulator.py
+++ b/scripts/arch-test/emulator/riscof_emulator.py
@@ -111,30 +111,6 @@ def build(self, isa_yaml, platform_yaml):
self.isa += '_Zicsr'
if "Zifencei" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += '_Zifencei'
- if "Zba" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zba'
- if "Zbb" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbb'
- if "Zbc" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbc'
- if "Zbkb" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkb'
- if "Zbkc" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkc'
- if "Zbkx" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkx'
- if "Zbs" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbs'
- if "Zknd" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zknd'
- if "Zkne" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zkne'
- if "Zknh" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zknh'
- if "Zksed" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zksed'
- if "Zksh" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zksh'
#TODO: The following assumes you are using the riscv-gcc toolchain. If
# not please change appropriately
diff --git a/scripts/arch-test/spike/riscof_spike.py b/scripts/arch-test/spike/riscof_spike.py
index 1186c5cb5e8..5bb68dd0281 100644
--- a/scripts/arch-test/spike/riscof_spike.py
+++ b/scripts/arch-test/spike/riscof_spike.py
@@ -111,30 +111,6 @@ def build(self, isa_yaml, platform_yaml):
self.isa += '_Zicsr'
if "Zifencei" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += '_Zifencei'
- if "Zba" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zba'
- if "Zbb" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbb'
- if "Zbc" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbc'
- if "Zbkb" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkb'
- if "Zbkc" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkc'
- if "Zbkx" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbkx'
- if "Zbs" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zbs'
- if "Zknd" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zknd'
- if "Zkne" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zkne'
- if "Zknh" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zknh'
- if "Zksed" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zksed'
- if "Zksh" in ispec["ISA"]:
- self.isa += '_Zksh'
#TODO: The following assumes you are using the riscv-gcc toolchain. If
# not please change appropriately
diff --git a/src/main/resources/vsrc/RoccBlackBox.v b/src/main/resources/vsrc/RoccBlackBox.v
index 5c0a0766c95..4588cd38def 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/vsrc/RoccBlackBox.v
+++ b/src/main/resources/vsrc/RoccBlackBox.v
@@ -15,153 +15,156 @@ module RoccBlackBox
fLen = 64,
FPConstants_FLAGS_SZ = 5)
( input clock,
- input reset,
- output rocc_cmd_ready,
- input rocc_cmd_valid,
- input [6:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_funct,
- input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rs2,
- input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rs1,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xd,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xs1,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xs2,
- input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rd,
- input [6:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_opcode,
- input [xLen-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_rs1,
- input [xLen-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_rs2,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_debug,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_cease,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_wfi,
- input [31:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_isa,
- input [PRV_SZ-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_dprv,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_dv,
- input [PRV_SZ-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_prv,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_v,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sd,
- input [22:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_zero2,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpv,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_gva,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mbe,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sbe,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_sxl,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_uxl,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sd_rv32,
- input [7:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_zero1,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tsr,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tw,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tvm,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mxr,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sum,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mprv,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_xs,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_fs,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_vs,
- input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpp,
- input [0:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_spp,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_ube,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_spie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_upie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_hie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sie,
- input rocc_cmd_bits_status_uie,
- input rocc_resp_ready,
- output rocc_resp_valid,
- output [4:0] rocc_resp_bits_rd,
- output [xLen-1:0] rocc_resp_bits_data,
- input rocc_mem_req_ready,
- output rocc_mem_req_valid,
- output [coreMaxAddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_addr,
- output [dcacheReqTagBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_tag,
- output [M_SZ-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_cmd,
+ input reset,
+ output rocc_cmd_ready,
+ input rocc_cmd_valid,
+ input [6:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_funct,
+ input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rs2,
+ input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rs1,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xd,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xs1,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_inst_xs2,
+ input [4:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_rd,
+ input [6:0] rocc_cmd_bits_inst_opcode,
+ input [xLen-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_rs1,
+ input [xLen-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_rs2,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_debug,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_cease,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_wfi,
+ input [31:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_isa,
+ input [PRV_SZ-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_dprv,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_dv,
+ input [PRV_SZ-1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_prv,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_v,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sd,
+ input [22:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_zero2,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpv,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_gva,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mbe,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sbe,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_sxl,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_uxl,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sd_rv32,
+ input [7:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_zero1,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tsr,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tw,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_tvm,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mxr,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sum,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mprv,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_xs,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_fs,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_vs,
+ input [1:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpp,
+ input [0:0] rocc_cmd_bits_status_spp,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mpie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_ube,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_spie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_upie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_mie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_hie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_sie,
+ input rocc_cmd_bits_status_uie,
+ input rocc_resp_ready,
+ output rocc_resp_valid,
+ output [4:0] rocc_resp_bits_rd,
+ output [xLen-1:0] rocc_resp_bits_data,
+ input rocc_mem_req_ready,
+ output rocc_mem_req_valid,
+ output [coreMaxAddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_addr,
+ output [dcacheReqTagBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_tag,
+ output [M_SZ-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_cmd,
output [mem_req_bits_size_width-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_size,
- output rocc_mem_req_bits_signed,
- output rocc_mem_req_bits_phys,
- output rocc_mem_req_bits_no_alloc,
- output rocc_mem_req_bits_no_xcpt,
- output [1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_dprv,
- output rocc_mem_req_bits_dv,
- output [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_data,
- output [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_mask,
- output rocc_mem_s1_kill,
- output [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_s1_data_data,
- output [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_s1_data_mask,
- input rocc_mem_s2_nack,
- input rocc_mem_s2_nack_cause_raw,
- output rocc_mem_s2_kill,
- input rocc_mem_s2_uncached,
- input [paddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_s2_paddr,
- input [vaddrBitsExtended-1:0] rocc_mem_s2_gpa,
- input rocc_mem_s2_gpa_is_pte,
- input rocc_mem_resp_valid,
- input [coreMaxAddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_addr,
- input [dcacheReqTagBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_tag,
- input [M_SZ-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_cmd,
- input [mem_req_bits_size_width-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_size,
- input rocc_mem_resp_bits_signed,
- input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data,
- input [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_mask,
- input rocc_mem_resp_bits_replay,
- input rocc_mem_resp_bits_has_data,
- input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data_word_bypass,
- input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data_raw,
- input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_store_data,
- input [1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_dprv,
- input rocc_mem_resp_bits_dv,
- input rocc_mem_replay_next,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ma_ld,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ma_st,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_pf_ld,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_pf_st,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_gf_ld,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_gf_st,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ae_ld,
- input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ae_st,
- input rocc_mem_ordered,
- input rocc_mem_perf_acquire,
- input rocc_mem_perf_release,
- input rocc_mem_perf_grant,
- input rocc_mem_perf_tlbMiss,
- input rocc_mem_perf_blocked,
- input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptStoreThenLoad,
- input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptStoreThenRMW,
- input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptLoadThenLoad,
- input rocc_mem_perf_storeBufferEmptyAfterLoad,
- input rocc_mem_perf_storeBufferEmptyAfterStore,
- output rocc_mem_keep_clock_enabled,
- input rocc_mem_clock_enabled,
- output rocc_busy,
- output rocc_interrupt,
- input rocc_exception,
- input rocc_fpu_req_ready,
- output rocc_fpu_req_valid,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ldst,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_wen,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren1,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren2,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren3,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_swap12,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_swap23,
- output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typeTagIn,
- output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typeTagOut,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fromint,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_toint,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fastpipe,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fma,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_div,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_sqrt,
- output rocc_fpu_req_bits_wflags,
- output [FPConstants_RM_SZ-1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_rm,
- output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_fmaCmd,
- output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typ,
- output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_fmt,
- output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in1,
- output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in2,
- output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in3,
- output rocc_fpu_resp_ready,
- input rocc_fpu_resp_valid,
- input [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_resp_bits_data,
- input [FPConstants_FLAGS_SZ-1:0] rocc_fpu_resp_bits_exc );
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_signed,
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_phys,
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_no_alloc,
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_no_xcpt,
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_no_resp,
+ output [1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_dprv,
+ output rocc_mem_req_bits_dv,
+ output [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_data,
+ output [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_req_bits_mask,
+ output rocc_mem_s1_kill,
+ output [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_s1_data_data,
+ output [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_s1_data_mask,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_nack,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_nack_cause_raw,
+ output rocc_mem_s2_kill,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_uncached,
+ input [paddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_s2_paddr,
+ input [vaddrBitsExtended-1:0] rocc_mem_s2_gpa,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_gpa_is_pte,
+ input rocc_mem_resp_valid,
+ input [coreMaxAddrBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_addr,
+ input [dcacheReqTagBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_tag,
+ input [M_SZ-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_cmd,
+ input [mem_req_bits_size_width-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_size,
+ input rocc_mem_resp_bits_signed,
+ input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data,
+ input [coreDataBytes-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_mask,
+ input rocc_mem_resp_bits_replay,
+ input rocc_mem_resp_bits_has_data,
+ input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data_word_bypass,
+ input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_data_raw,
+ input [coreDataBits-1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_store_data,
+ input [1:0] rocc_mem_resp_bits_dprv,
+ input rocc_mem_resp_bits_dv,
+ input rocc_mem_replay_next,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ma_ld,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ma_st,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_pf_ld,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_pf_st,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_gf_ld,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_gf_st,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ae_ld,
+ input rocc_mem_s2_xcpt_ae_st,
+ input rocc_mem_ordered,
+ input rocc_mem_store_pending,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_acquire,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_release,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_grant,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_tlbMiss,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_blocked,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptStoreThenLoad,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptStoreThenRMW,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_canAcceptLoadThenLoad,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_storeBufferEmptyAfterLoad,
+ input rocc_mem_perf_storeBufferEmptyAfterStore,
+ output rocc_mem_keep_clock_enabled,
+ input rocc_mem_clock_enabled,
+ output rocc_busy,
+ output rocc_interrupt,
+ input rocc_exception,
+ input rocc_fpu_req_ready,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_valid,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ldst,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_wen,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren1,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren2,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_ren3,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_swap12,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_swap23,
+ output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typeTagIn,
+ output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typeTagOut,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fromint,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_toint,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fastpipe,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_fma,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_div,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_sqrt,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_wflags,
+ output [FPConstants_RM_SZ-1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_rm,
+ output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_fmaCmd,
+ output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_typ,
+ output [1:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_fmt,
+ output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in1,
+ output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in2,
+ output [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_req_bits_in3,
+ output rocc_fpu_req_bits_vec,
+ output rocc_fpu_resp_ready,
+ input rocc_fpu_resp_valid,
+ input [fLen:0] rocc_fpu_resp_bits_data,
+ input [FPConstants_FLAGS_SZ-1:0] rocc_fpu_resp_bits_exc );
assign rocc_cmd_ready = 1'b1;
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/AHBLite.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/AHBLite.scala
index 633b46fc594..7e80611690c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/AHBLite.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/AHBLite.scala
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
class AHBLite()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = AHBMasterAdapterNode(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Nodes.scala
index 461157407f1..33c33ccd213 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Nodes.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters, Field}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SimpleNodeImp, RenderedEdge, OutwardNode, InwardNode, SourceNode, SinkNode, IdentityNode, AdapterNode, MixedNexusNode, NexusNode}
case object AHBSlaveMonitorBuilder extends Field[AHBSlaveMonitorArgs => AHBSlaveMonitorBase]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Parameters.scala
index 62c951604df..0039b928b7c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Parameters.scala
@@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
-import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, Device, ResourceAddress, ResourcePermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleField, BundleFieldBase, BundleKeyBase}
import scala.math.{max, min}
case class AHBSlaveParameters(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/RegisterRouter.scala
index eb8fbd5077f..e2619b66c8c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,18 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{log2Up, log2Ceil, Decoupled}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SinkNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegMapperParams, RegField, RegMapperInput, RegisterRouter, RegMapper}
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.MaskGen
import scala.math.min
case class AHBRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true, executable: Boolean = false)(implicit valName: ValName)
@@ -68,50 +74,6 @@ case class AHBRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes:
-// These convenience methods below combine to make it possible to create a AHB
-// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
-@deprecated("Use HasAHBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AHBRegisterRouter+AHBRegBundle+AHBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-abstract class AHBRegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean, executable: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- val node = AHBRegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- val intnode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(num = interrupts))
-@deprecated("AHBRegBundleArg is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-case class AHBRegBundleArg()(implicit val p: Parameters)
-@deprecated("AHBRegBundleBase is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AHBRegBundleBase(arg: AHBRegBundleArg) extends Bundle
- implicit val p: Parameters = arg.p
-@deprecated("Use HasAHBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AHBRegisterRouter+AHBRegBundle+AHBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AHBRegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: AHBRegBundleArg) extends AHBRegBundleBase(arg)
-@deprecated("Use HasAHBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AHBRegisterRouter+AHBRegBundle+AHBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AHBRegModule[P, B <: AHBRegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: AHBRegisterRouterBase)
- extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
- val io = IO(bundleBuilder)
- val interrupts = if (router.intnode.out.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else router.intnode.out(0)._1
- def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
-@deprecated("Use HasAHBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AHBRegisterRouter+AHBRegBundle+AHBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AHBRegisterRouter[B <: AHBRegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
- (val base: BigInt, val interrupts: Int = 0, val size: BigInt = 4096, val concurrency: Int = 0, val beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true, executable: Boolean = false)
- (bundleBuilder: AHBRegBundleArg => B)
- (moduleBuilder: (=> B, AHBRegisterRouterBase) => M)(implicit p: Parameters)
- extends AHBRegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- require (isPow2(size))
- // require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
- lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(AHBRegBundleArg()), this)
/** Mix this trait into a RegisterRouter to be able to attach its register map to an AXI4 bus */
trait HasAHBControlRegMap { this: RegisterRouter =>
// Externally, this node should be used to connect the register control port to a bus
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/SRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/SRAM.scala
index 51c8cddad3e..a4a8bdeae3b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/SRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/SRAM.scala
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{DiplomaticSRAM, HasJustOneSeqMem}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.LFSRNoiseMaker
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{MaskGen, DataToAugmentedData, SeqMemToAugmentedSeqMem, PlusArg}
class AHBRAM(
address: AddressSet,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Test.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Test.scala
index bf28459454b..43a57977dcc 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Test.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Test.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, SimpleLazyModule}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.TLTestRAM
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, BufferParams}
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RRTest0, RRTest1}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFuzzer, TLRAMModel, TLToAHB, TLDelayer, TLBuffer, TLErrorEvaluator, TLFragmenter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.unittest.{UnitTestModule, UnitTest}
class AHBRRTest0(address: BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends RRTest0(address)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/ToTL.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/ToTL.scala
index f08feb167bf..e34d7c262ba 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/ToTL.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/ToTL.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{MixedAdapterNode}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProtField, AMBAProt}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLImp, TLMasterPortParameters, TLMessages, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterToSlaveTransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleMap, MaskGen, DataToAugmentedData}
case class AHBToTLNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(AHBImpSlave, TLImp)(
dFn = { case mp =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Xbar.scala
index 2db7d5cd187..d685ac1bed9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/Xbar.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.Mux1H
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressDecoder
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BundleField
class AHBFanout()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = new AHBFanoutNode(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/package.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/package.scala
index 8477adb2fbe..ffcf196951a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/ahb/package.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{InwardNodeHandle, OutwardNodeHandle, SimpleNodeHandle}
package object ahb
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Nodes.scala
index 183a058e8e8..e2dd9307c74 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Nodes.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters, Field}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SimpleNodeImp,RenderedEdge, InwardNode, OutwardNode, SourceNode, SinkNode, NexusNode, IdentityNode}
case object APBMonitorBuilder extends Field[APBMonitorArgs => APBMonitorBase]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Parameters.scala
index 5c07d827f65..f39c8b03fef 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Parameters.scala
@@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{isPow2, log2Up}
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, Device, ResourceAddress, ResourcePermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleField, BundleKeyBase, BundleFieldBase}
import scala.math.max
case class APBSlaveParameters(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/RegisterRouter.scala
index 9378484a01b..07b62a5c67b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Decoupled, log2Up, log2Ceil}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.SinkNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegMapperParams, RegMapperInput, RegMapper, RegisterRouter}
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
case class APBRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true, executable: Boolean = false)(implicit valName: ValName)
@@ -49,50 +54,6 @@ case class APBRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes:
-// These convenience methods below combine to make it possible to create a APB
-// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
-@deprecated("Use HasAPBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of APBRegisterRouter+APBRegBundle+APBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-abstract class APBRegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean, executable: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- val node = APBRegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- val intnode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(num = interrupts))
-@deprecated("APBRegBundleArg is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-case class APBRegBundleArg()(implicit val p: Parameters)
-@deprecated("AXI4RegBundleBase is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class APBRegBundleBase(arg: APBRegBundleArg) extends Bundle
- implicit val p: Parameters = arg.p
-@deprecated("Use HasAPBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of APBRegisterRouter+APBRegBundle+APBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class APBRegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: APBRegBundleArg) extends APBRegBundleBase(arg)
-@deprecated("Use HasAPBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of APBRegisterRouter+APBRegBundle+APBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class APBRegModule[P, B <: APBRegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: APBRegisterRouterBase)
- extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
- val io = IO(bundleBuilder)
- val interrupts = if (router.intnode.out.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else router.intnode.out(0)._1
- def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
-@deprecated("Use HasAPBControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of APBRegisterRouter+APBRegBundle+APBRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class APBRegisterRouter[B <: APBRegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
- (val base: BigInt, val interrupts: Int = 0, val size: BigInt = 4096, val concurrency: Int = 0, val beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true, executable: Boolean = false)
- (bundleBuilder: APBRegBundleArg => B)
- (moduleBuilder: (=> B, APBRegisterRouterBase) => M)(implicit p: Parameters)
- extends APBRegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- require (isPow2(size))
- // require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
- lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(APBRegBundleArg()), this)
/** Mix this trait into a RegisterRouter to be able to attach its register map to an AXI4 bus */
trait HasAPBControlRegMap { this: RegisterRouter =>
// Externally, this node should be used to connect the register control port to a bus
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/SRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/SRAM.scala
index 1e8325e2d5f..8c5a9c27487 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/SRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/SRAM.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Ceil, RegEnable}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{DiplomaticSRAM, HasJustOneSeqMem}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.LFSRNoiseMaker
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqMemToAugmentedSeqMem
class APBRAM(
address: AddressSet,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Test.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Test.scala
index 4b8d48c4b9a..0c907079b89 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Test.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Test.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams, AddressSet}
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RRTest0, RRTest1}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFuzzer, TLRAMModel, TLToAPB, TLDelayer, TLBuffer, TLFragmenter}
import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
class APBRRTest0(address: BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/ToTL.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/ToTL.scala
index 48511d13436..39d01ab5515 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/ToTL.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/ToTL.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{MixedAdapterNode}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLImp, TLMessages, TLMasterPortParameters, TLMasterParameters}
case class APBToTLNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(APBImp, TLImp)(
dFn = { mp =>
@@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ class APBToTL()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val beat = TransferSizes(beatBytes, beatBytes)
//TODO: The double negative here is to work around Chisel's broken implementation of widening ~x.
- val aligned_addr = ~in.paddr
+ val aligned_addr = ~(~in.paddr | (beatBytes-1).U)
require(beatBytes == in.params.dataBits/8,
s"TL beatBytes(${beatBytes}) doesn't match expected APB data width(${in.params.dataBits})")
val data_size = (log2Ceil(beatBytes)).U
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Xbar.scala
index 849edaa5f19..3f50fbb4ea1 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/Xbar.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.Mux1H
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressDecoder
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BundleField
class APBFanout()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = new APBNexusNode(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/package.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/package.scala
index f5acbf903d9..872fd22be23 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/apb/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/apb/package.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{InwardNodeHandle, OutwardNodeHandle, SimpleNodeHandle}
package object apb
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/AsyncCrossing.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/AsyncCrossing.scala
index 3e086738ee4..b9303e5c108 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/AsyncCrossing.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/AsyncCrossing.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{NodeHandle}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{AsynchronousCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLRAMModel, TLFuzzer, TLToAXI4}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CrossingWrapper
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ToAsyncBundle, FromAsyncBundle, AsyncQueueParams, Pow2ClockDivider}
* Source(Master) side for AXI4 crossing clock domain
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Buffer.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Buffer.scala
index 71c3fdff30d..2b768e87ca5 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Buffer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Buffer.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{Queue, IrrevocableIO}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.BufferParams
import scala.math.min
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Credited.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Credited.scala
index e2a0d59776d..3dbea790f8b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Credited.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Credited.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{CreditedCrossing}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CrossingWrapper
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class AXI4CreditedBuffer(delay: AXI4CreditedDelay)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/CrossingHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/CrossingHelper.scala
index ebeb9dbb1e0..aaa1a372304 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/CrossingHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/CrossingHelper.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, StretchedResetCrossing}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyScope}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, StretchedResetCrossing, CrossingType, ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, SynchronousCrossing, CreditedCrossing}
trait AXI4OutwardCrossingHelper {
type HelperCrossingType <: CrossingType
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Deinterleaver.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Deinterleaver.scala
index 27f99823a5e..461507a5e0c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Deinterleaver.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Deinterleaver.scala
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{Cat, isPow2, log2Ceil, ReadyValidIO,
log2Up, OHToUInt, Queue, QueueIO, UIntToOH}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams, TransferSizes}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.leftOR
/** This adapter deinterleaves read responses on the R channel.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Delayer.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Delayer.scala
index 37a8297abbb..58ceb88b7f9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Delayer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Delayer.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.IrrevocableIO
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.LFSRNoiseMaker
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Filter.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Filter.scala
index 77833e2594d..9093aa05448 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Filter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Filter.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
class AXI4Filter(
Sfilter: AXI4SlaveParameters => Option[AXI4SlaveParameters] = AXI4Filter.Sidentity,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Fragmenter.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Fragmenter.scala
index 60ec2dc5597..85505374088 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Fragmenter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Fragmenter.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Mux1H, Queue, IrrevocableIO, log2Ceil, UIntToOH}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressDecoder, AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ControlKey, SimpleBundleField, rightOR, leftOR, OH1ToOH, UIntToOH1}
case object AXI4FragLast extends ControlKey[Bool]("real_last")
case class AXI4FragLastField() extends SimpleBundleField(AXI4FragLast)(Output(Bool()), false.B)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/IdIndexer.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/IdIndexer.scala
index 49cb9d92974..4687d5dc0f8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/IdIndexer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/IdIndexer.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import chisel3.util.{log2Ceil, Cat}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.IdRange
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ControlKey, SimpleBundleField}
case object AXI4ExtraId extends ControlKey[UInt]("extra_id")
case class AXI4ExtraIdField(width: Int) extends SimpleBundleField(AXI4ExtraId)(Output(UInt(width.W)), 0.U)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Nodes.scala
index 8fcf58066d9..da53aa92ea6 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Nodes.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters, Field}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SimpleNodeImp, RenderedEdge, OutwardNode, InwardNode, SourceNode, SinkNode, NexusNode, AdapterNode, IdentityNode, MixedAdapterNode}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.AsyncQueueParams
case object AXI4MonitorBuilder extends Field[AXI4MonitorArgs => AXI4MonitorBase]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Parameters.scala
index b059fb1927e..088c226d825 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Parameters.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import chisel3.util.{isPow2, log2Up}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes, IdRange, BufferParams, IdMap, IdMapEntry, DirectedBuffers}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, Device, ResourceAddress, ResourcePermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleField, BundleFieldBase, BundleKeyBase, AsyncQueueParams, CreditedDelay}
import scala.math.max
-import chisel3.util.{isPow2, log2Up}
* Parameters for AXI4 slave
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/RegisterRouter.scala
index 126dbcd63c4..be48fa2eaf9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Decoupled, Queue, log2Ceil, log2Up}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SinkNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{NoCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegMapper, RegMapperInput, RegMapperParams, RegisterRouter}
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
@@ -83,50 +89,6 @@ case class AXI4RegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes
-// These convenience methods below combine to make it possible to create a AXI4
-// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
-@deprecated("Use HasAXI4ControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AXI4RegisterRouter+AXI4RegBundle+AXI4RegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-abstract class AXI4RegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean, executable: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- val node = AXI4RegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- val intnode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(num = interrupts))
-@deprecated("AXI4RegBundleArg is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-case class AXI4RegBundleArg()(implicit val p: Parameters)
-@deprecated("AXI4RegBundleBase is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AXI4RegBundleBase(arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends Bundle
- implicit val p: Parameters = arg.p
-@deprecated("Use HasAXI4ControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AXI4RegisterRouter+AXI4RegBundle+AXI4RegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AXI4RegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends AXI4RegBundleBase(arg)
-@deprecated("Use HasAXI4ControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AXI4RegisterRouter+AXI4RegBundle+AXI4RegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AXI4RegModule[P, B <: AXI4RegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: AXI4RegisterRouterBase)
- extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
- val io = IO(bundleBuilder)
- val interrupts = if (router.intnode.out.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else router.intnode.out(0)._1
- def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
-@deprecated("Use HasAXI4ControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of AXI4RegisterRouter+AXI4RegBundle+AXI4RegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class AXI4RegisterRouter[B <: AXI4RegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
- (val base: BigInt, val interrupts: Int = 0, val size: BigInt = 4096, val concurrency: Int = 0, val beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true, executable: Boolean = false)
- (bundleBuilder: AXI4RegBundleArg => B)
- (moduleBuilder: (=> B, AXI4RegisterRouterBase) => M)(implicit p: Parameters)
- extends AXI4RegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- require (isPow2(size))
- // require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
- lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(AXI4RegBundleArg()), this)
/** Mix this trait into a RegisterRouter to be able to attach its register map to an AXI4 bus */
trait HasAXI4ControlRegMap { this: RegisterRouter =>
protected val controlNode = AXI4RegisterNode(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/SRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/SRAM.scala
index 791634deacf..f4838b73ab0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/SRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/SRAM.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Ceil}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.AMBACorrupt
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{DiplomaticSRAM, HasJustOneSeqMem}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleMap, SeqMemToAugmentedSeqMem}
* AXI4 slave device to provide a RAM storage
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Test.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Test.scala
index f6a6ccd9cab..ccda7093807 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Test.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Test.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, SimpleLazyModule}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, BufferParams}
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RRTest0, RRTest1}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/ToTL.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/ToTL.scala
index 54ef0f0029c..833be2e4e28 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/ToTL.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/ToTL.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,18 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
+import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Up, log2Ceil, UIntToOH, Queue}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{MixedAdapterNode, InwardNodeImp}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBACorrupt, AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdRange, IdMapEntry, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLImp, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters, TLArbiter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{OH1ToUInt, UIntToOH1}
case class AXI4ToTLIdMapEntry(tlId: IdRange, axi4Id: IdRange, name: String)
extends IdMapEntry
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/UserYanker.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/UserYanker.scala
index a332f5399d3..93e69cd4b92 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/UserYanker.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/UserYanker.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.util.{Queue, QueueIO, UIntToOH}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BundleMap
/** This adapter prunes all user bit fields of the echo type from request messages,
* storing them in queues and echoing them back when matching response messages are received.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Xbar.scala
index be65db13834..291e92acdbe 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/Xbar.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import chisel3.util.{Cat, Queue, UIntToOH, log2Ceil, OHToUInt, Mux1H, IrrevocableIO}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressDecoder, AddressSet, BufferParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLArbiter, TLXbar, TLFilter, TLFuzzer, TLToAXI4, TLRAMModel}
+import freechips.rocketchip.unittest.{UnitTest, UnitTestModule}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BundleField
* AXI4 Crossbar. It connects multiple AXI4 masters to slaves.
@@ -85,7 +89,12 @@ class AXI4Xbar(
// Transform input bundles
val in = Wire(Vec(io_in.size, new AXI4Bundle(wide_bundle)))
for (i <- 0 until in.size) {
- in(i).squeezeAll :<>= io_in(i).squeezeAll
+ in(i).aw.bits.user := DontCare
+ in(i).aw.bits.echo := DontCare
+ in(i).ar.bits.user := DontCare
+ in(i).ar.bits.echo := DontCare
+ in(i).w.bits.user := DontCare
+ in(i).squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= io_in(i).squeezeAll.waiveAll
// Handle size = 1 gracefully (Chisel3 empty range is broken)
def trim(id: UInt, size: Int) = if (size <= 1) 0.U else id(log2Ceil(size)-1, 0)
@@ -168,7 +177,9 @@ class AXI4Xbar(
// Transform output bundles
val out = Wire(Vec(io_out.size, new AXI4Bundle(wide_bundle)))
for (i <- 0 until out.size) {
- io_out(i).squeezeAll :<>= out(i).squeezeAll
+ out(i).b.bits.user := DontCare
+ out(i).r.bits.user := DontCare
+ io_out(i).squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= out(i).squeezeAll.waiveAll
if (io_in.size > 1) {
// Block AW if we cannot record the W source
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/package.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/package.scala
index d1673572f5b..57a5e8759e1 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axi4/package.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{HasClockDomainCrossing, _}
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasResetDomainCrossing}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SimpleNodeHandle, OutwardNodeHandle, InwardNodeHandle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasClockDomainCrossing, HasResetDomainCrossing}
* Provide bundles, adapters and devices etc for AMBA AXI4 protocol.
@@ -15,15 +17,15 @@ package object axi4
type AXI4InwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Bundle]
implicit class AXI4ClockDomainCrossing(private val x: HasClockDomainCrossing) extends AnyVal {
- def crossIn (n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4InwardClockCrossingHelper(valName.name, x, n)
- def crossOut(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4OutwardClockCrossingHelper(valName.name, x, n)
+ def crossIn (n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4InwardClockCrossingHelper(valName.value, x, n)
+ def crossOut(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4OutwardClockCrossingHelper(valName.value, x, n)
def cross(n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = crossIn(n)
def cross(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = crossOut(n)
implicit class AXI4ResetDomainCrossing(private val x: HasResetDomainCrossing) extends AnyVal {
- def crossIn (n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4InwardResetCrossingHelper(valName.name, x, n)
- def crossOut(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4OutwardResetCrossingHelper(valName.name, x, n)
+ def crossIn (n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4InwardResetCrossingHelper(valName.value, x, n)
+ def crossOut(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = AXI4OutwardResetCrossingHelper(valName.value, x, n)
def cross(n: AXI4InwardNode) (implicit valName: ValName) = crossIn(n)
def cross(n: AXI4OutwardNode)(implicit valName: ValName) = crossOut(n)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Buffer.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Buffer.scala
index a9ea9198d17..4ba04c950b8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Buffer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Buffer.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axis
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.BufferParams
class AXISBuffer(val params: BufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Nodes.scala
index a82a2e2601b..133f79985a9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Nodes.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axis
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{SimpleNodeImp, SourceNode, SinkNode, NexusNode, AdapterNode, OutwardNode, IdentityNode, RenderedEdge, InwardNode}
object AXISImp extends SimpleNodeImp[AXISMasterPortParameters, AXISSlavePortParameters, AXISEdgeParameters, AXISBundle]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Parameters.scala
index ea97a941e5c..bcc928bf36e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Parameters.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axis
-import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import chisel3.util.{isPow2, log2Ceil}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{TransferSizes, IdRange}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleFieldBase, BundleField}
class AXISSlaveParameters private (
val name: String,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Xbar.scala
index 7338bb4287c..cf154028f9c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/Xbar.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.axis
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Ceil, Mux1H}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Config, Parameters}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLXbar, TLArbiter}
class AXISXbar(beatBytes: Int, policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/package.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/package.scala
index 07183b86975..00500055acd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/axis/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/axis/package.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.amba
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.{InwardNodeHandle, OutwardNodeHandle, NodeHandle}
package object axis
diff --git a/src/main/scala/amba/package.scala b/src/main/scala/amba/package.scala
index 2af015abd9b..75a971c7f75 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/amba/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/amba/package.scala
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
package freechips.rocketchip
import chisel3._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ControlKey, DataKey, BundleField}
package object amba {
class AMBAProtBundle extends Bundle {
@@ -31,4 +32,4 @@ package object amba {
// Used to convert a TileLink corrupt signal into an AMBA user bit
case object AMBACorrupt extends DataKey[Bool]("corrupt")
case class AMBACorruptField() extends BundleField[Bool](AMBACorrupt, Output(Bool()), x => x := false.B)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/aop/Select.scala b/src/main/scala/aop/Select.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 132b859ed12..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/aop/Select.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.aop
-import chisel3.Data
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
- AnyMixedNode,
- BaseNode,
- InwardNode,
- LazyModule,
- MixedNode,
- OutwardNode,
-/** Combinators for finding specific sets of [[LazyModule]]s/[[Node]]s.
- *
- * These can be used for e.g. finding specific TLBundles in a design and
- * placing monitors or annotating metadata.
- */
-object Select {
- /** Contains information about an inward edge of a node
- */
- case class InwardEdge[Bundle <: Data, EdgeInParams](
- params: Parameters,
- bundle: Bundle,
- edge: EdgeInParams,
- node: OutwardNode[_, _, Bundle],
- )
- /** Contains information about an outward edge of a node
- */
- case class OutwardEdge[Bundle <: Data, EdgeOutParams](
- params: Parameters,
- bundle: Bundle,
- edge: EdgeOutParams,
- node: InwardNode[_, _, Bundle],
- )
- /** Collects the [[InwardEdge]]s of a node. Defined as a separate method so
- * that the bundle/edge types can be set properly
- */
- private def getInwardEdges[BI <: Data, EI](node: MixedNode[_, _, EI, BI, _, _, _, _ <: Data]): Iterable[InwardEdge[BI, EI]] = {
- node.iPorts.zip(node.in).map {
- case ((_, node, params, _), (bundle, edge)) =>
- InwardEdge(params, bundle, edge, node)
- }
- }
- /** Applies the collect function to each [[InwardEdge]] of a node
- */
- def collectInwardEdges[T](node: BaseNode)(collect: PartialFunction[InwardEdge[_ <: Data, _], T]): Iterable[T] = {
- node match {
- case node: AnyMixedNode => getInwardEdges(node).collect(collect)
- case _ => Seq.empty
- }
- }
- /** Collects the [[OutwardEdge]]s of a node. Defined as a separate method so
- * that the bundle/edge types can be set properly
- */
- private def getOutwardEdges[BO <: Data, EO](node: MixedNode[_, _, _, _ <: Data, _, _, EO, BO]): Iterable[OutwardEdge[BO, EO]] = {
- node.oPorts.zip(node.out).map {
- case ((_, node, params, _), (bundle, edge)) =>
- OutwardEdge(params, bundle, edge, node)
- }
- }
- /** Applies the collect function to each [[OutardEdge]] of a node
- */
- def collectOutwardEdges[T](node: BaseNode)(collect: PartialFunction[OutwardEdge[_ <: Data, _], T]): Iterable[T] = {
- node match {
- case node: AnyMixedNode => getOutwardEdges(node).collect(collect)
- case _ => Seq.empty
- }
- }
- /** Applies the collect function to a [[LazyModule]] and recursively to all
- * of its children.
- */
- def collectDeep[T](lmod: LazyModule)(collect: PartialFunction[LazyModule, T]): Iterable[T] = {
- collect.lift(lmod) ++
- lmod.getChildren.flatMap { child =>
- collectDeep(child)(collect)
- }
- }
- /** Applies the collect function to a [[LazyModule]] and its children if the
- * filter function returns true. Stops recursing when the filter function
- * returns false. e.g.
- * for this hierarchy
- * A
- * / \
- * B C
- * / \ \
- * D E F
- *
- * the following select function
- * {{{
- * filterCollectDeep(A) {
- * case B => false
- * case _ => true
- * } { m =>
- * printl(m)
- * }
- * }}}
- *
- * will only print modules A, C, and F
- */
- def filterCollectDeep[T](lmod: LazyModule)(filter: LazyModule => Boolean)(collect: PartialFunction[LazyModule, T]): Iterable[T] = {
- if (filter(lmod)) {
- collect.lift(lmod) ++
- lmod.getChildren.flatMap { child =>
- filterCollectDeep(child)(filter)(collect)
- }
- } else {
- Iterable.empty
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/aop/package.scala b/src/main/scala/aop/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a773e153552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/aop/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip
+object aop {
+ @deprecated("aop has moved to the standalone diplomacy library.", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Select = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.aop.Select
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/APB.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/APB.scala
index 8191bb65835..8397eae8fc2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/APB.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/APB.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.{APBRegisterNode}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.APBRegisterNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.RegField
case object APBDebugRegistersKey extends Field[Map[Int, Seq[RegField]]](Map())
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Custom.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Custom.scala
index 22086988a28..b359c01be10 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Custom.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Custom.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import chisel3._
+import chisel3.experimental._
import chisel3.util._
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, NexusNode, RenderedEdge,
- SimpleNodeImp, SinkNode, SourceNode, ValName}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
case class DebugCustomParams(
addrs: List[Int],
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ class DebugCustomXbar(
lazy val module = new Impl
- class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
// require only one sink
require(node.out.size == 1, "Must have exactly one sink node, not ${node.out.size}")
// send address to all sources
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/DMI.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/DMI.scala
index 014b838bfc6..eeffdc2917c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/DMI.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/DMI.scala
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLClientNode, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters, TLMasterToSlaveTransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.ParameterizedBundle
/** Constant values used by both Debug Bus Response & Request
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Debug.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Debug.scala
index fec2caa14a3..efaf345fb5f 100755
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Debug.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Debug.scala
@@ -5,24 +5,29 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.{APBFanout, APBToTL}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.systembusaccess.{SBToTL, SystemBusAccessModule}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{DevNullParams, TLBusBypass, TLError}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, BufferParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Description, Device, Resource, ResourceBindings, ResourceString, SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntNexusNode, IntSinkParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntSourceParameters, IntSourcePortParameters, IntSyncCrossingSource, IntSyncIdentityNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldAccessType, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldGroup, RegFieldWrType, RegReadFn, RegWriteFn}
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{CSRs, Instructions}
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.MaxHartIdBits
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{DevNullParams, TLError}
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.systembusaccess._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.TLBusBypass
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.{APBToTL, APBFanout}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLAsyncCrossingSink, TLAsyncCrossingSource, TLBuffer, TLRegisterNode, TLXbar}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Annotated, AsyncBundle, AsyncQueueParams, AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg, FromAsyncBundle, ParameterizedBundle, ResetSynchronizerShiftReg, ToAsyncBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqBoolBitwiseOps
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqToAugmentedSeq
import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
object DsbBusConsts {
def sbAddrWidth = 12
- def sbIdWidth = 10
+ def sbIdWidth = 10
object DsbRegAddrs{
@@ -667,7 +672,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuterAsync(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends La
val cfg = p(DebugModuleKey).get
- val dmiXbar = LazyModule (new TLXbar())
+ val dmiXbar = LazyModule (new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some("dmixbar")))
val dmi2tlOpt = (!p(ExportDebug).apb).option({
val dmi2tl = LazyModule(new DMIToTL())
@@ -693,7 +698,8 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuterAsync(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends La
val dmOuter = LazyModule( new TLDebugModuleOuter(device))
- val intnode = IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered = true) :*= dmOuter.intnode
+ val intnode = IntSyncIdentityNode()
+ intnode :*= IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered = true) :*= dmOuter.intnode
val dmiBypass = LazyModule(new TLBusBypass(beatBytes=4, bufferError=false, maxAtomic=0, maxTransfer=4))
val dmiInnerNode = TLAsyncCrossingSource() := dmiBypass.node := dmiXbar.node
@@ -727,6 +733,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuterAsync(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends La
childClock := io.dmi_clock
childReset := io.dmi_reset
+ override def provideImplicitClockToLazyChildren = true
withClockAndReset(childClock, childReset) {
dmi2tlOpt.foreach { _.module.io.dmi <> io.dmi.get }
@@ -916,7 +923,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
// Outer.hamask doesn't consider the hart selected by dmcontrol.hartsello,
// so append it here
when (selectedHartReg < nComponents.U) {
- hamaskFull(selectedHartReg) := true.B
+ hamaskFull(if (nComponents == 1) 0.U(0.W) else selectedHartReg) := true.B
io.innerCtrl.ready := true.B
@@ -1040,7 +1047,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
- DMCS2RdData.haltgroup := hgParticipateHart(selectedHartReg)
+ DMCS2RdData.haltgroup := hgParticipateHart(if (nComponents == 1) 0.U(0.W) else selectedHartReg)
if (nExtTriggers > 0) {
val hgSelect = Reg(Bool())
@@ -1724,7 +1731,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatBytes: I
// This is not an initialization!
val ctrlStateReg = Reg(chiselTypeOf(CtrlState(Waiting)))
- val hartHalted = haltedBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
+ val hartHalted = haltedBitRegs(if (nComponents == 1) 0.U(0.W) else selectedHartReg)
val ctrlStateNxt = WireInit(ctrlStateReg)
@@ -1898,6 +1905,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInnerAsync(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int, beatByt
childClock := io.debug_clock
childReset := io.debug_reset
+ override def provideImplicitClockToLazyChildren = true
val dmactive_synced = withClockAndReset(childClock, childReset) {
val dmactive_synced = AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(in=io.dmactive, sync=3, name=Some("dmactiveSync"))
@@ -1986,6 +1994,7 @@ class TLDebugModule(beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
childClock := io.tl_clock
childReset := io.tl_reset
+ override def provideImplicitClockToLazyChildren = true
dmOuter.module.io.dmi.foreach { dmOuterDMI =>
dmOuterDMI <> io.dmi.get.dmi
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Periphery.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Periphery.scala
index 009372078c6..8aa3214af9b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Periphery.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/Periphery.scala
@@ -3,18 +3,21 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.experimental.{IntParam, noPrefix}
+import chisel3.experimental.{noPrefix, IntParam}
import chisel3.util._
-import chisel3.util.HasBlackBoxResource
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.jtag._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters, ClockSinkNode}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{NullIntSyncSource, IntSyncXbar}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.{APBBundle, APBBundleParameters, APBMasterNode, APBMasterParameters, APBMasterPortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSyncXbar, NullIntSyncSource}
+import freechips.rocketchip.jtag.JTAGIO
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkNode, ClockSinkParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{BaseSubsystem, CBUS, FBUS, ResetSynchronous, SubsystemResetSchemeKey, TLBusWrapperLocation}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLWidthWidget}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg, CanHavePSDTestModeIO, ClockGate, PSDTestMode, PlusArg, ResetSynchronizerShiftReg}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
/** Protocols used for communicating with external debugging tools */
sealed trait DebugExportProtocol
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ trait HasPeripheryDebug { this: BaseSubsystem =>
lazy val debugOpt = p(DebugModuleKey).map { params =>
val tlDM = LazyModule(new TLDebugModule(tlbus.beatBytes))
- tlDM.node := tlbus.coupleTo("debug"){ TLFragmenter(tlbus) := _ }
+ tlDM.node := tlbus.coupleTo("debug"){ TLFragmenter(tlbus.beatBytes, tlbus.blockBytes, nameSuffix = Some("Debug")) := _ }
tlDM.dmInner.dmInner.customNode := debugCustomXbarOpt.get.node
(apbDebugNodeOpt zip tlDM.apbNodeOpt) foreach { case (master, slave) =>
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ trait HasPeripheryDebug { this: BaseSubsystem =>
- lazy val debugNode = debugOpt.map(_.intnode).getOrElse(IntSyncXbar() := NullIntSyncSource())
+ val debugNode = debugOpt.map(_.intnode)
val psd = InModuleBody {
val psd = IO(new PSDIO)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/SBA.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/SBA.scala
index b77a0c85822..635b48e4f89 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/debug/SBA.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/debug/SBA.scala
@@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.systembusaccess
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{DebugModuleKey, RWNotify, SBCSFields, WNotifyVal}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldGroup, RegFieldWrType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLClientNode, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._
object SystemBusAccessState extends scala.Enumeration {
type SystemBusAccessState = Value
@@ -304,7 +307,7 @@ class SBToTL(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val counter = RegInit(0.U((log2Ceil(cfg.maxSupportedSBAccess/8)+1).W))
val vecData = Wire(Vec(cfg.maxSupportedSBAccess/8, UInt(8.W)))
vecData.zipWithIndex.map { case (vd, i) => vd := io.dataIn(8*i+7,8*i) }
- muxedData := vecData(counter)
+ muxedData := vecData(counter(log2Ceil(vecData.size)-1,0))
// Need an additional check to determine if address is safe for Get/Put
val rdLegal_addr = edge.manager.supportsGetSafe(io.addrIn, io.sizeIn, Some(TransferSizes(1,cfg.maxSupportedSBAccess/8)))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BootROM.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BootROM.scala
index 9ffdac9e65e..7cbfcca6df8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BootROM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BootROM.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{BaseSubsystem, HierarchicalLocation, HasTiles, TLBusWrapperLocation}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkDomain}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLManagerNode, TLSlaveParameters, TLSlavePortParameters}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
@@ -66,11 +70,10 @@ object BootROM {
* at a configurable location, but also drives the tiles' reset vectors to point
* at its 'hang' address parameter value.
- def attach(params: BootROMParams, subsystem: BaseSubsystem with HasTiles, where: TLBusWrapperLocation)
+ def attach(params: BootROMParams, subsystem: BaseSubsystem with HasHierarchicalElements with HasTileInputConstants, where: TLBusWrapperLocation)
(implicit p: Parameters): TLROM = {
val tlbus = subsystem.locateTLBusWrapper(where)
- val bootROMDomainWrapper = LazyModule(new ClockSinkDomain(take = None))
- bootROMDomainWrapper.clockNode := tlbus.fixedClockNode
+ val bootROMDomainWrapper = tlbus.generateSynchronousDomain("BootROM").suggestName("bootrom_domain")
val bootROMResetVectorSourceNode = BundleBridgeSource[UInt]()
lazy val contents = {
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ object BootROM {
LazyModule(new TLROM(params.address, params.size, contents, true, tlbus.beatBytes))
- bootrom.node := tlbus.coupleTo("bootrom"){ TLFragmenter(tlbus) := _ }
+ bootrom.node := tlbus.coupleTo("bootrom"){ TLFragmenter(tlbus, Some("BootROM")) := _ }
// Drive the `subsystem` reset vector to the `hang` address of this Boot ROM.
subsystem.tileResetVectorNexusNode := bootROMResetVectorSourceNode
InModuleBody {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BusBlocker.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BusBlocker.scala
index e86505826c2..60707b8f33b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BusBlocker.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/BusBlocker.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, SimpleDevice}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLRegisterNode, TLBusWrapper, TLNameNode, TLNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLBusWrapper, TLFragmenter, TLNameNode, TLNode, TLRegisterNode}
/** Parameterize a BasicBusBlocker.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CLINT.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CLINT.scala
index 9255130580b..e3889bdd1d0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CLINT.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CLINT.scala
@@ -3,14 +3,18 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{ShiftRegister, ValidIO}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntNexusNode, IntSinkParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntSourceParameters, IntSourcePortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldGroup}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{BaseSubsystem, CBUS, TLBusWrapperLocation}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLRegisterNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Annotated
object CLINTConsts
@@ -106,18 +110,17 @@ class CLINT(params: CLINTParams, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
/** Trait that will connect a CLINT to a subsystem */
trait CanHavePeripheryCLINT { this: BaseSubsystem =>
- val clintOpt = p(CLINTKey).map { params =>
+ val (clintOpt, clintDomainOpt, clintTickOpt) = p(CLINTKey).map { params =>
val tlbus = locateTLBusWrapper(p(CLINTAttachKey).slaveWhere)
- val clint = LazyModule(new CLINT(params, cbus.beatBytes))
- clint.node := tlbus.coupleTo("clint") { TLFragmenter(tlbus) := _ }
- // Override the implicit clock and reset -- could instead include a clockNode in the clint, and make it a RawModuleImp?
- InModuleBody {
- clint.module.clock := tlbus.module.clock
- clint.module.reset := tlbus.module.reset
- }
- clint
- }
+ val clintDomainWrapper = tlbus.generateSynchronousDomain("CLINT").suggestName("clint_domain")
+ val clint = clintDomainWrapper { LazyModule(new CLINT(params, tlbus.beatBytes)) }
+ clintDomainWrapper { clint.node := tlbus.coupleTo("clint") { TLFragmenter(tlbus, Some("CLINT")) := _ } }
+ val clintTick = clintDomainWrapper { InModuleBody {
+ val tick = IO(Input(Bool()))
+ clint.module.io.rtcTick := tick
+ tick
+ }}
+ (clint, clintDomainWrapper, clintTick)
+ }.unzip3
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CanHaveBuiltInDevices.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CanHaveBuiltInDevices.scala
index 96ba3def845..6fad3f637d0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CanHaveBuiltInDevices.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/CanHaveBuiltInDevices.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, BufferParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{HasTLBusParams, TLBuffer, TLCacheCork, TLCacheCorkParams, TLFragmenter, TLOutwardNode, TLTempNode}
case class BuiltInZeroDeviceParams(
addr: AddressSet,
@@ -63,4 +65,3 @@ object BuiltInDevices {
trait CanHaveBuiltInDevices {
def builtInDevices: BuiltInDevices
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/ClockBlocker.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/ClockBlocker.scala
index 9076b6b08b0..6ee0f482288 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/ClockBlocker.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/ClockBlocker.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.ClockAdapterNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLRegisterNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.ClockGate
/** This device extends a basic bus blocker by allowing it to gate the clocks of the device
* whose tilelink port is being blocked. For now it is only possible to block
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Deadlock.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Deadlock.scala
index 3756d94c61e..0d5e970b216 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Deadlock.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Deadlock.scala
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
/** Adds a /dev/null slave that does not raise ready for any incoming traffic.
* !!! WARNING: This device WILL cause your bus to deadlock for as long as you
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/DevNull.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/DevNull.scala
index 8b2eab69901..9d3462e715c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/DevNull.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/DevNull.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasClockDomainCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLManagerNode, TLSlaveParameters, TLSlavePortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLClockDomainCrossing
case class DevNullParams(
address: Seq[AddressSet],
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Error.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Error.scala
index dd6541d20f8..cb048c3aab3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Error.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Error.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.SimpleDevice
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLArbiter, TLMessages, TLPermissions}
/** Adds a /dev/null slave that generates TL error response messages */
class TLError(params: DevNullParams, buffer: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4)(implicit p: Parameters)
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ class TLError(params: DevNullParams, buffer: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4)
// ReleaseAck is not allowed to report failure
dc.bits.opcode := ReleaseAck
- dc.bits.param := VecInit(toB, toN, toN)(c.bits.param)
+ dc.bits.param := VecInit(toB, toN, toN)(c.bits.param(1,0))
dc.bits.size := c.bits.size
dc.bits.source := c.bits.source
dc.bits.sink := 0.U
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MaskROM.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MaskROM.scala
index f4169a85a84..8a01ec5fd7b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MaskROM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MaskROM.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{RegionType, AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{Attachable, HierarchicalLocation, TLBusWrapperLocation}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLManagerNode, TLSlaveParameters, TLSlavePortParameters, TLWidthWidget}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ROMConfig, ROMGenerator}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
case class MaskROMParams(address: BigInt, name: String, depth: Int = 2048, width: Int = 32)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MasterMux.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MasterMux.scala
index 3ebedcde084..c1ddf82477b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MasterMux.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/MasterMux.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ LFSR64, TLBundleA, TLBundleC, TLBundleE, TLClientNode, TLCustomNode, TLFilter, TLFragmenter,
+ TLFuzzer, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters, TLPermissions, TLRAM, TLRAMModel,
+ TLSlaveParameters, TLSlavePortParameters
class MasterMuxNode(uFn: Seq[TLMasterPortParameters] => TLMasterPortParameters)(implicit valName: ValName) extends TLCustomNode
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/PhysicalFilter.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/PhysicalFilter.scala
index 1c52bffca83..c56bfeb4bc3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/PhysicalFilter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/PhysicalFilter.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldGroup, RegFieldWrType, RegReadFn, RegWriteFn}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLAdapterNode, TLMessages, TLPermissions, TLRegisterNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
case class DevicePMPParams(addressBits: Int, pageBits: Int)
@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ class PhysicalFilter(params: PhysicalFilterParams)(implicit p: Parameters) exten
// Frame an appropriate deny message
val denyValid = RegInit(false.B)
- val deny = Reg(in.d.bits)
+ val deny = Reg(chiselTypeOf(in.d.bits))
val d_opcode = TLMessages.adResponse(in.a.bits.opcode)
val d_grant = edgeIn.manager.anySupportAcquireB.B && deny.opcode === TLMessages.Grant
when (in.a.valid && !allow && deny_ready && a_first) {
@@ -257,7 +262,7 @@ class PhysicalFilter(params: PhysicalFilterParams)(implicit p: Parameters) exten
- val out_d = Wire(in.d.bits)
+ val out_d = Wire(chiselTypeOf(in.d.bits))
out_d := out.d.bits
// Deny can have unconditional priority, because the only out.d message possible is
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Plic.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Plic.scala
index 0dc86f455bd..ac9f5ec08a0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Plic.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Plic.scala
@@ -3,20 +3,25 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
+import chisel3.experimental._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkDomain}
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Description, Resource, ResourceBinding, ResourceBindings, ResourceInt, SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntNexusNode, IntSinkParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntSourceParameters, IntSourcePortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldRdAction, RegFieldWrType, RegReadFn, RegWriteFn}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{BaseSubsystem, CBUS, TLBusWrapperLocation}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFragmenter, TLRegisterNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Annotated, MuxT, property}
import scala.math.min
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToAugmentedUInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqToAugmentedSeq
class GatewayPLICIO extends Bundle {
val valid = Output(Bool())
val ready = Input(Bool())
@@ -355,15 +360,14 @@ class PLICFanIn(nDevices: Int, prioBits: Int) extends Module {
/** Trait that will connect a PLIC to a subsystem */
trait CanHavePeripheryPLIC { this: BaseSubsystem =>
- val plicOpt = p(PLICKey).map { params =>
+ val (plicOpt, plicDomainOpt) = p(PLICKey).map { params =>
val tlbus = locateTLBusWrapper(p(PLICAttachKey).slaveWhere)
- val plicDomainWrapper = LazyModule(new ClockSinkDomain(take = None))
- plicDomainWrapper.clockNode := tlbus.fixedClockNode
+ val plicDomainWrapper = tlbus.generateSynchronousDomain("PLIC").suggestName("plic_domain")
val plic = plicDomainWrapper { LazyModule(new TLPLIC(params, tlbus.beatBytes)) }
- plic.node := tlbus.coupleTo("plic") { TLFragmenter(tlbus) := _ }
- plic.intnode :=* ibus.toPLIC
+ plicDomainWrapper { plic.node := tlbus.coupleTo("plic") { TLFragmenter(tlbus, Some("PLIC")) := _ } }
+ plicDomainWrapper { plic.intnode :=* ibus.toPLIC }
- plic
- }
+ (plic, plicDomainWrapper)
+ }.unzip
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/TestRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/TestRAM.scala
index 9fcb9a02d12..368c176a9ee 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/TestRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/TestRAM.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{MemoryDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLDelayer, TLFuzzer, TLManagerNode, TLMessages, TLRAMModel, TLSlaveParameters, TLSlavePortParameters}
// Do not use this for synthesis! Only for simulation.
class TLTestRAM(address: AddressSet, executable: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4, trackCorruption: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Zero.scala b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Zero.scala
index 2d542b99b86..0e248479f70 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Zero.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/devices/tilelink/Zero.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLMessages
/** This /dev/null device accepts single beat gets/puts, as well as atomics.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/AddressRange.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/AddressRange.scala
index c6d55766932..0235d393a50 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/AddressRange.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/AddressRange.scala
@@ -60,21 +60,3 @@ object AddressRange
def subtract(from: Seq[AddressRange], take: Seq[AddressRange]): Seq[AddressRange] =
take.foldLeft(from) { case (left, r) => left.flatMap { _.subtract(r) } }
-case class AddressMapEntry(range: AddressRange, permissions: ResourcePermissions, names: Seq[String]) {
- val ResourcePermissions(r, w, x, c, a) = permissions
- def toString(aw: Int) = s"\t%${aw}x - %${aw}x %c%c%c%c%c %s".format(
- range.base,
- range.base+range.size,
- if (a) 'A' else ' ',
- if (r) 'R' else ' ',
- if (w) 'W' else ' ',
- if (x) 'X' else ' ',
- if (c) 'C' else ' ',
- names.mkString(", "))
- def toJSON = s"""{"base":[${range.base}],"size":[${range.size}],""" +
- s""""r":[$r],"w":[$w],"x":[$x],"c":[$c],"a":[$a],""" +
- s""""names":[${names.map('"'+_+'"').mkString(",")}]}"""
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/BundleBridge.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/BundleBridge.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2eef8ba75..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/BundleBridge.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror
-import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror.internal.chiselTypeClone
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
-case class BundleBridgeParams[T <: Data](genOpt: Option[() => T])
-case object BundleBridgeParams {
- def apply[T <: Data](gen: () => T): BundleBridgeParams[T] = BundleBridgeParams(Some(gen))
-case class BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T <: Data](source: BundleBridgeParams[T], sink: BundleBridgeParams[T])
-class BundleBridgeImp[T <: Data]() extends SimpleNodeImp[BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T], T]
- def edge(pd: BundleBridgeParams[T], pu: BundleBridgeParams[T], p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = BundleBridgeEdgeParams(pd, pu)
- def bundle(e: BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T]): T = {
- val sourceOpt = e.source.genOpt.map(_())
- val sinkOpt = e.sink.genOpt.map(_())
- (sourceOpt, sinkOpt) match {
- case (None, None) =>
- throw new Exception("BundleBridge needs source or sink to provide bundle generator function")
- case (Some(a), None) => chiselTypeClone(a)
- case (None, Some(b)) => chiselTypeClone(b)
- case (Some(a), Some(b)) => {
- require(DataMirror.checkTypeEquivalence(a, b),
- s"BundleBridge requires doubly-specified source and sink generators to have equivalent Chisel Data types, but got \n$a\n vs\n$b")
- chiselTypeClone(a)
- }
- }
- }
- def render(e: BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T]) = RenderedEdge(colour = "#cccc00" /* yellow */)
-case class BundleBridgeSink[T <: Data](genOpt: Option[() => T] = None)
- (implicit valName: ValName)
- extends SinkNode(new BundleBridgeImp[T])(Seq(BundleBridgeParams(genOpt)))
- def bundle: T = in(0)._1
- private def inferOutput = bundle.getElements.forall { elt =>
- DataMirror.directionOf(elt) == ActualDirection.Unspecified
- }
- def makeIO()(implicit valName: ValName): T = {
- val io: T = IO(if (inferOutput) Output(chiselTypeOf(bundle)) else chiselTypeClone(bundle))
- io.suggestName(valName.name)
- io <> bundle
- io
- }
- def makeIO(name: String): T = makeIO()(ValName(name))
-object BundleBridgeSink {
- def apply[T <: Data]()(implicit valName: ValName): BundleBridgeSink[T] = {
- BundleBridgeSink(None)
- }
-case class BundleBridgeSource[T <: Data](genOpt: Option[() => T] = None)(implicit valName: ValName) extends SourceNode(new BundleBridgeImp[T])(Seq(BundleBridgeParams(genOpt)))
- def bundle: T = out(0)._1
- private def inferInput = bundle.getElements.forall { elt =>
- DataMirror.directionOf(elt) == ActualDirection.Unspecified
- }
- def makeIO()(implicit valName: ValName): T = {
- val io: T = IO(if (inferInput) Input(chiselTypeOf(bundle)) else Flipped(chiselTypeClone(bundle)))
- io.suggestName(valName.name)
- bundle <> io
- io
- }
- def makeIO(name: String): T = makeIO()(ValName(name))
- private var doneSink = false
- def makeSink()(implicit p: Parameters) = {
- require (!doneSink, "Can only call makeSink() once")
- doneSink = true
- val sink = BundleBridgeSink[T]()
- sink := this
- sink
- }
-object BundleBridgeSource {
- def apply[T <: Data]()(implicit valName: ValName): BundleBridgeSource[T] = {
- BundleBridgeSource(None)
- }
- def apply[T <: Data](gen: () => T)(implicit valName: ValName): BundleBridgeSource[T] = {
- BundleBridgeSource(Some(gen))
- }
-case class BundleBridgeIdentityNode[T <: Data]()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(new BundleBridgeImp[T])()
-case class BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[T <: Data]()(implicit valName: ValName) extends EphemeralNode(new BundleBridgeImp[T])()
-object BundleBridgeNameNode {
- def apply[T <: Data](name: String) = BundleBridgeIdentityNode[T]()(ValName(name))
-case class BundleBridgeNexusNode[T <: Data](default: Option[() => T] = None,
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = false) // when false, connecting a source does not mandate connecting a sink
- (implicit valName: ValName)
- extends NexusNode(new BundleBridgeImp[T])(
- dFn = seq => seq.headOption.getOrElse(BundleBridgeParams(default)),
- uFn = seq => seq.headOption.getOrElse(BundleBridgeParams(None)),
- inputRequiresOutput = inputRequiresOutput,
- outputRequiresInput = !default.isDefined)
-class BundleBridgeNexus[T <: Data](
- inputFn: Seq[T] => T,
- outputFn: (T, Int) => Seq[T],
- default: Option[() => T] = None,
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = false,
- override val shouldBeInlined: Boolean = true
-) (implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- val node = BundleBridgeNexusNode[T](default, inputRequiresOutput)
- lazy val module = new Impl
- class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
- val defaultWireOpt = default.map(_())
- val inputs: Seq[T] = node.in.map(_._1)
- inputs.foreach { i => require(DataMirror.checkTypeEquivalence(i, inputs.head),
- s"${node.context} requires all inputs have equivalent Chisel Data types, but got\n$i\nvs\n${inputs.head}")
- }
- inputs.flatMap(_.getElements).foreach { elt => DataMirror.directionOf(elt) match {
- case ActualDirection.Output => ()
- case ActualDirection.Unspecified => ()
- case _ => require(false, s"${node.context} can only be used with Output-directed Bundles")
- } }
- val outputs: Seq[T] = if (node.out.size > 0) {
- val broadcast: T = if (inputs.size >= 1) inputFn(inputs) else defaultWireOpt.get
- outputFn(broadcast, node.out.size)
- } else { Nil }
- node.out.map(_._1).foreach { o => require(DataMirror.checkTypeEquivalence(o, outputs.head),
- s"${node.context} requires all outputs have equivalent Chisel Data types, but got\n$o\nvs\n${outputs.head}")
- }
- require(outputs.size == node.out.size,
- s"${node.context} outputFn must generate one output wire per edgeOut, but got ${outputs.size} vs ${node.out.size}")
- node.out.zip(outputs).foreach { case ((out, _), bcast) => out := bcast }
- }
-object BundleBridgeNexus {
- def safeRegNext[T <: Data](x: T): T = {
- val reg = Reg(chiselTypeOf(x))
- reg := x
- reg
- }
- def requireOne[T <: Data](registered: Boolean)(seq: Seq[T]): T = {
- require(seq.size == 1, "BundleBroadcast default requires one input")
- if (registered) safeRegNext(seq.head) else seq.head
- }
- def orReduction[T <: Data](registered: Boolean)(seq: Seq[T]): T = {
- val x = seq.reduce((a,b) => (a.asUInt | b.asUInt).asTypeOf(seq.head))
- if (registered) safeRegNext(x) else x
- }
- def fillN[T <: Data](registered: Boolean)(x: T, n: Int): Seq[T] = Seq.fill(n) {
- if (registered) safeRegNext(x) else x
- }
- def apply[T <: Data](
- inputFn: Seq[T] => T = orReduction[T](false) _,
- outputFn: (T, Int) => Seq[T] = fillN[T](false) _,
- default: Option[() => T] = None,
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = false,
- shouldBeInlined: Boolean = true
- )(implicit p: Parameters): BundleBridgeNexusNode[T] = {
- val nexus = LazyModule(new BundleBridgeNexus[T](inputFn, outputFn, default, inputRequiresOutput, shouldBeInlined))
- nexus.node
- }
-object BundleBroadcast {
- def apply[T <: Data](
- name: Option[String] = None,
- registered: Boolean = false,
- default: Option[() => T] = None,
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = false, // when false, connecting a source does not mandate connecting a sink
- shouldBeInlined: Boolean = true
- )(implicit p: Parameters): BundleBridgeNexusNode[T] = {
- val broadcast = LazyModule(new BundleBridgeNexus[T](
- inputFn = BundleBridgeNexus.requireOne[T](registered) _,
- outputFn = BundleBridgeNexus.fillN[T](registered) _,
- default = default,
- inputRequiresOutput = inputRequiresOutput,
- shouldBeInlined = shouldBeInlined))
- name.foreach(broadcast.suggestName(_))
- broadcast.node
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Clone.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Clone.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0b9209d65..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Clone.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.experimental.{CloneModuleAsRecord, SourceInfo}
-final class CloneLazyModule private (val base: LazyModule)
- // Pay special attention to the .iParams and .oParams of the node, which
- // indicate the parameters a stand-in master must supply.
- def clone[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](node: NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO])(implicit valName: ValName) =
- new MixedTestNode(node, this)
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val io = CloneModuleAsRecord(base.module)
-object CloneLazyModule
- /** The old API **/
- def apply(base: LazyModule) = new CloneLazyModule(base)
- /** Constructs a [[LazyModule]], but replaces its [[LazyModuleImp]] with a cloned [[LazyModuleImp]]
- * from another source. The user of [[CloneLazyModule]] must be careful to guarantee that
- * bc and cloneProto have equivalent [[LazyModuleImp]]'s.
- *
- * @param bc [[LazyModule]] instance to wrap, this instance will not evaluate its own [[LazyModuleImp]]
- * @param cloneProto [[LazyModule]] instance which will provide the [[LazyModuleImp]] implementation for bc
- */
- def apply[A <: LazyModule, B <: LazyModule](bc: A, cloneProto: B)(implicit valName: ValName, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): A = {
- require(LazyModule.scope.isDefined, s"CloneLazyModule ${bc.name} ${sourceLine(sourceInfo)} can only exist as the child of a parent LazyModule")
- LazyModule(bc)
- bc.cloneProto = Some(cloneProto)
- bc
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/LazyModule.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/LazyModule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ba124664f6e..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/LazyModule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.{Module, RawModule, Reset, withClockAndReset}
-import chisel3.experimental.{ChiselAnnotation, CloneModuleAsRecord, SourceInfo, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
-import firrtl.passes.InlineAnnotation
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import scala.collection.immutable.{SeqMap, SortedMap}
-import scala.util.matching._
-/** While the [[freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy]] package allows fairly abstract parameter negotiation while constructing a DAG,
- * [[LazyModule]] builds on top of the DAG annotated with the negotiated parameters and leverage's Scala's lazy evaluation property to split Chisel module generation into two phases:
- *
- * - Phase 1 (diplomatic) states parameters, hierarchy, and connections:
- * - [[LazyModule]] and [[BaseNode]] instantiation.
- * - [[BaseNode]] binding.
- * - Phase 2 (lazy) generates [[chisel3]] Modules:
- * - Parameters are negotiated across [[BaseNode]]s.
- * - Concrete [[Bundle]]s are created along [[BaseNode]]s and connected
- * - [[AutoBundle]] are automatically connected along [[Edges]], punching IO as necessary though module hierarchy
- * - [[LazyModuleImpLike]] generates [[chisel3.Module]]s.
- */
-abstract class LazyModule()(implicit val p: Parameters) {
- /** Contains sub-[[LazyModule]]s; can be accessed by [[getChildren]]. */
- protected[diplomacy] var children: List[LazyModule] = List[LazyModule]()
- /** Contains the [[BaseNode]]s instantiated within this instance. */
- protected[diplomacy] var nodes: List[BaseNode] = List[BaseNode]()
- /** Stores [[SourceInfo]] of this instance.
- *
- * The companion object factory method will set this to the correct value.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] var info: SourceInfo = UnlocatableSourceInfo
- /** Parent of this LazyModule. If this instance is at the top of the hierarchy, this will be [[None]]. */
- protected[diplomacy] val parent: Option[LazyModule] = LazyModule.scope
- /** If set, the LazyModule this LazyModule will be a clone of
- * Note that children of a cloned module will also have this set
- */
- protected[diplomacy] var cloneProto: Option[LazyModule] = None
- /** Code snippets from [[InModuleBody]] injection. */
- protected[diplomacy] var inModuleBody: List[() => Unit] = List[() => Unit]()
- /** Sequence of ancestor LazyModules, starting with [[parent]]. */
- def parents: Seq[LazyModule] = parent match {
- case None => Nil
- case Some(x) => x +: x.parents
- }
- // Push this instance onto the [[LazyModule.scope]] stack.
- LazyModule.scope = Some(this)
- parent.foreach(p => p.children = this :: p.children)
- /** Accumulates Some(names), taking the final one. `None`s are ignored. */
- private var suggestedNameVar: Option[String] = None
- /** Suggests instance name for [[LazyModuleImpLike]] module. */
- def suggestName(x: String): this.type = suggestName(Some(x))
- def suggestName(x: Option[String]): this.type = {
- x.foreach { n => suggestedNameVar = Some(n) }
- this
- }
- /** Finds the name of the first non-anonymous Scala class while walking up the class hierarchy. */
- private def findClassName(c: Class[_]): String = {
- val n = c.getName.split('.').last
- if (n.contains('$')) findClassName(c.getSuperclass) else n
- }
- /** Scala class name of this instance. */
- lazy val className: String = findClassName(getClass)
- /** Suggested instance name. Defaults to [[className]].*/
- lazy val suggestedName: String = suggestedNameVar.getOrElse(className)
- /** Suggested module name. Defaults to [[className]].*/
- lazy val desiredName: String = className // + hashcode?
- /** Return instance name. */
- def name: String = suggestedName // className + suggestedName ++ hashcode ?
- /** Return source line that defines this instance. */
- def line: String = sourceLine(info)
- // Accessing these names can only be done after circuit elaboration!
- /** Module name in verilog, used in GraphML.
- * For cloned lazyModules, this is the name of the prototype
- */
- lazy val moduleName: String = cloneProto.map(_.module.name).getOrElse(module.name)
- /** Hierarchical path of this instance, used in GraphML.
- * For cloned modules, construct this manually (since this.module should not be evaluated)
- */
- lazy val pathName: String = cloneProto.map(p => s"${parent.get.pathName}.${p.instanceName}")
- .getOrElse(module.pathName)
- /** Instance name in verilog. Should only be accessed after circuit elaboration. */
- lazy val instanceName: String = pathName.split('.').last
- /** [[chisel3]] hardware implementation of this [[LazyModule]].
- *
- * Subclasses should define this function as `lazy val`s for lazy evaluation.
- * Generally, the evaluation of this marks the beginning of phase 2.
- */
- def module: LazyModuleImpLike
- /** Recursively traverse all child LazyModules and Nodes of this LazyModule
- * to construct the set of empty [[Dangle]]'s that are this module's top-level IO
- * This is effectively doing the same thing as [[LazyModuleImp.instantiate]], but
- * without constructing any [[Module]]'s
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): List[Dangle] = {
- children.foreach(c => require(c.cloneProto.isDefined, s"${c.info}, ${c.parent.get.info}"))
- val childDangles = children.reverse.flatMap { c => c.cloneDangles() }
- val nodeDangles = nodes.reverse.flatMap(n => n.cloneDangles())
- val allDangles = nodeDangles ++ childDangles
- val pairing = SortedMap(allDangles.groupBy(_.source).toSeq: _*)
- val done = Set() ++ pairing.values.filter(_.size == 2).map {
- case Seq(a, b) =>
- require(a.flipped != b.flipped)
- a.source
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- val forward = allDangles.filter(d => !done(d.source))
- val dangles = forward.map { d =>
- d.copy(name = suggestedName + "_" + d.name)
- }
- dangles
- }
- /** Whether to omit generating the GraphML for this [[LazyModule]].
- *
- * Recursively checks whether all [[BaseNode]]s and children [[LazyModule]]s should omit GraphML
- * generation.
- */
- def omitGraphML: Boolean = nodes.forall(_.omitGraphML) && children.forall(_.omitGraphML)
- /** Whether this [[LazyModule]]'s module should be marked for in-lining by FIRRTL.
- *
- * The default heuristic is to inline any parents whose children have been inlined
- * and whose nodes all produce identity circuits.
- */
- def shouldBeInlined: Boolean = nodes.forall(_.circuitIdentity) && children.forall(_.shouldBeInlined)
- /** GraphML representation for this instance.
- *
- * This is a representation of the Nodes, Edges, LazyModule hierarchy,
- * and any other information that is added in by implementations.
- * It can be converted to an image with various third-party tools.
- */
- lazy val graphML: String = parent.map(_.graphML).getOrElse {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- buf ++= "\n"
- buf ++= "\n"
- buf ++= " \n"
- buf ++= " \n"
- buf ++= " \n"
- buf ++= " \n"
- nodesGraphML(buf, " ")
- edgesGraphML(buf, " ")
- buf ++= " \n"
- buf ++= "\n"
- buf.toString
- }
- /** A globally unique [[LazyModule]] index for this instance. */
- private val index = {
- LazyModule.index = LazyModule.index + 1
- LazyModule.index
- }
- /** Generate GraphML fragment for nodes.
- *
- * @param buf String buffer to write to.
- * @param pad Padding as prefix for indentation purposes.
- */
- private def nodesGraphML(buf: StringBuilder, pad: String): Unit = {
- buf ++= s"""$pad\n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad $instanceName\n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad $moduleName ($pathName)\n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad \n"""
- nodes.filter(!_.omitGraphML).foreach { n =>
- buf ++= s"""$pad \n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad \n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad ${n.formatNode}, \n${n.nodedebugstring}\n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad \n"""
- }
- children.filter(!_.omitGraphML).foreach(_.nodesGraphML(buf, pad + " "))
- buf ++= s"""$pad \n"""
- buf ++= s"""$pad\n"""
- }
- /** Generate GraphML fragment for edges.
- *
- * @param buf String buffer to write to.
- * @param pad Padding as prefix for indentation purposes.
- */
- private def edgesGraphML(buf: StringBuilder, pad: String): Unit = {
- nodes.filter(!_.omitGraphML) foreach { n =>
- n.outputs.filter(!_._1.omitGraphML).foreach { case (o, edge) =>
- val RenderedEdge(colour, label, flipped) = edge
- buf ++= pad
- buf ++= """"
- } else {
- buf ++= s""" source=\"$index::${n.index}\""""
- buf ++= s""" target=\"${o.lazyModule.index}::${o.index}\">"""
- }
- buf ++= s""""""
- if (flipped) {
- buf ++= s""""""
- } else {
- buf ++= s""""""
- }
- buf ++= s""""""
- buf ++= s"""$label"""
- buf ++= s"""\n"""
- }
- }
- children.filter(!_.omitGraphML).foreach { c => c.edgesGraphML(buf, pad) }
- }
- /** Call function on all of this [[LazyModule]]'s [[children]].
- *
- * @param iterfunc Function to call on each descendant.
- */
- def childrenIterator(iterfunc: LazyModule => Unit): Unit = {
- iterfunc(this)
- children.foreach(_.childrenIterator(iterfunc))
- }
- /** Call function on all of this [[LazyModule]]'s [[nodes]].
- *
- * @param iterfunc Function to call on each descendant.
- */
- def nodeIterator(iterfunc: BaseNode => Unit): Unit = {
- nodes.foreach(iterfunc)
- childrenIterator(_.nodes.foreach(iterfunc))
- }
- /** Accessor for [[children]]. */
- def getChildren: List[LazyModule] = children
- /** Accessor for [[nodes]]. */
- def getNodes: List[BaseNode] = nodes
-object LazyModule {
- /** Current [[LazyModule]] scope. The scope is a stack of [[LazyModule]]/[[LazyScope]]s.
- *
- * Each call to [[LazyScope.apply]] or [[LazyModule.apply]] will push that item onto the current scope.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] var scope: Option[LazyModule] = None
- /** Global index of [[LazyModule]]. Note that there is no zeroth module. */
- private var index = 0
- /** Wraps a [[LazyModule]], handling bookkeeping of scopes.
- *
- * This method manages the scope and index of the [[LazyModule]]s. All [[LazyModule]]s must be
- * wrapped exactly once.
- *
- * @param bc [[LazyModule]] instance to be wrapped.
- * @param valName [[ValName]] used to name this instance,
- * it can be automatically generated by [[ValName]] macro, or specified manually.
- * @param sourceInfo [[SourceInfo]] information about where this [[LazyModule]] is being generated
- */
- def apply[T <: LazyModule](bc: T)(implicit valName: ValName, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): T = {
- // Make sure the user puts [[LazyModule]] around modules in the correct order.
- require(scope.isDefined, s"LazyModule() applied to ${bc.name} twice ${sourceLine(sourceInfo)}. Ensure that descendant LazyModules are instantiated with the LazyModule() wrapper and that you did not call LazyModule() twice.")
- require(scope.get eq bc, s"LazyModule() applied to ${bc.name} before ${scope.get.name} ${sourceLine(sourceInfo)}")
- // Pop from the [[LazyModule.scope]] stack.
- scope = bc.parent
- bc.info = sourceInfo
- if (bc.suggestedNameVar.isEmpty) bc.suggestName(valName.name)
- bc
- }
-/** Trait describing the actual [[Module]] implementation wrapped by a [[LazyModule]].
- *
- * This is the actual Chisel module that is lazily-evaluated in the second phase of Diplomacy.
- */
-sealed trait LazyModuleImpLike extends RawModule {
- /** [[LazyModule]] that contains this instance. */
- val wrapper: LazyModule
- /** IOs that will be automatically "punched" for this instance. */
- val auto: AutoBundle
- /** The metadata that describes the [[HalfEdge]]s which generated [[auto]]. */
- protected[diplomacy] val dangles: Seq[Dangle]
- // [[wrapper.module]] had better not be accessed while LazyModules are still being built!
- require(LazyModule.scope.isEmpty, s"${wrapper.name}.module was constructed before LazyModule() was run on ${LazyModule.scope.get.name}")
- /** Set module name. Defaults to the containing LazyModule's desiredName.*/
- override def desiredName: String = wrapper.desiredName
- suggestName(wrapper.suggestedName)
- /** [[Parameters]] for chisel [[Module]]s. */
- implicit val p: Parameters = wrapper.p
- /** instantiate this [[LazyModule]],
- * return [[AutoBundle]] and a unconnected [[Dangle]]s from this module and submodules. */
- protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): (AutoBundle, List[Dangle]) = {
- // 1. It will recursively append [[wrapper.children]] into [[chisel3.internal.Builder]],
- // 2. return [[Dangle]]s from each module.
- val childDangles = wrapper.children.reverse.flatMap { c =>
- implicit val sourceInfo: SourceInfo = c.info
- c.cloneProto.map { cp =>
- // If the child is a clone, then recursively set cloneProto of its children as well
- def assignCloneProtos(bases: Seq[LazyModule], clones: Seq[LazyModule]): Unit = {
- require(bases.size == clones.size)
- (bases zip clones).map { case (l,r) =>
- require(l.getClass == r.getClass, s"Cloned children class mismatch ${l.name} != ${r.name}")
- l.cloneProto = Some(r)
- assignCloneProtos(l.children, r.children)
- }
- }
- assignCloneProtos(c.children, cp.children)
- // Clone the child module as a record, and get its [[AutoBundle]]
- val clone = CloneModuleAsRecord(cp.module).suggestName(c.suggestedName)
- val clonedAuto = clone("auto").asInstanceOf[AutoBundle]
- // Get the empty [[Dangle]]'s of the cloned child
- val rawDangles = c.cloneDangles()
- require(rawDangles.size == clonedAuto.elements.size)
- // Assign the [[AutoBundle]] fields of the cloned record to the empty [[Dangle]]'s
- val dangles = (rawDangles zip clonedAuto.elements).map { case (d, (_, io)) =>
- d.copy(dataOpt = Some(io))
- }
- dangles
- } .getOrElse {
- // For non-clones, instantiate the child module
- val mod = Module(c.module)
- mod.dangles
- }
- }
- // Ask each node in this [[LazyModule]] to call [[BaseNode.instantiate]].
- // This will result in a sequence of [[Dangle]] from these [[BaseNode]]s.
- val nodeDangles = wrapper.nodes.reverse.flatMap(_.instantiate())
- // Accumulate all the [[Dangle]]s from this node and any accumulated from its [[wrapper.children]]
- val allDangles = nodeDangles ++ childDangles
- // Group [[allDangles]] by their [[source]].
- val pairing = SortedMap(allDangles.groupBy(_.source).toSeq: _*)
- // For each [[source]] set of [[Dangle]]s of size 2, ensure that these
- // can be connected as a source-sink pair (have opposite flipped value).
- // Make the connection and mark them as [[done]].
- val done = Set() ++ pairing.values.filter(_.size == 2).map {
- case Seq(a, b) =>
- require(a.flipped != b.flipped)
- // @todo <> in chisel3 makes directionless connection.
- if (a.flipped) {
- a.data <> b.data
- } else {
- b.data <> a.data
- }
- a.source
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- // Find all [[Dangle]]s which are still not connected. These will end up as [[AutoBundle]] [[IO]] ports on the module.
- val forward = allDangles.filter(d => !done(d.source))
- // Generate [[AutoBundle]] IO from [[forward]].
- val auto = IO(new AutoBundle(forward.map { d => (d.name, d.data, d.flipped) }: _*))
- // Pass the [[Dangle]]s which remained and were used to generate the [[AutoBundle]] I/O ports up to the [[parent]] [[LazyModule]]
- val dangles = (forward zip auto.elements) map { case (d, (_, io)) =>
- if (d.flipped) {
- d.data <> io
- } else {
- io <> d.data
- }
- d.copy(dataOpt = Some(io), name = wrapper.suggestedName + "_" + d.name)
- }
- // Push all [[LazyModule.inModuleBody]] to [[chisel3.internal.Builder]].
- wrapper.inModuleBody.reverse.foreach {
- _ ()
- }
- if (wrapper.shouldBeInlined) {
- chisel3.experimental.annotate(new ChiselAnnotation {
- def toFirrtl = InlineAnnotation(toNamed)
- })
- }
- // Return [[IO]] and [[Dangle]] of this [[LazyModuleImp]].
- (auto, dangles)
- }
-/** Actual description of a [[Module]] which can be instantiated by a call to [[LazyModule.module]].
- *
- * @param wrapper the [[LazyModule]] from which the `.module` call is being made.
- */
-class LazyModuleImp(val wrapper: LazyModule) extends Module with LazyModuleImpLike {
- /** Instantiate hardware of this `Module`. */
- val (auto, dangles) = instantiate()
-/** Actual description of a [[RawModule]] which can be instantiated by a call to [[LazyModule.module]].
- *
- * @param wrapper the [[LazyModule]] from which the `.module` call is being made.
- */
-class LazyRawModuleImp(val wrapper: LazyModule) extends RawModule with LazyModuleImpLike {
- // These wires are the default clock+reset for all LazyModule children.
- // It is recommended to drive these even if you manually drive the [[clock]] and [[reset]] of all of the
- // [[LazyRawModuleImp]] children.
- // Otherwise, anonymous children ([[Monitor]]s for example) will not have their [[clock]] and/or [[reset]] driven properly.
- /** drive clock explicitly. */
- val childClock: Clock = Wire(Clock())
- /** drive reset explicitly. */
- val childReset: Reset = Wire(Reset())
- // the default is that these are disabled
- childClock := false.B.asClock
- childReset := chisel3.DontCare
- val (auto, dangles) = withClockAndReset(childClock, childReset) {
- instantiate()
- }
-/** Used for a [[LazyModule]] which does not need to define any [[LazyModuleImp]] implementation.
- *
- * It can be used as wrapper that only instantiates and connects [[LazyModule]]s.
- */
-class SimpleLazyModule(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
- lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this)
-/** Allows dynamic creation of [[Module]] hierarchy and "shoving" logic into a [[LazyModule]]. */
-trait LazyScope {
- this: LazyModule =>
- override def toString: String = s"LazyScope named $name"
- /** Evaluate `body` in the current [[LazyModule.scope]] */
- def apply[T](body: => T): T = {
- // Preserve the previous value of the [[LazyModule.scope]], because when calling [[apply]] function,
- // [[LazyModule.scope]] will be altered.
- val saved = LazyModule.scope
- // [[LazyModule.scope]] stack push.
- LazyModule.scope = Some(this)
- // Evaluate [[body]] in the current `scope`, saving the result to [[out]].
- val out = body
- // Check that the `scope` after evaluating `body` is the same as when we started.
- require(LazyModule.scope.isDefined, s"LazyScope $name tried to exit, but scope was empty!")
- require(LazyModule.scope.get eq this, s"LazyScope $name exited before LazyModule ${LazyModule.scope.get.name} was closed")
- // [[LazyModule.scope]] stack pop.
- LazyModule.scope = saved
- out
- }
-/** Used to automatically create a level of module hierarchy (a [[SimpleLazyModule]]) within which [[LazyModule]]s can be instantiated and connected.
- *
- * It will instantiate a [[SimpleLazyModule]] to manage evaluation of `body` and evaluate `body` code snippets in this scope.
- */
-object LazyScope {
- /** Create a [[LazyScope]] with an implicit instance name.
- *
- * @param body code executed within the generated [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- * @param valName instance name of generated [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- * @param p [[Parameters]] propagated to [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- */
- def apply[T](body: => T)(implicit valName: ValName, p: Parameters): T = {
- apply(valName.name, "SimpleLazyModule", None)(body)(p)
- }
- /** Create a [[LazyScope]] with an explicitly defined instance name.
- *
- * @param name instance name of generated [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- * @param body code executed within the generated `SimpleLazyModule`
- * @param p [[Parameters]] propagated to [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- */
- def apply[T](name: String)(body: => T)(implicit p: Parameters): T = {
- apply(name, "SimpleLazyModule", None)(body)(p)
- }
- /** Create a [[LazyScope]] with an explicit instance and class name, and control inlining.
- *
- * @param name instance name of generated [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- * @param desiredModuleName class name of generated [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- * @param overrideInlining tell FIRRTL that this [[SimpleLazyModule]]'s module should be inlined.
- * @param body code executed within the generated `SimpleLazyModule`
- * @param p [[Parameters]] propagated to [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- */
- def apply[T](
- name: String,
- desiredModuleName: String,
- overrideInlining: Option[Boolean] = None)
- (body: => T)
- (implicit p: Parameters): T =
- {
- val scope = LazyModule(new SimpleLazyModule with LazyScope {
- override lazy val desiredName = desiredModuleName
- override def shouldBeInlined = overrideInlining.getOrElse(super.shouldBeInlined)
- }).suggestName(name)
- scope {
- body
- }
- }
- /** Create a [[LazyScope]] to temporarily group children for some reason, but tell Firrtl to inline it.
- *
- * For example, we might want to control a set of children's clocks but then not keep the parent wrapper.
- *
- * @param body code executed within the generated `SimpleLazyModule`
- * @param p [[Parameters]] propagated to [[SimpleLazyModule]].
- */
- def inline[T](body: => T)(implicit p: Parameters): T = {
- apply("noname", "ShouldBeInlined", Some(false))(body)(p)
- }
-/** One side metadata of a [[Dangle]].
- *
- * Describes one side of an edge going into or out of a [[BaseNode]].
- *
- * @param serial the global [[BaseNode.serial]] number of the [[BaseNode]] that this [[HalfEdge]] connects to.
- * @param index the `index` in the [[BaseNode]]'s input or output port list that this [[HalfEdge]] belongs to.
- */
-case class HalfEdge(serial: Int, index: Int) extends Ordered[HalfEdge] {
- import scala.math.Ordered.orderingToOrdered
- def compare(that: HalfEdge): Int = HalfEdge.unapply(this) compare HalfEdge.unapply(that)
-/** [[Dangle]] captures the `IO` information of a [[LazyModule]] and which two [[BaseNode]]s the [[Edges]]/[[Bundle]] connects.
- *
- * [[Dangle]]s are generated by [[BaseNode.instantiate]]
- * using [[MixedNode.danglesOut]] and [[MixedNode.danglesIn]] ,
- * [[LazyModuleImp.instantiate]] connects those that go to internal or explicit IO connections
- * in a [[LazyModule]].
- *
- * @param source the source [[HalfEdge]] of this [[Dangle]], which captures the source [[BaseNode]] and the port `index` within that [[BaseNode]].
- * @param sink sink [[HalfEdge]] of this [[Dangle]], which captures the sink [[BaseNode]] and the port `index` within that [[BaseNode]].
- * @param flipped flip or not in [[AutoBundle.makeElements]]. If true this corresponds to `danglesOut`, if false it corresponds to `danglesIn`.
- * @param dataOpt actual [[Data]] for the hardware connection. Can be empty if this belongs to a cloned module
- */
-case class Dangle(source: HalfEdge, sink: HalfEdge, flipped: Boolean, name: String, dataOpt: Option[Data]) {
- def data = dataOpt.get
-/** [[AutoBundle]] will construct the [[Bundle]]s for a [[LazyModule]] in [[LazyModuleImpLike.instantiate]],
- *
- * @param elts is a sequence of data containing for each IO port a tuple of (name, data, flipped), where
- * name: IO name
- * data: actual data for connection.
- * flipped: flip or not in [[makeElements]]
- */
-final class AutoBundle(elts: (String, Data, Boolean)*) extends Record {
- // We need to preserve the order of elts, despite grouping by name to disambiguate things.
- val elements: SeqMap[String, Data] = SeqMap() ++ elts.zipWithIndex.map(makeElements).groupBy(_._1).values.flatMap {
- // If name is unique, it will return a Seq[index -> (name -> data)].
- case Seq((key, element, i)) => Seq(i -> (key -> element))
- // If name is not unique, name will append with j, and return `Seq[index -> (s"${name}_${j}" -> data)]`.
- case seq => seq.zipWithIndex.map { case ((key, element, i), j) => i -> (key + "_" + j -> element) }
- }.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2)
- require(elements.size == elts.size)
- // Trim final "(_[0-9]+)*$" in the name, flip data with flipped.
- private def makeElements(tuple: ((String, Data, Boolean), Int)) = {
- val ((key, data, flip), i) = tuple
- // Trim trailing _0_1_2 stuff so that when we append _# we don't create collisions.
- val regex = new Regex("(_[0-9]+)*$")
- val element = if (flip) Flipped(data.cloneType) else data.cloneType
- (regex.replaceAllIn(key, ""), element, i)
- }
-trait ModuleValue[T] {
- def getWrappedValue: T
-/** Used to inject code snippets to be evaluated in [[LazyModuleImp.instantiate]] in the current [[LazyModule.scope]].
- *
- * It can be used to create additional hardware outside of the [[LazyModule.children]],
- * connections other than the internal [[BaseNode]] connections,
- * or additional IOs aside from the [[AutoBundle]]
- */
-object InModuleBody {
- def apply[T](body: => T): ModuleValue[T] = {
- require(LazyModule.scope.isDefined, s"InModuleBody invoked outside a LazyModule")
- val scope = LazyModule.scope.get
- // a wrapper to [[body]], being able to extract result after `execute`.
- val out = new ModuleValue[T] {
- var result: Option[T] = None
- def execute(): Unit = {
- result = Some(body)
- }
- def getWrappedValue: T = {
- require(result.isDefined, s"InModuleBody contents were requested before module was evaluated!")
- result.get
- }
- }
- // Prepend [[out.execute]] to [[scope.inModuleBody]],
- // it is a val with type of `() => Unit`, which will be executed in [[LazyModuleImp.instantiate]].
- scope.inModuleBody = out.execute _ +: scope.inModuleBody
- out
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Nodes.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d3b7e92ad..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Nodes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1800 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.HeterogeneousBag
-import scala.collection.immutable
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-/** A field available in [[Parameters]] used to determine whether [[InwardNodeImp.monitor]] will be called. */
-case object MonitorsEnabled extends Field[Boolean](true)
-/** When rendering the edge in a graphical format, flip the order in which the edges' source and sink are presented.
- *
- * For example, when rendering graphML, yEd by default tries to put the source node vertically above the sink node, but
- * [[RenderFlipped]] inverts this relationship. When a particular [[LazyModule]] contains both source nodes and sink nodes,
- * flipping the rendering of one node's edge will usual produce a more concise visual layout for the [[LazyModule]].
- */
-case object RenderFlipped extends Field[Boolean](false)
-/** [[RenderedEdge]] can set the color and label of the visualization of the DAG. */
-case class RenderedEdge(
- colour: String,
- label: String = "",
- flipped: Boolean = false)
-/** [[InwardNodeImp]] defines the types that describe the inward side of the [[BaseNode]].
- *
- * @tparam DI The type of the downward-flowing parameters received on the inner side of the node.
- * @tparam UI The type of the upward-flowing parameters generated by the inner side of the node.
- * @tparam EI The type of the diplomatically-resolved parameters for an Edge connected to the inner side of the node.
- * @tparam BI The type of the [[chisel3.Data]] (usually a [[chisel3.Bundle]]) used when connecting to the inner side of the node,
- * corresponding to the real hardware interface that is emitted along the graph edge,
- * generally parameterized by the [[EI]] type.
- */
-trait InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data]
- /** Creates the inward edge parameters by combining the downward-flowing and upward-flowing parameters for edges
- * that connect to the inward side of this [[BaseNode]].
- *
- * It is left up to a user defining a particular protocol implementation to decide how the parameters flowing through
- * the graph in both directions on this Edge are combined into a single representation.
- *
- * @param pd The downward-flowing parameters into the node along the edge.
- * @param pu The upward-flowing parameters going out of the node along the edge.
- * @param p A view of [[Parameters]] at the point at which the returned edge is being bound.
- * @param sourceInfo [[SourceInfo]] of this edge.
- * @return An inward edge of this node.
- */
- def edgeI(pd: DI, pu: UI, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): EI
- /** Create an inward bundle parameterized by the inward edge.
- *
- * @param ei Inward edge of this node.
- * @return An outward Bundle of this node parameterized by the negotiated Edge parameters.
- */
- def bundleI(ei: EI): BI
- /** Defines how input parameters can be "mixed" or negotiated together.
- *
- * The default behavior is to just return `pu`.
- *
- * @param pu The upward-flowing parameters going out of the node along the edge.
- * @param node An inward node to "mix" the upward-flowing parameters into.
- * @return Altered version of the upward-flowing parameters.
- */
- def mixI(pu: UI, node: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]): UI = pu
- /** Function to generate and attach a monitor for this node input.
- *
- * @param bundle Inward bundle of this node to attach the monitor to.
- * @param edge Edge of this node used to parameterize the bundle.
- */
- def monitor(bundle: BI, edge: EI): Unit = {}
- /** Define how the edge should be rendered (e.g. in GraphML).
- *
- * @param e Edge to render.
- * @return [[RenderedEdge]] description of how the edge should be generated.
- */
- def render(e: EI): RenderedEdge
-/** [[OutwardNodeImp]] defines the types that describe the outwards side of the [[BaseNode]].
- *
- * @tparam DO The type of the downward-flowing parameters generated by the outer side of the node
- * @tparam UO Tye type of the upward-flowing parameters received by the outer side of the node
- * @tparam EO The type of the diplomatically-resolved parameters for an Edge connected to the outer side of the node.
- * @tparam BO The type of the [[chisel3.Data]] (usually a [[chisel3.Bundle]]) used when connecting to the outer side of the node,
- * corresponding to the real hardware interface that is emitted along the graph edge,
- * generally parameterized by the [[EO]] type.
- */
-trait OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]
- /** Creates the outward edge parameters by combining the downward-flowing and upward-flowing parameters for edges
- * that connect to the outward side of this [[BaseNode]].
- *
- * It is left up to a user defining a particular protocol implementation to decide how the parameters flowing through
- * the graph in both directions on this Edge are combined into a single representation.
- *
- * @param pd The downward-flowing parameters going out of the node along the edge.
- * @param pu The upward-flowing parameters into the node along the edge.
- * @param p A view of [[Parameters]] at the point at which the returned edge is being bound.
- * @param sourceInfo [[SourceInfo]] of this edge.
- * @return An outward edge of this node.
- */
- def edgeO(pd: DO, pu: UO, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): EO
- /** Create an outward Bundle parameterized by the outward edge.
- *
- * @param eo Outward Edge of this node.
- * @return An outward Bundle of this node parameterized by the negotiated Edge parameters.
- */
- def bundleO(eo: EO): BO
- /** Defines how outward parameters can be "mixed" or negotiated together.
- *
- * The default behavior is to just return `pd`.
- *
- * @param pd The downward-flowing parameters into the node along the edge.
- * @param node An outward node to "mix" the downward-flowing parameters into.
- * @return Altered version of the downward-flowing parameters.
- */
- def mixO(pd: DO, node: OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]): DO = pd
-/** The [[NodeImp]] combines an [[InwardNodeImp]] and an [[OutwardNodeImp]].
- *
- * This allows it to define whether it is a protocol-modifying (bridging) sort of node,
- * or whether it is an adapter type node that just modifies the parameters within a protocol.
- *
- * This class has no members and is solely used for holding type information.
- * Applications of diplomacy should extend [[NodeImp]] with a case object that sets concrete type arguments.
- *
- * @tparam D Type of the downward-flowing parameters of the node.
- * @tparam U Type of upward-flowing parameters of the node.
- * @tparam EO Type of the parameters describing an edge on the outer side of the node.
- * @tparam EI Type of the parameters describing an edge on the inner side of the node.
- * @tparam B Bundle type generated on edges connecting to this node.
- */
-abstract class NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] extends Object
- with InwardNodeImp[D, U, EI, B]
- with OutwardNodeImp[D, U, EO, B]
-/** A [[NodeImp]] where the inward and outward edge parameters are of the same type.
- *
- * If, in a given protocol implementation, the parameters visible to the node on the inward side of an edge are
- * the same as the parameters visible to the node on the outward side of an edge,
- * [[SimpleNodeImp]] can be used instead of [[NodeImp]].
- *
- * @tparam D Type of the downward-flowing parameters of the node.
- * @tparam U Type of the upward-flowing parameters of the node.
- * @tparam E Edge Parameters describing the connections on either side of the node.
- * @tparam B Bundle type generated on edges connecting to this node.
- */
-abstract class SimpleNodeImp[D, U, E, B <: Data]
- extends NodeImp[D, U, E, E, B] {
- /** Creates the edge parameters by combining the downward-flowing and upward-flowing parameters for edges that connect to this node.
- *
- * It is left up to a user defining a particular protocol implementation to decide how the parameters flowing through the graph in
- * both directions are combined into a single representation on an Edge.
- *
- * @param pd The downward-flowing parameters into the node along the edge.
- * @param pu The upward-flowing parameters going out of the node along the edge.
- * @param p [[Parameters]]s which can be used during negotiation.
- * @param sourceInfo [[SourceInfo]] of this edge.
- * @return Negotiated edge parameters.
- */
- def edge(pd: D, pu: U, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): E
- def edgeO(pd: D, pu: U, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): E = edge(pd, pu, p, sourceInfo)
- def edgeI(pd: D, pu: U, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): E = edge(pd, pu, p, sourceInfo)
- /** Generate the Bundle from the negotiated Edge parameters.
- *
- * @param e the negotiated Edge parameters
- * @return the corresponding Bundle of this node
- */
- def bundle(e: E): B
- def bundleO(e: E): B = bundle(e)
- def bundleI(e: E): B = bundle(e)
-/** [[BaseNode]] is the abstract base class of the type hierarchy of diplomacy node classes.
- *
- * @param valName [[ValName]] of this node, used by naming inference.
- */
-abstract class BaseNode(implicit val valName: ValName) {
- /** All subclasses of [[BaseNode]]s are expected to be instantiated only within [[LazyModule]]s.
- *
- * Sometimes one wants to view the entire diplomacy graph in a way
- * where you do not care about the specific types of the edges.
- * [[BaseNode]]s are type-erased and provide this view.
- *
- * @return The [[LazyModule]] which contains this Node.
- */
- val scope: Option[LazyModule] = LazyModule.scope
- /** @return The index for this node in the containing [[LazyModule]]/[[LazyScope]]'s list of [[BaseNode]]s */
- val index: Int = scope.map(_.nodes.size).getOrElse(0)
- /** @return The [[LazyModule]] which contains this [[BaseNode]] */
- def lazyModule: LazyModule = scope.get
- // Prepend this node to the current [[LazyModule]]'s list of nodes
- scope.foreach { lm => lm.nodes = this :: lm.nodes }
- /** @return The serial number for this node in the global list of [[BaseNode]]s. */
- val serial: Int = BaseNode.serial
- BaseNode.serial = BaseNode.serial + 1
- /** Instantiate this node.
- *
- * This happens after all nodes connections have been made and we are ready to perform parameter negotiation.
- * This also determines which connections need to leave this node's LazyScope and cross hierarchical boundaries.
- * That information is captured in [[Dangle]]s which are returned from this function.
- *
- * @return A sequence of [[Dangle]]s from this node that leave this [[BaseNode]]'s [[LazyScope]].
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle]
- /** Determine the [[Dangle]]'s for connections without instantiating the node, or any child nodes
- *
- * @return A sequence of [[Dangle]]s from this node that leave this [[BaseNode]]'s [[LazyScope]].
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): Seq[Dangle]
- /** @return name of this node. */
- def name: String = scope.map(_.name).getOrElse("TOP") + "." + valName.name
- /** Determines whether or not this node will be excluded from the graph visualization.
- *
- * By default, if this node has neither inputs nor outputs it will be excluded.
- */
- def omitGraphML: Boolean = outputs.isEmpty && inputs.isEmpty
- /** Debug string of this node, used in [[LazyModule.graphML]]. */
- lazy val nodedebugstring: String = ""
- /** Mark whether this node represents a circuit "identity" that outputs its inputs unchanged.
- *
- * This information may be used to elide monitors or inline the parent module.
- */
- def circuitIdentity: Boolean = false
- /** @return A sequence of [[LazyModule]] up to and including Top. */
- def parents: Seq[LazyModule] = scope.map(lm => lm +: lm.parents).getOrElse(Nil)
- /** @return The context string for debug. */
- def context: String = {
- s"""$description $name node:
- |parents: ${parents.map(_.name).mkString("/")}
- |locator: ${scope.map(_.line).getOrElse("")}
- |""".stripMargin
- }
- /** Determines the name to be used in elements of auto-punched bundles.
- *
- * It takes the name of the node as determined from [[valName]],
- * converts camel case into snake case, and strips "Node" or "NodeOpt" suffixes.
- */
- def wirePrefix: String = {
- val camelCase = "([a-z])([A-Z])".r
- val decamel = camelCase.replaceAllIn(valName.name, _ match { case camelCase(l, h) => l + "_" + h })
- val name = decamel.toLowerCase.stripSuffix("_opt").stripSuffix("node").stripSuffix("_")
- if (name.isEmpty) "" else name + "_"
- }
- /** @return [[BaseNode]] description, which should be defined by subclasses and is generally expected to be a constant. */
- def description: String
- /** @return [[BaseNode]] instance description, which can be overridden with more detailed information about each node. */
- def formatNode: String = ""
- /** @return Metadata to visualize inward edges into this node. */
- def inputs: Seq[(BaseNode, RenderedEdge)]
- /** @return Metadata to visualize outward edges from this node. */
- def outputs: Seq[(BaseNode, RenderedEdge)]
- /** @return Whether this node can handle [[BIND_FLEX]] type connections on either side.
- *
- * For example, a node `b` will have [[flexibleArityDirection]] be `true` if both are legal:
- * `a :*=* b :*= c`, which resolves to `a :*= b :*= c`
- * or
- * `a :=* b :*=* c`, which resolves to `a :=* b :=* c`
- *
- * If this is `false`, the node can only support `:*=*` if it connects to a node with `flexibleArityDirection = true`
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def flexibleArityDirection: Boolean = false
- /** @return The sink cardinality.
- *
- * How many times is this node used as a sink.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val sinkCard: Int
- /** @return The source cardinality.
- *
- * How many times is this node used as a source.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val sourceCard: Int
- /** @return The "flex" cardinality.
- *
- * How many times is this node used in a way that could be either source or sink, depending on final
- * directional determination.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val flexes: Seq[BaseNode]
- /** Resolves the flex to be either source or sink.
- *
- * @return A value >= 0 if it is sink cardinality, a negative value for source cardinality. The magnitude of the value does not matter.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val flexOffset: Int
-/** Companion object for [[BaseNode]], which is only used to hold the the global serial number of all [[BaseNode]]s. */
-object BaseNode {
- protected[diplomacy] var serial = 0
-/** Trait that enables a string representation of an edge. */
-trait FormatEdge {
- def formatEdge: String
-/** Trait that enables iterating over a [[BaseNode]]'s edges to produce a formatted string representation.
- *
- * In practice this is generally GraphML metadata.
- */
-trait FormatNode[I <: FormatEdge, O <: FormatEdge] extends BaseNode {
- def edges: Edges[I,O]
- /** Format the edges of the [[BaseNode]] for emission (generally in GraphML). */
- override def formatNode = if (circuitIdentity) "" else {
- edges.out.map(currEdge =>
- "On Output Edge:\n\n" + currEdge.formatEdge).mkString +
- "\n---------------------------------------------\n\n" +
- edges.in.map(currEdge =>
- "On Input Edge:\n\n" + currEdge.formatEdge).mkString
- }
-/** A Handle with no explicitly defined binding functionality.
- *
- * A [[NoHandle]] is at the top of the Handle type hierarchy, but it does not define any binding operators,
- * so by itself a [[NoHandle]] cannot be used on either side of a bind operator.
- *
- * For example, a source node connected directly to a sink node produces a [[NoHandle]],
- * because there are no further bindings that could be applied to either side of the pair of nodes.
- *
- * The other Handle types extend this type and bestow actual binding semantics.
- * They can always be used wherever a [[NoHandle]] is expected because a [[NoHandle]]
- * doesn't provide any guaranteed behavior.
- *
- * Handle algebra:
- *
- * "x---x" [[NoHandle]]
- * "x---<" [[InwardNodeHandle]]
- * "<---x" [[OutwardNodeHandle]]
- * "<---<" (Full) [[NodeHandle]]
- *
- * "<" can be bound to (arrow points in the direction of binding).
- * "x" cannot be bound to.
- *
- * The left side is outer, the right side is inner.
- *
- * Two Handles can be bound if their adjacent ends are both "<".
- */
-trait NoHandle
-case object NoHandleObject extends NoHandle
-/** A Handle that can be used on either side of a bind operator. */
-trait NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]
- extends InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI] with OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] {
- /** Connects two full nodes handles => full node handle.
- *
- * <---< := <---< == <---<
- * This and that node are both [[BIND_ONCE]].
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def := [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NodeHandle(h, this) }
- /** Connects two full nodes handles => full node handle.
- *
- * <---< :*= <---< == <---<
- * [[BIND_STAR]] this node as sink, [[BIND_QUERY]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `InwardNode`, this node as `OutwardNode`.
- */
- override def :*= [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NodeHandle(h, this) }
- /** Connects two full nodes handles => full node handle.
- *
- * <---< :=* <---< == <---<
- * [[BIND_QUERY]] this node as sink, [[BIND_STAR]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `InwardNode`, this node as `OutwardNode`.
- */
- override def :=* [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NodeHandle(h, this) }
- /** Connects two full nodes handles => full node handle.
- *
- * <---< :*=* <---< == <---<
- * [[BIND_FLEX]] this node as sink, [[BIND_FLEX]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def :*=*[DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_FLEX); NodeHandle(h, this) }
- /** Connects a full node with an output node => an output handle.
- *
- * <---< := <---x == <---x
- * [[BIND_ONCE]] this node as sink, [[BIND_ONCE]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[OutwardNodeHandle]] with this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def := [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); this }
- /** Connects a full node with an output node => an output handle.
- *
- * <---< :*= <---x == <---x
- * [[BIND_STAR]] this node as sink, [[BIND_QUERY]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[OutwardNodeHandle]] with this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def :*= [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); this }
- /** Connects a full node with an output => an output.
- *
- * <---< :=* <---x == <---x
- * [[BIND_QUERY]] this node as sink, [[BIND_STAR]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[OutwardNodeHandle]] with this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def :=* [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); this }
- /** Connects a full node with an output => an output.
- *
- * <---< :*=* <---x == <---x
- * [[BIND_FLEX]] this node as sink, [[BIND_FLEX]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[OutwardNodeHandle]] with this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- override def :*=*[EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_FLEX); this }
-object NodeHandle {
- /** generate a [[NodeHandle]] by combining an [[InwardNodeHandle]] and an [[OutwardNodeHandle]].
- *
- * @param i Inward node handle.
- * @param o Outward node handle.
- * @return [[NodeHandlePair]] with `inwardNode` of `i`, `outwardNode` of `o`.
- */
- def apply[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](i: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI], o: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO]) = new NodeHandlePair(i, o)
-/** A data structure that preserves information about the innermost and outermost Nodes in a [[NodeHandle]]. */
-class NodeHandlePair[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]
- (inwardHandle: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI], outwardHandle: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO])
- extends NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO] {
- /** @return [[InwardNode]] of [[inwardHandle]]. */
- val inward: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] = inwardHandle.inward
- /** @return [[OutwardNode]] of [[outwardHandle]]. */
- val outward: OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO] = outwardHandle.outward
- /** @return The innermost [[InwardNodeImp]] of this [[NodeHandlePair]]. */
- def inner: InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI] = inwardHandle.inner
- /** @return The outermost [[OutwardNodeImp]] of [[NodeHandlePair]]. */
- def outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO] = outwardHandle.outer
-/** A handle for an [[InwardNode]], which may appear on the left side of a bind operator. */
-trait InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data] extends NoHandle
- /** @return [[InwardNode]] of `inwardHandle`. */
- def inward: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]
- /** @return [[InwardNodeImp]] of `inwardHandle`. */
- def inner: InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI]
- /** Bind this node to an [[OutwardNodeHandle]]. */
- protected def bind[EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = inward.bind(h.outward, binding)
- /** Connect an input node with a full node => inward node handle.
- *
- * x---< := <---< == x---<
- * [[BIND_ONCE]] this node as sink, [[BIND_ONCE]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- def := [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); h }
- /** Connect an input node with a full node => an input node.
- *
- * x---< :*= <---< == x---<
- * [[BIND_STAR]] this node as sink, [[BIND_QUERY]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A Source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- def :*= [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); h }
- /** Connect an input node with a full node => an inward node handle.
- *
- * x---< :=* <---< == x---<
- * [[BIND_QUERY]] this node as sink, [[BIND_STAR]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- def :=* [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); h }
- /** Connect an input node with a full node => an input node.
- *
- * x---< :*=* <---< == x---<
- * [[BIND_FLEX]] this node as sink, [[BIND_FLEX]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also with sink handle.
- * @return A [[NodeHandle]] with that node as `inwardNode`, this node as `outwardNode`.
- */
- def :*=*[DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_FLEX); h }
- /** Connect an input node with output node => no node.
- *
- * x---< := <---x == x---x
- * [[BIND_ONCE]] this node as sink, [[BIND_ONCE]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[NoHandle]] since neither side can bind to a node.
- */
- def := [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NoHandleObject }
- /** Connect an input node with output node => no node.
- *
- * x---< :*= <---x == x---x
- * [[BIND_STAR]] this node as sink, [[BIND_QUERY]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[NoHandle]] since neither side can bind to a node.
- */
- def :*= [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NoHandleObject }
- /** Connect an input node with output node => no node.
- *
- * x---< :=* <---x == x---x
- * [[BIND_QUERY]] this node as sink, [[BIND_STAR]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[NoHandle]] since neither side can bind to another node.
- */
- def :=* [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NoHandleObject }
- /** Connect an input node with output node => no node.
- *
- * x---< :*=* <---x == x---x
- * [[BIND_FLEX]] this node as sink, [[BIND_FLEX]] that node as source.
- *
- * @param h A source node also without sink handle.
- * @return A [[NoHandle]] since neither side can bind to another node.
- */
- def :*=*[EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_FLEX); NoHandleObject }
-/** Enumeration of types of binding operations. */
-sealed trait NodeBinding
-/** Only connects a single edge. */
-case object BIND_ONCE extends NodeBinding {
- override def toString: String = "once"
-/** Connects N (N >= 0) edges.
- *
- * The other side of the edge determines cardinality.
- */
-case object BIND_QUERY extends NodeBinding {
- override def toString: String = "query"
-/** Connect N (N >= 0) edges.
- *
- * Our side of the edge determines cardinality.
- */
-case object BIND_STAR extends NodeBinding {
- override def toString: String = "star"
-/** Connect N (N >= 0) connections.
- *
- * The number of edges N will be determined by either the right or left side,
- * once the direction ([[BIND_STAR]] or [[BIND_QUERY]]) is determined by the other connections as well.
- */
-case object BIND_FLEX extends NodeBinding {
- override def toString: String = "flex"
-/** A Node that defines inward behavior, meaning that it can have edges coming into it and be used on the left side of binding expressions. */
-trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode {
- /** accumulates input connections. */
- private val accPI = ListBuffer[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)]()
- /** Initially `false`, set to `true` once [[iBindings]] has been evaluated. */
- private var iRealized = false
- /** @return debug information of [[iBindings]]. */
- def iBindingInfo: String = s"""${iBindings.size} inward nodes bound: [${iBindings.map(n => s"${n._3}-${n._2.name}").mkString(",")}]"""
- /** The accumulated number of input connections. */
- protected[diplomacy] def iPushed: Int = accPI.size
- /** Accumulate an input connection.
- *
- * Can only be called before [[iBindings]] is accessed.
- *
- * @param index index of this [[InwardNode]] in that [[OutwardNode]].
- * @param node the [[OutwardNode]] to bind to this [[InwardNode]].
- * @param binding [[NodeBinding]] type.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def iPush(index: Int, node: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = {
- val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
- require (!iRealized,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem in your code:
- |The following node was incorrectly connected as a sink to ${node.name} after its .module was evaluated at $info.
- |$context
- |$iBindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- accPI += ((index, node, binding, p, sourceInfo))
- }
- /** Ends the binding accumulation stage and returns all the input bindings to this node.
- *
- * Evaluating this lazy val will mark the inwards bindings as frozen,
- * preventing subsequent bindings from being created via [[iPush]].
- *
- * The bindings are each a tuple of:
- * - numeric index of this binding in the other end of [[OutwardNode]].
- * - [[OutwardNode]] on the other end of this binding.
- * - [[NodeBinding]] describing the type of binding.
- * - A view of [[Parameters]] where the binding occurred.
- * - [[SourceInfo]] for source-level error reporting.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val iBindings: immutable.Seq[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)] = { iRealized = true; accPI.result() }
- /** resolved [[BIND_STAR]] binding of inward nodes: how many connections the star represents. */
- protected[diplomacy] val iStar: Int
- /** A mapping to convert Node binding index to port range.
- *
- * @return a sequence of tuple of mapping, the item in each a tuple of:
- * - index: the index of connected [[OutwardNode]]
- * - element: port range of connected [[OutwardNode]]
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val iPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)]
- /** "Forward" an input connection through this node so that the node can be removed from the graph.
- *
- * @return None if no forwarding is needing.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def iForward(x: Int): Option[(Int, InwardNode[DI, UI, BI])] = None
- /** Downward-flowing inward parameters.
- *
- * Generated from the nodes connected to the inward side of this node and sent downstream to this node.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val diParams: Seq[DI]
- /** Upward-flowing inward parameters.
- *
- * Generated by this node and sent upstream to the nodes connected to the inward side of this node.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val uiParams: Seq[UI]
- /** Create a binding from this node to an [[OutwardNode]].
- *
- * @param h The [[OutwardNode]] to bind to.
- * @param binding [[NodeBinding]] the type of binding.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def bind(h: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit
-/** A Handle for OutwardNodes, which may appear on the right side of a bind operator. */
-trait OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] extends NoHandle {
- /** @return [[OutwardNode]] of `outwardHandle`. */
- def outward: OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
- /** @return [[OutwardNodeImp]] of `inwardHandle`. */
- def outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO]
-/** A Node that defines outward behavior, meaning that it can have edges coming out of it. */
-trait OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends BaseNode {
- /** Accumulates output connections. */
- private val accPO = ListBuffer[(Int, InwardNode [DO, UO, BO], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)]()
- /** Initially set to `true`, this is set to false once [[oBindings]] is referenced. */
- private var oRealized = false
- /** @return debug information of [[oBindings]]. */
- def oBindingInfo: String = s"""${oBindings.size} outward nodes bound: [${oBindings.map(n => s"${n._3}-${n._2.name}").mkString(",")}]"""
- /** The accumulated number of output connections of this node. */
- protected[diplomacy] def oPushed: Int = accPO.size
- /** Accumulate an output connection.
- *
- * Can only be called before [[oBindings]] is accessed.
- *
- * @param index Index of this [[OutwardNode]] in that [[InwardNode]].
- * @param node [[InwardNode]] to bind to.
- * @param binding Binding type.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def oPush(index: Int, node: InwardNode [DO, UO, BO], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = {
- val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
- require (!oRealized,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem in your code:
- |The following node was incorrectly connected as a source to ${node.name} after its .module was evaluated at $info.
- |$context
- |$oBindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- accPO += ((index, node, binding, p, sourceInfo))
- }
- /** Ends the binding accumulation stage and returns all the output bindings to this node.
- *
- * Evaluating this lazy val will mark the outward bindings as frozen,
- * preventing subsequent bindings from being created via [[oPush]].
- *
- * The bindings are each a tuple of:
- * - numeric index of this binding in the other end of [[InwardNode]].
- * - [[InwardNode]] on the other end of this binding
- * - [[NodeBinding]] describing the type of binding
- * - A view of [[Parameters]] where the binding occurred.
- * - [[SourceInfo]] for source-level error reporting
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val oBindings: Seq[(Int, InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)] = { oRealized = true; accPO.result() }
- /** resolved [[BIND_STAR]] binding of outward nodes: how many connections the star represents. */
- protected[diplomacy] val oStar: Int
- /** A mapping to convert Node binding index to port range.
- *
- * @return a sequence of tuple of mapping, the item in each a tuple of:
- * - index: the index of connected [[InwardNode]]
- * - element: port range of connected [[InwardNode]]
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val oPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)]
- /** "Forward" an output connection through this node so that the node can be removed from the graph.
- *
- * @return None if no forwarding is needed.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def oForward(x: Int): Option[(Int, OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO])] = None
- /** Upward-flowing outward parameters.
- *
- * Generated from the nodes connected to the outward side of this node and sent upstream to this node.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val uoParams: Seq[UO]
- /** Downward-flowing outward parameters.
- *
- * Generated by this node and sent downstream to the nodes connected to the outward side of this node.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] val doParams: Seq[DO]
-abstract class CycleException(kind: String, loop: Seq[String]) extends Exception(s"Diplomatic $kind cycle detected involving $loop")
-case class StarCycleException(loop: Seq[String] = Nil) extends CycleException("star", loop)
-case class DownwardCycleException(loop: Seq[String] = Nil) extends CycleException("downward", loop)
-case class UpwardCycleException(loop: Seq[String] = Nil) extends CycleException("upward", loop)
-/** [[Edges]] is a collection of parameters describing the functionality and connection for an interface,
- * which is often derived from the interconnection protocol and can inform the parameterization
- * of the hardware bundles that actually implement the protocol.
- */
-case class Edges[EI, EO](in: Seq[EI], out: Seq[EO])
-/** The sealed node class in the package, all node are derived from it.
- *
- * @param inner Sink interface implementation.
- * @param outer Source interface implementation.
- * @param valName val name of this node.
- * @tparam DI Downward-flowing parameters received on the inner side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of parameters describing the protocol parameters from a source.
- * For an [[InwardNode]], it is determined by the connected [[OutwardNode]].
- * Since it can be connected to multiple sources, this parameter is always a Seq of source port parameters.
- * @tparam UI Upward-flowing parameters generated by the inner side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of parameters describing the protocol parameters of a sink.
- * For an [[InwardNode]], it is determined itself.
- * @tparam EI Edge Parameters describing a connection on the inner side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of transfers specified for a sink according to protocol.
- * @tparam BI Bundle type used when connecting to the inner side of the node.
- * It is a hardware interface of this sink interface.
- * It should extends from [[chisel3.Data]], which represents the real hardware.
- * @tparam DO Downward-flowing parameters generated on the outer side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of parameters describing the protocol parameters of a source.
- * For an [[OutwardNode]], it is determined itself.
- * @tparam UO Upward-flowing parameters received by the outer side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of parameters describing the protocol parameters from a sink.
- * For an [[OutwardNode]], it is determined by the connected [[InwardNode]].
- * Since it can be connected to multiple sinks, this parameter is always a Seq of sink port parameters.
- * @tparam EO Edge Parameters describing a connection on the outer side of the node.
- * It is usually a brunch of transfers specified for a source according to protocol.
- * @tparam BO Bundle type used when connecting to the outer side of the node.
- * It is a hardware interface of this source interface.
- * It should extends from [[chisel3.Data]], which represents the real hardware.
- *
- * @note Call Graph of [[MixedNode]]
- * - line `─`: source is process by a function and generate pass to others
- * - Arrow `→`: target of arrow is generated by source
- *
- * {{{
- * (from the other node)
- * ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[[InwardNode.uiParams]]─────────────┐
- * ↓ │
- * (binding node when elaboration) [[OutwardNode.uoParams]]────────────────────────[[MixedNode.mapParamsU]]→──────────┐ │
- * [[InwardNode.accPI]] │ │ │
- * │ │ (based on protocol) │
- * │ │ [[MixedNode.inner.edgeI]] │
- * │ │ ↓ │
- * ↓ │ │ │
- * (immobilize after elaboration) (inward port from [[OutwardNode]]) │ ↓ │
- * [[InwardNode.iBindings]]──┐ [[MixedNode.iDirectPorts]]────────────────────→[[MixedNode.iPorts]] [[InwardNode.uiParams]] │
- * │ │ ↑ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ [[OutwardNode.doParams]] │ │
- * │ │ │ (from the other node) │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ └────────┬──────────────┤ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ (based on protocol) │
- * │ │ │ │ [[MixedNode.inner.edgeI]] │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ (from the other node) │ ↓ │
- * │ └───[[OutwardNode.oPortMapping]] [[OutwardNode.oStar]] │ [[MixedNode.edgesIn]]───┐ │
- * │ ↑ ↑ │ │ ↓ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ [[MixedNode.in]] │
- * │ │ │ │ ↓ ↑ │
- * │ (solve star connection) │ │ │ [[MixedNode.bundleIn]]──┘ │
- * ├───[[MixedNode.resolveStar]]→─┼─────────────────────────────┤ └────────────────────────────────────┐ │
- * │ │ │ [[MixedNode.bundleOut]]─┐ │ │
- * │ │ │ ↑ ↓ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ [[MixedNode.out]] │ │
- * │ ↓ ↓ │ ↑ │ │
- * │ ┌─────[[InwardNode.iPortMapping]] [[InwardNode.iStar]] [[MixedNode.edgesOut]]──┘ │ │
- * │ │ (from the other node) ↑ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ [[MixedNode.outer.edgeO]] │ │
- * │ │ │ (based on protocol) │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │ │
- * (immobilize after elaboration)│ ↓ │ │ │ │
- * [[OutwardNode.oBindings]]─┘ [[MixedNode.oDirectPorts]]───→[[MixedNode.oPorts]] [[OutwardNode.doParams]] │ │
- * ↑ (inward port from [[OutwardNode]]) │ │ │ │
- * │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * │ │ │ │ │ │
- * [[OutwardNode.accPO]] │ ↓ │ │ │
- * (binding node when elaboration) │ [[InwardNode.diParams]]─────→[[MixedNode.mapParamsD]]────────────────────────────┘ │ │
- * │ ↑ │ │
- * │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
- * └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- * }}}
- */
-sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
- val inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
- val outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends BaseNode with NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO] with InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO] {
- // Generate a [[NodeHandle]] with inward and outward node are both this node.
- val inward = this
- val outward = this
- /** Debug info of nodes binding. */
- def bindingInfo: String =
- s"""$iBindingInfo
- |$oBindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin
- /** Debug info of ports connecting. */
- def connectedPortsInfo: String =
- s"""${oPorts.size} outward ports connected: [${oPorts.map(_._2.name).mkString(",")}]
- |${iPorts.size} inward ports connected: [${iPorts.map(_._2.name).mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin
- /** Debug info of parameters propagations. */
- def parametersInfo: String =
- s"""${doParams.size} downstream outward parameters: [${doParams.mkString(",")}]
- |${uoParams.size} upstream outward parameters: [${uoParams.mkString(",")}]
- |${diParams.size} downstream inward parameters: [${diParams.mkString(",")}]
- |${uiParams.size} upstream inward parameters: [${uiParams.mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin
- /** For a given node, converts [[OutwardNode.accPO]] and [[InwardNode.accPI]] to [[MixedNode.oPortMapping]] and [[MixedNode.iPortMapping]].
- *
- * Given counts of known inward and outward binding and inward and outward star bindings, return the resolved inward stars and outward stars.
- *
- * This method will also validate the arguments and throw a runtime error if the values are unsuitable for this type of node.
- *
- * @param iKnown Number of known-size ([[BIND_ONCE]]) input bindings.
- * @param oKnown Number of known-size ([[BIND_ONCE]]) output bindings.
- * @param iStar Number of unknown size ([[BIND_STAR]]) input bindings.
- * @param oStar Number of unknown size ([[BIND_STAR]]) output bindings.
- * @return A Tuple of the resolved number of input and output connections.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStar: Int, oStar: Int): (Int, Int)
- /** Function to generate downward-flowing outward params from the downward-flowing input params and the current output ports.
- *
- * @param n The size of the output sequence to generate.
- * @param p Sequence of downward-flowing input parameters of this node.
- * @return A `n`-sized sequence of downward-flowing output edge parameters.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO]
- /** Function to generate upward-flowing input parameters from the upward-flowing output parameters [[uiParams]].
- *
- * @param n Size of the output sequence.
- * @param p Upward-flowing output edge parameters.
- * @return A n-sized sequence of upward-flowing input edge parameters.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI]
- /** @return The sink cardinality of the node, the number of outputs bound with [[BIND_QUERY]] summed with inputs bound with [[BIND_STAR]]. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val sinkCard: Int = oBindings.count(_._3 == BIND_QUERY) + iBindings.count(_._3 == BIND_STAR)
- /** @return The source cardinality of this node, the number of inputs bound with [[BIND_QUERY]] summed with the number of output bindings bound with [[BIND_STAR]]. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val sourceCard: Int = iBindings.count(_._3 == BIND_QUERY) + oBindings.count(_._3 == BIND_STAR)
- /** @return list of nodes involved in flex bindings with this node. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val flexes: Seq[BaseNode] = oBindings.filter(_._3 == BIND_FLEX).map(_._2) ++ iBindings.filter(_._3 == BIND_FLEX).map(_._2)
- /** Resolves the flex to be either source or sink and returns the offset where the [[BIND_STAR]] operators begin greedily taking up the remaining connections.
- *
- * @return A value >= 0 if it is sink cardinality, a negative value for source cardinality. The magnitude of the return value is not relevant.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val flexOffset: Int = {
- /** Recursively performs a depth-first search of the [[flexes]],
- * [[BaseNode]]s connected to this node with flex operators.
- * The algorithm bottoms out when we either get to a node we have already visited
- * or when we get to a connection that is not a flex and can set the direction for us.
- * Otherwise, recurse by visiting the `flexes` of each node in the current set
- * and decide whether they should be added to the set or not.
- *
- * @return the mapping of [[BaseNode]] indexed by their serial numbers.
- */
- def DFS(v: BaseNode, visited: Map[Int, BaseNode]): Map[Int, BaseNode] = {
- if (visited.contains(v.serial) || !v.flexibleArityDirection) {
- visited
- } else {
- v.flexes.foldLeft(visited + (v.serial -> v))((sum, n) => DFS(n, sum))
- }
- }
- /** Determine which [[BaseNode]] are involved in resolving the flex connections to/from this node.
- *
- * @example
- * {{{
- * a :*=* b :*=* c
- * d :*=* b
- * e :*=* f
- * }}}
- *
- * `flexSet` for `a`, `b`, `c`, or `d` will be `Set(a, b, c, d)`
- * `flexSet` for `e` or `f` will be `Set(e,f)`
- */
- val flexSet = DFS(this, Map()).values
- /** The total number of :*= operators where we're on the left. */
- val allSink = flexSet.map(_.sinkCard).sum
- /** The total number of :=* operators used when we're on the right. */
- val allSource = flexSet.map(_.sourceCard).sum
- require (allSink == 0 || allSource == 0,
- s"The nodes ${flexSet.map(_.name)} which are inter-connected by :*=* have ${allSink} :*= operators and ${allSource} :=* operators connected to them, making it impossible to determine cardinality inference direction.")
- allSink - allSource
- }
- /** @return A value >= 0 if it is sink cardinality, a negative value for source cardinality. */
- protected[diplomacy] def edgeArityDirection(n: BaseNode): Int = {
- if ( flexibleArityDirection) flexOffset else
- if (n.flexibleArityDirection) n.flexOffset else
- 0
- }
- /** For a node which is connected between two nodes, select the one that will influence the direction of the flex resolution. */
- protected[diplomacy] def edgeAritySelect(n: BaseNode, l: => Int, r: => Int): Int = {
- val dir = edgeArityDirection(n)
- if (dir < 0) l else if (dir > 0) r else 1
- }
- /** Ensure that the same node is not visited twice in resolving `:*=`, etc operators. */
- private var starCycleGuard = false
- /** Resolve all the star operators into concrete indicies.
- * As connections are being made, some may be "star" connections which need to be resolved.
- * In some way to determine how many actual edges they correspond to.
- * We also need to build up the ranges of edges which correspond to each binding operator, so that
- * We can apply the correct edge parameters and later build up correct bundle connections.
- *
- * [[oPortMapping]]: `Seq[(Int, Int)]` where each item is the range of edges corresponding to that oPort (binding operator).
- * [[iPortMapping]]: `Seq[(Int, Int)]` where each item is the range of edges corresponding to that iPort (binding operator).
- * [[oStar]]: `Int` the value to return for this node `N` for any `N :*= foo` or `N :*=* foo :*= bar`
- * [[iStar]]: `Int` the value to return for this node `N` for any `foo :=* N` or `bar :=* foo :*=* N`
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val (oPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)], iPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)], oStar: Int, iStar: Int) = {
- try {
- if (starCycleGuard) throw StarCycleException()
- starCycleGuard = true
- // For a given node N...
- // Number of foo :=* N
- // + Number of bar :=* foo :*=* N
- val oStars = oBindings.count { case (_,n,b,_,_) => b == BIND_STAR || (b == BIND_FLEX && edgeArityDirection(n) < 0) }
- // Number of N :*= foo
- // + Number of N :*=* foo :*= bar
- val iStars = iBindings.count { case (_,n,b,_,_) => b == BIND_STAR || (b == BIND_FLEX && edgeArityDirection(n) > 0) }
- // 1 for foo := N
- // + bar.iStar for bar :*= foo :*=* N
- // + foo.iStar for foo :*= N
- // + 0 for foo :=* N
- val oKnown = oBindings.map { case (_, n, b, _, _) => b match {
- case BIND_ONCE => 1
- case BIND_FLEX => edgeAritySelect(n, 0, n.iStar)
- case BIND_QUERY => n.iStar
- case BIND_STAR => 0 }}.sum
- // 1 for N := foo
- // + bar.oStar for N :*=* foo :=* bar
- // + foo.oStar for N :=* foo
- // + 0 for N :*= foo
- val iKnown = iBindings.map { case (_, n, b, _, _) => b match {
- case BIND_ONCE => 1
- case BIND_FLEX => edgeAritySelect(n, n.oStar, 0)
- case BIND_QUERY => n.oStar
- case BIND_STAR => 0 }}.sum
- // Resolve star depends on the node subclass to implement the algorithm for this.
- val (iStar, oStar) = resolveStar(iKnown, oKnown, iStars, oStars)
- // Cumulative list of resolved outward binding range starting points
- val oSum = oBindings.map { case (_, n, b, _, _) => b match {
- case BIND_ONCE => 1
- case BIND_FLEX => edgeAritySelect(n, oStar, n.iStar)
- case BIND_QUERY => n.iStar
- case BIND_STAR => oStar }}.scanLeft(0)(_+_)
- // Cumulative list of resolved inward binding range starting points
- val iSum = iBindings.map { case (_, n, b, _, _) => b match {
- case BIND_ONCE => 1
- case BIND_FLEX => edgeAritySelect(n, n.oStar, iStar)
- case BIND_QUERY => n.oStar
- case BIND_STAR => iStar }}.scanLeft(0)(_+_)
- // Create ranges for each binding based on the running sums and return
- // those along with resolved values for the star operations.
- (oSum.init zip oSum.tail, iSum.init zip iSum.tail, oStar, iStar)
- } catch {
- case c: StarCycleException => throw c.copy(loop = context +: c.loop)
- }
- }
- /** Sequence of inward ports.
- *
- * This should be called after all star bindings are resolved.
- *
- * Each element is:
- * `j` Port index of this binding in the Node's [[oPortMapping]] on the other side of the binding.
- * `n` Instance of inward node.
- * `p` View of [[Parameters]] where this connection was made.
- * `s` Source info where this connection was made in the source code.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val oDirectPorts: Seq[(Int, InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], Parameters, SourceInfo)] = oBindings.flatMap { case (i, n, _, p, s) =>
- // for each binding operator in this node, look at what it connects to
- val (start, end) = n.iPortMapping(i)
- (start until end) map { j => (j, n, p, s) }
- }
- /** Sequence of outward ports.
- *
- * This should be called after all star bindings are resolved.
- *
- * `j` Port index of this binding in the Node's [[oPortMapping]] on the other side of the binding.
- * `n` Instance of outward node.
- * `p` View of [[Parameters]] where this connection was made.
- * `s` [[SourceInfo]] where this connection was made in the source code.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val iDirectPorts: Seq[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], Parameters, SourceInfo)] = iBindings.flatMap { case (i, n, _, p, s) =>
- // query this port index range of this node in the other side of node.
- val (start, end) = n.oPortMapping(i)
- (start until end) map { j => (j, n, p, s) }
- }
- // Ephemeral nodes ( which have non-None iForward/oForward) have in_degree = out_degree
- // Thus, there must exist an Eulerian path and the below algorithms terminate
- @scala.annotation.tailrec
- private def oTrace(tuple: (Int, InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], Parameters, SourceInfo)): (Int, InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], Parameters, SourceInfo) =
- tuple match { case (i, n, p, s) => n.iForward(i) match {
- case None => (i, n, p, s)
- case Some ((j, m)) => oTrace((j, m, p, s))
- } }
- @scala.annotation.tailrec
- private def iTrace(tuple: (Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], Parameters, SourceInfo)): (Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], Parameters, SourceInfo) =
- tuple match { case (i, n, p, s) => n.oForward(i) match {
- case None => (i, n, p, s)
- case Some ((j, m)) => iTrace((j, m, p, s))
- } }
- /** Final output ports after all stars and port forwarding (e.g. [[EphemeralNode]]s) have been resolved.
- *
- * Each Port is a tuple of:
- * - Numeric index of this binding in the [[InwardNode]] on the other end.
- * - [[InwardNode]] on the other end of this binding.
- * - A view of [[Parameters]] where the binding occurred.
- * - [[SourceInfo]] for source-level error reporting.
- */
- lazy val oPorts: Seq[(Int, InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], Parameters, SourceInfo)] = oDirectPorts.map(oTrace)
- /** Final input ports after all stars and port forwarding (e.g. [[EphemeralNode]]s) have been resolved.
- *
- * Each Port is a tuple of:
- * - numeric index of this binding in [[OutwardNode]] on the other end.
- * - [[OutwardNode]] on the other end of this binding.
- * - a view of [[Parameters]] where the binding occurred.
- * - [[SourceInfo]] for source-level error reporting.
- */
- lazy val iPorts: Seq[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], Parameters, SourceInfo)] = iDirectPorts.map(iTrace)
- private var oParamsCycleGuard = false
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val diParams: Seq[DI] = iPorts.map { case (i, n, _, _) => n.doParams(i) }
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val doParams: Seq[DO] = {
- try {
- if (oParamsCycleGuard) throw DownwardCycleException()
- oParamsCycleGuard = true
- val o = mapParamsD(oPorts.size, diParams)
- require (o.size == oPorts.size,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |At the following node, the number of outward ports should equal the number of produced outward parameters.
- |$context
- |$connectedPortsInfo
- |Downstreamed inward parameters: [${diParams.mkString(",")}]
- |Produced outward parameters: [${o.mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin)
- o.map(outer.mixO(_, this))
- } catch {
- case c: DownwardCycleException => throw c.copy(loop = context +: c.loop)
- }
- }
- private var iParamsCycleGuard = false
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val uoParams: Seq[UO] = oPorts.map { case (o, n, _, _) => n.uiParams(o) }
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val uiParams: Seq[UI] = {
- try {
- if (iParamsCycleGuard) throw UpwardCycleException()
- iParamsCycleGuard = true
- val i = mapParamsU(iPorts.size, uoParams)
- require (i.size == iPorts.size,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |At the following node, the number of inward ports should equal the number of produced inward parameters.
- |$context
- |$connectedPortsInfo
- |Upstreamed outward parameters: [${uoParams.mkString(",")}]
- |Produced inward parameters: [${i.mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin)
- i.map(inner.mixI(_, this))
- } catch {
- case c: UpwardCycleException => throw c.copy(loop = context +: c.loop)
- }
- }
- /** Outward edge parameters. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesOut: Seq[EO] = (oPorts zip doParams).map { case ((i, n, p, s), o) => outer.edgeO(o, n.uiParams(i), p, s) }
- /** Inward edge parameters. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesIn: Seq[EI] = (iPorts zip uiParams).map { case ((o, n, p, s), i) => inner.edgeI(n.doParams(o), i, p, s) }
- /** A tuple of the input edge parameters and output edge parameters for the edges bound to this node.
- *
- * If you need to access to the edges of a foreign Node, use this method (in/out create bundles).
- */
- lazy val edges: Edges[EI, EO] = Edges(edgesIn, edgesOut)
- /** Create actual Wires corresponding to the Bundles parameterized by the outward edges of this node. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val bundleOut: Seq[BO] = edgesOut.map { e =>
- val x = Wire(outer.bundleO(e)).suggestName(s"${valName.name}Out")
- // TODO: Don't care unconnected forwarded diplomatic signals for compatibility issue,
- // In the future, we should add an option to decide whether allowing unconnected in the LazyModule
- x := DontCare
- x
- }
- /** Create actual Wires corresponding to the Bundles parameterized by the inward edges of this node. */
- protected[diplomacy] lazy val bundleIn: Seq[BI] = edgesIn .map { e =>
- val x = Wire(inner.bundleI(e)).suggestName(s"${valName.name}In")
- // TODO: Don't care unconnected forwarded diplomatic signals for compatibility issue,
- // In the future, we should add an option to decide whether allowing unconnected in the LazyModule
- x := DontCare
- x
- }
- private def emptyDanglesOut: Seq[Dangle] = oPorts.zipWithIndex.map { case ((j, n, _, _), i) =>
- Dangle(
- source = HalfEdge(serial, i),
- sink = HalfEdge(n.serial, j),
- flipped= false,
- name = wirePrefix + "out",
- dataOpt= None)
- }
- private def emptyDanglesIn: Seq[Dangle] = iPorts.zipWithIndex.map { case ((j, n, _, _), i) =>
- Dangle(
- source = HalfEdge(n.serial, j),
- sink = HalfEdge(serial, i),
- flipped= true,
- name = wirePrefix + "in",
- dataOpt=None)
- }
- /** Create the [[Dangle]]s which describe the connections from this node output to other nodes inputs. */
- protected[diplomacy] def danglesOut: Seq[Dangle] = emptyDanglesOut.zipWithIndex.map {
- case (d,i) => d.copy(dataOpt = Some(bundleOut(i)))
- }
- /** Create the [[Dangle]]s which describe the connections from this node input from other nodes outputs. */
- protected[diplomacy] def danglesIn: Seq[Dangle] = emptyDanglesIn.zipWithIndex.map {
- case (d,i) => d.copy(dataOpt = Some(bundleIn(i)))
- }
- private[diplomacy] var instantiated = false
- /** Gather Bundle and edge parameters of outward ports.
- *
- * Accessors to the result of negotiation to be used within
- * [[LazyModuleImp]] Code. Should only be used within [[LazyModuleImp]] code
- * or after its instantiation has completed.
- */
- def out: Seq[(BO, EO)] = {
- require(instantiated, s"$name.out should not be called until after instantiation of its parent LazyModule.module has begun")
- bundleOut zip edgesOut
- }
- /** Gather Bundle and edge parameters of inward ports.
- *
- * Accessors to the result of negotiation to be used within
- * [[LazyModuleImp]] Code. Should only be used within [[LazyModuleImp]] code
- * or after its instantiation has completed.
- */
- def in: Seq[(BI, EI)] = {
- require(instantiated, s"$name.in should not be called until after instantiation of its parent LazyModule.module has begun")
- bundleIn zip edgesIn
- }
- /** Actually instantiate this node during [[LazyModuleImp]] evaluation.
- * Mark that it's safe to use the Bundle wires,
- * instantiate monitors on all input ports if appropriate,
- * and return all the dangles of this node.
- */
- protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle] = {
- instantiated = true
- if (!circuitIdentity) {
- (iPorts zip in) foreach {
- case ((_, _, p, _), (b, e)) => if (p(MonitorsEnabled)) inner.monitor(b, e)
- } }
- danglesOut ++ danglesIn
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): Seq[Dangle] = emptyDanglesOut ++ emptyDanglesIn
- /** Connects the outward part of a node with the inward part of this node. */
- protected[diplomacy] def bind(h: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = {
- val x = this // x := y
- val y = h
- val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
- val i = x.iPushed
- val o = y.oPushed
- y.oPush(i, x, binding match {
- })
- x.iPush(o, y, binding)
- }
- /* Metadata for printing the node graph. */
- def inputs: Seq[(OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], RenderedEdge)] = (iPorts zip edgesIn) map { case ((_, n, p, _), e) =>
- val re = inner.render(e)
- (n, re.copy(flipped = re.flipped != p(RenderFlipped)))
- }
- /** Metadata for printing the node graph */
- def outputs: Seq[(InwardNode[DO, UO, BO], RenderedEdge)] = oPorts map { case (i, n, _, _) => (n, n.inputs(i)._2) }
-/** A [[MixedNode]] that may be extended with custom behavior. */
-abstract class MixedCustomNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
- inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
- outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(inner, outer) {
- override def description = "custom"
- def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int)
- def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO]
- def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI]
-/** A [[NodeImp]] that may be extended with custom behavior.
- *
- * Different from a [[MixedNode]] in that the inner and outer [[NodeImp]]s are the same.
- */
-abstract class CustomNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedCustomNode(imp, imp)
-/** A JunctionNode creates multiple parallel arbiters.
- *
- * @example
- * {{{
- * val jbar = LazyModule(new JBar)
- * slave1.node := jbar.node
- * slave2.node := jbar.node
- * extras.node :=* jbar.node
- * jbar.node :*= masters1.node
- * jbar.node :*= masters2.node
- * }}}
- *
- * In the above example, only the first two connections have their multiplicity specified.
- * All the other connections include a '*' on the JBar's side, so the JBar decides the multiplicity.
- * Thus, in this example, we get 2x crossbars with 2 masters like this:
- * {slave1, extras.1} <= jbar.1 <= {masters1.1, masters2.1}
- * {slave2, extras.2} <= jbar.2 <= {masters1.2, masters2,2}
- *
- * @example
- * {{{
- * val jbar = LazyModule(new JBar)
- * jbar.node :=* masters.node
- * slaves1.node :=* jbar.node
- * slaves2.node :=* jbar.node
- * }}}
- * In the above example, the first connection takes multiplicity (*) from the right (masters).
- * Supposing masters.node had 3 edges, this would result in these three arbiters:
- * {slaves1.1, slaves2.1} <= jbar.1 <= { masters.1 }
- * {slaves1.2, slaves2.2} <= jbar.2 <= { masters.2 }
- * {slaves1.3, slaves2.3} <= jbar.3 <= { masters.3 }
- */
-class MixedJunctionNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
- inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
- outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
- dFn: Seq[DI] => Seq[DO],
- uFn: Seq[UO] => Seq[UI])(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(inner, outer) {
- protected[diplomacy] var multiplicity = 0
- def uRatio: Int = iPorts.size / multiplicity
- def dRatio: Int = oPorts.size / multiplicity
- override def description = "junction"
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- require (iKnown == 0 || oKnown == 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears left of a :=* or a := and right of a :*= or :=. Only one side may drive multiplicity.
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- multiplicity = iKnown max oKnown
- (multiplicity, multiplicity)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] =
- p.grouped(multiplicity).toList.transpose.map(dFn).transpose.flatten
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] =
- p.grouped(multiplicity).toList.transpose.map(uFn).transpose.flatten
- def inoutGrouped: Seq[(Seq[(BI, EI)], Seq[(BO, EO)])] = {
- val iGroups = in .grouped(multiplicity).toList.transpose
- val oGroups = out.grouped(multiplicity).toList.transpose
- iGroups zip oGroups
- }
-/** A node type which has a fixed ratio between the number of input edges and output edges.
- *
- * The [[NodeImp]] on either side is the same.
- *
- * One example usage would be for putting down a series of 2:1 arbiters.
- *
- * Suppose you had N banks of L2 and wanted to connect those to two different driver crossbars.
- * In that case you can do this:
- * {{{
- * l2banks.node :*= jbar.node
- * jbar.node :*= xbar1.node
- * jbar.node :*= xbar2.node
- * }}}
- * If the L2 has 4 banks, now there are 4 egress ports on both xbar1 and xbar2 and they are arbitrated by the jbar.
- */
-class JunctionNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
- dFn: Seq[D] => Seq[D],
- uFn: Seq[U] => Seq[U])(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedJunctionNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn)
-/** [[MixedAdapterNode]] is used to transform between different diplomacy protocols ([[NodeImp]]), without changing the number of edges passing through it.
- *
- * For example, a [[MixedAdapterNode]] is needed for a TL to AXI bridge (interface).
- * {{{
- * case class TLToAXI4Node(stripBits: Int = 0)(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(TLImp, AXI4Imp)
- * }}}
- *
- * @param dFn convert downward parameter from input to output.
- * @param uFn convert upward parameter from output to input.
- */
-class MixedAdapterNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
- inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
- outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
- dFn: DI => DO,
- uFn: UO => UI)(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(inner, outer) {
- override def description = "adapter"
- protected[diplomacy] override def flexibleArityDirection = true
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- require (oStars + iStars <= 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears left of a :*= $iStars times and right of a :=* $oStars times, at most once is allowed.
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- if (oStars > 0) {
- require (iKnown >= oKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |After being connected right of :=*, the following node appears left of a := $iKnown times and right of a := $oKnown times.
- |${iKnown - oKnown} additional right of := bindings are required to resolve :=* successfully.
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- (0, iKnown - oKnown)
- } else if (iStars > 0) {
- require (oKnown >= iKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |After being connected left of :*=, the following node appears left of a := $iKnown times and right of a := $oKnown times.
- |${oKnown - iKnown} additional left := bindings are required to resolve :*= successfully.
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- (oKnown - iKnown, 0)
- } else {
- require (oKnown == iKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears left of a := $iKnown times and right of a := $oKnown times.
- |Either the number of bindings on both sides of the node match, or connect this node by left-hand side of :*= or right-hand side of :=*
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- (0, 0)
- }
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = {
- require(n == p.size,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has ${p.size} inputs and $n outputs, they must match.
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- p.map(dFn)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = {
- require(n == p.size,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $n inputs and ${p.size} outputs, they must match
- |$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- p.map(uFn)
- }
-/** A node which modifies the parameters flowing through it, but without changing the number of edges or the diplomatic protocol implementation. */
-class AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
- dFn: D => D,
- uFn: U => U)(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedAdapterNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn)
-/** A node which does not modify the parameters nor the protocol for edges that pass through it.
- *
- * During hardware generation, [[IdentityNode]]s automatically connect their inputs to outputs.
- */
-class IdentityNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])()(implicit valName: ValName)
- extends AdapterNode(imp)({ s => s }, { s => s }) {
- override def description = "identity"
- override final def circuitIdentity = true
- override protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle] = {
- val dangles = super.instantiate()
- (out zip in) foreach { case ((o, _), (i, _)) => o :<>= i }
- dangles
- }
- override protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): Seq[Dangle] = super.cloneDangles()
-/** [[EphemeralNode]]s are used as temporary connectivity placeholders, but disappear from the final node graph.
- * An ephemeral node provides a mechanism to directly connect two nodes to each other where neither node knows about the other,
- * but both know about an ephemeral node they can use to facilitate the connection.
- */
-class EphemeralNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])()(implicit valName: ValName)
- extends AdapterNode(imp)({ s => s }, { s => s }) {
- override def description = "ephemeral"
- override final def circuitIdentity = true
- override def omitGraphML = true
- override def oForward(x: Int): Option[(Int, OutwardNode[D, U, B])] = Some(iDirectPorts(x) match { case (i, n, _, _) => (i, n) })
- override def iForward(x: Int): Option[(Int, InwardNode[D, U, B])] = Some(oDirectPorts(x) match { case (i, n, _, _) => (i, n) })
- override protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle] = {
- instantiated = true
- Nil
- }
- override protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): Seq[Dangle] = Nil
-/** [[MixedNexusNode]] is used when the number of nodes connecting from either side is unknown (e.g. a Crossbar which also is a protocol adapter).
- *
- * The [[NodeImp]] is different between [[inner]] and [[outer]],
- *
- * @param dFn Function for mapping the parameters flowing downward into new outward flowing down parameters.
- * @param uFn Function for mapping the parameters flowing upward into new inward flowing up parameters.
- * @param inputRequiresOutput True if it is required that if there are input connections, there are output connections (this node can't just be a sink).
- * @param outputRequiresInput True if it is required that if there are output connections, there are input connections (this node can't just be a source).
- */
-class MixedNexusNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
- inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
- outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
- dFn: Seq[DI] => DO,
- uFn: Seq[UO] => UI,
- // no inputs and no outputs is always allowed
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = true,
- outputRequiresInput: Boolean = true)(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(inner, outer)
- override def description = "nexus"
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- // a nexus treats :=* as a weak pointer
- def resolveStarInfo: String =
- s"""$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |number of known := bindings to inward nodes: $iKnown
- |number of known := bindings to outward nodes: $oKnown
- |number of binding queries from inward nodes: $iStars
- |number of binding queries from outward nodes: $oStars
- |""".stripMargin
- require(!outputRequiresInput || oKnown == 0 || iStars + iKnown != 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $oKnown outward connections and no inward connections. At least one inward connection was required.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(!inputRequiresOutput || iKnown == 0 || oStars + oKnown != 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node node has $iKnown inward connections and no outward connections. At least one outward connection was required.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- if (iKnown == 0 && oKnown == 0) (0, 0) else (1, 1)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = { if (n > 0) { val a = dFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) } else Nil }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = { if (n > 0) { val a = uFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) } else Nil }
-/** [[NexusNode]] is a [[MixedNexusNode]], in which the inward and outward side of the node have the same [[NodeImp]] implementation. */
-class NexusNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
- dFn: Seq[D] => D,
- uFn: Seq[U] => U,
- inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = true,
- outputRequiresInput: Boolean = true)(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNexusNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn, inputRequiresOutput, outputRequiresInput)
-/** A node which represents a node in the graph which only has outward edges and no inward edges.
- *
- * A [[SourceNode]] cannot appear left of a `:=`, `:*=`, `:=*, or `:*=*`
- * There are no Mixed [[SourceNode]]s, There are no "Mixed" [[SourceNode]]s because each one only has an outward side.
- */
-class SourceNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(po: Seq[D])(implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(imp, imp)
- override def description = "source"
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- def resolveStarInfo: String =
- s"""$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |number of known := bindings to inward nodes: $iKnown
- |number of known := bindings to outward nodes: $oKnown
- |number of binding queries from inward nodes: $iStars
- |number of binding queries from outward nodes: $oStars
- |${po.size} outward parameters: [${po.map(_.toString).mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin
- require(oStars <= 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears right of a :=* $oStars times; at most once is allowed.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(iStars == 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node cannot appear left of a :*=
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(iKnown == 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node cannot appear left of a :=
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- if (oStars == 0)
- require(po.size == oKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $oKnown outward bindings connected to it, but ${po.size} sources were specified to the node constructor.
- |Either the number of outward := bindings should be exactly equal to the number of sources, or connect this node on the right-hand side of a :=*
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- else
- require(po.size >= oKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $oKnown outward bindings connected to it, but ${po.size} sources were specified to the node constructor.
- |To resolve :=*, size of outward parameters can not be less than bindings.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- (0, po.size - oKnown)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[D]): Seq[D] = po
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[U]): Seq[U] = Seq()
- def makeIOs()(implicit valName: ValName): HeterogeneousBag[B] = {
- val bundles = this.out.map(_._1)
- val ios = IO(Flipped(new HeterogeneousBag(bundles)))
- ios.suggestName(valName.name)
- bundles.zip(ios).foreach { case (bundle, io) => bundle <> io }
- ios
- }
-/** A node which represents a node in the graph which has only inward edges, no outward edges.
- *
- * A [[SinkNode]] cannot appear cannot appear right of a `:=`, `:*=`, `:=*`, or `:*=*`
- *
- * There are no "Mixed" [[SinkNode]]s because each one only has an inward side.
- */
-class SinkNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(pi: Seq[U])(implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(imp, imp)
- override def description = "sink"
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- def resolveStarInfo: String =
- s"""$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |number of known := bindings to inward nodes: $iKnown
- |number of known := bindings to outward nodes: $oKnown
- |number of binding queries from inward nodes: $iStars
- |number of binding queries from outward nodes: $oStars
- |${pi.size} inward parameters: [${pi.map(_.toString).mkString(",")}]
- |""".stripMargin
- require (iStars <= 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears left of a :*= $iStars times; at most once is allowed.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require (oStars == 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node cannot appear right of a :=*
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require (oKnown == 0,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node cannot appear right of a :=
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- if (iStars == 0)
- require(pi.size == iKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $iKnown inward bindings connected to it, but ${pi.size} sinks were specified to the node constructor.
- |Either the number of inward := bindings should be exactly equal to the number of sink, or connect this node on the left-hand side of a :*=
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- else
- require(pi.size >= iKnown,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has $iKnown inward bindings connected to it, but ${pi.size} sinks were specified to the node constructor.
- |To resolve :*=, size of inward parameters can not be less than bindings.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- (pi.size - iKnown, 0)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[D]): Seq[D] = Seq()
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[U]): Seq[U] = pi
- def makeIOs()(implicit valName: ValName): HeterogeneousBag[B] = {
- val bundles = this.in.map(_._1)
- val ios = IO(new HeterogeneousBag(bundles))
- ios.suggestName(valName.name)
- bundles.zip(ios).foreach { case (bundle, io) => io <> bundle }
- ios
- }
-/** A node intended to replace a portion of the diplomatic graph in order to test functionality of a copy (cloned) [[LazyModule]]
- *
- * @param node the node to copy
- * @param clone the copy of the LazyModule containing [[node]]
- */
-class MixedTestNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] protected[diplomacy](
- node: NodeHandle [DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO], clone: CloneLazyModule)(
- implicit valName: ValName)
- extends MixedNode(node.inner, node.outer)
- // The devices connected to this test node must recreate these parameters:
- def iParams: Seq[DI] = node.inward .diParams
- def oParams: Seq[UO] = node.outward.uoParams
- override def description = "test"
- protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
- def resolveStarInfo: String =
- s"""$context
- |$bindingInfo
- |number of known := bindings to inward nodes: $iKnown
- |number of known := bindings to outward nodes: $oKnown
- |number of binding queries from inward nodes: $iStars
- |number of binding queries from outward nodes: $oStars
- |downstream inward parameters: ${node.inward.diParams}
- |upstream inward parameters: ${node.inward.uiParams}
- |upstream outward parameters: ${node.outward.uoParams}
- |downstream outward parameters: ${node.outward.doParams}
- |node.inward.uiParams.size
- |""".stripMargin
- require(oStars <= 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears right of a :=* $oStars times; at most once is allowed.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(iStars <= 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node appears left of a :*= $iStars times; at most once is allowed.
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(node.inward .uiParams.size == iKnown || iStars == 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has only $iKnown inputs, which should be ${node.inward.uiParams.size}, or connect this node on the left-hand side of :*=
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- require(node.outward.doParams.size == oKnown || oStars == 1,
- s"""Diplomacy has detected a problem with your graph:
- |The following node has only $oKnown outputs, which should be ${node.outward.doParams.size}, or connect this node on the right-hand side of :=*
- |$resolveStarInfo
- |""".stripMargin)
- (node.inward.uiParams.size - iKnown, node.outward.doParams.size - oKnown)
- }
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = node.inward .uiParams
- protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = node.outward.doParams
- override protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle] = {
- val dangles = super.instantiate()
- val orig_module = clone.base.module
- val clone_auto = clone.io("auto").asInstanceOf[AutoBundle]
- danglesOut.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (d, i) =>
- val orig = orig_module.dangles.find(_.source == HalfEdge(node.outward.serial, i))
- require (orig.isDefined, s"Cloned node ${node.outward.name} must be connected externally out ${orig_module.name}")
- val io_name = orig_module.auto.elements.find(_._2 eq orig.get.data).get._1
- d.data <> clone_auto.elements(io_name)
- }
- danglesIn.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (d, i) =>
- val orig = orig_module.dangles.find(_.sink == HalfEdge(node.inward.serial, i))
- require (orig.isDefined, s"Cloned node ${node.inward.name} must be connected externally in ${orig_module.name}")
- val io_name = orig_module.auto.elements.find(_._2 eq orig.get.data).get._1
- clone_auto.elements(io_name) <> d.data
- }
- dangles
- }
- override protected[diplomacy] def cloneDangles(): Seq[Dangle] = {
- require(false, "Unsupported")
- super.cloneDangles()
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/ValName.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/ValName.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0e5812298..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/ValName.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
-import freechips.rocketchip.macros.ValNameImpl
-case class ValName(name: String)
-object ValName
- implicit def materialize(implicit x: ValNameImpl): ValName = ValName(x.name)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/package.scala b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/package.scala
index 5433147fae1..f6f0ed668a8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/diplomacy/package.scala
@@ -2,190 +2,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip
-import chisel3.experimental.{SourceInfo, SourceLine}
import chisel3.Data
+import chisel3.experimental.{SourceInfo, SourceLine}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
-/** Diplomacy is a set of abstractions for describing directed, acyclic graphs
- * where parameters will be negotiated between nodes. These abstractions are
- * expressed in the form of abstract classes, traits, and type parameters, which
- * comprises nearly all of the types defined in this package.
- *
- * The [[NodeImp]] ("node implementation") is the main abstract type that associates
- * the type parameters of all other abstract types. Defining a concrete
- * implementation of [[NodeImp]] will therefore determine concrete types for all
- * type parameters. For example, passing in a concrete instance of NodeImp to a
- * SourceNode will fully determine concrete types for all of a SourceNode's type
- * parameters.
- *
- * Specific applications of Diplomacy are expected to either extend these types
- * or to specify concrete types for the type parameters. This allows for
- * creating and associating application-specific node, edge, parameter, and bundle types.
- *
- *
- * =Concepts, metaphors, and mnemonics to help with understanding Diplomacy code=
- *
- * ==Parameter Types==
- *
- * There are several types of parameters involved in diplomacy code.
- *
- * - Upward-flowing/Downward-flowing Parameters: These parameter types flow along edges and can be considered as the
- * pre-negotiated, unresolved parameters.
- * - Edge Parameters: These parameters are the result of the diplomatic negotiation and that is resolved for each edge.
- * They are metadata, or an abstract concept of the connection represented by their edge, and contain any sort.
- * These are an abstract concept which carry any sort of conceptual information that is useful to pass along the graph edge.
- * For example, the full address map visible from a given edge and the supported access types for each memory region.
- * - "p" Parameters: These are parameters of type [[Parameters]] which are implicit and generally available
- * in various stages of the diplomacy codebase.
- * Often they are captured from the context in which a particular diplomatic node or edge is created or bound.
- * - Bundle Parameters: These parameters are used for actual hardware generation of the [[chisel3.Data]]s which connect
- * diplomatic components. In contrast to edge parameters, this may carry information like the width of an address
- * or opcode field.
- * While they are derived from Edge parameters holding all metadata computed over an edge,
- * Bundle parameters often contain only concrete information required to create the hardware type,
- * such as [[freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLBundleParameters]] and [[freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.AXI4BundleParameters]]
- *
- * ==Inward/Outward vs. Upward/Downward==
- *
- * Diplomacy defines two dimensions: inward/outward and upward/downward.
- *
- * Inward/outward refer to the direction of edges from the perspective of a given node.
- * For a given node:
- * - Inward refers to edges that point into itself.
- * - Outward refers to edges that point out from itself.
- *
- * Therefore, a given edge is always described as inward to one node and as outward from another.
- *
- * Upward/downward refer to the direction of the overall directed acyclic graph.
- * Because each each edge is directed, we say that the directions flow from sources (nodes that only have outward edges)
- * downwards to sinks (nodes that only have inward edges), or from sinks upwards to sources.
- * These terms are used in parameter negotiation, where parameters flow both
- * upwards and downwards on edges. Note that diplomacy avoids terms like "master/slave",
- * "producer/consumer", though these can be defined by the concrete implementations of diplomatic systems.
- * Such terms imply something about the transactional behavior of agents within a protocol,
- * whereas source/sink and up/down refer only to the structure of the graph and the flow of parameters.
- * - Upward refers to the flow of parameters along edges in the upwards direction.
- * - Downward refers to a flow of parameters along edges in the downwards direction.
- *
- * A useful mnemonic for distinguishing between upward and downward is to imagine
- * a diplomatic graph as a literal network of rivers where water flows in the direction of the edges,
- * and parameters that move in the upstream direction,
- * while downward refers to parameters that move in the downstream direction.
- *
- * ==Acronyms==
- *
- * Diplomacy has some commonly used acronyms described below:
- * D[IO], U[IO], E[IO], B[IO] are the types of parameters which will be propagated.
- * D: Downwards -- parameters passed in the same direction as the edge.
- * U: Upwards -- parameters passed in the opposite direction as the edge.
- * E: Edge -- resolved (negotiated) parameters describing conceptual information on graph edges.
- * B: Bundle should extends from [[chisel3.Data]].
- *
- * {{{
- *
- *
- * Upwards (a.k.a. towards Sources) ↓
- * ↓
- * inward edge of (parameter) type EI ↓
- * created from parameters of type UI and DI ↓
- * will result in a Bundle of type BI ↓
- * ↓
- * ^ ↓ *
- * . ↓ *
- * ┌───────────────────────────────.──↓──*───────────────────────────────┐
- * │ . ↓ * BaseNode │
- * │ . ↓ * (NodeImp) │
- * │ . ↓ * │
- * │ ┌────────────────────────────.──↓──*────────────────────────────┐ │
- * │ │ . ↓ * InwardNode (InwardNodeImp)│ │
- * │ │ (mixI)↓ * │ │
- * │ │ . ↓ * │ │
- * │ │ Upward-flowing inwards . ↓ * Downward-Flowing inwards │ │
- * │ │ parameters of type UI . ↓ * parameters of type DI │ │
- * │ └────────────────────────────.──↓──*────────────────────────────┘ │
- * │ . ↓ * │
- * │ . I v │
- * │ (mapParamsU) (mapParamsD) │
- * │ ^ O + │
- * │ : ↓ + │
- * │ ┌────────────────────────────:──↓──+────────────────────────────┐ │
- * │ │ : ↓ + OutwardNode(OutwardNodeImp)│ │
- * │ │ : ↓ (mixO) │ │
- * │ │ : ↓ + │ │
- * │ │ Upward-flowing outwards : ↓ + Downward-Flowing outward │ │
- * │ │ parameters of type UO : ↓ + parameters of type DO │ │
- * │ └────────────────────────────:──↓──+────────────────────────────┘ │
- * │ : ↓ + │
- * │ : ↓ + │
- * └───────────────────────────────.──↓──*───────────────────────────────┘
- * : ↓ *
- * : ↓ v
- * ↓ outward edge of (parameter) type EO
- * ↓ created from parameters of type UO and DO
- * ↓ will result in a Bundle of type BO
- * ↓
- * ↓ Downwards (a.k.a. towards Sinks)
- *
- * }}}
- *
- * == Handles ==
- *
- * Two Diplomatic nodes can be bound together using the `:=` operator or one of
- * its sibling operators. Binding is asymmetric, and the binding operation will
- * connect the outward of one node to the inward of the other.
- *
- * For example, the expression `a := b` will connect the outward of `b` to the
- * inward of `a`.
- *
- * We would like the `:=` operator to have additional properties that make it
- * intuitive to use:
- *
- * 1. It should be chainable, so that `a := b := c` will have the intuitive effect
- * of binding c to b and b to a. This requires that the return type of `:=` be the
- * same as its arguments, because the result of one `:=` operation must be
- * valid as an argument to other `:=` operations.
- *
- * 2. It should be associative, so that `(a := b) := c` is equivalent to `a := (b := c).`
- * This means that the order in which the bind operations execute does
- * not matter, even if split across multiple files.
- *
- * 3. `a := b` should only be allowed if and only if `b` allows outward edges and `a`
- * allows inward edges. This should be preserved even when chaining
- * operations, and it should ideally be enforced at compile time.
- *
- * [[NodeHandle]] are a way of satisfying all of these properties. A Handle represents
- * the aggregation of a chain of Nodes, and it preserves information about
- * the connectability of the innermost and the outermost sides of the chain.
- *
- * If `b` supports inward edges, then `a := b` returns a [[NodeHandle]] that supports inward
- * edges that go into `b`. If `a` supports outward edges, then `a := b` returns a
- * [[NodeHandle]] that supports outward edges coming out of `a`.
- *
- * ==Node Terms==
- *
- * These are some conventionally used terms for diplomatic Nodes,
- * which describe different common subtypes that certain protocol implementation might utilize:
- * - Mixed: implies that the inward and outward NodeImp are not the same (some sort of protocol conversion is occurring between the two implementations).
- * - Adapter: the number of inward and outward edges must be the same.
- * - Nexus: the number of nodes connecting from either side are unknown until the graph is constructed and can differ from one another.
- * - Identity: modifies neither the parameters nor the protocol-specific circuitry for the edges that pass through it.
- * - Source: cannot have inward edges.
- * - Sink: cannot have outward edges.
- * - Junction: the number of inward and outward edges must have a fixed ratio to one another
- * - Ephemeral: a temporary placeholder used for connectivity operations
+/** Rocketchip Specific Diplomacy code. All other Diplomacy core functionality has been moved to standalone diplomacy
-package object diplomacy
- type SimpleNodeHandle[D, U, E, B <: Data] = NodeHandle[D, U, E, B, D, U, E, B]
- type AnyMixedNode = MixedNode[_, _, _, _ <: Data, _, _, _, _ <: Data]
- def sourceLine(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, prefix: String = " (", suffix: String = ")") = sourceInfo match {
- case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s"$prefix$filename:$line:$col$suffix"
- case _ => ""
- }
+package object diplomacy {
def bitIndexes(x: BigInt, tail: Seq[Int] = Nil): Seq[Int] = {
require (x >= 0)
if (x == 0) {
@@ -196,47 +21,290 @@ package object diplomacy
- implicit class BigIntHexContext(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
- def x(args: Any*): BigInt = {
- val orig = sc.s(args: _*)
- BigInt(orig.replace("_", ""), 16)
- }
- }
- type PropertyOption = Option[(String, Seq[ResourceValue])]
- type PropertyMap = Iterable[(String, Seq[ResourceValue])]
- implicit class IntToProperty(x: Int) {
- def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceInt(BigInt(x)))
- }
- implicit class BigIntToProperty(x: BigInt) {
- def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceInt(x))
+ // TODO - Remove compatibility layer for deprecated diplomacy api once all local references are moved to standalone diplomacy lib.
+ // package.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def sourceLine(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, prefix: String = " (", suffix: String = ")") = sourceInfo match {
+ case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s"$prefix$filename:$line:$col$suffix"
+ case _ => ""
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def EnableMonitors[T](
+ body: Parameters => T
+ )(
+ implicit p: Parameters
+ ) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.EnableMonitors(body)(p)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def DisableMonitors[T](
+ body: Parameters => T
+ )(
+ implicit p: Parameters
+ ) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.DisableMonitors(body)(p)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def FlipRendering[T](
+ body: Parameters => T
+ )(
+ implicit p: Parameters
+ ) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.FlipRendering(body)(p)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ implicit def moduleValue[T](value: ModuleValue[T]): T = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.moduleValue(value)
- implicit class StringToProperty(x: String) {
- def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceString(x))
- }
+// Clone.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val CloneLazyModule = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.CloneLazyModule
- implicit class DeviceToProperty(x: Device) {
- def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceReference(x.label))
- }
+// ValName.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ValName = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def ValName(value: String) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.ValName(value)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ implicit def SourcecodeNameExt(x: sourcecode.Name) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.SourcecodeNameExt(x)
- def EnableMonitors[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
- case MonitorsEnabled => true
- })
- def DisableMonitors[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
- case MonitorsEnabled => false
- })
- def FlipRendering[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
- case RenderFlipped => !p(RenderFlipped)
- })
+// LazyModule.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type LazyModule = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModule
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val LazyModule = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModule
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type LazyModuleImpLike = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type LazyModuleImp = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImp
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type LazyRawModuleImp = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyRawModuleImp
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SimpleLazyModule = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.SimpleLazyModule
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type LazyScope = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyScope
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val LazyScope = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyScope
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ModuleValue[T] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.ModuleValue[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val InModuleBody = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.InModuleBody
- implicit def moduleValue[T](value: ModuleValue[T]): T = value.getWrappedValue
+// Nodes.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Dangle = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.Dangle
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Dangle = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.Dangle
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type HalfEdge = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.HalfEdge
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val HalfEdge = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.HalfEdge
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val MonitorsEnabled = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.MonitorsEnabled
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val RenderFlipped = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.RenderFlipped
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val RenderedEdge = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.RenderedEdge
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type RenderedEdge = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.RenderedEdge
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SimpleNodeImp[D, U, E, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.SimpleNodeImp[D, U, E, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BaseNode = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BaseNode = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BaseNode
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type FormatEdge = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.FormatEdge
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type FormatNode[I <: FormatEdge, O <: FormatEdge] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.FormatNode[I, O]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NoHandle = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NoHandle
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val NoHandleObject = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NoHandleObject
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val NodeHandle = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NodeHandle
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NodeHandlePair[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NodeHandlePair[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NodeBinding = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NodeBinding
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BIND_ONCE = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BIND_ONCE
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BIND_QUERY = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BIND_QUERY
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BIND_STAR = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BIND_STAR
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BIND_FLEX = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.BIND_FLEX
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type CycleException = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.CycleException
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type StarCycleException = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.StarCycleException
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type DownwardCycleException = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.DownwardCycleException
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type UpwardCycleException = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.UpwardCycleException
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Edges = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.Edges
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Edges[EI, EO] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.Edges[EI, EO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type MixedCustomNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.MixedCustomNode[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type CustomNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.CustomNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type MixedJunctionNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.MixedJunctionNode[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type JunctionNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.JunctionNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type MixedAdapterNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.MixedAdapterNode[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type IdentityNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.IdentityNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type EphemeralNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.EphemeralNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type MixedNexusNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.MixedNexusNode[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type NexusNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.NexusNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SourceNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.SourceNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SinkNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.SinkNode[D, U, EO, EI, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SimpleNodeHandle[D, U, E, B <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.SimpleNodeHandle[D, U, E, B]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type AnyMixedNode = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.AnyMixedNode
- implicit def noCrossing(value: NoCrossing.type): ClockCrossingType = SynchronousCrossing(BufferParams.none)
+// BundleBridge.scala
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeParams[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeParams[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeParams = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeParams
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeImp[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeImp[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeSink[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeSink[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeSink = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeSink
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeSource[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeSource[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeSource = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeSource
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeIdentityNode[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeIdentityNode[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeIdentityNode = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeIdentityNode
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[T <: Data] =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeEphemeralNode = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeEphemeralNode
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def BundleBridgeNameNode[T <: Data](name: String) =
+ _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNameNode[T](name)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeNexusNode[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNexusNode[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeNexus[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNexus[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val BundleBridgeNexus = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNexus
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def BundleBroadcast[T <: Data](
+ name: Option[String] = None,
+ registered: Boolean = false,
+ default: Option[() => T] = None,
+ inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = false, // when false, connecting a source does not mandate connecting a sink
+ shouldBeInlined: Boolean = true
+ )(
+ implicit p: Parameters
+ ) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge
+ .BundleBroadcast[T](name, registered, default, inputRequiresOutput, shouldBeInlined)(p)
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeInwardNode[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeInwardNode[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeOutwardNode[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeOutwardNode[T]
+ @deprecated("Diplomacy has been split to a standalone library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BundleBridgeNode[T <: Data] = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNode[T]
- type BundleBridgeInwardNode[T <: Data] = InwardNodeHandle[BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T], T]
- type BundleBridgeOutwardNode[T <: Data] = OutwardNodeHandle[BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T], T]
- type BundleBridgeNode[T <: Data] = NodeHandle[BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T], T, BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeParams[T], BundleBridgeEdgeParams[T], T]
+// Resources.scala
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourcePermissions", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourcePermissions = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourcePermissions
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Resource = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Resource = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAnchors", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceAnchors = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAnchors
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAlias", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceAlias = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAlias
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAlias", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceAlias = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAlias
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMapping", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceMapping = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMapping
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMapping", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceMapping = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMapping
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMap", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceMap = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMap
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMap", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceMap = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceMap
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceReference", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceReference = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceReference
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceReference", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceReference = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceReference
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAddress", "rocketchip 2.0.e0")
+ type ResourceAddress = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAddress
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAddress", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceAddress = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceAddress
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceValue", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceValue = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceValue
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceBinding", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceBinding = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceBinding
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceBindings", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceBindings = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceBindings
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.BindingScope", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type BindingScope = freechips.rocketchip.resources.BindingScope
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Binding", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Binding = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Binding
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Binding", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Binding = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Binding
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceInt", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceInt = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceInt
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceInt", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceInt = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceInt
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceString", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type ResourceString = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceString
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceString", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val ResourceString = freechips.rocketchip.resources.ResourceString
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.SimpleDevice", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SimpleDevice = freechips.rocketchip.resources.SimpleDevice
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.MemoryDevice", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type MemoryDevice = freechips.rocketchip.resources.MemoryDevice
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Device", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Device = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Device
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Description", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type Description = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Description
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.Description", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val Description = freechips.rocketchip.resources.Description
+ @deprecated("Use freechips.rocketchip.resources.SimpleBus", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ type SimpleBus = freechips.rocketchip.resources.SimpleBus
diff --git a/src/main/scala/examples/ExampleDevice.scala b/src/main/scala/examples/ExampleDevice.scala
index ffdb69f8d2c..7358c6bdcdd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/examples/ExampleDevice.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/examples/ExampleDevice.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.examples
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb.HasAHBControlRegMap
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.HasAXI4ControlRegMap
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.LazyModuleImp
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.HasInterruptSources
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.HasTLControlRegMap
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{IORegisterRouter, RegisterRouterParams, RegField, RegFieldDesc}
diff --git a/src/main/scala/formal/FormalUtils.scala b/src/main/scala/formal/FormalUtils.scala
index 2df69574d58..07922d789fc 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/formal/FormalUtils.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/formal/FormalUtils.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.formal
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.{SourceInfo, SourceLine}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Field
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
sealed abstract class MonitorDirection(name: String) {
override def toString: String = name
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/Configs.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/Configs.scala
index bb0ccd71ab5..e9b00689aa9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/Configs.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/Configs.scala
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Config
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{CLINTKey, PLICKey}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{DebugModuleKey}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
import freechips.rocketchip.system.BaseConfig
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{DCacheParams}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{XLen}
/** Actual testing target Configs */
@@ -30,27 +30,27 @@ class GroundTestBaseConfig extends Config(
case DebugModuleKey => None
case CLINTKey => None
case PLICKey => None
- case SubsystemExternalResetVectorKey => true
+ case HasTilesExternalResetVectorKey => true
class WithTraceGen(
n: Int = 2,
- overrideIdOffset: Option[Int] = None,
overrideMemOffset: Option[BigInt] = None)(
params: Seq[DCacheParams] = List.fill(n){ DCacheParams(nSets = 16, nWays = 1) },
- nReqs: Int = 8192
+ nReqs: Int = 8192,
+ wordBits: Int = 32
) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
- val idOffset = overrideIdOffset.getOrElse(prev.size)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
val memOffset: BigInt = overrideMemOffset.orElse(site(ExtMem).map(_.master.base)).getOrElse(0x0L)
params.zipWithIndex.map { case (dcp, i) =>
tileParams = TraceGenParams(
- hartId = i + idOffset,
+ tileId = i + idOffset,
dcache = Some(dcp),
- wordBits = site(XLen),
+ wordBits = wordBits,
addrBits = 32,
addrBag = {
val nSets = dcp.nSets
@@ -68,4 +68,5 @@ class WithTraceGen(
} ++ prev
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/DummyPTW.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/DummyPTW.scala
index ce95b826d83..4dadd95a739 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/DummyPTW.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/DummyPTW.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{RRArbiter, Valid, log2Up, RegEnable}
+import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.CoreModule
import freechips.rocketchip.util.ParameterizedBundle
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/GroundTestSubsystem.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/GroundTestSubsystem.scala
index ba3215f7f53..11263966ebf 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/GroundTestSubsystem.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/GroundTestSubsystem.scala
@@ -3,20 +3,30 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, LazyModule}
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSinkNode, IntSinkPortSimple}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{BaseSubsystem, BaseSubsystemModuleImp, HasTiles, CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{NMI}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{CLINTConsts}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLRAM, TLFragmenter}
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{NullIntSyncSource}
class GroundTestSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BaseSubsystem
- with HasTiles
+ with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements
+ with HasHierarchicalElementsRootContext
+ with HasHierarchicalElements
+ with HasTileNotificationSinks
+ with HasTileInputConstants
with CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort
- val testram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x52000000, 0xfff), beatBytes=pbus.beatBytes))
- pbus.coupleTo("TestRAM") { testram.node := TLFragmenter(pbus) := _ }
+ val testram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x52000000, 0xfff), beatBytes=tlBusWrapperLocationMap.get(PBUS).getOrElse(tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location)))).beatBytes))
+ tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(PBUS).getOrElse(tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location)))).coupleTo("TestRAM") { testram.node := TLFragmenter(tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(PBUS).getOrElse(tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location))))) := _ }
// No cores to monitor
def coreMonitorBundles = Nil
@@ -24,16 +34,18 @@ class GroundTestSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters)
// No PLIC in ground test; so just sink the interrupts to nowhere
IntSinkNode(IntSinkPortSimple()) :=* ibus.toPLIC
- val tileStatusNodes = tiles.collect { case t: GroundTestTile => t.statusNode.makeSink() }
- // no debug module
- val debugNode = NullIntSyncSource()
+ val tileStatusNodes = totalTiles.values.collect { case t: GroundTestTile => t.statusNode.makeSink() }
+ val clintOpt = None
+ val clintDomainOpt = None
+ val debugOpt = None
+ val plicOpt = None
+ val plicDomainOpt = None
override lazy val module = new GroundTestSubsystemModuleImp(this)
class GroundTestSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: GroundTestSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BaseSubsystemModuleImp(_outer) {
val success = IO(Output(Bool()))
- val status = dontTouch(DebugCombiner(outer.tileStatusNodes.map(_.bundle)))
- success := outer.tileCeaseSinkNode.in.head._1.asUInt.andR
+ val status = dontTouch(DebugCombiner(_outer.tileStatusNodes.map(_.bundle).toSeq))
+ success := _outer.tileCeaseSinkNode.in.head._1.asUInt.andR
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/TestHarness.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/TestHarness.scala
index 2db67efbee7..348df5beb50 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/TestHarness.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/TestHarness.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.LazyModule
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.system.SimAXIMem
class TestHarness(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/Tile.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/Tile.scala
index 912016f8ea4..c9516ab4965 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/Tile.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/Tile.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType}
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{BuildHellaCache, DCache, DCacheModule, ICacheParams, NonBlockingDCache, NonBlockingDCacheModule, RocketCoreParams}
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ abstract class GroundTestTile(
with SourcesExternalNotifications
val cpuDevice: SimpleDevice = new SimpleDevice("groundtest", Nil)
- val intOutwardNode: IntOutwardNode = IntIdentityNode()
+ val intOutwardNode = None
val slaveNode: TLInwardNode = TLIdentityNode()
val statusNode = BundleBridgeSource(() => new GroundTestStatus)
@@ -43,10 +48,7 @@ abstract class GroundTestTile(
dcacheOpt.foreach { m =>
m.hartIdSinkNodeOpt.foreach { _ := hartIdNexusNode }
InModuleBody {
- m.module match {
- case module: DCacheModule => module.tlb_port := DontCare
- case other => other
- }
+ m.module.io.tlb_port := DontCare
diff --git a/src/main/scala/groundtest/TraceGen.scala b/src/main/scala/groundtest/TraceGen.scala
index 93a5554985c..588f930978d 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/groundtest/TraceGen.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/groundtest/TraceGen.scala
@@ -20,15 +20,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.groundtest
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{log2Up, MuxLookup, Cat, log2Ceil, Enum}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{ClockCrossingType}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{TileCrossingParamsLike, CanAttachTile}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, CanAttachTile}
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters, ClockCrossingType}
// =======
// Outline
@@ -61,22 +62,22 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters}
// to repeatedly recompile with a different address bag.)
case class TraceGenParams(
- wordBits: Int, // p(XLen)
- addrBits: Int, // p(PAddrBits)
- addrBag: List[BigInt], // p(AddressBag)
+ wordBits: Int,
+ addrBits: Int,
+ addrBag: List[BigInt],
maxRequests: Int,
- memStart: BigInt, //p(ExtMem).base
+ memStart: BigInt,
numGens: Int,
dcache: Option[DCacheParams] = Some(DCacheParams()),
- hartId: Int = 0
+ tileId: Int = 0
) extends InstantiableTileParams[TraceGenTile] with GroundTestTileParams
- def instantiate(crossing: TileCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters): TraceGenTile = {
+ def instantiate(crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters): TraceGenTile = {
new TraceGenTile(this, crossing, lookup)
- val beuAddr = None
val blockerCtrlAddr = None
- val name = None
+ val baseName = "tracegentile"
+ val uniqueName = s"${baseName}_$tileId"
val clockSinkParams = ClockSinkParameters()
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ trait HasTraceGenParams {
case class TraceGenTileAttachParams(
tileParams: TraceGenParams,
- crossingParams: TileCrossingParamsLike
+ crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
) extends CanAttachTile {
type TileType = TraceGenTile
val lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl = HartsWontDeduplicate(tileParams)
@@ -249,7 +250,8 @@ class TraceGenerator(val params: TraceGenParams)(implicit val p: Parameters) ext
val addrBagIndices = (0 to addressBagLen-1).
map(i => i.U(logAddressBagLen.W))
- val randAddrFromBag = MuxLookup(randAddrBagIndex, 0.U)(addrBagIndices.zip(bagOfAddrs))
+ val randAddrFromBag = MuxLookup(randAddrBagIndex, 0.U)(
+ addrBagIndices.zip(bagOfAddrs))
// Random address from the address bag or the extra addresses.
@@ -267,7 +269,8 @@ class TraceGenerator(val params: TraceGenParams)(implicit val p: Parameters) ext
// A random address from the extra addresses.
val randAddrFromExtra = Cat(0.U,
- MuxLookup(randExtraAddrIndex, 0.U)(extraAddrIndices.zip(extraAddrs)), 0.U(3.W))
+ MuxLookup(randExtraAddrIndex, 0.U)(
+ extraAddrIndices.zip(extraAddrs)), 0.U(3.W))
(1, randAddrFromBag),
@@ -277,7 +280,8 @@ class TraceGenerator(val params: TraceGenParams)(implicit val p: Parameters) ext
val allAddrs = extraAddrs ++ bagOfAddrs
val allAddrIndices = (0 until totalNumAddrs)
.map(i => i.U(log2Ceil(totalNumAddrs).W))
- val initAddr = MuxLookup(initCount, 0.U)(allAddrIndices.zip(allAddrs))
+ val initAddr = MuxLookup(initCount, 0.U)(
+ allAddrIndices.zip(allAddrs))
// Random opcodes
// --------------
@@ -530,6 +534,7 @@ class TraceGenerator(val params: TraceGenParams)(implicit val p: Parameters) ext
io.mem.req.bits.tag := reqTag
io.mem.req.bits.no_alloc := false.B
io.mem.req.bits.no_xcpt := false.B
+ io.mem.req.bits.no_resp := false.B
io.mem.req.bits.mask := ~(0.U((numBitsInWord / 8).W))
io.mem.req.bits.phys := false.B
io.mem.req.bits.dprv := PRV.M.U
@@ -614,7 +619,7 @@ class TraceGenTile private(
q: Parameters
) extends GroundTestTile(params, crossing, lookup, q)
- def this(params: TraceGenParams, crossing: TileCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters) =
+ def this(params: TraceGenParams, crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters) =
this(params, crossing.crossingType, lookup, p)
val masterNode: TLOutwardNode = TLIdentityNode() := visibilityNode := dcacheOpt.map(_.node).getOrElse(TLTempNode())
@@ -641,5 +646,5 @@ class TraceGenTileModuleImp(outer: TraceGenTile) extends GroundTestTileModuleImp
status.timeout.bits := 0.U
status.error.valid := false.B
- assert(!tracegen.io.timeout, s"TraceGen tile ${outer.tileParams.hartId}: request timed out")
+ assert(!tracegen.io.timeout, s"TraceGen tile ${outer.tileParams.tileId}: request timed out")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/BlockDuringReset.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/BlockDuringReset.scala
index 35692c57360..a94c295b062 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/BlockDuringReset.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/BlockDuringReset.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.BlockDuringReset
/** BlockDuringReset ensures that no interrupt is raised while reset is raised. */
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Crossing.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Crossing.scala
index 77a15480529..d783e6bbd97 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Crossing.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Crossing.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{SynchronizerShiftReg, AsyncResetReg}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
@deprecated("IntXing does not ensure interrupt source is glitch free. Use IntSyncSource and IntSyncSink", "rocket-chip 1.2")
class IntXing(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -35,14 +36,20 @@ class IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Para
val node = IntSyncSourceNode(alreadyRegistered)
- lazy val module = new Impl
+ lazy val module = if (alreadyRegistered) (new ImplRegistered) else (new Impl)
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ def outSize = node.out.headOption.map(_._1.sync.size).getOrElse(0)
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncCrossingSource_n${node.out.size}x${outSize}"
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
- if (alreadyRegistered) {
- out.sync := in
- } else {
- out.sync := AsyncResetReg(Cat(in.reverse)).asBools
- }
+ out.sync := AsyncResetReg(Cat(in.reverse)).asBools
+ }
+ }
+ class ImplRegistered extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
+ def outSize = node.out.headOption.map(_._1.sync.size).getOrElse(0)
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncCrossingSource_n${node.out.size}x${outSize}_Registered"
+ (node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
+ out.sync := in
@@ -65,6 +72,7 @@ class IntSyncAsyncCrossingSink(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) extends La
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncAsyncCrossingSink_n${node.out.size}x${node.out.head._1.size}"
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
out := SynchronizerShiftReg(in.sync, sync)
@@ -85,7 +93,9 @@ class IntSyncSyncCrossingSink()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = IntSyncSinkNode(0)
lazy val module = new Impl
- class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
+ def outSize = node.out.headOption.map(_._1.size).getOrElse(0)
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncSyncCrossingSink_n${node.out.size}x${outSize}"
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
out := in.sync
@@ -107,6 +117,8 @@ class IntSyncRationalCrossingSink()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ def outSize = node.out.headOption.map(_._1.size).getOrElse(0)
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncRationalCrossingSink_n${node.out.size}x${outSize}"
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
out := RegNext(in.sync)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/CrossingHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/CrossingHelper.scala
index 814e13fe39b..d9cdd18b1ee 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/CrossingHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/CrossingHelper.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, StretchedResetCrossing}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, StretchedResetCrossing, CrossingType, ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, SynchronousCrossing, CreditedCrossing}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.CreditedDelay
trait IntOutwardCrossingHelper {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Nodes.scala
index 25a5cd48354..d2b18122f96 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Nodes.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
object IntImp extends SimpleNodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/NullIntSource.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/NullIntSource.scala
index d906ac36fd9..dc388960313 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/NullIntSource.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/NullIntSource.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
/** Useful for stubbing out parts of an interrupt interface where certain devices might be missing */
class NullIntSource(num: Int = 1, ports: Int = 1, sources: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ class NullIntSource(num: Int = 1, ports: Int = 1, sources: Int = 1)(implicit p:
val intnode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(num, ports, sources))
lazy val module = new Impl
- class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
intnode.out.foreach { case (o, _) => o.foreach { _ := false.B } }
@@ -26,6 +27,6 @@ object NullIntSource {
object NullIntSyncSource {
def apply(num: Int = 1, ports: Int = 1, sources: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters): IntSyncOutwardNode = {
- IntSyncCrossingSource() := NullIntSource(num, ports, sources)
+ IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered = true) := NullIntSource(num, ports, sources)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Parameters.scala
index d1c300241cf..e9d90a56e7d 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Parameters.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource
// A potentially empty half-open range; [start, end)
case class IntRange(start: Int, end: Int)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/RegisterRouter.scala
index 419ec135d27..6e08a2c2c55 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
import chisel3._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.Resource
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
/** Mix this trait into a RegisterRouter to be able to attach its interrupt sources to an interrupt bus */
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Xbar.scala
index 472fead6955..65c3e045ac4 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/Xbar.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.interrupts
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
class IntXbar()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ class IntXbar()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
lazy val module = new Impl
- class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = s"IntXbar_i${intnode.in.size}_o${intnode.out.size}"
val cat = intnode.in.map { case (i, e) => i.take(e.source.num) }.flatten
intnode.out.foreach { case (o, _) => o := cat }
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ class IntSyncXbar()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = s"IntSyncXbar_i${intnode.in.size}_o${intnode.out.size}"
val cat = intnode.in.map { case (i, e) => i.sync.take(e.source.num) }.flatten
intnode.out.foreach { case (o, _) => o.sync := cat }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/interrupts/package.scala b/src/main/scala/interrupts/package.scala
index a29898210ba..aaa73bf4b3a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/interrupts/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/interrupts/package.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip
-import chisel3.{Bool, Vec}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{HasClockDomainCrossing, _}
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasResetDomainCrossing}
+import chisel3._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasClockDomainCrossing, HasResetDomainCrossing}
package object interrupts
diff --git a/src/main/scala/jtag/JtagShifter.scala b/src/main/scala/jtag/JtagShifter.scala
index d76ac3535fb..cbd001a36f7 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/jtag/JtagShifter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/jtag/JtagShifter.scala
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ object JtagBypassChain {
* 4.3.2a TDI captured on TCK rising edge, assumed changes on TCK falling edge
class CaptureChain[+T <: Data](gen: T)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Chain {
+ override def desiredName = s"CaptureChain_${gen.typeName}"
class ModIO extends ChainIO {
val capture = Capture(gen)
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ object CaptureChain {
* 4.3.2a TDI captured on TCK rising edge, assumed changes on TCK falling edge
class CaptureUpdateChain[+T <: Data, +V <: Data](genCapture: T, genUpdate: V)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Chain {
+ override def desiredName = s"CaptureUpdateChain_${genCapture.typeName}_To_${genUpdate.typeName}"
class ModIO extends ChainIO {
val capture = Capture(genCapture)
val update = Valid(genUpdate) // valid high when in update state (single cycle), contents may change any time after
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset.scala
index 88baf78bfba..7bb37f98ace 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.BundleBridgeNexus.fillN
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge.BundleBridgeNexus.fillN
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BlockDuringReset, Blockable}
object BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockBundles.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockBundles.scala
index 900e437a5af..0cf06cca6e5 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockBundles.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockBundles.scala
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import chisel3._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.RecordMap
-class ClockBundle(val params: ClockBundleParameters) extends Bundle
+class ClockBundle(val params: ClockBundleParameters = ClockBundleParameters()) extends Bundle
val clock = Output(Clock())
val reset = Output(Reset())
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/ClockDomain.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockCrossingType.scala
similarity index 90%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/ClockDomain.scala
rename to src/main/scala/prci/ClockCrossingType.scala
index 89c8a82b3c6..cbb5183a6db 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/ClockDomain.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockCrossingType.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.prci
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyScope, LazyModule}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{RationalDirection, FastToSlow, AsyncQueueParams, CreditedDelay}
-// TODO this should all be moved to package freechips.rocketchip.prci now that it exists
trait CrossingType
trait HasDomainCrossing extends LazyScope { this: LazyModule =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDivider.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDivider.scala
index ceb91078f73..8c913f04c8c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDivider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDivider.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.isPow2
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ClockDivider3, Pow2ClockDivider}
/* An example clock adapter that divides all clocks passed through this node by an integer factor
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDomain.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDomain.scala
index 665372ca500..9c25284d1d1 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDomain.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockDomain.scala
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-abstract class Domain(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasDomainCrossing {
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+abstract class Domain(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasDomainCrossing
def clockBundle: ClockBundle
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
childClock := clockBundle.clock
childReset := clockBundle.reset
+ override def provideImplicitClockToLazyChildren = true
// these are just for backwards compatibility with external devices
// that were manually wiring themselves to the domain's clock/reset input:
@@ -28,6 +32,7 @@ class ClockSinkDomain(val clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters)(implicit p: Para
def this(take: Option[ClockParameters] = None, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) = this(ClockSinkParameters(take = take, name = name))
val clockNode = ClockSinkNode(Seq(clockSinkParams))
def clockBundle = clockNode.in.head._1
+ override lazy val desiredName = (clockSinkParams.name.toSeq :+ "ClockSinkDomain").mkString
class ClockSourceDomain(val clockSourceParams: ClockSourceParameters)(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClockDomain
@@ -35,6 +40,7 @@ class ClockSourceDomain(val clockSourceParams: ClockSourceParameters)(implicit p
def this(give: Option[ClockParameters] = None, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) = this(ClockSourceParameters(give = give, name = name))
val clockNode = ClockSourceNode(Seq(clockSourceParams))
def clockBundle = clockNode.out.head._1
+ override lazy val desiredName = (clockSourceParams.name.toSeq :+ "ClockSourceDomain").mkString
abstract class ResetDomain(implicit p: Parameters) extends Domain with HasResetDomainCrossing
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroup.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroup.scala
index ce2b8f98c97..afd113d4e49 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroup.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroup.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
-case class ClockGroupNode(groupName: String)(implicit valName: ValName)
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.FixedClockResource
+case class ClockGroupingNode(groupName: String)(implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNexusNode(ClockGroupImp, ClockImp)(
dFn = { _ => ClockSourceParameters() },
uFn = { seq => ClockGroupSinkParameters(name = groupName, members = seq) })
@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ case class ClockGroupNode(groupName: String)(implicit valName: ValName)
class ClockGroup(groupName: String)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- val node = ClockGroupNode(groupName)
+ val node = ClockGroupingNode(groupName)
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ case class ClockGroupAggregateNode(groupName: String)(implicit valName: ValName)
class ClockGroupAggregator(groupName: String)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = ClockGroupAggregateNode(groupName)
+ override lazy val desiredName = s"ClockGroupAggregator_$groupName"
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
val (in, _) = node.in.unzip
@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ class FixedClockBroadcast(fixedClockOpt: Option[ClockParameters])(implicit p: Pa
class Impl extends LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
val (in, _) = node.in(0)
val (out, _) = node.out.unzip
+ override def desiredName = s"FixedClockBroadcast_${out.size}"
require (node.in.size == 1, "FixedClockBroadcast can only broadcast a single clock")
out.foreach { _ := in }
@@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ class FixedClockBroadcast(fixedClockOpt: Option[ClockParameters])(implicit p: Pa
object FixedClockBroadcast
- def apply(fixedClockOpt: Option[ClockParameters])(implicit p: Parameters, valName: ValName) = LazyModule(new FixedClockBroadcast(fixedClockOpt)).node
+ def apply(fixedClockOpt: Option[ClockParameters] = None)(implicit p: Parameters, valName: ValName) = LazyModule(new FixedClockBroadcast(fixedClockOpt)).node
case class PRCIClockGroupNode()(implicit valName: ValName)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroupDriver.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroupDriver.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ff42f1e42..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockGroupDriver.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.prci
-import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{InModuleBody, ModuleValue, ValName}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.{RecordMap}
-/** Used to parameterize the creation of simple clock group drivers */
-case class ClockGroupDriverParameters(
- num: Int = 1,
- driveFn: ClockGroupDriver.DriveFn = ClockGroupDriver.driveFromImplicitClock
-) {
- def drive(node: ClockGroupEphemeralNode)(implicit p: Parameters, vn: ValName): ModuleValue[RecordMap[ClockBundle]] = {
- driveFn(node, num, p, vn)
- }
-object ClockGroupDriver {
- type DriveFn = (ClockGroupEphemeralNode, Int, Parameters, ValName) => ModuleValue[RecordMap[ClockBundle]]
- /** Drive all members of all groups from the Chisel implicit clock */
- def driveFromImplicitClock: DriveFn = { (groups, num, p, vn) =>
- implicit val pp = p
- val dummyClockGroupSourceNode: ClockGroupSourceNode = SimpleClockGroupSource(num)
- groups :*= dummyClockGroupSourceNode
- InModuleBody { RecordMap[ClockBundle]() }
- }
- /** Drive all members of all groups from a flattened IO representation */
- def driveFromIOs: DriveFn = { (groups, num, p, vn) =>
- implicit val pp = p
- val ioClockGroupSourceNode = ClockGroupSourceNode(List.fill(num) { ClockGroupSourceParameters() })
- groups :*= ioClockGroupSourceNode
- InModuleBody {
- val bundles = ioClockGroupSourceNode.out.map(_._1)
- val elements = bundles.map(_.member.elements).flatten
- val io = IO(Flipped(RecordMap(elements.map { case (name, data) =>
- name -> data.cloneType
- }:_*)))
- elements.foreach { case (name, data) => io(name).foreach { data := _ } }
- io.suggestName(vn.name)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockNodes.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockNodes.scala
index 16a9e01c894..e5c6748fb62 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ClockNodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ClockNodes.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.FixedClockResource
object ClockImp extends SimpleNodeImp[ClockSourceParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockEdgeParameters, ClockBundle]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/IOHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/IOHelper.scala
index e33e618103b..6b7f75f6c40 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/IOHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/IOHelper.scala
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
object IOHelper {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetCrossingType.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetCrossingType.scala
index dd37db2ee9d..0fdaa3b4d6c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetCrossingType.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetCrossingType.scala
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{CrossingType, HasDomainCrossing, LazyModule}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
trait HasResetDomainCrossing extends HasDomainCrossing { this: LazyModule =>
type DomainCrossingType = ResetCrossingType
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetStretcher.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetStretcher.scala
index 747e93281fa..d9d76ab8e4a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetStretcher.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetStretcher.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, ValName}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
/** This adapter takes an input reset and stretches it.
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, ValName}
class ResetStretcher(cycles: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = ClockAdapterNode()(ValName("reset_stretcher"))
require(cycles > 1, s"ResetStretcher only supports cycles > 1 but got ${cycles}")
+ override lazy val desiredName = s"ResetStretcher$cycles"
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
(node.in zip node.out).foreach { case ((in, _), (out, _)) =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetSynchronizer.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetSynchronizer.scala
index 9bb6c5aea31..c66ce4576a7 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetSynchronizer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetSynchronizer.scala
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ResetCatchAndSync}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.ResetCatchAndSync
* Synchronizes the reset of a diplomatic clock-reset pair to its accompanying clock.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetWrangler.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetWrangler.scala
index 3f59bc3d183..59b289bc3e6 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/ResetWrangler.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/ResetWrangler.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{AsyncResetReg, ResetCatchAndSync}
class ResetWrangler(debounceNs: Double = 100000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/TestClockSource.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/TestClockSource.scala
index 440c77f893e..6889908b0d2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/TestClockSource.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/TestClockSource.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.prci
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.HasBlackBoxInline
+import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.DoubleParam
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
class ClockSourceIO extends Bundle {
val power = Input(Bool())
diff --git a/src/main/scala/prci/package.scala b/src/main/scala/prci/package.scala
index e427add8d43..872a05d05d3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/prci/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/prci/package.scala
@@ -2,15 +2,21 @@
package freechips.rocketchip
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams}
package object prci
type ClockInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[ClockSourceParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockEdgeParameters, ClockBundle]
type ClockOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[ClockSourceParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockEdgeParameters, ClockBundle]
type ClockNode = NodeHandle[ClockSourceParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockEdgeParameters, ClockBundle, ClockSourceParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockEdgeParameters, ClockBundle]
+ type ClockGroupNode = NodeHandle[ClockGroupSourceParameters, ClockGroupSinkParameters, ClockGroupEdgeParameters, ClockGroupBundle, ClockGroupSourceParameters, ClockGroupSinkParameters, ClockGroupEdgeParameters, ClockGroupBundle]
def asyncMux[T](xType: ClockCrossingType, async: T, notasync: T): T = xType match {
case _: AsynchronousCrossing => async
case _ => notasync
+ implicit def noCrossing(value: NoCrossing.type): ClockCrossingType = SynchronousCrossing(BufferParams.none)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegMapper.scala b/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegMapper.scala
index 78361ef9406..2e00c77005a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegMapper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegMapper.scala
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.regmapper
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import chisel3.util.{DecoupledIO, Decoupled, Queue, Cat, FillInterleaved, UIntToOH}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
+import chisel3.util._
-// A bus agnostic register interface to a register-based device
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressDecoder
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleFieldBase, BundleMap, MuxSeq, ReduceOthers, property}
+// A bus agnostic register interface to a register-based device
case class RegMapperParams(indexBits: Int, maskBits: Int, extraFields: Seq[BundleFieldBase] = Nil)
class RegMapperInput(val params: RegMapperParams) extends Bundle
@@ -67,7 +67,13 @@ object RegMapper
val depth = concurrency
require (depth >= 0)
require (!pipelined || depth > 0, "Register-based device with request/response handshaking needs concurrency > 0")
- val back = if (depth > 0) Queue(front, depth) else front
+ val back = if (depth > 0) {
+ val front_q = Module(new Queue(new RegMapperInput(inParams), depth) {
+ override def desiredName = s"Queue${depth}_${front.bits.typeName}_i${inParams.indexBits}_m${inParams.maskBits}"
+ })
+ front_q.io.enq <> front
+ front_q.io.deq
+ } else front
// Convert to and from Bits
def toBits(x: Int, tail: List[Boolean] = List.empty): List[Boolean] =
diff --git a/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegisterRouter.scala
index 0bd43a7fd06..083a1d09dfb 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/regmapper/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.regmapper
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{isPow2}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Description, Device, SimpleDevice, ResourceBindings, ResourceValue}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasClockDomainCrossing}
/** Parameters which apply to any RegisterRouter. */
case class RegisterRouterParams(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/regmapper/Test.scala b/src/main/scala/regmapper/Test.scala
index 57c5c7ec583..0faedd84cfb 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/regmapper/Test.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/regmapper/Test.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.regmapper
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Ceil}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.LazyModuleImp
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Pow2ClockDivider}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Pow2ClockDivider
object LFSR16Seed
diff --git a/src/main/scala/resources/AddressMapEntry.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/AddressMapEntry.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27ba067ad56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/AddressMapEntry.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressRange}
+case class AddressMapEntry(range: AddressRange, permissions: ResourcePermissions, names: Seq[String]) {
+ val ResourcePermissions(r, w, x, c, a) = permissions
+ def toString(aw: Int) = s"\t%${aw}x - %${aw}x %c%c%c%c%c %s".format(
+ range.base,
+ range.base+range.size,
+ if (a) 'A' else ' ',
+ if (r) 'R' else ' ',
+ if (w) 'W' else ' ',
+ if (x) 'X' else ' ',
+ if (c) 'C' else ' ',
+ names.mkString(", "))
+ def toJSON = s"""{"base":[${range.base}],"size":[${range.size}],""" +
+ s""""r":[$r],"w":[$w],"x":[$x],"c":[$c],"a":[$a],""" +
+ s""""names":[${names.map('"'+_+'"').mkString(",")}]}"""
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/DeviceTree.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/DeviceTree.scala
similarity index 98%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/DeviceTree.scala
rename to src/main/scala/resources/DeviceTree.scala
index 05ccdbb5b91..3c9e04384fc 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/DeviceTree.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/DeviceTree.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Field
import sys.process._
import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressRange}
case object DTSModel extends Field[String]
case object DTSCompat extends Field[Seq[String]] // -dev, -soc
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/FixedClockResource.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/FixedClockResource.scala
similarity index 94%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/FixedClockResource.scala
rename to src/main/scala/resources/FixedClockResource.scala
index 2ae3ee9f236..d0c39ef85bd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/FixedClockResource.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/FixedClockResource.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
class FixedClockResource(val name: String, val freqMHz: Double, val prefix: String = "soc/")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/JSON.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/JSON.scala
similarity index 95%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/JSON.scala
rename to src/main/scala/resources/JSON.scala
index 0ab4c0a909c..3a656615e6c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/JSON.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/JSON.scala
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressRange}
object JSON
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Resources.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/Resources.scala
similarity index 96%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/Resources.scala
rename to src/main/scala/resources/Resources.scala
index 4dc59d95304..41d042f4907 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/Resources.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/Resources.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import scala.collection.immutable.{ListMap, SortedMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, AddressRange}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.{LazyModule}
sealed trait ResourceValue
@@ -275,12 +277,12 @@ trait BindingScope
private val parentScope = BindingScope.find(parent)
- protected[diplomacy] var resourceBindingFns: Seq[() => Unit] = Nil // callback functions to resolve resource binding during elaboration
- protected[diplomacy] var resourceBindings: Seq[(Resource, Option[Device], ResourceValue)] = Nil
+ protected[resources] var resourceBindingFns: Seq[() => Unit] = Nil // callback functions to resolve resource binding during elaboration
+ protected[resources] var resourceBindings: Seq[(Resource, Option[Device], ResourceValue)] = Nil
private case class ExpandedValue(path: Seq[String], labels: Seq[String], value: Seq[ResourceValue])
private lazy val eval: Unit = {
- require (!LazyModule.scope.isDefined, "May not evaluate binding while still constructing LazyModules")
+ require (!LazyModule.getScope.isDefined, "May not evaluate binding while still constructing LazyModules")
parentScope.foreach { _.eval }
resourceBindings = parentScope.map(_.resourceBindings).getOrElse(Nil)
BindingScope.active = Some(this)
@@ -387,10 +389,10 @@ trait BindingScope
object BindingScope
- protected[diplomacy] var active: Option[BindingScope] = None
- protected[diplomacy] def find(m: Option[LazyModule] = LazyModule.scope): Option[BindingScope] = m.flatMap {
- case x: BindingScope => find(x.parent).orElse(Some(x))
- case x => find(x.parent)
+ protected[resources] var active: Option[BindingScope] = None
+ protected[resources] def find(m: Option[LazyModule] = LazyModule.getScope): Option[BindingScope] = m.flatMap {
+ case x: BindingScope => find(x.getParent).orElse(Some(x))
+ case x => find(x.getParent)
var bindingScopes = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[BindingScope]()
diff --git a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/SRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/SRAM.scala
similarity index 94%
rename from src/main/scala/diplomacy/SRAM.scala
rename to src/main/scala/resources/SRAM.scala
index 205fba914d0..8fc3c16e0d8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/diplomacy/SRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/SRAM.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
+package freechips.rocketchip.resources
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{DescribedSRAM, Code}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, LazyModule}
abstract class DiplomaticSRAM(
val address: AddressSet,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/resources/package.scala b/src/main/scala/resources/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2416826427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/resources/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip
+package object resources {
+ type PropertyOption = Option[(String, Seq[ResourceValue])]
+ type PropertyMap = Iterable[(String, Seq[ResourceValue])]
+ implicit class BigIntHexContext(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
+ def x(args: Any*): BigInt = {
+ val orig = sc.s(args: _*)
+ BigInt(orig.replace("_", ""), 16)
+ }
+ }
+ implicit class IntToProperty(x: Int) {
+ def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceInt(BigInt(x)))
+ }
+ implicit class BigIntToProperty(x: BigInt) {
+ def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceInt(x))
+ }
+ implicit class StringToProperty(x: String) {
+ def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceString(x))
+ }
+ implicit class DeviceToProperty(x: Device) {
+ def asProperty: Seq[ResourceValue] = Seq(ResourceReference(x.label))
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/ABLU.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/ABLU.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d6dcef1cdc8..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/ABLU.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile.CoreModule
-// These are for the ABLU unit, which uses an alternate function encoding
-class ABLUFN extends ALUFN
- override val SZ_ALU_FN = 39
- override def FN_X = BitPat("b??_???_????_????_????__????__??_????_????_????_????")
- override def FN_ADD = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SL = "b00_000_0000_1100_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SEQ = "b00_100_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SNE = "b00_110_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_XOR = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_1000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SR = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_OR = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0001_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_AND = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0100".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SUB = "b00_000_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SRA = "b00_000_0000_0001_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SLT = "b00_000_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SGE = "b00_010_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SLTU = "b00_001_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SGEU = "b00_011_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_0100_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- // from Zb
- // Zba: UW is encoded here becuase it is DW_64
- override def FN_ADDUW = "b00_000_0000_0000_1000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SLLIUW = "b00_000_0000_1100_1000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH1ADD = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0010__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH1ADDUW = "b00_000_0000_0000_1000__0010__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH2ADD = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0100__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH2ADDUW = "b00_000_0000_0000_1000__0100__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH3ADD = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__1000__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SH3ADDUW = "b00_000_0000_0000_1000__1000__00_0000_0000_0000_0001".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- // Zbb
- override def FN_ROR = "b00_000_0000_0010_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ROL = "b00_000_0000_1110_0000__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0010".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ANDN = "b00_000_0000_0000_0010__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0100".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ORN = "b00_000_0000_0000_0010__0001__00_0000_0000_0001_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_XNOR = "b00_000_0000_0000_0010__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_1000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_REV8 = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0001_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ORCB = "b10_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0010_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SEXTB = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_1000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_SEXTH = "b01_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0100_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ZEXTH = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0100_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_MAX = "b00_000_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_1000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_MAXU = "b00_001_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_1000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_MIN = "b00_010_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_1000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_MINU = "b00_011_0000_0000_0011__0001__00_0000_0000_1000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_CPOP = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0001_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_CLZ = "b00_000_1101_1110_0000__0001__00_0000_0010_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_CTZ = "b00_000_1101_0000_0000__0001__00_0000_0010_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- // Zbs
- override def FN_BCLR = "b00_000_1110_1000_0100__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_0100".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_BEXT = "b00_000_1000_1000_0100__0001__00_0000_0000_0010_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_BINV = "b00_000_1000_1000_0100__0001__00_0000_0000_0000_1000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_BSET = "b00_000_1000_1000_0100__0001__00_0000_0000_0001_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- // Zbk
- override def FN_BREV8 = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0010_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_PACK = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_0100_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_PACKH = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__00_1000_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_ZIP = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__01_0000_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- override def FN_UNZIP = "b00_000_0000_0000_0000__0001__10_0000_0000_0000_0000".U(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
- def SZ_ZBK_FN = 5
- override def FN_CLMUL = "b00001".U(SZ_ZBK_FN.W) // These use the BitManipCrypto FU, not ABLU
- override def FN_CLMULR = "b00010".U(SZ_ZBK_FN.W)
- override def FN_CLMULH = "b00100".U(SZ_ZBK_FN.W)
- override def FN_XPERM8 = "b01000".U(SZ_ZBK_FN.W)
- override def FN_XPERM4 = "b10000".U(SZ_ZBK_FN.W)
- // Zkn: These use the CryptoNIST unit
- def SZ_ZKN_FN = 17
- override def FN_AES_DS = "b0010__0001__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_DSM = "b0000__0010__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_ES = "b0011__0001__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_ESM = "b0001__0010__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_IM = "b1000__0010__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_KS1 = "b0101__0100__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_AES_KS2 = "b0000__1000__0_0000_0001".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA256_SIG0 = "b0000__0001__0_0000_0010".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA256_SIG1 = "b0000__0001__0_0000_0100".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA256_SUM0 = "b0000__0001__0_0000_1000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA256_SUM1 = "b0000__0001__0_0001_0000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA512_SIG0 = "b0000__0001__0_0010_0000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA512_SIG1 = "b0000__0001__0_0100_0000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA512_SUM0 = "b0000__0001__0_1000_0000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- override def FN_SHA512_SUM1 = "b0000__0001__1_0000_0000".U(SZ_ZKN_FN.W)
- // Zks: Thses use the CryptoSM unit
- def SZ_ZKS_FN = 4
- override def FN_SM4ED = "b01_01".U(SZ_ZKS_FN.W)
- override def FN_SM4KS = "b00_01".U(SZ_ZKS_FN.W)
- override def FN_SM3P0 = "b10_10".U(SZ_ZKS_FN.W)
- override def FN_SM3P1 = "b00_10".U(SZ_ZKS_FN.W)
- override def FN_DIV = FN_XOR
- override def FN_DIVU = FN_SR
- override def FN_REM = FN_OR
- override def FN_REMU = FN_AND
- override def FN_MUL = FN_ADD
- override def FN_MULH = FN_SL
- override def FN_MULHSU = FN_SEQ
- override def FN_MULHU = FN_SNE
- // not implemented functions for this fn
- override def isMulFN(fn: UInt, cmp: UInt) = ???
- override def isCmp(cmd: UInt) = ???
- override def cmpUnsigned(cmd: UInt) = ???
- override def cmpInverted(cmd: UInt) = ???
- override def cmpEq(cmd: UInt) = ???
- override def isSub(cmd: UInt) = cmd(22)
- def isIn2Inv(cmd: UInt) = cmd(23)
- def isZBS(cmd: UInt) = cmd(24)
- def isUW(cmd: UInt) = cmd(25)
- def isSRA(cmd: UInt) = cmd(26)
- def isRotate(cmd: UInt) = cmd(27)
- def isLeft(cmd: UInt) = cmd(28)
- def isLeftZBS(cmd: UInt) = cmd(29)
- def isCZ(cmd: UInt) = cmd(30)
- def isBCLR(cmd: UInt) = cmd(31)
- def isCZBCLR(cmd: UInt) = cmd(32)
- def isCZZBS(cmd: UInt) = cmd(33)
- def isUnsigned(cmd: UInt) = cmd(34)
- def isInverted(cmd: UInt) = cmd(35)
- def isSEQSNE(cmd: UInt) = cmd(36)
- def isSEXT(cmd: UInt) = cmd(37)
- def isORC(cmd: UInt) = cmd(38)
- def shxadd1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(21,18)
- def out1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(17,0)
- // Zbk
- def isClmul(cmd: UInt) = cmd(0)
- def zbkOut1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(4,0)
- // Zkn
- def isEnc(cmd: UInt) = cmd(13)
- def isNotMix(cmd: UInt) = cmd(14)
- override def isKs1(cmd: UInt) = cmd(15)
- def isIm(cmd: UInt) = cmd(16)
- def aes1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(12,9)
- def zknOut1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(8,0)
- // Zks
- def isEd(cmd: UInt) = cmd(2)
- def isP0(cmd: UInt) = cmd(3)
- def zksOut1H(cmd: UInt) = cmd(1,0)
-object ABLUFN {
- def apply() = new ABLUFN
-class ABLU(implicit p: Parameters) extends AbstractALU(new ABLUFN)(p) {
- val isSub = aluFn.isSub(io.fn)
- val isIn2Inv = aluFn.isIn2Inv(io.fn)
- val isZBS = aluFn.isZBS(io.fn)
- val isUW = aluFn.isUW(io.fn)
- val isSRA = aluFn.isSRA(io.fn)
- val isRotate = aluFn.isRotate(io.fn)
- val isLeft = aluFn.isLeft(io.fn)
- val isLeftZBS = aluFn.isLeftZBS(io.fn)
- val isCZ = aluFn.isCZ(io.fn)
- val isBCLR = aluFn.isBCLR(io.fn)
- val isCZBCLR = aluFn.isCZBCLR(io.fn)
- val isCZZBS = aluFn.isCZZBS(io.fn)
- val isUnsigned = aluFn.isUnsigned(io.fn)
- val isInverted = aluFn.isInverted(io.fn)
- val isSEQSNE = aluFn.isSEQSNE(io.fn)
- val isSEXT = aluFn.isSEXT(io.fn)
- val isORC = aluFn.isORC(io.fn)
- val shxadd1H = aluFn.shxadd1H(io.fn)
- val out1H = aluFn.out1H(io.fn)
- // process input
- // used by SUB, ANDN, ORN, XNOR
- val in2_inv = Mux(isIn2Inv, ~io.in2, io.in2)
- val shamt =
- if (xLen == 32) io.in2(4,0)
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- Cat(io.in2(5) & (io.dw === DW_64), io.in2(4,0))
- }
- val in1_ext =
- if (xLen == 32) io.in1
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- val in1_hi_orig = io.in1(63,32)
- // note that CLZW uses rotate
- val in1_hi_rotate = io.in1(31,0)
- // note that sext fills 0 for ADDW/SUBW, but it works
- val in1_hi_sext = Fill(32, isSRA & io.in1(31)) // 31 to 63 then to 64 in shout_r
- val in1_hi_zext = Fill(32, 0.U)
- val in1_hi = Mux(io.dw === DW_64,
- Mux(isUW, in1_hi_zext, in1_hi_orig),
- Mux(isRotate, in1_hi_rotate, in1_hi_sext))
- Cat(in1_hi, io.in1(31,0))
- }
- // one arm: SL, ROL, SLLIUW, CLZ
- // another arm: SR, SRA, ROR, CTZ, ADD, SUB, ZBS
- // note that CLZW is not included here
- // in1 capable of right hand operation
- // isLeft
- val in1_r = Mux(isLeft, Reverse(in1_ext), in1_ext)
- // shifter
- val shin = Mux(isZBS,
- if (xLen == 32) (BigInt(1) << 31).U(32.W)
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- (BigInt(1) << 63).U(64.W)
- }, in1_r)
- // TODO: Merge shift and rotate (manual barrel or upstream to Chisel)
- val shout_r = (Cat(isSRA & shin(xLen-1), shin).asSInt >> shamt)(xLen-1,0)
- val roout_r = shin.rotateRight(shamt)(xLen-1,0)
- val shro_r = Mux(isRotate, roout_r, shout_r)
- // one arm: SL, ROL, SLLIUW, ZBS
- // another arm: SR, SRA, ROR
- val shro = Mux(isLeftZBS, Reverse(shro_r), shro_r)
- // adder
- val adder_in1 =
- Mux1H(shxadd1H, Seq(
- if (xLen == 32) in1_r
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- // for CLZW/CTZW
- Mux(io.dw === DW_64, in1_r, Cat(Fill(32, 1.U(1.W)), in1_r(31,0)))
- },
- (in1_ext << 1)(xLen-1,0),
- (in1_ext << 2)(xLen-1,0),
- (in1_ext << 3)(xLen-1,0)))
- // out = in1 - 1 when isCLZ/isCTZ
- // note that when isCZ, isSub is 0 as ~0 = ~1+1 = -1
- val adder_in2 = Mux(isCZ,
- ~0.U(xLen.W), in2_inv)
- // adder_out = adder_in1 + adder_in2 + isSub
- val adder_out = (Cat(adder_in1, 1.U(1.W)) + Cat(adder_in2, isSub))(xLen,1)
- io.adder_out := adder_out
- // logic
- // AND, OR, XOR
- val out_inv = Mux(isCZBCLR, ~Mux(isBCLR, shro, adder_out), shro)
- val logic_in2 = Mux(isCZZBS, out_inv, in2_inv)
- // also BINV
- val xor = adder_in1 ^ logic_in2
- // also BCLR
- val and = adder_in1 & logic_in2
- // also BSET
- val or = adder_in1 | logic_in2
- val bext = and.orR
- // SLT, SLTU
- // MAX, MIN
- val slt =
- Mux(io.in1(xLen-1) === io.in2(xLen-1), adder_out(xLen-1),
- Mux(isUnsigned, io.in2(xLen-1), io.in1(xLen-1)))
- val cmp = isInverted ^ Mux(isSEQSNE, ~(xor.orR), slt)
- io.cmp_out := cmp
- val max_min = Mux(cmp, io.in2, io.in1)
- // counter
- val cpop = PopCount(
- if (xLen == 32) io.in1
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in1, Cat(Fill(32, 0.U(1.W)), io.in1(31,0)))
- })
- // ctz_in = ~adder_out & adder_in1 // all zero or one hot
- val ctz_in = and
- val ctz_out = Cat(~ctz_in.orR, VecInit((0 to log2Ceil(xLen)-1).map(
- x => {
- val bits = ctz_in.asBools.zipWithIndex
- VecInit(
- bits
- filter { case (_, i) => i % (1 << (x + 1)) >= (1 << x) }
- map { case (b, _) => b }
- ).asUInt.orR
- }
- ).toSeq).asUInt)
- val exth = Cat(Fill(xLen-16, Mux(isSEXT, io.in1(15), 0.U)), io.in1(15,0))
- val extb = Cat(Fill(xLen-8, io.in1(7)), io.in1(7,0))
- // REV/ORC
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- val in1_bytes = asBytes(io.in1)
- val rev8 = VecInit(in1_bytes.reverse.toSeq).asUInt
- val orc_brev8 = VecInit(in1_bytes.map(x => {
- val orc = Mux(x.orR, 0xFF.U(8.W), 0.U(8.W))
- // BREV8 only in Zbk
- if (usingBitManipCrypto)
- Mux(isORC, orc, Reverse(x))
- else orc
- }).toSeq).asUInt
- // pack
- def sext(in: UInt): UInt = {
- val in_hi_32 = Fill(32, in(31))
- Cat(in_hi_32, in)
- }
- val pack = if (usingBitManipCrypto) {
- if (xLen == 32) Cat(io.in2(xLen/2-1,0), io.in1(xLen/2-1,0))
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- Mux(io.dw === DW_64,
- Cat(io.in2(xLen/2-1,0), io.in1(xLen/2-1,0)),
- sext(Cat(io.in2(xLen/4-1,0), io.in1(xLen/4-1,0))))
- }
- } else 0.U
- val packh = if (usingBitManipCrypto) Cat(0.U((xLen-16).W), io.in2(7,0), io.in1(7,0)) else 0.U
- // zip
- val zip = if (xLen == 32 && usingBitManipCrypto) {
- val lo = io.in1(15,0).asBools
- val hi = io.in1(31,16).asBools
- VecInit(lo.zip(hi).map { case (l, h) => VecInit(Seq(l, h)).asUInt }).asUInt
- } else 0.U
- val unzip = if (xLen == 32 && usingBitManipCrypto) {
- val bits = io.in1.asBools.zipWithIndex
- val lo = VecInit(bits filter { case (_, i) => i % 2 == 0 } map { case (b, _) => b }).asUInt
- val hi = VecInit(bits filter { case (_, i) => i % 2 != 0 } map { case (b, _) => b }).asUInt
- Cat(hi, lo)
- } else 0.U
- val out = Mux1H(out1H, Seq(
- adder_out,
- shro,
- and,
- xor,
- //
- or,
- bext,
- cmp,
- max_min,
- //
- cpop,
- ctz_out,
- exth,
- extb,
- //
- rev8,
- orc_brev8,
- pack,
- packh,
- //
- zip,
- unzip))
- val out_w =
- if (xLen == 32) out
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- Mux(io.dw === DW_64, out, Cat(Fill(32, out(31)), out(31,0)))
- }
- io.out := out_w
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/ALU.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/ALU.scala
index 4607a7c2b9b..ca8a11067b1 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/ALU.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/ALU.scala
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{BitPat, Fill, Cat, Reverse}
+import chisel3.util.{BitPat, Fill, Cat, Reverse, PriorityEncoderOH, PopCount, MuxLookup}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.CoreModule
+import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-class ALUFN {
- val SZ_ALU_FN = 4
- def FN_X = BitPat("b????")
+object ALU {
+ val SZ_ALU_FN = 5
+ def FN_X = BitPat("b?????")
def FN_ADD = 0.U
def FN_SL = 1.U
def FN_SEQ = 2.U
@@ -27,73 +28,20 @@ class ALUFN {
def FN_SGE = 13.U
def FN_SLTU = 14.U
def FN_SGEU = 15.U
+ def FN_UNARY = 16.U
+ def FN_ROL = 17.U
+ def FN_ROR = 18.U
+ def FN_BEXT = 19.U
- // The Base ALU does not support any Zb FNs
- // from Zb
- // Zba: UW is encoded here becuase it is DW_64
- def FN_ADDUW : UInt = ???
- def FN_SLLIUW : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH1ADD : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH1ADDUW : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH2ADD : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH2ADDUW : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH3ADD : UInt = ???
- def FN_SH3ADDUW : UInt = ???
- // Zbb
- def FN_ROR : UInt = ???
- def FN_ROL : UInt = ???
- def FN_ANDN : UInt = ???
- def FN_ORN : UInt = ???
- def FN_XNOR : UInt = ???
- def FN_REV8 : UInt = ???
- def FN_ORCB : UInt = ???
- def FN_SEXTB : UInt = ???
- def FN_SEXTH : UInt = ???
- def FN_ZEXTH : UInt = ???
- def FN_MAX : UInt = ???
- def FN_MAXU : UInt = ???
- def FN_MIN : UInt = ???
- def FN_MINU : UInt = ???
- def FN_CPOP : UInt = ???
- def FN_CLZ : UInt = ???
- def FN_CTZ : UInt = ???
- // Zbs
- def FN_BCLR : UInt = ???
- def FN_BEXT : UInt = ???
- def FN_BINV : UInt = ???
- def FN_BSET : UInt = ???
- // Zbk
- def FN_BREV8 : UInt = ???
- def FN_PACK : UInt = ???
- def FN_PACKH : UInt = ???
- def FN_ZIP : UInt = ???
- def FN_UNZIP : UInt = ???
- def FN_CLMUL : UInt = ???
- def FN_CLMULR : UInt = ???
- def FN_CLMULH : UInt = ???
- def FN_XPERM8 : UInt = ???
- def FN_XPERM4 : UInt = ???
- // Zkn
- def FN_AES_DS : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_DSM : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_ES : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_ESM : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_IM : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_KS1 : UInt = ???
- def FN_AES_KS2 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA256_SIG0 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA256_SIG1 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA256_SUM0 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA256_SUM1 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA512_SIG0 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA512_SIG1 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA512_SUM0 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SHA512_SUM1 : UInt = ???
- //Zks
- def FN_SM4ED : UInt = ???
- def FN_SM4KS : UInt = ???
- def FN_SM3P0 : UInt = ???
- def FN_SM3P1 : UInt = ???
+ def FN_ANDN = 24.U
+ def FN_ORN = 25.U
+ def FN_XNOR = 26.U
+ def FN_MAX = 28.U
+ def FN_MIN = 29.U
+ def FN_MAXU = 30.U
+ def FN_MINU = 31.U
+ def FN_MAXMIN = BitPat("b111??")
// Mul/div reuse some integer FNs
@@ -108,24 +56,22 @@ class ALUFN {
def isMulFN(fn: UInt, cmp: UInt) = fn(1,0) === cmp(1,0)
def isSub(cmd: UInt) = cmd(3)
- def isCmp(cmd: UInt) = cmd >= FN_SLT
+ def isCmp(cmd: UInt) = (cmd >= FN_SLT && cmd <= FN_SGEU)
+ def isMaxMin(cmd: UInt) = (cmd >= FN_MAX && cmd <= FN_MINU)
def cmpUnsigned(cmd: UInt) = cmd(1)
def cmpInverted(cmd: UInt) = cmd(0)
def cmpEq(cmd: UInt) = !cmd(3)
- // Only CryptoNIST uses this
- def isKs1(cmd: UInt): Bool = ???
+ def shiftReverse(cmd: UInt) = !cmd.isOneOf(FN_SR, FN_SRA, FN_ROR, FN_BEXT)
+ def bwInvRs2(cmd: UInt) = cmd.isOneOf(FN_ANDN, FN_ORN, FN_XNOR)
-object ALUFN {
- def apply() = new ALUFN
+import ALU._
-abstract class AbstractALU[T <: ALUFN](val aluFn: T)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
+abstract class AbstractALU(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dw = Input(UInt(SZ_DW.W))
- val fn = Input(UInt(aluFn.SZ_ALU_FN.W))
+ val fn = Input(UInt(SZ_ALU_FN.W))
val in2 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
val in1 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
val out = Output(UInt(xLen.W))
@@ -134,50 +80,99 @@ abstract class AbstractALU[T <: ALUFN](val aluFn: T)(implicit p: Parameters) ext
-class ALU(implicit p: Parameters) extends AbstractALU(new ALUFN)(p) {
+class ALU(implicit p: Parameters) extends AbstractALU()(p) {
+ override def desiredName = "RocketALU"
- val in2_inv = Mux(aluFn.isSub(io.fn), ~io.in2, io.in2)
+ val in2_inv = Mux(isSub(io.fn), ~io.in2, io.in2)
val in1_xor_in2 = io.in1 ^ in2_inv
- io.adder_out := io.in1 + in2_inv + aluFn.isSub(io.fn)
+ val in1_and_in2 = io.in1 & in2_inv
+ io.adder_out := io.in1 + in2_inv + isSub(io.fn)
val slt =
Mux(io.in1(xLen-1) === io.in2(xLen-1), io.adder_out(xLen-1),
- Mux(aluFn.cmpUnsigned(io.fn), io.in2(xLen-1), io.in1(xLen-1)))
- io.cmp_out := aluFn.cmpInverted(io.fn) ^ Mux(aluFn.cmpEq(io.fn), in1_xor_in2 === 0.U, slt)
+ Mux(cmpUnsigned(io.fn), io.in2(xLen-1), io.in1(xLen-1)))
+ io.cmp_out := cmpInverted(io.fn) ^ Mux(cmpEq(io.fn), in1_xor_in2 === 0.U, slt)
val (shamt, shin_r) =
if (xLen == 32) (io.in2(4,0), io.in1)
else {
require(xLen == 64)
- val shin_hi_32 = Fill(32, aluFn.isSub(io.fn) && io.in1(31))
+ val shin_hi_32 = Fill(32, isSub(io.fn) && io.in1(31))
val shin_hi = Mux(io.dw === DW_64, io.in1(63,32), shin_hi_32)
val shamt = Cat(io.in2(5) & (io.dw === DW_64), io.in2(4,0))
(shamt, Cat(shin_hi, io.in1(31,0)))
- val shin = Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_SR || io.fn === aluFn.FN_SRA, shin_r, Reverse(shin_r))
- val shout_r = (Cat(aluFn.isSub(io.fn) & shin(xLen-1), shin).asSInt >> shamt)(xLen-1,0)
+ val shin = Mux(shiftReverse(io.fn), Reverse(shin_r), shin_r)
+ val shout_r = (Cat(isSub(io.fn) & shin(xLen-1), shin).asSInt >> shamt)(xLen-1,0)
val shout_l = Reverse(shout_r)
- val shout = Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_SR || io.fn === aluFn.FN_SRA, shout_r, 0.U) |
- Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_SL, shout_l, 0.U)
+ val shout = Mux(io.fn === FN_SR || io.fn === FN_SRA || io.fn === FN_BEXT, shout_r, 0.U) |
+ Mux(io.fn === FN_SL, shout_l, 0.U)
val in2_not_zero = io.in2.orR
val cond_out = Option.when(usingConditionalZero)(
- Mux((io.fn === aluFn.FN_CZEQZ && in2_not_zero) || (io.fn === aluFn.FN_CZNEZ && !in2_not_zero), io.in1, 0.U)
+ Mux((io.fn === FN_CZEQZ && in2_not_zero) || (io.fn === FN_CZNEZ && !in2_not_zero), io.in1, 0.U)
- val logic = Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_XOR || io.fn === aluFn.FN_OR, in1_xor_in2, 0.U) |
- Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_OR || io.fn === aluFn.FN_AND, io.in1 & io.in2, 0.U)
+ val logic = Mux(io.fn === FN_XOR || io.fn === FN_OR || io.fn === FN_ORN || io.fn === FN_XNOR, in1_xor_in2, 0.U) |
+ Mux(io.fn === FN_OR || io.fn === FN_AND || io.fn === FN_ORN || io.fn === FN_ANDN, in1_and_in2, 0.U)
- val shift_logic = (aluFn.isCmp (io.fn) && slt) | logic | shout
+ val bext_mask = Mux(coreParams.useZbs.B && io.fn === FN_BEXT, 1.U, ~(0.U(xLen.W)))
+ val shift_logic = (isCmp (io.fn) && slt) | logic | (shout & bext_mask)
val shift_logic_cond = cond_out match {
case Some(co) => shift_logic | co
case _ => shift_logic
- val out = Mux(io.fn === aluFn.FN_ADD || io.fn === aluFn.FN_SUB, io.adder_out, shift_logic_cond)
+ val tz_in = MuxLookup((io.dw === DW_32) ## !io.in2(0), 0.U)(Seq(
+ 0.U -> io.in1,
+ 1.U -> Reverse(io.in1),
+ 2.U -> 1.U ## io.in1(31,0),
+ 3.U -> 1.U ## Reverse(io.in1(31,0))
+ ))
+ val popc_in = Mux(io.in2(1),
+ Mux(io.dw === DW_32, io.in1(31,0), io.in1),
+ PriorityEncoderOH(1.U ## tz_in) - 1.U)(xLen-1,0)
+ val count = PopCount(popc_in)
+ val in1_bytes = io.in1.asTypeOf(Vec(xLen / 8, UInt(8.W)))
+ val orcb = VecInit(in1_bytes.map(b => Fill(8, b =/= 0.U))).asUInt
+ val rev8 = VecInit(in1_bytes.reverse).asUInt
+ val unary = MuxLookup(io.in2(11,0), count)(Seq(
+ 0x287.U -> orcb,
+ (if (xLen == 32) 0x698 else 0x6b8).U -> rev8,
+ 0x080.U -> io.in1(15,0),
+ 0x604.U -> Fill(xLen-8, io.in1(7)) ## io.in1(7,0),
+ 0x605.U -> Fill(xLen-16, io.in1(15)) ## io.in1(15,0)
+ ))
+ val maxmin_out = Mux(io.cmp_out, io.in2, io.in1)
+ // ROL, ROR
+ val rot_shamt = Mux(io.dw === DW_32, 32.U, xLen.U) - shamt
+ val rotin = Mux(io.fn(0), shin_r, Reverse(shin_r))
+ val rotout_r = (rotin >> rot_shamt)(xLen-1,0)
+ val rotout_l = Reverse(rotout_r)
+ val rotout = Mux(io.fn(0), rotout_r, rotout_l) | Mux(io.fn(0), shout_l, shout_r)
+ val out = MuxLookup(io.fn, shift_logic_cond)(Seq(
+ FN_ADD -> io.adder_out,
+ FN_SUB -> io.adder_out
+ ) ++ (if (coreParams.useZbb) Seq(
+ FN_UNARY -> unary,
+ FN_MAX -> maxmin_out,
+ FN_MIN -> maxmin_out,
+ FN_MAXU -> maxmin_out,
+ FN_MINU -> maxmin_out,
+ FN_ROL -> rotout,
+ FN_ROR -> rotout,
+ ) else Nil))
io.out := out
if (xLen > 32) {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/AMOALU.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/AMOALU.scala
index 0aff648446e..47295d18db0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/AMOALU.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/AMOALU.scala
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
class StoreGen(typ: UInt, addr: UInt, dat: UInt, maxSize: Int) {
val size = Wire(UInt(log2Up(log2Up(maxSize)+1).W))
size := typ
+ val dat_padded = dat.pad(maxSize*8)
def misaligned: Bool =
(addr & ((1.U << size) - 1.U)(log2Up(maxSize)-1,0)).orR
@@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ class StoreGen(typ: UInt, addr: UInt, dat: UInt, maxSize: Int) {
protected def genData(i: Int): UInt =
- if (i >= log2Up(maxSize)) dat
- else Mux(size === i.U, Fill(1 << (log2Up(maxSize)-i), dat((8 << i)-1,0)), genData(i+1))
+ if (i >= log2Up(maxSize)) dat_padded
+ else Mux(size === i.U, Fill(1 << (log2Up(maxSize)-i), dat_padded((8 << i)-1,0)), genData(i+1))
def data = genData(0)
def wordData = genData(2)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/BitManipCrypto.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/BitManipCrypto.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c09768b82e6..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/BitManipCrypto.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-class BitManipCryptoInterface(xLen: Int) extends Bundle {
- val fn = Input(UInt(ABLUFN().SZ_ZBK_FN.W))
- val dw = Input(Bool())
- val rs1 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rs2 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rd = Output(UInt(xLen.W))
-class BitManipCrypto(xLen: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasRocketCoreParameters {
- val fn = ABLUFN()
- val io = IO(new BitManipCryptoInterface(xLen))
- val isClmul = fn.isClmul(io.fn)
- val out1H = fn.zbkOut1H(io.fn)
- // helper
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- def asNibbles(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(4).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- // xperm
- val rs1_bytes = asBytes(io.rs1)
- val rs2_bytes = asBytes(io.rs2)
- val rs1_nibbles = asNibbles(io.rs1)
- val rs2_nibbles = asNibbles(io.rs2)
- // only instantiate clmul when usingBitManip && !usingBitManipCrypto
- val xperm8 = if (usingBitManipCrypto) VecInit(rs2_bytes.map(
- x => Mux(x(7,log2Ceil(xLen/8)).orR, 0.U(8.W), rs1_bytes(x)) // return 0 when x overflow
- ).toSeq).asUInt else 0.U
- val xperm4 = if (usingBitManipCrypto) VecInit(rs2_nibbles.map(
- x => if (xLen == 32) Mux(x(3,log2Ceil(xLen/4)).orR, 0.U(4.W), rs1_nibbles(x)) // return 0 when x overflow
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- rs1_nibbles(x)
- }
- ).toSeq).asUInt else 0.U
- // clmul
- val clmul_rs1 = Mux(isClmul, io.rs1, Reverse(io.rs1))
- val clmul_rs2 = Mux(isClmul, io.rs2, Reverse(io.rs2))
- val clmul = clmul_rs2.asBools.zipWithIndex.map({
- case (b, i) => Mux(b, clmul_rs1 << i, 0.U)
- }).reduce(_ ^ _)(xLen-1,0)
- val clmulr = Reverse(clmul)
- val clmulh = Cat(0.U(1.W), clmulr(xLen-1,1))
- // according to FN_xxx above
- io.rd := Mux1H(out1H, Seq(
- clmul, clmulr, clmulh,
- xperm8, xperm4))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/CSR.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/CSR.scala
index e8cd587efde..1003838ffa4 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/CSR.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/CSR.scala
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class PTBR(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
case 32 => (1, 9)
case 64 => (4, 16)
- require(modeBits + maxASIdBits + maxPAddrBits - pgIdxBits == xLen)
+ require(!usingVM || modeBits + maxASIdBits + maxPAddrBits - pgIdxBits == xLen)
val mode = UInt(modeBits.W)
val asid = UInt(maxASIdBits.W)
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ class CSRDecodeIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
val fp_illegal = Output(Bool())
val vector_illegal = Output(Bool())
val fp_csr = Output(Bool())
+ val vector_csr = Output(Bool())
val rocc_illegal = Output(Bool())
val read_illegal = Output(Bool())
val write_illegal = Output(Bool())
@@ -254,10 +255,10 @@ class CSRDecodeIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
val virtual_system_illegal = Output(Bool())
-class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle
+class CSRFileIO(hasBeu: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle
with HasCoreParameters {
val ungated_clock = Input(Clock())
- val interrupts = Input(new CoreInterrupts())
+ val interrupts = Input(new CoreInterrupts(hasBeu))
val hartid = Input(UInt(hartIdLen.W))
val rw = new Bundle {
val addr = Input(UInt(CSR.ADDRSZ.W))
@@ -286,6 +287,7 @@ class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle
val pc = Input(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W))
val tval = Input(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W))
val htval = Input(UInt(((maxSVAddrBits + 1) min xLen).W))
+ val mhtinst_read_pseudo = Input(Bool())
val gva = Input(Bool())
val time = Output(UInt(xLen.W))
val fcsr_rm = Output(Bits(FPConstants.RM_SZ.W))
@@ -375,10 +377,11 @@ class VType(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle {
class CSRFile(
perfEventSets: EventSets = new EventSets(Seq()),
customCSRs: Seq[CustomCSR] = Nil,
- roccCSRs: Seq[CustomCSR] = Nil)(implicit p: Parameters)
+ roccCSRs: Seq[CustomCSR] = Nil,
+ hasBeu: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends CoreModule()(p)
with HasCoreParameters {
- val io = IO(new CSRFileIO {
+ val io = IO(new CSRFileIO(hasBeu) {
val customCSRs = Vec(CSRFile.this.customCSRs.size, new CustomCSRIO)
val roccCSRs = Vec(CSRFile.this.roccCSRs.size, new CustomCSRIO)
@@ -578,6 +581,12 @@ class CSRFile(
val reg_vxsat = usingVector.option(Reg(Bool()))
val reg_vxrm = usingVector.option(Reg(UInt(io.vector.get.vxrm.getWidth.W)))
+ val reg_mtinst_read_pseudo = Reg(Bool())
+ val reg_htinst_read_pseudo = Reg(Bool())
+ // XLEN=32: 0x00002000
+ // XLEN=64: 0x00003000
+ val Seq(read_mtinst, read_htinst) = Seq(reg_mtinst_read_pseudo, reg_htinst_read_pseudo).map(r => Cat(r, (xLen == 32).option(0.U).getOrElse(r), 0.U(12.W)))
val reg_mcountinhibit = RegInit(0.U((CSR.firstHPM + nPerfCounters).W))
io.inhibit_cycle := reg_mcountinhibit(0)
val reg_instret = WideCounter(64, io.retire, inhibit = reg_mcountinhibit(2))
@@ -627,9 +636,7 @@ class CSRFile(
(if (usingAtomics) "A" else "") +
(if (fLen >= 32) "F" else "") +
(if (fLen >= 64) "D" else "") +
- (if (usingVector) "V" else "") +
- // The current spec does not define what sub-extensions constitute the 'B' misa bit
- // (if (usingBitManip) "B" else "") +
+ (if (coreParams.hasV) "V" else "") +
(if (usingCompressed) "C" else "")
val isaString = (if (coreParams.useRVE) "E" else "I") +
isaMaskString +
@@ -799,7 +806,7 @@ class CSRFile(
val reg_rocc = roccCSRs.zip(io.roccCSRs).map(t => generateCustomCSR(t._1, t._2))
if (usingHypervisor) {
- read_mapping += CSRs.mtinst -> 0.U
+ read_mapping += CSRs.mtinst -> read_mtinst
read_mapping += CSRs.mtval2 -> reg_mtval2
val read_hstatus = io.hstatus.asUInt.extract(xLen-1,0)
@@ -815,7 +822,7 @@ class CSRFile(
read_mapping += CSRs.hgeie -> 0.U
read_mapping += CSRs.hgeip -> 0.U
read_mapping += CSRs.htval -> reg_htval
- read_mapping += CSRs.htinst -> 0.U
+ read_mapping += CSRs.htinst -> read_htinst
read_mapping += CSRs.henvcfg -> reg_henvcfg.asUInt
if (xLen == 32)
read_mapping += CSRs.henvcfgh -> (reg_henvcfg.asUInt >> 32)
@@ -848,10 +855,17 @@ class CSRFile(
val unvirtualized_mapping = (for (((k, _), v) <- read_mapping zip decoded) yield k -> v.asBool).toMap
for ((k, v) <- unvirtualized_mapping) yield k -> {
- val alt = CSR.mode(k) match {
- case PRV.S => unvirtualized_mapping.lift(k + (1 << CSR.modeLSB))
- case PRV.H => unvirtualized_mapping.lift(k - (1 << CSR.modeLSB))
- case _ => None
+ val alt: Option[Bool] = CSR.mode(k) match {
+ // hcontext was assigned an unfortunate address; it lives where a
+ // hypothetical vscontext will live. Exclude them from the S/VS remapping.
+ // (on separate lines so scala-lint doesnt do something stupid)
+ case _ if k == CSRs.scontext => None
+ case _ if k == CSRs.hcontext => None
+ // When V=1, if a corresponding VS CSR exists, access it instead...
+ case PRV.H => unvirtualized_mapping.lift(k - (1 << CSR.modeLSB))
+ // ...and don't access the original S-mode version.
+ case PRV.S => unvirtualized_mapping.contains(k + (1 << CSR.modeLSB)).option(false.B)
+ case _ => None
alt.map(Mux(reg_mstatus.v, _, v)).getOrElse(v)
@@ -901,6 +915,7 @@ class CSRFile(
io_dec.fp_illegal := io.status.fs === 0.U || reg_mstatus.v && reg_vsstatus.fs === 0.U || !reg_misa('f'-'a')
io_dec.vector_illegal := io.status.vs === 0.U || reg_mstatus.v && reg_vsstatus.vs === 0.U || !reg_misa('v'-'a')
io_dec.fp_csr := decodeFast(fp_csrs.keys.toList)
+ io_dec.vector_csr := decodeFast(vector_csrs.keys.toList)
io_dec.rocc_illegal := io.status.xs === 0.U || reg_mstatus.v && reg_vsstatus.xs === 0.U || !reg_misa('x'-'a')
val csr_addr_legal = reg_mstatus.prv >= CSR.mode(addr) ||
usingHypervisor.B && !reg_mstatus.v && reg_mstatus.prv === PRV.S.U && CSR.mode(addr) === PRV.H.U
@@ -944,6 +959,7 @@ class CSRFile(
Mux(insn_call, Causes.user_ecall.U + Mux(reg_mstatus.prv(0) && reg_mstatus.v, PRV.H.U, reg_mstatus.prv),
Mux[UInt](insn_break, Causes.breakpoint.U, io.cause))
val cause_lsbs = cause(log2Ceil(1 + CSR.busErrorIntCause)-1, 0)
+ val cause_deleg_lsbs = cause(log2Ceil(xLen)-1,0)
val causeIsDebugInt = cause(xLen-1) && cause_lsbs === CSR.debugIntCause.U
val causeIsDebugTrigger = !cause(xLen-1) && cause_lsbs === CSR.debugTriggerCause.U
val causeIsDebugBreak = !cause(xLen-1) && insn_break && Cat(reg_dcsr.ebreakm, reg_dcsr.ebreakh, reg_dcsr.ebreaks, reg_dcsr.ebreaku)(reg_mstatus.prv)
@@ -951,8 +967,8 @@ class CSRFile(
val debugEntry = p(DebugModuleKey).map(_.debugEntry).getOrElse(BigInt(0x800))
val debugException = p(DebugModuleKey).map(_.debugException).getOrElse(BigInt(0x808))
val debugTVec = Mux(reg_debug, Mux(insn_break, debugEntry.U, debugException.U), debugEntry.U)
- val delegate = usingSupervisor.B && reg_mstatus.prv <= PRV.S.U && Mux(cause(xLen-1), read_mideleg(cause_lsbs), read_medeleg(cause_lsbs))
- val delegateVS = reg_mstatus.v && delegate && Mux(cause(xLen-1), read_hideleg(cause_lsbs), read_hedeleg(cause_lsbs))
+ val delegate = usingSupervisor.B && reg_mstatus.prv <= PRV.S.U && Mux(cause(xLen-1), read_mideleg(cause_deleg_lsbs), read_medeleg(cause_deleg_lsbs))
+ val delegateVS = reg_mstatus.v && delegate && Mux(cause(xLen-1), read_hideleg(cause_deleg_lsbs), read_hedeleg(cause_deleg_lsbs))
def mtvecBaseAlign = 2
def mtvecInterruptAlign = {
require(reg_mip.getWidth <= xLen)
@@ -1055,6 +1071,7 @@ class CSRFile(
reg_scause := cause
reg_stval := tval
reg_htval := io.htval
+ reg_htinst_read_pseudo := io.mhtinst_read_pseudo
reg_mstatus.spie := reg_mstatus.sie
reg_mstatus.spp := reg_mstatus.prv
reg_mstatus.sie := false.B
@@ -1067,6 +1084,7 @@ class CSRFile(
reg_mcause := cause
reg_mtval := tval
reg_mtval2 := io.htval
+ reg_mtinst_read_pseudo := io.mhtinst_read_pseudo
reg_mstatus.mpie := reg_mstatus.mie
reg_mstatus.mpp := trimPrivilege(reg_mstatus.prv)
reg_mstatus.mie := false.B
@@ -1392,6 +1410,10 @@ class CSRFile(
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.htval)) { reg_htval := wdata }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.mtval2)) { reg_mtval2 := wdata }
+ val write_mhtinst_read_pseudo = wdata(13) && (xLen == 32).option(true.B).getOrElse(wdata(12))
+ when(decoded_addr(CSRs.mtinst)) { reg_mtinst_read_pseudo := write_mhtinst_read_pseudo }
+ when(decoded_addr(CSRs.htinst)) { reg_htinst_read_pseudo := write_mhtinst_read_pseudo }
when (decoded_addr(CSRs.vsstatus)) {
val new_vsstatus = wdata.asTypeOf(new MStatus())
reg_vsstatus.sie := new_vsstatus.sie
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/Configs.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/Configs.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8f18cc2942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/Configs.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{SynchronousCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{TilesLocated, NumTiles, HierarchicalLocation, RocketCrossingParams, SystemBusKey, CacheBlockBytes, RocketTileAttachParams, InSubsystem, InCluster, HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams, HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams, CBUS, CCBUS, ClustersLocated, TileAttachConfig, CloneTileAttachParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{RocketTileParams, RocketTileBoundaryBufferParams, FPUParams}
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+// All the user-level bells and whistles
+class WithNHugeCores(
+ n: Int,
+ location: HierarchicalLocation,
+ crossing: RocketCrossingParams,
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(`location`) => {
+ val prev = up(TilesLocated(`location`), site)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
+ val big = RocketTileParams(
+ core = RocketCoreParams(
+ mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(
+ mulUnroll = 8,
+ mulEarlyOut = true,
+ divEarlyOut = true,
+ )),
+ useZba = true,
+ useZbb = true,
+ useZbs = true,
+ fpu = Some(FPUParams(minFLen = 16))),
+ dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 8,
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nMSHRs = 0,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
+ icache = Some(ICacheParams(
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 8,
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
+ List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
+ big.copy(tileId = i + idOffset),
+ crossing
+ )) ++ prev
+ }
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
+}) {
+ def this(n: Int, location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem) = this(n, location, RocketCrossingParams(
+ master = HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams.locationDefault(location),
+ slave = HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams.locationDefault(location),
+ mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere = location match {
+ case InSubsystem => CBUS
+ case InCluster(clusterId) => CCBUS(clusterId)
+ }
+ ))
+class WithNBigCores(
+ n: Int,
+ location: HierarchicalLocation,
+ crossing: RocketCrossingParams,
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(`location`) => {
+ val prev = up(TilesLocated(`location`), site)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
+ val big = RocketTileParams(
+ core = RocketCoreParams(mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(
+ mulUnroll = 8,
+ mulEarlyOut = true,
+ divEarlyOut = true))),
+ dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nMSHRs = 0,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
+ icache = Some(ICacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
+ List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
+ big.copy(tileId = i + idOffset),
+ crossing
+ )) ++ prev
+ }
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
+}) {
+ def this(n: Int, location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem) = this(n, location, RocketCrossingParams(
+ master = HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams.locationDefault(location),
+ slave = HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams.locationDefault(location),
+ mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere = location match {
+ case InSubsystem => CBUS
+ case InCluster(clusterId) => CCBUS(clusterId)
+ }
+ ))
+class WithNMedCores(
+ n: Int,
+ crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams(),
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
+ val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
+ val med = RocketTileParams(
+ core = RocketCoreParams(fpu = None),
+ btb = None,
+ dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ nMSHRs = 0,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
+ icache = Some(ICacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
+ List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
+ med.copy(tileId = i + idOffset),
+ crossing
+ )) ++ prev
+ }
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
+class WithNSmallCores(
+ n: Int,
+ crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams()
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
+ val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
+ val small = RocketTileParams(
+ core = RocketCoreParams(useVM = false, fpu = None),
+ btb = None,
+ dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ nMSHRs = 0,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
+ icache = Some(ICacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
+ List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
+ small.copy(tileId = i + idOffset),
+ crossing
+ )) ++ prev
+ }
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
+class With1TinyCore extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
+ val tiny = RocketTileParams(
+ core = RocketCoreParams(
+ xLen = 32,
+ pgLevels = 2, // sv32
+ useVM = false,
+ fpu = None,
+ mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8))),
+ btb = None,
+ dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 256, // 16Kb scratchpad
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ nMSHRs = 0,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes),
+ scratch = Some(0x80000000L))),
+ icache = Some(ICacheParams(
+ rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
+ nSets = 64,
+ nWays = 1,
+ nTLBSets = 1,
+ nTLBWays = 4,
+ blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)))
+ )
+ List(RocketTileAttachParams(
+ tiny,
+ RocketCrossingParams(
+ crossingType = SynchronousCrossing(),
+ master = HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams())
+ ))
+ }
+ case NumTiles => 1
+ case ClustersLocated(_) => Nil
+class RocketTileAttachConfig(f: RocketTileAttachParams => RocketTileAttachParams) extends TileAttachConfig[RocketTileAttachParams](f)
+class RocketTileConfig(f: RocketTileParams => RocketTileParams) extends RocketTileAttachConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ tileParams = f(tp.tileParams)
+class RocketCrossingConfig(f: RocketCrossingParams => RocketCrossingParams) extends RocketTileAttachConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ crossingParams = f(tp.crossingParams)
+class RocketCoreConfig(f: RocketCoreParams => RocketCoreParams) extends RocketTileConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ core = f(tp.core)
+class RocketICacheConfig(f: ICacheParams => ICacheParams) extends RocketTileConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ icache = tp.icache.map(ic => f(ic))
+class RocketDCacheConfig(f: DCacheParams => DCacheParams) extends RocketTileConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ dcache = tp.dcache.map(dc => f(dc))
+class WithL1ICacheSets(sets: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nSets=sets))
+class WithL1ICacheWays(ways: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nWays=ways))
+class WithL1ICacheECC(dataECC: String, tagECC: String) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(dataECC = Some(dataECC), tagECC = Some(tagECC)))
+class WithL1ICacheRowBits(n: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(rowBits = n))
+class WithL1ICacheTLBSets(sets: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBSets = sets))
+class WithL1ICacheTLBWays(ways: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBWays = ways))
+class WithL1ICacheTLBBasePageSectors(sectors: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBBasePageSectors = sectors))
+class WithL1ICacheTLBSuperpages(superpages: Int) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBSuperpages = superpages))
+class WithL1ICacheBlockBytes(bytes: Int = 64) extends RocketICacheConfig(_.copy(blockBytes = bytes))
+class WithL1DCacheSets(sets: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nSets=sets))
+class WithL1DCacheWays(ways: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nWays=ways))
+class WithL1DCacheECC(dataECC: String, tagECC: String) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(dataECC = Some(dataECC), tagECC = Some(tagECC)))
+class WithL1DCacheRowBits(n: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(rowBits = n))
+class WithL1DCacheTLBSets(sets: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBSets = sets))
+class WithL1DCacheTLBWays(ways: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBWays = ways))
+class WithL1DCacheTLBBasePageSectors(sectors: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBBasePageSectors = sectors))
+class WithL1DCacheTLBSuperpages(superpages: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nTLBSuperpages = superpages))
+class WithL1DCacheBlockBytes(bytes: Int = 64) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(blockBytes = bytes))
+class WithL1DCacheNonblocking(nMSHRs: Int) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(nMSHRs = nMSHRs))
+class WithL1DCacheClockGating extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(clockGate = true))
+class WithL1DCacheDTIMAddress(address: BigInt) extends RocketDCacheConfig(_.copy(scratch = Some(address)))
+class WithScratchpadsOnly extends RocketTileConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ core = tp.core.copy(useVM = false),
+ dcache = tp.dcache.map(_.copy(
+ nSets = 256, // 16Kb scratchpad
+ nWays = 1,
+ scratch = Some(0x80000000L)))
+class WithCacheRowBits(n: Int) extends RocketTileConfig(tp => tp.copy(
+ dcache = tp.dcache.map(_.copy(rowBits = n)),
+ icache = tp.icache.map(_.copy(rowBits = n))
+class WithBEU(addr: BigInt) extends RocketTileConfig(_.copy(beuAddr = Some(addr)))
+class WithBoundaryBuffers(buffers: Option[RocketTileBoundaryBufferParams] = Some(RocketTileBoundaryBufferParams(true))) extends RocketTileConfig(_.copy(boundaryBuffers = buffers))
+class WithRV32 extends RocketCoreConfig(c => c.copy(
+ xLen = 32,
+ pgLevels = 2, // sv32
+ fpu = c.fpu.map(_.copy(fLen = 32)),
+ mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8))
+class WithoutVM extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useVM = false))
+class WithCFlushEnabled extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(haveCFlush = true))
+class WithNBreakpoints(hwbp: Int) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(nBreakpoints = hwbp))
+class WithHypervisor(hext: Boolean = true) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useHypervisor = hext))
+class WithCease(enable: Boolean = true) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(haveCease = enable))
+class WithCoreClockGatingEnabled extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(clockGate = true))
+class WithPgLevels(n: Int) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(pgLevels = n))
+class WithZba extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useZba = true))
+class WithZbb extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useZbb = true))
+class WithZbs extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useZbs = true))
+class WithB extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(useZba = true, useZbb = true, useZbs = true))
+class WithSV48 extends WithPgLevels(4)
+class WithSV39 extends WithPgLevels(3)
+// Simulation-only configs
+class WithNoSimulationTimeout extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(haveSimTimeout = false))
+class WithDebugROB(enable: Boolean = true, size: Int = 0) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(debugROB = Option.when(enable)(DebugROBParams(size))))
+// FPU configs
+class WithoutFPU extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(fpu = None))
+class WithFP16 extends RocketCoreConfig(c => c.copy(fpu = c.fpu.map(_.copy(minFLen = 16))))
+class WithFPUWithoutDivSqrt extends RocketCoreConfig(c => c.copy(fpu = c.fpu.map(_.copy(divSqrt = false))))
+// mul-div configs
+class WithFastMulDiv extends RocketCoreConfig(c => c.copy(mulDiv = Some(
+ MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8, mulEarlyOut = c.xLen > 32, divEarlyOut = true)
+class WithCustomFastMulDiv(mUnroll: Int = 8, mEarlyOut: Boolean = true, dUnroll: Int = 1, dEarlyOut: Boolean = true, dEarlyOutGranularity: Int = 1) extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(mulDiv = Some(
+ MulDivParams(mulUnroll = mUnroll, mulEarlyOut = mEarlyOut, divUnroll = dUnroll, divEarlyOut = dEarlyOut, divEarlyOutGranularity = dEarlyOutGranularity)
+class WithoutMulDiv extends RocketCoreConfig(_.copy(mulDiv = None))
+// Branch-prediction configs
+class WithDefaultBtb extends RocketTileConfig(t => t.copy(btb = Some(BTBParams())))
+class WithNoBtb extends RocketTileConfig(_.copy(btb = None))
+// Tile CDC configs
+class WithCDC(crossingType: ClockCrossingType = SynchronousCrossing()) extends RocketCrossingConfig(_.copy(crossingType = crossingType))
+class WithSeperateClockReset extends RocketCrossingConfig(_.copy(forceSeparateClockReset = true))
+class WithSynchronousCDCs extends WithCDC(SynchronousCrossing())
+class WithAsynchronousCDCs(depth: Int, sync: Int) extends WithCDC(AsynchronousCrossing(depth, sync))
+class WithRationalCDCs extends WithCDC(RationalCrossing())
+class WithCloneRocketTiles(
+ n: Int = 1,
+ cloneTileId: Int = 0,
+ location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem,
+ cloneLocation: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(`location`) => {
+ val prev = up(TilesLocated(location), site)
+ val idOffset = up(NumTiles)
+ val tileAttachParams = up(TilesLocated(cloneLocation)).find(_.tileParams.tileId == cloneTileId)
+ .get.asInstanceOf[RocketTileAttachParams]
+ (0 until n).map { i =>
+ CloneTileAttachParams(cloneTileId, tileAttachParams.copy(
+ tileParams = tileAttachParams.tileParams.copy(tileId = i + idOffset)
+ ))
+ } ++ prev
+ }
+ case NumTiles => up(NumTiles) + n
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/Consts.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/Consts.scala
index 66e45f733ba..10f5201a365 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/Consts.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/Consts.scala
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ trait ScalarOpConstants {
def A1_ZERO = 0.U(2.W)
def A1_RS1 = 1.U(2.W)
def A1_PC = 2.U(2.W)
+ def A1_RS1SHL = 3.U(2.W)
def IMM_X = BitPat("b???")
def IMM_S = 0.U(3.W)
@@ -31,11 +32,14 @@ trait ScalarOpConstants {
def IMM_I = 4.U(3.W)
def IMM_Z = 5.U(3.W)
- def A2_X = BitPat("b??")
- def A2_ZERO = 0.U(2.W)
- def A2_SIZE = 1.U(2.W)
- def A2_RS2 = 2.U(2.W)
- def A2_IMM = 3.U(2.W)
+ def A2_X = BitPat("b???")
+ def A2_ZERO = 0.U(3.W)
+ def A2_SIZE = 1.U(3.W)
+ def A2_RS2 = 2.U(3.W)
+ def A2_IMM = 3.U(3.W)
+ def A2_RS2OH = 4.U(3.W)
+ def A2_IMMOH = 5.U(3.W)
def X = BitPat("b?")
def N = BitPat("b0")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoNIST.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoNIST.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ad59a860c17..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoNIST.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-class CryptoNISTInterface(xLen: Int) extends Bundle {
- val fn = Input(UInt(ABLUFN().SZ_ZKN_FN.W))
- val hl = Input(Bool())
- val bs = Input(UInt(2.W))
- val rs1 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rs2 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rd = Output(UInt(xLen.W))
-object AES {
- val rcon: Seq[Int] = Seq(
- 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08,
- 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
- 0x1b, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
- )
-class AESSBox extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val isEnc = Input(Bool())
- val in = Input(UInt(8.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(8.W))
- })
- val enc = SBoxAESEncIn(io.in)
- val dec = SBoxAESDecIn(io.in)
- val mid = SBoxMid(Mux(io.isEnc, enc, dec))
- io.out := Mux(io.isEnc, SBoxAESEncOut(mid), SBoxAESDecOut(mid))
-class GFMul(y: Int) extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val in = Input(UInt(8.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(8.W))
- })
- // x*f(x) = 2*in in GF
- def xt(in: UInt): UInt = (in << 1)(7,0) ^ Mux(in(7), 0x1b.U(8.W), 0x00.U(8.W))
- // 4*in in GF
- def xt2(in: UInt): UInt = xt(xt(in))
- // 8*in in GF
- def xt3(in: UInt): UInt = xt(xt2(in))
- require(y != 0)
- io.out := VecInit(
- (if ((y & 0x1) != 0) Seq( (io.in)) else Nil) ++
- (if ((y & 0x2) != 0) Seq( xt(io.in)) else Nil) ++
- (if ((y & 0x4) != 0) Seq(xt2(io.in)) else Nil) ++
- (if ((y & 0x8) != 0) Seq(xt3(io.in)) else Nil)
- ).reduce(_ ^ _)
-class ShiftRows(enc: Boolean) extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val in1 = Input(UInt(64.W))
- val in2 = Input(UInt(64.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(64.W))
- })
- val stride = if (enc) 5 else 13
- val indexes = Seq.tabulate(4)(x => (x * stride) % 16) ++
- Seq.tabulate(4)(x => (x * stride + 4) % 16)
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- val bytes = asBytes(io.in1) ++ asBytes(io.in2)
- io.out := VecInit(indexes.map(bytes(_)).toSeq).asUInt
-class MixColumn8(enc: Boolean) extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val in = Input(UInt(8.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
- })
- def m(x: UInt, y: Int): UInt = {
- val m = Module(new GFMul(y))
- m.io.in := x
- m.io.out
- }
- val out = if (enc) Cat(m(io.in, 3), io.in, io.in, m(io.in, 2))
- else Cat(m(io.in, 0xb), m(io.in, 0xd), m(io.in, 9), m(io.in, 0xe))
- io.out := out
-class MixColumn32(enc: Boolean) extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val in = Input(UInt(32.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
- })
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- io.out := asBytes(io.in).zipWithIndex.map({
- case (b, i) => {
- val m = Module(new MixColumn8(enc))
- m.io.in := b
- m.io.out.rotateLeft(i * 8)
- }
- }).reduce(_ ^ _)
-class MixColumn64(enc: Boolean) extends Module {
- val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val in = Input(UInt(64.W))
- val out = Output(UInt(64.W))
- })
- io.out := VecInit(io.in.asBools.grouped(32).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).map({
- x => {
- val m = Module(new MixColumn32(enc))
- m.io.in := x
- m.io.out
- }
- }).toSeq).asUInt
-class CryptoNIST(xLen:Int) extends Module {
- val fn = ABLUFN()
- val io = IO(new CryptoNISTInterface(xLen))
- val isEnc = fn.isEnc(io.fn)
- val isNotMix = fn.isNotMix(io.fn)
- val isKs1 = fn.isKs1(io.fn)
- val isIm = fn.isIm(io.fn)
- val aes1H = fn.aes1H(io.fn)
- val out1H = fn.zknOut1H(io.fn)
- // helper
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- // aes
- val aes = if (xLen == 32) {
- val si = asBytes(io.rs2)(io.bs)
- val so = {
- val m = Module(new AESSBox)
- m.io.in := si
- m.io.isEnc := isEnc
- m.io.out
- }
- val mixed_so = Mux(isNotMix, Cat(0.U(24.W), so), {
- val mc_enc = Module(new MixColumn8(true))
- val mc_dec = Module(new MixColumn8(false))
- mc_enc.io.in := so
- mc_dec.io.in := so
- Mux(isEnc, mc_enc.io.out, mc_dec.io.out)
- })
- // Vec rightRotate = UInt rotateLeft as Vec is big endian while UInt is little endian
- // FIXME: use chisel3.stdlib.BarrelShifter after chisel3 3.6.0
- io.rs1 ^ BarrelShifter.rightRotate(asBytes(mixed_so), io.bs).asUInt
- } else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- // var name from rvk spec enc/dec
- val sr = {
- val sr_enc = Module(new ShiftRows(true))
- val sr_dec = Module(new ShiftRows(false))
- sr_enc.io.in1 := io.rs1
- sr_enc.io.in2 := io.rs2
- sr_dec.io.in1 := io.rs1
- sr_dec.io.in2 := io.rs2
- Mux(isEnc, sr_enc.io.out, sr_dec.io.out)
- }
- // var name from rvk spec ks1
- val rnum = io.rs2(3,0)
- val tmp1 = io.rs1(63,32)
- val tmp2 = Mux(rnum === 0xA.U, tmp1, tmp1.rotateRight(8))
- // reuse 8 Sbox here
- val si = Mux(isKs1, Cat(0.U(32.W), tmp2), sr)
- val so = VecInit(asBytes(si).map(x => {
- val m = Module(new AESSBox)
- m.io.in := x
- m.io.isEnc := isEnc
- m.io.out
- }).toSeq).asUInt
- val mixed = {
- val mc_in = Mux(isIm, io.rs1, so)
- val mc_enc = Module(new MixColumn64(true))
- val mc_dec = Module(new MixColumn64(false))
- mc_enc.io.in := mc_in
- mc_dec.io.in := mc_in
- // for isIm, it is also dec
- Mux(isEnc, mc_enc.io.out, mc_dec.io.out)
- }
- // var name from rvk spec ks1
- val rc = VecInit(AES.rcon.map(_.U(8.W)).toSeq)(rnum)
- val tmp4 = so(31,0) ^ rc
- val ks1 = Cat(tmp4, tmp4)
- // var name from rvk spec ks2
- val w0 = tmp1 ^ io.rs2(31,0)
- val w1 = w0 ^ io.rs2(63,32)
- val ks2 = Cat(w1, w0)
- Mux1H(aes1H, Seq(so, mixed, ks1, ks2))
- }
- // sha
- def sext(in: UInt): UInt = if (xLen == 32) in
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- val in_hi_32 = Fill(32, in(31))
- Cat(in_hi_32, in)
- }
- val inb = io.rs1(31,0)
- val sha256sig0 = sext(inb.rotateRight(7) ^ inb.rotateRight(18) ^ (inb >> 3))
- val sha256sig1 = sext(inb.rotateRight(17) ^ inb.rotateRight(19) ^ (inb >> 10))
- val sha256sum0 = sext(inb.rotateRight(2) ^ inb.rotateRight(13) ^ inb.rotateRight(22))
- val sha256sum1 = sext(inb.rotateRight(6) ^ inb.rotateRight(11) ^ inb.rotateRight(25))
- val sha512sig0 = if (xLen == 32) {
- val sha512sig0_rs1 = (io.rs1 >> 1 ) ^ (io.rs1 >> 7) ^ (io.rs1 >> 8)
- val sha512sig0_rs2h = (io.rs2 << 31) ^ (io.rs2 << 24)
- val sha512sig0_rs2l = sha512sig0_rs2h ^ (io.rs2 << 25)
- sha512sig0_rs1 ^ Mux(io.hl, sha512sig0_rs2h, sha512sig0_rs2l)
- } else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- io.rs1.rotateRight(1) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(8) ^ io.rs1 >> 7
- }
- val sha512sig1 = if (xLen == 32) {
- val sha512sig1_rs1 = (io.rs1 << 3 ) ^ (io.rs1 >> 6) ^ (io.rs1 >> 19)
- val sha512sig1_rs2h = (io.rs2 >> 29) ^ (io.rs2 << 13)
- val sha512sig1_rs2l = sha512sig1_rs2h ^ (io.rs2 << 26)
- sha512sig1_rs1 ^ Mux(io.hl, sha512sig1_rs2h, sha512sig1_rs2l)
- } else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- io.rs1.rotateRight(19) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(61) ^ io.rs1 >> 6
- }
- val sha512sum0 = if (xLen == 32) {
- val sha512sum0_rs1 = (io.rs1 << 25) ^ (io.rs1 << 30) ^ (io.rs1 >> 28)
- val sha512sum0_rs2 = (io.rs2 >> 7) ^ (io.rs2 >> 2) ^ (io.rs2 << 4)
- sha512sum0_rs1 ^ sha512sum0_rs2
- } else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- io.rs1.rotateRight(28) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(34) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(39)
- }
- val sha512sum1 = if (xLen == 32) {
- val sha512sum1_rs1 = (io.rs1 << 23) ^ (io.rs1 >> 14) ^ (io.rs1 >> 18)
- val sha512sum1_rs2 = (io.rs2 >> 9) ^ (io.rs2 << 18) ^ (io.rs2 << 14)
- sha512sum1_rs1 ^ sha512sum1_rs2
- } else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- io.rs1.rotateRight(14) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(18) ^ io.rs1.rotateRight(41)
- }
- io.rd := Mux1H(out1H, Seq(
- aes,
- sha256sig0, sha256sig1,
- sha256sum0, sha256sum1,
- sha512sig0, sha512sig1,
- sha512sum0, sha512sum1))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoSM.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoSM.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5092e164445..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/CryptoSM.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-class CryptoSMInterface(xLen: Int) extends Bundle {
- val fn = Input(UInt(ABLUFN().SZ_ZKS_FN.W))
- val bs = Input(UInt(2.W))
- val rs1 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rs2 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
- val rd = Output(UInt(xLen.W))
-class CryptoSM(xLen:Int) extends Module {
- val fn = ABLUFN()
- val io = IO(new CryptoSMInterface(xLen))
- val isEd = fn.isEd(io.fn)
- val isP0 = fn.isP0(io.fn)
- val out1H = fn.zksOut1H(io.fn)
- // helper
- def sext(in: UInt): UInt = if (xLen == 32) in
- else {
- require(xLen == 64)
- val in_hi_32 = Fill(32, in(31))
- Cat(in_hi_32, in)
- }
- def asBytes(in: UInt): Vec[UInt] = VecInit(in.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- // sm4
- // dynamic selection should be merged into aes rv32 logic!
- val si = asBytes(io.rs2(31,0))(io.bs)
- // this can also be merged into AESSbox for rv32
- val so = SBoxSM4Out(SBoxMid(SBoxSM4In(si)))
- val x = Cat(0.U(24.W), so)
- val y = Mux(isEd,
- x ^ (x << 8) ^ (x << 2) ^ (x << 18) ^ ((x & 0x3F.U) << 26) ^ ((x & 0xC0.U) << 10),
- x ^ ((x & 0x7.U) << 29) ^ ((x & 0xFE.U) << 7) ^ ((x & 0x1.U) << 23) ^ ((x & 0xF8.U) << 13))(31,0)
- // dynamic rotate should be merged into aes rv32 logic!
- // Vec rightRotate = UInt rotateLeft as Vec is big endian while UInt is little endian
- // FIXME: use chisel3.stdlib.BarrelShifter after chisel3 3.6.0
- val z = BarrelShifter.rightRotate(asBytes(y), io.bs).asUInt
- val sm4 = sext(z ^ io.rs1(31,0))
- // sm3
- val r1 = io.rs1(31,0)
- val sm3 = sext(Mux(isP0,
- r1 ^ r1.rotateLeft(9) ^ r1.rotateLeft(17),
- r1 ^ r1.rotateLeft(15) ^ r1.rotateLeft(23)))
- io.rd := Mux1H(out1H, Seq(sm4, sm3))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/DCache.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/DCache.scala
index 66aa0715fcb..edbd7328277 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/DCache.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/DCache.scala
@@ -4,16 +4,24 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{CoreBundle, LookupByHartId}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
-import chisel3.{DontCare, WireInit, dontTouch, withClock}
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import TLMessages._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.AMBAProt
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, RationalCrossing, SynchronousCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, CreditedCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{CoreBundle, LookupByHartId}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLFIFOFixer,ClientMetadata, TLBundleA, TLAtomics, TLBundleB, TLPermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLMessages.{AccessAck, HintAck, AccessAckData, Grant, GrantData, ReleaseAck}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{CanHaveErrors, ClockGate, IdentityCode, ReplacementPolicy, DescribedSRAM, property}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToAugmentedUInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntIsOneOf
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.IntToAugmentedInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqToAugmentedSeq
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqBoolBitwiseOps
// TODO: delete this trait once deduplication is smart enough to avoid globally inlining matching circuits
trait InlineInstance { self: chisel3.experimental.BaseModule =>
@@ -52,7 +60,7 @@ class DCacheDataArray(implicit p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModule()(p) {
val data_arrays = Seq.tabulate(rowBits / subWordBits) {
i =>
- name = s"data_arrays_${i}",
+ name = s"${tileParams.baseName}_dcache_data_arrays_${i}",
desc = "DCache Data Array",
size = nSets * cacheBlockBytes / rowBytes,
data = Vec(nWays * (subWordBits / eccBits), UInt(encBits.W))
@@ -86,13 +94,11 @@ class DCache(staticIdForMetadataUseOnly: Int, val crossing: ClockCrossingType)(i
class DCacheTLBPort(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val req = Flipped(Decoupled(new TLBReq(coreDataBytes.log2)))
- val s1_resp = Output(new TLBResp)
+ val s1_resp = Output(new TLBResp(coreDataBytes.log2))
val s2_kill = Input(Bool())
class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
- val tlb_port = IO(new DCacheTLBPort)
val tECC = cacheParams.tagCode
val dECC = cacheParams.dataCode
require(subWordBits % eccBits == 0, "subWordBits must be a multiple of eccBits")
@@ -115,10 +121,21 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
// tags
val replacer = ReplacementPolicy.fromString(cacheParams.replacementPolicy, nWays)
+ /** Metadata Arbiter:
+ * 0: Tag update on reset
+ * 1: Tag update on ECC error
+ * 2: Tag update on hit
+ * 3: Tag update on refill
+ * 4: Tag update on release
+ * 5: Tag update on flush
+ * 6: Tag update on probe
+ * 7: Tag update on CPU request
+ */
val metaArb = Module(new Arbiter(new DCacheMetadataReq, 8) with InlineInstance)
val tag_array = DescribedSRAM(
- name = "tag_array",
+ name = s"${tileParams.baseName}_dcache_tag_array",
desc = "DCache Tag Array",
size = nSets,
data = Vec(nWays, chiselTypeOf(metaArb.io.out.bits.data))
@@ -126,6 +143,12 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
// data
val data = Module(new DCacheDataArray)
+ /** Data Arbiter
+ * 0: data from pending store buffer
+ * 1: data from TL-D refill
+ * 2: release to TL-A
+ * 3: hit path to CPU
+ */
val dataArb = Module(new Arbiter(new DCacheDataReq, 4) with InlineInstance)
dataArb.io.in.tail.foreach(_.bits.wdata := dataArb.io.in.head.bits.wdata) // tie off write ports by default
data.io.req.bits <> dataArb.io.out.bits
@@ -162,7 +185,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
val s1_nack = WireDefault(false.B)
val s1_valid_masked = s1_valid && !io.cpu.s1_kill
val s1_valid_not_nacked = s1_valid && !s1_nack
- val s1_tlb_req_valid = RegNext(tlb_port.req.fire, false.B)
+ val s1_tlb_req_valid = RegNext(io.tlb_port.req.fire, false.B)
val s2_tlb_req_valid = RegNext(s1_tlb_req_valid, false.B)
val s0_clk_en = metaArb.io.out.valid && !metaArb.io.out.bits.write
@@ -173,8 +196,8 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
val s1_req = RegEnable(s0_req, s0_clk_en)
val s1_vaddr = Cat(s1_req.idx.getOrElse(s1_req.addr) >> tagLSB, s1_req.addr(tagLSB-1, 0))
- val s0_tlb_req = WireInit(tlb_port.req.bits)
- when (!tlb_port.req.fire) {
+ val s0_tlb_req = WireInit(io.tlb_port.req.bits)
+ when (!io.tlb_port.req.fire) {
s0_tlb_req.passthrough := s0_req.phys
s0_tlb_req.vaddr := s0_req.addr
s0_tlb_req.size := s0_req.size
@@ -182,7 +205,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
s0_tlb_req.prv := s0_req.dprv
s0_tlb_req.v := s0_req.dv
- val s1_tlb_req = RegEnable(s0_tlb_req, s0_clk_en || tlb_port.req.valid)
+ val s1_tlb_req = RegEnable(s0_tlb_req, s0_clk_en || io.tlb_port.req.valid)
val s1_read = isRead(s1_req.cmd)
val s1_write = isWrite(s1_req.cmd)
@@ -246,7 +269,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
// address translation
val s1_cmd_uses_tlb = s1_readwrite || s1_flush_line || s1_req.cmd === M_WOK
io.ptw <> tlb.io.ptw
- tlb.io.kill := io.cpu.s2_kill || s2_tlb_req_valid && tlb_port.s2_kill
+ tlb.io.kill := io.cpu.s2_kill || s2_tlb_req_valid && io.tlb_port.s2_kill
tlb.io.req.valid := s1_tlb_req_valid || s1_valid && !io.cpu.s1_kill && s1_cmd_uses_tlb
tlb.io.req.bits := s1_tlb_req
when (!tlb.io.req.ready && !tlb.io.ptw.resp.valid && !io.cpu.req.bits.phys) { io.cpu.req.ready := false.B }
@@ -260,8 +283,8 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
tlb.io.sfence.bits.hv := s1_req.cmd === M_HFENCEV
tlb.io.sfence.bits.hg := s1_req.cmd === M_HFENCEG
- tlb_port.req.ready := clock_en_reg
- tlb_port.s1_resp := tlb.io.resp
+ io.tlb_port.req.ready := clock_en_reg
+ io.tlb_port.s1_resp := tlb.io.resp
when (s1_tlb_req_valid && s1_valid && !(s1_req.phys && s1_req.no_xcpt)) { s1_nack := true.B }
pma_checker.io <> DontCare
@@ -904,6 +927,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
val s1_isSlavePortAccess = s1_req.no_xcpt
val s2_isSlavePortAccess = s2_req.no_xcpt
io.cpu.ordered := !(s1_valid && !s1_isSlavePortAccess || s2_valid && !s2_isSlavePortAccess || cached_grant_wait || uncachedInFlight.asUInt.orR)
+ io.cpu.store_pending := (cached_grant_wait && isWrite(s2_req.cmd)) || uncachedInFlight.asUInt.orR
val s1_xcpt_valid = tlb.io.req.valid && !s1_isSlavePortAccess && !s1_nack
io.cpu.s2_xcpt := Mux(RegNext(s1_xcpt_valid), s2_tlb_xcpt, 0.U.asTypeOf(s2_tlb_xcpt))
@@ -1039,7 +1063,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
metaArb.io.out.valid || // subsumes resetting || flushing
s1_probe || s2_probe ||
s1_valid || s2_valid ||
- tlb_port.req.valid ||
+ io.tlb_port.req.valid ||
s1_tlb_req_valid || s2_tlb_req_valid ||
pstore1_held || pstore2_valid ||
release_state =/= s_ready ||
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/DebugROB.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/DebugROB.scala
index 1740b8c073a..39dec03a78c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/DebugROB.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/DebugROB.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.{IntParam}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{HasCoreParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DecoupledHelper
+case class DebugROBParams(size: Int)
class WidenedTracedInstruction extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
@@ -27,7 +29,6 @@ class WidenedTracedInstruction extends Bundle {
// These is not synthesizable, they use a C++ blackbox to implement the
// write-back reordering
class DebugROBPushTrace(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox with HasBlackBoxResource with HasCoreParameters {
- require(traceHasWdata && (vLen max xLen) <= 512)
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Bool())
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ class DebugROBPushTrace(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox with HasBla
class DebugROBPushWb(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox
with HasBlackBoxResource with HasCoreParameters {
- require(traceHasWdata && (vLen max xLen) <= 512)
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Bool())
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class DebugROBPushWb(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox
class DebugROBPopTrace(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox with HasBlackBoxResource with HasCoreParameters {
- require(traceHasWdata && (vLen max xLen) <= 512)
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Bool())
@@ -102,3 +101,92 @@ object DebugROB {
debug_rob_push_wb.io.wb_data := data
+class TaggedInstruction(val nXPR: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+ val insn = new TracedInstruction
+ val tag = UInt(log2Up(nXPR + 1).W)
+ val waiting = Bool()
+class TaggedWbData(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle with HasCoreParameters {
+ val valid = Bool()
+ val data = UInt(xLen.W)
+class HardDebugROB(val traceRatio: Int, val nXPR: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters)
+ extends Module with HasCoreParameters
+ val io = IO(new Bundle {
+ val i_insn = Input(new TracedInstruction)
+ val should_wb = Input(Bool())
+ val has_wb = Input(Bool())
+ val tag = Input(UInt(log2Up(nXPR + 1).W))
+ val wb_val = Input(Bool())
+ val wb_tag = Input(UInt(log2Up(nXPR + 1).W))
+ val wb_data = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
+ val o_insn = Output(new TracedInstruction)
+ })
+ val iq = Module(new Queue(new TaggedInstruction(nXPR), traceRatio * nXPR, flow = true))
+ // No backpressure
+ assert(iq.io.enq.ready)
+ iq.io.enq.valid := io.i_insn.valid || io.i_insn.exception || io.i_insn.interrupt
+ iq.io.enq.bits.insn := io.i_insn
+ iq.io.enq.bits.tag := io.tag
+ iq.io.enq.bits.waiting := io.should_wb && !io.has_wb
+ val wb_q = Seq.fill(nXPR)(Reg(new TaggedWbData))
+ for (i <- 0 until nXPR) {
+ when (io.wb_val && i.U === io.wb_tag) {
+ assert(wb_q(i).valid === false.B)
+ wb_q(i).valid := true.B
+ wb_q(i).data := io.wb_data
+ }
+ }
+ val tag_matches = Seq.fill(nXPR)(Wire(Bool()))
+ for (i <- 0 until nXPR) {
+ val is_match = iq.io.deq.bits.waiting &&
+ (iq.io.deq.bits.tag === i.U) &&
+ wb_q(i).valid
+ when (is_match) {
+ tag_matches(i) := true.B
+ } .otherwise {
+ tag_matches(i) := false.B
+ }
+ }
+ val tag_match = tag_matches.reduce(_ || _)
+ val vinsn_rdy = !iq.io.deq.bits.waiting ||
+ (iq.io.deq.bits.tag >= nXPR.U) || // not integer instruction
+ tag_match
+ val maybeFire = Mux(iq.io.deq.bits.insn.valid, vinsn_rdy, true.B)
+ val fireTrace = DecoupledHelper(
+ iq.io.deq.valid,
+ maybeFire)
+ iq.io.deq.ready := fireTrace.fire(iq.io.deq.valid)
+ io.o_insn := iq.io.deq.bits.insn
+ io.o_insn.valid := iq.io.deq.fire && iq.io.deq.bits.insn.valid
+ for (i <- 0 until nXPR) {
+ when (tag_match && fireTrace.fire() && i.U === iq.io.deq.bits.tag) {
+ io.o_insn.wdata.get := wb_q(i).data
+ wb_q(i).valid := false.B
+ }
+ }
+ val qcnt = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
+ when (iq.io.enq.fire && !iq.io.deq.fire) {
+ qcnt := qcnt + 1.U
+ } .elsewhen (!iq.io.enq.fire && iq.io.deq.fire) {
+ qcnt := qcnt - 1.U
+ } .otherwise {
+ qcnt := qcnt
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/Frontend.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/Frontend.scala
index 708b14ca0e9..c1ffa17ecc2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/Frontend.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/Frontend.scala
@@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import chisel3.{withClock,withReset}
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLEdgeOut, TLWidthWidget}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{CoreBundle, BaseTile}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLWidthWidget, TLEdgeOut}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ClockGate, ShiftQueue, property}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToAugmentedUInt
class FrontendReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val pc = UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W)
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ class FrontendIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val sfence = Valid(new SFenceReq)
val resp = Flipped(Decoupled(new FrontendResp))
val gpa = Flipped(Valid(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W)))
+ val gpa_is_pte = Input(Bool())
val btb_update = Valid(new BTBUpdate)
val bht_update = Valid(new BHTUpdate)
val ras_update = Valid(new RASUpdate)
@@ -61,9 +65,9 @@ class FrontendIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val progress = Output(Bool())
-class Frontend(val icacheParams: ICacheParams, staticIdForMetadataUseOnly: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
+class Frontend(val icacheParams: ICacheParams, tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
lazy val module = new FrontendModule(this)
- val icache = LazyModule(new ICache(icacheParams, staticIdForMetadataUseOnly))
+ val icache = LazyModule(new ICache(icacheParams, tileId))
val masterNode = icache.masterNode
val slaveNode = icache.slaveNode
val resetVectorSinkNode = BundleBridgeSink[UInt](Some(() => UInt(masterNode.edges.out.head.bundle.addressBits.W)))
@@ -348,9 +352,11 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
// supply guest physical address to commit stage
val gpa_valid = Reg(Bool())
val gpa = Reg(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W))
+ val gpa_is_pte = Reg(Bool())
when (fq.io.enq.fire && s2_tlb_resp.gf.inst) {
when (!gpa_valid) {
gpa := s2_tlb_resp.gpa
+ gpa_is_pte := s2_tlb_resp.gpa_is_pte
gpa_valid := true.B
@@ -359,6 +365,7 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
io.cpu.gpa.valid := gpa_valid
io.cpu.gpa.bits := gpa
+ io.cpu.gpa_is_pte := gpa_is_pte
// performance events
io.cpu.perf.acquire := icache.io.perf.acquire
@@ -383,7 +390,7 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have an ICache-based pipeline frontend */
trait HasICacheFrontend extends CanHavePTW { this: BaseTile =>
val module: HasICacheFrontendModule
- val frontend = LazyModule(new Frontend(tileParams.icache.get, staticIdForMetadataUseOnly))
+ val frontend = LazyModule(new Frontend(tileParams.icache.get, tileId))
tlMasterXbar.node := TLWidthWidget(tileParams.icache.get.rowBits/8) := frontend.masterNode
connectTLSlave(frontend.slaveNode, tileParams.core.fetchBytes)
frontend.icache.hartIdSinkNodeOpt.foreach { _ := hartIdNexusNode }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCache.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCache.scala
index 26aa0d1a2fb..29333c13fa3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCache.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCache.scala
@@ -3,15 +3,21 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{isPow2,log2Ceil,log2Up,Decoupled,Valid}
-import chisel3.dontTouch
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters, Field}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import chisel3.{dontTouch, _}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.AMBAProtField
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdRange, TransferSizes, RegionType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{L1CacheParams, HasL1CacheParameters, HasCoreParameters, CoreBundle, HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters, BaseTile, HasTileParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLMasterParameters, TLClientNode, TLMasterPortParameters, TLEdgeOut, TLWidthWidget, TLFIFOFixer, ClientMetadata}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Code, RandomReplacement, ParameterizedBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BooleanToAugmentedBoolean, IntToAugmentedInt}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
case class DCacheParams(
@@ -119,6 +125,7 @@ trait HasCoreData extends HasCoreParameters {
class HellaCacheReqInternal(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) with HasCoreMemOp {
val phys = Bool()
+ val no_resp = Bool() // The dcache may omit generating a response for this request
val no_alloc = Bool()
val no_xcpt = Bool()
@@ -180,6 +187,7 @@ class HellaCacheIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val s2_gpa_is_pte = Input(Bool())
val uncached_resp = tileParams.dcache.get.separateUncachedResp.option(Flipped(Decoupled(new HellaCacheResp)))
val ordered = Input(Bool())
+ val store_pending = Input(Bool()) // there is a store in a store buffer somewhere
val perf = Input(new HellaCachePerfEvents())
val keep_clock_enabled = Output(Bool()) // should D$ avoid clock-gating itself?
@@ -188,17 +196,17 @@ class HellaCacheIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
/** Base classes for Diplomatic TL2 HellaCaches */
-abstract class HellaCache(staticIdForMetadataUseOnly: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
+abstract class HellaCache(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
with HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters {
protected val cfg = tileParams.dcache.get
protected def cacheClientParameters = cfg.scratch.map(x => Seq()).getOrElse(Seq(TLMasterParameters.v1(
- name = s"Core ${staticIdForMetadataUseOnly} DCache",
+ name = s"Core ${tileId} DCache",
sourceId = IdRange(0, 1 max cfg.nMSHRs),
supportsProbe = TransferSizes(cfg.blockBytes, cfg.blockBytes))))
protected def mmioClientParameters = Seq(TLMasterParameters.v1(
- name = s"Core ${staticIdForMetadataUseOnly} DCache MMIO",
+ name = s"Core ${tileId} DCache MMIO",
sourceId = IdRange(firstMMIO, firstMMIO + cfg.nMMIOs),
requestFifo = true))
@@ -221,17 +229,18 @@ abstract class HellaCache(staticIdForMetadataUseOnly: Int)(implicit p: Parameter
require(!tileParams.core.haveCFlush || cfg.scratch.isEmpty, "CFLUSH_D_L1 instruction requires a D$")
-class HellaCacheBundle(val outer: HellaCache)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
- val cpu = Flipped((new HellaCacheIO))
+class HellaCacheBundle(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
+ val cpu = Flipped(new HellaCacheIO)
val ptw = new TLBPTWIO()
val errors = new DCacheErrors
+ val tlb_port = new DCacheTLBPort
class HellaCacheModule(outer: HellaCache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
with HasL1HellaCacheParameters {
implicit val edge: TLEdgeOut = outer.node.edges.out(0)
val (tl_out, _) = outer.node.out(0)
- val io = IO(new HellaCacheBundle(outer))
+ val io = IO(new HellaCacheBundle)
val io_hartid = outer.hartIdSinkNodeOpt.map(_.bundle)
val io_mmio_address_prefix = outer.mmioAddressPrefixSinkNodeOpt.map(_.bundle)
dontTouch(io.cpu.resp) // Users like to monitor these fields even if the core ignores some signals
@@ -254,9 +263,9 @@ case object BuildHellaCache extends Field[BaseTile => Parameters => HellaCache](
object HellaCacheFactory {
def apply(tile: BaseTile)(p: Parameters): HellaCache = {
if (tile.tileParams.dcache.get.nMSHRs == 0)
- new DCache(tile.staticIdForMetadataUseOnly, tile.crossing)(p)
+ new DCache(tile.tileId, tile.crossing)(p)
- new NonBlockingDCache(tile.staticIdForMetadataUseOnly)(p)
+ new NonBlockingDCache(tile.tileId)(p)
@@ -272,10 +281,7 @@ trait HasHellaCache { this: BaseTile =>
dcache.hartIdSinkNodeOpt.map { _ := hartIdNexusNode }
dcache.mmioAddressPrefixSinkNodeOpt.map { _ := mmioAddressPrefixNexusNode }
InModuleBody {
- dcache.module match {
- case module: DCacheModule => module.tlb_port := DontCare
- case other => other
- }
+ dcache.module.io.tlb_port := DontCare
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCacheArbiter.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCacheArbiter.scala
index 4b9fc08f4cb..cdc287d5043 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCacheArbiter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/HellaCacheArbiter.scala
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class HellaCacheArbiter(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module
io.requestor(i).s2_gpa := io.mem.s2_gpa
io.requestor(i).s2_gpa_is_pte := io.mem.s2_gpa_is_pte
io.requestor(i).ordered := io.mem.ordered
+ io.requestor(i).store_pending := io.mem.store_pending
io.requestor(i).perf := io.mem.perf
io.requestor(i).s2_nack := io.mem.s2_nack && s2_id === i.U
io.requestor(i).s2_nack_cause_raw := io.mem.s2_nack_cause_raw
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/ICache.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/ICache.scala
index 3090ca4f99d..d3bf3c2119f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/ICache.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/ICache.scala
@@ -3,18 +3,26 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{Cat, Decoupled, Mux1H, OHToUInt, RegEnable, Valid, isPow2, log2Ceil, log2Up, PopCount}
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.{DescribedSRAM, _}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import chisel3.dontTouch
+import chisel3.{dontTouch, _}
+import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util.random.LFSR
+import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdRange, AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice, ResourceBindings, Binding, ResourceAddress, Description, ResourceString, ResourceValue}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{L1CacheParams, HasL1CacheParameters, HasCoreParameters, CoreBundle, TileKey, LookupByHartId}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLClientNode, TLMasterPortParameters, TLManagerNode, TLSlavePortParameters, TLSlaveParameters, TLMasterParameters, TLHints}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Code, CanHaveErrors, DescribedSRAM, RandomReplacement, Split, IdentityCode, property}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToAugmentedUInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqToAugmentedSeq
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.OptionUIntToAugmentedOptionUInt
/** Parameter of [[ICache]].
@@ -410,7 +418,7 @@ class ICacheModule(outer: ICache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
* content with `refillError ## tag[19:0]` after ECC
* */
val tag_array = DescribedSRAM(
- name = "tag_array",
+ name = s"${tileParams.baseName}_icache_tag_array",
desc = "ICache Tag Array",
size = nSets,
data = Vec(nWays, UInt(tECC.width(1 + tagBits).W))
@@ -497,7 +505,7 @@ class ICacheModule(outer: ICache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
// @todo Accessing ITIM correspond address will be able to read cacheline?
// is this desired behavior?
addrInScratchpad(io.s1_paddr) && scratchpadWay(io.s1_paddr) === i.U)
- val s1_vb = vb_array(Cat(i.U, s1_idx)) && !s1_slaveValid
+ val s1_vb = vb_array(Cat(i.U, s1_idx).pad(log2Ceil(nSets*nWays))) && !s1_slaveValid
val enc_tag = tECC.decode(tag_rdata(i))
/** [[tl_error]] ECC error bit.
* [[tag]] of [[tag_array]] access.
@@ -544,7 +552,7 @@ class ICacheModule(outer: ICache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
val data_arrays = Seq.tabulate(tl_out.d.bits.data.getWidth / wordBits) {
i =>
- name = s"data_arrays_${i}",
+ name = s"${tileParams.baseName}_icache_data_arrays_${i}",
desc = "ICache Data Array",
size = nSets * refillCycles,
data = Vec(nWays, UInt(dECC.width(wordBits).W))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/IDecode.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/IDecode.scala
index 50db5dda926..e61d11dd26a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/IDecode.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/IDecode.scala
@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import Instructions._
import CustomInstructions._
+import ALU._
abstract trait DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])]
-class IntCtrlSigs(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
+class IntCtrlSigs(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val legal = Bool()
val fp = Bool()
@@ -25,14 +26,11 @@ class IntCtrlSigs(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bu
val jalr = Bool()
val rxs2 = Bool()
val rxs1 = Bool()
- val zbk = Bool()
- val zkn = Bool()
- val zks = Bool()
val sel_alu2 = Bits(A2_X.getWidth.W)
val sel_alu1 = Bits(A1_X.getWidth.W)
val sel_imm = Bits(IMM_X.getWidth.W)
val alu_dw = Bool()
- val alu_fn = Bits(aluFn.FN_X.getWidth.W)
+ val alu_fn = Bits(FN_X.getWidth.W)
val mem = Bool()
val mem_cmd = Bits(M_SZ.W)
val rfs1 = Bool()
@@ -47,21 +45,22 @@ class IntCtrlSigs(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bu
val fence = Bool()
val amo = Bool()
val dp = Bool()
+ val vec = Bool()
def default: List[BitPat] =
- // jal renf1 fence.i
- // val | jalr | renf2 |
- // | fp_val| | renx2 | | renf3 |
- // | | rocc| | | renx1 s_alu1 mem_val | | | wfd |
- // | | | br| | | | s_alu2 | imm dw alu | mem_cmd | | | | mul |
- // | | | | | | | | zbk | | | | | | | | | | | | div | fence
- // | | | | | | | | | zkn | | | | | | | | | | | | | wxd | | amo
- // | | | | | | | | | | zks | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dp
- List(N,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, X,X,X,X,X,X,X,CSR.X,X,X,X,X)
+ // jal renf1 fence.i
+ // val | jalr | renf2 |
+ // | fp_val| | renx2 | | renf3 |
+ // | | rocc| | | renx1 s_alu1 mem_val | | | wfd |
+ // | | | br| | | | s_alu2 | imm dw alu | mem_cmd | | | | mul |
+ // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | div | fence
+ // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | wxd | | amo
+ // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dp
+ List(N,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, X,X,X,X,X,X,X,CSR.X,X,X,X,X)
def decode(inst: UInt, table: Iterable[(BitPat, List[BitPat])]) = {
val decoder = DecodeLogic(inst, default, table)
- val sigs = Seq(legal, fp, rocc, branch, jal, jalr, rxs2, rxs1, zbk, zkn, zks, sel_alu2,
+ val sigs = Seq(legal, fp, rocc, branch, jal, jalr, rxs2, rxs1, sel_alu2,
sel_alu1, sel_imm, alu_dw, alu_fn, mem, mem_cmd,
rfs1, rfs2, rfs3, wfd, mul, div, wxd, csr, fence_i, fence, amo, dp)
sigs zip decoder map {case(s,d) => s := d}
@@ -69,672 +68,486 @@ class IntCtrlSigs(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bu
-class IDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class IDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- BNE-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SNE, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BEQ-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SEQ, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BLT-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BLTU-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLTU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BGE-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SGE, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BGEU-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SGEU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BNE-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,FN_SNE, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BEQ-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,FN_SEQ, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BLT-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BGE-> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_SB,DW_XPR,FN_SGE, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- JAL-> List(Y,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_SIZE,A1_PC, IMM_UJ,DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- JALR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AUIPC-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_PC, IMM_U, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ JALR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LBU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LHU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ LB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ LH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ LW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LUI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_ZERO,IMM_U, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ADDI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLTI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLTIU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLTU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ANDI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AND, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ORI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_OR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- XORI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_XOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ADD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SUB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SUB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLT-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLTU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SLTU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AND-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AND, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- OR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_OR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- XOR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_XOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRA-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ADDI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLTI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ANDI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_AND, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ORI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_OR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ XORI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_XOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ADD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SUB-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SUB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLT-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SLT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLTU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SLTU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ AND-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_AND, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ OR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_OR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ XOR-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_XOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRA-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FENCE-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,Y,N,N),
+ FENCE-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,Y,N,N),
- ECALL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- EBREAK-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- MRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- WFI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- CSRRW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.W,N,N,N,N),
- CSRRS-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.S,N,N,N,N),
- CSRRC-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.C,N,N,N,N),
+ ECALL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
+ EBREAK-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
+ MRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
+ WFI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
-class CeaseDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class CeaseDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CEASE-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
+ CEASE-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class FenceIDecode(flushDCache: Boolean, aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class FenceIDecode(flushDCache: Boolean)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
private val (v, cmd) = if (flushDCache) (Y, BitPat(M_FLUSH_ALL)) else (N, M_X)
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FENCE_I-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, v,cmd, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,Y,Y,N,N))
+ FENCE_I-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, v,cmd, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,Y,Y,N,N))
-class ConditionalZeroDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class ConditionalZeroDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CZERO_EQZ-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CZEQZ, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CZERO_NEZ-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CZNEZ, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class CFlushDecode(supportsFlushLine: Boolean, aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class CFlushDecode(supportsFlushLine: Boolean)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
private def zapRs1(x: BitPat) = if (supportsFlushLine) x else BitPat(x.value.U)
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
-class SVMDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class SVMDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
-class SDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class SDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
+ SRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class HypervisorDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class HypervisorDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- HLV_B -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLV_BU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLV_H -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLV_HU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLVX_HU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_HLVX, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLV_W-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLVX_WU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_HLVX, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
+ HLV_B -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
+ HLV_H -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HSV_B-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HSV_H-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HSV_W-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class DebugDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class DebugDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- DRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
+ DRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class NMIDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class NMIDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- MNRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
+ MNRET-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,X,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class I32Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class I32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class I64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class I64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- LD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- LWU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ LD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SD-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLLI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRLI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRAI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLLI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRLI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRAI-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ADDIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLLIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRLIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRAIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ADDW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SUBW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SUB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLLW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRLW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SRAW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ ADDIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLLIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRLIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRAIW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32,FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ADDW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SUBW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,FN_SUB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLLW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,FN_SL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRLW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,FN_SR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SRAW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,FN_SRA, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class Hypervisor64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class Hypervisor64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- HLV_D-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HSV_D-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.I,N,N,N,N),
- HLV_WU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.I,N,N,N,N))
-class MDecode(pipelinedMul: Boolean, aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class MDecode(pipelinedMul: Boolean)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val M = if (pipelinedMul) Y else N
val D = if (pipelinedMul) N else Y
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- MUL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MUL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MULH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MULH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MULHU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MULHU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MULHSU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MULHSU,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MUL-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_MUL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MULH-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_MULH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- DIV-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_DIV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- DIVU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_DIVU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- REM-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_REM, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- REMU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_REMU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ DIV-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_DIV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ DIVU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_DIVU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ REM-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_REM, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ REMU-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,FN_REMU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class M64Decode(pipelinedMul: Boolean, aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class M64Decode(pipelinedMul: Boolean)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val M = if (pipelinedMul) Y else N
val D = if (pipelinedMul) N else Y
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- MULW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_MUL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- DIVW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_DIV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- DIVUW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_DIVU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- REMW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_REM, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- REMUW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_REMU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ADecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- LR_W-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XLR, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,Y,N),
- SC_W-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XSC, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,Y,N))
-class A64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- LR_D-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XLR, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,Y,N),
- SC_D-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XSC, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,Y,N))
-class HDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FCVT_S_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJ_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJX_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJN_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMIN_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMAX_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMUL_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FNMADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FNMSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCLASS_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_X_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_W_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_WU_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FEQ_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLT_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLE_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_H_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLH-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSH-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FDIV_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSQRT_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class FDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+ MULW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, FN_MUL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,M,D,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ DIVW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, FN_DIV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ DIVUW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, FN_DIVU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ REMW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, FN_REM, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ REMUW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, FN_REMU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+class ADecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+ val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
+class A64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+ val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
+class HDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+ val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
+ FCVT_S_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJ_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJX_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJN_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMIN_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMAX_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMUL_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FNMADD_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FNMSUB_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCLASS_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_X_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_W_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_WU_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FEQ_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FLT_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FLE_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_H_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FDIV_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSQRT_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+class FDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FSGNJ_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJX_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJN_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMIN_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMAX_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMUL_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FNMADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FNMSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCLASS_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_X_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_W_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_WU_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FEQ_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLT_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLE_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_W_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_S_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_S_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FLW-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSW-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FDIV_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FSQRT_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ FSGNJ_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJX_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJN_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMIN_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMAX_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMUL_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FNMADD_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FNMSUB_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCLASS_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_X_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_W_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_WU_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FEQ_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FLT_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FLE_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_W_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_S_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_S_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FDIV_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSQRT_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class DDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class DDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FCVT_S_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJ_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJX_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJN_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMIN_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMAX_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMUL_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FNMADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FNMSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCLASS_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_W_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_WU_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FEQ_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLT_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLE_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLD-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XRD, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSD-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM, A1_RS1, IMM_S, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, Y,M_XWR, N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FDIV_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSQRT_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
+ FCVT_S_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_D_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FSGNJ_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FSGNJX_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FSGNJN_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMIN_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMAX_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMUL_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FNMADD_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FNMSUB_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCLASS_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_W_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_WU_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FEQ_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FLT_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FLE_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_D_W-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_D_WU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FDIV_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FSQRT_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,Y,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
-class HDDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class HDDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FCVT_D_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_H_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
+ FCVT_D_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_H_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
-class H64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FCVT_L_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_LU_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class F64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FCVT_L_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_LU_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_S_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_S_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class D64Decode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- FMV_X_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_L_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_LU_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMV_D_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
-trait UsesABLUFN {
- val aluFn = ABLUFN()
-class ZBADecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SH1ADD -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_SH1ADD,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH2ADD -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_SH2ADD,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH3ADD -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR, aluFn.FN_SH3ADD,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBA64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- ADD_UW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_64,aluFn.FN_ADDUW ,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SLLI_UW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_64,aluFn.FN_SLLIUW ,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH1ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_64,aluFn.FN_SH1ADDUW,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH2ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_64,aluFn.FN_SH2ADDUW,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SH3ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_64,aluFn.FN_SH3ADDUW,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// In both Zbb and Zbkb
-class ZBBNDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- ANDN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ANDN, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ORN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ORN , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- XNOR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_XNOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// In both Zbb and Zbkb
-class ZBBRDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- ROR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ROL -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ROL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBBR32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.RORI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBBR64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- RORI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- RORW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- ROLW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_ROL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- RORIW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_32, aluFn.FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// Only in Zbb
-class ZBBCDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CLZ -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CLZ , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CTZ -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CTZ , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CPOP -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CPOP, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBBC64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CLZW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_CLZ , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CTZW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_CTZ , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CPOPW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32,aluFn.FN_CPOP, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// Only in Zbb
-class ZBBMDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- MAX -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MAX , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MAXU -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MAXU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MIN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MIN , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- MINU -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_MINU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// Only in Zbb
-class ZBBSEDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class H64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SEXT_H -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SEXTH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SEXT_B -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_SEXTB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ FCVT_L_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_LU_H-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBBZE64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class F64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- ZEXT_H -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ZEXTH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ FCVT_L_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_LU_S-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_S_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_S_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBBZE32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class D64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.ZEXT_H ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ZEXTH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ FMV_X_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_L_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_LU_D-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FMV_D_X-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_D_L-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y),
+ FCVT_D_LU-> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,Y))
-class ZBBORCBDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class VCFGDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- ORC_B -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ORCB, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ VSETVLI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ VSETIVLI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ VSETVL -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_X, A1_X, IMM_X, DW_X, FN_X, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// In both Zbb and Zbkb
-class ZBBREV864Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class ZbaDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- REV8 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_REV8, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ )
-// In both Zbb and Zbkb
-class ZBBREV832Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class Zba64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.REV8->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_REV8, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ SH1ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1SHL,IMM_X, DW_64,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SH2ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1SHL,IMM_X, DW_64,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SH3ADD_UW-> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1SHL,IMM_X, DW_64,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ADD_UW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1SHL,IMM_X, DW_64,FN_ADD, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ SLLI_UW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_IMM,A1_RS1SHL,IMM_I, DW_64,FN_SL , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ )
-// Only in Zbkb
-class ZBKBDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class ZbbDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- PACK -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_PACK, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- PACKH -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_PACKH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BREV8 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BREV8, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ ANDN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_ANDN, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ORN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_ORN, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ XNOR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_XNOR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MAX -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_MAX, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MAXU -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_MAXU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MIN -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_MIN, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ MINU -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_MINU, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ROL -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_ROL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ROR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ )
-class ZBKB64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class Zbb64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- PACKW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_32, aluFn.FN_PACK, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ CTZW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM ,A1_RS1,IMM_I,DW_32 ,FN_UNARY, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ CLZW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM ,A1_RS1,IMM_I,DW_32 ,FN_UNARY, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ CPOPW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM ,A1_RS1,IMM_I,DW_32 ,FN_UNARY, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ ROLW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_32 ,FN_ROL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ RORW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_32 ,FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ RORIW -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,A2_IMM ,A1_RS1,IMM_I,DW_32 ,FN_ROR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ )
-class ZBKB32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.ZIP ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_ZIP, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.UNZIP ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_UNZIP, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-// also in Zbkc but Zbkc does not have CLMULR
-class ZBCDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CLMUL -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CLMUL, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CLMULH -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CLMULH, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBCRDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CLMULR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_CLMULR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBKXDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- XPERM8 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_XPERM8, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- XPERM4 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_XPERM4, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBSDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- BCLR -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BCLR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BEXT -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BEXT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BINV -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BINV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BSET -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BSET, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBS32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.BCLRI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BCLR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.BEXTI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BEXT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.BINVI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BINV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.BSETI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BSET, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZBS64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- BCLRI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BCLR, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BEXTI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BEXT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BINVI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BINV, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- BSETI -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_BSET, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKND32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.AES32DSI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_DS, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.AES32DSMI->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_DSM,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKND64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- AES64DS -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_DS, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AES64DSM -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_DSM,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AES64IM -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_IM, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AES64KS1I ->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_IMM,A1_RS1, IMM_I, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_KS1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AES64KS2 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_KS2,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKNE32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.AES32ESI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_ES, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.AES32ESMI ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_ESM,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKNE64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- AES64ES -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_ES, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- AES64ESM -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_AES_ESM,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKNHDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SHA256SIG0->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA256_SIG0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA256SIG1->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA256_SIG1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA256SUM0->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA256_SUM0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA256SUM1->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA256_SUM1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKNH32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
- val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- Instructions32.SHA512SIG0L ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.SHA512SIG1L ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.SHA512SIG0H ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.SHA512SIG1H ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.SHA512SUM0R ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SUM0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- Instructions32.SHA512SUM1R ->
- List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SUM1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
-class ZKNH64Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class Zbb32Decode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SHA512SIG0->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA512SIG1->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SIG1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA512SUM0->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SUM0,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SHA512SUM1->List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SHA512_SUM1,N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ Instructions32.REV8 ->
+ Instructions32.ZEXT_H ->
+ )
-class ZKSDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants with UsesABLUFN
+class ZbsDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- SM4ED -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SM4ED, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SM4KS -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,Y,A2_RS2,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SM4KS, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SM3P0 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SM3P0, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- SM3P1 -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,A2_X ,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_X, aluFn.FN_SM3P1, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N))
+ BEXT -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2 ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_BEXT, N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BINV -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2OH ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_XOR , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ BSET -> List(Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,A2_RS2OH ,A1_RS1,IMM_X,DW_XPR,FN_OR , N,M_X, N,N,N,N,N,N,Y,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
+ )
-class RoCCDecode(aluFn: ALUFN = ALUFN())(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
+class RoCCDecode(implicit val p: Parameters) extends DecodeConstants
val table: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] = Array(
- CUSTOM0-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM0_RS1-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM1-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM1_RS1-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM2-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM2_RS1-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM3-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM3_RS1-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
- CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2-> List(Y,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N,A2_ZERO,A1_RS1, IMM_X, DW_XPR,aluFn.FN_ADD, N,M_X,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,CSR.N,N,N,N,N),
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/Multiplier.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/Multiplier.scala
index fd571024d63..081dd0c841f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/Multiplier.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/Multiplier.scala
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{Cat, log2Up, log2Ceil, log2Floor, Log2, Decoupled, Enum, Fill, Valid, Pipe}
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-class MultiplierReq(dataBits: Int, tagBits: Int, aluFn: ALUFN = new ALUFN) extends Bundle {
- val fn = Bits(aluFn.SZ_ALU_FN.W)
+import ALU._
+class MultiplierReq(dataBits: Int, tagBits: Int) extends Bundle {
+ val fn = Bits(SZ_ALU_FN.W)
val dw = Bits(SZ_DW.W)
val in1 = Bits(dataBits.W)
val in2 = Bits(dataBits.W)
@@ -17,11 +19,12 @@ class MultiplierReq(dataBits: Int, tagBits: Int, aluFn: ALUFN = new ALUFN) exten
class MultiplierResp(dataBits: Int, tagBits: Int) extends Bundle {
val data = Bits(dataBits.W)
+ val full_data = Bits((2*dataBits).W)
val tag = UInt(tagBits.W)
-class MultiplierIO(val dataBits: Int, val tagBits: Int, aluFn: ALUFN = new ALUFN) extends Bundle {
- val req = Flipped(Decoupled(new MultiplierReq(dataBits, tagBits, aluFn)))
+class MultiplierIO(val dataBits: Int, val tagBits: Int) extends Bundle {
+ val req = Flipped(Decoupled(new MultiplierReq(dataBits, tagBits)))
val kill = Input(Bool())
val resp = Decoupled(new MultiplierResp(dataBits, tagBits))
@@ -34,12 +37,12 @@ case class MulDivParams(
divEarlyOutGranularity: Int = 1
-class MulDiv(cfg: MulDivParams, width: Int, nXpr: Int = 32, aluFn: ALUFN = new ALUFN) extends Module {
+class MulDiv(cfg: MulDivParams, width: Int, nXpr: Int = 32) extends Module {
private def minDivLatency = (cfg.divUnroll > 0).option(if (cfg.divEarlyOut) 3 else 1 + w/cfg.divUnroll)
private def minMulLatency = (cfg.mulUnroll > 0).option(if (cfg.mulEarlyOut) 2 else w/cfg.mulUnroll)
def minLatency: Int = (minDivLatency ++ minMulLatency).min
- val io = IO(new MultiplierIO(width, log2Up(nXpr), aluFn))
+ val io = IO(new MultiplierIO(width, log2Up(nXpr)))
val w = io.req.bits.in1.getWidth
val mulw = if (cfg.mulUnroll == 0) w else (w + cfg.mulUnroll - 1) / cfg.mulUnroll * cfg.mulUnroll
val fastMulW = if (cfg.mulUnroll == 0) false else w/2 > cfg.mulUnroll && w % (2*cfg.mulUnroll) == 0
@@ -58,15 +61,15 @@ class MulDiv(cfg: MulDivParams, width: Int, nXpr: Int = 32, aluFn: ALUFN = new A
val remainder = Reg(Bits((2*mulw+2).W)) // div only needs 2*w+1 bits
val mulDecode = List(
- aluFn.FN_MUL -> List(Y, N, X, X),
- aluFn.FN_MULH -> List(Y, Y, Y, Y),
- aluFn.FN_MULHU -> List(Y, Y, N, N),
- aluFn.FN_MULHSU -> List(Y, Y, Y, N))
+ FN_MUL -> List(Y, N, X, X),
+ FN_MULH -> List(Y, Y, Y, Y),
+ FN_MULHU -> List(Y, Y, N, N),
+ FN_MULHSU -> List(Y, Y, Y, N))
val divDecode = List(
- aluFn.FN_DIV -> List(N, N, Y, Y),
- aluFn.FN_REM -> List(N, Y, Y, Y),
- aluFn.FN_DIVU -> List(N, N, N, N),
- aluFn.FN_REMU -> List(N, Y, N, N))
+ FN_DIV -> List(N, N, Y, Y),
+ FN_REM -> List(N, Y, Y, Y),
+ FN_DIVU -> List(N, N, N, N),
+ FN_REMU -> List(N, Y, N, N))
val cmdMul :: cmdHi :: lhsSigned :: rhsSigned :: Nil =
DecodeLogic(io.req.bits.fn, List(X, X, X, X),
(if (cfg.divUnroll != 0) divDecode else Nil) ++ (if (cfg.mulUnroll != 0) mulDecode else Nil)).map(_.asBool)
@@ -175,23 +178,24 @@ class MulDiv(cfg: MulDivParams, width: Int, nXpr: Int = 32, aluFn: ALUFN = new A
io.resp.bits.tag := req.tag
io.resp.bits.data := Cat(hiOut, loOut)
+ io.resp.bits.full_data := Cat(remainder(2*w, w+1), remainder(w-1, 0))
io.resp.valid := (state === s_done_mul || state === s_done_div)
io.req.ready := state === s_ready
-class PipelinedMultiplier(width: Int, latency: Int, nXpr: Int = 32, aluFn: ALUFN = new ALUFN) extends Module with ShouldBeRetimed {
+class PipelinedMultiplier(width: Int, latency: Int, nXpr: Int = 32) extends Module with ShouldBeRetimed {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
- val req = Flipped(Valid(new MultiplierReq(width, log2Ceil(nXpr), aluFn)))
+ val req = Flipped(Valid(new MultiplierReq(width, log2Ceil(nXpr))))
val resp = Valid(new MultiplierResp(width, log2Ceil(nXpr)))
val in = Pipe(io.req)
val decode = List(
- aluFn.FN_MUL -> List(N, X, X),
- aluFn.FN_MULH -> List(Y, Y, Y),
- aluFn.FN_MULHU -> List(Y, N, N),
- aluFn.FN_MULHSU -> List(Y, Y, N))
+ FN_MUL -> List(N, X, X),
+ FN_MULH -> List(Y, Y, Y),
+ FN_MULHU -> List(Y, N, N),
+ FN_MULHSU -> List(Y, Y, N))
val cmdHi :: lhsSigned :: rhsSigned :: Nil =
DecodeLogic(in.bits.fn, List(X, X, X), decode).map(_.asBool)
val cmdHalf = (width > 32).B && in.bits.dw === DW_32
@@ -205,4 +209,5 @@ class PipelinedMultiplier(width: Int, latency: Int, nXpr: Int = 32, aluFn: ALUFN
io.resp.valid := resp.valid
io.resp.bits.tag := resp.bits.tag
io.resp.bits.data := Pipe(in.valid, muxed, latency-1).bits
+ io.resp.bits.full_data := Pipe(in.valid, prod, latency-1).bits.asUInt
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/NBDcache.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/NBDcache.scala
index 510fe1f5e61..a0f9f72b91b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/NBDcache.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/NBDcache.scala
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class IOMSHR(id: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCa
val mem_access = Decoupled(new TLBundleA(edge.bundle))
val mem_ack = Flipped(Valid(new TLBundleD(edge.bundle)))
val replay_next = Output(Bool())
+ val store_pending = Output(Bool())
def beatOffset(addr: UInt) = addr.extract(beatOffBits - 1, wordOffBits)
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class IOMSHR(id: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCa
val req = Reg(new HellaCacheReq)
val grant_word = Reg(UInt(wordBits.W))
- val s_idle :: s_mem_access :: s_mem_ack :: s_resp :: Nil = Enum(4)
+ val s_idle :: s_mem_access :: s_mem_ack :: s_resp_1 :: s_resp_2 :: Nil = Enum(5)
val state = RegInit(s_idle)
io.req.ready := (state === s_idle)
@@ -102,8 +103,8 @@ class IOMSHR(id: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCa
io.mem_access.valid := (state === s_mem_access)
io.mem_access.bits := Mux(isAMO(req.cmd), atomics, Mux(isRead(req.cmd), get, put))
- io.replay_next := (state === s_mem_ack) || io.resp.valid && !io.resp.ready
- io.resp.valid := (state === s_resp)
+ io.replay_next := state === s_resp_1 || (state === s_resp_2 && !io.resp.ready)
+ io.resp.valid := state === s_resp_2
io.resp.bits.addr := req.addr
io.resp.bits.idx.foreach(_ := req.idx.get)
io.resp.bits.tag := req.tag
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ class IOMSHR(id: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCa
io.resp.bits.data_word_bypass := loadgen.wordData
io.resp.bits.store_data := req.data
io.resp.bits.replay := true.B
+ io.store_pending := state =/= s_idle && isWrite(req.cmd)
when (io.req.fire) {
req := io.req.bits
@@ -130,12 +132,16 @@ class IOMSHR(id: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCa
when (state === s_mem_ack && io.mem_ack.valid) {
- state := s_resp
+ state := Mux(req.no_resp || !isRead(req.cmd), s_idle, s_resp_1)
when (isRead(req.cmd)) {
grant_word := wordFromBeat(req.addr, io.mem_ack.bits.data)
+ when (state === s_resp_1) {
+ state := s_resp_2
+ }
when (io.resp.fire) {
state := s_idle
@@ -331,6 +337,7 @@ class MSHRFile(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModu
val probe_rdy = Output(Bool())
val fence_rdy = Output(Bool())
val replay_next = Output(Bool())
+ val store_pending = Output(Bool())
// determine if the request is cacheable or not
@@ -439,6 +446,8 @@ class MSHRFile(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends L1HellaCacheModu
TLArbiter.lowestFromSeq(edge, io.mem_acquire, mshrs.map(_.io.mem_acquire) ++ mmios.map(_.io.mem_access))
TLArbiter.lowestFromSeq(edge, io.mem_finish, mshrs.map(_.io.mem_finish))
+ io.store_pending := sdq_val =/= 0.U || mmios.map(_.io.store_pending).orR
io.resp <> resp_arb.io.out
io.req.ready := Mux(!cacheable,
@@ -716,8 +725,11 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
val prober = Module(new ProbeUnit)
val mshrs = Module(new MSHRFile)
+ io.tlb_port.req.ready := true.B
io.cpu.req.ready := true.B
val s1_valid = RegNext(io.cpu.req.fire, false.B)
+ val s1_tlb_req_valid = RegNext(io.tlb_port.req.fire, false.B)
+ val s1_tlb_req = RegEnable(io.tlb_port.req.bits, io.tlb_port.req.fire)
val s1_req = Reg(new HellaCacheReq)
val s1_valid_masked = s1_valid && !io.cpu.s1_kill
val s1_replay = RegInit(false.B)
@@ -725,6 +737,7 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
val s1_sfence = s1_req.cmd === M_SFENCE
val s2_valid = RegNext(s1_valid_masked && !s1_sfence, false.B) && !io.cpu.s2_xcpt.asUInt.orR
+ val s2_tlb_req_valid = RegNext(s1_tlb_req_valid, false.B)
val s2_req = Reg(new HellaCacheReq)
val s2_replay = RegNext(s1_replay, false.B) && s2_req.cmd =/= M_FLUSH_ALL
val s2_recycle = Wire(Bool())
@@ -751,6 +764,7 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
dtlb.io.req.bits.cmd := s1_req.cmd
dtlb.io.req.bits.prv := s1_req.dprv
dtlb.io.req.bits.v := s1_req.dv
+ when (s1_tlb_req_valid) { dtlb.io.req.bits := s1_tlb_req }
when (!dtlb.io.req.ready && !io.cpu.req.bits.phys) { io.cpu.req.ready := false.B }
dtlb.io.sfence.valid := s1_valid && !io.cpu.s1_kill && s1_sfence
@@ -778,13 +792,16 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
when (s2_recycle) {
s1_req := s2_req
- val s1_addr = dtlb.io.resp.paddr
+ val s1_addr = Mux(s1_req.phys, s1_req.addr, dtlb.io.resp.paddr)
+ io.tlb_port.s1_resp := dtlb.io.resp
when (s1_clk_en) {
s2_req.size := s1_req.size
s2_req.signed := s1_req.signed
s2_req.phys := s1_req.phys
s2_req.addr := s1_addr
+ s2_req.no_resp := s1_req.no_resp
when (s1_write) {
s2_req.data := Mux(s1_replay, mshrs.io.replay.bits.data, io.cpu.s1_data.data)
@@ -990,7 +1007,7 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
amoalu.io.rhs := s2_req.data
// nack it like it's hot
- val s1_nack = dtlb.io.req.valid && dtlb.io.resp.miss || io.cpu.s2_nack ||
+ val s1_nack = dtlb.io.req.valid && dtlb.io.resp.miss || io.cpu.s2_nack || s1_tlb_req_valid ||
s1_req.addr(idxMSB,idxLSB) === prober.io.meta_write.bits.idx && !prober.io.req.ready
val s2_nack_hit = RegEnable(s1_nack, s1_valid || s1_replay)
when (s2_nack_hit) { mshrs.io.req.valid := false.B }
@@ -1039,6 +1056,7 @@ class NonBlockingDCacheModule(outer: NonBlockingDCache) extends HellaCacheModule
io.cpu.resp.bits.data_word_bypass := loadgen.wordData
io.cpu.resp.bits.data_raw := s2_data_word
io.cpu.ordered := mshrs.io.fence_rdy && !s1_valid && !s2_valid
+ io.cpu.store_pending := mshrs.io.store_pending
io.cpu.replay_next := (s1_replay && s1_read) || mshrs.io.replay_next
val s1_xcpt_valid = dtlb.io.req.valid && !s1_nack
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/PMA.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/PMA.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b2144e6b38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/PMA.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.DebugModuleKey
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.RegionType
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CacheBlockBytes
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{CoreModule, CoreBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLSlavePortParameters, TLManagerParameters}
+class PMAChecker(manager: TLSlavePortParameters)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
+ val io = IO(new Bundle {
+ val paddr = Input(UInt())
+ val resp = Output(new Bundle {
+ val cacheable = Bool()
+ val r = Bool()
+ val w = Bool()
+ val pp = Bool()
+ val al = Bool()
+ val aa = Bool()
+ val x = Bool()
+ val eff = Bool()
+ })
+ })
+ // PMA
+ // check exist a slave can consume this address.
+ val legal_address = manager.findSafe(io.paddr).reduce(_||_)
+ // check utility to help check SoC property.
+ def fastCheck(member: TLManagerParameters => Boolean) =
+ legal_address && manager.fastProperty(io.paddr, member, (b:Boolean) => b.B)
+ io.resp.cacheable := fastCheck(_.supportsAcquireB)
+ io.resp.r := fastCheck(_.supportsGet)
+ io.resp.w := fastCheck(_.supportsPutFull)
+ io.resp.pp := fastCheck(_.supportsPutPartial)
+ io.resp.al := fastCheck(_.supportsLogical)
+ io.resp.aa := fastCheck(_.supportsArithmetic)
+ io.resp.x := fastCheck(_.executable)
+ io.resp.eff := fastCheck(Seq(RegionType.PUT_EFFECTS, RegionType.GET_EFFECTS) contains _.regionType)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/PMP.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/PMP.scala
index 11fe95d9e0b..2ccd58ce822 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/PMP.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/PMP.scala
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ class PMPHomogeneityChecker(pmps: Seq[PMP])(implicit p: Parameters) {
class PMPChecker(lgMaxSize: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoreParameters {
+ override def desiredName = s"PMPChecker_s${lgMaxSize}"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val prv = Input(UInt(PRV.SZ.W))
val pmp = Input(Vec(nPMPs, new PMP))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/PTW.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/PTW.scala
index 876dfe478e2..04dd994efe3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/PTW.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/PTW.scala
@@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val aux_count = Reg(UInt(log2Ceil(pgLevels).W))
/** pte for 2-stage translation */
val aux_pte = Reg(new PTE)
- val aux_ppn_hi = (pgLevels > 4 && r_req.addr.getWidth > aux_pte.ppn.getWidth).option(Reg(UInt((r_req.addr.getWidth - aux_pte.ppn.getWidth).W)))
val gpa_pgoff = Reg(UInt(pgIdxBits.W)) // only valid in resp_gf case
val stage2 = Reg(Bool())
val stage2_final = Reg(Bool())
@@ -301,19 +300,21 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
// construct pte from mem.resp
- val (pte, invalid_paddr) = {
+ val (pte, invalid_paddr, invalid_gpa) = {
val tmp = mem_resp_data.asTypeOf(new PTE())
val res = WireDefault(tmp)
- res.ppn := Mux(do_both_stages && !stage2, tmp.ppn(vpnBits.min(tmp.ppn.getWidth)-1, 0), tmp.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0))
+ res.ppn := Mux(do_both_stages && !stage2, tmp.ppn(vpnBits.min(tmp.ppn.getWidth)-1, 0), tmp.ppn(ppnBits.min(tmp.ppn.getWidth)-1, 0))
when (tmp.r || tmp.w || tmp.x) {
// for superpage mappings, make sure PPN LSBs are zero
for (i <- 0 until pgLevels-1)
when (count <= i.U && tmp.ppn((pgLevels-1-i)*pgLevelBits-1, (pgLevels-2-i)*pgLevelBits) =/= 0.U) { res.v := false.B }
- (res, Mux(do_both_stages && !stage2, (tmp.ppn >> vpnBits) =/= 0.U, (tmp.ppn >> ppnBits) =/= 0.U))
+ (res,
+ Mux(do_both_stages && !stage2, (tmp.ppn >> vpnBits) =/= 0.U, (tmp.ppn >> ppnBits) =/= 0.U),
+ do_both_stages && !stage2 && checkInvalidHypervisorGPA(r_hgatp, tmp.ppn))
// find non-leaf PTE, need traverse
- val traverse = pte.table() && !invalid_paddr && count < (pgLevels-1).U
+ val traverse = pte.table() && !invalid_paddr && !invalid_gpa && count < (pgLevels-1).U
/** address send to mem for enquerry */
val pte_addr = if (!usingVM) 0.U else {
val vpn_idxs = (0 until pgLevels).map { i =>
@@ -328,19 +329,6 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
//use vpn slice as offset
raw_pte_addr.apply(size.min(raw_pte_addr.getWidth) - 1, 0)
- /** pte_cache input addr */
- val pte_cache_addr = if (!usingHypervisor) pte_addr else {
- val vpn_idxs = (0 until pgLevels-1).map { i =>
- val ext_aux_pte_ppn = aux_ppn_hi match {
- case None => aux_pte.ppn
- case Some(hi) => Cat(hi, aux_pte.ppn)
- }
- (ext_aux_pte_ppn >> (pgLevels - i - 1) * pgLevelBits)(pgLevelBits - 1, 0)
- }
- val vpn_idx = vpn_idxs(count)
- val raw_pte_cache_addr = Cat(r_pte.ppn, vpn_idx) << log2Ceil(xLen/8)
- raw_pte_cache_addr(vaddrBits.min(raw_pte_cache_addr.getWidth)-1, 0)
- }
/** stage2_pte_cache input addr */
val stage2_pte_cache_addr = if (!usingHypervisor) 0.U else {
val vpn_idxs = (0 until pgLevels - 1).map { i =>
@@ -373,7 +361,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
else can_hit
val tag =
if (s2) Cat(true.B, stage2_pte_cache_addr.padTo(vaddrBits))
- else Cat(r_req.vstage1, pte_cache_addr.padTo(if (usingHypervisor) vaddrBits else paddrBits))
+ else Cat(r_req.vstage1, pte_addr.padTo(if (usingHypervisor) vaddrBits else paddrBits))
val hits = tags.map(_ === tag).asUInt & valid
val hit = hits.orR && can_hit
@@ -534,12 +522,13 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
io.mem.req.bits.dprv := PRV.S.U // PTW accesses are S-mode by definition
io.mem.req.bits.dv := do_both_stages && !stage2
io.mem.req.bits.tag := DontCare
+ io.mem.req.bits.no_resp := false.B
io.mem.req.bits.no_alloc := DontCare
io.mem.req.bits.no_xcpt := DontCare
io.mem.req.bits.data := DontCare
io.mem.req.bits.mask := DontCare
- io.mem.s1_kill := l2_hit || state =/= s_wait1
+ io.mem.s1_kill := l2_hit || (state =/= s_wait1) || resp_gf
io.mem.s1_data := DontCare
io.mem.s2_kill := false.B
@@ -552,7 +541,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
require(TLBPageLookup.homogeneous(edge.manager.managers, pgSize), s"All memory regions must be $pgSize-byte aligned")
} else {
- TLBPageLookup(edge.manager.managers, xLen, p(CacheBlockBytes), pgSize)(r_pte.ppn << pgIdxBits).homogeneous
+ TLBPageLookup(edge.manager.managers, xLen, p(CacheBlockBytes), pgSize, xLen/8)(r_pte.ppn << pgIdxBits).homogeneous
val pmaHomogeneous = pmaPgLevelHomogeneous(count)
@@ -607,12 +596,11 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
count := Mux(arb.io.out.bits.bits.stage2, hgatp_initial_count, satp_initial_count)
aux_count := Mux(arb.io.out.bits.bits.vstage1, vsatp_initial_count, 0.U)
aux_pte.ppn := aux_ppn
- aux_ppn_hi.foreach { _ := aux_ppn >> aux_pte.ppn.getWidth }
aux_pte.reserved_for_future := 0.U
resp_ae_ptw := false.B
resp_ae_final := false.B
resp_pf := false.B
- resp_gf := false.B
+ resp_gf := checkInvalidHypervisorGPA(io.dpath.hgatp, aux_ppn) && arb.io.out.bits.bits.stage2
resp_hr := true.B
resp_hw := true.B
resp_hx := true.B
@@ -630,7 +618,6 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
when (stage2_pte_cache_hit) {
aux_count := aux_count + 1.U
aux_pte.ppn := stage2_pte_cache_data
- aux_ppn_hi.foreach { _ := 0.U }
aux_pte.reserved_for_future := 0.U
pte_hit := true.B
}.elsewhen (pte_cache_hit) {
@@ -639,6 +626,10 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
}.otherwise {
next_state := Mux(io.mem.req.ready, s_wait1, s_req)
+ when(resp_gf) {
+ next_state := s_ready
+ resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true.B
+ }
is (s_wait1) {
// This Mux is for the l2_error case; the l2_hit && !l2_error case is overriden below
@@ -676,9 +667,11 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
r_pte := OptimizationBarrier(
// l2tlb hit->find a leaf PTE(l2_pte), respond to L1TLB
- Mux(l2_hit && !l2_error, l2_pte,
+ Mux(l2_hit && !l2_error && !resp_gf, l2_pte,
+ // S2 PTE cache hit -> proceed to the next level of walking, update the r_pte with hgatp
+ Mux(state === s_req && stage2_pte_cache_hit, makeHypervisorRootPTE(r_hgatp, stage2_pte_cache_data, l2_pte),
// pte cache hit->find a non-leaf PTE(pte_cache),continue to request mem
- Mux(state === s_req && !stage2_pte_cache_hit && pte_cache_hit, makePTE(pte_cache_data, l2_pte),
+ Mux(state === s_req && pte_cache_hit, makePTE(pte_cache_data, l2_pte),
// 2-stage translation
Mux(do_switch, makeHypervisorRootPTE(r_hgatp, pte.ppn, r_pte),
// when mem respond, store mem.resp.pte
@@ -687,9 +680,9 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
Mux(state === s_fragment_superpage && !homogeneous && count =/= (pgLevels - 1).U, makePTE(makeFragmentedSuperpagePPN(r_pte.ppn)(count), r_pte),
// when tlb request come->request mem, use root address in satp(or vsatp,hgatp)
Mux(arb.io.out.fire, Mux(arb.io.out.bits.bits.stage2, makeHypervisorRootPTE(io.dpath.hgatp, io.dpath.vsatp.ppn, r_pte), makePTE(satp.ppn, r_pte)),
- r_pte)))))))
+ r_pte))))))))
- when (l2_hit && !l2_error) {
+ when (l2_hit && !l2_error && !resp_gf) {
assert(state === s_req || state === s_wait1)
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true.B
@@ -702,7 +695,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
when (do_both_stages && !stage2) { do_switch := true.B }
count := count + 1.U
}.otherwise {
- val gf = stage2 && !stage2_final && !pte.ur()
+ val gf = (stage2 && !stage2_final && !pte.ur()) || (pte.leaf() && pte.reserved_for_future === 0.U && invalid_gpa)
val ae = pte.v && invalid_paddr
val pf = pte.v && pte.reserved_for_future =/= 0.U
val success = pte.v && !ae && !pf && !gf
@@ -730,7 +723,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
resp_ae_ptw := ae && count < (pgLevels-1).U && pte.table()
- resp_ae_final := ae
+ resp_ae_final := ae && pte.leaf()
resp_pf := pf && !stage2
resp_gf := gf || (pf && stage2)
resp_hr := !stage2 || (!pf && !gf && pte.ur())
@@ -751,14 +744,14 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val s1_ppns = (0 until pgLevels-1).map(i => Cat(pte.ppn(pte.ppn.getWidth-1, (pgLevels-i-1)*pgLevelBits), r_req.addr(((pgLevels-i-1)*pgLevelBits min vpnBits)-1,0).padTo((pgLevels-i-1)*pgLevelBits))) :+ pte.ppn
makePTE(s1_ppns(count), pte)
- aux_ppn_hi.foreach { _ := 0.U }
stage2 := true.B
for (i <- 0 until pgLevels) {
val leaf = mem_resp_valid && !traverse && count === i.U
- ccover(leaf && pte.v && !invalid_paddr && pte.reserved_for_future === 0.U, s"L$i", s"successful page-table access, level $i")
+ ccover(leaf && pte.v && !invalid_paddr && !invalid_gpa && pte.reserved_for_future === 0.U, s"L$i", s"successful page-table access, level $i")
ccover(leaf && pte.v && invalid_paddr, s"L${i}_BAD_PPN_MSB", s"PPN too large, level $i")
+ ccover(leaf && pte.v && invalid_gpa, s"L${i}_BAD_GPA_MSB", s"GPA too large, level $i")
ccover(leaf && pte.v && pte.reserved_for_future =/= 0.U, s"L${i}_BAD_RSV_MSB", s"reserved MSBs set, level $i")
ccover(leaf && !mem_resp_data(0), s"L${i}_INVALID_PTE", s"page not present, level $i")
if (i != pgLevels-1)
@@ -788,6 +781,12 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
pte.ppn := Cat(hgatp.ppn >> maxHypervisorExtraAddrBits, lsbs)
+ /** use hgatp and vpn to check for gpa out of range */
+ private def checkInvalidHypervisorGPA(hgatp: PTBR, vpn: UInt) = {
+ val count = pgLevels.U - minPgLevels.U - hgatp.additionalPgLevels
+ val idxs = (0 to pgLevels-minPgLevels).map(i => (vpn >> ((pgLevels-i)*pgLevelBits)+maxHypervisorExtraAddrBits))
+ idxs.extract(count) =/= 0.U
+ }
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that might have a PTW */
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/RocketCore.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/RocketCore.scala
index f8cfcdb5acd..dffffb4fa1a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/RocketCore.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/RocketCore.scala
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
case class RocketCoreParams(
+ xLen: Int = 64,
+ pgLevels: Int = 3, // sv39 default
bootFreqHz: BigInt = 0,
useVM: Boolean = true,
useUser: Boolean = false,
@@ -23,11 +25,10 @@ case class RocketCoreParams(
useAtomicsOnlyForIO: Boolean = false,
useCompressed: Boolean = true,
useRVE: Boolean = false,
- useBitManip: Boolean = false,
- useBitManipCrypto: Boolean = false,
- useCryptoNIST: Boolean = false,
- useCryptoSM: Boolean = false,
useConditionalZero: Boolean = false,
+ useZba: Boolean = false,
+ useZbb: Boolean = false,
+ useZbs: Boolean = false,
nLocalInterrupts: Int = 0,
useNMI: Boolean = false,
nBreakpoints: Int = 1,
@@ -52,9 +53,10 @@ case class RocketCoreParams(
mimpid: Int = 0x20181004, // release date in BCD
mulDiv: Option[MulDivParams] = Some(MulDivParams()),
fpu: Option[FPUParams] = Some(FPUParams()),
- debugROB: Boolean = false, // if enabled, uses a C++ debug ROB to generate trace-with-wdata
+ debugROB: Option[DebugROBParams] = None, // if size < 1, SW ROB, else HW ROB
haveCease: Boolean = true, // non-standard CEASE instruction
- haveSimTimeout: Boolean = true // add plusarg for simulation timeout
+ haveSimTimeout: Boolean = true, // add plusarg for simulation timeout
+ vector: Option[RocketCoreVectorParams] = None
) extends CoreParams {
val lgPauseCycles = 5
val haveFSDirty = false
@@ -65,7 +67,15 @@ case class RocketCoreParams(
val retireWidth: Int = 1
val instBits: Int = if (useCompressed) 16 else 32
val lrscCycles: Int = 80 // worst case is 14 mispredicted branches + slop
- val traceHasWdata: Boolean = false // ooo wb, so no wdata in trace
+ val traceHasWdata: Boolean = debugROB.isDefined // ooo wb, so no wdata in trace
+ override val useVector = vector.isDefined
+ override val vectorUseDCache = vector.map(_.useDCache).getOrElse(false)
+ override def vLen = vector.map(_.vLen).getOrElse(0)
+ override def eLen = vector.map(_.eLen).getOrElse(0)
+ override def vfLen = vector.map(_.vfLen).getOrElse(0)
+ override def vfh = vector.map(_.vfh).getOrElse(false)
+ override def vExts = vector.map(_.vExts).getOrElse(Nil)
+ override def vMemDataBits = vector.map(_.vMemDataBits).getOrElse(0)
override val customIsaExt = Option.when(haveCease)("xrocket") // CEASE instruction
override def minFLen: Int = fpu.map(_.minFLen).getOrElse(32)
override def customCSRs(implicit p: Parameters) = new RocketCustomCSRs
@@ -79,12 +89,8 @@ trait HasRocketCoreParameters extends HasCoreParameters {
val mulDivParams = rocketParams.mulDiv.getOrElse(MulDivParams()) // TODO ask andrew about this
- val usingABLU = usingBitManip || usingBitManipCrypto
- val aluFn = if (usingABLU) new ABLUFN else new ALUFN
require(!fastLoadByte || fastLoadWord)
require(!rocketParams.haveFSDirty, "rocket doesn't support setting fs dirty from outside, please disable haveFSDirty")
- require(!(usingABLU && usingConditionalZero), "Zicond is not yet implemented in ABLU")
class RocketCustomCSRs(implicit p: Parameters) extends CustomCSRs with HasRocketCoreParameters {
@@ -118,10 +124,37 @@ class RocketCustomCSRs(implicit p: Parameters) extends CustomCSRs with HasRocket
override def decls = super.decls :+ marchid :+ mvendorid :+ mimpid
+class CoreInterrupts(val hasBeu: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileInterrupts()(p) {
+ val buserror = Option.when(hasBeu)(Bool())
+trait HasRocketCoreIO extends HasRocketCoreParameters {
+ implicit val p: Parameters
+ def nTotalRoCCCSRs: Int
+ val io = IO(new CoreBundle()(p) {
+ val hartid = Input(UInt(hartIdLen.W))
+ val reset_vector = Input(UInt(resetVectorLen.W))
+ val interrupts = Input(new CoreInterrupts(tileParams.asInstanceOf[RocketTileParams].beuAddr.isDefined))
+ val imem = new FrontendIO
+ val dmem = new HellaCacheIO
+ val ptw = Flipped(new DatapathPTWIO())
+ val fpu = Flipped(new FPUCoreIO())
+ val rocc = Flipped(new RoCCCoreIO(nTotalRoCCCSRs))
+ val trace = Output(new TraceBundle)
+ val bpwatch = Output(Vec(coreParams.nBreakpoints, new BPWatch(coreParams.retireWidth)))
+ val cease = Output(Bool())
+ val wfi = Output(Bool())
+ val traceStall = Input(Bool())
+ val vector = if (usingVector) Some(Flipped(new VectorCoreIO)) else None
+ })
class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
with HasRocketCoreParameters
- with HasCoreIO {
+ with HasRocketCoreIO {
def nTotalRoCCCSRs = tile.roccCSRs.flatten.size
+ import ALU._
val clock_en_reg = RegInit(true.B)
val long_latency_stall = Reg(Bool())
@@ -149,8 +182,8 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
("jal", () => id_ctrl.jal),
("jalr", () => id_ctrl.jalr))
++ (if (!usingMulDiv) Seq() else Seq(
- ("mul", () => if (pipelinedMul) id_ctrl.mul else id_ctrl.div && (id_ctrl.alu_fn & aluFn.FN_DIV) =/= aluFn.FN_DIV),
- ("div", () => if (pipelinedMul) id_ctrl.div else id_ctrl.div && (id_ctrl.alu_fn & aluFn.FN_DIV) === aluFn.FN_DIV)))
+ ("mul", () => if (pipelinedMul) id_ctrl.mul else id_ctrl.div && (id_ctrl.alu_fn & FN_DIV) =/= FN_DIV),
+ ("div", () => if (pipelinedMul) id_ctrl.div else id_ctrl.div && (id_ctrl.alu_fn & FN_DIV) === FN_DIV)))
++ (if (!usingFPU) Seq() else Seq(
("fp load", () => id_ctrl.fp && io.fpu.dec.ldst && io.fpu.dec.wen),
("fp store", () => id_ctrl.fp && io.fpu.dec.ldst && !io.fpu.dec.wen),
@@ -183,37 +216,33 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val pipelinedMul = usingMulDiv && mulDivParams.mulUnroll == xLen
val decode_table = {
- (if (usingMulDiv) new MDecode(pipelinedMul, aluFn) +: (xLen > 32).option(new M64Decode(pipelinedMul, aluFn)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingAtomics) new ADecode(aluFn) +: (xLen > 32).option(new A64Decode(aluFn)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (fLen >= 32) new FDecode(aluFn) +: (xLen > 32).option(new F64Decode(aluFn)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (fLen >= 64) new DDecode(aluFn) +: (xLen > 32).option(new D64Decode(aluFn)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (minFLen == 16) new HDecode(aluFn) +: (xLen > 32).option(new H64Decode(aluFn)).toSeq ++: (fLen >= 64).option(new HDDecode(aluFn)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (usingRoCC.option(new RoCCDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- (if (usingBitManip) new ZBADecode +: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBA64Decode).toSeq ++: new ZBBMDecode +: new ZBBORCBDecode +: new ZBCRDecode +: new ZBSDecode +: (xLen == 32).option(new ZBS32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBS64Decode).toSeq ++: new ZBBSEDecode +: new ZBBCDecode +: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBBC64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingBitManip && !usingBitManipCrypto) (xLen == 32).option(new ZBBZE32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBBZE64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingBitManip || usingBitManipCrypto) new ZBBNDecode +: new ZBCDecode +: new ZBBRDecode +: (xLen == 32).option(new ZBBR32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBBR64Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 32).option(new ZBBREV832Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBBREV864Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingBitManipCrypto) new ZBKXDecode +: new ZBKBDecode +: (xLen == 32).option(new ZBKB32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZBKB64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingCryptoNIST) (xLen == 32).option(new ZKND32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZKND64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingCryptoNIST) (xLen == 32).option(new ZKNE32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZKNE64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (if (usingCryptoNIST) new ZKNHDecode +: (xLen == 32).option(new ZKNH32Decode).toSeq ++: (xLen == 64).option(new ZKNH64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
- (usingCryptoSM.option(new ZKSDecode)) ++:
- (if (xLen == 32) new I32Decode(aluFn) else new I64Decode(aluFn)) +:
- (usingVM.option(new SVMDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- (usingSupervisor.option(new SDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- (usingHypervisor.option(new HypervisorDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- ((usingHypervisor && (xLen == 64)).option(new Hypervisor64Decode(aluFn))) ++:
- (usingDebug.option(new DebugDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- (usingNMI.option(new NMIDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- (usingConditionalZero.option(new ConditionalZeroDecode(aluFn))) ++:
- Seq(new FenceIDecode(tile.dcache.flushOnFenceI, aluFn)) ++:
- coreParams.haveCFlush.option(new CFlushDecode(tile.dcache.canSupportCFlushLine, aluFn)) ++:
- rocketParams.haveCease.option(new CeaseDecode(aluFn)) ++:
- Seq(new IDecode(aluFn))
+ (if (usingMulDiv) new MDecode(pipelinedMul) +: (xLen > 32).option(new M64Decode(pipelinedMul)).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (if (usingAtomics) new ADecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new A64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (if (fLen >= 32) new FDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new F64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (if (fLen >= 64) new DDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new D64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (if (minFLen == 16) new HDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new H64Decode).toSeq ++: (fLen >= 64).option(new HDDecode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (usingRoCC.option(new RoCCDecode)) ++:
+ (if (xLen == 32) new I32Decode else new I64Decode) +:
+ (usingVM.option(new SVMDecode)) ++:
+ (usingSupervisor.option(new SDecode)) ++:
+ (usingHypervisor.option(new HypervisorDecode)) ++:
+ ((usingHypervisor && (xLen == 64)).option(new Hypervisor64Decode)) ++:
+ (usingDebug.option(new DebugDecode)) ++:
+ (usingNMI.option(new NMIDecode)) ++:
+ (usingConditionalZero.option(new ConditionalZeroDecode)) ++:
+ Seq(new FenceIDecode(tile.dcache.flushOnFenceI)) ++:
+ coreParams.haveCFlush.option(new CFlushDecode(tile.dcache.canSupportCFlushLine)) ++:
+ rocketParams.haveCease.option(new CeaseDecode) ++:
+ usingVector.option(new VCFGDecode) ++:
+ (if (coreParams.useZba) new ZbaDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new Zba64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
+ (if (coreParams.useZbb) Seq(new ZbbDecode, if (xLen == 32) new Zbb32Decode else new Zbb64Decode) else Nil) ++:
+ coreParams.useZbs.option(new ZbsDecode) ++:
+ Seq(new IDecode)
} flatMap(_.table)
- val ex_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs(aluFn))
- val mem_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs(aluFn))
- val wb_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs(aluFn))
+ val ex_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs)
+ val mem_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs)
+ val wb_ctrl = Reg(new IntCtrlSigs)
val ex_reg_xcpt_interrupt = Reg(Bool())
val ex_reg_valid = Reg(Bool())
@@ -230,6 +259,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val ex_reg_inst = Reg(Bits())
val ex_reg_raw_inst = Reg(UInt())
val ex_reg_wphit = Reg(Vec(nBreakpoints, Bool()))
+ val ex_reg_set_vconfig = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_xcpt_interrupt = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_valid = Reg(Bool())
@@ -242,6 +272,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val mem_reg_slow_bypass = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_load = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_store = Reg(Bool())
+ val mem_reg_set_vconfig = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_sfence = Reg(Bool())
val mem_reg_pc = Reg(UInt())
val mem_reg_inst = Reg(Bits())
@@ -259,6 +290,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val wb_reg_replay = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_flush_pipe = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_cause = Reg(UInt())
+ val wb_reg_set_vconfig = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_sfence = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_pc = Reg(UInt())
val wb_reg_mem_size = Reg(UInt())
@@ -286,7 +318,8 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
require(decodeWidth == 1 /* TODO */ && retireWidth == decodeWidth)
require(!(coreParams.useRVE && coreParams.fpu.nonEmpty), "Can't select both RVE and floating-point")
require(!(coreParams.useRVE && coreParams.useHypervisor), "Can't select both RVE and Hypervisor")
- val id_ctrl = Wire(new IntCtrlSigs(aluFn)).decode(id_inst(0), decode_table)
+ val id_ctrl = Wire(new IntCtrlSigs).decode(id_inst(0), decode_table)
val lgNXRegs = if (coreParams.useRVE) 4 else 5
val regAddrMask = (1 << lgNXRegs) - 1
@@ -305,18 +338,51 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val ctrl_killd = Wire(Bool())
val id_npc = (ibuf.io.pc.asSInt + ImmGen(IMM_UJ, id_inst(0))).asUInt
- val csr = Module(new CSRFile(perfEvents, coreParams.customCSRs.decls, tile.roccCSRs.flatten))
+ val csr = Module(new CSRFile(perfEvents, coreParams.customCSRs.decls, tile.roccCSRs.flatten, tile.rocketParams.beuAddr.isDefined))
val id_csr_en = id_ctrl.csr.isOneOf(CSR.S, CSR.C, CSR.W)
val id_system_insn = id_ctrl.csr === CSR.I
val id_csr_ren = id_ctrl.csr.isOneOf(CSR.S, CSR.C) && id_expanded_inst(0).rs1 === 0.U
val id_csr = Mux(id_system_insn && id_ctrl.mem, CSR.N, Mux(id_csr_ren, CSR.R, id_ctrl.csr))
val id_csr_flush = id_system_insn || (id_csr_en && !id_csr_ren && csr.io.decode(0).write_flush)
+ val id_set_vconfig = Seq(Instructions.VSETVLI, Instructions.VSETIVLI, Instructions.VSETVL).map(_ === id_inst(0)).orR && usingVector.B
+ id_ctrl.vec := false.B
+ if (usingVector) {
+ val v_decode = rocketParams.vector.get.decoder(p)
+ v_decode.io.inst := id_inst(0)
+ v_decode.io.vconfig := csr.io.vector.get.vconfig
+ when (v_decode.io.legal) {
+ id_ctrl.legal := !csr.io.vector.get.vconfig.vtype.vill
+ id_ctrl.fp := v_decode.io.fp
+ id_ctrl.rocc := false.B
+ id_ctrl.branch := false.B
+ id_ctrl.jal := false.B
+ id_ctrl.jalr := false.B
+ id_ctrl.rxs2 := v_decode.io.read_rs2
+ id_ctrl.rxs1 := v_decode.io.read_rs1
+ id_ctrl.mem := false.B
+ id_ctrl.rfs1 := v_decode.io.read_frs1
+ id_ctrl.rfs2 := false.B
+ id_ctrl.rfs3 := false.B
+ id_ctrl.wfd := v_decode.io.write_frd
+ id_ctrl.mul := false.B
+ id_ctrl.div := false.B
+ id_ctrl.wxd := v_decode.io.write_rd
+ id_ctrl.csr := CSR.N
+ id_ctrl.fence_i := false.B
+ id_ctrl.fence := false.B
+ id_ctrl.amo := false.B
+ id_ctrl.dp := false.B
+ id_ctrl.vec := true.B
+ }
+ }
- val id_illegal_rnum = if (usingCryptoNIST) (id_ctrl.zkn && aluFn.isKs1(id_ctrl.alu_fn) && id_inst(0)(23,20) > 0xA.U(4.W)) else false.B
val id_illegal_insn = !id_ctrl.legal ||
(id_ctrl.mul || id_ctrl.div) && !csr.io.status.isa('m'-'a') ||
id_ctrl.amo && !csr.io.status.isa('a'-'a') ||
- id_ctrl.fp && (csr.io.decode(0).fp_illegal || io.fpu.illegal_rm) ||
+ id_ctrl.fp && (csr.io.decode(0).fp_illegal || (io.fpu.illegal_rm && !id_ctrl.vec)) ||
+ (id_ctrl.vec) && (csr.io.decode(0).vector_illegal || csr.io.vector.map(_.vconfig.vtype.vill).getOrElse(false.B)) ||
id_ctrl.dp && !csr.io.status.isa('d'-'a') ||
ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.rvc && !csr.io.status.isa('c'-'a') ||
id_raddr2_illegal && id_ctrl.rxs2 ||
@@ -324,8 +390,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
id_waddr_illegal && id_ctrl.wxd ||
id_ctrl.rocc && csr.io.decode(0).rocc_illegal ||
id_csr_en && (csr.io.decode(0).read_illegal || !id_csr_ren && csr.io.decode(0).write_illegal) ||
- !ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.rvc && (id_system_insn && csr.io.decode(0).system_illegal) ||
- id_illegal_rnum
+ !ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.rvc && (id_system_insn && csr.io.decode(0).system_illegal)
val id_virtual_insn = id_ctrl.legal &&
((id_csr_en && !(!id_csr_ren && csr.io.decode(0).write_illegal) && csr.io.decode(0).virtual_access_illegal) ||
(!ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.rvc && id_system_insn && csr.io.decode(0).virtual_system_illegal))
@@ -340,7 +405,10 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val id_rocc_busy = usingRoCC.B &&
(io.rocc.busy || ex_reg_valid && ex_ctrl.rocc ||
mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.rocc || wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.rocc)
- val id_do_fence = WireDefault(id_rocc_busy && id_ctrl.fence ||
+ val id_csr_rocc_write = tile.roccCSRs.flatten.map(_.id.U === id_inst(0)(31,20)).orR && id_csr_en && !id_csr_ren
+ val id_vec_busy = io.vector.map(v => v.backend_busy || v.trap_check_busy).getOrElse(false.B)
+ val id_do_fence = WireDefault(id_rocc_busy && (id_ctrl.fence || id_csr_rocc_write) ||
+ id_vec_busy && id_ctrl.fence ||
id_mem_busy && (id_ctrl.amo && id_amo_rl || id_ctrl.fence_i || id_reg_fence && (id_ctrl.mem || id_ctrl.rocc)))
val bpu = Module(new BreakpointUnit(nBreakpoints))
@@ -400,53 +468,47 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val ex_rs = for (i <- 0 until id_raddr.size)
yield Mux(ex_reg_rs_bypass(i), bypass_mux(ex_reg_rs_lsb(i)), Cat(ex_reg_rs_msb(i), ex_reg_rs_lsb(i)))
val ex_imm = ImmGen(ex_ctrl.sel_imm, ex_reg_inst)
+ val ex_rs1shl = Mux(ex_reg_inst(3), ex_rs(0)(31,0), ex_rs(0)) << ex_reg_inst(14,13)
val ex_op1 = MuxLookup(ex_ctrl.sel_alu1, 0.S)(Seq(
A1_RS1 -> ex_rs(0).asSInt,
- A1_PC -> ex_reg_pc.asSInt))
+ A1_PC -> ex_reg_pc.asSInt,
+ A1_RS1SHL -> (if (rocketParams.useZba) ex_rs1shl.asSInt else 0.S)
+ ))
+ val ex_op2_oh = UIntToOH(Mux(ex_ctrl.sel_alu2(0), (ex_reg_inst >> 20).asUInt, ex_rs(1))(log2Ceil(xLen)-1,0)).asSInt
val ex_op2 = MuxLookup(ex_ctrl.sel_alu2, 0.S)(Seq(
A2_RS2 -> ex_rs(1).asSInt,
A2_IMM -> ex_imm,
- A2_SIZE -> Mux(ex_reg_rvc, 2.S, 4.S)))
- val alu = Module(aluFn match {
- case _: ABLUFN => new ABLU
- case _: ALUFN => new ALU
- })
+ A2_SIZE -> Mux(ex_reg_rvc, 2.S, 4.S),
+ ) ++ (if (coreParams.useZbs) Seq(
+ A2_RS2OH -> ex_op2_oh,
+ A2_IMMOH -> ex_op2_oh,
+ ) else Nil))
+ val (ex_new_vl, ex_new_vconfig) = if (usingVector) {
+ val ex_new_vtype = VType.fromUInt(MuxCase(ex_rs(1), Seq(
+ ex_reg_inst(31,30).andR -> ex_reg_inst(29,20),
+ !ex_reg_inst(31) -> ex_reg_inst(30,20))))
+ val ex_avl = Mux(ex_ctrl.rxs1,
+ Mux(ex_reg_inst(19,15) === 0.U,
+ Mux(ex_reg_inst(11,7) === 0.U, csr.io.vector.get.vconfig.vl, ex_new_vtype.vlMax),
+ ex_rs(0)
+ ),
+ ex_reg_inst(19,15))
+ val ex_new_vl = ex_new_vtype.vl(ex_avl, csr.io.vector.get.vconfig.vl, false.B, false.B, false.B)
+ val ex_new_vconfig = Wire(new VConfig)
+ ex_new_vconfig.vtype := ex_new_vtype
+ ex_new_vconfig.vl := ex_new_vl
+ (Some(ex_new_vl), Some(ex_new_vconfig))
+ } else { (None, None) }
+ val alu = Module(new ALU)
alu.io.dw := ex_ctrl.alu_dw
alu.io.fn := ex_ctrl.alu_fn
alu.io.in2 := ex_op2.asUInt
alu.io.in1 := ex_op1.asUInt
- val ex_zbk_wdata = if (!usingBitManipCrypto && !usingBitManip) 0.U else {
- val zbk = Module(new BitManipCrypto(xLen))
- zbk.io.fn := ex_ctrl.alu_fn
- zbk.io.dw := ex_ctrl.alu_dw
- zbk.io.rs1 := ex_op1.asUInt
- zbk.io.rs2 := ex_op2.asUInt
- zbk.io.rd
- }
- val ex_zkn_wdata = if (!usingCryptoNIST) 0.U else {
- val zkn = Module(new CryptoNIST(xLen))
- zkn.io.fn := ex_ctrl.alu_fn
- zkn.io.hl := ex_reg_inst(27)
- zkn.io.bs := ex_reg_inst(31,30)
- zkn.io.rs1 := ex_op1.asUInt
- zkn.io.rs2 := ex_op2.asUInt
- zkn.io.rd
- }
- val ex_zks_wdata = if (!usingCryptoSM) 0.U else {
- val zks = Module(new CryptoSM(xLen))
- zks.io.fn := ex_ctrl.alu_fn
- zks.io.bs := ex_reg_inst(31,30)
- zks.io.rs1 := ex_op1.asUInt
- zks.io.rs2 := ex_op2.asUInt
- zks.io.rd
- }
// multiplier and divider
- val div = Module(new MulDiv(if (pipelinedMul) mulDivParams.copy(mulUnroll = 0) else mulDivParams, width = xLen, aluFn = aluFn))
+ val div = Module(new MulDiv(if (pipelinedMul) mulDivParams.copy(mulUnroll = 0) else mulDivParams, width = xLen))
div.io.req.valid := ex_reg_valid && ex_ctrl.div
div.io.req.bits.dw := ex_ctrl.alu_dw
div.io.req.bits.fn := ex_ctrl.alu_fn
@@ -454,7 +516,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
div.io.req.bits.in2 := ex_rs(1)
div.io.req.bits.tag := ex_waddr
val mul = pipelinedMul.option {
- val m = Module(new PipelinedMultiplier(xLen, 2, aluFn = aluFn))
+ val m = Module(new PipelinedMultiplier(xLen, 2))
m.io.req.valid := ex_reg_valid && ex_ctrl.mul
m.io.req.bits := div.io.req.bits
@@ -472,7 +534,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
when (id_ctrl.fence && id_fence_succ === 0.U) { id_reg_pause := true.B }
when (id_fence_next) { id_reg_fence := true.B }
when (id_xcpt) { // pass PC down ALU writeback pipeline for badaddr
- ex_ctrl.alu_fn := aluFn.FN_ADD
+ ex_ctrl.alu_fn := FN_ADD
ex_ctrl.alu_dw := DW_XPR
ex_ctrl.sel_alu1 := A1_RS1 // badaddr := instruction
ex_ctrl.sel_alu2 := A2_ZERO
@@ -526,13 +588,15 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
ex_reg_pc := ibuf.io.pc
ex_reg_btb_resp := ibuf.io.btb_resp
ex_reg_wphit := bpu.io.bpwatch.map { bpw => bpw.ivalid(0) }
+ ex_reg_set_vconfig := id_set_vconfig && !id_xcpt
// replay inst in ex stage?
val ex_pc_valid = ex_reg_valid || ex_reg_replay || ex_reg_xcpt_interrupt
val wb_dcache_miss = wb_ctrl.mem && !io.dmem.resp.valid
val replay_ex_structural = ex_ctrl.mem && !io.dmem.req.ready ||
- ex_ctrl.div && !div.io.req.ready
+ ex_ctrl.div && !div.io.req.ready ||
+ ex_ctrl.vec && !io.vector.map(_.ex.ready).getOrElse(true.B)
val replay_ex_load_use = wb_dcache_miss && ex_reg_load_use
val replay_ex = ex_reg_replay || (ex_reg_valid && (replay_ex_structural || replay_ex_load_use))
val ctrl_killx = take_pc_mem_wb || replay_ex || !ex_reg_valid
@@ -583,6 +647,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
mem_reg_flush_pipe := ex_reg_flush_pipe
mem_reg_slow_bypass := ex_slow_bypass
mem_reg_wphit := ex_reg_wphit
+ mem_reg_set_vconfig := ex_reg_set_vconfig
mem_reg_cause := ex_cause
mem_reg_inst := ex_reg_inst
@@ -591,19 +656,17 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
mem_reg_hls_or_dv := io.dmem.req.bits.dv
mem_reg_pc := ex_reg_pc
// IDecode ensured they are 1H
- mem_reg_wdata := Mux1H(Seq(
- ex_ctrl.zbk -> ex_zbk_wdata,
- ex_ctrl.zkn -> ex_zkn_wdata,
- ex_ctrl.zks -> ex_zks_wdata,
- (!ex_ctrl.zbk && !ex_ctrl.zkn && !ex_ctrl.zks)
- -> alu.io.out,
- ))
+ mem_reg_wdata := Mux(ex_reg_set_vconfig, ex_new_vl.getOrElse(alu.io.out), alu.io.out)
mem_br_taken := alu.io.cmp_out
when (ex_ctrl.rxs2 && (ex_ctrl.mem || ex_ctrl.rocc || ex_sfence)) {
val size = Mux(ex_ctrl.rocc, log2Ceil(xLen/8).U, ex_reg_mem_size)
mem_reg_rs2 := new StoreGen(size, 0.U, ex_rs(1), coreDataBytes).data
+ if (usingVector) { when (ex_reg_set_vconfig) {
+ mem_reg_rs2 := ex_new_vconfig.get.asUInt
+ } }
when (ex_ctrl.jalr && csr.io.status.debug) {
// flush I$ on D-mode JALR to effect uncached fetch without D$ flush
mem_ctrl.fence_i := true.B
@@ -631,21 +694,23 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val dcache_kill_mem = mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.wxd && io.dmem.replay_next // structural hazard on writeback port
val fpu_kill_mem = mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.fp && io.fpu.nack_mem
- val replay_mem = dcache_kill_mem || mem_reg_replay || fpu_kill_mem
+ val vec_kill_mem = mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.mem && io.vector.map(_.mem.block_mem).getOrElse(false.B)
+ val vec_kill_all = mem_reg_valid && io.vector.map(_.mem.block_all).getOrElse(false.B)
+ val replay_mem = dcache_kill_mem || mem_reg_replay || fpu_kill_mem || vec_kill_mem || vec_kill_all
val killm_common = dcache_kill_mem || take_pc_wb || mem_reg_xcpt || !mem_reg_valid
div.io.kill := killm_common && RegNext(div.io.req.fire)
- val ctrl_killm = killm_common || mem_xcpt || fpu_kill_mem
+ val ctrl_killm = killm_common || mem_xcpt || fpu_kill_mem || vec_kill_mem
// writeback stage
wb_reg_valid := !ctrl_killm
wb_reg_replay := replay_mem && !take_pc_wb
- wb_reg_xcpt := mem_xcpt && !take_pc_wb
+ wb_reg_xcpt := mem_xcpt && !take_pc_wb && !io.vector.map(_.mem.block_all).getOrElse(false.B)
wb_reg_flush_pipe := !ctrl_killm && mem_reg_flush_pipe
when (mem_pc_valid) {
wb_ctrl := mem_ctrl
wb_reg_sfence := mem_reg_sfence
wb_reg_wdata := Mux(!mem_reg_xcpt && mem_ctrl.fp && mem_ctrl.wxd, io.fpu.toint_data, mem_int_wdata)
- when (mem_ctrl.rocc || mem_reg_sfence) {
+ when (mem_ctrl.rocc || mem_reg_sfence || mem_reg_set_vconfig) {
wb_reg_rs2 := mem_reg_rs2
wb_reg_cause := mem_cause
@@ -657,7 +722,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
wb_reg_hfence_g := mem_ctrl.mem_cmd === M_HFENCEG
wb_reg_pc := mem_reg_pc
wb_reg_wphit := mem_reg_wphit | bpu.io.bpwatch.map { bpw => (bpw.rvalid(0) && mem_reg_load) || (bpw.wvalid(0) && mem_reg_store) }
+ wb_reg_set_vconfig := mem_reg_set_vconfig
val (wb_xcpt, wb_cause) = checkExceptions(List(
@@ -688,11 +753,12 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val wb_pc_valid = wb_reg_valid || wb_reg_replay || wb_reg_xcpt
val wb_wxd = wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.wxd
- val wb_set_sboard = wb_ctrl.div || wb_dcache_miss || wb_ctrl.rocc
+ val wb_set_sboard = wb_ctrl.div || wb_dcache_miss || wb_ctrl.rocc || wb_ctrl.vec
val replay_wb_common = io.dmem.s2_nack || wb_reg_replay
val replay_wb_rocc = wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.rocc && !io.rocc.cmd.ready
val replay_wb_csr: Bool = wb_reg_valid && csr.io.rw_stall
- val replay_wb = replay_wb_common || replay_wb_rocc || replay_wb_csr
+ val replay_wb_vec = wb_reg_valid && io.vector.map(_.wb.replay).getOrElse(false.B)
+ val replay_wb = replay_wb_common || replay_wb_rocc || replay_wb_csr || replay_wb_vec
take_pc_wb := replay_wb || wb_xcpt || csr.io.eret || wb_reg_flush_pipe
// writeback arbitration
@@ -702,30 +768,46 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val dmem_resp_valid = io.dmem.resp.valid && io.dmem.resp.bits.has_data
val dmem_resp_replay = dmem_resp_valid && io.dmem.resp.bits.replay
- div.io.resp.ready := !wb_wxd
- val ll_wdata = WireDefault(div.io.resp.bits.data)
- val ll_waddr = WireDefault(div.io.resp.bits.tag)
- val ll_wen = WireDefault(div.io.resp.fire)
+ class LLWB extends Bundle {
+ val data = UInt(xLen.W)
+ val tag = UInt(5.W)
+ }
+ val ll_arb = Module(new Arbiter(new LLWB, 3)) // div, rocc, vec
+ ll_arb.io.in.foreach(_.valid := false.B)
+ ll_arb.io.in.foreach(_.bits := DontCare)
+ val ll_wdata = WireInit(ll_arb.io.out.bits.data)
+ val ll_waddr = WireInit(ll_arb.io.out.bits.tag)
+ val ll_wen = WireInit(ll_arb.io.out.fire)
+ ll_arb.io.out.ready := !wb_wxd
+ div.io.resp.ready := ll_arb.io.in(0).ready
+ ll_arb.io.in(0).valid := div.io.resp.valid
+ ll_arb.io.in(0).bits.data := div.io.resp.bits.data
+ ll_arb.io.in(0).bits.tag := div.io.resp.bits.tag
if (usingRoCC) {
- io.rocc.resp.ready := !wb_wxd
- when (io.rocc.resp.fire) {
- div.io.resp.ready := false.B
- ll_wdata := io.rocc.resp.bits.data
- ll_waddr := io.rocc.resp.bits.rd
- ll_wen := true.B
- }
+ io.rocc.resp.ready := ll_arb.io.in(1).ready
+ ll_arb.io.in(1).valid := io.rocc.resp.valid
+ ll_arb.io.in(1).bits.data := io.rocc.resp.bits.data
+ ll_arb.io.in(1).bits.tag := io.rocc.resp.bits.rd
} else {
// tie off RoCC
io.rocc.resp.ready := false.B
io.rocc.mem.req.ready := false.B
+ io.vector.map { v =>
+ v.resp.ready := Mux(v.resp.bits.fp, !(dmem_resp_valid && dmem_resp_fpu), ll_arb.io.in(2).ready)
+ ll_arb.io.in(2).valid := v.resp.valid && !v.resp.bits.fp
+ ll_arb.io.in(2).bits.data := v.resp.bits.data
+ ll_arb.io.in(2).bits.tag := v.resp.bits.rd
+ }
// Dont care mem since not all RoCC need accessing memory
io.rocc.mem := DontCare
when (dmem_resp_replay && dmem_resp_xpu) {
- div.io.resp.ready := false.B
- if (usingRoCC)
- io.rocc.resp.ready := false.B
+ ll_arb.io.out.ready := false.B
ll_waddr := dmem_resp_waddr
ll_wen := true.B
@@ -751,11 +833,15 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
csr.io.interrupts := io.interrupts
csr.io.hartid := io.hartid
io.fpu.fcsr_rm := csr.io.fcsr_rm
- csr.io.fcsr_flags := io.fpu.fcsr_flags
+ val vector_fcsr_flags = io.vector.map(_.set_fflags.bits).getOrElse(0.U(5.W))
+ val vector_fcsr_flags_valid = io.vector.map(_.set_fflags.valid).getOrElse(false.B)
+ csr.io.fcsr_flags.valid := io.fpu.fcsr_flags.valid | vector_fcsr_flags_valid
+ csr.io.fcsr_flags.bits := (io.fpu.fcsr_flags.bits & Fill(5, io.fpu.fcsr_flags.valid)) | (vector_fcsr_flags & Fill(5, vector_fcsr_flags_valid))
io.fpu.time := csr.io.time(31,0)
io.fpu.hartid := io.hartid
csr.io.rocc_interrupt := io.rocc.interrupt
csr.io.pc := wb_reg_pc
val tval_dmem_addr = !wb_reg_xcpt
val tval_any_addr = tval_dmem_addr ||
wb_reg_cause.isOneOf(Causes.breakpoint.U, Causes.fetch_access.U, Causes.fetch_page_fault.U, Causes.fetch_guest_page_fault.U)
@@ -763,7 +849,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val tval_valid = wb_xcpt && (tval_any_addr || tval_inst)
csr.io.gva := wb_xcpt && (tval_any_addr && csr.io.status.v || tval_dmem_addr && wb_reg_hls_or_dv)
csr.io.tval := Mux(tval_valid, encodeVirtualAddress(wb_reg_wdata, wb_reg_wdata), 0.U)
- csr.io.htval := {
+ val (htval, mhtinst_read_pseudo) = {
val htval_valid_imem = wb_reg_xcpt && wb_reg_cause === Causes.fetch_guest_page_fault.U
val htval_imem = Mux(htval_valid_imem, io.imem.gpa.bits, 0.U)
assert(!htval_valid_imem || io.imem.gpa.valid)
@@ -771,8 +857,47 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val htval_valid_dmem = wb_xcpt && tval_dmem_addr && io.dmem.s2_xcpt.gf.asUInt.orR && !io.dmem.s2_xcpt.pf.asUInt.orR
val htval_dmem = Mux(htval_valid_dmem, io.dmem.s2_gpa, 0.U)
- (htval_dmem | htval_imem) >> hypervisorExtraAddrBits
+ val htval = (htval_dmem | htval_imem) >> hypervisorExtraAddrBits
+ // read pseudoinstruction if a guest-page fault is caused by an implicit memory access for VS-stage address translation
+ val mhtinst_read_pseudo = (io.imem.gpa_is_pte && htval_valid_imem) || (io.dmem.s2_gpa_is_pte && htval_valid_dmem)
+ (htval, mhtinst_read_pseudo)
+ }
+ csr.io.vector.foreach { v =>
+ v.set_vconfig.valid := wb_reg_set_vconfig && wb_reg_valid
+ v.set_vconfig.bits := wb_reg_rs2.asTypeOf(new VConfig)
+ v.set_vs_dirty := wb_valid && wb_ctrl.vec
+ v.set_vstart.valid := wb_valid && wb_reg_set_vconfig
+ v.set_vstart.bits := 0.U
+ }
+ io.vector.foreach { v =>
+ when (v.wb.retire || v.wb.xcpt || wb_ctrl.vec) {
+ csr.io.pc := v.wb.pc
+ csr.io.retire := v.wb.retire
+ csr.io.inst(0) := v.wb.inst
+ when (v.wb.xcpt && !wb_reg_xcpt) {
+ wb_xcpt := true.B
+ wb_cause := v.wb.cause
+ csr.io.tval := v.wb.tval
+ }
+ }
+ v.wb.store_pending := io.dmem.store_pending
+ v.wb.vxrm := csr.io.vector.get.vxrm
+ v.wb.frm := csr.io.fcsr_rm
+ csr.io.vector.get.set_vxsat := v.set_vxsat
+ when (v.set_vconfig.valid) {
+ csr.io.vector.get.set_vconfig.valid := true.B
+ csr.io.vector.get.set_vconfig.bits := v.set_vconfig.bits
+ }
+ when (v.set_vstart.valid) {
+ csr.io.vector.get.set_vstart.valid := true.B
+ csr.io.vector.get.set_vstart.bits := v.set_vstart.bits
+ }
+ csr.io.htval := htval
+ csr.io.mhtinst_read_pseudo := mhtinst_read_pseudo
io.ptw.ptbr := csr.io.ptbr
io.ptw.hgatp := csr.io.hgatp
io.ptw.vsatp := csr.io.vsatp
@@ -784,21 +909,51 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
csr.io.rw.addr := wb_reg_inst(31,20)
csr.io.rw.cmd := CSR.maskCmd(wb_reg_valid, wb_ctrl.csr)
csr.io.rw.wdata := wb_reg_wdata
io.rocc.csrs <> csr.io.roccCSRs
io.trace.time := csr.io.time
io.trace.insns := csr.io.trace
- if (rocketParams.debugROB) {
- val csr_trace_with_wdata = WireInit(csr.io.trace(0))
- csr_trace_with_wdata.wdata.get := rf_wdata
- DebugROB.pushTrace(clock, reset,
- io.hartid, csr_trace_with_wdata,
- (wb_ctrl.wfd || (wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_waddr =/= 0.U)) && !csr.io.trace(0).exception,
- wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_wen && !wb_set_sboard,
- wb_waddr + Mux(wb_ctrl.wfd, 32.U, 0.U))
- io.trace.insns(0) := DebugROB.popTrace(clock, reset, io.hartid)
- DebugROB.pushWb(clock, reset, io.hartid, ll_wen, rf_waddr, rf_wdata)
+ if (rocketParams.debugROB.isDefined) {
+ val sz = rocketParams.debugROB.get.size
+ if (sz < 1) { // use unsynthesizable ROB
+ val csr_trace_with_wdata = WireInit(csr.io.trace(0))
+ csr_trace_with_wdata.wdata.get := rf_wdata
+ val should_wb = WireInit((wb_ctrl.wfd || (wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_waddr =/= 0.U)) && !csr.io.trace(0).exception)
+ val has_wb = WireInit(wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_wen && !wb_set_sboard)
+ val wb_addr = WireInit(wb_waddr + Mux(wb_ctrl.wfd, 32.U, 0.U))
+ io.vector.foreach { v => when (v.wb.retire) {
+ should_wb := v.wb.rob_should_wb
+ has_wb := false.B
+ wb_addr := Cat(v.wb.rob_should_wb_fp, csr_trace_with_wdata.insn(11,7))
+ }}
+ DebugROB.pushTrace(clock, reset,
+ io.hartid, csr_trace_with_wdata,
+ should_wb, has_wb, wb_addr)
+ io.trace.insns(0) := DebugROB.popTrace(clock, reset, io.hartid)
+ DebugROB.pushWb(clock, reset, io.hartid, ll_wen, rf_waddr, rf_wdata)
+ } else { // synthesizable ROB (no FPRs)
+ require(!usingVector, "Synthesizable ROB does not support vector implementations")
+ val csr_trace_with_wdata = WireInit(csr.io.trace(0))
+ csr_trace_with_wdata.wdata.get := rf_wdata
+ val debug_rob = Module(new HardDebugROB(sz, 32))
+ debug_rob.io.i_insn := csr_trace_with_wdata
+ debug_rob.io.should_wb := (wb_ctrl.wfd || (wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_waddr =/= 0.U)) &&
+ !csr.io.trace(0).exception
+ debug_rob.io.has_wb := wb_ctrl.wxd && wb_wen && !wb_set_sboard
+ debug_rob.io.tag := wb_waddr + Mux(wb_ctrl.wfd, 32.U, 0.U)
+ debug_rob.io.wb_val := ll_wen
+ debug_rob.io.wb_tag := rf_waddr
+ debug_rob.io.wb_data := rf_wdata
+ io.trace.insns(0) := debug_rob.io.o_insn
+ }
} else {
io.trace.insns := csr.io.trace
@@ -830,7 +985,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
sboard.set(wb_set_sboard && wb_wen, wb_waddr)
// stall for RAW/WAW hazards on CSRs, loads, AMOs, and mul/div in execute stage.
- val ex_cannot_bypass = ex_ctrl.csr =/= CSR.N || ex_ctrl.jalr || ex_ctrl.mem || ex_ctrl.mul || ex_ctrl.div || ex_ctrl.fp || ex_ctrl.rocc
+ val ex_cannot_bypass = ex_ctrl.csr =/= CSR.N || ex_ctrl.jalr || ex_ctrl.mem || ex_ctrl.mul || ex_ctrl.div || ex_ctrl.fp || ex_ctrl.rocc || ex_ctrl.vec
val data_hazard_ex = ex_ctrl.wxd && checkHazards(hazard_targets, _ === ex_waddr)
val fp_data_hazard_ex = id_ctrl.fp && ex_ctrl.wfd && checkHazards(fp_hazard_targets, _ === ex_waddr)
val id_ex_hazard = ex_reg_valid && (data_hazard_ex && ex_cannot_bypass || fp_data_hazard_ex)
@@ -839,11 +994,15 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val mem_mem_cmd_bh =
if (fastLoadWord) (!fastLoadByte).B && mem_reg_slow_bypass
else true.B
- val mem_cannot_bypass = mem_ctrl.csr =/= CSR.N || mem_ctrl.mem && mem_mem_cmd_bh || mem_ctrl.mul || mem_ctrl.div || mem_ctrl.fp || mem_ctrl.rocc
+ val mem_cannot_bypass = mem_ctrl.csr =/= CSR.N || mem_ctrl.mem && mem_mem_cmd_bh || mem_ctrl.mul || mem_ctrl.div || mem_ctrl.fp || mem_ctrl.rocc || mem_ctrl.vec
val data_hazard_mem = mem_ctrl.wxd && checkHazards(hazard_targets, _ === mem_waddr)
val fp_data_hazard_mem = id_ctrl.fp && mem_ctrl.wfd && checkHazards(fp_hazard_targets, _ === mem_waddr)
val id_mem_hazard = mem_reg_valid && (data_hazard_mem && mem_cannot_bypass || fp_data_hazard_mem)
id_load_use := mem_reg_valid && data_hazard_mem && mem_ctrl.mem
+ val id_vconfig_hazard = id_ctrl.vec && (
+ (ex_reg_valid && ex_reg_set_vconfig) ||
+ (mem_reg_valid && mem_reg_set_vconfig) ||
+ (wb_reg_valid && wb_reg_set_vconfig))
// stall for RAW/WAW hazards on load/AMO misses and mul/div in writeback.
val data_hazard_wb = wb_ctrl.wxd && checkHazards(hazard_targets, _ === wb_waddr)
@@ -852,8 +1011,9 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val id_stall_fpu = if (usingFPU) {
val fp_sboard = new Scoreboard(32)
- fp_sboard.set((wb_dcache_miss && wb_ctrl.wfd || io.fpu.sboard_set) && wb_valid, wb_waddr)
- fp_sboard.clear(dmem_resp_replay && dmem_resp_fpu, dmem_resp_waddr)
+ fp_sboard.set(((wb_dcache_miss || wb_ctrl.vec) && wb_ctrl.wfd || io.fpu.sboard_set) && wb_valid, wb_waddr)
+ val v_ll = io.vector.map(v => v.resp.fire && v.resp.bits.fp).getOrElse(false.B)
+ fp_sboard.clear((dmem_resp_replay && dmem_resp_fpu) || v_ll, io.fpu.ll_resp_tag)
fp_sboard.clear(io.fpu.sboard_clr, io.fpu.sboard_clra)
checkHazards(fp_hazard_targets, fp_sboard.read _)
@@ -870,8 +1030,10 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val ctrl_stalld =
id_ex_hazard || id_mem_hazard || id_wb_hazard || id_sboard_hazard ||
+ id_vconfig_hazard ||
csr.io.singleStep && (ex_reg_valid || mem_reg_valid || wb_reg_valid) ||
id_csr_en && csr.io.decode(0).fp_csr && !io.fpu.fcsr_rdy ||
+ id_csr_en && csr.io.decode(0).vector_csr && id_vec_busy ||
id_ctrl.fp && id_stall_fpu ||
id_ctrl.mem && dcache_blocked || // reduce activity during D$ misses
id_ctrl.rocc && rocc_blocked || // reduce activity while RoCC is busy
@@ -891,7 +1053,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
mem_npc)) // flush or branch misprediction
io.imem.flush_icache := wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.fence_i && !io.dmem.s2_nack
io.imem.might_request := {
- imem_might_request_reg := ex_pc_valid || mem_pc_valid || io.ptw.customCSRs.disableICacheClockGate
+ imem_might_request_reg := ex_pc_valid || mem_pc_valid || io.ptw.customCSRs.disableICacheClockGate || io.vector.map(_.trap_check_busy).getOrElse(false.B)
io.imem.progress := RegNext(wb_reg_valid && !replay_wb_common)
@@ -934,12 +1096,37 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
io.fpu.killm := killm_common
io.fpu.inst := id_inst(0)
io.fpu.fromint_data := ex_rs(0)
- io.fpu.dmem_resp_val := dmem_resp_valid && dmem_resp_fpu
- io.fpu.dmem_resp_data := (if (minFLen == 32) io.dmem.resp.bits.data_word_bypass else io.dmem.resp.bits.data)
- io.fpu.dmem_resp_type := io.dmem.resp.bits.size
- io.fpu.dmem_resp_tag := dmem_resp_waddr
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_val := dmem_resp_valid && dmem_resp_fpu
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_data := (if (minFLen == 32) io.dmem.resp.bits.data_word_bypass else io.dmem.resp.bits.data)
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_type := io.dmem.resp.bits.size
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_tag := dmem_resp_waddr
io.fpu.keep_clock_enabled := io.ptw.customCSRs.disableCoreClockGate
+ io.fpu.v_sew := csr.io.vector.map(_.vconfig.vtype.vsew).getOrElse(0.U)
+ io.vector.map { v =>
+ when (!(dmem_resp_valid && dmem_resp_fpu)) {
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_val := v.resp.valid && v.resp.bits.fp
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_data := v.resp.bits.data
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_type := v.resp.bits.size
+ io.fpu.ll_resp_tag := v.resp.bits.rd
+ }
+ }
+ io.vector.foreach { v =>
+ v.ex.valid := ex_reg_valid && (ex_ctrl.vec || rocketParams.vector.get.issueVConfig.B && ex_reg_set_vconfig) && !ctrl_killx
+ v.ex.inst := ex_reg_inst
+ v.ex.vconfig := csr.io.vector.get.vconfig
+ v.ex.vstart := Mux(mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.vec || wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.vec, 0.U, csr.io.vector.get.vstart)
+ v.ex.rs1 := ex_rs(0)
+ v.ex.rs2 := ex_rs(1)
+ v.ex.pc := ex_reg_pc
+ v.mem.frs1 := io.fpu.store_data
+ v.killm := killm_common
+ v.status := csr.io.status
+ }
io.dmem.req.valid := ex_reg_valid && ex_ctrl.mem
val ex_dcache_tag = Cat(ex_waddr, ex_ctrl.fp)
require(coreParams.dcacheReqTagBits >= ex_dcache_tag.getWidth)
@@ -952,15 +1139,16 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
io.dmem.req.bits.idx.foreach(_ := io.dmem.req.bits.addr)
io.dmem.req.bits.dprv := Mux(ex_reg_hls, csr.io.hstatus.spvp, csr.io.status.dprv)
io.dmem.req.bits.dv := ex_reg_hls || csr.io.status.dv
+ io.dmem.req.bits.no_resp := !isRead(ex_ctrl.mem_cmd) || (!ex_ctrl.fp && ex_waddr === 0.U)
io.dmem.req.bits.no_alloc := DontCare
io.dmem.req.bits.no_xcpt := DontCare
io.dmem.req.bits.data := DontCare
io.dmem.req.bits.mask := DontCare
- io.dmem.s1_data.data := (if (fLen == 0) mem_reg_rs2 else Mux(mem_ctrl.fp, Fill((xLen max fLen) / fLen, io.fpu.store_data), mem_reg_rs2))
+ io.dmem.s1_data.data := (if (fLen == 0) mem_reg_rs2 else Mux(mem_ctrl.fp, Fill(coreDataBits / fLen, io.fpu.store_data), mem_reg_rs2))
io.dmem.s1_data.mask := DontCare
- io.dmem.s1_kill := killm_common || mem_ldst_xcpt || fpu_kill_mem
+ io.dmem.s1_kill := killm_common || mem_ldst_xcpt || fpu_kill_mem || vec_kill_mem
io.dmem.s2_kill := false.B
// don't let D$ go to sleep if we're probably going to use it soon
io.dmem.keep_clock_enabled := ibuf.io.inst(0).valid && id_ctrl.mem && !csr.io.csr_stall
@@ -986,6 +1174,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
!div.io.req.ready || // mul/div in flight
usingFPU.B && !io.fpu.fcsr_rdy || // long-latency FPU in flight
io.dmem.replay_next || // long-latency load replaying
+ id_rocc_busy || // RoCC command in flight
(!long_latency_stall && (ibuf.io.inst(0).valid || io.imem.resp.valid)) // instruction pending
assert(!(ex_pc_valid || mem_pc_valid || wb_pc_valid) || clock_en)
@@ -1087,7 +1276,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val rocketImpl = withClock (gated_clock) { new RocketImpl }
def checkExceptions(x: Seq[(Bool, UInt)]) =
- (x.map(_._1).reduce(_||_), PriorityMux(x))
+ (WireInit(x.map(_._1).reduce(_||_)), WireInit(PriorityMux(x)))
def coverExceptions(exceptionValid: Bool, cause: UInt, labelPrefix: String, coverCausesLabels: Seq[(Int, String)]): Unit = {
for ((coverCause, label) <- coverCausesLabels) {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/ScratchpadSlavePort.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/ScratchpadSlavePort.scala
index 998fe7e26c9..8b613aa09de 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/ScratchpadSlavePort.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/ScratchpadSlavePort.scala
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLManagerNode, TLSlavePortParameters, TLSlaveParameters, TLBundleA, TLMessages, TLAtomics}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntIsOneOf
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
/* This adapter converts between diplomatic TileLink and non-diplomatic HellaCacheIO */
class ScratchpadSlavePort(address: Seq[AddressSet], coreDataBytes: Int, usingAtomics: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
@@ -89,6 +96,7 @@ class ScratchpadSlavePort(address: Seq[AddressSet], coreDataBytes: Int, usingAto
req.tag := 0.U
req.phys := true.B
req.no_xcpt := true.B
+ req.no_resp := false.B
req.data := 0.U
req.no_alloc := false.B
req.mask := 0.U
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/TLB.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/TLB.scala
index f0f0b1a4a7b..4f2d09c9e45 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/TLB.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/TLB.scala
@@ -5,18 +5,24 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
+import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CacheBlockBytes
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.DebugModuleKey
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.RegionType
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CacheBlockBytes
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{CoreModule, CoreBundle}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.DebugModuleKey
-import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{OptimizationBarrier, SetAssocLRU, PseudoLRU, PopCountAtLeast, property}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.IntToAugmentedInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToAugmentedUInt
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntIsOneOf
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqToAugmentedSeq
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.SeqBoolBitwiseOps
-case object PgLevels extends Field[Int](2)
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int](0)
case object VMIdBits extends Field[Int](0)
@@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ class TLBExceptions extends Bundle {
val inst = Bool()
-class TLBResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
+class TLBResp(lgMaxSize: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
// lookup responses
val miss = Bool()
/** physical address */
@@ -86,6 +92,10 @@ class TLBResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val must_alloc = Bool()
/** if this address is prefetchable for caches*/
val prefetchable = Bool()
+ /** size/cmd of request that generated this response*/
+ val size = UInt(log2Ceil(lgMaxSize + 1).W)
+ val cmd = UInt(M_SZ.W)
class TLBEntryData(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
@@ -306,11 +316,12 @@ case class TLBConfig(
* @param edge collect SoC metadata.
class TLB(instruction: Boolean, lgMaxSize: Int, cfg: TLBConfig)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
+ override def desiredName = if (instruction) "ITLB" else "DTLB"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
/** request from Core */
val req = Flipped(Decoupled(new TLBReq(lgMaxSize)))
/** response to Core */
- val resp = Output(new TLBResp())
+ val resp = Output(new TLBResp(lgMaxSize))
/** SFence Input */
val sfence = Flipped(Valid(new SFenceReq))
/** IO to PTW */
@@ -392,7 +403,7 @@ class TLB(instruction: Boolean, lgMaxSize: Int, cfg: TLBConfig)(implicit edge: T
val vsatp_mode_mismatch = priv_v && (vstage1_en =/= v_entries_use_stage1) && !io.req.bits.passthrough
// share a single physical memory attribute checker (unshare if critical path)
- val refill_ppn = io.ptw.resp.bits.pte.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0)
+ val refill_ppn = if (usingVM) io.ptw.resp.bits.pte.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0) else 0.U
/** refill signal */
val do_refill = usingVM.B && io.ptw.resp.valid
/** sfence invalidate refill */
@@ -407,24 +418,21 @@ class TLB(instruction: Boolean, lgMaxSize: Int, cfg: TLBConfig)(implicit edge: T
pmp.io.size := io.req.bits.size
pmp.io.pmp := (io.ptw.pmp: Seq[PMP])
pmp.io.prv := mpu_priv
- // PMA
- // check exist a slave can consume this address.
- val legal_address = edge.manager.findSafe(mpu_physaddr).reduce(_||_)
- // check utility to help check SoC property.
- def fastCheck(member: TLManagerParameters => Boolean) =
- legal_address && edge.manager.fastProperty(mpu_physaddr, member, (b:Boolean) => b.B)
+ val pma = Module(new PMAChecker(edge.manager)(p))
+ pma.io.paddr := mpu_physaddr
// todo: using DataScratchpad doesn't support cacheable.
- val cacheable = fastCheck(_.supportsAcquireB) && (instruction || !usingDataScratchpad).B
- val homogeneous = TLBPageLookup(edge.manager.managers, xLen, p(CacheBlockBytes), BigInt(1) << pgIdxBits)(mpu_physaddr).homogeneous
+ val cacheable = pma.io.resp.cacheable && (instruction || !usingDataScratchpad).B
+ val homogeneous = TLBPageLookup(edge.manager.managers, xLen, p(CacheBlockBytes), BigInt(1) << pgIdxBits, 1 << lgMaxSize)(mpu_physaddr).homogeneous
// In M mode, if access DM address(debug module program buffer)
val deny_access_to_debug = mpu_priv <= PRV.M.U && p(DebugModuleKey).map(dmp => dmp.address.contains(mpu_physaddr)).getOrElse(false.B)
- val prot_r = fastCheck(_.supportsGet) && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.r
- val prot_w = fastCheck(_.supportsPutFull) && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.w
- val prot_pp = fastCheck(_.supportsPutPartial)
- val prot_al = fastCheck(_.supportsLogical)
- val prot_aa = fastCheck(_.supportsArithmetic)
- val prot_x = fastCheck(_.executable) && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.x
- val prot_eff = fastCheck(Seq(RegionType.PUT_EFFECTS, RegionType.GET_EFFECTS) contains _.regionType)
+ val prot_r = pma.io.resp.r && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.r
+ val prot_w = pma.io.resp.w && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.w
+ val prot_pp = pma.io.resp.pp
+ val prot_al = pma.io.resp.al
+ val prot_aa = pma.io.resp.aa
+ val prot_x = pma.io.resp.x && !deny_access_to_debug && pmp.io.x
+ val prot_eff = pma.io.resp.eff
// hit check
val sector_hits = sectored_entries(memIdx).map(_.sectorHit(vpn, priv_v))
@@ -589,9 +597,9 @@ class TLB(instruction: Boolean, lgMaxSize: Int, cfg: TLBConfig)(implicit edge: T
val pf_ld_array = Mux(cmd_read, ((~Mux(cmd_readx, x_array, r_array) & ~ptw_ae_array) | ptw_pf_array) & ~ptw_gf_array, 0.U)
val pf_st_array = Mux(cmd_write_perms, ((~w_array & ~ptw_ae_array) | ptw_pf_array) & ~ptw_gf_array, 0.U)
val pf_inst_array = ((~x_array & ~ptw_ae_array) | ptw_pf_array) & ~ptw_gf_array
- val gf_ld_array = Mux(priv_v && cmd_read, ~Mux(cmd_readx, hx_array, hr_array) & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
- val gf_st_array = Mux(priv_v && cmd_write_perms, ~hw_array & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
- val gf_inst_array = Mux(priv_v, ~hx_array & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
+ val gf_ld_array = Mux(priv_v && cmd_read, (~Mux(cmd_readx, hx_array, hr_array) | ptw_gf_array) & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
+ val gf_st_array = Mux(priv_v && cmd_write_perms, (~hw_array | ptw_gf_array) & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
+ val gf_inst_array = Mux(priv_v, (~hx_array | ptw_gf_array) & ~ptw_ae_array, 0.U)
val gpa_hits = {
val need_gpa_mask = if (instruction) gf_inst_array else gf_ld_array | gf_st_array
@@ -642,6 +650,8 @@ class TLB(instruction: Boolean, lgMaxSize: Int, cfg: TLBConfig)(implicit edge: T
io.resp.prefetchable := (prefetchable_array & hits).orR && edge.manager.managers.forall(m => !m.supportsAcquireB || m.supportsHint).B
io.resp.miss := do_refill || vsatp_mode_mismatch || tlb_miss || multipleHits
io.resp.paddr := Cat(ppn, io.req.bits.vaddr(pgIdxBits-1, 0))
+ io.resp.size := io.req.bits.size
+ io.resp.cmd := io.req.bits.cmd
io.resp.gpa_is_pte := vstage1_en && r_gpa_is_pte
io.resp.gpa := {
val page = Mux(!vstage1_en, Cat(bad_gpa, vpn), r_gpa >> pgIdxBits)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/TLBPermissions.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/TLBPermissions.scala
index e35b85f528a..899bc7c33ca 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/rocket/TLBPermissions.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/TLBPermissions.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.isPow2
+import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes, RegionType, AddressDecoder}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLManagerParameters
case class TLBPermissions(
homogeneous: Bool, // if false, the below are undefined
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ object TLBPageLookup
// Unmapped memory is considered to be inhomogeneous
- def apply(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters], xLen: Int, cacheBlockBytes: Int, pageSize: BigInt): UInt => TLBPermissions = {
+ def apply(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters], xLen: Int, cacheBlockBytes: Int, pageSize: BigInt, maxRequestBytes: Int): UInt => TLBPermissions = {
require (isPow2(xLen) && xLen >= 8)
require (isPow2(cacheBlockBytes) && cacheBlockBytes >= xLen/8)
require (isPow2(pageSize) && pageSize >= cacheBlockBytes)
val xferSizes = TransferSizes(cacheBlockBytes, cacheBlockBytes)
- val allSizes = TransferSizes(1, cacheBlockBytes)
+ val allSizes = TransferSizes(1, maxRequestBytes)
val amoSizes = TransferSizes(4, xLen/8)
val permissions = managers.foreach { m =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/rocket/VectorUnit.scala b/src/main/scala/rocket/VectorUnit.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..636c0f21332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/rocket/VectorUnit.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+case class RocketCoreVectorParams(
+ build: Parameters => RocketVectorUnit,
+ vLen: Int,
+ eLen: Int,
+ vfLen: Int,
+ vfh: Boolean,
+ vMemDataBits: Int,
+ decoder: Parameters => RocketVectorDecoder,
+ useDCache: Boolean,
+ issueVConfig: Boolean,
+ vExts: Seq[String]
+class VectorCoreIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
+ val status = Input(new MStatus)
+ val ex = new Bundle {
+ val valid = Input(Bool())
+ val ready = Output(Bool())
+ val inst = Input(UInt(32.W))
+ val pc = Input(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W))
+ val vconfig = Input(new VConfig)
+ val vstart = Input(UInt(log2Ceil(maxVLMax).W))
+ val rs1 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
+ val rs2 = Input(UInt(xLen.W))
+ }
+ val killm = Input(Bool())
+ val mem = new Bundle {
+ val frs1 = Input(UInt(fLen.W))
+ val block_mem = Output(Bool())
+ val block_all = Output(Bool())
+ }
+ val wb = new Bundle {
+ val store_pending = Input(Bool())
+ val replay = Output(Bool())
+ val retire = Output(Bool())
+ val inst = Output(UInt(32.W))
+ val rob_should_wb = Output(Bool()) // debug
+ val rob_should_wb_fp = Output(Bool()) // debug
+ val pc = Output(UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W))
+ val xcpt = Output(Bool())
+ val cause = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(Causes.all.max).W))
+ val tval = Output(UInt(coreMaxAddrBits.W))
+ val vxrm = Input(UInt(2.W))
+ val frm = Input(UInt(3.W))
+ }
+ val resp = Decoupled(new Bundle {
+ val fp = Bool()
+ val size = UInt(2.W)
+ val rd = UInt(5.W)
+ val data = UInt((xLen max fLen).W)
+ })
+ val set_vstart = Valid(UInt(log2Ceil(maxVLMax).W))
+ val set_vxsat = Output(Bool())
+ val set_vconfig = Valid(new VConfig)
+ val set_fflags = Valid(UInt(5.W))
+ val trap_check_busy = Output(Bool())
+ val backend_busy = Output(Bool())
+abstract class RocketVectorUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
+ val module: RocketVectorUnitModuleImp
+ val tlNode: TLNode = TLIdentityNode()
+ val atlNode: TLNode = TLIdentityNode()
+class RocketVectorUnitModuleImp(outer: RocketVectorUnit) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
+ val io = IO(new Bundle {
+ val core = new VectorCoreIO
+ val tlb = Flipped(new DCacheTLBPort)
+ val dmem = new HellaCacheIO
+ val fp_req = Decoupled(new FPInput())
+ val fp_resp = Flipped(Decoupled(new FPResult()))
+ })
+abstract class RocketVectorDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
+ val io = IO(new Bundle {
+ val inst = Input(UInt(32.W))
+ val vconfig = Input(new VConfig)
+ val legal = Output(Bool())
+ val fp = Output(Bool())
+ val read_rs1 = Output(Bool())
+ val read_rs2 = Output(Bool())
+ val read_frs1 = Output(Bool())
+ val write_rd = Output(Bool())
+ val write_frd = Output(Bool())
+ })
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Attachable.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Attachable.scala
index 7809280a110..9f3f720a04a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Attachable.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Attachable.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyScope}
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.ClockGroupEphemeralNode
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.ClockGroupNode
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLBusWrapper
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Location, LocationMap}
@@ -23,13 +24,14 @@ trait LazyScopeWithParameters extends LazyScope { this: LazyModule =>
/** Layers of hierarchy with this trait contain attachment points for neworks of power, clock, reset, and interrupt resources */
trait HasPRCILocations extends LazyScopeWithParameters { this: LazyModule =>
- implicit val asyncClockGroupsNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode
+ val allClockGroupsNode: ClockGroupNode
val ibus: InterruptBusWrapper
val anyLocationMap = LocationMap.empty[Any]
/** Layers of hierarchy with this trait contain attachment points for TileLink interfaces */
trait HasTileLinkLocations extends HasPRCILocations { this: LazyModule =>
+ val busContextName: String
val tlBusWrapperLocationMap = LocationMap.empty[TLBusWrapper]
def locateTLBusWrapper(location: Location[TLBusWrapper]): TLBusWrapper = locateTLBusWrapper(location.name)
def locateTLBusWrapper(name: String): TLBusWrapper = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(Location[TLBusWrapper](name))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedL2Params.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedCoherenceParams.scala
similarity index 81%
rename from src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedL2Params.scala
rename to src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedCoherenceParams.scala
index 402dd537804..235cd1eebbd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedL2Params.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BankedCoherenceParams.scala
@@ -2,19 +2,27 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import chisel3.util.isPow2
+import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.BuiltInDevices
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntOutwardNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ TLBroadcast, HasTLBusParams, BroadcastFilter, TLBusWrapper, TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike,
+ TLJbar, TLEdge, TLOutwardNode, TLTempNode, TLInwardNode, BankBinder, TLBroadcastParams,
+ TLBroadcastControlParams, TLBuffer, TLFragmenter, TLNameNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
import CoherenceManagerWrapper._
/** Global cache coherence granularity, which applies to all caches, for now. */
case object CacheBlockBytes extends Field[Int](64)
-/** L2 Broadcast Hub configuration */
+/** LLC Broadcast Hub configuration */
case object BroadcastKey extends Field(BroadcastParams())
case class BroadcastParams(
@@ -23,10 +31,11 @@ case class BroadcastParams(
controlAddress: Option[BigInt] = None,
filterFactory: TLBroadcast.ProbeFilterFactory = BroadcastFilter.factory)
-/** L2 memory subsystem configuration */
-case object BankedL2Key extends Field(BankedL2Params())
+/** Coherence manager configuration */
+case object SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey extends Field(BankedCoherenceParams())
+case class ClusterBankedCoherenceKey(clusterId: Int) extends Field(BankedCoherenceParams(nBanks=0))
-case class BankedL2Params(
+case class BankedCoherenceParams(
nBanks: Int = 1,
coherenceManager: CoherenceManagerInstantiationFn = broadcastManager
) {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BaseSubsystem.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BaseSubsystem.scala
index 2092c492d60..e5aaa6242aa 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BaseSubsystem.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BaseSubsystem.scala
@@ -2,15 +2,22 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressRange}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{
+ BindingScope, DTS, DTB, ResourceBinding, JSON, ResourceInt,
+ DTSModel, DTSCompat, DTSTimebase, ResourceString, Resource,
+ ResourceAnchors, AddressMapEntry}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockGroupIdentityNode, ClockGroupAggregator, ClockGroupSourceNode, ClockGroupSourceParameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLBusWrapper
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Location, ElaborationArtefacts, PlusArgArtefacts, RecordMap, Annotated}
-case object SubsystemDriveAsyncClockGroupsKey extends Field[Option[ClockGroupDriverParameters]](Some(ClockGroupDriverParameters(1)))
-case object AsyncClockGroupsKey extends Field[() => ClockGroupEphemeralNode](() => ClockGroupEphemeralNode()(ValName("clock_sources")))
+case object SubsystemDriveClockGroupsFromIO extends Field[Boolean](true)
case class TLNetworkTopologyLocated(where: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Seq[CanInstantiateWithinContextThatHasTileLinkLocations with CanConnectWithinContextThatHasTileLinkLocations]]
case class TLManagerViewpointLocated(where: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Location[TLBusWrapper]](SBUS)
@@ -19,22 +26,29 @@ case object InTile extends HierarchicalLocation("InTile")
case object InSubsystem extends HierarchicalLocation("InSubsystem")
case object InSystem extends HierarchicalLocation("InSystem")
-/** BareSubsystem is the root class for creating a subsystem */
-abstract class BareSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with BindingScope {
+// HasDts is generating metadatas from Scala, which is not the target for new diplomacy and Property.
+// It will be deprecated and removed after we migrate all metadata handling logic to OM Dialect.
+trait HasDTS extends LazyModule with BindingScope {
lazy val dts = DTS(bindingTree)
lazy val dtb = DTB(dts)
lazy val json = JSON(bindingTree)
-abstract class BareSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BareSubsystem](_outer: L) extends LazyModuleImp(_outer) {
- val outer = _outer
- ElaborationArtefacts.add("graphml", outer.graphML)
- ElaborationArtefacts.add("dts", outer.dts)
- ElaborationArtefacts.add("json", outer.json)
+trait HasDTSImp[+L <: HasDTS] { this: LazyRawModuleImp =>
+ def dtsLM: L
+ // GraphML should live outside form this trait, but we keep it here until we find an appropriate way to handle metadata
+ ElaborationArtefacts.add("graphml", dtsLM.graphML)
+ // PlusArg should be purged out from rocket-chip in a near feature.
ElaborationArtefacts.add("plusArgs", PlusArgArtefacts.serialize_cHeader())
- println(outer.dts)
+ ElaborationArtefacts.add("dts", dtsLM.dts)
+ ElaborationArtefacts.add("json", dtsLM.json)
+ println(dtsLM.dts)
+/** BareSubsystem is the root class for creating a subsystem */
+abstract class BareSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
+abstract class BareSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BareSubsystem](_outer: L) extends LazyRawModuleImp(_outer)
trait SubsystemResetScheme
case object ResetSynchronous extends SubsystemResetScheme
case object ResetAsynchronous extends SubsystemResetScheme
@@ -47,11 +61,22 @@ case object SubsystemResetSchemeKey extends Field[SubsystemResetScheme](ResetSyn
trait HasConfigurablePRCILocations { this: HasPRCILocations =>
val ibus = LazyModule(new InterruptBusWrapper)
- implicit val asyncClockGroupsNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode = p(AsyncClockGroupsKey)()
- val clock_sources: ModuleValue[RecordMap[ClockBundle]] =
- p(SubsystemDriveAsyncClockGroupsKey)
- .map(_.drive(asyncClockGroupsNode))
- .getOrElse(InModuleBody { RecordMap[ClockBundle]() })
+ val allClockGroupsNode = ClockGroupIdentityNode()
+ val io_clocks = if (p(SubsystemDriveClockGroupsFromIO)) {
+ val aggregator = ClockGroupAggregator()
+ val source = ClockGroupSourceNode(Seq(ClockGroupSourceParameters()))
+ allClockGroupsNode :*= aggregator := source
+ Some(InModuleBody {
+ val elements = source.out.map(_._1.member.elements).flatten
+ val io = IO(Flipped(RecordMap(elements.map { case (name, data) =>
+ name -> data.cloneType
+ }:_*)))
+ elements.foreach { case (name, data) => io(name).foreach { data := _ } }
+ io
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
/** Look up the topology configuration for the TL buses located within this layer of the hierarchy */
@@ -60,36 +85,32 @@ trait HasConfigurableTLNetworkTopology { this: HasTileLinkLocations =>
// Calling these functions populates tlBusWrapperLocationMap and connects the locations to each other.
val topology = p(TLNetworkTopologyLocated(location))
- topology.map(_.instantiate(this))
+ topology.foreach(_.instantiate(this))
+ def viewpointBus: TLBusWrapper = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location)))
// This is used lazily at DTS binding time to get a view of the network
- lazy val topManagers = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location))).unifyManagers
+ lazy val topManagers = viewpointBus.unifyManagers
/** Base Subsystem class with no peripheral devices, ports or cores added yet */
abstract class BaseSubsystem(val location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem)
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends BareSubsystem
+ with HasDTS
with Attachable
with HasConfigurablePRCILocations
with HasConfigurableTLNetworkTopology
override val module: BaseSubsystemModuleImp[BaseSubsystem]
- // TODO must there really always be an "sbus"?
- val sbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(SBUS)
- tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(SBUS).map { _.clockGroupNode := asyncClockGroupsNode }
+ val busContextName = "subsystem"
- // TODO: Preserve legacy implicit-clock behavior for IBUS for now. If binding
- // a PLIC to the CBUS, ensure it is synchronously coupled to the SBUS.
- ibus.clockNode := sbus.fixedClockNode
+ viewpointBus.clockGroupNode := allClockGroupsNode
- // TODO deprecate these public members to see where users are manually hardcoding a particular bus that might actually not exist in a certain dynamic topology
- val pbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(PBUS).getOrElse(sbus)
- val fbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(FBUS).getOrElse(sbus)
- val mbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(MBUS).getOrElse(sbus)
- val cbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(CBUS).getOrElse(sbus)
+ // TODO: Preserve legacy implicit-clock behavior for IBUS for now. If binding
+ // a PLIC to the CBUS, ensure it is synchronously coupled to the SBUS.
+ ibus.clockNode := viewpointBus.fixedClockNode
// Collect information for use in DTS
ResourceBinding {
@@ -119,9 +140,10 @@ abstract class BaseSubsystem(val location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem)
-abstract class BaseSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BaseSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BareSubsystemModuleImp(_outer) {
+abstract class BaseSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BaseSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BareSubsystemModuleImp(_outer) with HasDTSImp[L] {
+ def dtsLM: L = _outer
private val mapping: Seq[AddressMapEntry] = Annotated.addressMapping(this, {
- outer.collectResourceAddresses.groupBy(_._2).toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) =>
+ dtsLM.collectResourceAddresses.groupBy(_._2).toList.flatMap { case (key, seq) =>
AddressRange.fromSets(key.address).map { r => AddressMapEntry(r, key.permissions, seq.map(_._1)) }
@@ -129,14 +151,14 @@ abstract class BaseSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: BaseSubsystem](_outer: L) extends Ba
Annotated.addressMapping(this, mapping)
println("Generated Address Map")
- mapping.map(entry => println(entry.toString((outer.sbus.busView.bundle.addressBits-1)/4 + 1)))
+ mapping.foreach(entry => println(entry.toString((dtsLM.tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(dtsLM.location))).busView.bundle.addressBits-1)/4 + 1)))
ElaborationArtefacts.add("memmap.json", s"""{"mapping":[${mapping.map(_.toJSON).mkString(",")}]}""")
// Confirm that all of memory was described by DTS
private val dtsRanges = AddressRange.unify(mapping.map(_.range))
- private val allRanges = AddressRange.unify(outer.topManagers.flatMap { m => AddressRange.fromSets(m.address) })
+ private val allRanges = AddressRange.unify(dtsLM.topManagers.flatMap { m => AddressRange.fromSets(m.address) })
if (dtsRanges != allRanges) {
println("Address map described by DTS differs from physical implementation:")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BusTopology.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BusTopology.scala
index 239a016647e..5b3dd7c452a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/BusTopology.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/BusTopology.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Field
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing, SynchronousCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLBusWrapper, TLBusWrapperTopology, TLBusWrapperConnection}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
// These fields control parameters of the five traditional tilelink bus wrappers.
@@ -23,12 +25,16 @@ case object MemoryBusKey extends Field[MemoryBusParams]
// dynamically-configured topologies.
class TLBusWrapperLocation(name: String) extends Location[TLBusWrapper](name)
-case object SBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_sbus")
-case object PBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_pbus")
-case object FBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_fbus")
-case object MBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_mbus")
-case object CBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_cbus")
-case object L2 extends TLBusWrapperLocation("subsystem_l2")
+case object SBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("sbus")
+case object PBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("pbus")
+case object FBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("fbus")
+case object MBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("mbus")
+case object CBUS extends TLBusWrapperLocation("cbus")
+case object COH extends TLBusWrapperLocation("coh")
+case class CSBUS(clusterId: Int) extends TLBusWrapperLocation(s"csbus$clusterId")
+case class CMBUS(clusterId: Int) extends TLBusWrapperLocation(s"cmbus$clusterId")
+case class CCBUS(clusterId: Int) extends TLBusWrapperLocation(s"ccbus$clusterId")
+case class CCOH (clusterId: Int) extends TLBusWrapperLocation(s"ccoh$clusterId")
/** Parameterizes the subsystem in terms of optional clock-crossings
* that are insertable between some of the five traditional tilelink bus wrappers.
@@ -89,20 +95,40 @@ case class HierarchicalBusTopologyParams(
/** Parameterization of a topology containing a banked coherence manager and a bus for attaching memory devices. */
case class CoherentBusTopologyParams(
- sbus: SystemBusParams, // TODO remove this after better width propagation
mbus: MemoryBusParams,
- l2: BankedL2Params,
+ coherence: BankedCoherenceParams,
sbusToMbusXType: ClockCrossingType = NoCrossing,
driveMBusClockFromSBus: Boolean = true
) extends TLBusWrapperTopology(
- instantiations = (if (l2.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
+ instantiations = (if (coherence.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
(MBUS, mbus),
- (L2, CoherenceManagerWrapperParams(mbus.blockBytes, mbus.beatBytes, l2.nBanks, L2.name, sbus.dtsFrequency)(l2.coherenceManager)))),
- connections = if (l2.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
- (SBUS, L2, TLBusWrapperConnection(driveClockFromMaster = Some(true), nodeBinding = BIND_STAR)()),
- (L2, MBUS, TLBusWrapperConnection.crossTo(
+ (COH, CoherenceManagerWrapperParams(mbus.blockBytes, mbus.beatBytes, coherence.nBanks, COH.name)(coherence.coherenceManager)))),
+ connections = if (coherence.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
+ (SBUS, COH, TLBusWrapperConnection(driveClockFromMaster = Some(true), nodeBinding = BIND_STAR)()),
+ (COH, MBUS, TLBusWrapperConnection.crossTo(
xType = sbusToMbusXType,
driveClockFromMaster = if (driveMBusClockFromSBus) Some(true) else None,
nodeBinding = BIND_QUERY))
+case class ClusterBusTopologyParams(
+ clusterId: Int,
+ csbus: SystemBusParams,
+ ccbus: PeripheryBusParams,
+ coherence: BankedCoherenceParams
+) extends TLBusWrapperTopology(
+ instantiations = List(
+ (CSBUS(clusterId), csbus),
+ (CCBUS(clusterId), ccbus)) ++ (if (coherence.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
+ (CMBUS(clusterId), csbus),
+ (CCOH (clusterId), CoherenceManagerWrapperParams(csbus.blockBytes, csbus.beatBytes, coherence.nBanks, CCOH(clusterId).name)(coherence.coherenceManager)))),
+ connections = if (coherence.nBanks == 0) Nil else List(
+ (CSBUS(clusterId), CCOH (clusterId), TLBusWrapperConnection(driveClockFromMaster = Some(true), nodeBinding = BIND_STAR)()),
+ (CCOH (clusterId), CMBUS(clusterId), TLBusWrapperConnection.crossTo(
+ xType = NoCrossing,
+ driveClockFromMaster = Some(true),
+ nodeBinding = BIND_QUERY))
+ )
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Cluster.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Cluster.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9d82ad616ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Cluster.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{TLDebugModule}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{FlipRendering}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntIdentityNode, IntSyncIdentityNode, NullIntSource}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing, ClockSinkParameters, ClockGroupIdentityNode, BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{RocketTile, NMI, TraceBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLWidthWidget
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.TraceCoreInterface
+import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
+case class ClustersLocated(loc: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Seq[CanAttachCluster]](Nil)
+case class ClusterParams(
+ val clusterId: Int,
+ val clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters = ClockSinkParameters()
+) extends HierarchicalElementParams {
+ val baseName = "cluster"
+ val uniqueName = s"${baseName}_$clusterId"
+ def instantiate(crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByClusterIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters): Cluster = {
+ new Cluster(this, crossing.crossingType, lookup)
+ }
+class Cluster(
+ val thisClusterParams: ClusterParams,
+ crossing: ClockCrossingType,
+ lookup: LookupByClusterIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseHierarchicalElement(crossing)(p)
+ with Attachable
+ with HasConfigurableTLNetworkTopology
+ with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements
+ with HasHierarchicalElements
+ val busContextName = thisClusterParams.baseName
+ lazy val clusterId = thisClusterParams.clusterId
+ lazy val location = InCluster(clusterId)
+ lazy val allClockGroupsNode = ClockGroupIdentityNode()
+ val csbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(CSBUS(clusterId)) // like the sbus in the base subsystem
+ val ccbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(CCBUS(clusterId)) // like the cbus in the base subsystem
+ val cmbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.lift(CMBUS(clusterId)).getOrElse(csbus)
+ csbus.clockGroupNode := allClockGroupsNode
+ ccbus.clockGroupNode := allClockGroupsNode
+ val slaveNode = ccbus.inwardNode
+ val masterNode = cmbus.outwardNode
+ lazy val ibus = LazyModule(new InterruptBusWrapper)
+ ibus.clockNode := csbus.fixedClockNode
+ def msipDomain = this
+ def meipDomain = this
+ def seipDomain = this
+ def toPlicDomain = this
+ lazy val msipNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, IntIdentityNode()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val meipNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, IntIdentityNode()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val seipNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, IntIdentityNode()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val tileToPlicNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, IntIdentityNode()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val debugNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, IntSyncIdentityNode()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val nmiNodes = totalTiles.filter { case (i,t) => t.tileParams.core.useNMI }
+ .mapValues(_ => BundleBridgeIdentityNode[NMI]()).to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val tileHartIdNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, BundleBridgeIdentityNode[UInt]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val tileResetVectorNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, BundleBridgeIdentityNode[UInt]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val traceCoreNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, BundleBridgeIdentityNode[TraceCoreInterface]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ lazy val traceNodes = totalTileIdList.map { i => (i, BundleBridgeIdentityNode[TraceBundle]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ // TODO fix: shouldn't need to connect dummy notifications
+ tileHaltXbarNode := NullIntSource()
+ tileWFIXbarNode := NullIntSource()
+ tileCeaseXbarNode := NullIntSource()
+ override lazy val module = new ClusterModuleImp(this)
+class ClusterModuleImp(outer: Cluster) extends BaseHierarchicalElementModuleImp[Cluster](outer)
+case class InCluster(id: Int) extends HierarchicalLocation(s"Cluster$id")
+class ClusterPRCIDomain(
+ clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters,
+ crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike,
+ clusterParams: ClusterParams,
+ lookup: LookupByClusterIdImpl)
+ (implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain[Cluster](clockSinkParams, crossingParams)
+ val element = element_reset_domain {
+ LazyModule(clusterParams.instantiate(crossingParams, lookup))
+ }
+ // Nothing should depend on the clocks coming from clockNode anyways
+ clockNode := element.csbus.fixedClockNode
+trait CanAttachCluster {
+ type ClusterContextType <: DefaultHierarchicalElementContextType
+ def clusterParams: ClusterParams
+ def crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
+ def instantiate(allClusterParams: Seq[ClusterParams], instantiatedClusters: SortedMap[Int, ClusterPRCIDomain])(implicit p: Parameters): ClusterPRCIDomain = {
+ val clockSinkParams = clusterParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(clusterParams.uniqueName))
+ val cluster_prci_domain = LazyModule(new ClusterPRCIDomain(
+ clockSinkParams, crossingParams, clusterParams, PriorityMuxClusterIdFromSeq(allClusterParams)))
+ cluster_prci_domain
+ }
+ def connect(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ connectMasterPorts(domain, context)
+ connectSlavePorts(domain, context)
+ connectInterrupts(domain, context)
+ connectPRC(domain, context)
+ connectOutputNotifications(domain, context)
+ connectInputConstants(domain, context)
+ connectTrace(domain, context)
+ }
+ def connectMasterPorts(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: Attachable): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ val dataBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.master.where)
+ dataBus.coupleFrom(clusterParams.baseName) { bus =>
+ bus :=* crossingParams.master.injectNode(context) :=* domain.crossMasterPort(crossingParams.crossingType)
+ }
+ }
+ def connectSlavePorts(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: Attachable): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ val controlBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.slave.where)
+ controlBus.coupleTo(clusterParams.baseName) { bus =>
+ domain.crossSlavePort(crossingParams.crossingType) :*= crossingParams.slave.injectNode(context) :*= TLWidthWidget(controlBus.beatBytes) :*= bus
+ }
+ }
+ def connectInterrupts(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ domain.element.debugNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ node := context.debugNodes(hartid)
+ }
+ domain.element.msipNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) => context.msipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, node) := context.msipNodes(hartid)
+ }}
+ domain.element.meipNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) => context.meipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, node) := context.meipNodes(hartid)
+ }}
+ domain.element.seipNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) => context.seipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, node) := context.seipNodes(hartid)
+ }}
+ domain.element.tileToPlicNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ FlipRendering { implicit p =>
+ context.tileToPlicNodes(hartid) :=* domain.crossIntOut(crossingParams.crossingType, node) }
+ }
+ context.ibus.fromSync :=* domain.crossIntOut(crossingParams.crossingType, domain.element.ibus.toPLIC)
+ domain.element.nmiNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ node := context.nmiNodes(hartid)
+ }
+ }
+ def connectPRC(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ domain.element.allClockGroupsNode :*= context.allClockGroupsNode
+ domain {
+ domain.element_reset_domain.clockNode := crossingParams.resetCrossingType.injectClockNode := domain.clockNode
+ }
+ }
+ def connectOutputNotifications(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ context.tileHaltXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.tileHaltXbarNode)
+ context.tileWFIXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.tileWFIXbarNode)
+ context.tileCeaseXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.tileCeaseXbarNode)
+ }
+ def connectInputConstants(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ val tlBusToGetPrefixFrom = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere)
+ domain.element.tileHartIdNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ node := context.tileHartIdNodes(hartid)
+ }
+ domain.element.tileResetVectorNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ node := context.tileResetVectorNodes(hartid)
+ }
+ }
+ def connectTrace(domain: ClusterPRCIDomain, context: ClusterContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ domain.element.traceNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ val traceNexusNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceBundle](
+ resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType)
+ context.traceNodes(hartid) := traceNexusNode := node
+ }
+ domain.element.traceCoreNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ val traceCoreNexusNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceCoreInterface](
+ resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType)
+ context.traceCoreNodes(hartid) :*= traceCoreNexusNode := node
+ }
+ }
+case class ClusterAttachParams(
+ clusterParams: ClusterParams,
+ crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
+) extends CanAttachCluster
+case class CloneClusterAttachParams(
+ sourceClusterId: Int,
+ cloneParams: CanAttachCluster
+) extends CanAttachCluster {
+ def clusterParams = cloneParams.clusterParams
+ def crossingParams = cloneParams.crossingParams
+ override def instantiate(allClusterParams: Seq[ClusterParams], instantiatedClusters: SortedMap[Int, ClusterPRCIDomain])(implicit p: Parameters): ClusterPRCIDomain = {
+ require(instantiatedClusters.contains(sourceClusterId))
+ val clockSinkParams = clusterParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(clusterParams.uniqueName))
+ val cluster_prci_domain = CloneLazyModule(
+ new ClusterPRCIDomain(clockSinkParams, crossingParams, clusterParams, PriorityMuxClusterIdFromSeq(allClusterParams)),
+ instantiatedClusters(sourceClusterId)
+ )
+ cluster_prci_domain
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Configs.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Configs.scala
index 7b4a8368ac1..37001b39fd3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Configs.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Configs.scala
@@ -4,45 +4,63 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{DebugModuleKey, DefaultDebugModuleParams, ExportDebug, JTAG, APB}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{
+ BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, BootROMLocated, BootROMParams, CLINTKey, DevNullDevice, CLINTParams, PLICKey, PLICParams, DevNullParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{SynchronousCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
+ AddressSet, MonitorsEnabled,
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{
+ DTSModel, DTSCompat, DTSTimebase, BigIntHexContext
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{
+ MaxHartIdBits, RocketTileParams, BuildRoCC, AccumulatorExample, OpcodeSet, TranslatorExample, CharacterCountExample, BlackBoxExample
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.ClockGateModelFile
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+case object MaxXLen extends Field[Int]
class BaseSubsystemConfig extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
// Tile parameters
- case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
- case XLen => 64 // Applies to all cores
- case MaxHartIdBits => log2Up((site(TilesLocated(InSubsystem)).map(_.tileParams.hartId) :+ 0).max+1)
+ case MaxXLen => (site(PossibleTileLocations).flatMap(loc => site(TilesLocated(loc)))
+ .map(_.tileParams.core.xLen) :+ 32).max
+ case MaxHartIdBits => log2Up((site(PossibleTileLocations).flatMap(loc => site(TilesLocated(loc)))
+ .map(_.tileParams.tileId) :+ 0).max+1)
// Interconnect parameters
case SystemBusKey => SystemBusParams(
- beatBytes = site(XLen)/8,
+ beatBytes = 8,
blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))
case ControlBusKey => PeripheryBusParams(
- beatBytes = site(XLen)/8,
+ beatBytes = 8,
blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes),
+ dtsFrequency = Some(100000000), // Default to 100 MHz cbus clock
errorDevice = Some(BuiltInErrorDeviceParams(
- errorParams = DevNullParams(List(AddressSet(0x3000, 0xfff)), maxAtomic=site(XLen)/8, maxTransfer=4096))))
+ errorParams = DevNullParams(List(AddressSet(0x3000, 0xfff)), maxAtomic=8, maxTransfer=4096))))
case PeripheryBusKey => PeripheryBusParams(
- beatBytes = site(XLen)/8,
+ beatBytes = 8,
blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes),
dtsFrequency = Some(100000000)) // Default to 100 MHz pbus clock
case MemoryBusKey => MemoryBusParams(
- beatBytes = site(XLen)/8,
+ beatBytes = 8,
blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))
case FrontBusKey => FrontBusParams(
- beatBytes = site(XLen)/8,
+ beatBytes = 8,
blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))
// Additional device Parameters
case BootROMLocated(InSubsystem) => Some(BootROMParams(contentFileName = "./bootrom/bootrom.img"))
- case SubsystemExternalResetVectorKey => false
- case DebugModuleKey => Some(DefaultDebugModuleParams(site(XLen)))
+ case HasTilesExternalResetVectorKey => false
+ case DebugModuleKey => Some(DefaultDebugModuleParams(64))
case CLINTKey => Some(CLINTParams())
case PLICKey => Some(PLICParams())
case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => Nil
+ case PossibleTileLocations => Seq(InSubsystem)
/* Composable partial function Configs to set individual parameters */
@@ -80,193 +98,43 @@ class WithCoherentBusTopology extends Config((site, here, up) => {
fbusToSbusXType = site(FbusToSbusXTypeKey)),
driveClocksFromSBus = site(DriveClocksFromSBus)),
- sbus = site(SystemBusKey),
mbus = site(MemoryBusKey),
- l2 = site(BankedL2Key),
+ coherence = site(SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey),
sbusToMbusXType = site(SbusToMbusXTypeKey),
driveMBusClockFromSBus = site(DriveClocksFromSBus)))
-class WithNBigCores(
- n: Int,
- overrideIdOffset: Option[Int] = None,
- crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams()
-) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
- val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
- val idOffset = overrideIdOffset.getOrElse(prev.size)
- val big = RocketTileParams(
- core = RocketCoreParams(mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(
- mulUnroll = 8,
- mulEarlyOut = true,
- divEarlyOut = true))),
- dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nMSHRs = 0,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
- icache = Some(ICacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
- List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
- big.copy(hartId = i + idOffset),
- crossing
- )) ++ prev
- }
-class WithNMedCores(
- n: Int,
- overrideIdOffset: Option[Int] = None,
- crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams()
+class WithCluster(
+ clusterId: Int,
+ location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem,
+ crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams() // TODO make this not rocket
) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
- val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
- val idOffset = overrideIdOffset.getOrElse(prev.size)
- val med = RocketTileParams(
- core = RocketCoreParams(fpu = None),
- btb = None,
- dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 64,
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- nMSHRs = 0,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
- icache = Some(ICacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 64,
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
- List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
- med.copy(hartId = i + idOffset),
- crossing
- )) ++ prev
- }
-class WithNSmallCores(
- n: Int,
- overrideIdOffset: Option[Int] = None,
- crossing: RocketCrossingParams = RocketCrossingParams()
-) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
- val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
- val idOffset = overrideIdOffset.getOrElse(prev.size)
- val small = RocketTileParams(
- core = RocketCoreParams(useVM = false, fpu = None),
- btb = None,
- dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 64,
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- nMSHRs = 0,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))),
- icache = Some(ICacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 64,
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes))))
- List.tabulate(n)(i => RocketTileAttachParams(
- small.copy(hartId = i + idOffset),
- crossing
- )) ++ prev
- }
+ case ClustersLocated(`location`) => up(ClustersLocated(location)) :+ ClusterAttachParams(
+ ClusterParams(clusterId = clusterId),
+ crossing)
+ case TLNetworkTopologyLocated(InCluster(`clusterId`)) => List(
+ ClusterBusTopologyParams(
+ clusterId = clusterId,
+ csbus = site(SystemBusKey),
+ ccbus = site(ControlBusKey).copy(errorDevice = None),
+ coherence = site(ClusterBankedCoherenceKey(clusterId))
+ )
+ )
+ case PossibleTileLocations => up(PossibleTileLocations) :+ InCluster(clusterId)
-class With1TinyCore extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case XLen => 32
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
- val tiny = RocketTileParams(
- core = RocketCoreParams(
- useVM = false,
- fpu = None,
- mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8))),
- btb = None,
- dcache = Some(DCacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 256, // 16Kb scratchpad
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- nMSHRs = 0,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes),
- scratch = Some(0x80000000L))),
- icache = Some(ICacheParams(
- rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBits,
- nSets = 64,
- nWays = 1,
- nTLBSets = 1,
- nTLBWays = 4,
- blockBytes = site(CacheBlockBytes)))
- )
- List(RocketTileAttachParams(
- tiny,
- RocketCrossingParams(
- crossingType = SynchronousCrossing(),
- master = TileMasterPortParams())
- ))
- }
+class WithClusterBanks(clusterId: Int, nBanks: Int = 1) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ClusterBankedCoherenceKey(`clusterId`) => up(ClusterBankedCoherenceKey(clusterId)).copy(nBanks=nBanks)
class WithNBanks(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case BankedL2Key => up(BankedL2Key, site).copy(nBanks = n)
+ case SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey => up(SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey, site).copy(nBanks = n)
class WithNTrackersPerBank(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case BroadcastKey => up(BroadcastKey, site).copy(nTrackers = n)
-// This is the number of icache sets for all Rocket tiles
-class WithL1ICacheSets(sets: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- icache = tp.tileParams.icache.map(_.copy(nSets = sets))))
- case t => t
- }
-// This is the number of icache sets for all Rocket tiles
-class WithL1DCacheSets(sets: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(_.copy(nSets = sets))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithL1ICacheWays(ways: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- icache = tp.tileParams.icache.map(_.copy(nWays = ways))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithL1DCacheWays(ways: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(_.copy(nWays = ways))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithRocketCacheRowBits(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(_.copy(rowBits = n)),
- icache = tp.tileParams.icache.map(_.copy(rowBits = n))))
- case t => t
- }
class WithCacheBlockBytes(linesize: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case CacheBlockBytes => linesize
@@ -275,77 +143,22 @@ class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case BroadcastKey => up(BroadcastKey, site).copy(bufferless = true)
- *
- * There is a very restrictive set of conditions under which the stateless
- * bridge will function properly. There can only be a single tile. This tile
- * MUST use the blocking data cache (L1D_MSHRS == 0) and MUST NOT have an
- * uncached channel capable of writes (i.e. a RoCC accelerator).
- *
- * This is because the stateless bridge CANNOT generate probes, so if your
- * system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
- * DO NOT use this configuration.
- */
-class WithIncoherentTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(crossingParams = tp.crossingParams.copy(
- master = tp.crossingParams.master match {
- case x: TileMasterPortParams => x.copy(cork = Some(true))
- case _ => throw new Exception("Unrecognized type for RocketCrossingParams.master")
- }))
- case t => t
- }
- case BankedL2Key => up(BankedL2Key, site).copy(
- coherenceManager = CoherenceManagerWrapper.incoherentManager
- )
-class WithRV32 extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case XLen => 32
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(
- fpu = tp.tileParams.core.fpu.map(_.copy(fLen = 32)),
- mulDiv = Some(MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8)))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithFP16 extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(
- fpu = tp.tileParams.core.fpu.map(_.copy(minFLen = 16))
- )
- ))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithNonblockingL1(nMSHRs: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(_.copy(nMSHRs = nMSHRs))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithNBreakpoints(hwbp: Int) extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(nBreakpoints = hwbp)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithHypervisor(hext: Boolean = true) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useHypervisor = hext)))
- case t => t
- }
+class TileAttachConfig[T <: CanAttachTile](f: T => T, locationOpt: Option[HierarchicalLocation], tileIdOpt: Seq[Int])(implicit tag: ClassTag[T])
+ extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ val partialFn: PartialFunction[CanAttachTile, CanAttachTile] = { case tp: T => if (tileIdOpt.contains(tp.tileParams.tileId) || tileIdOpt.isEmpty) f(tp) else tp }
+ val alterFn: CanAttachTile => CanAttachTile = x => partialFn.applyOrElse(x, identity[CanAttachTile])
+ locationOpt match {
+ case Some(loc) => { case TilesLocated(`loc`) => up(TilesLocated(loc)) map { alterFn(_) } }
+ case None => { case TilesLocated(loc) => up(TilesLocated(loc)) map { alterFn(_) } }
+ }
+ }) {
+ // The default constructor applies the modification to all locations
+ def this(f: T => T)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]) = this(f, None, Nil)
+ // The atLocation method applies the modification to only the provided location
+ def atLocation(loc: HierarchicalLocation) = new TileAttachConfig(f, Some(loc), tileIdOpt)
+ // The atTileIds method applies the modification only to specified tileIds
+ def atTileIds(ids: Int*) = new TileAttachConfig(f, locationOpt, tileIdOpt ++ ids)
class WithRoccExample extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case BuildRoCC => List(
@@ -367,101 +180,30 @@ class WithRoccExample extends Config((site, here, up) => {
-class WithDefaultBtb extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- btb = Some(BTBParams())))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithFastMulDiv extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(mulDiv = Some(
- MulDivParams(mulUnroll = 8, mulEarlyOut = (site(XLen) > 32), divEarlyOut = true)))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithoutMulDiv extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(mulDiv = None)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithoutFPU extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(fpu = None)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithFPUWithoutDivSqrt extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(fpu = tp.tileParams.core.fpu.map(_.copy(divSqrt = false)))))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithBitManip extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useBitManip = true)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithBitManipCrypto extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useBitManipCrypto = true)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithCryptoNIST extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useCryptoNIST = true)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithCryptoSM extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useCryptoSM = true)))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithRocketDebugROB(enable: Boolean = true) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(debugROB = enable)
- ))
- }
-class WithRocketCease(enable: Boolean = true) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(haveCease = enable)
- ))
- }
-class WithNoSimulationTimeout extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(haveSimTimeout = false)))
+ *
+ * There is a very restrictive set of conditions under which the stateless
+ * bridge will function properly. There can only be a single tile. This tile
+ * MUST use the blocking data cache (L1D_MSHRS == 0) and MUST NOT have an
+ * uncached channel capable of writes (i.e. a RoCC accelerator).
+ *
+ * This is because the stateless bridge CANNOT generate probes, so if your
+ * system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
+ * DO NOT use this configuration.
+ */
+class WithIncoherentTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case TilesLocated(location) => up(TilesLocated(location), site) map {
+ case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(crossingParams = tp.crossingParams.copy(
+ master = tp.crossingParams.master match {
+ case x: HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams => x.copy(cork = Some(true))
+ case _ => throw new Exception("Unrecognized type for RocketCrossingParams.master")
+ }))
case t => t
+ case SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey => up(SubsystemBankedCoherenceKey, site).copy(
+ coherenceManager = CoherenceManagerWrapper.incoherentManager
+ )
class WithBootROMFile(bootROMFile: String) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
@@ -472,34 +214,9 @@ class WithClockGateModel(file: String = "/vsrc/EICG_wrapper.v") extends Config((
case ClockGateModelFile => Some(file)
-class WithSynchronousRocketTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(crossingParams = tp.crossingParams.copy(
- crossingType = SynchronousCrossing()))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithAsynchronousRocketTiles(depth: Int, sync: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(crossingParams = tp.crossingParams.copy(
- crossingType = AsynchronousCrossing()))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithRationalRocketTiles extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(crossingParams = tp.crossingParams.copy(
- crossingType = RationalCrossing()))
- case t => t
- }
class WithEdgeDataBits(dataBits: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case MemoryBusKey => up(MemoryBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = dataBits/8)
case ExtIn => up(ExtIn, site).map(_.copy(beatBytes = dataBits/8))
class WithJtagDTM extends Config ((site, here, up) => {
@@ -556,6 +273,15 @@ class WithDefaultMemPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
idBits = 4), 1))
+class WithCustomMemPort (base_addr: BigInt, base_size: BigInt, data_width: Int, id_bits: Int, maxXferBytes: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtMem => Some(MemoryPortParams(MasterPortParams(
+ base = base_addr,
+ size = base_size,
+ beatBytes = data_width/8,
+ idBits = id_bits,
+ maxXferBytes = maxXferBytes), 1))
class WithNoMemPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case ExtMem => None
@@ -568,6 +294,15 @@ class WithDefaultMMIOPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
idBits = 4))
+class WithCustomMMIOPort (base_addr: BigInt, base_size: BigInt, data_width: Int, id_bits: Int, maxXferBytes: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtBus => Some(MasterPortParams(
+ base = base_addr,
+ size = base_size,
+ beatBytes = data_width/8,
+ idBits = id_bits,
+ maxXferBytes = maxXferBytes))
class WithNoMMIOPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case ExtBus => None
@@ -576,31 +311,12 @@ class WithDefaultSlavePort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case ExtIn => Some(SlavePortParams(beatBytes = 8, idBits = 8, sourceBits = 4))
-class WithNoSlavePort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case ExtIn => None
+class WithCustomSlavePort (data_width: Int, id_bits: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtIn => Some(SlavePortParams(beatBytes = data_width/8, idBits = id_bits, sourceBits = 4))
-class WithScratchpadsBaseAddress(address: BigInt) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(
- _.copy(scratch = Some(address))
- )
- ))
- case t => t
- }
-class WithScratchpadsOnly extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site) map {
- case tp: RocketTileAttachParams => tp.copy(tileParams = tp.tileParams.copy(
- core = tp.tileParams.core.copy(useVM = false),
- dcache = tp.tileParams.dcache.map(_.copy(
- nSets = 256, // 16Kb scratchpad
- nWays = 1,
- scratch = Some(0x80000000L)))))
- case t => t
- }
+class WithNoSlavePort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtIn => None
@@ -651,16 +367,21 @@ class WithDontDriveBusClocksFromSBus extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case DriveClocksFromSBus => false
-class WithCloneRocketTiles(n: Int = 1, cloneHart: Int = 0, overrideIdOffset: Option[Int] = None) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
- case TilesLocated(InSubsystem) => {
- val prev = up(TilesLocated(InSubsystem), site)
- val idOffset = overrideIdOffset.getOrElse(prev.size)
- val tileAttachParams = prev(cloneHart).asInstanceOf[RocketTileAttachParams]
- (0 until n).map { i =>
- CloneTileAttachParams(cloneHart, tileAttachParams.copy(
- tileParams = tileAttachParams.tileParams.copy(hartId = i + idOffset)
- ))
- } ++ prev
+class WithCloneCluster(
+ clusterId: Int,
+ cloneClusterId: Int = 0,
+ location: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem,
+ cloneLocation: HierarchicalLocation = InSubsystem
+) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ClustersLocated(`location`) => {
+ val prev = up(ClustersLocated(location))
+ val clusterAttachParams = up(ClustersLocated(cloneLocation)).find(_.clusterParams.clusterId == cloneClusterId)
+ .get.asInstanceOf[ClusterAttachParams]
+ prev :+ CloneClusterAttachParams(
+ cloneClusterId,
+ clusterAttachParams.copy(clusterParams = clusterAttachParams.clusterParams.copy(clusterId = clusterId))
+ )
+ case TLNetworkTopologyLocated(InCluster(`clusterId`)) => site(TLNetworkTopologyLocated(InCluster(cloneClusterId)))
+ case PossibleTileLocations => up(PossibleTileLocations) :+ InCluster(clusterId)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/CrossingWrapper.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/CrossingWrapper.scala
index 435a90a7b74..c252405fbc4 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/CrossingWrapper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/CrossingWrapper.scala
@@ -2,13 +2,20 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.{AXI4InwardNode, AXI4OutwardNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, HasClockDomainCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLInwardNode, TLOutwardNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntInwardNode, IntOutwardNode}
import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasResetDomainCrossing, ResetCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLClockDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLResetDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntClockDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntResetDomainCrossing
@deprecated("Only use this trait if you are confident you island will only ever be crossed to a single clock", "rocket-chip 1.3")
trait HasCrossing extends CrossesToOnlyOneClockDomain { this: LazyModule => }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/FrontBus.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/FrontBus.scala
index 001af15452e..e968246a130 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/FrontBus.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/FrontBus.scala
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, BuiltInZeroDeviceParams, BuiltInDevices, HasBuiltInDeviceParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{HasTLBusParams, TLBusWrapper, TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike, HasTLXbarPhy}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Location}
case class FrontBusParams(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasHierarchicalElements.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasHierarchicalElements.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d026395a417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasHierarchicalElements.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{TLDebugModule, HasPeripheryDebug}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BasicBusBlocker, BasicBusBlockerParams, CLINT, TLPLIC, CLINTConsts}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{
+ IntNode, IntSyncNode, IntEphemeralNode, NullIntSource, IntNexusNode, IntSourcePortParameters,
+ IntSourceParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntSinkParameters, IntSyncIdentityNode, NullIntSyncSource
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{TileParams, TilePRCIDomain, BaseTile, NMI, TraceBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLNode, TLBuffer, TLCacheCork, TLTempNode, TLFragmenter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, ClockGroup, ResetCrossingType, ClockGroupNode, ClockDomain}
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.TracedInstruction
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.TraceCoreInterface
+import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
+/** A default implementation of parameterizing the connectivity of the port where the tile is the master.
+ * Optional timing buffers and/or an optional CacheCork can be inserted in the interconnect's clock domain.
+ */
+case class HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams(
+ buffers: Int = 0,
+ cork: Option[Boolean] = None,
+ where: TLBusWrapperLocation = SBUS
+) extends HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike {
+ def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
+ (TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers) :=* cork.map { u => TLCacheCork(unsafe = u) } .getOrElse { TLTempNode() })
+ }
+object HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams {
+ def locationDefault(loc: HierarchicalLocation) = loc match {
+ case InSubsystem => HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams()
+ case InCluster(clusterId) => HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams(where=CSBUS(clusterId))
+ }
+/** A default implementation of parameterizing the connectivity of the port giving access to slaves inside the tile.
+ * Optional timing buffers and/or an optional BusBlocker adapter can be inserted in the interconnect's clock domain.
+ */
+case class HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams(
+ buffers: Int = 0,
+ blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
+ blockerCtrlWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation = CBUS,
+ where: TLBusWrapperLocation = CBUS
+) extends HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike {
+ def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
+ val controlBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(where)
+ val blockerBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(blockerCtrlWhere)
+ blockerCtrlAddr
+ .map { BasicBusBlockerParams(_, blockerBus.beatBytes, controlBus.beatBytes) }
+ .map { bbbp =>
+ val blocker = LazyModule(new BasicBusBlocker(bbbp))
+ blockerBus.coupleTo("tile_slave_port_bus_blocker") { blocker.controlNode := TLFragmenter(blockerBus) := _ }
+ blocker.node :*= TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers)
+ } .getOrElse { TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers) }
+ }
+object HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams {
+ def locationDefault(loc: HierarchicalLocation) = loc match {
+ case InSubsystem => HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams()
+ case InCluster(clusterId) => HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams(where=CCBUS(clusterId), blockerCtrlWhere=CCBUS(clusterId))
+ }
+/** InstantiatesTiles adds a Config-urable sequence of HierarchicalElements of any type
+ * to the subsystem class into which it is mixed.
+ */
+trait InstantiatesHierarchicalElements { this: LazyModule with Attachable =>
+ val location: HierarchicalLocation
+ /** Record the order in which to instantiate all tiles, based on statically-assigned ids.
+ *
+ * Note that these ids, which are often used as the tiles' default hartid input,
+ * may or may not be those actually reflected at runtime in e.g. the $mhartid CSR
+ */
+ val tileAttachParams: Seq[CanAttachTile] = p(TilesLocated(location)).sortBy(_.tileParams.tileId)
+ val tileParams: Seq[TileParams] = tileAttachParams.map(_.tileParams)
+ val tileCrossingTypes: Seq[ClockCrossingType] = tileAttachParams.map(_.crossingParams.crossingType)
+ /** The actual list of instantiated tiles in this block. */
+ val tile_prci_domains: SortedMap[Int, TilePRCIDomain[_]] = tileAttachParams.foldLeft(SortedMap[Int, TilePRCIDomain[_]]()) {
+ case (instantiated, params) => instantiated + (params.tileParams.tileId -> params.instantiate(tileParams, instantiated)(p))
+ }
+ val clusterAttachParams: Seq[CanAttachCluster] = p(ClustersLocated(location)).sortBy(_.clusterParams.clusterId)
+ val clusterParams: Seq[ClusterParams] = clusterAttachParams.map(_.clusterParams)
+ val clusterCrossingTypes: Seq[ClockCrossingType] = clusterAttachParams.map(_.crossingParams.crossingType)
+ val cluster_prci_domains: SortedMap[Int, ClusterPRCIDomain] = clusterAttachParams.foldLeft(SortedMap[Int, ClusterPRCIDomain]()) {
+ case (instantiated, params) => instantiated + (params.clusterParams.clusterId -> params.instantiate(clusterParams, instantiated)(p))
+ }
+ val element_prci_domains: Seq[HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain[_]] = tile_prci_domains.values.toSeq ++ cluster_prci_domains.values.toSeq
+ val leafTiles: SortedMap[Int, BaseTile] = SortedMap(tile_prci_domains.mapValues(_.element.asInstanceOf[BaseTile]).toSeq.sortBy(_._1):_*)
+ val totalTiles: SortedMap[Int, BaseTile] = (leafTiles ++ cluster_prci_domains.values.map(_.element.totalTiles).flatten)
+ // Helper functions for accessing certain parameters that are popular to refer to in subsystem code
+ def nLeafTiles: Int = leafTiles.size
+ def nTotalTiles: Int = totalTiles.size
+ def leafTileIdList: Seq[Int] = leafTiles.keys.toSeq.sorted
+ def totalTileIdList: Seq[Int] = totalTiles.keys.toSeq.sorted
+ def localIntCounts: SortedMap[Int, Int] = totalTiles.mapValues(_.tileParams.core.nLocalInterrupts).to(SortedMap)
+ require(totalTileIdList.distinct.size == totalTiles.size, s"Every tile must be statically assigned a unique id, but got:\n${totalTileIdList}")
+/** HasTiles instantiates and also connects a Config-urable sequence of tiles of any type to subsystem interconnect resources. */
+trait HasHierarchicalElements extends DefaultHierarchicalElementContextType
+{ this: LazyModule with Attachable with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements =>
+ implicit val p: Parameters
+ // connect all the tiles to interconnect attachment points made available in this subsystem context
+ tileAttachParams.foreach { params =>
+ params.connect(tile_prci_domains(params.tileParams.tileId).asInstanceOf[TilePRCIDomain[params.TileType]], this.asInstanceOf[params.TileContextType])
+ }
+ clusterAttachParams.foreach { params =>
+ params.connect(cluster_prci_domains(params.clusterParams.clusterId).asInstanceOf[ClusterPRCIDomain], this.asInstanceOf[params.ClusterContextType])
+ }
+/** Provides some Chisel connectivity to certain tile IOs
+ * This trait is intended for the root subsystem
+ */
+trait HasHierarchicalElementsRootContextModuleImp extends LazyRawModuleImp {
+ val outer: InstantiatesHierarchicalElements with HasHierarchicalElements with HasHierarchicalElementsRootContext with HasTileInputConstants
+ val reset_vector = outer.tileResetVectorIONodes.zipWithIndex.map { case (n, i) => n.makeIO(s"reset_vector_$i") }
+ val tile_hartids = outer.tileHartIdIONodes.zipWithIndex.map { case (n, i) => n.makeIO(s"tile_hartids_$i") }
+ val meip = if (outer.meipIONode.isDefined) Some(IO(Input(Vec(outer.meipIONode.get.out.size, Bool())))) else None
+ meip.foreach { m =>
+ m.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (pin, i) =>
+ (outer.meipIONode.get.out(i)._1)(0) := pin
+ }
+ }
+ val seip = if (outer.seipIONode.isDefined) Some(IO(Input(Vec(outer.seipIONode.get.out.size, Bool())))) else None
+ seip.foreach { s =>
+ s.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (pin, i) =>
+ (outer.seipIONode.get.out(i)._1)(0) := pin
+ }
+ }
+ val nmi = outer.nmiIONodes.map { case (i, node) =>
+ node.makeIO(s"nmi_$i")
+ }
+/** Most tile types require only these traits in order for their standardized connect functions to apply.
+ *
+ * BaseTiles subtypes with different needs can extend this trait to provide themselves with
+ * additional external connection points.
+ */
+trait DefaultHierarchicalElementContextType
+ extends Attachable
+ with HasTileNotificationSinks
+{ this: LazyModule with Attachable =>
+ def msipDomain: LazyScope
+ val msipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode]
+ def meipDomain: LazyScope
+ val meipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode]
+ def seipDomain: LazyScope
+ val seipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode]
+ def toPlicDomain: LazyScope
+ val tileToPlicNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode]
+ val debugNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntSyncNode]
+ val nmiNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[NMI]]
+ val tileHartIdNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[UInt]]
+ val tileResetVectorNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[UInt]]
+ val traceCoreNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[TraceCoreInterface]]
+ val traceNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[TraceBundle]]
+/** This trait provides the tile attachment context for the root (outermost) subsystem */
+trait HasHierarchicalElementsRootContext
+{ this: HasHierarchicalElements
+ with HasTileNotificationSinks
+ with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements =>
+ val clintOpt: Option[CLINT]
+ val clintDomainOpt: Option[ClockDomain]
+ val plicOpt: Option[TLPLIC]
+ val plicDomainOpt: Option[ClockDomain]
+ val debugOpt: Option[TLDebugModule]
+ def msipDomain = clintDomainOpt.getOrElse(this)
+ def meipDomain = plicDomainOpt.getOrElse(this)
+ def seipDomain = plicDomainOpt.getOrElse(this)
+ def toPlicDomain = plicDomainOpt.getOrElse(this)
+ val msipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ (i, IntEphemeralNode())
+ }.to(SortedMap)
+ msipNodes.foreach {
+ _._2 := clintOpt.map(_.intnode).getOrElse(NullIntSource(sources = CLINTConsts.ints))
+ }
+ val meipIONode = Option.when(plicOpt.isEmpty)(IntNexusNode(
+ sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1))) },
+ sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
+ outputRequiresInput = false,
+ inputRequiresOutput = false))
+ val meipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ (i, IntEphemeralNode())
+ }.to(SortedMap)
+ val seipIONode = Option.when(plicOpt.isEmpty)(IntNexusNode(
+ sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1))) },
+ sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
+ outputRequiresInput = false,
+ inputRequiresOutput = false))
+ val seipNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode] = totalTiles.filter { case (_, t) => t.tileParams.core.hasSupervisorMode }
+ .mapValues( _ => IntEphemeralNode()).to(SortedMap)
+ // meip/seip nodes must be connected in MSMSMS order
+ // TODO: This is ultra fragile... the plic should just expose two intnodes
+ for (i <- 0 until nTotalTiles) {
+ meipNodes.get(i).foreach { _ := plicOpt.map(_.intnode).getOrElse(meipIONode.get) }
+ seipNodes.get(i).foreach { _ := plicOpt.map(_.intnode).getOrElse(seipIONode.get) }
+ }
+ val tileToPlicNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntNode] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ plicOpt.map(o => (i, o.intnode :=* IntEphemeralNode()))
+ }.flatten.to(SortedMap)
+ val debugNodes: SortedMap[Int, IntSyncNode] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ (i, IntSyncIdentityNode())
+ }.to(SortedMap)
+ debugNodes.foreach { case (hartid, node) =>
+ node := debugOpt.map(_.intnode).getOrElse(NullIntSyncSource())
+ }
+ val nmiHarts = totalTiles.filter { case (_, t) => t.tileParams.core.useNMI }.keys
+ val nmiIONodes = nmiHarts.map { i => (i, BundleBridgeSource[NMI]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ val nmiNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeNode[NMI]] = nmiIONodes.map { case (i, n) =>
+ (i, BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[NMI]() := n)
+ }.to(SortedMap)
+ val traceCoreNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeSink[TraceCoreInterface]] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i => (i, BundleBridgeSink[TraceCoreInterface]()) }.to(SortedMap)
+ val traceNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeSink[TraceBundle]] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i => (i, BundleBridgeSink[TraceBundle]()) }.to(SortedMap)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasTiles.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasTiles.scala
index 5c65ed4cd81..ea1f34f7e7b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasTiles.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HasTiles.scala
@@ -3,19 +3,31 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.dontTouch
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BasicBusBlocker, BasicBusBlockerParams, CLINTConsts, PLICKey, CanHavePeripheryPLIC, CanHavePeripheryCLINT}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockGroup, ResetCrossingType, ClockGroupNode}
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.TLDebugModule
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{DisableMonitors, FlipRendering}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntXbar, IntSinkNode, IntSinkPortSimple, IntSyncAsyncCrossingSink}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{MaxHartIdBits, BaseTile, InstantiableTileParams, TileParams, TilePRCIDomain, TraceBundle, PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLWidthWidget
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockGroup, BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset, NoCrossing, SynchronousCrossing, CreditedCrossing, RationalCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.TracedInstruction
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.TraceCoreInterface
+import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
/** Entry point for Config-uring the presence of Tiles */
case class TilesLocated(loc: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Seq[CanAttachTile]](Nil)
+/** List of HierarchicalLocations which might contain a Tile */
+case object PossibleTileLocations extends Field[Seq[HierarchicalLocation]](Nil)
+/** For determining static tile id */
+case object NumTiles extends Field[Int](0)
/** Whether to add timing-closure registers along the path of the hart id
* as it propagates through the subsystem and into the tile.
@@ -24,112 +36,17 @@ case class TilesLocated(loc: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Seq[CanAttachTi
case object InsertTimingClosureRegistersOnHartIds extends Field[Boolean](false)
-/** Whether per-tile hart ids are going to be driven as inputs into the subsystem,
+/** Whether per-tile hart ids are going to be driven as inputs into a HasTiles block,
* and if so, what their width should be.
-case object SubsystemExternalHartIdWidthKey extends Field[Option[Int]](None)
+case object HasTilesExternalHartIdWidthKey extends Field[Option[Int]](None)
-/** Whether per-tile reset vectors are going to be driven as inputs into the subsystem.
+/** Whether per-tile reset vectors are going to be driven as inputs into a HasTiles block.
* Unlike the hart ids, the reset vector width is determined by the sinks within the tiles,
* based on the size of the address map visible to the tiles.
-case object SubsystemExternalResetVectorKey extends Field[Boolean](true)
-/** An interface for describing the parameteization of how Tiles are connected to interconnects */
-trait TileCrossingParamsLike {
- /** The type of clock crossing that should be inserted at the tile boundary. */
- def crossingType: ClockCrossingType
- /** Parameters describing the contents and behavior of the point where the tile is attached as an interconnect master. */
- def master: TilePortParamsLike
- /** Parameters describing the contents and behavior of the point where the tile is attached as an interconnect slave. */
- def slave: TilePortParamsLike
- /** The subnetwork location of the device selecting the apparent base address of MMIO devices inside the tile */
- def mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation
- /** Inject a reset management subgraph that effects the tile child reset only */
- def resetCrossingType: ResetCrossingType
- /** Keep the tile clock separate from the interconnect clock (e.g. even if they are synchronous to one another) */
- def forceSeparateClockReset: Boolean
-/** An interface for describing the parameterization of how a particular tile port is connected to an interconnect */
-trait TilePortParamsLike {
- /** The subnetwork location of the interconnect to which this tile port should be connected. */
- def where: TLBusWrapperLocation
- /** Allows port-specific adapters to be injected into the interconnect side of the attachment point. */
- def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode
-/** A default implementation of parameterizing the connectivity of the port where the tile is the master.
- * Optional timing buffers and/or an optional CacheCork can be inserted in the interconnect's clock domain.
- */
-case class TileMasterPortParams(
- buffers: Int = 0,
- cork: Option[Boolean] = None,
- where: TLBusWrapperLocation = SBUS
-) extends TilePortParamsLike {
- def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
- (TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers) :=* cork.map { u => TLCacheCork(unsafe = u) } .getOrElse { TLTempNode() })
- }
-/** A default implementation of parameterizing the connectivity of the port giving access to slaves inside the tile.
- * Optional timing buffers and/or an optional BusBlocker adapter can be inserted in the interconnect's clock domain.
- */
-case class TileSlavePortParams(
- buffers: Int = 0,
- blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
- blockerCtrlWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation = CBUS,
- where: TLBusWrapperLocation = CBUS
-) extends TilePortParamsLike {
- def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
- val controlBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(where)
- val blockerBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(blockerCtrlWhere)
- blockerCtrlAddr
- .map { BasicBusBlockerParams(_, blockerBus.beatBytes, controlBus.beatBytes) }
- .map { bbbp =>
- val blocker = LazyModule(new BasicBusBlocker(bbbp))
- blockerBus.coupleTo("tile_slave_port_bus_blocker") { blocker.controlNode := TLFragmenter(blockerBus) := _ }
- blocker.node :*= TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers)
- } .getOrElse { TLBuffer.chainNode(buffers) }
- }
-/** These are sources of interrupts that are driven into the tile.
- * They need to be instantiated before tiles are attached to the subsystem containing them.
- */
-trait HasTileInterruptSources
- extends CanHavePeripheryPLIC
- with CanHavePeripheryCLINT
- with InstantiatesTiles
-{ this: BaseSubsystem => // TODO ideally this bound would be softened to LazyModule
- /** meipNode is used to create a single bit subsystem input in Configs without a PLIC */
- val meipNode = p(PLICKey) match {
- case Some(_) => None
- case None => Some(IntNexusNode(
- sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1))) },
- sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
- outputRequiresInput = false,
- inputRequiresOutput = false))
- }
- val seipNode = p(PLICKey) match {
- case Some(_) => None
- case None => Some(IntNexusNode(
- sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1))) },
- sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
- outputRequiresInput = false,
- inputRequiresOutput = false))
- }
- /** Source of Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input bundle to each tile. */
- val tileNMINode = BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[NMI]()
- val tileNMIIONodes: Seq[BundleBridgeSource[NMI]] = {
- Seq.fill(tiles.size) {
- val nmiSource = BundleBridgeSource[NMI]()
- tileNMINode := nmiSource
- nmiSource
- }
- }
+case object HasTilesExternalResetVectorKey extends Field[Boolean](true)
/** These are sources of "constants" that are driven into the tile.
@@ -137,9 +54,11 @@ trait HasTileInterruptSources
* they may be either tied to a contant value or programmed during boot or reset.
* They need to be instantiated before tiles are attached within the subsystem containing them.
-trait HasTileInputConstants extends InstantiatesTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
+trait HasTileInputConstants { this: LazyModule with Attachable with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements =>
/** tileHartIdNode is used to collect publishers and subscribers of hartids. */
- val tileHartIdNode = BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]()
+ val tileHartIdNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ (i, BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]())
+ }.to(SortedMap)
/** tileHartIdNexusNode is a BundleBridgeNexus that collects dynamic hart prefixes.
@@ -156,7 +75,7 @@ trait HasTileInputConstants extends InstantiatesTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
val tileHartIdNexusNode = LazyModule(new BundleBridgeNexus[UInt](
inputFn = BundleBridgeNexus.orReduction[UInt](registered = p(InsertTimingClosureRegistersOnHartIds)) _,
outputFn = (prefix: UInt, n: Int) => Seq.tabulate(n) { i =>
- val y = dontTouch(prefix | hartIdList(i).U(p(MaxHartIdBits).W)) // dontTouch to keep constant prop from breaking tile dedup
+ val y = dontTouch(prefix | totalTileIdList(i).U(p(MaxHartIdBits).W)) // dontTouch to keep constant prop from breaking tile dedup
if (p(InsertTimingClosureRegistersOnHartIds)) BundleBridgeNexus.safeRegNext(y) else y
default = Some(() => 0.U(p(MaxHartIdBits).W)),
@@ -166,7 +85,9 @@ trait HasTileInputConstants extends InstantiatesTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
// TODO: Replace the DebugModuleHartSelFuncs config key with logic to consume the dynamic hart IDs
/** tileResetVectorNode is used to collect publishers and subscribers of tile reset vector addresses. */
- val tileResetVectorNode = BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]()
+ val tileResetVectorNodes: SortedMap[Int, BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]] = (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
+ (i, BundleBridgeEphemeralNode[UInt]())
+ }.to(SortedMap)
/** tileResetVectorNexusNode is a BundleBridgeNexus that accepts a single reset vector source, and broadcasts it to all tiles. */
val tileResetVectorNexusNode = BundleBroadcast[UInt](
@@ -177,26 +98,32 @@ trait HasTileInputConstants extends InstantiatesTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
* Or, if such IOs are not configured to exist, tileHartIdNexusNode is used to supply an id to each tile.
- val tileHartIdIONodes: Seq[BundleBridgeSource[UInt]] = p(SubsystemExternalHartIdWidthKey) match {
- case Some(w) => Seq.fill(tiles.size) {
+ val tileHartIdIONodes: Seq[BundleBridgeSource[UInt]] = p(HasTilesExternalHartIdWidthKey) match {
+ case Some(w) => (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
val hartIdSource = BundleBridgeSource(() => UInt(w.W))
- tileHartIdNode := hartIdSource
+ tileHartIdNodes(i) := hartIdSource
- case None => { tileHartIdNode :*= tileHartIdNexusNode; Nil }
+ case None => {
+ (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i => tileHartIdNodes(i) :*= tileHartIdNexusNode }
+ Nil
+ }
/** tileResetVectorIONodes may generate subsystem IOs, one per tile, allowing the parent to assign unique reset vectors.
* Or, if such IOs are not configured to exist, tileResetVectorNexusNode is used to supply a single reset vector to every tile.
- val tileResetVectorIONodes: Seq[BundleBridgeSource[UInt]] = p(SubsystemExternalResetVectorKey) match {
- case true => Seq.fill(tiles.size) {
+ val tileResetVectorIONodes: Seq[BundleBridgeSource[UInt]] = p(HasTilesExternalResetVectorKey) match {
+ case true => (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i =>
val resetVectorSource = BundleBridgeSource[UInt]()
- tileResetVectorNode := resetVectorSource
+ tileResetVectorNodes(i) := resetVectorSource
- case false => { tileResetVectorNode :*= tileResetVectorNexusNode; Nil }
+ case false => {
+ (0 until nTotalTiles).map { i => tileResetVectorNodes(i) :*= tileResetVectorNexusNode }
+ Nil
+ }
@@ -218,20 +145,6 @@ trait HasTileNotificationSinks { this: LazyModule =>
tileCeaseSinkNode := tileCeaseXbarNode
-/** Most tile types require only these traits in order for their standardized connect functions to apply.
- *
- * BaseTiles subtypes with different needs can extend this trait to provide themselves with
- * additional external connection points.
- */
-trait DefaultTileContextType
- extends Attachable
- with HasTileInterruptSources
- with HasTileNotificationSinks
- with HasTileInputConstants
-{ this: BaseSubsystem =>
- val debugNode: IntSyncOutwardNode
-} // TODO: ideally this bound would be softened to LazyModule
/** Standardized interface by which parameterized tiles can be attached to contexts containing interconnect resources.
* Sub-classes of this trait can optionally override the individual connect functions in order to specialize
@@ -240,15 +153,15 @@ trait DefaultTileContextType
trait CanAttachTile {
type TileType <: BaseTile
- type TileContextType <: DefaultTileContextType
+ type TileContextType <: DefaultHierarchicalElementContextType
def tileParams: InstantiableTileParams[TileType]
- def crossingParams: TileCrossingParamsLike
+ def crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
/** Narrow waist through which all tiles are intended to pass while being instantiated. */
- def instantiate(allTileParams: Seq[TileParams], instantiatedTiles: Seq[TilePRCIDomain[_]])(implicit p: Parameters): TilePRCIDomain[TileType] = {
- val clockSinkParams = tileParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(s"${tileParams.name.getOrElse("core")}_${tileParams.hartId}"))
+ def instantiate(allTileParams: Seq[TileParams], instantiatedTiles: SortedMap[Int, TilePRCIDomain[_]])(implicit p: Parameters): TilePRCIDomain[TileType] = {
+ val clockSinkParams = tileParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(tileParams.uniqueName))
val tile_prci_domain = LazyModule(new TilePRCIDomain[TileType](clockSinkParams, crossingParams) { self =>
- val tile = self.tile_reset_domain { LazyModule(tileParams.instantiate(crossingParams, PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq(allTileParams))) }
+ val element = self.element_reset_domain { LazyModule(tileParams.instantiate(crossingParams, PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq(allTileParams))) }
@@ -261,13 +174,14 @@ trait CanAttachTile {
connectPRC(domain, context)
connectOutputNotifications(domain, context)
connectInputConstants(domain, context)
+ connectTrace(domain, context)
/** Connect the port where the tile is the master to a TileLink interconnect. */
def connectMasterPorts(domain: TilePRCIDomain[TileType], context: Attachable): Unit = {
implicit val p = context.p
val dataBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.master.where)
- dataBus.coupleFrom(tileParams.name.getOrElse("tile")) { bus =>
+ dataBus.coupleFrom(tileParams.baseName) { bus =>
bus :=* crossingParams.master.injectNode(context) :=* domain.crossMasterPort(crossingParams.crossingType)
@@ -277,7 +191,7 @@ trait CanAttachTile {
implicit val p = context.p
DisableMonitors { implicit p =>
val controlBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.slave.where)
- controlBus.coupleTo(tileParams.name.getOrElse("tile")) { bus =>
+ controlBus.coupleTo(tileParams.baseName) { bus =>
domain.crossSlavePort(crossingParams.crossingType) :*= crossingParams.slave.injectNode(context) :*= TLWidthWidget(controlBus.beatBytes) :*= bus
@@ -291,61 +205,66 @@ trait CanAttachTile {
// we stub out missing interrupts with constant sources here.
// 1. Debug interrupt is definitely asynchronous in all cases.
- domain.tile.intInwardNode := domain { IntSyncAsyncCrossingSink(3) } := context.debugNode
+ domain.element.intInwardNode := domain { IntSyncAsyncCrossingSink(3) } :=
+ context.debugNodes(domain.element.tileId)
- // 2. The CLINT and PLIC output interrupts are synchronous to the TileLink bus clock,
+ // 2. The CLINT and PLIC output interrupts are synchronous to the CLINT/PLIC respectively,
// so might need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
// From CLINT: "msip" and "mtip"
- domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType) :=
- context.clintOpt.map { _.intnode }
- .getOrElse { NullIntSource(sources = CLINTConsts.ints) }
+ context.msipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, domain.element.intInwardNode) :=
+ context.msipNodes(domain.element.tileId)
+ }
// From PLIC: "meip"
- domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType) :=
- context.plicOpt .map { _.intnode }
- .getOrElse { context.meipNode.get }
+ context.meipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, domain.element.intInwardNode) :=
+ context.meipNodes(domain.element.tileId)
+ }
// From PLIC: "seip" (only if supervisor mode is enabled)
- if (domain.tile.tileParams.core.hasSupervisorMode) {
- domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType) :=
- context.plicOpt .map { _.intnode }
- .getOrElse { context.seipNode.get }
+ if (domain.element.tileParams.core.hasSupervisorMode) {
+ context.seipDomain {
+ domain.crossIntIn(crossingParams.crossingType, domain.element.intInwardNode) :=
+ context.seipNodes(domain.element.tileId)
+ }
// 3. Local Interrupts ("lip") are required to already be synchronous to the Tile's clock.
- // (they are connected to domain.tile.intInwardNode in a seperate trait)
+ // (they are connected to domain.element.intInwardNode in a seperate trait)
// 4. Interrupts coming out of the tile are sent to the PLIC,
// so might need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
- context.plicOpt.foreach { plic =>
- FlipRendering { implicit p =>
- plic.intnode :=* domain.crossIntOut(crossingParams.crossingType, domain.tile.intOutwardNode)
- }
+ context.tileToPlicNodes.get(domain.element.tileId).foreach { node =>
+ FlipRendering { implicit p => domain.element.intOutwardNode.foreach { out =>
+ context.toPlicDomain { node := domain.crossIntOut(crossingParams.crossingType, out) }
+ }}
// 5. Connect NMI inputs to the tile. These inputs are synchronous to the respective core_clock.
- domain.tile.nmiNode := context.tileNMINode
+ domain.element.nmiNode.foreach(_ := context.nmiNodes(domain.element.tileId))
/** Notifications of tile status are connected to be broadcast without needing to be clock-crossed. */
def connectOutputNotifications(domain: TilePRCIDomain[TileType], context: TileContextType): Unit = {
implicit val p = context.p
- context.tileHaltXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.tile.haltNode)
- context.tileWFIXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.tile.wfiNode)
- context.tileCeaseXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.tile.ceaseNode)
+ domain {
+ context.tileHaltXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.haltNode)
+ context.tileWFIXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.wfiNode)
+ context.tileCeaseXbarNode :=* domain.crossIntOut(NoCrossing, domain.element.ceaseNode)
+ }
// TODO should context be forced to have a trace sink connected here?
// for now this just ensures domain.trace[Core]Node has been crossed without connecting it externally
- domain.crossTracesOut()
/** Connect inputs to the tile that are assumed to be constant during normal operation, and so are not clock-crossed. */
def connectInputConstants(domain: TilePRCIDomain[TileType], context: TileContextType): Unit = {
implicit val p = context.p
val tlBusToGetPrefixFrom = context.locateTLBusWrapper(crossingParams.mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere)
- domain.tile.hartIdNode := context.tileHartIdNode
- domain.tile.resetVectorNode := context.tileResetVectorNode
- tlBusToGetPrefixFrom.prefixNode.foreach { domain.tile.mmioAddressPrefixNode := _ }
+ domain.element.hartIdNode := context.tileHartIdNodes(domain.element.tileId)
+ domain.element.resetVectorNode := context.tileResetVectorNodes(domain.element.tileId)
+ tlBusToGetPrefixFrom.prefixNode.foreach { domain.element.mmioAddressPrefixNode := _ }
/** Connect power/reset/clock resources. */
@@ -362,19 +281,30 @@ trait CanAttachTile {
case _: RationalCrossing => domain.clockNode := tlBusToGetClockDriverFrom.clockNode
case _: AsynchronousCrossing => {
val tileClockGroup = ClockGroup()
- tileClockGroup := context.asyncClockGroupsNode
+ tileClockGroup := context.allClockGroupsNode
domain.clockNode := tileClockGroup
domain {
- domain.tile_reset_domain.clockNode := crossingParams.resetCrossingType.injectClockNode := domain.clockNode
+ domain.element_reset_domain.clockNode := crossingParams.resetCrossingType.injectClockNode := domain.clockNode
+ /** Function to handle all trace crossings when tile is instantiated inside domains */
+ def connectTrace(domain: TilePRCIDomain[TileType], context: TileContextType): Unit = {
+ implicit val p = context.p
+ val traceCrossingNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceBundle](
+ resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType)
+ context.traceNodes(domain.element.tileId) := traceCrossingNode := domain.element.traceNode
+ val traceCoreCrossingNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceCoreInterface](
+ resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType)
+ context.traceCoreNodes(domain.element.tileId) :*= traceCoreCrossingNode := domain.element.traceCoreNode
+ }
case class CloneTileAttachParams(
- sourceHart: Int,
+ sourceTileId: Int,
cloneParams: CanAttachTile
) extends CanAttachTile {
type TileType = cloneParams.TileType
@@ -382,78 +312,18 @@ case class CloneTileAttachParams(
def tileParams = cloneParams.tileParams
def crossingParams = cloneParams.crossingParams
- require(sourceHart < tileParams.hartId)
- override def instantiate(allTileParams: Seq[TileParams], instantiatedTiles: Seq[TilePRCIDomain[_]])(implicit p: Parameters): TilePRCIDomain[TileType] = {
- val clockSinkParams = tileParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(s"${tileParams.name.getOrElse("core")}_${tileParams.hartId}"))
+ override def instantiate(allTileParams: Seq[TileParams], instantiatedTiles: SortedMap[Int, TilePRCIDomain[_]])(implicit p: Parameters): TilePRCIDomain[TileType] = {
+ require(instantiatedTiles.contains(sourceTileId))
+ val clockSinkParams = tileParams.clockSinkParams.copy(name = Some(tileParams.uniqueName))
val tile_prci_domain = CloneLazyModule(
new TilePRCIDomain[TileType](clockSinkParams, crossingParams) { self =>
- val tile = self.tile_reset_domain { LazyModule(tileParams.instantiate(crossingParams, PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq(allTileParams))) }
+ val element = self.element_reset_domain { LazyModule(tileParams.instantiate(crossingParams, PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq(allTileParams))) }
- instantiatedTiles(sourceHart).asInstanceOf[TilePRCIDomain[TileType]]
+ instantiatedTiles(sourceTileId).asInstanceOf[TilePRCIDomain[TileType]]
- tile_prci_domain
- }
-/** InstantiatesTiles adds a Config-urable sequence of tiles of any type
- * to the subsystem class into which it is mixed.
- */
-trait InstantiatesTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
- /** Record the order in which to instantiate all tiles, based on statically-assigned ids.
- *
- * Note that these ids, which are often used as the tiles' default hartid input,
- * may or may not be those actually reflected at runtime in e.g. the $mhartid CSR
- */
- val tileAttachParams: Seq[CanAttachTile] = p(TilesLocated(location)).sortBy(_.tileParams.hartId)
- val tileParams: Seq[TileParams] = tileAttachParams.map(_.tileParams)
- val tileCrossingTypes: Seq[ClockCrossingType] = tileAttachParams.map(_.crossingParams.crossingType)
- /** The actual list of instantiated tiles in this subsystem. */
- val tile_prci_domains: Seq[TilePRCIDomain[_]] = tileAttachParams.foldLeft(Seq[TilePRCIDomain[_]]()) {
- case (instantiated, params) => instantiated :+ params.instantiate(tileParams, instantiated)(p)
- }
- val tiles: Seq[BaseTile] = tile_prci_domains.map(_.tile.asInstanceOf[BaseTile])
- // Helper functions for accessing certain parameters that are popular to refer to in subsystem code
- def nTiles: Int = tileAttachParams.size
- def hartIdList: Seq[Int] = tileParams.map(_.hartId)
- def localIntCounts: Seq[Int] = tileParams.map(_.core.nLocalInterrupts)
- require(hartIdList.distinct.size == tiles.size, s"Every tile must be statically assigned a unique id, but got:\n${hartIdList}")
-/** HasTiles instantiates and also connects a Config-urable sequence of tiles of any type to subsystem interconnect resources. */
-trait HasTiles extends InstantiatesTiles with HasCoreMonitorBundles with DefaultTileContextType
-{ this: BaseSubsystem => // TODO: ideally this bound would be softened to Attachable
- implicit val p: Parameters
- // connect all the tiles to interconnect attachment points made available in this subsystem context
- tileAttachParams.zip(tile_prci_domains).foreach { case (params, td) =>
- params.connect(td.asInstanceOf[TilePRCIDomain[params.TileType]], this.asInstanceOf[params.TileContextType])
+ tile_prci_domain
-/** Provides some Chisel connectivity to certain tile IOs */
-trait HasTilesModuleImp extends LazyModuleImp {
- val outer: HasTiles with HasTileInterruptSources with HasTileInputConstants
- val reset_vector = outer.tileResetVectorIONodes.zipWithIndex.map { case (n, i) => n.makeIO(s"reset_vector_$i") }
- val tile_hartids = outer.tileHartIdIONodes.zipWithIndex.map { case (n, i) => n.makeIO(s"tile_hartids_$i") }
- val meip = if(outer.meipNode.isDefined) Some(IO(Input(Vec(outer.meipNode.get.out.size, Bool())))) else None
- meip.foreach { m =>
- m.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (pin, i) =>
- (outer.meipNode.get.out(i)._1)(0) := pin
- }
- }
- val seip = if(outer.seipNode.isDefined) Some(IO(Input(Vec(outer.seipNode.get.out.size, Bool())))) else None
- seip.foreach { s =>
- s.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (pin, i) =>
- (outer.seipNode.get.out(i)._1)(0) := pin
- }
- }
- val nmi = outer.tiles.zip(outer.tileNMIIONodes).zipWithIndex.map { case ((tile, n), i) => tile.tileParams.core.useNMI.option(n.makeIO(s"nmi_$i")) }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElement.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElement.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..861a77970e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElement.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.TLDebugModule
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BufferParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntXbar
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters, ResetCrossingType, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{LookupByHartIdImpl, TraceBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLNode, TLIdentityNode, TLXbar, TLBuffer, TLInwardNode, TLOutwardNode}
+trait HierarchicalElementParams {
+ val baseName: String // duplicated instances shouuld share a base name
+ val uniqueName: String
+ val clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters
+abstract class InstantiableHierarchicalElementParams[ElementType <: BaseHierarchicalElement] extends HierarchicalElementParams
+/** An interface for describing the parameteization of how HierarchicalElements are connected to interconnects */
+trait HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike {
+ /** The type of clock crossing that should be inserted at the element boundary. */
+ def crossingType: ClockCrossingType
+ /** Parameters describing the contents and behavior of the point where the element is attached as an interconnect master. */
+ def master: HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike
+ /** Parameters describing the contents and behavior of the point where the element is attached as an interconnect slave. */
+ def slave: HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike
+ /** The subnetwork location of the device selecting the apparent base address of MMIO devices inside the element */
+ def mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation
+ /** Inject a reset management subgraph that effects the element child reset only */
+ def resetCrossingType: ResetCrossingType
+ /** Keep the element clock separate from the interconnect clock (e.g. even if they are synchronous to one another) */
+ def forceSeparateClockReset: Boolean
+/** An interface for describing the parameterization of how a particular element port is connected to an interconnect */
+trait HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike {
+ /** The subnetwork location of the interconnect to which this element port should be connected. */
+ def where: TLBusWrapperLocation
+ /** Allows port-specific adapters to be injected into the interconnect side of the attachment point. */
+ def injectNode(context: Attachable)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode
+abstract class BaseHierarchicalElement (val crossing: ClockCrossingType)(implicit p: Parameters)
+ extends LazyModule()(p)
+ with CrossesToOnlyOneClockDomain
+ def module: BaseHierarchicalElementModuleImp[BaseHierarchicalElement]
+ protected val tlOtherMastersNode = TLIdentityNode()
+ protected val tlMasterXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(s"MasterXbar_$desiredName")))
+ protected val tlSlaveXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(s"SlaveXbar_$desiredName")))
+ protected val intXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
+ def masterNode: TLOutwardNode
+ def slaveNode: TLInwardNode
+ /** Helper function to insert additional buffers on master ports at the boundary of the tile.
+ *
+ * The boundary buffering needed to cut feed-through paths is
+ * microarchitecture specific, so this may need to be overridden
+ * in subclasses of this class.
+ */
+ def makeMasterBoundaryBuffers(crossing: ClockCrossingType)(implicit p: Parameters) = TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)
+ /** Helper function to insert additional buffers on slave ports at the boundary of the tile.
+ *
+ * The boundary buffering needed to cut feed-through paths is
+ * microarchitecture specific, so this may need to be overridden
+ * in subclasses of this class.
+ */
+ def makeSlaveBoundaryBuffers(crossing: ClockCrossingType)(implicit p: Parameters) = TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)
+abstract class BaseHierarchicalElementModuleImp[+L <: BaseHierarchicalElement](val outer: L) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b38f208701e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.TLDebugModule
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{DisableMonitors, FlipRendering}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntInwardNode, IntOutwardNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, ResetCrossingType, ResetDomain, ClockSinkNode, ClockSinkParameters, ClockIdentityNode, FixedClockBroadcast, ClockDomain}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{RocketTile, TraceBundle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLInwardNode, TLOutwardNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.TraceCoreInterface
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLClockDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLResetDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntClockDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntResetDomainCrossing
+/** A wrapper containing all logic within a managed reset domain for a element.
+ *
+ * This does not add a layer of the module hierarchy.
+ */
+class HierarchicalElementResetDomain(clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters, resetCrossingType: ResetCrossingType)
+ (implicit p: Parameters)
+ extends ResetDomain
+ with CrossesToOnlyOneResetDomain
+ def crossing = resetCrossingType
+ val clockNode = ClockSinkNode(Seq(clockSinkParams))
+ def clockBundle = clockNode.in.head._1
+ override def shouldBeInlined = true
+/** A wrapper containing all logic necessary to safely place a tile
+ * inside of a particular Power/Reset/Clock/Interrupt domain.
+ *
+ * This adds a layer to the module hierarchy which is a parent of the tile
+ * and should contain all logic related to clock crossings, isolation cells,
+ * hierarchical P&R boundary buffers, core-local interrupt handling,
+ * and any other IOs related to PRCI control.
+ */
+abstract class HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain[T <: BaseHierarchicalElement](
+ clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters,
+ crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike)
+ (implicit p: Parameters)
+ extends ClockDomain
+ val element: T
+ val element_reset_domain = LazyModule(new HierarchicalElementResetDomain(clockSinkParams, crossingParams.resetCrossingType))
+ val tapClockNode = ClockIdentityNode()
+ val clockNode = FixedClockBroadcast() :=* tapClockNode
+ lazy val clockBundle = tapClockNode.in.head._1
+ /** External code looking to connect and clock-cross the interrupts driven into this tile can call this. */
+ def crossIntIn(crossingType: ClockCrossingType, tileNode: IntInwardNode): IntInwardNode = {
+ // Unlike the other crossing helpers, here nothing is is blocked during reset because we know these are inputs and assume that tile reset is longer than uncore reset
+ val intInClockXing = this.crossIn(tileNode)
+ intInClockXing(crossingType)
+ }
+ /** External code looking to connect and clock/reset-cross
+ * - interrupts raised by devices inside this tile
+ * - notifications raise by the cores and caches
+ * can call this function to instantiate the required crossing hardware.
+ * Takes crossingType as an argument because some interrupts are supposed to be synchronous
+ * Takes tileNode as an argument because tiles might have multiple outbound interrupt nodes
+ */
+ def crossIntOut(crossingType: ClockCrossingType, tileNode: IntOutwardNode): IntOutwardNode = {
+ val intOutResetXing = this { element_reset_domain.crossIntOut(tileNode) }
+ val intOutClockXing = this.crossOut(intOutResetXing)
+ intOutClockXing(crossingType)
+ }
+ /** External code looking to connect the ports where this tile is slaved to an interconnect
+ * (while also crossing clock domains) can call this.
+ */
+ def crossSlavePort(crossingType: ClockCrossingType): TLInwardNode = { DisableMonitors { implicit p => FlipRendering { implicit p =>
+ val tlSlaveResetXing = this {
+ element_reset_domain.crossTLIn(element.slaveNode) :*=
+ element { element.makeSlaveBoundaryBuffers(crossingType) }
+ }
+ val tlSlaveClockXing = this.crossIn(tlSlaveResetXing)
+ tlSlaveClockXing(crossingType)
+ } } }
+ /** External code looking to connect the ports where this tile masters an interconnect
+ * (while also crossing clock domains) can call this.
+ */
+ def crossMasterPort(crossingType: ClockCrossingType): TLOutwardNode = {
+ val tlMasterResetXing = this { DisableMonitors { implicit p =>
+ element { element.makeMasterBoundaryBuffers(crossingType) } :=*
+ element_reset_domain.crossTLOut(element.masterNode)
+ } }
+ val tlMasterClockXing = this.crossOut(tlMasterResetXing)
+ tlMasterClockXing(crossingType)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/InterruptBus.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/InterruptBus.scala
index e50f82a9ad5..24717df3e76 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/InterruptBus.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/InterruptBus.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkDomain}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Device, DeviceInterrupts, Description, ResourceBindings}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntInwardNode, IntOutwardNode, IntXbar, IntNameNode, IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, ClockSinkDomain}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntClockDomainCrossing
/** Collects interrupts from internal and external devices and feeds them into the PLIC */
class InterruptBusWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClockSinkDomain {
@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ abstract trait HasExtInterrupts { this: BaseSubsystem =>
trait HasAsyncExtInterrupts extends HasExtInterrupts { this: BaseSubsystem =>
if (nExtInterrupts > 0) {
- ibus.fromAsync := extInterrupts
+ ibus { ibus.fromAsync := extInterrupts }
@@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ trait HasAsyncExtInterrupts extends HasExtInterrupts { this: BaseSubsystem =>
trait HasSyncExtInterrupts extends HasExtInterrupts { this: BaseSubsystem =>
if (nExtInterrupts > 0) {
- ibus.fromSync := extInterrupts
+ ibus { ibus.fromSync := extInterrupts }
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ trait HasExtInterruptsBundle {
/** This trait performs the translation from a UInt IO into Diplomatic Interrupts.
* The wiring must be done in the concrete LazyModuleImp.
-trait HasExtInterruptsModuleImp extends LazyModuleImp with HasExtInterruptsBundle {
+trait HasExtInterruptsModuleImp extends LazyRawModuleImp with HasExtInterruptsBundle {
val outer: HasExtInterrupts
val interrupts = IO(Input(UInt(outer.nExtInterrupts.W)))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Litex.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Litex.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e8e1888d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Litex.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{DebugModuleKey, DefaultDebugModuleParams, ExportDebug, JTAG, APB}
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{
+ BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, BootROMLocated, BootROMParams, CLINTKey, DevNullDevice, CLINTParams, PLICKey, PLICParams, DevNullParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{SynchronousCrossing, AsynchronousCrossing, RationalCrossing, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
+ AddressSet, MonitorsEnabled,
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{
+ DTSModel, DTSCompat, DTSTimebase, BigIntHexContext
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{
+ MaxHartIdBits, RocketTileParams, BuildRoCC, AccumulatorExample, OpcodeSet, TranslatorExample, CharacterCountExample, BlackBoxExample
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.ClockGateModelFile
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+class WithLitexMemPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtMem => Some(MemoryPortParams(MasterPortParams(
+ base = x"8000_0000",
+ size = x"8000_0000",
+ beatBytes = site(MemoryBusKey).beatBytes,
+ idBits = 4), 1))
+class WithLitexMMIOPort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtBus => Some(MasterPortParams(
+ base = x"1000_0000",
+ size = x"7000_0000",
+ beatBytes = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes,
+ idBits = 4))
+class WithLitexSlavePort extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case ExtIn => Some(SlavePortParams(
+ beatBytes = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes,
+ idBits = 8,
+ sourceBits = 4))
+class WithNBitMemoryBus(dataBits: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
+ case MemoryBusKey => up(MemoryBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = dataBits/8)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/LookupByClusterId.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/LookupByClusterId.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0c5c21a5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/LookupByClusterId.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+abstract class LookupByClusterIdImpl {
+ def apply[T <: Data](f: ClusterParams => Option[T], clusterId: UInt): T
+case class ClustersWontDeduplicate(t: ClusterParams) extends LookupByClusterIdImpl {
+ def apply[T <: Data](f: ClusterParams => Option[T], clusterId: UInt): T = f(t).get
+case class PriorityMuxClusterIdFromSeq(seq: Seq[ClusterParams]) extends LookupByClusterIdImpl {
+ def apply[T <: Data](f: ClusterParams => Option[T], clusterId: UInt): T =
+ PriorityMux(seq.collect { case t if f(t).isDefined => (t.clusterId.U === clusterId) -> f(t).get })
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/MemoryBus.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/MemoryBus.scala
index 03b8bb22d4b..a58d6b28215 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/MemoryBus.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/MemoryBus.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BuiltInDevices, HasBuiltInDeviceParams, BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, BuiltInZeroDeviceParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ ReplicatedRegion, HasTLBusParams, HasRegionReplicatorParams, TLBusWrapper,
+ TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike, RegionReplicator, TLXbar, TLInwardNode,
+ TLOutwardNode, ProbePicker, TLEdge, TLFIFOFixer
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
/** Parameterization of the memory-side bus created for each memory channel */
case class MemoryBusParams(
@@ -39,7 +44,7 @@ class MemoryBus(params: MemoryBusParams, name: String = "memory_bus")(implicit p
- private val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar).suggestName(busName + "_xbar")
+ private val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(name))).suggestName(busName + "_xbar")
val inwardNode: TLInwardNode =
replicator.map(xbar.node :*=* TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.all) :*=* _.node)
.getOrElse(xbar.node :*=* TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.all))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/PeripheryBus.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/PeripheryBus.scala
index 830e4480925..ee8ccec015e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/PeripheryBus.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/PeripheryBus.scala
@@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BuiltInZeroDeviceParams, BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, HasBuiltInDeviceParams, BuiltInDevices}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.BufferParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ RegionReplicator, ReplicatedRegion, HasTLBusParams, HasRegionReplicatorParams, TLBusWrapper,
+ TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike, TLFIFOFixer, TLNode, TLXbar, TLInwardNode, TLOutwardNode,
+ TLBuffer, TLWidthWidget, TLAtomicAutomata, TLEdge
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
case class BusAtomics(
arithmetic: Boolean = true,
@@ -38,6 +44,7 @@ case class PeripheryBusParams(
class PeripheryBus(params: PeripheryBusParams, name: String)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends TLBusWrapper(params, name)
+ override lazy val desiredName = s"PeripheryBus_$name"
private val replicator = params.replication.map(r => LazyModule(new RegionReplicator(r)))
val prefixNode = replicator.map { r =>
r.prefix := addressPrefixNexusNode
@@ -46,15 +53,15 @@ class PeripheryBus(params: PeripheryBusParams, name: String)(implicit p: Paramet
private val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.all))
private val node: TLNode = params.atomics.map { pa =>
- val in_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
- val out_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
+ val in_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(s"${name}_in")))
+ val out_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(s"${name}_out")))
val fixer_node = replicator.map(fixer.node :*= _.node).getOrElse(fixer.node)
:*= fixer_node
:*= TLBuffer(pa.buffer)
:*= (pa.widenBytes.filter(_ > beatBytes).map { w =>
- TLWidthWidget(w) :*= TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = pa.arithmetic)
- } .getOrElse { TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = pa.arithmetic) })
+ TLWidthWidget(w) :*= TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = pa.arithmetic, nameSuffix = Some(name))
+ } .getOrElse { TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = pa.arithmetic, nameSuffix = Some(name)) })
:*= in_xbar.node)
} .getOrElse { TLXbar() :*= fixer.node }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Ports.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Ports.scala
index 89fc25376fd..d3ed70c5e98 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/Ports.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/Ports.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,31 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Field
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.{
+ AXI4SlaveNode, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4SlaveParameters, AXI4UserYanker, AXI4Buffer,
+ AXI4Deinterleaver, AXI4IdIndexer, AXI4MasterNode, AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4ToTL,
+ AXI4Fragmenter, AXI4MasterParameters
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
+ AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes, IdRange, BufferParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{
+ MemoryDevice, SimpleBus
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ TLXbar, RegionReplicator, ReplicatedRegion, TLWidthWidget, TLFilter, TLToAXI4, TLBuffer,
+ TLFIFOFixer, TLSlavePortParameters, TLManagerNode, TLSlaveParameters, TLClientNode,
+ TLSourceShrinker, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.StringToAugmentedString
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLClockDomainCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLResetDomainCrossing
/** Specifies the size and width of external memory ports */
case class MasterPortParams(
@@ -36,6 +56,7 @@ trait CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
private val portName = "axi4"
private val device = new MemoryDevice
private val idBits = memPortParamsOpt.map(_.master.idBits).getOrElse(1)
+ private val mbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.get(MBUS).getOrElse(viewpointBus)
val memAXI4Node = AXI4SlaveNode(memPortParamsOpt.map({ case MemoryPortParams(memPortParams, nMemoryChannels, _) =>
Seq.tabulate(nMemoryChannels) { channel =>
@@ -63,7 +84,7 @@ trait CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
memPortParams.incohBase.foreach(incohBase => {
val cohRegion = AddressSet(0, incohBase-1)
val incohRegion = AddressSet(incohBase, incohBase-1)
- val replicator = sbus {
+ val replicator = tlBusWrapperLocationMap(p(TLManagerViewpointLocated(location))) {
val replicator = LazyModule(new RegionReplicator(ReplicatedRegion(cohRegion, cohRegion.widen(incohBase))))
val prefixSource = BundleBridgeSource[UInt](() => UInt(1.W))
replicator.prefix := prefixSource
@@ -71,9 +92,9 @@ trait CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
InModuleBody { prefixSource.bundle := 0.U(1.W) }
- sbus.coupleTo(s"memory_controller_bypass_port_named_$portName") {
+ viewpointBus.coupleTo(s"memory_controller_bypass_port_named_$portName") {
- := TLWidthWidget(sbus.beatBytes)
+ := TLWidthWidget(viewpointBus.beatBytes)
:= replicator.node
:= TLFilter(TLFilter.mSubtract(cohRegion))
:= TLFilter(TLFilter.mResourceRemover)
@@ -116,14 +137,14 @@ trait CanHaveMasterAXI4MMIOPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
beatBytes = params.beatBytes)).toSeq)
mmioPortParamsOpt.map { params =>
- sbus.coupleTo(s"port_named_$portName") {
+ viewpointBus.coupleTo(s"port_named_$portName") {
:= AXI4Buffer()
:= AXI4UserYanker()
- := AXI4Deinterleaver(sbus.blockBytes)
+ := AXI4Deinterleaver(viewpointBus.blockBytes)
:= AXI4IdIndexer(params.idBits)
:= TLToAXI4()
- := TLWidthWidget(sbus.beatBytes)
+ := TLWidthWidget(viewpointBus.beatBytes)
:= _)
@@ -136,6 +157,7 @@ trait CanHaveSlaveAXI4Port { this: BaseSubsystem =>
private val slavePortParamsOpt = p(ExtIn)
private val portName = "slave_port_axi4"
private val fifoBits = 1
+ private val fbus = tlBusWrapperLocationMap.get(FBUS).getOrElse(viewpointBus)
val l2FrontendAXI4Node = AXI4MasterNode(
slavePortParamsOpt.map(params =>
@@ -174,17 +196,17 @@ trait CanHaveMasterTLMMIOPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
address = AddressSet.misaligned(params.base, params.size),
resources = device.ranges,
executable = params.executable,
- supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, sbus.blockBytes),
- supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, sbus.blockBytes),
- supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(1, sbus.blockBytes))),
+ supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, viewpointBus.blockBytes),
+ supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, viewpointBus.blockBytes),
+ supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(1, viewpointBus.blockBytes))),
beatBytes = params.beatBytes)).toSeq)
mmioPortParamsOpt.map { params =>
- sbus.coupleTo(s"port_named_$portName") {
+ viewpointBus.coupleTo(s"port_named_$portName") {
:= TLBuffer()
:= TLSourceShrinker(1 << params.idBits)
- := TLWidthWidget(sbus.beatBytes)
+ := TLWidthWidget(viewpointBus.beatBytes)
:= _ )
@@ -210,7 +232,7 @@ trait CanHaveSlaveTLPort { this: BaseSubsystem =>
sourceId = IdRange(0, 1 << params.idBits))))).toSeq)
slavePortParamsOpt.map { params =>
- sbus.coupleFrom(s"port_named_$portName") {
+ viewpointBus.coupleFrom(s"port_named_$portName") {
( _
:= TLSourceShrinker(1 << params.sourceBits)
:= TLWidthWidget(params.beatBytes)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/RTC.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/RTC.scala
index 499633f679a..c2fd7a5a3f2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/RTC.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/RTC.scala
@@ -3,27 +3,32 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.Counter
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModuleImp, DTSTimebase}
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.CanHavePeripheryCLINT
+import chisel3.util._
-trait HasRTCModuleImp extends LazyModuleImp {
- val outer: BaseSubsystem with CanHavePeripheryCLINT
- private val pbusFreq = outer.p(PeripheryBusKey).dtsFrequency.get
- private val rtcFreq = outer.p(DTSTimebase)
- private val internalPeriod: BigInt = pbusFreq / rtcFreq
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.DTSTimebase
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{CLINTAttachKey, CanHavePeripheryCLINT}
- val pbus = outer.locateTLBusWrapper(PBUS)
- // check whether pbusFreq >= rtcFreq
- require(internalPeriod > 0)
- // check wehther the integer division is within 5% of the real division
- require((pbusFreq - rtcFreq * internalPeriod) * 100 / pbusFreq <= 5)
+trait HasRTCModuleImp extends LazyRawModuleImp {
+ val outer: BaseSubsystem with CanHavePeripheryCLINT
// Use the static period to toggle the RTC
- chisel3.withClockAndReset(pbus.module.clock, pbus.module.reset) {
- val (_, int_rtc_tick) = Counter(true.B, internalPeriod.toInt)
- outer.clintOpt.foreach { clint =>
- clint.module.io.rtcTick := int_rtc_tick
+ outer.clintDomainOpt.map { domain => {
+ val bus = outer.locateTLBusWrapper(p(CLINTAttachKey).slaveWhere)
+ val busFreq = bus.dtsFrequency.get
+ val rtcFreq = outer.p(DTSTimebase)
+ val internalPeriod: BigInt = busFreq / rtcFreq
+ // check whether pbusFreq >= rtcFreq
+ require(internalPeriod > 0)
+ // check wehther the integer division is within 5% of the real division
+ require((busFreq - rtcFreq * internalPeriod) * 100 / busFreq <= 5)
+ withClockAndReset (domain.module.clock, domain.module.reset) {
+ val (_, int_rtc_tick) = Counter(true.B, internalPeriod.toInt)
+ outer.clintTickOpt.foreach { _ := int_rtc_tick }
- }
+ }}
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/RocketSubsystem.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/RocketSubsystem.scala
index e9e1f555515..a10903d050f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/RocketSubsystem.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/RocketSubsystem.scala
@@ -2,37 +2,54 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{HasPeripheryDebug}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.HasPeripheryDebug
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{CanHavePeripheryCLINT, CanHavePeripheryPLIC}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, SynchronousCrossing, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{RocketTile, RocketTileParams}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.HasCoreMonitorBundles
case class RocketCrossingParams(
crossingType: ClockCrossingType = SynchronousCrossing(),
- master: TilePortParamsLike = TileMasterPortParams(),
- slave: TileSlavePortParams = TileSlavePortParams(),
+ master: HierarchicalElementPortParamsLike = HierarchicalElementMasterPortParams(),
+ slave: HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams = HierarchicalElementSlavePortParams(),
mmioBaseAddressPrefixWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation = CBUS,
resetCrossingType: ResetCrossingType = NoResetCrossing(),
forceSeparateClockReset: Boolean = false
-) extends TileCrossingParamsLike
+) extends HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
case class RocketTileAttachParams(
tileParams: RocketTileParams,
crossingParams: RocketCrossingParams
) extends CanAttachTile { type TileType = RocketTile }
-trait HasRocketTiles extends HasTiles { this: BaseSubsystem =>
- val rocketTiles = tiles.collect { case r: RocketTile => r }
+trait HasRocketTiles {
+ this: BaseSubsystem with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements =>
+ val rocketTiles = totalTiles.values.collect { case r: RocketTile => r }
def coreMonitorBundles = (rocketTiles map { t =>
-class RocketSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseSubsystem with HasRocketTiles with HasPeripheryDebug {
+class RocketSubsystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseSubsystem
+ with InstantiatesHierarchicalElements
+ with HasTileNotificationSinks
+ with HasTileInputConstants
+ with CanHavePeripheryCLINT
+ with CanHavePeripheryPLIC
+ with HasPeripheryDebug
+ with HasHierarchicalElementsRootContext
+ with HasHierarchicalElements
+ with HasCoreMonitorBundles
+ with HasRocketTiles
override lazy val module = new RocketSubsystemModuleImp(this)
class RocketSubsystemModuleImp[+L <: RocketSubsystem](_outer: L) extends BaseSubsystemModuleImp(_outer)
- with HasTilesModuleImp
+ with HasHierarchicalElementsRootContextModuleImp {
+ override lazy val outer = _outer
diff --git a/src/main/scala/subsystem/SystemBus.scala b/src/main/scala/subsystem/SystemBus.scala
index 3d8f98203fb..3596feb01e0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/subsystem/SystemBus.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/subsystem/SystemBus.scala
@@ -2,11 +2,18 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.subsystem
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{
+ BuiltInDevices, BuiltInZeroDeviceParams, BuiltInErrorDeviceParams, HasBuiltInDeviceParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ TLArbiter, RegionReplicator, ReplicatedRegion, HasTLBusParams, TLBusWrapper,
+ TLBusWrapperInstantiationLike, TLXbar, TLEdge, TLInwardNode, TLOutwardNode,
+ TLFIFOFixer, TLTempNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
case class SystemBusParams(
beatBytes: Int,
@@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams, name: String = "system_bus")(implicit p
- private val system_bus_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(policy = params.policy))
+ private val system_bus_xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(policy = params.policy, nameSuffix = Some(name)))
val inwardNode: TLInwardNode = system_bus_xbar.node :=* TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.allVolatile) :=* replicator.map(_.node).getOrElse(TLTempNode())
val outwardNode: TLOutwardNode = system_bus_xbar.node
def busView: TLEdge = system_bus_xbar.node.edges.in.head
diff --git a/src/main/scala/system/Configs.scala b/src/main/scala/system/Configs.scala
index bb418b9ec9d..19e3c174b23 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/system/Configs.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/system/Configs.scala
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.system
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Config
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{WithNBigCores, WithNMedCores, WithNSmallCores, WithRV32, WithFP16, WithHypervisor, With1TinyCore, WithScratchpadsOnly, WithCloneRocketTiles, WithB}
class WithJtagDTMSystem extends freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithJtagDTM
class WithDebugSBASystem extends freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithDebugSBA
@@ -26,9 +27,8 @@ class DefaultBufferlessConfig extends Config(new WithBufferlessBroadcastHub ++ n
class DefaultSmallConfig extends Config(new WithNSmallCores(1) ++ new WithCoherentBusTopology ++ new BaseConfig)
class DefaultRV32Config extends Config(new WithRV32 ++ new DefaultConfig)
class DefaultFP16Config extends Config(new WithFP16 ++ new DefaultConfig)
-class BitManipCryptoConfig extends Config(new WithBitManip ++ new WithCryptoNIST ++ new WithCryptoSM ++ new DefaultConfig)
-class BitManipCrypto32Config extends Config(new WithBitManip ++ new WithCryptoNIST ++ new WithCryptoSM ++ new DefaultRV32Config)
+class DefaultBConfig extends Config(new WithB ++ new DefaultConfig)
+class DefaultRV32BConfig extends Config(new WithB ++ new DefaultRV32Config)
class HypervisorConfig extends Config(new WithHypervisor ++ new DefaultConfig)
@@ -37,6 +37,17 @@ class DualCoreConfig extends Config(new WithNBigCores(2) ++ new WithCoherentBusT
class DualChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++ new DefaultConfig)
class EightChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ new DefaultConfig)
+class ClusterConfig extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(2, InCluster(3)) ++
+ new WithNBigCores(2, InCluster(1)) ++
+ new WithNBigCores(2, InCluster(0)) ++
+ new WithCluster(3, location=InCluster(2)) ++
+ new WithCluster(2) ++
+ new WithCluster(1) ++
+ new WithCluster(0) ++
+ new DefaultConfig
class DualChannelDualBankConfig extends Config(
new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++
new WithNBanks(4) ++ new DefaultConfig
diff --git a/src/main/scala/system/Litex.scala b/src/main/scala/system/Litex.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ffad24fe27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/system/Litex.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.system
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Config
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{WithNBigCores, WithNMedCores, WithNSmallCores, WithRV32, WithFP16, WithHypervisor, With1TinyCore, WithScratchpadsOnly, WithCloneRocketTiles, WithB}
+class BaseLitexConfig extends Config(
+ new WithLitexMemPort() ++
+ new WithLitexMMIOPort() ++
+ new WithLitexSlavePort ++
+ new WithNExtTopInterrupts(8) ++
+ new WithCoherentBusTopology ++
+ new BaseConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall1x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall1x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall1x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall1x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall2x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall2x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall2x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall2x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall4x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall4x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall4x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall4x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall8x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall8x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall8x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigSmall8x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNSmallCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig1x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig1x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig1x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig1x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(1) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig2x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig2x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig2x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig2x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(2) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig4x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig4x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig4x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig4x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(4) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig8x1 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(64) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig8x2 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(128) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig8x4 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(256) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
+class LitexConfigBig8x8 extends Config(
+ new WithNBigCores(8) ++
+ new WithNBitMemoryBus(512) ++
+ new BaseLitexConfig
diff --git a/src/main/scala/system/RocketTestSuite.scala b/src/main/scala/system/RocketTestSuite.scala
index d26c5fcfc75..f188d3cd7b3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/system/RocketTestSuite.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/system/RocketTestSuite.scala
@@ -159,6 +159,23 @@ object DefaultTestSuites {
val rv64uzfhNames = rv64ufNames
val rv64uzfh = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uzfh", rv64uzfhNames)(_)
+ val rv32uzbaNames = LinkedHashSet("sh1add", "sh2add", "sh3add")
+ val rv32uzba = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32uzba", rv32uzbaNames)(_)
+ val rv64uzbaNames = rv32uzbaNames ++ rv32uzbaNames.map(_ + "_uw") + "add_uw" + "slli_uw"
+ val rv64uzba = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uzba", rv64uzbaNames)(_)
+ val rv32uzbbNames = LinkedHashSet("andn", "clz", "cpop", "ctz", "max", "maxu", "min", "minu", "orc_b", "orn", "rev8", "rol", "ror", "rori", "sext_b", "sext_h", "xnor", "zext_h")
+ val rv32uzbb = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32uzbb", rv32uzbbNames)(_)
+ val rv64uzbbNames = rv32uzbbNames + "clzw" + "cpopw" + "ctzw" + "rolw" + "roriw"
+ val rv64uzbb = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uzbb", rv64uzbbNames)(_)
+ val rv32uzbsNames = LinkedHashSet("bclr", "bclri", "bext", "bexti", "binv", "binvi", "bset", "bseti")
+ val rv32uzbs = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32uzbs", rv32uzbsNames)(_)
+ val rv64uzbsNames = rv32uzbsNames
+ val rv64uzbs = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uzbs", rv64uzbsNames)(_)
val rv64siNames = rv32siNames + "icache-alias"
val rv64si = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64si", rv64siNames)(_)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/system/SimAXIMem.scala b/src/main/scala/system/SimAXIMem.scala
index a0238522641..f0a08e6d5b8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/system/SimAXIMem.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/system/SimAXIMem.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.system // TODO this should really be in a testharness package
import chisel3._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.AMBACorrupt
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.{AXI4RAM, AXI4MasterNode, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Xbar, AXI4Buffer, AXI4Fragmenter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{CanHaveMasterAXI4MMIOPort, CanHaveMasterAXI4MemPort, ExtBus, ExtMem}
/** Memory with AXI port for use in elaboratable test harnesses.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/system/TestHarness.scala b/src/main/scala/system/TestHarness.scala
index a1e37dea169..80c711880aa 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/system/TestHarness.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/system/TestHarness.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.system
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.Debug
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.LazyModule
import freechips.rocketchip.util.AsyncResetReg
class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
@@ -16,8 +18,10 @@ class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val ldut = LazyModule(new ExampleRocketSystem)
val dut = Module(ldut.module)
+ ldut.io_clocks.get.elements.values.foreach(_.clock := clock)
// Allow the debug ndreset to reset the dut, but not until the initial reset has completed
- dut.reset := (reset.asBool | ldut.debug.map { debug => AsyncResetReg(debug.ndreset) }.getOrElse(false.B)).asBool
+ val dut_reset = (reset.asBool | ldut.debug.map { debug => AsyncResetReg(debug.ndreset) }.getOrElse(false.B)).asBool
+ ldut.io_clocks.get.elements.values.foreach(_.reset := dut_reset)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/BaseTile.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/BaseTile.scala
index c6e6a4b5a00..f8a872ff071 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/BaseTile.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/BaseTile.scala
@@ -4,34 +4,43 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.{log2Ceil, log2Up}
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{PropertyMap, PropertyOption, ResourceReference, DTSTimebase}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntInwardNode, IntOutwardNode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{ICacheParams, DCacheParams, BTBParams, ASIdBits, VMIdBits, TraceAux, BPWatch}
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{
+ HierarchicalElementParams, InstantiableHierarchicalElementParams, HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike,
+ CacheBlockBytes, SystemBusKey, BaseHierarchicalElement, InsertTimingClosureRegistersOnHartIds, BaseHierarchicalElementModuleImp
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLEphemeralNode, TLOutwardNode, TLNode, TLFragmenter, EarlyAck, TLWidthWidget, TLManagerParameters, ManagerUnification}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockCrossingType, ClockSinkParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{TraceCoreParams, TraceCoreInterface}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{BigIntToProperty, IntToProperty, StringToProperty}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
case object TileVisibilityNodeKey extends Field[TLEphemeralNode]
case object TileKey extends Field[TileParams]
case object LookupByHartId extends Field[LookupByHartIdImpl]
-trait TileParams {
+trait TileParams extends HierarchicalElementParams {
val core: CoreParams
val icache: Option[ICacheParams]
val dcache: Option[DCacheParams]
val btb: Option[BTBParams]
- val hartId: Int
- val beuAddr: Option[BigInt]
+ val tileId: Int // may not be hartid
val blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt]
- val name: Option[String]
- val clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters
-abstract class InstantiableTileParams[TileType <: BaseTile] extends TileParams {
- def instantiate(crossing: TileCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)
+abstract class InstantiableTileParams[TileType <: BaseTile]
+ extends InstantiableHierarchicalElementParams[TileType]
+ with TileParams {
+ def instantiate(crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)
(implicit p: Parameters): TileType
@@ -52,12 +61,12 @@ trait HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters {
def usingPTW: Boolean = usingVM
def usingDataScratchpad: Boolean = tileParams.dcache.flatMap(_.scratch).isDefined
- def xLen: Int = p(XLen)
+ def xLen: Int = tileParams.core.xLen
def xBytes: Int = xLen / 8
def iLen: Int = 32
def pgIdxBits: Int = 12
def pgLevelBits: Int = 10 - log2Ceil(xLen / 32)
- def pgLevels: Int = p(PgLevels)
+ def pgLevels: Int = tileParams.core.pgLevels
def maxSVAddrBits: Int = pgIdxBits + pgLevels * pgLevelBits
def maxHypervisorExtraAddrBits: Int = 2
def hypervisorExtraAddrBits: Int = {
@@ -74,18 +83,14 @@ trait HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters {
def vmIdBits: Int = p(VMIdBits)
lazy val maxPAddrBits: Int = {
require(xLen == 32 || xLen == 64, s"Only XLENs of 32 or 64 are supported, but got $xLen")
- xLen match { case 32 => 34; case 64 => 56 }
+ ((xLen, usingVM): @unchecked) match {
+ case (_, false) => xLen
+ case (32, true) => 34
+ case (64, true) => 56
+ }
- /** Use staticIdForMetadataUseOnly to emit information during the build or identify a component to diplomacy.
- *
- * Including it in a constructed Chisel circuit by converting it to a UInt will prevent
- * Chisel/FIRRTL from being able to deduplicate tiles that are otherwise homogeneous,
- * a property which is important for hierarchical place & route flows.
- */
- def staticIdForMetadataUseOnly: Int = tileParams.hartId
- @deprecated("use hartIdSinkNodeOpt.map(_.bundle) or staticIdForMetadataUseOnly", "rocket-chip 1.3")
- def hartId: Int = staticIdForMetadataUseOnly
+ def tileId: Int = tileParams.tileId
def cacheBlockBytes = p(CacheBlockBytes)
def lgCacheBlockBytes = log2Up(cacheBlockBytes)
@@ -103,25 +108,39 @@ trait HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters {
val f = if (tileParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty) "f" else ""
val d = if (tileParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty && tileParams.core.fpu.get.fLen > 32) "d" else ""
val c = if (tileParams.core.useCompressed) "c" else ""
- val v = if (tileParams.core.useVector) "v" else ""
+ val b = if (tileParams.core.useBitmanip) "b" else ""
+ val v = if (tileParams.core.useVector && tileParams.core.vLen >= 128 && tileParams.core.eLen == 64 && tileParams.core.vfLen == 64) "v" else ""
val h = if (usingHypervisor) "h" else ""
+ val ext_strs = Seq(
+ (tileParams.core.useVector) -> s"zvl${tileParams.core.vLen}b",
+ (tileParams.core.useVector) -> {
+ val c = tileParams.core.vfLen match {
+ case 64 => "d"
+ case 32 => "f"
+ case 0 => "x"
+ }
+ s"zve${tileParams.core.eLen}$c"
+ },
+ (tileParams.core.useVector && tileParams.core.vfh) -> "zvfh",
+ (tileParams.core.fpu.map(_.fLen >= 16).getOrElse(false) && tileParams.core.minFLen <= 16) -> "zfh",
+ (tileParams.core.useZba) -> "zba",
+ (tileParams.core.useZbb) -> "zbb",
+ (tileParams.core.useZbs) -> "zbs",
+ (tileParams.core.useConditionalZero) -> "zicond"
+ ).filter(_._1).map(_._2)
val multiLetterExt = (
// rdcycle[h], rdinstret[h] is implemented
// rdtime[h] is not implemented, and could be provided by software emulation
// see https://github.com/chipsalliance/rocket-chip/issues/3207
//Some(Seq("zicntr")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.useConditionalZero)(Seq("zicond")) ++
Some(Seq("zicsr", "zifencei", "zihpm")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.fpu.nonEmpty && tileParams.core.fpu.get.fLen >= 16 && tileParams.core.fpu.get.minFLen <= 16)(Seq("zfh")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.useBitManip)(Seq("zba", "zbb", "zbc")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.hasBitManipCrypto)(Seq("zbkb", "zbkc", "zbkx")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.useBitManip)(Seq("zbs")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.useCryptoNIST)(Seq("zknd", "zkne", "zknh")) ++
- Option.when(tileParams.core.useCryptoSM)(Seq("zksed", "zksh")) ++
+ Some(ext_strs) ++ Some(tileParams.core.vExts) ++
val multiLetterString = multiLetterExt.mkString("_")
- s"rv${p(XLen)}$ie$m$a$f$d$c$v$h$multiLetterString"
+ s"rv$xLen$ie$m$a$f$d$c$b$v$h$multiLetterString"
def tileProperties: PropertyMap = {
@@ -196,9 +215,8 @@ trait HasTileParameters extends HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters {
/** Base class for all Tiles that use TileLink */
-abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
- extends LazyModule()(q)
- with CrossesToOnlyOneClockDomain
+abstract class BaseTile private (crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
+ extends BaseHierarchicalElement(crossing)(q)
with HasNonDiplomaticTileParameters
// Public constructor alters Parameters to supply some legacy compatibility keys
@@ -210,19 +228,12 @@ abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
+ def intInwardNode: IntInwardNode // Interrupts to the core from external devices
+ def intOutwardNode: Option[IntOutwardNode] // Interrupts from tile-internal devices (e.g. BEU)
+ def haltNode: IntOutwardNode // Unrecoverable error has occurred; suggest reset
+ def ceaseNode: IntOutwardNode // Tile has ceased to retire instructions
+ def wfiNode: IntOutwardNode // Tile is waiting for an interrupt
def module: BaseTileModuleImp[BaseTile]
- def masterNode: TLOutwardNode
- def slaveNode: TLInwardNode
- def intInwardNode: IntInwardNode // Interrupts to the core from external devices
- def intOutwardNode: IntOutwardNode // Interrupts from tile-internal devices (e.g. BEU)
- def haltNode: IntOutwardNode // Unrecoverable error has occurred; suggest reset
- def ceaseNode: IntOutwardNode // Tile has ceased to retire instructions
- def wfiNode: IntOutwardNode // Tile is waiting for an interrupt
- protected val tlOtherMastersNode = TLIdentityNode()
- protected val tlMasterXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
- protected val tlSlaveXbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
- protected val intXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
/** Node for broadcasting a hart id to diplomatic consumers within the tile. */
val hartIdNexusNode: BundleBridgeNode[UInt] = BundleBroadcast[UInt](registered = p(InsertTimingClosureRegistersOnHartIds))
@@ -255,10 +266,10 @@ abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
resetVectorSinkNode := resetVectorNexusNode := BundleBridgeNameNode("reset_vector")
/** Nodes for connecting NMI interrupt sources and vectors into the tile */
- val nmiNexusNode: BundleBridgeNode[NMI] = BundleBroadcast[NMI]()
- val nmiSinkNode = BundleBridgeSink[NMI](Some(() => new NMI(visiblePhysAddrBits)))
- val nmiNode: BundleBridgeInwardNode[NMI] =
- nmiSinkNode := nmiNexusNode := BundleBridgeNameNode("nmi")
+ val nmiSinkNode = Option.when(tileParams.core.useNMI) {
+ BundleBridgeSink[NMI](Some(() => new NMI(visiblePhysAddrBits)))
+ }
+ val nmiNode: Option[BundleBridgeInwardNode[NMI]] = nmiSinkNode.map(_ := BundleBridgeNameNode("nmi"))
/** Node for broadcasting an address prefix to diplomatic consumers within the tile.
@@ -284,15 +295,14 @@ abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
protected def traceRetireWidth = tileParams.core.retireWidth
/** Node for the core to drive legacy "raw" instruction trace. */
val traceSourceNode = BundleBridgeSource(() => new TraceBundle)
- private val traceNexus = BundleBroadcast[TraceBundle]() // backwards compatiblity; not blocked during stretched reset
/** Node for external consumers to source a legacy instruction trace from the core. */
- val traceNode: BundleBridgeOutwardNode[TraceBundle] = traceNexus := traceSourceNode
+ val traceNode = traceSourceNode
- protected def traceCoreParams = new TraceCoreParams()
+ def traceCoreParams = new TraceCoreParams()
/** Node for core to drive instruction trace conforming to RISC-V Processor Trace spec V1.0 */
val traceCoreSourceNode = BundleBridgeSource(() => new TraceCoreInterface(traceCoreParams))
/** Node for external consumers to source a V1.0 instruction trace from the core. */
- val traceCoreNode: BundleBridgeOutwardNode[TraceCoreInterface] = traceCoreSourceNode
+ val traceCoreNode = traceCoreSourceNode
/** Node to broadcast collected trace sideband signals into the tile. */
val traceAuxNexusNode = BundleBridgeNexus[TraceAux](default = Some(() => {
@@ -352,22 +362,6 @@ abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
"hardware-exec-breakpoint-count" -> tileParams.core.nBreakpoints.asProperty
- /** Helper function to insert additional buffers on master ports at the boundary of the tile.
- *
- * The boundary buffering needed to cut feed-through paths is
- * microarchitecture specific, so this may need to be overridden
- * in subclasses of this class.
- */
- def makeMasterBoundaryBuffers(crossing: ClockCrossingType)(implicit p: Parameters) = TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)
- /** Helper function to insert additional buffers on slave ports at the boundary of the tile.
- *
- * The boundary buffering needed to cut feed-through paths is
- * microarchitecture specific, so this may need to be overridden
- * in subclasses of this class.
- */
- def makeSlaveBoundaryBuffers(crossing: ClockCrossingType)(implicit p: Parameters) = TLBuffer(BufferParams.none)
/** Can be used to access derived params calculated by HasCoreParameters
* However, callers must ensure they do not access a diplomatically-determined parameter
@@ -378,7 +372,7 @@ abstract class BaseTile private (val crossing: ClockCrossingType, q: Parameters)
new C
- this.suggestName(tileParams.name)
+ this.suggestName(tileParams.baseName)
-abstract class BaseTileModuleImp[+L <: BaseTile](val outer: L) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasTileParameters
+abstract class BaseTileModuleImp[+L <: BaseTile](outer: L) extends BaseHierarchicalElementModuleImp[L](outer)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/BusErrorUnit.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/BusErrorUnit.scala
index 65c91b38e21..850550afb80 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/BusErrorUnit.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/BusErrorUnit.scala
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
-// TODO: remove this import
-import chisel3.util.ImplicitConversions._
-import chisel3.util.Valid
-import chisel3.DontCare
+import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{DCacheErrors, ICacheErrors}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{DescribedReg, RegField, RegFieldDesc, RegFieldGroup}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLRegisterNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
trait BusErrors extends Bundle {
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ class L1BusErrors(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) with BusErrors
case class BusErrorUnitParams(addr: BigInt, size: Int = 4096)
-class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
+class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams, beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val regWidth = 64
val device = new SimpleDevice("bus-error-unit", Seq("sifive,buserror0"))
val intNode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(resources = device.int))
val node = TLRegisterNode(
address = Seq(AddressSet(params.addr, params.size-1)),
device = device,
- beatBytes = p(XLen)/8)
+ beatBytes = beatBytes)
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
@@ -95,17 +95,17 @@ class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams)(implicit
new_value := DontCare
for ((((s, en), acc), i) <- (sources zip enable zip accrued).zipWithIndex; if s.nonEmpty) {
when (s.get.valid) {
- acc := true
+ acc := true.B
when (en) {
- cause_wen := true
- new_cause := i
+ cause_wen := true.B
+ new_cause := i.asUInt
new_value := s.get.bits
property.cover(en, s"BusErrorCause_$i", s"Core;;BusErrorCause $i covered")
- when (cause === 0 && cause_wen) {
+ when (cause === 0.asUInt && cause_wen) {
cause := new_cause
value := new_value
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ class BusErrorUnit[T <: BusErrors](t: => T, params: BusErrorUnitParams)(implicit
// hardwire mask bits for unsupported sources to 0
for ((s, i) <- sources.zipWithIndex; if s.isEmpty) {
- enable(i) := false
- global_interrupt(i) := false
- accrued(i) := false
- local_interrupt(i) := false
+ enable(i) := false.B
+ global_interrupt(i) := false.B
+ accrued(i) := false.B
+ local_interrupt(i) := false.B
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/Core.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/Core.scala
index bb4d7abf6ae..1160247e73a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/Core.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/Core.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-case object XLen extends Field[Int]
case object MaxHartIdBits extends Field[Int]
// These parameters can be varied per-core
@@ -22,13 +21,13 @@ trait CoreParams {
val useAtomics: Boolean
val useAtomicsOnlyForIO: Boolean
val useCompressed: Boolean
- val useBitManip: Boolean
- val useBitManipCrypto: Boolean
val useVector: Boolean = false
- val useCryptoNIST: Boolean
- val useCryptoSM: Boolean
+ val vectorUseDCache: Boolean = false
val useRVE: Boolean
val useConditionalZero: Boolean
+ val useZba: Boolean
+ val useZbb: Boolean
+ val useZbs: Boolean
val mulDiv: Option[MulDivParams]
val fpu: Option[FPUParams]
val fetchWidth: Int
@@ -54,12 +53,13 @@ trait CoreParams {
val mtvecInit: Option[BigInt]
val mtvecWritable: Boolean
val traceHasWdata: Boolean
+ val xLen: Int
+ val pgLevels: Int
def traceCustom: Option[Data] = None
def customIsaExt: Option[String] = None
def customCSRs(implicit p: Parameters): CustomCSRs = new CustomCSRs
def hasSupervisorMode: Boolean = useSupervisor || useVM
- def hasBitManipCrypto: Boolean = useBitManipCrypto || useCryptoNIST || useCryptoSM
def instBytes: Int = instBits / 8
def fetchBytes: Int = fetchWidth * instBytes
def lrscCycles: Int
@@ -67,10 +67,16 @@ trait CoreParams {
def dcacheReqTagBits: Int = 6
def minFLen: Int = 32
def vLen: Int = 0
- def sLen: Int = 0
- def eLen(xLen: Int, fLen: Int): Int = xLen max fLen
+ def eLen: Int = 0
+ def vfLen: Int = 0
+ def vfh: Boolean = false
+ def vExts: Seq[String] = Nil
+ def hasV: Boolean = vLen >= 128 && eLen >= 64 && vfLen >= 64
def vMemDataBits: Int = 0
+ def useBitmanip = useZba && useZbb && useZbs
trait HasCoreParameters extends HasTileParameters {
@@ -85,11 +91,7 @@ trait HasCoreParameters extends HasTileParameters {
val usingAtomicsOnlyForIO = coreParams.useAtomicsOnlyForIO
val usingAtomicsInCache = usingAtomics && !usingAtomicsOnlyForIO
val usingCompressed = coreParams.useCompressed
- val usingBitManip = coreParams.useBitManip
- val usingBitManipCrypto = coreParams.hasBitManipCrypto
val usingVector = coreParams.useVector
- val usingCryptoNIST = coreParams.useCryptoNIST
- val usingCryptoSM = coreParams.useCryptoSM
val usingNMI = coreParams.useNMI
val usingConditionalZero = coreParams.useConditionalZero
@@ -114,15 +116,25 @@ trait HasCoreParameters extends HasTileParameters {
val traceHasWdata = coreParams.traceHasWdata
def vLen = coreParams.vLen
- def sLen = coreParams.sLen
- def eLen = coreParams.eLen(xLen, fLen)
+ def eLen = coreParams.eLen
+ def vfLen = coreParams.vfLen
def vMemDataBits = if (usingVector) coreParams.vMemDataBits else 0
def maxVLMax = vLen
if (usingVector) {
require(isPow2(vLen), s"vLen ($vLen) must be a power of 2")
require(eLen >= 32 && vLen % eLen == 0, s"eLen must divide vLen ($vLen) and be no less than 32")
- require(vMemDataBits >= eLen && vLen % vMemDataBits == 0, s"vMemDataBits ($vMemDataBits) must divide vLen ($vLen) and be no less than eLen ($eLen)")
+ require(eLen == 32 || eLen == 64)
+ require(vfLen <= eLen)
+ require(!coreParams.vfh || (vfLen >= 32 && coreParams.minFLen <= 16))
+ }
+ if (coreParams.useVM) {
+ if (coreParams.xLen == 32) {
+ require(coreParams.pgLevels == 2)
+ } else {
+ require(coreParams.pgLevels >= 3)
+ }
lazy val hartIdLen: Int = p(MaxHartIdBits)
@@ -145,33 +157,9 @@ abstract class CoreModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
abstract class CoreBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoreParameters
-class CoreInterrupts(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileInterrupts()(p) {
- val buserror = tileParams.beuAddr.map(a => Bool())
// This is a raw commit trace from the core, not the TraceCoreInterface
class TraceBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle with HasCoreParameters {
val insns = Vec(coreParams.retireWidth, new TracedInstruction)
val time = UInt(64.W)
val custom = coreParams.traceCustom
-trait HasCoreIO extends HasTileParameters {
- implicit val p: Parameters
- def nTotalRoCCCSRs: Int
- val io = IO(new CoreBundle()(p) {
- val hartid = Input(UInt(hartIdLen.W))
- val reset_vector = Input(UInt(resetVectorLen.W))
- val interrupts = Input(new CoreInterrupts())
- val imem = new FrontendIO
- val dmem = new HellaCacheIO
- val ptw = Flipped(new DatapathPTWIO())
- val fpu = Flipped(new FPUCoreIO())
- val rocc = Flipped(new RoCCCoreIO(nTotalRoCCCSRs))
- val trace = Output(new TraceBundle)
- val bpwatch = Output(Vec(coreParams.nBreakpoints, new BPWatch(coreParams.retireWidth)))
- val cease = Output(Bool())
- val wfi = Output(Bool())
- val traceStall = Input(Bool())
- })
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/FPU.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/FPU.scala
index 174cd38c7de..1affeb48769 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/FPU.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/FPU.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ case class FPUParams(
fLen: Int = 64,
divSqrt: Boolean = true,
sfmaLatency: Int = 3,
- dfmaLatency: Int = 4
+ dfmaLatency: Int = 4,
+ fpmuLatency: Int = 2,
+ ifpuLatency: Int = 2
object FPConstants
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ trait HasFPUCtrlSigs {
val div = Bool()
val sqrt = Bool()
val wflags = Bool()
+ val vec = Bool()
class FPUCtrlSigs extends Bundle with HasFPUCtrlSigs
@@ -57,121 +60,122 @@ class FPUDecoder(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
private val X2 = BitPat.dontCare(2)
- val default = List(X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X2,X2,X,X,X,X,X,X,X)
+ val default = List(X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X2,X2,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,N)
val h: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] =
- Array(FLH -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FSH -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_H_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_H_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_H_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_H_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_H_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMV_X_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCLASS_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_W_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_WU_H-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_L_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_LU_H-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_S_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_H_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FEQ_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLT_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLE_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJ_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJN_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJX_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FMIN_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FMAX_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMUL_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FDIV_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y),
- FSQRT_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, H,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y))
+ Array(FLH -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSH -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_H_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_H_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_H_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_H_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_H_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, H, H,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMV_X_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCLASS_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_W_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_WU_H-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_L_H -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_LU_H-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, H,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_S_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_H_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FEQ_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLT_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLE_H -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSGNJ_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJN_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJX_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMIN_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMAX_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMUL_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMADD_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMSUB_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FDIV_H -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, H, H,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N),
+ FSQRT_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, H,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N))
val f: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] =
- Array(FLW -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FSW -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_W_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_S_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_S_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_S_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_S_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMV_X_W -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCLASS_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_W_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_WU_S-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_L_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_LU_S-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FEQ_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLT_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLE_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJ_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJN_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJX_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FMIN_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FMAX_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMUL_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FDIV_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y),
- FSQRT_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, S,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y))
+ Array(FLW -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSW -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_W_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_S_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_S_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_S_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_S_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, S, S,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMV_X_W -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCLASS_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_W_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_WU_S-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_L_S -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_LU_S-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, S,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FEQ_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLT_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLE_S -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSGNJ_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJN_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJX_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMIN_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMAX_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMUL_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMADD_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMSUB_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FDIV_S -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, S, S,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N),
+ FSQRT_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, S,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N))
val d: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] =
- Array(FLD -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FSD -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FMV_D_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_D_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FMV_X_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCLASS_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
- FCVT_W_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_WU_D-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_L_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_LU_D-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_S_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FEQ_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLT_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FLE_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y),
- FSGNJ_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJN_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FSGNJX_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N),
- FMIN_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FMAX_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMUL_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FMSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FNMSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y),
- FDIV_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y),
- FSQRT_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, D,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y))
+ Array(FLD -> List(Y,Y,N,N,N,X,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSD -> List(Y,N,N,Y,N,Y,X, I, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMV_D_X -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, I,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_D_W -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_D_WU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_D_L -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_D_LU-> List(N,Y,N,N,N,X,X, D, D,Y,N,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMV_X_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, I, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCLASS_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FCVT_W_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_WU_D-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_L_D -> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_LU_D-> List(N,N,Y,N,N,N,X, D,X2,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_S_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, S,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_D_S -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, S, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FEQ_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLT_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FLE_D -> List(N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,Y,N,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSGNJ_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJN_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FSGNJX_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,N,N),
+ FMIN_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMAX_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMUL_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FMSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMADD_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FNMSUB_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,Y,N,N,Y,N),
+ FDIV_D -> List(N,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N, D, D,N,N,N,N,Y,N,Y,N),
+ FSQRT_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, D,N,N,N,N,N,Y,Y,N))
val fcvt_hd: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] =
- Array(FCVT_H_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y),
- FCVT_D_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y))
+ Array(FCVT_H_D -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, D, H,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N),
+ FCVT_D_H -> List(N,Y,Y,N,N,N,X, H, D,N,N,Y,N,N,N,Y,N))
+ val vfmv_f_s: Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])] =
+ Array(VFMV_F_S -> List(N,Y,N,N,N,N,X,X2,X2,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,Y))
- val insns = (minFLen, fLen) match {
+ val insns = ((minFLen, fLen) match {
case (32, 32) => f
case (16, 32) => h ++ f
case (32, 64) => f ++ d
case (16, 64) => h ++ f ++ d ++ fcvt_hd
case other => throw new Exception(s"minFLen = ${minFLen} & fLen = ${fLen} is an unsupported configuration")
- }
+ }) ++ (if (usingVector) vfmv_f_s else Array[(BitPat, List[BitPat])]())
val decoder = DecodeLogic(io.inst, default, insns)
val s = io.sigs
val sigs = Seq(s.ldst, s.wen, s.ren1, s.ren2, s.ren3, s.swap12,
s.swap23, s.typeTagIn, s.typeTagOut, s.fromint, s.toint,
- s.fastpipe, s.fma, s.div, s.sqrt, s.wflags)
+ s.fastpipe, s.fma, s.div, s.sqrt, s.wflags, s.vec)
sigs zip decoder map {case(s,d) => s := d}
@@ -185,13 +189,15 @@ class FPUCoreIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val fcsr_rm = Input(Bits(FPConstants.RM_SZ.W))
val fcsr_flags = Valid(Bits(FPConstants.FLAGS_SZ.W))
+ val v_sew = Input(UInt(3.W))
val store_data = Output(Bits(fLen.W))
val toint_data = Output(Bits(xLen.W))
- val dmem_resp_val = Input(Bool())
- val dmem_resp_type = Input(Bits(3.W))
- val dmem_resp_tag = Input(UInt(5.W))
- val dmem_resp_data = Input(Bits(fLen.W))
+ val ll_resp_val = Input(Bool())
+ val ll_resp_type = Input(Bits(3.W))
+ val ll_resp_tag = Input(UInt(5.W))
+ val ll_resp_data = Input(Bits(fLen.W))
val valid = Input(Bool())
val fcsr_rdy = Output(Bool())
@@ -466,22 +472,23 @@ class FPToInt(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) with ShouldBeRetime
dcmp.io.signaling := !in.rm(1)
val tag = in.typeTagOut
- val store = (floatTypes.map(t => if (t == FType.H) Fill(maxType.ieeeWidth / minXLen, ieee(in.in1)(15, 0).sextTo(minXLen))
- else Fill(maxType.ieeeWidth / t.ieeeWidth, ieee(in.in1)(t.ieeeWidth - 1, 0))): Seq[UInt])(tag)
- val toint = WireDefault(store)
+ val toint_ieee = (floatTypes.map(t => if (t == FType.H) Fill(maxType.ieeeWidth / minXLen, ieee(in.in1)(15, 0).sextTo(minXLen))
+ else Fill(maxType.ieeeWidth / t.ieeeWidth, ieee(in.in1)(t.ieeeWidth - 1, 0))): Seq[UInt])(tag)
+ val toint = WireDefault(toint_ieee)
val intType = WireDefault(in.fmt(0))
- io.out.bits.store := store
+ io.out.bits.store := (floatTypes.map(t => Fill(fLen / t.ieeeWidth, ieee(in.in1)(t.ieeeWidth - 1, 0))): Seq[UInt])(tag)
io.out.bits.toint := ((0 until nIntTypes).map(i => toint((minXLen << i) - 1, 0).sextTo(xLen)): Seq[UInt])(intType)
io.out.bits.exc := 0.U
when (in.rm(0)) {
val classify_out = (floatTypes.map(t => t.classify(maxType.unsafeConvert(in.in1, t))): Seq[UInt])(tag)
- toint := classify_out | (store >> minXLen << minXLen)
+ toint := classify_out | (toint_ieee >> minXLen << minXLen)
intType := false.B
when (in.wflags) { // feq/flt/fle, fcvt
- toint := (~in.rm & Cat(dcmp.io.lt, dcmp.io.eq)).orR | (store >> minXLen << minXLen)
+ toint := (~in.rm & Cat(dcmp.io.lt, dcmp.io.eq)).orR | (toint_ieee >> minXLen << minXLen)
io.out.bits.exc := dcmp.io.exceptionFlags
intType := false.B
@@ -625,6 +632,7 @@ class FPToFP(val latency: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) wi
class MulAddRecFNPipe(latency: Int, expWidth: Int, sigWidth: Int) extends Module
+ override def desiredName = s"MulAddRecFNPipe_l${latency}_e${expWidth}_s${sigWidth}"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
@@ -688,6 +696,7 @@ class MulAddRecFNPipe(latency: Int, expWidth: Int, sigWidth: Int) extends Module
class FPUFMAPipe(val latency: Int, val t: FType)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) with ShouldBeRetimed {
+ override def desiredName = s"FPUFMAPipe_l${latency}_f${t.ieeeWidth}"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
@@ -727,7 +736,9 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val io = IO(new FPUIO)
val (useClockGating, useDebugROB) = coreParams match {
- case r: RocketCoreParams => (r.clockGate, r.debugROB)
+ case r: RocketCoreParams =>
+ val sz = if (r.debugROB.isDefined) r.debugROB.get.size else 1
+ (r.clockGate, sz < 1)
case _ => (false, false)
val clock_en_reg = Reg(Bool())
@@ -738,18 +749,31 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val fp_decoder = Module(new FPUDecoder)
fp_decoder.io.inst := io.inst
- val id_ctrl = fp_decoder.io.sigs
+ val id_ctrl = WireInit(fp_decoder.io.sigs)
+ coreParams match { case r: RocketCoreParams => r.vector.map(v => {
+ val v_decode = v.decoder(p) // Only need to get ren1
+ v_decode.io.inst := io.inst
+ v_decode.io.vconfig := DontCare // core deals with this
+ when (v_decode.io.legal && v_decode.io.read_frs1) {
+ id_ctrl.ren1 := true.B
+ id_ctrl.swap12 := false.B
+ id_ctrl.toint := true.B
+ id_ctrl.typeTagIn := I
+ id_ctrl.typeTagOut := Mux(io.v_sew === 3.U, D, S)
+ }
+ when (v_decode.io.write_frd) { id_ctrl.wen := true.B }
+ })}
val ex_reg_valid = RegNext(io.valid, false.B)
val ex_reg_inst = RegEnable(io.inst, io.valid)
val ex_reg_ctrl = RegEnable(id_ctrl, io.valid)
val ex_ra = List.fill(3)(Reg(UInt()))
- // load response
- val load_wb = RegNext(io.dmem_resp_val)
- val load_wb_typeTag = RegEnable(io.dmem_resp_type(1,0) - typeTagWbOffset, io.dmem_resp_val)
- val load_wb_data = RegEnable(io.dmem_resp_data, io.dmem_resp_val)
- val load_wb_tag = RegEnable(io.dmem_resp_tag, io.dmem_resp_val)
+ // load/vector response
+ val load_wb = RegNext(io.ll_resp_val)
+ val load_wb_typeTag = RegEnable(io.ll_resp_type(1,0) - typeTagWbOffset, io.ll_resp_val)
+ val load_wb_data = RegEnable(io.ll_resp_data, io.ll_resp_val)
+ val load_wb_tag = RegEnable(io.ll_resp_tag, io.ll_resp_val)
class FPUImpl { // entering gated-clock domain
@@ -833,6 +857,10 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
req.fmaCmd := ex_reg_inst(3,2) | (!ex_ctrl.ren3 && ex_reg_inst(27))
when (ex_cp_valid) {
req := io.cp_req.bits
+ when (io.cp_req.bits.swap12) {
+ req.in1 := io.cp_req.bits.in2
+ req.in2 := io.cp_req.bits.in1
+ }
when (io.cp_req.bits.swap23) {
req.in2 := io.cp_req.bits.in3
req.in3 := io.cp_req.bits.in2
@@ -855,12 +883,12 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
io.cp_resp.valid := true.B
- val ifpu = Module(new IntToFP(2))
+ val ifpu = Module(new IntToFP(cfg.ifpuLatency))
ifpu.io.in.valid := req_valid && ex_ctrl.fromint
ifpu.io.in.bits := fpiu.io.in.bits
ifpu.io.in.bits.in1 := Mux(ex_cp_valid, io.cp_req.bits.in1, io.fromint_data)
- val fpmu = Module(new FPToFP(2))
+ val fpmu = Module(new FPToFP(cfg.fpmuLatency))
fpmu.io.in.valid := req_valid && ex_ctrl.fastpipe
fpmu.io.in.bits := fpiu.io.in.bits
fpmu.io.lt := fpiu.io.out.bits.lt
@@ -868,6 +896,7 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val divSqrt_wen = WireDefault(false.B)
val divSqrt_inFlight = WireDefault(false.B)
val divSqrt_waddr = Reg(UInt(5.W))
+ val divSqrt_cp = Reg(Bool())
val divSqrt_typeTag = Wire(UInt(log2Up(floatTypes.size).W))
val divSqrt_wdata = Wire(UInt((fLen+1).W))
val divSqrt_flags = Wire(UInt(FPConstants.FLAGS_SZ.W))
@@ -932,6 +961,7 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val waddr = Mux(divSqrt_wen, divSqrt_waddr, wbInfo(0).rd)
+ val wb_cp = Mux(divSqrt_wen, divSqrt_cp, wbInfo(0).cp)
val wtypeTag = Mux(divSqrt_wen, divSqrt_typeTag, wbInfo(0).typeTag)
val wdata = box(Mux(divSqrt_wen, divSqrt_wdata, (pipes.map(_.res.data): Seq[UInt])(wbInfo(0).pipeid)), wtypeTag)
val wexc = (pipes.map(_.res.exc): Seq[UInt])(wbInfo(0).pipeid)
@@ -949,11 +979,16 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
DebugROB.pushWb(clock, reset, io.hartid, (!wbInfo(0).cp && wen(0)) || divSqrt_wen, waddr + 32.U, ieee(wdata))
- when (wbInfo(0).cp && wen(0)) {
+ when (wb_cp && (wen(0) || divSqrt_wen)) {
io.cp_resp.bits.data := wdata
io.cp_resp.valid := true.B
- io.cp_req.ready := !ex_reg_valid
+ assert(!io.cp_req.valid || pipes.forall(_.lat == pipes.head.lat).B,
+ s"FPU only supports coprocessor if FMA pipes have uniform latency ${pipes.map(_.lat)}")
+ // Avoid structural hazards and nacking of external requests
+ // toint responds in the MEM stage, so an incoming toint can induce a structural hazard against inflight FMAs
+ io.cp_req.ready := !ex_reg_valid && !(cp_ctrl.toint && wen =/= 0.U) && !divSqrt_inFlight
val wb_toint_valid = wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.toint
val wb_toint_exc = RegEnable(fpiu.io.out.bits.exc, mem_ctrl.toint)
@@ -965,10 +1000,10 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val divSqrt_write_port_busy = (mem_ctrl.div || mem_ctrl.sqrt) && wen.orR
io.fcsr_rdy := !(ex_reg_valid && ex_ctrl.wflags || mem_reg_valid && mem_ctrl.wflags || wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.toint || wen.orR || divSqrt_inFlight)
- io.nack_mem := write_port_busy || divSqrt_write_port_busy || divSqrt_inFlight
- io.dec <> fp_decoder.io.sigs
+ io.nack_mem := (write_port_busy || divSqrt_write_port_busy || divSqrt_inFlight) && !mem_cp_valid
+ io.dec <> id_ctrl
def useScoreboard(f: ((Pipe, Int)) => Bool) = pipes.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1.lat > 3).map(x => f(x)).fold(false.B)(_||_)
- io.sboard_set := wb_reg_valid && !wb_cp_valid && RegNext(useScoreboard(_._1.cond(mem_ctrl)) || mem_ctrl.div || mem_ctrl.sqrt)
+ io.sboard_set := wb_reg_valid && !wb_cp_valid && RegNext(useScoreboard(_._1.cond(mem_ctrl)) || mem_ctrl.div || mem_ctrl.sqrt || mem_ctrl.vec)
io.sboard_clr := !wb_cp_valid && (divSqrt_wen || (wen(0) && useScoreboard(x => wbInfo(0).pipeid === x._2.U)))
io.sboard_clra := waddr
ccover(io.sboard_clr && load_wb, "DUAL_WRITEBACK", "load and FMA writeback on same cycle")
@@ -980,6 +1015,7 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
val divSqrt_killed = RegNext(divSqrt_inValid && killm, true.B)
when (divSqrt_inValid) {
divSqrt_waddr := mem_reg_inst(11,7)
+ divSqrt_cp := mem_cp_valid
ccover(divSqrt_inFlight && divSqrt_killed, "DIV_KILLED", "divide killed after issued to divider")
@@ -1019,7 +1055,7 @@ class FPU(cfg: FPUParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUModule()(p) {
mem_reg_valid || mem_cp_valid || // MEM stage
wb_reg_valid || wb_cp_valid || // WB stage
wen.orR || divSqrt_inFlight || // post-WB stage
- io.dmem_resp_val // load writeback
+ io.ll_resp_val // load writeback
} // leaving gated-clock domain
val fpuImpl = withClock (gated_clock) { new FPUImpl }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/Interrupts.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/Interrupts.scala
index 1efdde5983c..6ae4da3d5d2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/Interrupts.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/Interrupts.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{RegEnable, log2Ceil}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Device, DeviceSnippet, Description, ResourceBinding, ResourceInt}
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntIdentityNode, IntSinkNode, IntSinkPortSimple, IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.CanHaveErrors
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{IntToProperty, StringToProperty}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
class NMI(val w: Int) extends Bundle {
val rnmi = Bool()
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/LazyRoCC.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/LazyRoCC.scala
index c0218d00312..3b869b9aca4 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/LazyRoCC.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/LazyRoCC.scala
@@ -5,12 +5,18 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import chisel3.util.HasBlackBoxResource
import chisel3.experimental.IntParam
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{
+ MStatus, HellaCacheIO, TLBPTWIO, CanHavePTW, CanHavePTWModule,
+ SimpleHellaCacheIF, M_XRD, PTE, PRV, M_SZ
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{
+ TLNode, TLIdentityNode, TLClientNode, TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters
import freechips.rocketchip.util.InOrderArbiter
case object BuildRoCC extends Field[Seq[Parameters => LazyRoCC]](Nil)
@@ -65,6 +71,7 @@ abstract class LazyRoCC(
require(roccCSRs.map(_.id).toSet.size == roccCSRs.size)
val atlNode: TLNode = TLIdentityNode()
val tlNode: TLNode = TLIdentityNode()
+ val stlNode: TLNode = TLIdentityNode()
class LazyRoCCModuleImp(outer: LazyRoCC) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
@@ -81,13 +88,14 @@ trait HasLazyRoCC extends CanHavePTW { this: BaseTile =>
"LazyRoCC instantiations require overlapping CSRs")
roccs.map(_.atlNode).foreach { atl => tlMasterXbar.node :=* atl }
roccs.map(_.tlNode).foreach { tl => tlOtherMastersNode :=* tl }
+ roccs.map(_.stlNode).foreach { stl => stl :*= tlSlaveXbar.node }
nPTWPorts += roccs.map(_.nPTWPorts).sum
nDCachePorts += roccs.size
trait HasLazyRoCCModule extends CanHavePTWModule
- with HasCoreParameters { this: RocketTileModuleImp with HasFpuOpt =>
+ with HasCoreParameters { this: RocketTileModuleImp =>
val (respArb, cmdRouter) = if(outer.roccs.nonEmpty) {
val respArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new RoCCResponse()(outer.p), outer.roccs.size))
@@ -100,23 +108,6 @@ trait HasLazyRoCCModule extends CanHavePTWModule
dcachePorts += dcIF.io.cache
respArb.io.in(i) <> Queue(rocc.module.io.resp)
- fpuOpt foreach { fpu =>
- val nFPUPorts = outer.roccs.count(_.usesFPU)
- if (usingFPU && nFPUPorts > 0) {
- val fpArb = Module(new InOrderArbiter(new FPInput()(outer.p), new FPResult()(outer.p), nFPUPorts))
- val fp_rocc_ios = outer.roccs.filter(_.usesFPU).map(_.module.io)
- fpArb.io.in_req <> fp_rocc_ios.map(_.fpu_req)
- fp_rocc_ios.zip(fpArb.io.in_resp).foreach {
- case (rocc, arb) => rocc.fpu_resp <> arb
- }
- fpu.io.cp_req <> fpArb.io.out_req
- fpArb.io.out_resp <> fpu.io.cp_resp
- } else {
- fpu.io.cp_req.valid := false.B
- fpu.io.cp_resp.ready := false.B
- }
- }
(Some(respArb), Some(cmdRouter))
} else {
(None, None)
@@ -193,6 +184,7 @@ class AccumulatorExampleModuleImp(outer: AccumulatorExample)(implicit p: Paramet
io.mem.req.bits.phys := false.B
io.mem.req.bits.dprv := cmd.bits.status.dprv
io.mem.req.bits.dv := cmd.bits.status.dv
+ io.mem.req.bits.no_resp := false.B
class TranslatorExample(opcodes: OpcodeSet)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyRoCC(opcodes, nPTWPorts = 1) {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/LookupByHartId.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/LookupByHartId.scala
index 263dd43c66f..631bb8f651e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/LookupByHartId.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/LookupByHartId.scala
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ abstract class LookupByHartIdImpl {
case class HartsWontDeduplicate(t: TileParams) extends LookupByHartIdImpl {
- def apply[T <: Data](f: TileParams => Option[T], hartId: UInt): T = f(t).get
+ def apply[T <: Data](f: TileParams => Option[T], tileId: UInt): T = f(t).get
case class PriorityMuxHartIdFromSeq(seq: Seq[TileParams]) extends LookupByHartIdImpl {
- def apply[T <: Data](f: TileParams => Option[T], hartId: UInt): T =
- PriorityMux(seq.collect { case t if f(t).isDefined => (t.hartId.U === hartId) -> f(t).get })
+ def apply[T <: Data](f: TileParams => Option[T], tileId: UInt): T =
+ PriorityMux(seq.collect { case t if f(t).isDefined => (t.tileId.U === tileId) -> f(t).get })
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/RocketTile.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/RocketTile.scala
index 2527e135e1d..619e7d836ca 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/RocketTile.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/RocketTile.scala
@@ -4,15 +4,29 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tile
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket._
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.TileCrossingParamsLike
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BasicBusBlockerParams, BasicBusBlocker}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
+ AddressSet, DisableMonitors, BufferParams
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{
+ SimpleDevice, Description,
+ ResourceAnchors, ResourceBindings, ResourceBinding, Resource, ResourceAddress,
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.IntIdentityNode
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLIdentityNode, TLBuffer}
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{
+ RocketCoreParams, ICacheParams, DCacheParams, BTBParams, HasHellaCache,
+ HasICacheFrontend, ScratchpadSlavePort, HasICacheFrontendModule, Rocket
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters, RationalCrossing, ClockCrossingType}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Annotated, InOrderArbiter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
case class RocketTileBoundaryBufferParams(force: Boolean = false)
@@ -22,16 +36,17 @@ case class RocketTileParams(
dcache: Option[DCacheParams] = Some(DCacheParams()),
btb: Option[BTBParams] = Some(BTBParams()),
dataScratchpadBytes: Int = 0,
- name: Option[String] = Some("tile"),
- hartId: Int = 0,
+ tileId: Int = 0,
beuAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters = ClockSinkParameters(),
boundaryBuffers: Option[RocketTileBoundaryBufferParams] = None
- ) extends InstantiableTileParams[RocketTile] {
+ ) extends InstantiableTileParams[RocketTile] {
- def instantiate(crossing: TileCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters): RocketTile = {
+ val baseName = "rockettile"
+ val uniqueName = s"${baseName}_$tileId"
+ def instantiate(crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters): RocketTile = {
new RocketTile(this, crossing, lookup)
@@ -49,10 +64,10 @@ class RocketTile private(
with HasICacheFrontend
// Private constructor ensures altered LazyModule.p is used implicitly
- def this(params: RocketTileParams, crossing: TileCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters) =
+ def this(params: RocketTileParams, crossing: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, lookup: LookupByHartIdImpl)(implicit p: Parameters) =
this(params, crossing.crossingType, lookup, p)
- val intOutwardNode = IntIdentityNode()
+ val intOutwardNode = rocketParams.beuAddr map { _ => IntIdentityNode() }
val slaveNode = TLIdentityNode()
val masterNode = visibilityNode
@@ -62,8 +77,8 @@ class RocketTile private(
dtim_adapter.foreach(lm => connectTLSlave(lm.node, lm.node.portParams.head.beatBytes))
val bus_error_unit = rocketParams.beuAddr map { a =>
- val beu = LazyModule(new BusErrorUnit(new L1BusErrors, BusErrorUnitParams(a)))
- intOutwardNode := beu.intNode
+ val beu = LazyModule(new BusErrorUnit(new L1BusErrors, BusErrorUnitParams(a), xLen/8))
+ intOutwardNode.get := beu.intNode
connectTLSlave(beu.node, xBytes)
@@ -80,7 +95,7 @@ class RocketTile private(
masterNode :=* tlOtherMastersNode
DisableMonitors { implicit p => tlSlaveXbar.node :*= slaveNode }
- nDCachePorts += 1 /*core */ + (dtim_adapter.isDefined).toInt
+ nDCachePorts += 1 /*core */ + (dtim_adapter.isDefined).toInt + rocketParams.core.vector.map(_.useDCache.toInt).getOrElse(0)
val dtimProperty = dtim_adapter.map(d => Map(
"sifive,dtim" -> d.device.asProperty)).getOrElse(Nil)
@@ -99,8 +114,13 @@ class RocketTile private(
+ val vector_unit = rocketParams.core.vector.map(v => LazyModule(v.build(p)))
+ vector_unit.foreach(vu => tlMasterXbar.node :=* vu.atlNode)
+ vector_unit.foreach(vu => tlOtherMastersNode :=* vu.tlNode)
ResourceBinding {
- Resource(cpuDevice, "reg").bind(ResourceAddress(staticIdForMetadataUseOnly))
+ Resource(cpuDevice, "reg").bind(ResourceAddress(tileId))
override lazy val module = new RocketTileModuleImp(this)
@@ -125,6 +145,10 @@ class RocketTileModuleImp(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModuleImp(outer)
Annotated.params(this, outer.rocketParams)
val core = Module(new Rocket(outer)(outer.p))
+ outer.vector_unit.foreach { v =>
+ core.io.vector.get <> v.module.io.core
+ v.module.io.tlb <> outer.dcache.module.io.tlb_port
+ }
// reset vector is connected in the Frontend to s2_pc
core.io.reset_vector := DontCare
@@ -149,7 +173,7 @@ class RocketTileModuleImp(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModuleImp(outer)
beu.module.io.errors.icache := outer.frontend.module.io.errors
- core.io.interrupts.nmi.foreach { nmi => nmi := outer.nmiSinkNode.bundle }
+ core.io.interrupts.nmi.foreach { nmi => nmi := outer.nmiSinkNode.get.bundle }
// Pass through various external constants and reports that were bundle-bridged into the tile
outer.traceSourceNode.bundle <> core.io.trace
@@ -164,12 +188,15 @@ class RocketTileModuleImp(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModuleImp(outer)
dcachePorts += core.io.dmem // TODO outer.dcachePorts += () => module.core.io.dmem ??
fpuOpt foreach { fpu =>
core.io.fpu :<>= fpu.io.waiveAs[FPUCoreIO](_.cp_req, _.cp_resp)
- fpu.io.cp_req := DontCare
- fpu.io.cp_resp := DontCare
if (fpuOpt.isEmpty) {
core.io.fpu := DontCare
+ outer.vector_unit foreach { v => if (outer.rocketParams.core.vector.get.useDCache) {
+ dcachePorts += v.module.io.dmem
+ } else {
+ v.module.io.dmem := DontCare
+ } }
core.io.ptw <> ptw.io.dpath
// Connect the coprocessor interfaces
@@ -185,7 +212,7 @@ class RocketTileModuleImp(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModuleImp(outer)
core.io.rocc.resp <> respArb.get.io.out
core.io.rocc.busy <> (cmdRouter.get.io.busy || outer.roccs.map(_.module.io.busy).reduce(_ || _))
core.io.rocc.interrupt := outer.roccs.map(_.module.io.interrupt).reduce(_ || _)
- (core.io.rocc.csrs zip roccCSRIOs.flatten).foreach { t => t._2 := t._1 }
+ (core.io.rocc.csrs zip roccCSRIOs.flatten).foreach { t => t._2 <> t._1 }
} else {
// tie off
core.io.rocc.cmd.ready := false.B
@@ -213,4 +240,27 @@ class RocketTileModuleImp(outer: RocketTile) extends BaseTileModuleImp(outer)
trait HasFpuOpt { this: RocketTileModuleImp =>
val fpuOpt = outer.tileParams.core.fpu.map(params => Module(new FPU(params)(outer.p)))
+ fpuOpt.foreach { fpu =>
+ val nRoCCFPUPorts = outer.roccs.count(_.usesFPU)
+ val nFPUPorts = nRoCCFPUPorts + outer.rocketParams.core.useVector.toInt
+ if (nFPUPorts > 0) {
+ val fpArb = Module(new InOrderArbiter(new FPInput()(outer.p), new FPResult()(outer.p), nFPUPorts))
+ fpu.io.cp_req <> fpArb.io.out_req
+ fpArb.io.out_resp <> fpu.io.cp_resp
+ val fp_rocc_ios = outer.roccs.filter(_.usesFPU).map(_.module.io)
+ for (i <- 0 until nRoCCFPUPorts) {
+ fpArb.io.in_req(i) <> fp_rocc_ios(i).fpu_req
+ fp_rocc_ios(i).fpu_resp <> fpArb.io.in_resp(i)
+ }
+ outer.vector_unit.foreach(vu => {
+ fpArb.io.in_req(nRoCCFPUPorts) <> vu.module.io.fp_req
+ vu.module.io.fp_resp <> fpArb.io.in_resp(nRoCCFPUPorts)
+ })
+ } else {
+ fpu.io.cp_req.valid := false.B
+ fpu.io.cp_req.bits := DontCare
+ fpu.io.cp_resp.ready := false.B
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tile/TilePRCIDomain.scala b/src/main/scala/tile/TilePRCIDomain.scala
index 73972bec4de..80c31f5a4d7 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tile/TilePRCIDomain.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tile/TilePRCIDomain.scala
@@ -2,30 +2,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tile
-import chisel3.Vec
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci._
-import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.{TracedInstruction}
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{TileCrossingParamsLike, CrossesToOnlyOneResetDomain}
-import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.{TraceCoreInterface}
+import chisel3._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.ClockSinkParameters
+import freechips.rocketchip.rocket.TracedInstruction
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike, HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.TraceCoreInterface
-/** A wrapper containing all logic within a managed reset domain for a tile.
- *
- * This does not add a layer of the module hierarchy.
- */
-class TileResetDomain(clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters, resetCrossingType: ResetCrossingType)
- (implicit p: Parameters)
- extends ResetDomain
- with CrossesToOnlyOneResetDomain
- def crossing = resetCrossingType
- val clockNode = ClockSinkNode(Seq(clockSinkParams))
- def clockBundle = clockNode.in.head._1
- override def shouldBeInlined = true
/** A wrapper containing all logic necessary to safely place a tile
* inside of a particular Power/Reset/Clock/Interrupt domain.
@@ -37,77 +22,9 @@ class TileResetDomain(clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters, resetCrossingType: R
abstract class TilePRCIDomain[T <: BaseTile](
clockSinkParams: ClockSinkParameters,
- crossingParams: TileCrossingParamsLike)
+ crossingParams: HierarchicalElementCrossingParamsLike)
(implicit p: Parameters)
- extends ClockDomain
+ extends HierarchicalElementPRCIDomain[T](clockSinkParams, crossingParams)
- val tile: T
- val tile_reset_domain = LazyModule(new TileResetDomain(clockSinkParams, crossingParams.resetCrossingType))
- val tapClockNode = ClockIdentityNode()
- val clockNode = FixedClockBroadcast(None) :=* tapClockNode
- lazy val clockBundle = tapClockNode.in.head._1
- private val traceSignalName = "trace"
- private val traceCoreSignalName = "tracecore"
- /** Node to broadcast legacy "raw" instruction trace while surpressing it during (async) reset. */
- val traceNode: BundleBridgeIdentityNode[TraceBundle] = BundleBridgeNameNode(traceSignalName)
- /** Node to broadcast standardized instruction trace while surpressing it during (async) reset. */
- val traceCoreNode: BundleBridgeIdentityNode[TraceCoreInterface] = BundleBridgeNameNode(traceCoreSignalName)
- /** Function to handle all trace crossings when tile is instantiated inside domains */
- def crossTracesOut(): Unit = this {
- val traceNexusNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceBundle](
- resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType,
- name = Some(traceSignalName))
- traceNode :*= traceNexusNode := tile.traceNode
- val traceCoreNexusNode = BundleBridgeBlockDuringReset[TraceCoreInterface](
- resetCrossingType = crossingParams.resetCrossingType,
- name = Some(traceCoreSignalName))
- traceCoreNode :*= traceCoreNexusNode := tile.traceCoreNode
- }
- /** External code looking to connect and clock-cross the interrupts driven into this tile can call this. */
- def crossIntIn(crossingType: ClockCrossingType): IntInwardNode = {
- // Unlike the other crossing helpers, here nothing is is blocked during reset because we know these are inputs and assume that tile reset is longer than uncore reset
- val intInClockXing = this.crossIn(tile.intInwardNode)
- intInClockXing(crossingType)
- }
- /** External code looking to connect and clock/reset-cross
- * - interrupts raised by devices inside this tile
- * - notifications raise by the cores and caches
- * can call this function to instantiate the required crossing hardware.
- * Takes crossingType as an argument because some interrupts are supposed to be synchronous
- * Takes tileNode as an argument because tiles might have multiple outbound interrupt nodes
- */
- def crossIntOut(crossingType: ClockCrossingType, tileNode: IntOutwardNode): IntOutwardNode = {
- val intOutResetXing = this { tile_reset_domain.crossIntOut(tileNode) }
- val intOutClockXing = this.crossOut(intOutResetXing)
- intOutClockXing(crossingType)
- }
- /** External code looking to connect the ports where this tile is slaved to an interconnect
- * (while also crossing clock domains) can call this.
- */
- def crossSlavePort(crossingType: ClockCrossingType): TLInwardNode = { DisableMonitors { implicit p => FlipRendering { implicit p =>
- val tlSlaveResetXing = this {
- tile_reset_domain.crossTLIn(tile.slaveNode) :*=
- tile { tile.makeSlaveBoundaryBuffers(crossingType) }
- }
- val tlSlaveClockXing = this.crossIn(tlSlaveResetXing)
- tlSlaveClockXing(crossingType)
- } } }
- /** External code looking to connect the ports where this tile masters an interconnect
- * (while also crossing clock domains) can call this.
- */
- def crossMasterPort(crossingType: ClockCrossingType): TLOutwardNode = {
- val tlMasterResetXing = this { DisableMonitors { implicit p =>
- tile { tile.makeMasterBoundaryBuffers(crossingType) } :=*
- tile_reset_domain.crossTLOut(tile.masterNode)
- } }
- val tlMasterClockXing = this.crossOut(tlMasterResetXing)
- tlMasterClockXing(crossingType)
- }
+ def tile_reset_domain = element_reset_domain
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AddressAdjuster.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AddressAdjuster.scala
index d4a1fc7bbf1..c9de5710ed2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AddressAdjuster.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AddressAdjuster.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
class AddressAdjuster(
val params: ReplicatedRegion, // only devices in this region get adjusted
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AsyncCrossing.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AsyncCrossing.scala
index f974cf3e270..3eb96dd3c74 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AsyncCrossing.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AsyncCrossing.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, NodeHandle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{AsynchronousCrossing}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CrossingWrapper
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{AsyncQueueParams, ToAsyncBundle, FromAsyncBundle, Pow2ClockDivider, property}
class TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync: Option[Int])(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ class TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync: Option[Int])(implicit p: Parameters) extends L
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = (Seq("TLAsyncCrossingSource") ++ node.in.headOption.map(_._2.bundle.shortName)).mkString("_")
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
val bce = edgeIn.manager.anySupportAcquireB && edgeIn.client.anySupportProbe
val psync = sync.getOrElse(edgeOut.manager.async.sync)
@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@ class TLAsyncCrossingSink(params: AsyncQueueParams = AsyncQueueParams())(implici
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = (Seq("TLAsyncCrossingSink") ++ node.out.headOption.map(_._2.bundle.shortName)).mkString("_")
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
val bce = edgeOut.manager.anySupportAcquireB && edgeOut.client.anySupportProbe
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AtomicAutomata.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AtomicAutomata.scala
index 37211ba8f99..5f0fc655fdc 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/AtomicAutomata.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/AtomicAutomata.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.leftOR
import scala.math.{min,max}
-import chisel3.util.{PriorityMux, Cat, FillInterleaved, Mux1H, MuxLookup, log2Up}
// Ensures that all downstream RW managers support Atomic operations.
// If !passthrough, intercept all Atomics. Otherwise, only intercept those unsupported downstream.
@@ -280,9 +284,11 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
object TLAtomicAutomata
- def apply(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, concurrency: Int = 1, passthrough: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
+ def apply(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, concurrency: Int = 1, passthrough: Boolean = true, nameSuffix: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
- val atomics = LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(logical, arithmetic, concurrency, passthrough))
+ val atomics = LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(logical, arithmetic, concurrency, passthrough) {
+ override lazy val desiredName = (Seq("TLAtomicAutomata") ++ nameSuffix).mkString("_")
+ })
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BankBinder.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BankBinder.scala
index 8859123754d..21b32729a3d 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BankBinder.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BankBinder.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
case class BankBinderNode(mask: BigInt)(implicit valName: ValName) extends TLCustomNode
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BlockDuringReset.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BlockDuringReset.scala
index ec676b6fff4..4dc6b2c29ce 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BlockDuringReset.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BlockDuringReset.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.BlockDuringReset
/** BlockDuringReset ensures that no channel admits to be ready or valid while reset is raised. */
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Broadcast.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Broadcast.scala
index 0e69bd5d60f..f73cdb97cd0 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Broadcast.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Broadcast.scala
@@ -4,12 +4,19 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.AMBAProt
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressDecoder, AddressSet, IdRange, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{SimpleDevice}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.RegField
+import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts.{IntSourceNode, IntSourcePortSimple}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.leftOR
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
import scala.math.{min,max}
case class TLBroadcastControlParams(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Buffer.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Buffer.scala
index 8f43017028c..63fd8ed917f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Buffer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Buffer.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.BufferParams
class TLBufferNode (
a: BufferParams,
@@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ class TLBuffer(
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ def headBundle = node.out.head._2.bundle
+ override def desiredName = (Seq("TLBuffer") ++ node.out.headOption.map(_._2.bundle.shortName)).mkString("_")
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
out.a <> a(in .a)
in .d <> d(out.d)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Bundles.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Bundles.scala
index 1518dd679fb..2a81e1d75e8 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Bundles.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Bundles.scala
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ sealed trait TLAddrChannel extends TLDataChannel
final class TLBundleA(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
+ override def typeName = s"TLBundleA_${params.shortName}"
val channelName = "'A' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(4.W)
@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ final class TLBundleA(params: TLBundleParameters)
final class TLBundleB(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
+ override def typeName = s"TLBundleB_${params.shortName}"
val channelName = "'B' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(3.W)
@@ -218,6 +220,7 @@ final class TLBundleB(params: TLBundleParameters)
final class TLBundleC(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLAddrChannel
+ override def typeName = s"TLBundleC_${params.shortName}"
val channelName = "'C' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(3.W)
@@ -235,6 +238,7 @@ final class TLBundleC(params: TLBundleParameters)
final class TLBundleD(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLDataChannel
+ override def typeName = s"TLBundleD_${params.shortName}"
val channelName = "'D' channel"
// fixed fields during multibeat:
val opcode = UInt(4.W)
@@ -253,6 +257,7 @@ final class TLBundleD(params: TLBundleParameters)
final class TLBundleE(params: TLBundleParameters)
extends TLBundleBase(params) with TLChannel
+ override def typeName = s"TLBundleE_${params.shortName}"
val channelName = "'E' channel"
val sink = UInt(params.sinkBits.W) // to
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BusWrapper.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BusWrapper.scala
index 657bba873f6..c95a572de1e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/BusWrapper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/BusWrapper.scala
@@ -4,15 +4,28 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, NoHandle, NodeHandle, NodeBinding}
// TODO This class should be moved to package subsystem to resolve
// the dependency awkwardness of the following imports
-import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci._
-import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.{BuiltInDevices, CanHaveBuiltInDevices}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{
+ ClockParameters, ClockDomain, ClockGroup, ClockGroupAggregator, ClockSinkNode,
+ FixedClockBroadcast, ClockGroupEdgeParameters, ClockSinkParameters, ClockSinkDomain,
+ ClockGroupEphemeralNode, asyncMux, ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing
+import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.{
+ HasTileLinkLocations, CanConnectWithinContextThatHasTileLinkLocations,
+ CanInstantiateWithinContextThatHasTileLinkLocations
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Location
/** Specifies widths of various attachement points in the SoC */
trait HasTLBusParams {
@@ -72,15 +85,21 @@ abstract class TLBusWrapper(params: HasTLBusParams, val busName: String)(implici
def unifyManagers: List[TLManagerParameters] = ManagerUnification(busView.manager.managers)
def crossOutHelper = this.crossOut(outwardNode)(ValName("bus_xing"))
def crossInHelper = this.crossIn(inwardNode)(ValName("bus_xing"))
+ def generateSynchronousDomain(domainName: String): ClockSinkDomain = {
+ val domain = LazyModule(new ClockSinkDomain(take = fixedClockOpt, name = Some(domainName)))
+ domain.clockNode := fixedClockNode
+ domain
+ }
+ def generateSynchronousDomain: ClockSinkDomain = generateSynchronousDomain("")
protected val addressPrefixNexusNode = BundleBroadcast[UInt](registered = false, default = Some(() => 0.U(1.W)))
def to[T](name: String)(body: => T): T = {
- this { LazyScope(s"coupler_to_${name}", "TLInterconnectCoupler") { body } }
+ this { LazyScope(s"coupler_to_${name}", s"TLInterconnectCoupler_${busName}_to_${name}") { body } }
def from[T](name: String)(body: => T): T = {
- this { LazyScope(s"coupler_from_${name}", "TLInterconnectCoupler") { body } }
+ this { LazyScope(s"coupler_from_${name}", s"TLInterconnectCoupler_${busName}_from_${name}") { body } }
def coupleTo[T](name: String)(gen: TLOutwardNode => T): T =
@@ -89,15 +108,15 @@ abstract class TLBusWrapper(params: HasTLBusParams, val busName: String)(implici
def coupleFrom[T](name: String)(gen: TLInwardNode => T): T =
from(name) { gen(inwardNode :*=* TLNameNode("tl")) }
- def crossToBus(bus: TLBusWrapper, xType: ClockCrossingType)(implicit asyncClockGroupNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode): NoHandle = {
- bus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, asyncClockGroupNode, this.clockGroupNode)
+ def crossToBus(bus: TLBusWrapper, xType: ClockCrossingType, allClockGroupNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode): NoHandle = {
+ bus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, allClockGroupNode, this.clockGroupNode)
coupleTo(s"bus_named_${bus.busName}") {
bus.crossInHelper(xType) :*= TLWidthWidget(beatBytes) :*= _
- def crossFromBus(bus: TLBusWrapper, xType: ClockCrossingType)(implicit asyncClockGroupNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode): NoHandle = {
- bus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, asyncClockGroupNode, this.clockGroupNode)
+ def crossFromBus(bus: TLBusWrapper, xType: ClockCrossingType, allClockGroupNode: ClockGroupEphemeralNode): NoHandle = {
+ bus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, allClockGroupNode, this.clockGroupNode)
coupleFrom(s"bus_named_${bus.busName}") {
_ :=* TLWidthWidget(bus.beatBytes) :=* bus.crossOutHelper(xType)
@@ -178,8 +197,8 @@ class TLBusWrapperConnection
val masterTLBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(master)
val slaveTLBus = context.locateTLBusWrapper(slave)
def bindClocks(implicit p: Parameters) = driveClockFromMaster match {
- case Some(true) => slaveTLBus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, context.asyncClockGroupsNode, masterTLBus.clockGroupNode)
- case Some(false) => masterTLBus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, context.asyncClockGroupsNode, slaveTLBus.clockGroupNode)
+ case Some(true) => slaveTLBus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, context.allClockGroupsNode, masterTLBus.clockGroupNode)
+ case Some(false) => masterTLBus.clockGroupNode := asyncMux(xType, context.allClockGroupsNode, slaveTLBus.clockGroupNode)
case None =>
def bindTLNodes(implicit p: Parameters) = nodeBinding match {
@@ -218,7 +237,7 @@ class TLBusWrapperTopology(
trait HasTLXbarPhy { this: TLBusWrapper =>
- private val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar).suggestName(busName + "_xbar")
+ private val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(nameSuffix = Some(busName))).suggestName(busName + "_xbar")
override def shouldBeInlined = xbar.node.circuitIdentity
def inwardNode: TLInwardNode = xbar.node
@@ -240,8 +259,8 @@ case class AddressAdjusterWrapperParams(
val dtsFrequency = None
def instantiate(context: HasTileLinkLocations, loc: Location[TLBusWrapper])(implicit p: Parameters): AddressAdjusterWrapper = {
- val aaWrapper = LazyModule(new AddressAdjusterWrapper(this, loc.name))
- aaWrapper.suggestName(loc.name + "_wrapper")
+ val aaWrapper = LazyModule(new AddressAdjusterWrapper(this, context.busContextName + "_" + loc.name))
+ aaWrapper.suggestName(context.busContextName + "_" + loc.name + "_wrapper")
context.tlBusWrapperLocationMap += (loc -> aaWrapper)
@@ -270,8 +289,8 @@ case class TLJBarWrapperParams(
val dtsFrequency = None
def instantiate(context: HasTileLinkLocations, loc: Location[TLBusWrapper])(implicit p: Parameters): TLJBarWrapper = {
- val jbarWrapper = LazyModule(new TLJBarWrapper(this, loc.name))
- jbarWrapper.suggestName(loc.name + "_wrapper")
+ val jbarWrapper = LazyModule(new TLJBarWrapper(this, context.busContextName + "_" + loc.name))
+ jbarWrapper.suggestName(context.busContextName + "_" + loc.name + "_wrapper")
context.tlBusWrapperLocationMap += (loc -> jbarWrapper)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/CacheCork.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/CacheCork.scala
index 8ba1e4b9d7f..a8518d97dee 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/CacheCork.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/CacheCork.scala
@@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import TLMessages._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdRange, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.TLMessages.{
+ AcquireBlock, AcquirePerm, Get, PutFullData, PutPartialData, Release,
+ ReleaseData, Grant, GrantData, AccessAck, AccessAckData, ReleaseAck
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.IDPool
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
case class TLCacheCorkParams(
unsafe: Boolean = false,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Credited.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Credited.scala
index 30c73486012..e8a1085f273 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Credited.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Credited.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.Decoupled
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{CreditedCrossing}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.CrossingWrapper
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{CreditedDelay, CreditedIO}
class TLCreditedBuffer(delay: TLCreditedDelay)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/CrossingHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/CrossingHelper.scala
index 52d96d6f432..fd4bd2e74ce 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/CrossingHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/CrossingHelper.scala
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{
+ AsynchronousCrossing, CrossingType, ClockCrossingType, NoCrossing,
+ RationalCrossing, CreditedCrossing, SynchronousCrossing,
+ ResetCrossingType, NoResetCrossing, StretchedResetCrossing}
trait TLOutwardCrossingHelper {
type HelperCrossingType <: CrossingType
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Delayer.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Delayer.scala
index 58d08e4bc48..bb984787938 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Delayer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Delayer.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
// q is the probability to delay a request
class TLDelayer(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ErrorEvaluator.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ErrorEvaluator.scala
index 533cae0475f..e8931e9c650 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ErrorEvaluator.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ErrorEvaluator.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.UIntToOH1
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
// Check if a request satisfies some interesting property
class RequestPattern(test: TLBundleA => Bool)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/FIFOFixer.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/FIFOFixer.scala
index 6aaff7ad641..efa0e966b46 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/FIFOFixer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/FIFOFixer.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.RegionType
import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
class TLFIFOFixer(policy: TLFIFOFixer.Policy = TLFIFOFixer.all)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -33,12 +37,14 @@ class TLFIFOFixer(policy: TLFIFOFixer.Policy = TLFIFOFixer.all)(implicit p: Para
(fixMap, splatMap)
- val node = TLAdapterNode(
- clientFn = { cp => cp },
- managerFn = { mp =>
+ val node = new AdapterNode(TLImp)(
+ { cp => cp },
+ { mp =>
val (fixMap, _) = fifoMap(mp.managers)
mp.v1copy(managers = (fixMap zip mp.managers) map { case (id, m) => m.v1copy(fifoId = id) })
- })
+ }) with TLFormatNode {
+ override def circuitIdentity = edges.in.map(_.client.clients.filter(c => c.requestFifo && c.sourceId.size > 1).size).sum == 0
+ }
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Filter.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Filter.scala
index fcc59dc5eb5..cd6ab212d2a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Filter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Filter.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
class TLFilter(
mfilter: TLFilter.ManagerFilter = TLFilter.mIdentity,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fragmenter.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fragmenter.scala
index f522cacbe11..68eae711aa2 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fragmenter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fragmenter.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,18 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, BufferParams, IdRange, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Repeater, OH1ToUInt, UIntToOH1}
import scala.math.min
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
object EarlyAck {
sealed trait T
case object AllPuts extends T
@@ -21,10 +28,11 @@ object EarlyAck {
// alwaysMin: fragment all requests down to minSize (else fragment to maximum supported by manager)
// earlyAck: should a multibeat Put should be acknowledged on the first beat or last beat
// holdFirstDeny: allow the Fragmenter to unsafely combine multibeat Gets by taking the first denied for the whole burst
+// nameSuffix: appends a suffix to the module name
// Fragmenter modifies: PutFull, PutPartial, LogicalData, Get, Hint
// Fragmenter passes: ArithmeticData (truncated to minSize if alwaysMin)
// Fragmenter cannot modify acquire (could livelock); thus it is unsafe to put caches on both sides
-class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean = false, val earlyAck: EarlyAck.T = EarlyAck.None, val holdFirstDeny: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
+class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean = false, val earlyAck: EarlyAck.T = EarlyAck.None, val holdFirstDeny: Boolean = false, val nameSuffix: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
require(isPow2 (maxSize), s"TLFragmenter expects pow2(maxSize), but got $maxSize")
require(isPow2 (minSize), s"TLFragmenter expects pow2(minSize), but got $minSize")
@@ -82,6 +90,7 @@ class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean =
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
+ override def desiredName = (Seq("TLFragmenter") ++ nameSuffix).mkString("_")
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
if (noChangeRequired) {
out <> in
@@ -92,8 +101,9 @@ class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean =
val beatBytes = manager.beatBytes
val fifoId = managers(0).fifoId
require (fifoId.isDefined && managers.map(_.fifoId == fifoId).reduce(_ && _))
- require (!manager.anySupportAcquireB)
+ require (!manager.anySupportAcquireB || !edgeOut.client.anySupportProbe,
+ s"TLFragmenter (with parent $parent) can't fragment a caching client's requests into a cacheable region")
require (minSize >= beatBytes, s"TLFragmenter (with parent $parent) can't support fragmenting ($minSize) to sub-beat ($beatBytes) accesses")
// We can't support devices which are cached on both sides of us
require (!edgeOut.manager.anySupportAcquireB || !edgeIn.client.anySupportProbe)
@@ -329,15 +339,17 @@ class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean =
object TLFragmenter
- def apply(minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false, earlyAck: EarlyAck.T = EarlyAck.None, holdFirstDeny: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
+ def apply(minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false, earlyAck: EarlyAck.T = EarlyAck.None, holdFirstDeny: Boolean = false, nameSuffix: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
if (minSize <= maxSize) {
- val fragmenter = LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(minSize, maxSize, alwaysMin, earlyAck, holdFirstDeny))
+ val fragmenter = LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(minSize, maxSize, alwaysMin, earlyAck, holdFirstDeny, nameSuffix))
} else { TLEphemeralNode()(ValName("no_fragmenter")) }
- def apply(wrapper: TLBusWrapper)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = apply(wrapper.beatBytes, wrapper.blockBytes)
+ def apply(wrapper: TLBusWrapper, nameSuffix: Option[String])(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = apply(wrapper.beatBytes, wrapper.blockBytes, nameSuffix = nameSuffix)
+ def apply(wrapper: TLBusWrapper)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = apply(wrapper, None)
// Synthesizable unit tests
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fuzzer.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fuzzer.scala
index 878b4ae744d..0dbf21fc831 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fuzzer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Fuzzer.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, IdRange}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{leftOR, UIntToOH1}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
class IDMapGenerator(numIds: Int) extends Module {
require (numIds > 0)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/HintHandler.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/HintHandler.scala
index 3b581a84621..982a1461d81 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/HintHandler.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/HintHandler.scala
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, IdRange, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.Repeater
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink.TLROM
// Acks Hints for managers that don't support them or Acks all Hints if !passthrough
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Isolation.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Isolation.scala
index 44154313c4c..90ebe4dd07a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Isolation.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Isolation.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.AsyncBundle
// READ the comments in the TLIsolation object before you instantiate this module
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Jbar.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Jbar.scala
index c4ce2396fdc..084af313489 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Jbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Jbar.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
class TLJbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Map.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Map.scala
index a37bb04f5bc..b3578c05a0f 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Map.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Map.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
// Moves the AddressSets of slave devices around
// Combine with TLFilter to remove slaves or reduce their size
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Monitor.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Monitor.scala
index f34e388e54c..0c5586cd583 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Monitor.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Monitor.scala
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceLine
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.EnableMonitors
+import freechips.rocketchip.formal.{MonitorDirection, IfThen, Property, PropertyClass, TestplanTestType, TLMonitorStrictMode}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.PlusArg
-import freechips.rocketchip.formal._
case class TLMonitorArgs(edge: TLEdge)
@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
if (edge.manager.minLatency > 0) {
- assume(a_set =/= d_clr || !a_set.orR, s"'A' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency ${edge.manager.minLatency}" + extra)
+ assume(a_set =/= d_clr || !a_set.orR, s"'A' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency > 0" + extra)
inflight := (inflight | a_set) & ~d_clr
@@ -608,7 +611,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
val log_a_size_bus_size = log2Ceil(a_size_bus_size)
def size_to_numfullbits(x: UInt): UInt = (1.U << x) - 1.U //convert a number to that many full bits
- val inflight = RegInit(0.U(edge.client.endSourceId.W))
+ val inflight = RegInit(0.U((2 max edge.client.endSourceId).W)) // size up to avoid width error
val inflight_opcodes = RegInit(0.U((edge.client.endSourceId << log_a_opcode_bus_size).W))
@@ -629,7 +632,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
val a_sizes_set = WireInit(0.U((edge.client.endSourceId << log_a_size_bus_size).W))
- val a_opcode_lookup = WireInit(0.U((1 << log_a_opcode_bus_size).W))
+ val a_opcode_lookup = WireInit(0.U((a_opcode_bus_size - 1).W))
a_opcode_lookup := ((inflight_opcodes) >> (bundle.d.bits.source << log_a_opcode_bus_size.U) & size_to_numfullbits(1.U << log_a_opcode_bus_size.U)) >> 1.U
@@ -696,7 +699,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
if (edge.manager.minLatency > 0) {
- assume(a_set_wo_ready =/= d_clr_wo_ready || !a_set_wo_ready.orR, s"'A' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency ${edge.manager.minLatency}" + extra)
+ assume(a_set_wo_ready =/= d_clr_wo_ready || !a_set_wo_ready.orR, s"'A' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency > 0" + extra)
inflight := (inflight | a_set) & ~d_clr
@@ -720,7 +723,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
val log_c_size_bus_size = log2Ceil(c_size_bus_size)
def size_to_numfullbits(x: UInt): UInt = (1.U << x) - 1.U //convert a number to that many full bits
- val inflight = RegInit(0.U(edge.client.endSourceId.W))
+ val inflight = RegInit(0.U((2 max edge.client.endSourceId).W))
val inflight_opcodes = RegInit(0.U((edge.client.endSourceId << log_c_opcode_bus_size).W))
val inflight_sizes = RegInit(0.U((edge.client.endSourceId << log_c_size_bus_size).W))
@@ -804,7 +807,7 @@ class TLMonitor(args: TLMonitorArgs, monitorDir: MonitorDirection = MonitorDirec
if (edge.manager.minLatency > 0) {
when (c_set_wo_ready.orR) {
- assume(c_set_wo_ready =/= d_clr_wo_ready, s"'C' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency ${edge.manager.minLatency}" + extra)
+ assume(c_set_wo_ready =/= d_clr_wo_ready, s"'C' and 'D' concurrent, despite minlatency > 0" + extra)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Nodes.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Nodes.scala
index ddf4cfb0440..6b193f8ec0b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Nodes.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Nodes.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{AsyncQueueParams,RationalDirection}
case object TLMonitorBuilder extends Field[TLMonitorArgs => TLMonitorBase](args => new TLMonitor(args))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Parameters.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Parameters.scala
index eb32ea8638a..66748a1bd68 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Parameters.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Parameters.scala
@@ -5,9 +5,20 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.experimental.SourceInfo
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{
+ AddressDecoder, AddressSet, BufferParams, DirectedBuffers, IdMap, IdMapEntry,
+ IdRange, RegionType, TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Resource, ResourceAddress, ResourcePermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{
+ AsyncQueueParams, BundleField, BundleFieldBase, BundleKeyBase,
+ CreditedDelay, groupByIntoSeq, RationalDirection, SimpleProduct
import scala.math.max
//These transfer sizes describe requests issued from masters on the A channel that will be responded by slaves on the D channel
@@ -177,6 +188,7 @@ class TLSlaveParameters private(
// ReleaseAck may NEVER be denied
extends SimpleProduct
+ def sortedAddress = address.sorted
override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[TLSlaveParameters]
override def productPrefix = "TLSlaveParameters"
// We intentionally omit nodePath for equality testing / formatting
@@ -516,6 +528,7 @@ class TLSlavePortParameters private(
val responseFields: Seq[BundleFieldBase],
val requestKeys: Seq[BundleKeyBase]) extends SimpleProduct
+ def sortedSlaves = slaves.sortBy(_.sortedAddress.head)
override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[TLSlavePortParameters]
override def productPrefix = "TLSlavePortParameters"
def productArity: Int = 6
@@ -596,16 +609,16 @@ class TLSlavePortParameters private(
def find(address: BigInt) = slaves.find(_.address.exists(_.contains(address)))
// The safe version will check the entire address
- def findSafe(address: UInt) = VecInit(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
+ def findSafe(address: UInt) = VecInit(sortedSlaves.map(_.address.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// The fast version assumes the address is valid (you probably want fastProperty instead of this function)
def findFast(address: UInt) = {
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(slaves.map(_.address))
- VecInit(slaves.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
+ VecInit(sortedSlaves.map(_.address.map(_.widen(~routingMask)).distinct.map(_.contains(address)).reduce(_ || _)))
// Compute the simplest AddressSets that decide a key
def fastPropertyGroup[K](p: TLSlaveParameters => K): Seq[(K, Seq[AddressSet])] = {
- val groups = groupByIntoSeq(slaves.map(m => (p(m), m.address)))( _._1).map { case (k, vs) =>
+ val groups = groupByIntoSeq(sortedSlaves.map(m => (p(m), m.address)))( _._1).map { case (k, vs) =>
k -> vs.flatMap(_._2)
val reductionMask = AddressDecoder(groups.map(_._2))
@@ -1299,6 +1312,9 @@ case class TLBundleParameters(
val addrLoBits = log2Up(dataBits/8)
+ // Used to uniquify bus IP names
+ def shortName = s"a${addressBits}d${dataBits}s${sourceBits}k${sinkBits}z${sizeBits}" + (if (hasBCE) "c" else "u")
def union(x: TLBundleParameters) =
max(addressBits, x.addressBits),
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/PatternPusher.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/PatternPusher.scala
index 0c0d15d4700..08e9eaba740 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/PatternPusher.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/PatternPusher.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
trait Pattern {
def address: BigInt
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ProbePicker.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ProbePicker.scala
index 7b902b771c2..abb4e70f583 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ProbePicker.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ProbePicker.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, IdRange}
/* A ProbePicker is used to unify multiple cache banks into one logical cache */
class ProbePicker(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RAMModel.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RAMModel.scala
index 46c02cdd804..4a785242906 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RAMModel.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RAMModel.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{CRC, UIntToOH1}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
// We detect concurrent puts that put memory into an undefined state.
// put0, put0Ack, put1, put1Ack => ok: defined
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RationalCrossing.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RationalCrossing.scala
index e39860e3797..3dd7ad289b9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RationalCrossing.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RationalCrossing.scala
@@ -10,9 +10,15 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, NodeHandle}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{
+ FromRational, ToRational, RationalDirection, Symmetric, FastToSlow, SlowToFast, Pow2ClockDivider, ClockDivider3
class TLRationalCrossingSource(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegionReplication.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegionReplication.scala
index 567b120ae71..396f5052562 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegionReplication.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegionReplication.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
/* Address inside the 'local' space are replicated to fill the 'remote' space.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouter.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouter.scala
index d0a1d083329..f66a018bf23 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouter.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import chisel3.RawModule
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Device, Resource, ResourceBindings}
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{NoCrossing}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegMapper, RegMapperParams, RegMapperInput, RegisterRouter}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleField, ControlKey, ElaborationArtefacts, GenRegDescsAnno}
import scala.math.min
@@ -128,66 +133,6 @@ case class TLRegisterNode(
-@deprecated("Use HasTLControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of TLRegisterRouter+TLRegBundle+TLRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-abstract class TLRegisterRouterBase(devname: String, devcompat: Seq[String], val address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean, executable: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
- // Allow devices to extend the DTS mapping
- def extraResources(resources: ResourceBindings) = Map[String, Seq[ResourceValue]]()
- val device = new SimpleDevice(devname, devcompat) {
- override def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
- val Description(name, mapping) = super.describe(resources)
- Description(name, mapping ++ extraResources(resources))
- }
- }
- val node = TLRegisterNode(Seq(address), device, "reg/control", concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
- val intnode = IntSourceNode(IntSourcePortSimple(num = interrupts, resources = Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))
-@deprecated("TLRegBundleArg is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-case class TLRegBundleArg()(implicit val p: Parameters)
-@deprecated("TLRegBundleBase is no longer necessary, use IO(...) to make any additional IOs", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class TLRegBundleBase(arg: TLRegBundleArg) extends Bundle
- implicit val p: Parameters = arg.p
-@deprecated("Use HasTLControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of TLRegisterRouter+TLRegBundle+TLRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class TLRegBundle[P](val params: P, val arg: TLRegBundleArg) extends TLRegBundleBase(arg)
-@deprecated("Use HasTLControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of TLRegisterRouter+TLRegBundle+TLRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class TLRegModule[P, B <: TLRegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: TLRegisterRouterBase)
- extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
- val io = IO(bundleBuilder)
- val interrupts = if (router.intnode.out.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else router.intnode.out(0)._1
- val address = router.address
- def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
-@deprecated("Use HasTLControlRegMap+HasInterruptSources traits in place of TLRegisterRouter+TLRegBundle+TLRegModule", "rocket-chip 1.3")
-class TLRegisterRouter[B <: TLRegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp](
- val base: BigInt,
- val devname: String,
- val devcompat: Seq[String],
- val interrupts: Int = 0,
- val size: BigInt = 4096,
- val concurrency: Int = 0,
- val beatBytes: Int = 4,
- val undefZero: Boolean = true,
- val executable: Boolean = false)
- (bundleBuilder: TLRegBundleArg => B)
- (moduleBuilder: (=> B, TLRegisterRouterBase) => M)(implicit p: Parameters)
- extends TLRegisterRouterBase(devname, devcompat, AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero, executable)
- require (isPow2(size))
- // require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
- lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(TLRegBundleArg()), this)
/** Mix HasTLControlRegMap into any subclass of RegisterRouter to gain helper functions for attaching a device control register map to TileLink.
* - The intended use case is that controlNode will diplomatically publish a SW-visible device's memory-mapped control registers.
* - Use the clock crossing helper controlXing to externally connect controlNode to a TileLink interconnect.
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouterTest.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouterTest.scala
index 238c8d7a730..d3a64055f69 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouterTest.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/RegisterRouterTest.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RRTest0, RRTest1}
-import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
+import freechips.rocketchip.unittest.{UnitTest, UnitTestModule}
class TLRRTest0(address: BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends RRTest0(address)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/SRAM.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/SRAM.scala
index 048ae4d7ad9..6703bac3c37 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/SRAM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/SRAM.scala
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util.property
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressSet, RegionType, TransferSizes}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{Device, DeviceRegName, DiplomaticSRAM, HasJustOneSeqMem}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{CanHaveErrors, ECCParams, property, SECDEDCode}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BooleanToAugmentedBoolean
class TLRAMErrors(val params: ECCParams, val addrBits: Int) extends Bundle with CanHaveErrors {
val correctable = (params.code.canCorrect && params.notifyErrors).option(Valid(UInt(addrBits.W)))
@@ -44,7 +51,7 @@ class TLRAM(
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsArithmetic = if (atomics) TransferSizes(1, beatBytes) else TransferSizes.none,
supportsLogical = if (atomics) TransferSizes(1, beatBytes) else TransferSizes.none,
- fifoId = Some(0))), // requests are handled in order
+ fifoId = Some(0)).v2copy(name=devName)), // requests are handled in order
beatBytes = beatBytes,
minLatency = 1))) // no bypass needed for this device
@@ -229,13 +236,15 @@ class TLRAM(
val r_ready = !d_wb && !r_replay && (!d_full || d_ready) && (!r_respond || (!d_win && in.d.ready))
in.a.ready := !(d_full && d_wb) && (!r_full || r_ready) && (!r_full || !(r_atomic || r_sublane))
+ // ignore sublane if it is a read or mask is all set
+ val a_read = in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Get
val a_sublane = if (eccBytes == 1) false.B else
- in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData ||
- in.a.bits.size < log2Ceil(eccBytes).U
+ ~a_read &&
+ (((in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData) && (~in.a.bits.mask.andR)) ||
+ in.a.bits.size < log2Ceil(eccBytes).U)
val a_atomic = if (!atomics) false.B else
in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData ||
in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData
- val a_read = in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Get
// Forward pipeline stage from R to D
when (d_ready) { d_full := false.B }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/SourceShrinker.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/SourceShrinker.scala
index 16fac848d60..c72d42f3e85 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/SourceShrinker.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/SourceShrinker.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.IdRange
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.leftOR
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
class TLSourceShrinker(maxInFlight: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAHB.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAHB.scala
index 5f960aa944c..a5267704295 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAHB.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAHB.scala
@@ -4,13 +4,17 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import AHBParameters._
-import chisel3.util.{RegEnable, Queue, Cat, log2Ceil}
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb.{AHBImpMaster, AHBParameters, AHBMasterParameters, AHBMasterPortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleMap, UIntToOH1}
case class TLToAHBNode(supportHints: Boolean)(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(TLImp, AHBImpMaster)(
dFn = { cp =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAPB.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAPB.scala
index 91c172d658a..8b045144fd3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAPB.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAPB.scala
@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import APBParameters._
import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.TransferSizes
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.{APBImp, APBMasterParameters, APBMasterPortParameters}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb.APBParameters.PROT_DEFAULT
case class TLToAPBNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(TLImp, APBImp)(
dFn = { cp =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAXI4.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAXI4.scala
index 5aa6426f84a..a01ad75cf7a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAXI4.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/ToAXI4.scala
@@ -3,12 +3,19 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
-import freechips.rocketchip.amba._
-import chisel3.util.{log2Ceil, UIntToOH, Queue, Decoupled, Cat}
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.{AMBACorrupt, AMBACorruptField, AMBAProt, AMBAProtField}
+import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.{AXI4BundleARW, AXI4MasterParameters, AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4Parameters, AXI4Imp}
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdMap, IdMapEntry, IdRange}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{BundleField, ControlKey, ElaborationArtefacts, UIntToOH1}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.DataToAugmentedData
class AXI4TLStateBundle(val sourceBits: Int) extends Bundle {
val size = UInt(4.W)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/WidthWidget.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/WidthWidget.scala
index 514f0c5a9ef..e8b21026f0c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/WidthWidget.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/WidthWidget.scala
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{DecoupledIO, log2Ceil, Cat, RegEnable}
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import chisel3.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.{Repeater, UIntToOH1}
// innBeatBytes => the new client-facing bus width
class TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
@@ -18,6 +21,8 @@ class TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
override def circuitIdentity = edges.out.map(_.manager).forall(noChangeRequired)
+ override lazy val desiredName = s"TLWidthWidget$innerBeatBytes"
lazy val module = new Impl
class Impl extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
def merge[T <: TLDataChannel](edgeIn: TLEdge, in: DecoupledIO[T], edgeOut: TLEdge, out: DecoupledIO[T]) = {
@@ -174,14 +179,19 @@ class TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
// The assumption is that this sort of situation happens only where
// you connect a narrow master to the system bus, so there are few sources.
- def sourceMap(source: UInt) = {
+ def sourceMap(source_bits: UInt) = {
+ val source = if (edgeIn.client.endSourceId == 1) 0.U(0.W) else source_bits
require (edgeOut.manager.beatBytes > edgeIn.manager.beatBytes)
val keepBits = log2Ceil(edgeOut.manager.beatBytes)
val dropBits = log2Ceil(edgeIn.manager.beatBytes)
val sources = Reg(Vec(edgeIn.client.endSourceId, UInt((keepBits-dropBits).W)))
val a_sel = in.a.bits.address(keepBits-1, dropBits)
when (in.a.fire) {
- sources(in.a.bits.source) := a_sel
+ if (edgeIn.client.endSourceId == 1) { // avoid extraction-index-width warning
+ sources(0) := a_sel
+ } else {
+ sources(in.a.bits.source) := a_sel
+ }
// depopulate unused source registers:
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Xbar.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Xbar.scala
index 9cb633edae1..44766e691b9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/Xbar.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/Xbar.scala
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
-import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.{Field, Parameters}
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.util._
+import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressDecoder, AddressSet, RegionType, IdRange, TriStateValue}
+import freechips.rocketchip.util.BundleField
// Trades off slave port proximity against routing resource cost
object ForceFanout
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ object ForceFanout
private case class ForceFanoutParams(a: Boolean, b: Boolean, c: Boolean, d: Boolean, e: Boolean)
private case object ForceFanoutKey extends Field(ForceFanoutParams(false, false, false, false, false))
-class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
+class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin, nameSuffix: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = new TLNexusNode(
clientFn = { seq =>
@@ -74,7 +77,8 @@ class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parame
println (s" Your TLXbar ($name with parent $parent) is very large, with ${node.in.size} Masters and ${node.out.size} Slaves.")
println (s"!!! WARNING !!!")
+ val wide_bundle = TLBundleParameters.union((node.in ++ node.out).map(_._2.bundle))
+ override def desiredName = (Seq("TLXbar") ++ nameSuffix ++ Seq(s"i${node.in.size}_o${node.out.size}_${wide_bundle.shortName}")).mkString("_")
TLXbar.circuit(policy, node.in, node.out)
@@ -215,8 +219,8 @@ object TLXbar
val r = outputIdRanges(o)
if (connectAOI(o).exists(x=>x)) {
- io_out(o).a.squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= out(o).a.squeezeAll.waiveAll
out(o).a.bits.user := DontCare
+ io_out(o).a.squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= out(o).a.squeezeAll.waiveAll
} else {
out(o).a := DontCare
io_out(o).a := DontCare
@@ -234,8 +238,8 @@ object TLXbar
if (connectCOI(o).exists(x=>x)) {
- io_out(o).c.squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= out(o).c.squeezeAll.waiveAll
out(o).c.bits.user := DontCare
+ io_out(o).c.squeezeAll.waiveAll :<>= out(o).c.squeezeAll.waiveAll
} else {
out(o).c := DontCare
io_out(o).c := DontCare
@@ -338,9 +342,9 @@ object TLXbar
- def apply(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
+ def apply(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin, nameSuffix: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
- val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(policy))
+ val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(policy, nameSuffix))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/tilelink/package.scala b/src/main/scala/tilelink/package.scala
index 6afc522d813..317d4052b08 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/tilelink/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/tilelink/package.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{HasClockDomainCrossing, _}
-import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasResetDomainCrossing}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes._
+import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{HasResetDomainCrossing, HasClockDomainCrossing}
package object tilelink
diff --git a/src/main/scala/unittest/TestGenerator.scala b/src/main/scala/unittest/TestGenerator.scala
index 9440ebad0d6..d38fe9fc30c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/unittest/TestGenerator.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/unittest/TestGenerator.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.unittest
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule._
abstract class LazyUnitTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
{ self =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/Annotations.scala b/src/main/scala/util/Annotations.scala
index 00f1bc00e0e..13f02cb5220 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/Annotations.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/Annotations.scala
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.util
import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.{annotate, ChiselAnnotation}
-import chisel3.RawModule
import firrtl.annotations._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
-import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy
+import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{AddressRange, AddressSet}
+import freechips.rocketchip.resources.{AddressMapEntry, ResourcePermissions}
+import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.{RegField, RegFieldDescSer, RegistersSer}
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.{pretty, render}
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/AsyncQueue.scala b/src/main/scala/util/AsyncQueue.scala
index a7332358c56..713393ce9e3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/AsyncQueue.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/AsyncQueue.scala
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class AsyncValidSync(sync: Int, desc: String) extends RawModule {
class AsyncQueueSource[T <: Data](gen: T, params: AsyncQueueParams = AsyncQueueParams()) extends Module {
+ override def desiredName = s"AsyncQueueSource_${gen.typeName}"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
// These come from the source domain
val enq = Flipped(Decoupled(gen))
@@ -132,6 +134,8 @@ class AsyncQueueSource[T <: Data](gen: T, params: AsyncQueueParams = AsyncQueueP
class AsyncQueueSink[T <: Data](gen: T, params: AsyncQueueParams = AsyncQueueParams()) extends Module {
+ override def desiredName = s"AsyncQueueSink_${gen.typeName}"
val io = IO(new Bundle {
// These come from the sink domain
val deq = Decoupled(gen)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/BarrelShifter.scala b/src/main/scala/util/BarrelShifter.scala
index cd6e439d692..e69de29bb2d 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/BarrelShifter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/BarrelShifter.scala
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// FIXME: use chisel3.stdlib.BarrelShifter after chisel3 3.6.0
-package freechips.rocketchip.util
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.util.{Mux1H, UIntToOH}
-/** A Barrel Shifter implementation for Vec type.
- *
- * @param inputs input signal to be shifted, should be a [[Vec]] type.
- * @param shiftInput input signal to indicate the shift number, encoded in UInt.
- * @param shiftGranularity how many bits will be resolved in each layer.
- * For a smaller `shiftGranularity`, latency will be high, but area is smaller.
- * For a large `shiftGranularity`, latency will be low, but area is higher.
- *
- * @example {{{
- * val input = 0xAABBCCDD.U(32.W)
- * val bytes = VecInit(input.asBools.grouped(8).map(VecInit(_).asUInt).toSeq)
- * val shamt = 1.U(2.W)
- * val output = BarrelShifter.leftRotate(bytes, shamt).asUInt // big endian
- * // output = 0xDDAABBCC.U(32.W)
- * // The depth of Mux is 2, whereas originally
- * // the depth of Mux is log(32) = 5
- * val output = BarrelShifter.leftRotate(bytes, shamt, 2).asUInt // depth is 1 now
- * }}}
- */
-object BarrelShifter {
- private trait ShiftType
- private object LeftShift extends ShiftType
- private object RightShift extends ShiftType
- private object LeftRotate extends ShiftType
- private object RightRotate extends ShiftType
- private def apply[T <: Data](
- inputs: Vec[T],
- shiftInput: UInt,
- shiftType: ShiftType,
- shiftGranularity: Int = 1
- ): Vec[T] = {
- require(shiftGranularity > 0)
- val elementType: T = chiselTypeOf(inputs.head)
- shiftInput.asBools
- .grouped(shiftGranularity)
- .map(VecInit(_).asUInt)
- .zipWithIndex
- .foldLeft(inputs) {
- case (prev, (shiftBits, layer)) =>
- Mux1H(
- UIntToOH(shiftBits),
- Seq.tabulate(1 << shiftBits.getWidth)(i => {
- // For each layer of barrel shifter, it needs to
- // Mux between shift 0 and i * 2^(depthOfLayer*granularity)
- //
- // e.g, when depth = 2 and granu = 1, the first layer Mux between 0 and 1
- // while the second layer Mux between 0 and 2, thus Vec.shift(UInt(2.W))
- //
- // e.g, when depth = 2 and granu = 2, the first layer Mux between 0, 1, 2 and 3
- // while the second layer Mux between 0, 4, 8, and 12, thus achieving Vec.shift(UInt(4.W))
- //
- // Also, shift no more than inputs length since prev.drop will not warn about overflow
- // this is for Vec with length not the exponential of 2, e.g. 13
- val layerShift: Int = (i * (1 << (layer * shiftGranularity))).min(prev.length)
- VecInit(shiftType match {
- case LeftRotate =>
- prev.drop(layerShift) ++ prev.take(layerShift)
- case LeftShift =>
- prev.drop(layerShift) ++ Seq.fill(layerShift)(0.U.asTypeOf(elementType))
- case RightRotate =>
- prev.takeRight(layerShift) ++ prev.dropRight(layerShift)
- case RightShift =>
- Seq.fill(layerShift)(0.U.asTypeOf(elementType)) ++ prev.dropRight(layerShift)
- })
- })
- )
- }
- }
- def leftShift[T <: Data](inputs: Vec[T], shift: UInt, layerSize: Int = 1): Vec[T] =
- apply(inputs, shift, LeftShift, layerSize)
- def rightShift[T <: Data](inputs: Vec[T], shift: UInt, layerSize: Int = 1): Vec[T] =
- apply(inputs, shift, RightShift, layerSize)
- def leftRotate[T <: Data](inputs: Vec[T], shift: UInt, layerSize: Int = 1): Vec[T] =
- apply(inputs, shift, LeftRotate, layerSize)
- def rightRotate[T <: Data](inputs: Vec[T], shift: UInt, layerSize: Int = 1): Vec[T] =
- apply(inputs, shift, RightRotate, layerSize)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/DelayQueue.scala b/src/main/scala/util/DelayQueue.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47a9ace983a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/DelayQueue.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
+package freechips.rocketchip.util
+import chisel3._
+import chisel3.util._
+/** A queue that delays elements by a certain cycle count.
+ *
+ * @param gen queue element type
+ * @param entries queue size
+ *
+ * @param enq enqueue
+ * @param deq dequeue
+ * @param timer cycle count timer
+ * @param entries cycle delay
+ */
+class DelayQueue[T <: Data](gen: T, entries: Int, width: Int) extends Module {
+ val io = IO(new Bundle {
+ val enq = Flipped(DecoupledIO(gen))
+ val deq = DecoupledIO(gen)
+ val timer = Input(UInt(width.W))
+ val delay = Input(UInt(width.W))
+ })
+ val q = Module(new Queue(new Bundle {
+ val data = gen.cloneType
+ val time = UInt(width.W)
+ }, entries, flow=true))
+ val delay_r = RegInit(0.U(width.W))
+ when (delay_r =/= io.delay) {
+ delay_r := io.delay
+ //assert(q.io.count == 0, "Undefined behavior when delay is changed while queue has elements.")
+ }
+ q.io.enq.bits.data := io.enq.bits
+ q.io.enq.bits.time := io.timer
+ q.io.enq.valid := io.enq.fire
+ io.enq.ready := q.io.enq.ready
+ io.deq.bits := q.io.deq.bits.data
+ io.deq.valid := q.io.deq.valid && ((io.timer - q.io.deq.bits.time) >= delay_r)
+ q.io.deq.ready := io.deq.fire
+object DelayQueue {
+ /** Helper to connect a delay queue.
+ *
+ * @param source decoupled queue input
+ * @param timer cycle count timer
+ * @param delay cycle delay
+ * @param depth queue size
+ */
+ def apply[T <: Data](source: DecoupledIO[T], timer: UInt, delay: UInt, depth: Int): DecoupledIO[T] = {
+ val delayQueue = Module(new DelayQueue(chiselTypeOf(source.bits), depth, timer.getWidth))
+ delayQueue.io.enq <> source
+ delayQueue.io.timer := timer
+ delayQueue.io.delay := delay
+ delayQueue.io.deq
+ }
+ /** Helper to connect a delay queue and instantiate a timer to keep track of cycle count.
+ *
+ * @param source decoupled queue input
+ * @param timerWidth width of cycle count timer
+ * @param delay cycle delay
+ * @param depth queue size
+ */
+ def apply[T <: Data](source: DecoupledIO[T], timerWidth: Int, delay: UInt, depth: Int): DecoupledIO[T] = {
+ val timer = RegInit(0.U(timerWidth.W))
+ timer := timer + 1.U
+ apply(source, timer, delay, depth)
+ }
+ /** Helper to connect a delay queue that delays elements by a statically defined cycle count.
+ *
+ * @param source decoupled queue input
+ * @param delay static cycle delay
+ */
+ def apply[T <: Data](source: DecoupledIO[T], delay: Int): DecoupledIO[T] = {
+ val mDelay = delay.max(1)
+ apply(source, (1 + log2Ceil(mDelay)), delay.U, mDelay)
+ }
+ /** Helper to connect a delay queue that delays elements by a dynamically set cycle count.
+ *
+ * @param source decoupled queue input
+ * @param delay cycle delay
+ * @param maxDelay maximum cycle delay
+ */
+ def apply[T <: Data](source: DecoupledIO[T], delay: UInt, maxDelay: Int = 4096): DecoupledIO[T] = {
+ val mDelay = maxDelay.max(1)
+ apply(source, (1 + log2Ceil(mDelay)), delay, mDelay)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/HeterogeneousBag.scala b/src/main/scala/util/HeterogeneousBag.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f9a591b4b42..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/util/HeterogeneousBag.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
-package freechips.rocketchip.util
-import chisel3._
-import chisel3.Record
-import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror.internal.chiselTypeClone
-import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
-final case class HeterogeneousBag[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]) extends Record with collection.IndexedSeq[T] {
- def apply(x: Int) = elements(x.toString).asInstanceOf[T]
- def length = elts.length
- override def className: String = super.className
- val elements = ListMap(elts.zipWithIndex.map { case (n,i) => (i.toString, chiselTypeClone(n)) }:_*)
- // IndexedSeq has its own hashCode/equals that we must not use
- override def hashCode: Int = super[Record].hashCode
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = super[Record].equals(that)
-object HeterogeneousBag
- def fromNode[D <: Data, E](elts: Seq[(D, E)]) = new HeterogeneousBag(elts.map(_._1.cloneType))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/PSDTestMode.scala b/src/main/scala/util/PSDTestMode.scala
index 1ca26d79596..30c97a9078c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/PSDTestMode.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/PSDTestMode.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
package freechips.rocketchip.util
import chisel3._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config._
-import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{BundleBridgeEphemeralNode, ValName}
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy._
+import org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.bundlebridge._
case object IncludePSDTest extends Field[Boolean](false)
case object PSDTestModeBroadcastKey extends Field(
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/Repeater.scala b/src/main/scala/util/Repeater.scala
index a0b0c5b297d..f97593d9ffd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/Repeater.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/Repeater.scala
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import chisel3.util.{Decoupled, DecoupledIO}
// When repeat is asserted, the Repeater copies the input and repeats it next cycle.
class Repeater[T <: Data](gen: T) extends Module
+ override def desiredName = s"Repeater_${gen.typeName}"
val io = IO( new Bundle {
val repeat = Input(Bool())
val full = Output(Bool())
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/SBox.scala b/src/main/scala/util/SBox.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 210e7ab6185..00000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/util/SBox.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-// This is translated from https://github.com/riscv/riscv-crypto
-// 2020-01-29 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
-// Copyright (c) 2020, PQShield Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// Converted to Chisel in 2022
- [BoPe12] Boyar J., Peralta R. "A Small Depth-16 Circuit for the AES
- S-Box." Proc.SEC 2012. IFIP AICT 376. Springer, pp. 287-298 (2012)
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-30436-1_24
- Preprint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/332.pdf
- [Ny93] Nyberg K., "Differentially Uniform Mappings for Cryptography",
- Proc. EUROCRYPT '93, LNCS 765, Springer, pp. 55-64 (1993)
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-48285-7_6
-package freechips.rocketchip.util
-import chisel3._
-// top (inner) linear layer for AES
-object SBoxAESEncIn {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(6, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(21, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x( 3) ^ x( 1)
- t( 1) := x( 6) ^ x( 5)
- t( 2) := x( 6) ^ x( 2)
- t( 3) := x( 5) ^ x( 2)
- t( 4) := x( 4) ^ x( 0)
- t( 5) := x( 1) ^ x( 0)
- y( 0) := x( 0)
- y( 1) := x( 7) ^ x( 4)
- y( 2) := x( 7) ^ x( 2)
- y( 3) := x( 7) ^ x( 1)
- y( 4) := x( 4) ^ x( 2)
- y( 5) := y( 1) ^ t( 0)
- y( 6) := x( 0) ^ y( 5)
- y( 7) := x( 0) ^ t( 1)
- y( 8) := y( 5) ^ t( 1)
- y( 9) := y( 3) ^ y( 4)
- y(10) := y( 5) ^ t( 2)
- y(11) := t( 0) ^ t( 2)
- y(12) := t( 0) ^ t( 3)
- y(13) := y( 7) ^ y(12)
- y(14) := t( 1) ^ t( 4)
- y(15) := y( 1) ^ y(14)
- y(16) := t( 1) ^ t( 5)
- y(17) := y( 2) ^ y(16)
- y(18) := y( 2) ^ y( 8)
- y(19) := y(15) ^ y(13)
- y(20) := y( 1) ^ t( 3)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// top (inner) linear layer for AES^-1
-object SBoxAESDecIn {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(5, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(21, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x( 1) ^ x( 0)
- t( 1) := x( 6) ^ x( 1)
- t( 2) := x( 5) ^ ~x( 2)
- t( 3) := x( 2) ^ ~x( 1)
- t( 4) := x( 5) ^ ~x( 3)
- y( 0) := x( 7) ^ t( 2)
- y( 1) := x( 4) ^ x( 3)
- y( 2) := x( 7) ^ ~x( 6)
- y( 3) := y( 1) ^ t( 0)
- y( 4) := x( 3) ^ y( 6)
- y( 5) := y(16) ^ t( 2)
- y( 6) := x( 6) ^ ~y(17)
- y( 7) := x( 0) ^ ~y( 1)
- y( 8) := y( 2) ^ y(18)
- y( 9) := y( 2) ^ t( 0)
- y(10) := y( 8) ^ t( 3)
- y(11) := y( 8) ^ y(20)
- y(12) := t( 1) ^ t( 4)
- y(13) := x( 5) ^ ~y(14)
- y(14) := y(16) ^ t( 0)
- y(15) := y(18) ^ t( 1)
- y(16) := x( 6) ^ ~x( 4)
- y(17) := x( 7) ^ x( 4)
- y(18) := x( 3) ^ ~x( 0)
- y(19) := x( 5) ^ ~y( 1)
- y(20) := y( 1) ^ t( 3)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// top (inner) linear layer for SM4
-object SBoxSM4In {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(7, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(21, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x(3) ^ x( 4)
- t( 1) := x(2) ^ x( 7)
- t( 2) := x(7) ^ y(18)
- t( 3) := x(1) ^ t( 1)
- t( 4) := x(6) ^ x( 7)
- t( 5) := x(0) ^ y(18)
- t( 6) := x(3) ^ x( 6)
- y( 0) := x(5) ^ ~y(10)
- y( 1) := t(0) ^ t( 3)
- y( 2) := x(0) ^ t( 0)
- y( 3) := x(3) ^ y( 4)
- y( 4) := x(0) ^ t( 3)
- y( 5) := x(5) ^ t( 5)
- y( 6) := x(0) ^ ~x( 1)
- y( 7) := t(0) ^ ~y(10)
- y( 8) := t(0) ^ t( 5)
- y( 9) := x(3)
- y(10) := x(1) ^ y(18)
- y(11) := t(0) ^ t( 4)
- y(12) := x(5) ^ t( 4)
- y(13) := x(5) ^ ~y( 1)
- y(14) := x(4) ^ ~t( 2)
- y(15) := x(1) ^ ~t( 6)
- y(16) := x(0) ^ ~t( 2)
- y(17) := t(0) ^ ~t( 2)
- y(18) := x(2) ^ x( 6)
- y(19) := x(5) ^ ~y(14)
- y(20) := x(0) ^ t( 1)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// The shared non-linear middle part for AES, AES^-1, and SM4.
-object SBoxMid {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(46, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(18, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x( 3) ^ x(12)
- t( 1) := x( 9) & x( 5)
- t( 2) := x(17) & x( 6)
- t( 3) := x(10) ^ t( 1)
- t( 4) := x(14) & x( 0)
- t( 5) := t( 4) ^ t( 1)
- t( 6) := x( 3) & x(12)
- t( 7) := x(16) & x( 7)
- t( 8) := t( 0) ^ t( 6)
- t( 9) := x(15) & x(13)
- t(10) := t( 9) ^ t( 6)
- t(11) := x( 1) & x(11)
- t(12) := x( 4) & x(20)
- t(13) := t(12) ^ t(11)
- t(14) := x( 2) & x( 8)
- t(15) := t(14) ^ t(11)
- t(16) := t( 3) ^ t( 2)
- t(17) := t( 5) ^ x(18)
- t(18) := t( 8) ^ t( 7)
- t(19) := t(10) ^ t(15)
- t(20) := t(16) ^ t(13)
- t(21) := t(17) ^ t(15)
- t(22) := t(18) ^ t(13)
- t(23) := t(19) ^ x(19)
- t(24) := t(22) ^ t(23)
- t(25) := t(22) & t(20)
- t(26) := t(21) ^ t(25)
- t(27) := t(20) ^ t(21)
- t(28) := t(23) ^ t(25)
- t(29) := t(28) & t(27)
- t(30) := t(26) & t(24)
- t(31) := t(20) & t(23)
- t(32) := t(27) & t(31)
- t(33) := t(27) ^ t(25)
- t(34) := t(21) & t(22)
- t(35) := t(24) & t(34)
- t(36) := t(24) ^ t(25)
- t(37) := t(21) ^ t(29)
- t(38) := t(32) ^ t(33)
- t(39) := t(23) ^ t(30)
- t(40) := t(35) ^ t(36)
- t(41) := t(38) ^ t(40)
- t(42) := t(37) ^ t(39)
- t(43) := t(37) ^ t(38)
- t(44) := t(39) ^ t(40)
- t(45) := t(42) ^ t(41)
- y( 0) := t(38) & x( 7)
- y( 1) := t(37) & x(13)
- y( 2) := t(42) & x(11)
- y( 3) := t(45) & x(20)
- y( 4) := t(41) & x( 8)
- y( 5) := t(44) & x( 9)
- y( 6) := t(40) & x(17)
- y( 7) := t(39) & x(14)
- y( 8) := t(43) & x( 3)
- y( 9) := t(38) & x(16)
- y(10) := t(37) & x(15)
- y(11) := t(42) & x( 1)
- y(12) := t(45) & x( 4)
- y(13) := t(41) & x( 2)
- y(14) := t(44) & x( 5)
- y(15) := t(40) & x( 6)
- y(16) := t(39) & x( 0)
- y(17) := t(43) & x(12)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// bottom (outer) linear layer for AES
-object SBoxAESEncOut {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(30, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(8, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x(11) ^ x(12)
- t( 1) := x( 0) ^ x( 6)
- t( 2) := x(14) ^ x(16)
- t( 3) := x(15) ^ x( 5)
- t( 4) := x( 4) ^ x( 8)
- t( 5) := x(17) ^ x(11)
- t( 6) := x(12) ^ t( 5)
- t( 7) := x(14) ^ t( 3)
- t( 8) := x( 1) ^ x( 9)
- t( 9) := x( 2) ^ x( 3)
- t(10) := x( 3) ^ t( 4)
- t(11) := x(10) ^ t( 2)
- t(12) := x(16) ^ x( 1)
- t(13) := x( 0) ^ t( 0)
- t(14) := x( 2) ^ x(11)
- t(15) := x( 5) ^ t( 1)
- t(16) := x( 6) ^ t( 0)
- t(17) := x( 7) ^ t( 1)
- t(18) := x( 8) ^ t( 8)
- t(19) := x(13) ^ t( 4)
- t(20) := t( 0) ^ t( 1)
- t(21) := t( 1) ^ t( 7)
- t(22) := t( 3) ^ t(12)
- t(23) := t(18) ^ t( 2)
- t(24) := t(15) ^ t( 9)
- t(25) := t( 6) ^ t(10)
- t(26) := t( 7) ^ t( 9)
- t(27) := t( 8) ^ t(10)
- t(28) := t(11) ^ t(14)
- t(29) := t(11) ^ t(17)
- y( 0) := t( 6) ^ ~t(23)
- y( 1) := t(13) ^ ~t(27)
- y( 2) := t(25) ^ t(29)
- y( 3) := t(20) ^ t(22)
- y( 4) := t( 6) ^ t(21)
- y( 5) := t(19) ^ ~t(28)
- y( 6) := t(16) ^ ~t(26)
- y( 7) := t( 6) ^ t(24)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// bottom (outer) linear layer for AES^-1
-object SBoxAESDecOut {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(30, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(8, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x( 2) ^ x(11)
- t( 1) := x( 8) ^ x( 9)
- t( 2) := x( 4) ^ x(12)
- t( 3) := x(15) ^ x( 0)
- t( 4) := x(16) ^ x( 6)
- t( 5) := x(14) ^ x( 1)
- t( 6) := x(17) ^ x(10)
- t( 7) := t( 0) ^ t( 1)
- t( 8) := x( 0) ^ x( 3)
- t( 9) := x( 5) ^ x(13)
- t(10) := x( 7) ^ t( 4)
- t(11) := t( 0) ^ t( 3)
- t(12) := x(14) ^ x(16)
- t(13) := x(17) ^ x( 1)
- t(14) := x(17) ^ x(12)
- t(15) := x( 4) ^ x( 9)
- t(16) := x( 7) ^ x(11)
- t(17) := x( 8) ^ t( 2)
- t(18) := x(13) ^ t( 5)
- t(19) := t( 2) ^ t( 3)
- t(20) := t( 4) ^ t( 6)
- t(21) := 0.U
- t(22) := t( 2) ^ t( 7)
- t(23) := t( 7) ^ t( 8)
- t(24) := t( 5) ^ t( 7)
- t(25) := t( 6) ^ t(10)
- t(26) := t( 9) ^ t(11)
- t(27) := t(10) ^ t(18)
- t(28) := t(11) ^ t(25)
- t(29) := t(15) ^ t(20)
- y( 0) := t( 9) ^ t(16)
- y( 1) := t(14) ^ t(23)
- y( 2) := t(19) ^ t(24)
- y( 3) := t(23) ^ t(27)
- y( 4) := t(12) ^ t(22)
- y( 5) := t(17) ^ t(28)
- y( 6) := t(26) ^ t(29)
- y( 7) := t(13) ^ t(22)
- y.asUInt
- }
-// bottom (outer) linear layer for SM4
-object SBoxSM4Out {
- def apply(x: UInt): UInt = {
- val t = Wire(Vec(30, Bool()))
- val y = Wire(Vec(8, Bool()))
- t( 0) := x( 4) ^ x( 7)
- t( 1) := x(13) ^ x(15)
- t( 2) := x( 2) ^ x(16)
- t( 3) := x( 6) ^ t( 0)
- t( 4) := x(12) ^ t( 1)
- t( 5) := x( 9) ^ x(10)
- t( 6) := x(11) ^ t( 2)
- t( 7) := x( 1) ^ t( 4)
- t( 8) := x( 0) ^ x(17)
- t( 9) := x( 3) ^ x(17)
- t(10) := x( 8) ^ t( 3)
- t(11) := t( 2) ^ t( 5)
- t(12) := x(14) ^ t( 6)
- t(13) := t( 7) ^ t( 9)
- t(14) := x( 0) ^ x( 6)
- t(15) := x( 7) ^ x(16)
- t(16) := x( 5) ^ x(13)
- t(17) := x( 3) ^ x(15)
- t(18) := x(10) ^ x(12)
- t(19) := x( 9) ^ t( 1)
- t(20) := x( 4) ^ t( 4)
- t(21) := x(14) ^ t( 3)
- t(22) := x(16) ^ t( 5)
- t(23) := t( 7) ^ t(14)
- t(24) := t( 8) ^ t(11)
- t(25) := t( 0) ^ t(12)
- t(26) := t(17) ^ t( 3)
- t(27) := t(18) ^ t(10)
- t(28) := t(19) ^ t( 6)
- t(29) := t( 8) ^ t(10)
- y( 0) := t(11) ^ ~t(13)
- y( 1) := t(15) ^ ~t(23)
- y( 2) := t(20) ^ t(24)
- y( 3) := t(16) ^ t(25)
- y( 4) := t(26) ^ ~t(22)
- y( 5) := t(21) ^ t(13)
- y( 6) := t(27) ^ ~t(12)
- y( 7) := t(28) ^ ~t(29)
- y.asUInt
- }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/util/package.scala b/src/main/scala/util/package.scala
index bacaf5b7b17..6ca4961d580 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/util/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/util/package.scala
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ package object util {
def isOneOf(u1: UInt, u2: UInt*): Bool = isOneOf(u1 +: u2.toSeq)
+ implicit class VecToAugmentedVec[T <: Data](private val x: Vec[T]) extends AnyVal {
+ /** Like Vec.apply(idx), but tolerates indices of mismatched width */
+ def extract(idx: UInt): T = x((idx | 0.U(log2Ceil(x.size).W)).extract(log2Ceil(x.size) - 1, 0))
+ }
implicit class SeqToAugmentedSeq[T <: Data](private val x: Seq[T]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(idx: UInt): T = {
if (x.size <= 1) {
@@ -34,6 +40,8 @@ package object util {
+ def extract(idx: UInt): T = VecInit(x).extract(idx)
def asUInt: UInt = Cat(x.map(_.asUInt).reverse)
def rotate(n: Int): Seq[T] = x.drop(n) ++ x.take(n)
@@ -262,7 +270,7 @@ package object util {
val y = Output(chiselTypeOf(in))
io.y := io.x
- override def desiredName = "OptimizationBarrier"
+ override def desiredName = s"OptimizationBarrier_${in.typeName}"
barrier.io.x := in
@@ -286,4 +294,10 @@ package object util {
case x if x == n => in
case _ => throw new Exception(s"must provide exactly 1 or $n of some field, but got:\n$in")
+ // HeterogeneousBag moved to standalond diplomacy
+ @deprecated("HeterogeneousBag has been absorbed into standalone diplomacy library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ def HeterogeneousBag[T <: Data](elts: Seq[T]) = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.HeterogeneousBag[T](elts)
+ @deprecated("HeterogeneousBag has been absorbed into standalone diplomacy library", "rocketchip 2.0.0")
+ val HeterogeneousBag = _root_.org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.nodes.HeterogeneousBag
diff --git a/torture b/torture
deleted file mode 160000
index 99d8b2b441e..00000000000
--- a/torture
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 99d8b2b441ecaa18b852505bb7718ee04e2753f5