Please include a summary of the change request or bug which is supposed to be fixed as part of this pull request
- New feature/Enhancement - non-breaking change which adds functionality
- Bug fix
- Breaking change (Require Major version change?)
- OpenPeppol eDEC Specifications
- Peppol AS4 Profile specification
- Peppol Business Envelope specification
- Peppol Policies specification
- Peppol eDEC Code Lists specification
- OpenPeppol Spring/Fall release
- Oxalis software internal change or enhancement
- General change
- My code follows the style guidelines of this project
- I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas. But did not add unnecessary annotation/comment say @author name etc
- I have checked my code for variable and method name and corrected grammar/spelling mistakes if any
- I have made corresponding changes to the documentation where needed
- My changes generate no new/additional warnings
- My change is not breaking or creating conflict with associated dependencies
- I have performed a self-review of my own code
- I ran
mvn clean install
before commit and all tests run successfully - I conducted basic QA to assure all features are working fine
- My pull request generate no conflicts with
branch - I requested code review from other team members