diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.clockwork-0.9.8 b/docker/Dockerfile.clockwork-0.9.8 deleted file mode 100644 index fce2997..0000000 --- a/docker/Dockerfile.clockwork-0.9.8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -FROM debian:buster - -LABEL maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" \ -about.summary="container for the clockwork workflow" - - -ENV samtools_version=1.12 \ -htslib_version=1.12 \ -bcftools_version=1.12 \ -minimap2_version=2.17 \ -picard_version=2.18.16 \ -gramtools_version=8af53f6c8c0d72ef95223e89ab82119b717044f2 \ -vt_version=2187ff6347086e38f71bd9f8ca622cd7dcfbb40c \ -minos_version=0.11.0 \ -cortex_version=3a235272e4e0121be64527f01e73f9e066d378d3 \ -vcftools_version=0.1.15 \ -mccortex_version=97aba198d632ee98ac1aa496db33d1a7a8cb7e51 \ -stampy_version=1.0.32r3761 \ -python_version=3.6.5 \ -clockwork_version=2364dec4cbf25c844575e19e8fe0a319d10721b5 - -ENV PACKAGES="procps curl git build-essential wget zlib1g-dev pkg-config jq r-base-core rsync autoconf libncurses-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake tabix libvcflib-tools libssl-dev software-properties-common perl locales locales-all" \ -PYTHON="python2.7 python-dev" - -COPY bin/ /opt/bin/ -ENV PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - - -RUN apt-get update \ -&& apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& curl -fsSL https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${python_version}/Python-${python_version}.tgz | tar -xz \ -&& cd Python-${python_version} \ -&& ./configure --enable-optimizations \ -&& make altinstall \ -&& cd .. \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.6 /usr/local/bin/python3 \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 /usr/local/bin/pip3 \ -&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \ -&& pip3 install 'cluster_vcf_records==0.13.1' pysam setuptools awscli \ -&& apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/samtools/archive/${samtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/${htslib_version}/htslib-${htslib_version}.tar.bz2 | tar -xj \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r samtools-${samtools_version} \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/archive/refs/tags/${bcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bcftools-${bcftools_version} - - -RUN curl -fsSL minimap2-${minimap2_version}.tar.gz https://github.com/lh3/minimap2/archive/v${minimap2_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd minimap2-${minimap2_version} \ -&& make \ -&& chmod +x minimap2 \ -&& mv minimap2 /usr/local/bin \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r minimap2-${minimap2_version} \ -&& wget https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/${picard_version}/picard.jar -O /usr/local/bin/picard.jar - - -RUN git clone https://github.com/atks/vt.git vt-git \ -&& cd vt-git \ -&& git checkout ${vt_version} \ -&& make \ -&& cd .. \ -&& mv vt-git/vt /usr/local/bin \ -&& pip3 install tox "six>=1.14.0" \ -&& git clone https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/gramtools \ -&& cd gramtools \ -&& git checkout ${gramtools_version} \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& pip3 install cython \ -&& pip3 install git+https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/minos@v${minos_version} - - -RUN git clone --recursive https://github.com/iqbal-lab/cortex.git \ -&& cd cortex \ -&& git checkout ${cortex_version} \ -&& bash install.sh \ -&& make NUM_COLS=1 cortex_var \ -&& make NUM_COLS=2 cortex_var \ -&& cd .. \ -&& mkdir bioinf-tools \ -&& cd bioinf-tools \ -&& curl -fsSL http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gerton/software/Stampy/stampy-${stampy_version}.tgz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C stampy-* \ -&& cp -s stampy-*/stampy.py . \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/vcftools/vcftools/releases/download/v${vcftools_version}/vcftools-${vcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd vcftools-${vcftools_version} \ -&& ./configure --prefix $PWD/install \ -&& make && make install \ -&& ln -s src/perl/ . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& git clone --recursive https://github.com/mcveanlab/mccortex \ -&& cd mccortex \ -&& git checkout ${mccortex_version} \ -&& make all \ -&& cd .. \ -&& cp -s mccortex/bin/mccortex31 . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& git clone https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/clockwork \ -&& cd clockwork \ -&& git checkout ${clockwork_version} \ -&& cd python \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& chmod +x scripts/clockwork - -ENV CLOCKWORK_CORTEX_DIR=/cortex \ -PATH=${PATH}:/clockwork/python/scripts \ -PICARD_JAR=/usr/local/bin/picard.jar - -ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 \ -LANG en_US.UTF-8 \ -LANGUAGE en_US.UTF-8 - - diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.preprocessing- b/docker/Dockerfile.preprocessing- deleted file mode 100644 index 0c4da95..0000000 --- a/docker/Dockerfile.preprocessing- +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:focal - -LABEL maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" \ -about.summary="container for the preprocessing workflow" - -ENV samtools_version=1.12 \ -bcftools_version=1.12 \ -htslib_version=1.12 \ -bedtools_version=2.29.2 \ -bowtie2_version=2.4.2 \ -fastp_version=0.20.1 \ -fastqc_version=0.11.9 \ -fqtools_version=2.3 \ -kraken2_version=2.1.1 \ -afanc_version=0.10.2 \ -mykrobe_version=0.12.1 \ -bwa_version=0.7.17 \ -mash_version=2.3 \ -fastani_version=1.33 - - -ENV PACKAGES="procps curl git wget build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgsl-dev rsync unzip ncbi-blast+ pigz jq libtbb-dev openjdk-11-jre-headless autoconf r-base-core locales locales-all" \ -PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" \ -PYTHON_PACKAGES="biopython awscli boto3" - -ENV PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin/mccortex/bin:/usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version}:/opt/edirect \ -LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib - -RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" - -COPY bin/ /opt/bin/ -ENV PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - -RUN apt-get update \ -&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \ -&& pip3 install $PYTHON_PACKAGES \ -&& ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/samtools/archive/${samtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/${htslib_version}/htslib-${htslib_version}.tar.bz2 | tar -xj \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r samtools-${samtools_version} \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/archive/refs/tags/${bcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bcftools-${bcftools_version} - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/alastair-droop/fqtools/archive/v${fqtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& mv htslib-${htslib_version} fqtools-${fqtools_version} \ -&& cd fqtools-${fqtools_version} \ -&& mv htslib-${htslib_version} htslib \ -&& cd htslib \ -&& autoreconf -i \ -&& ./configure \ -&& make \ -&& make install \ -&& cd .. \ -&& make \ -&& mv bin/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fqtools \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r fqtools-${fqtools_version} - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases/download/v${bedtools_version}/bedtools-${bedtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bedtools2 \ -&& mv bedtools2/bin/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm -r bedtools2 - -RUN curl -fsSL https://sourceforge.net/projects/bowtie-bio/files/bowtie2/${bowtie2_version}/bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip -o bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip \ -&& unzip bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip \ -&& make -C bowtie2-${bowtie2_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bowtie2-${bowtie2_version} \ -&& rm bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp/archive/v${fastp_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd fastp-${fastp_version} \ -&& make \ -&& make install \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r fastp-${fastp_version} - -RUN wget https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& unzip fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& chmod +x FastQC/fastqc \ -&& mv FastQC/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& rm -r FastQC - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/DerrickWood/kraken2/archive/v${kraken2_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd kraken2-${kraken2_version} \ -&& ./install_kraken2.sh /usr/local/bin \ -&& cd .. - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/ArthurVM/Afanc/archive/refs/tags/v${afanc_version}-alpha.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd Afanc-${afanc_version}-alpha \ -&& pip3 install ./ \ -&& cd .. \ -&& curl -fsSL "https://github.com/marbl/Mash/releases/download/v${mash_version}/mash-Linux64-v${mash_version}.tar" | tar -x \ -&& mv mash-Linux64-v${mash_version}/mash /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm -r mash-Linux* \ -&& wget https://github.com/ParBLiSS/FastANI/releases/download/v${fastani_version}/fastANI-Linux64-v${fastani_version}.zip \ -&& unzip fastANI-Linux64-v${fastani_version}.zip \ -&& mv fastANI /usr/local/bin - -RUN sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/install-edirect.sh)" \ -&& mkdir -p /opt/edirect \ -&& mv /root/edirect/* /opt/edirect - -RUN git clone --recursive -b geno_kmer_count https://github.com/phelimb/mccortex \ -&& make -C mccortex \ -&& mv mccortex /usr/local/bin \ -&& curl -fsSL mykrobe-${mykrobe_version}.tar.gz https://github.com/Mykrobe-tools/mykrobe/archive/v${mykrobe_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd mykrobe-${mykrobe_version} \ -&& pip3 install requests \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/mccortex/bin/mccortex31 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mykrobe/cortex/mccortex31 \ -&& mykrobe panels update_metadata \ -&& mykrobe panels update_species all \ -&& cd .. - -RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/lh3/bwa/archive/v${bwa_version}.tar.gz | tar -C /usr/local/bin -xz \ -&& make -C /usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version} \ -&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version}/bwa - -RUN unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND - -ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 \ -LANG en_US.UTF-8 \ -LANGUAGE en_US.UTF-8 - diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler- b/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler- deleted file mode 100644 index b1a8853..0000000 --- a/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler- +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:focal - -#copy the reference genome to pre-compute our index -COPY resources/tuberculosis.fasta /data/tuberculosis.fasta - -ENV tbdb_version=a5e1d48 \ - tbprofiler_version=6.2.1 \ - TMPDIR="." - -#USER root -WORKDIR / -ENV TMPDIR="/data" -ARG TBPROFILER_VER="6.2.1" - -# this version is the shortened commit hash on the `master` branch here https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/ -# commits are found on https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/commits/master -# this was the latest commit as of 2024-05-21 -ARG TBDB_VER="a5e1d48" - -# LABEL instructions tag the image with metadata that might be important to the user -LABEL base.image="ubuntu:focal" -LABEL dockerfile.version="" -LABEL software="tbprofiler" -LABEL software.version="${TBPROFILER_VER}" -LABEL description="The pipeline aligns reads to the H37Rv reference using bowtie2, BWA or minimap2 and then calls variants using bcftools. These variants are then compared to a drug-resistance database." -LABEL maintainer3="Tom Whalley" -LABEL maintainer3.email="twhalley93@gmail.com" - -#set env for root prefix -ENV MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX="/opt/conda" - -RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils wget bzip2 curl -RUN curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest| tar -xvj bin/micromamba \ - && touch /root/.bashrc \ - && ./bin/micromamba shell init -s bash -p /opt/conda \ - && grep -v '[ -z "\$PS1" ] && return' /root/.bashrc > /opt/conda/bashrc # this line has been modified \ - && apt-get clean autoremove --yes \ - && rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log} - - -# install tb-profiler via bioconda; install into 'base' conda env -RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda \ - tb-profiler=${TBPROFILER_VER} - -RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda gatk4 -RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda samtools -RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge jq -RUN micromamba clean --all --yes - -# hardcode 'base' env bin into PATH, so conda env does not have to be "activated" at run time -ENV PATH="/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}" - - -# Version of database can be confirmed at /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json -# can also run 'tb-profiler list_db' to find the same version info -# In 5.0.1 updating_tbdb does not work with tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_VER} - -WORKDIR /data - -#wants full path to reference -RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb --match_ref /data/tuberculosis.fasta --commit ${TBDB_VER} - diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.vcfpredict-0.9.8 b/docker/Dockerfile.vcfpredict-0.9.8 deleted file mode 100644 index 9de1bb7..0000000 --- a/docker/Dockerfile.vcfpredict-0.9.8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -FROM ubuntu:20.04 - -LABEL maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" \ -about.summary="container for the vcf predict workflow" - -#add run-vcf to container -COPY bin/ /opt/bin/ -ENV PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - -ENV PACKAGES="procps curl wget git build-essential libhdf5-dev libffi-dev r-base-core jq" \ -PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" - -ENV vcfmix_version=d4693344bf612780723e39ce27c8ae3868f95417 - -#apt updates -RUN apt-get update \ -&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get -y install tzdata \ -&& apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& apt-get install -y python3-packaging \ -&& git clone https://github.com/JeremyWesthead/VCFMIX.git \ -&& cd VCFMIX \ -&& git checkout ${vcfmix_version} \ -&& pip3 install recursive_diff \ -&& pip3 install awscli \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& cp -r data /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages \ -&& cd .. diff --git a/singularity/Singularity.clockwork-0.9.8 b/singularity/Singularity.clockwork-0.9.8 deleted file mode 100644 index 0e13714..0000000 --- a/singularity/Singularity.clockwork-0.9.8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -Bootstrap: docker -From: debian:buster -Stage: spython-base - -%files -bin/ /opt/bin/ -%labels -maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" -about.summary="container for the clockwork workflow" -%post - - -samtools_version=1.12 -htslib_version=1.12 -bcftools_version=1.12 -minimap2_version=2.17 -picard_version=2.18.16 -gramtools_version=8af53f6c8c0d72ef95223e89ab82119b717044f2 -vt_version=2187ff6347086e38f71bd9f8ca622cd7dcfbb40c -minos_version=0.11.0 -cortex_version=3a235272e4e0121be64527f01e73f9e066d378d3 -vcftools_version=0.1.15 -mccortex_version=97aba198d632ee98ac1aa496db33d1a7a8cb7e51 -stampy_version=1.0.32r3761 -python_version=3.6.5 -clockwork_version=2364dec4cbf25c844575e19e8fe0a319d10721b5 - -PACKAGES="procps curl git build-essential wget zlib1g-dev pkg-config jq r-base-core rsync autoconf libncurses-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake tabix libvcflib-tools libssl-dev software-properties-common perl locales locales-all" -PYTHON="python2.7 python-dev" - -PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - - -apt-get update \ -&& apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& curl -fsSL https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${python_version}/Python-${python_version}.tgz | tar -xz \ -&& cd Python-${python_version} \ -&& ./configure --enable-optimizations \ -&& make altinstall \ -&& cd .. \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.6 /usr/local/bin/python3 \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 /usr/local/bin/pip3 \ -&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \ -&& pip3 install 'cluster_vcf_records==0.13.1' pysam setuptools awscli \ -&& wget -qO - https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public | apt-key add - \ -&& add-apt-repository --yes https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \ -&& apt-get update && apt-get install -y adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot - - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/samtools/archive/${samtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/${htslib_version}/htslib-${htslib_version}.tar.bz2 | tar -xj \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r samtools-${samtools_version} \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/archive/refs/tags/${bcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bcftools-${bcftools_version} - - -curl -fsSL minimap2-${minimap2_version}.tar.gz https://github.com/lh3/minimap2/archive/v${minimap2_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd minimap2-${minimap2_version} \ -&& make \ -&& chmod +x minimap2 \ -&& mv minimap2 /usr/local/bin \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r minimap2-${minimap2_version} \ -&& wget https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/${picard_version}/picard.jar -O /usr/local/bin/picard.jar - - -git clone https://github.com/atks/vt.git vt-git \ -&& cd vt-git \ -&& git checkout ${vt_version} \ -&& make \ -&& cd .. \ -&& mv vt-git/vt /usr/local/bin \ -&& pip3 install tox "six>=1.14.0" \ -&& git clone https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/gramtools \ -&& cd gramtools \ -&& git checkout ${gramtools_version} \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& pip3 install cython \ -&& pip3 install git+https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/minos@v${minos_version} - - -git clone --recursive https://github.com/iqbal-lab/cortex.git \ -&& cd cortex \ -&& git checkout ${cortex_version} \ -&& bash install.sh \ -&& make NUM_COLS=1 cortex_var \ -&& make NUM_COLS=2 cortex_var \ -&& cd .. \ -&& mkdir bioinf-tools \ -&& cd bioinf-tools \ -&& curl -fsSL http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gerton/software/Stampy/stampy-${stampy_version}.tgz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C stampy-* \ -&& cp -s stampy-*/stampy.py . \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/vcftools/vcftools/releases/download/v${vcftools_version}/vcftools-${vcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd vcftools-${vcftools_version} \ -&& ./configure --prefix $PWD/install \ -&& make && make install \ -&& ln -s src/perl/ . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& git clone --recursive https://github.com/mcveanlab/mccortex \ -&& cd mccortex \ -&& git checkout ${mccortex_version} \ -&& make all \ -&& cd .. \ -&& cp -s mccortex/bin/mccortex31 . \ -&& cd .. \ -&& git clone https://github.com/iqbal-lab-org/clockwork \ -&& cd clockwork \ -&& git checkout ${clockwork_version} \ -&& cd python \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& chmod +x scripts/clockwork - -CLOCKWORK_CORTEX_DIR=/cortex -PATH=${PATH}:/clockwork/python/scripts -PICARD_JAR=/usr/local/bin/picard.jar - -LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 -LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 - -%environment -export samtools_version=1.12 -export htslib_version=1.12 -export bcftools_version=1.12 -export minimap2_version=2.17 -export picard_version=2.18.16 -export gramtools_version=8af53f6c8c0d72ef95223e89ab82119b717044f2 -export vt_version=2187ff6347086e38f71bd9f8ca622cd7dcfbb40c -export minos_version=0.11.0 -export cortex_version=3a235272e4e0121be64527f01e73f9e066d378d3 -export vcftools_version=0.1.15 -export mccortex_version=97aba198d632ee98ac1aa496db33d1a7a8cb7e51 -export stampy_version=1.0.32r3761 -export python_version=3.6.5 -export clockwork_version=2364dec4cbf25c844575e19e8fe0a319d10721b5 -export PACKAGES="procps curl git build-essential wget zlib1g-dev pkg-config jq r-base-core rsync autoconf libncurses-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake tabix libvcflib-tools libssl-dev software-properties-common perl locales locales-all" -export PYTHON="python2.7 python-dev" -export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH -export CLOCKWORK_CORTEX_DIR=/cortex -export PATH=${PATH}:/clockwork/python/scripts -export PICARD_JAR=/usr/local/bin/picard.jar -export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 -export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 -%runscript -exec /bin/bash "$@" -%startscript -exec /bin/bash "$@" diff --git a/singularity/Singularity.preprocessing-0.9.8 b/singularity/Singularity.preprocessing-0.9.8 deleted file mode 100644 index 6ec7c12..0000000 --- a/singularity/Singularity.preprocessing-0.9.8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -Bootstrap: docker -From: ubuntu:focal -Stage: spython-base - -%files -bin/ /opt/bin/ -%labels -maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" -about.summary="container for the preprocessing workflow" -%post - - -samtools_version=1.12 -bcftools_version=1.12 -htslib_version=1.12 -bedtools_version=2.29.2 -bowtie2_version=2.4.2 -fastp_version=0.20.1 -fastqc_version=0.11.9 -fqtools_version=2.3 -kraken2_version=2.1.1 -afanc_version=0.10.2 -mykrobe_version=0.12.1 -bwa_version=0.7.17 -mash_version=2.3 -fastani_version=1.33 - -PACKAGES="procps curl git wget build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgsl-dev rsync unzip ncbi-blast+ pigz jq libtbb-dev openjdk-11-jre-headless autoconf r-base-core locales locales-all" -PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" -PYTHON_PACKAGES="biopython awscli boto3" - -PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin/mccortex/bin:/usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version}:/opt/edirect -LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib - -export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" - -PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - -apt-get update \ -&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \ -&& pip3 install $PYTHON_PACKAGES \ -&& ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/samtools/archive/${samtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/${htslib_version}/htslib-${htslib_version}.tar.bz2 | tar -xj \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C samtools-${samtools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r samtools-${samtools_version} \ -&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/archive/refs/tags/${bcftools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} \ -&& make -C bcftools-${bcftools_version} -j HTSDIR=../htslib-${htslib_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bcftools-${bcftools_version} - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/alastair-droop/fqtools/archive/v${fqtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& mv htslib-${htslib_version} fqtools-${fqtools_version} \ -&& cd fqtools-${fqtools_version} \ -&& mv htslib-${htslib_version} htslib \ -&& cd htslib \ -&& autoreconf -i \ -&& ./configure \ -&& make \ -&& make install \ -&& cd .. \ -&& make \ -&& mv bin/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fqtools \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r fqtools-${fqtools_version} - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases/download/v${bedtools_version}/bedtools-${bedtools_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& make -C bedtools2 \ -&& mv bedtools2/bin/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm -r bedtools2 - -curl -fsSL https://sourceforge.net/projects/bowtie-bio/files/bowtie2/${bowtie2_version}/bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip -o bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip \ -&& unzip bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip \ -&& make -C bowtie2-${bowtie2_version} prefix=/usr/local install \ -&& rm -r bowtie2-${bowtie2_version} \ -&& rm bowtie2-${bowtie2_version}-source.zip - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp/archive/v${fastp_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd fastp-${fastp_version} \ -&& make \ -&& make install \ -&& cd .. \ -&& rm -r fastp-${fastp_version} - -wget https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& unzip fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& chmod +x FastQC/fastqc \ -&& mv FastQC/* /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm fastqc_v${fastqc_version}.zip \ -&& rm -r FastQC - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/DerrickWood/kraken2/archive/v${kraken2_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd kraken2-${kraken2_version} \ -&& ./install_kraken2.sh /usr/local/bin \ -&& cd .. - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/ArthurVM/Afanc/archive/refs/tags/v${afanc_version}-alpha.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd Afanc-${afanc_version}-alpha \ -&& pip3 install ./ \ -&& cd .. \ -&& curl -fsSL "https://github.com/marbl/Mash/releases/download/v${mash_version}/mash-Linux64-v${mash_version}.tar" | tar -x \ -&& mv mash-Linux64-v${mash_version}/mash /usr/local/bin \ -&& rm -r mash-Linux* \ -&& wget https://github.com/ParBLiSS/FastANI/releases/download/v${fastani_version}/fastANI-Linux64-v${fastani_version}.zip \ -&& unzip fastANI-Linux64-v${fastani_version}.zip \ -&& mv fastANI /usr/local/bin - -sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/install-edirect.sh)" \ -&& mkdir -p /opt/edirect \ -&& mv /root/edirect/* /opt/edirect - -git clone --recursive -b geno_kmer_count https://github.com/phelimb/mccortex \ -&& make -C mccortex \ -&& mv mccortex /usr/local/bin \ -&& curl -fsSL mykrobe-${mykrobe_version}.tar.gz https://github.com/Mykrobe-tools/mykrobe/archive/v${mykrobe_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz \ -&& cd mykrobe-${mykrobe_version} \ -&& pip3 install requests \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& ln -s /usr/local/bin/mccortex/bin/mccortex31 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/mykrobe/cortex/mccortex31 \ -&& mykrobe panels update_metadata \ -&& mykrobe panels update_species all \ -&& cd .. - -curl -fsSL https://github.com/lh3/bwa/archive/v${bwa_version}.tar.gz | tar -C /usr/local/bin -xz \ -&& make -C /usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version} \ -&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version}/bwa - -unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND - -LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 -LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 - -%environment -export samtools_version=1.12 -export bcftools_version=1.12 -export htslib_version=1.12 -export bedtools_version=2.29.2 -export bowtie2_version=2.4.2 -export fastp_version=0.20.1 -export fastqc_version=0.11.9 -export fqtools_version=2.3 -export kraken2_version=2.1.1 -export afanc_version=0.10.2 -export mykrobe_version=0.12.1 -export bwa_version=0.7.17 -export mash_version=2.3 -export fastani_version=1.33 -export PACKAGES="procps curl git wget build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgsl-dev rsync unzip ncbi-blast+ pigz jq libtbb-dev openjdk-11-jre-headless autoconf r-base-core locales locales-all" -export PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" -export PYTHON_PACKAGES="biopython awscli boto3" -export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin/mccortex/bin:/usr/local/bin/bwa-${bwa_version}:/opt/edirect -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib -export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH -export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 -export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 -%runscript -exec /bin/bash "$@" -%startscript -exec /bin/bash "$@" diff --git a/singularity/Singularity.tbprofiler- b/singularity/Singularity.tbprofiler- deleted file mode 100644 index de733db..0000000 --- a/singularity/Singularity.tbprofiler- +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -Bootstrap: docker -From: ubuntu:focal -Stage: spython-base - -%files -resources/tuberculosis.fasta /data/tuberculosis.fasta -%labels -base.image="ubuntu:focal" -dockerfile.version="" -software="tbprofiler" -software.version="${TBPROFILER_VER}" -description="The pipeline aligns reads to the H37Rv reference using bowtie2, BWA or minimap2 and then calls variants using bcftools. These variants are then compared to a drug-resistance database." -maintainer3="Tom Whalley" -maintainer3.email="twhalley93@gmail.com" -%post - -#copy the reference genome to pre-compute our index - -tbdb_version=a5e1d48 -tbprofiler_version=6.2.1 -TMPDIR="." - -#USER root -mkdir -p / -cd / -TMPDIR="/data" -TBPROFILER_VER="6.2.1" - -# this version is the shortened commit hash on the `master` branch here https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/ -# commits are found on https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/commits/master -# this was the latest commit as of 2024-05-21 -TBDB_VER="a5e1d48" - -# LABEL instructions tag the image with metadata that might be important to the user - -#set env for root prefix -MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX="/opt/conda" - -apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils wget bzip2 curl -curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest| tar -xvj bin/micromamba \ -&& touch /root/.bashrc \ -&& ./bin/micromamba shell init -s bash -p /opt/conda \ -&& grep -v '[ -z "\$PS1" ] && return' /root/.bashrc > /opt/conda/bashrc # this line has been modified \ -&& apt-get clean autoremove --yes \ -&& rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log} - - -# install tb-profiler via bioconda; install into 'base' conda env -micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda \ -tb-profiler=${TBPROFILER_VER} - -micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda gatk4 -micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda samtools -micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge jq -micromamba clean --all --yes - -# hardcode 'base' env bin into PATH, so conda env does not have to be "activated" at run time -PATH="/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}" - - -# Version of database can be confirmed at /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json -# can also run 'tb-profiler list_db' to find the same version info -# In 5.0.1 updating_tbdb does not work with tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_VER} - -mkdir -p /data -cd /data - -#wants full path to reference -tb-profiler update_tbdb --match_ref /data/tuberculosis.fasta --commit ${TBDB_VER} - -%environment -export tbdb_version=a5e1d48 -export tbprofiler_version=6.2.1 -export TMPDIR="." -export TMPDIR="/data" -export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX="/opt/conda" -export PATH="/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}" -%runscript -cd /data -exec /bin/bash "$@" -%startscript -cd /data -exec /bin/bash "$@" diff --git a/singularity/Singularity.vcfpredict-0.9.8 b/singularity/Singularity.vcfpredict-0.9.8 deleted file mode 100644 index 0146e7d..0000000 --- a/singularity/Singularity.vcfpredict-0.9.8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -Bootstrap: docker -From: ubuntu:20.04 -Stage: spython-base - -%files -bin/ /opt/bin/ -%labels -maintainer="pricea35@cardiff.ac.uk" -about.summary="container for the vcf predict workflow" -%post - - -#add run-vcf to container -PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH - -PACKAGES="procps curl wget git build-essential libhdf5-dev libffi-dev r-base-core jq" -PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" - -vcfmix_version=d4693344bf612780723e39ce27c8ae3868f95417 -#apt updates -apt-get update \ -&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get -y install tzdata \ -&& apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $PYTHON \ -&& apt-get install -y python3-packaging \ -&& git clone https://github.com/JeremyWesthead/VCFMIX.git \ -&& cd VCFMIX \ -&& git checkout ${vcfmix_version} \ -&& pip3 install recursive_diff \ -&& pip3 install awscli \ -&& pip3 install . \ -&& cp -r data /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages \ -&& cd .. -%environment -export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH -export PACKAGES="procps curl wget git build-essential libhdf5-dev libffi-dev r-base-core jq" -export PYTHON="python3 python3-pip python3-dev" -export vcfmix_version=d4693344bf612780723e39ce27c8ae3868f95417 -%runscript -exec /bin/bash "$@" -%startscript -exec /bin/bash "$@"