diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a076e2a..6d071d3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -67,8 +67,11 @@ Name of the bowtie index, e.g. hg19_1kgmaj
Run [vcfmix](https://github.com/AlexOrlek/VCFMIX), yes or no. Set to no for synthetic samples
* **resistance_profiler**
Run resistance profiling for Mycobacterium tubercuclosis. Either ["tb-profiler"](https://tbdr.lshtm.ac.uk/) or "none".
-* **afanc_myco_db**
Path to the [afanc](https://github.com/ArthurVM/Afanc) database used for speciation. Obtain from https://s3.climb.ac.uk/microbial-bioin-sp3/Mycobacteriaciae_DB_7.0.tar.gz
+* **afanc_myco_db**
+Path to the [afanc](https://github.com/ArthurVM/Afanc) database used for speciation. Obtain from https://s3.climb.ac.uk/microbial-bioin-sp3/Mycobacteriaciae_DB_7.0.tar.gz
+* **update_tbprofiler**
+Update tb-profiler. Either "yes" or "no". "yes" may be useful when running outside of a container for the first time as we will not have constructed a tb-profiler database matching our reference. This is not needed with the climb, docker and singluarity profiles as the reference has already been added. Alternatively you can run ```tb-profiler update_tbdb --match_ref /resources/tuberculosis.fasta```.
For more information on the parameters run `nextflow run main.nf --help`
@@ -83,49 +86,57 @@ NXF_VER=20.11.0-edge nextflow run main.nf -stub -config testing.config
## Checkpoints ##
Checkpoints used throughout this workflow to fail a sample/issue warnings:
-processes preprocessing:checkFqValidity or preprocessing:checkBamValidity
-1. (Fail) If sample does not pass fqtools 'validate' or samtools 'quickcheck', as appropriate.
+**processes preprocessing:checkFqValidity or preprocessing:checkBamValidity**
+1. (*Fail*) If sample does not pass fqtools 'validate' or samtools 'quickcheck', as appropriate.
-process preprocessing:countReads\
-2. (Fail) If sample contains < 100k pairs of raw reads.
+**process preprocessing:countReads**
+2. (*Fail*) If sample contains < 100k pairs of raw reads.
-process preprocessing:fastp\
-3. (Fail) If sample contains < 100k pairs of cleaned reads, required to all be > 50bp (cleaning using fastp with --length_required 50 --average_qual 10 --low_complexity_filter --correction --cut_right --cut_tail --cut_tail_window_size 1 --cut_tail_mean_quality 20).
-process preprocessing:kraken2\
-4. (Fail) If the top family hit is not Mycobacteriaceae\
-5. (Fail) If there are fewer than 100k reads classified as Mycobacteriaceae \
-6. (Warn) If the top family classification is mycobacterial, but this is not consistent with top genus and species classifications\
-7. (Warn) If the top family is Mycobacteriaceae but no G1 (species complex) classifications meet minimum thresholds of > 5000 reads or > 0.5% of the total reads (this is not necessarily a concern as not all mycobacteria have a taxonomic classification at this rank)\
-8. (Warn) If sample is mixed or contaminated - defined as containing reads > the 5000/0.5% thresholds from multiple non-human species\
-9. (Warn) If sample contains multiple classifications to mycobacterial species complexes, each meeting the > 5000/0.5% thresholds\
-10. (Warn) If no species classification meets the 5000/0.5% thresholds\
-11. (Warn) If no genus classification meets the 5000/0.5% thresholds
+**process preprocessing:fastp**
+3. (*Fail*) If sample contains < 100k pairs of cleaned reads, required to all be > 50bp (cleaning using fastp with --length_required 50 --average_qual 10 --low_complexity_filter --correction --cut_right --cut_tail --cut_tail_window_size 1 --cut_tail_mean_quality 20).
+**process preprocessing:kraken2**
+4. (*Fail*) If the top family hit is not Mycobacteriaceae
+5. (*Fail*) If there are fewer than 100k reads classified as Mycobacteriaceae
+6. (*Warn*) If the top family classification is mycobacterial, but this is not consistent with top genus and species classifications
+7. (*Warn*) If the top family is Mycobacteriaceae but no G1 (species complex) classifications meet minimum thresholds of > 5000 reads or > 0.5% of the total reads (this is not necessarily a concern as not all mycobacteria have a taxonomic classification at this rank)
+8. (*Warn*) If sample is mixed or contaminated - defined as containing reads > the 5000/0.5% thresholds from multiple non-human species
+9. (*Warn*) If sample contains multiple classifications to mycobacterial species complexes, each meeting the > 5000/0.5% thresholds
+10. (*Warn*) If no species classification meets the 5000/0.5% thresholds
+11. (*Warn*) If no genus classification meets the 5000/0.5% thresholds
-process preprocessing:identifyBacterialContaminants\
-12. (Fail) If regardless of what Kraken reports, Afanc does not make a species-level mycobacterial classification (note that we do not use Kraken mycobacterial classifications other than to determine whether 100k reads are family Mycobacteriaceae; for higher-resolution classification, we defer to Afanc)\
-13. (Fail) If the sample is not contaminated and the top species hit is not one of the 10 supported Mycobacteria: abscessus|africanum|avium|bovis|chelonae|chimaera|fortuitum|intracellulare|kansasii|tuberculosis\
-14. (Fail) If the sample is not contaminated and the top species hit is contrary to the species expected (e.g. "avium" rather than "tuberculosis" - only tested if you provide that expectation)\
-15. (Warn) If the top Afanc species hit, on the basis of highest % coverage, does not also have the highest median depth\
-16. (Warn) If we are unable to associate an NCBI taxon ID to any given contaminant species, which means we will not be able to locate its genome, and thereby remove it as a contaminant\
-17. (Warn) If we are unable to determine a URL for the latest RefSeq genome associated with a contaminant species' taxon ID\
-18. (Warn) If no complete genome could be found for a contaminant species. The workflow will proceed with alignment-based contaminant removal, but you're warned that there's reduced confidence in detecting reads from this species
+**process preprocessing:identifyBacterialContaminants**
+12. (*Fail*) If regardless of what Kraken reports, Afanc does not make a species-level mycobacterial classification (note that we do not use Kraken mycobacterial classifications other than to determine whether 100k reads are family Mycobacteriaceae; for higher-resolution classification, we defer to Afanc)
+13. (*Fail*) If the sample is not contaminated and the top species hit is not one of the 10 supported Mycobacteria: abscessus|africanum|avium|bovis|chelonae|chimaera|fortuitum|intracellulare|kansasii|tuberculosis
+14. (*Fail*) If the sample is not contaminated and the top species hit is contrary to the species expected (e.g. "avium" rather than "tuberculosis" - only tested if you provide that expectation)
+15. (*Warn*) If the top Afanc species hit, on the basis of highest % coverage, does not also have the highest median depth
+16. (*Warn*) If we are unable to associate an NCBI taxon ID to any given contaminant species, which means we will not be able to locate its genome, and thereby remove it as a contaminant
+17. (*Warn*) If we are unable to determine a URL for the latest RefSeq genome associated with a contaminant species' taxon ID
+18. (*Warn*) If no complete genome could be found for a contaminant species. The workflow will proceed with alignment-based contaminant removal, but you're warned that there's reduced confidence in detecting reads from this species
-process preprocessing:downloadContamGenomes\
-19. (Fail) If a contaminant is detected but we are unable to download a representative genome, and thereby remove it
+**process preprocessing:downloadContamGenomes**
+19. (*Fail*) If a contaminant is detected but we are unable to download a representative genome, and thereby remove it
-process preprocessing:summarise\
-20. (Fail) If after having taken an alignment-based approach to decontamination, Kraken still detects a contaminant species\
-21. (Fail) If after having taken an alignment-based approach to decontamination, the top species hit is not one of the 10 supported Mycobacteria\
-22. (Fail) If, after successfully removing contaminants, the top species hit is contrary to the species expected (e.g. "avium" rather than "tuberculosis" - only tested if you provide that expectation)
-process clockwork:alignToRef\
-23. (Fail) If < 100k reads could be aligned to the reference genome\
-24. (Fail) If, after aligning to the reference genome, the average read mapping quality < 10\
-25. (Fail) If < 50% of the reference genome was covered at 10-fold depth
-process clockwork:minos\
-26. (Warn) If sample is not TB, then it is not passed to a resistance profiler
+**process preprocessing:summarise**
+20. (*Fail*) If after having taken an alignment-based approach to decontamination, Kraken still detects a contaminant species
+21. (*Fail*) If after having taken an alignment-based approach to decontamination, the top species hit is not one of the 10 supported Mycobacteria
+22. (*Fail*) If, after successfully removing contaminants, the top species hit is contrary to the species expected (e.g. "avium" rather than "tuberculosis" - only tested if you provide that expectation)
+**process clockwork:alignToRef**
+23. (*Fail*) If < 100k reads could be aligned to the reference genome
+24. (*Fail*) If, after aligning to the reference genome, the average read mapping quality < 10
+25. (*Fail*) If < 50% of the reference genome was covered at 10-fold depth
+**process clockwork:minos**
+26. (*Warn*) If sample is not TB, then it is not passed to a resistance profiler
## Acknowledgements ##
For a list of direct authors of this pipeline, please see the contributors list. All of the software dependencies of this pipeline are recorded in the version.json
diff --git a/config/containers.config b/config/containers.config
index e961b71..a0983db 100644
--- a/config/containers.config
+++ b/config/containers.config
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
- container_enabled = "true"
- container_enabled = "true"
-process {
- update_tbprofiler = "false"
+process {
withLabel:low_cpu {cpus = 2}
withLabel:normal_cpu { cpus = 8 }
withLabel:low_memory { memory = '5GB' }
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler-0.9.8 b/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler-0.9.8
index a176110..b6390e1 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler-0.9.8
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.tbprofiler-0.9.8
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ ARG TBPROFILER_VER="6.2.0"
# this version is the shortened commit hash on the `master` branch here https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/
# commits are found on https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/commits/master
# this was the latest commit as of 2024-05-01
-ARG TBDB_VER="152d603"
+ARG TBDB_VER="e6a0040"
# LABEL instructions tag the image with metadata that might be important to the user
LABEL base.image="micromamba:1.3.0"
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ ENV PATH="/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}"
# Version of database can be confirmed at /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json
# can also run 'tb-profiler list_db' to find the same version info
# In 5.0.1 updating_tbdb does not work with tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_VER}
-RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_VER}
-RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb --match_ref tuberculosis.fasta
+#wants full path to reference
+RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb --match_ref /data/tuberculosis.fasta --commit ${TBDB_VER}
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 0cd98f2..60a579a 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -92,12 +92,6 @@ if(!resistance_profilers.contains(params.resistance_profiler)){
exit 1, 'Invalid resistance profiler. Must be one of "tb-profiler" or "none" to skip.'
-//tbprofiler container already has the reference genome in the DB, so skip if using docker
-if((params.resistance_profiler == "tb-profiler") && (params.container_enabled == true)) {
- update_tbprofiler = true
-} else {
- update_tbprofiler = false
resistance_profiler = params.resistance_profiler
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 1ea7d51..25e79c4 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ params {
vcfmix = 'yes'
resistance_profiler = "tb-profiler"
- update_tbprofiler = "yes"
+ update_tbprofiler = "no"
// path to singularity recipes directory (needed to strip software versions in getversion)
sing_dir = "${baseDir}/singularity"