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File metadata and controls

260 lines (186 loc) · 8.92 KB


Below are several examples to illustrate how to use ASReview-datatools. Make sure to have installed asreview-datatools and ASReview LAB v1.1 or higher.

Overview of the tutorials:

  1. Update systematic review
  2. Add prior knowledge
  3. Prepare a dataset for a simulation study

Allowed data formats are described in the ASReview documentation. ASReview converts the labeling decisions in RIS files to a binary variable: irrelevant as 0 and relevant as 1. Records marked as unseen or with missing labeling decisions are converted to -1.

Update Systematic Review

Assume you are working on a systematic review and you want to update the review with newly available records. The original data is stored in MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv and the file contains a column containing the labeling decissions. In order to update the systematic review, you run the original search query again but with a new date. You save the newly found records in SEARCH_UPDATE.ris.

In the command line interface (CLI), navigate to the directory where the dataset(s) are stored:

cd Parent_directory

Preparing your data

The original data and the newly found records are in a different datafile format (CSV and RIS). You can convert files to the same file format using the convert script. For example, to convert SEARCH_UPDATE.ris to CSV format, open the command line interface (CLI) and navigate to the directory where the dataset(s) are stored and run

asreview data convert SEARCH_UPDATE.ris SEARCH_UPDATE.csv

Duplicate records can be removed with with dedup script. The algorithm removes duplicates using the Digital Object Indentifier (DOI) and the title plus abstract.

asreview data dedup SEARCH_UPDATE.csv -o SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv

This can also be done considering a similarity threshold between the titles and abstracts.

asreview data dedup SEARCH_UPDATE.csv -o SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv --drop_similar

Describe input

If you want to see descriptive info on your input datasets, run these commands:

asreview data describe MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv -o MY_LABELED_DATASET_description.json
asreview data describe SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv -o SEARCH_UPDATE_description.json

The results will be exported to MY_LABELED_DATASET_description.json and SEARCH_UPDATE_description.json.

Compose datasets

Use the compose script to add SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv to MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv:

asreview data compose updated_search.csv -l MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv -u SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv

The flag -l means the labels in MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv will be kept.

The flag -u means all records from SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv will be added as unlabeled to the composed dataset.

If a record exists in both datasets, it is assumed the record containing a label is maintained, see the default conflict resolving strategy. To keep both records (with and without label), use

asreview data compose updated_search.csv -l MY_LABELED_DATASET.csv -u SEARCH_UPDATE_DEDUP.csv -c keep

The composed dataset will be exported to COMPOSED_DATA.csv.

Describe output

To see descriptive info on the composed dataset:

asreview data describe COMPOSED_DATA.csv -o updated_search_description.json

The result will be exported to updated_search_description.json.

Continue screening in ASReview lab

The partly labelled data, COMPOSED_DATA.csv, can be uploaded to ASReview lab - Oracle mode. The lables will be reckognized by ASReview and used to train the first iteration of the model and you can continue screening all unlabeled records found in the new search.

Add prior knowledge

Assume you have just executed a search query for a systematic review and you want to use a pre-defined set of relevant and irrelevant records as training data. The search results are stored in SEARCH_RESULTS.ris, and the records you already know to be relevant/irrelevant are saved in PRIOR_RELEVANT.ris and PRIOR_IRRELEVANT.ris respectively.

In the command line interface (CLI), navigate to the directory where the dataset(s) are stored:

cd Parent_directory

Describe input

If you want to see descriptive info on your input datasets, run these commands:

asreview data describe SEARCH_RESULTS.ris -o SEARCH_RESULTS_description.json
asreview data describe PRIOR_RELEVANT.ris -o PRIOR_RELEVANT_description.json
asreview data describe PRIOR_IRRELEVANT.ris -o PRIOR_IRRELEVANT_description.json

The results will be exported to SEARCH_RESULTS_description.json, PRIOR_RELEVANT_description.json and PRIOR_IRRELEVANT_description.json.

Compose datasets

To create one dataset with labels only for the training data to be used in ASREview, run:

asreview data compose search_with_priors.ris -u SEARCH_RESULTS.ris -r PRIOR_RELEVANT.ris -i PRIOR_IRRELEVANT.ris

The flag -r means all records from PRIOR_RELEVANT.ris will be added as relevant records to the composed dataset.

The flag -i means all records from PRIOR_IRRELEVANT.ris will be added as irrelevant.

The flag -u means all other records from SEARCH_RESULTS.ris will be added as unlabeled.

If any duplicate records exist across the datasets, by default the order of keeping labels is:

  1. relevant
  2. irrelevant
  3. unlabeled

You can configure the behavior in resolving conflicting labels by setting the hierarchy differently. To do so, pass the letters r (relevant), i (irrelevant), and u (unlabeled) in any order to, for example, --hierarchy uir.

The composed dataset will be exported to search_with_priors.ris.

Describe output

To see descriptive info on the composed dataset:

asreview data describe search_with_priors.ris -o search_with_priors_description.json

The result will be exported to search_with_priors_description.json in the output folder.

Start screening in ASReview lab

The partly labelled data, search_with_priors.ris, can be uploaded to ASReview lab - Oracle mode. The lables will be reckognized by ASReview and used to train the first iteration of the model and you can continue screening all unlabeled records found in the new search.

Prepare a dataset for a simulation study

Assume you want to use the simulation mode of ASReview but the data is not stored in one singe file containing the meta-data and labelling decissions as required by ASReview.

Suppose the following files are available:

  • SCREENED.ris: all records that were screened
  • RELEVANT.ris: the subset of relevant records after manually screening all the records.

You need to compose the files into a single file where all records from RELEVANT.csv are relevant all other records are irrelevant.

In the command line interface (CLI), navigate to the directory where the dataset(s) are stored:

cd Parent_directory

Describe input

If you want to see descriptive info on your input datasets, run these commands:

asreview data describe SCREENED.ris -o SCREENED_description.json
asreview data describe RELEVANT.ris -o RELEVANT_description.json

The results will be exported to SCREENED_description.json and RELEVANT_description.json.

Compose datasets

Run to compose a new dataset from SCREENED.ris and RELEVANT.ris:

asreview data compose screened_with_labels.ris -i SCREENED.ris -r RELEVANT.ris

The flag -r means all records from RELEVANT.ris will be added as relevant to the composed dataset.

The flag -i means all other records from SCREENED.ris will be added as irrelevant.

The composed dataset will be exported to screened_with_labels.ris.

Describe output

To see descriptive info on the composed dataset:

asreview data describe screened_with_labels.ris -o screened_with_labels_description.json

The result will be exported to screened_with_labels_description.json.

Run simulation in ASReview lab

The resulting file screened_with_labels.ris can be uploaded to ASReview lab Simulation mode. This allows you to simulate the screening procedure of the systematic review as if it were carried out using ASReview lab.