This chapter lists the environment variables that rez generates in certain circumstances, as well as environment variables that you can set which affect the operation of rez.
These are variables that rez generates within a resolved environment (a "context").
.. envvar:: REZ_RXT_FILE Filepath of the current context (an rxt file). .. seealso:: Documentation on :doc:`contexts <context>`.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED Path to rez installation that was used to resolve this environment.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_IMPLICIT_PACKAGES The list of implicit packages used in the resolve.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_PACKAGES_PATH The package search-path used for this resolve.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_RESOLVE The list of resolved packages, eg ``platform-linux utils-1.2.3``.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_EPH_RESOLVE The list of resolved ephemerals, eg ``.foo.cli-1 .debugging-0``.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_LOCAL_RESOLVE The list of resolved local packages, eg ``utils-1.2.3 maya_utils-1.3+``. Packages listed here will always be a subset of the packages in :envvar:`REZ_USED_RESOLVE`.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_REQUEST The environment request string, eg ``maya-2017 maya_utils-1.3+``. Does not include implicit packages.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_REQUESTED_TIMESTAMP The epoch time of this resolved environment, explicitly set by the user with (for example) the :option:`rez-env --time` flag; zero otherwise.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_TIMESTAMP The epoch time when this environment was resolved; OR, the value of :envvar:`REZ_USED_REQUESTED_TIMESTAMP`, if non-zero.
.. envvar:: REZ_USED_VERSION The version of rez used to resolve this environment.
.. envvar:: REZ_SHELL_INIT_TIMESTAMP The epoch time when the current shell was instantiated.
.. envvar:: REZ_SHELL_INTERACTIVE Will be 1 if the shell is interactive, and 0 otherwise (ie, when a command is specified, like ``rez-env foo -- mycommand``).
.. envvar:: REZ_CONTEXT_FILE Filepath of the current context's shell code that is the result of all the resolved packages :func:`commands`'s sections.
Specifically, per-package, the following variables are generated. Note that for a given
package name, (PKG)
in the variables below is the uppercased package name, with any
dots replaced with underscore.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_BASE The base directory of the package installation, eg ``/packages/utils/1.0.0``.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_ROOT The root directory of the package installation (actually,the variant), eg ``/packages/utils/1.0.0/python-2.7``.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_VERSION The version of the package.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_MAJOR_VERSION The major version of the package, or an empty string.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_MINOR_VERSION The minor version of the package, or an empty string.
.. envvar:: REZ_(PKG)_PATCH_VERSION The patch version of the package, or an emopty string.
For every ephemeral package request, the following variables are generated. Note
that for a given ephemeral package name, (PKG)
in the variables below is the
uppercased package name, with dots replaced by underscore, and the leading dot
.. envvar:: REZ_EPH_(PKG)_REQUEST The resolved ephemeral package request.
These are variables that rez generates within a :ref:`build environment <the-build-environment>`, in addition to context environment variables listed :ref:`here <context-environment-variables>`.
.. glossary::
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_ENV Always present in a build, has value 1.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_INSTALL Has a value of 1 if an installation is taking place (either a :option:`rez-build -i` or :ref:`rez-release`), otherwise 0.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_INSTALL_PATH Installation path, if an install is taking place.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_PATH Path where build output goes.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION Equal to the *description* attribute of the package being built.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_PROJECT_FILE The filepath of the package being built (typically a ```` file).
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_PROJECT_NAME Name of the package being built.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_PROJECT_VERSION Version of the package being built.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_REQUIRES Space-separated list of requirements for the build - comes from the current package's :attr:`requires`, :attr:`build_requires` and :attr:`private_build_requires` attributes, including the current variant's requirements.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_REQUIRES_UNVERSIONED Equivalent but unversioned list to :envvar:`REZ_BUILD_REQUIRES`.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_SOURCE_PATH Path containing the file.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_THREAD_COUNT :noindex: Number of threads being used for the build. .. seealso:: The :data:`build_thread_count` setting.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_TYPE One of ``local`` or ``central``. Value is ``central`` if a release is occurring.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_VARIANT_INDEX Zero-based index of the variant currently being built. For non-varianted packages, this is 0.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_VARIANT_REQUIRES Space-separated list of runtime requirements of the current variant. This does not include the common requirements as found in :envvar:`REZ_BUILD_REQUIRES`. For non-varianted builds, this is an empty string.
.. envvar:: REZ_BUILD_VARIANT_SUBPATH Subdirectory containing the current variant. For non-varianted builds, this is an empty string.
.. envvar:: __PARSE_ARG_XXX .. seealso:: :ref:`custom-build-commands-pass-arguments`
These are environment variables that the user can set, which affect the operation of rez.
.. envvar:: REZ_CONFIG_FILE Path to a rez configuration file.
.. envvar:: REZ_XXX For any given rez config entry (see ````), you can override the setting with an environment variable, for convenience. Here, ``XXX`` is the uppercased equivalent of the setting name. For example, a setting commonly overriden this way is :data:`packages_path`, whos equivalent variable is :envvar:`REZ_PACKAGES_PATH`. .. hint:: Each setting documented in :ref:`configuring-rez-configuration-settings` documents their environment variable.
.. envvar:: REZ_XXX_JSON Same as :envvar:`REZ_XXX`, except that the format is a JSON string. This means that some more complex settings can be overridden, that aren't supported in the non-JSON case (:data:`package_filter` is an example).
.. envvar:: REZ_DISABLE_HOME_CONFIG If 1/t/true, the default ``~/`` config file is skipped.
.. envvar:: EDITOR On Linux and OSX systems, this will set the default editor to use if and when rez requires one (an example is on release if the :data:`prompt_release_message` config setting is true).
.. envvar:: REZ_KEEP_TMPDIRS If set to a non-empty string, this prevents rez from cleaning up any temporary directories. This is for debugging purposes.
.. envvar:: REZ_ENV_PROMPT See the :data:`set_prompt` and :data:`prefix_prompt` settings.
.. envvar:: REZ_LOGGING_CONF Path to a file that will be consumed by :func:`logging.config.fileConfig` to configure the logger.
.. envvar:: REZ_LOG_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS Enable all deprecation warnings to be logged regardless of how you have configured your python interpreter. This is usefull to help upgrading to newer versions of rez. Prior to updating, you should set this environment variable to see if you need to change some things to be compatible with newer versions. .. warning:: Enabling this will forcefully load every configuration file instead of loading them lazilly. This can have an impact on startup time.
.. envvar:: REZ_SIGUSR1_ACTION If you set this to ``print_stack``, rez will prints its current stacktrace to stdout if sent a USR1 signal. This is for debugging purposes only.
.. envvar:: _REZ_NO_KILLPG By default, rez will try to kill its process group when it receives a :data:`SIGINT <signal.SIGINT>` or :data:`SIGTERM <signal.SIGTERM>` signal. Setting ``_REZ_NO_KILLPG`` to either "1", "true", "on" or "yes" disables this behavior. This is handy when developing rez itself.
.. envvar:: _REZ_QUIET_ON_SIG Print a message if rez receives a :data:`SIGINT <signal.SIGINT>` or :data:`SIGTERM <signal.SIGTERM>` signal.