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zstumgoren edited this page Feb 2, 2012 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the LearningPython wiki!

Basic materials

We'll be using Learning Python, 4th edition (important!) by Mark Lutz. It's about $35 and 1,100 pages. If you've ordered the book but need to get started faster, you can check out the Kindle version (Kindle app available for most computer operating systems), which has an extensive sample.

We're also using Python 2.7, which is similar to the version 2.6 discussed in the book. Version 3.x from the book doesn't have libraries that many of us need.

Besides simply working through the book, we'll be working on special projects, including cleaning data and Web scraping. We'll keep in touch through the mailing list, which is tagged with [PythonJournos]. You can also check the mailing list archives for more information.

GettingStarted - How to install Python on Windows, Mac, Linux, along with Python package managers

LearningPython - Home page for group study of the Learning Python tome, by Mark Lutz





Text File Processing

  • Textfiles101 - miscellaneous scripts showing how to work with CSV files
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