diff --git a/QuantConnectStubsGenerator.Tests/GeneratorTests.cs b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator.Tests/GeneratorTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab76549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator.Tests/GeneratorTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using QuantConnectStubsGenerator.Model;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace QuantConnectStubsGenerator.Tests
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class GeneratorTests
+ {
+ [TestCase("public", true)]
+ [TestCase("protected", true)]
+ [TestCase("", false)]
+ [TestCase("private", false)]
+ public void Interfaces(string interfaceModifier, bool expected)
+ {
+ var testGenerator = new TestGenerator
+ {
+ Files = new()
+ {
+ { "Test.cs", $@"
+using System;
+namespace QuantConnect.Benchmarks
+ ///
+ /// Specifies how to compute a benchmark for an algorithm
+ ///
+ {interfaceModifier} interface IBenchmark
+ {{
+ ///
+ /// Evaluates this benchmark at the specified time
+ ///
+ /// The time to evaluate the benchmark at
+ /// The value of the benchmark at the specified time
+ decimal Evaluate(DateTime time);
+ DateTime TestProperty {{get;}}
+ }}
+}}" }
+ }
+ };
+ var result = testGenerator.GenerateModelsPublic();
+ var namespaces = result.GetNamespaces().ToList();
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, namespaces.Count);
+ var baseNameSpace = namespaces.Single(x => x.Name == "QuantConnect");
+ var benchmarksNameSpace = namespaces.Single(x => x.Name == "QuantConnect.Benchmarks");
+ if (!expected)
+ {
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, benchmarksNameSpace.GetClasses().Count());
+ return;
+ }
+ var benchmark = benchmarksNameSpace.GetClasses().Single();
+ Assert.AreEqual("Evaluate", benchmark.Methods.Single().Name);
+ Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(benchmark.Methods.Single().Summary));
+ Assert.AreEqual("TestProperty", benchmark.Properties.Single().Name);
+ Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(benchmark.Properties.Single().Summary));
+ }
+ private class TestGenerator : Generator
+ {
+ public Dictionary Files { get; set; }
+ public TestGenerator() : base("/", "/", "/")
+ {
+ }
+ protected override IEnumerable GetSyntaxTrees()
+ {
+ foreach (var fileContent in Files)
+ {
+ yield return CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(fileContent.Value, path: fileContent.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ public ParseContext GenerateModelsPublic()
+ {
+ ParseContext context = new();
+ base.GenerateModels(context);
+ return context;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Generator.cs b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Generator.cs
index 8f83092..0dbe90d 100644
--- a/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Generator.cs
+++ b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Generator.cs
@@ -28,6 +28,90 @@ public Generator(string leanPath, string runtimePath, string outputDirectory)
public void Run()
+ {
+ // Create an empty ParseContext which will be filled with all relevant information during parsing
+ var context = new ParseContext();
+ GenerateModels(context);
+ // Render .pyi files containing stubs for all parsed namespaces
+ Logger.Info($"Generating .py and .pyi files for {context.GetNamespaces().Count()} namespaces");
+ foreach (var ns in context.GetNamespaces())
+ {
+ var namespacePath = ns.Name.Replace('.', '/');
+ var basePath = Path.GetFullPath($"{namespacePath}/__init__", _outputDirectory);
+ RenderNamespace(ns, basePath + ".pyi");
+ GeneratePyLoader(ns.Name, basePath + ".py");
+ CreateTypedFileForNamespace(ns.Name);
+ }
+ // Generate stubs for the clr module
+ GenerateClrStubs();
+ // Generate stubs for https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/Common/AlgorithmImports.py
+ GenerateAlgorithmImports();
+ // Create setup.py
+ GenerateSetup();
+ }
+ protected virtual void GenerateModels(ParseContext context)
+ {
+ // Create syntax trees for all C# files
+ var syntaxTrees = GetSyntaxTrees().ToList();
+ // Create a compilation containing all syntax trees to retrieve semantic models from
+ var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("").AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
+ // Add all assemblies in current project to compilation to improve semantic models
+ foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
+ {
+ if (!assembly.IsDynamic && assembly.Location != "")
+ {
+ compilation = compilation.AddReferences(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(assembly.Location));
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse all syntax trees using all parsers
+ ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
+ ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
+ ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
+ // Perform post-processing on all parsed classes
+ foreach (var ns in context.GetNamespaces())
+ {
+ // Remove problematic method "GetMethodInfo" from System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions
+ // KW arg is `del` which python is not a fan of. TODO: Make this post filtering more generic?
+ if (ns.Name == "System.Reflection")
+ {
+ var reflectionClass = ns.GetClasses()
+ .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Name == "RuntimeReflectionExtensions");
+ var badMethod = reflectionClass.Methods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "GetMethodInfo");
+ reflectionClass.Methods.Remove(badMethod);
+ }
+ foreach (var cls in ns.GetClasses())
+ {
+ // Remove Python implementations for methods where there is both a Python as well as a C# implementation
+ // The parsed C# implementation is usually more useful for autocomplete
+ // To improve it a little bit we move the return type of the Python implementation to the C# implementation
+ PostProcessClass(cls);
+ // Mark methods which appear multiple times as overloaded
+ MarkOverloads(cls);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create empty namespaces to fill gaps in between namespaces like "A.B" and "A.B.C.D"
+ // This is needed to make import resolution work correctly
+ CreateEmptyNamespaces(context);
+ }
+ protected virtual IEnumerable GetSyntaxTrees()
// Lean projects not to generate stubs for
var blacklistedProjects = new[]
@@ -49,9 +133,9 @@ public void Run()
// 2. Any bin CS files
List blacklistedRegex = new()
- new (".*Lean\\/ADDITIONAL_STUBS\\/.*(?:DataProcessing|tests|DataQueueHandlers|Demonstration|Demostration|Algorithm)", RegexOptions.Compiled),
+ new (".*Lean\\/ADDITIONAL_STUBS\\/.*(?:DataProcessing|tests|DataQueueHandlers|Demonstration|Demostration|Algorithm)", RegexOptions.Compiled),
new(".*\\/bin\\/", RegexOptions.Compiled),
- };
+ };
// Path prefixes for all blacklisted projects
var blacklistedPrefixes = blacklistedProjects
@@ -93,82 +177,10 @@ public void Run()
Logger.Info($"Parsing {sourceFiles.Count} C# files");
- // Create syntax trees for all C# files
- var syntaxTrees = sourceFiles
- .Select(file => CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(File.ReadAllText(file), path: file))
- .ToList();
- // Create a compilation containing all syntax trees to retrieve semantic models from
- var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("").AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
- // Add all assemblies in current project to compilation to improve semantic models
- foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
- {
- if (!assembly.IsDynamic && assembly.Location != "")
- {
- compilation = compilation.AddReferences(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(assembly.Location));
- }
- }
- // Create an empty ParseContext which will be filled with all relevant information during parsing
- var context = new ParseContext();
- // Parse all syntax trees using all parsers
- ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
- ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
- ParseSyntaxTrees(context, syntaxTrees, compilation);
- // Perform post-processing on all parsed classes
- foreach (var ns in context.GetNamespaces())
- {
- // Remove problematic method "GetMethodInfo" from System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions
- // KW arg is `del` which python is not a fan of. TODO: Make this post filtering more generic?
- if (ns.Name == "System.Reflection"){
- var reflectionClass = ns.GetClasses()
- .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Name == "RuntimeReflectionExtensions");
- var badMethod = reflectionClass.Methods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "GetMethodInfo");
- reflectionClass.Methods.Remove(badMethod);
- }
- foreach (var cls in ns.GetClasses())
- {
- // Remove Python implementations for methods where there is both a Python as well as a C# implementation
- // The parsed C# implementation is usually more useful for autocomplete
- // To improve it a little bit we move the return type of the Python implementation to the C# implementation
- PostProcessClass(cls);
- // Mark methods which appear multiple times as overloaded
- MarkOverloads(cls);
- }
- }
- // Create empty namespaces to fill gaps in between namespaces like "A.B" and "A.B.C.D"
- // This is needed to make import resolution work correctly
- CreateEmptyNamespaces(context);
- // Render .pyi files containing stubs for all parsed namespaces
- Logger.Info($"Generating .py and .pyi files for {context.GetNamespaces().Count()} namespaces");
- foreach (var ns in context.GetNamespaces())
+ foreach (var file in sourceFiles)
- var namespacePath = ns.Name.Replace('.', '/');
- var basePath = Path.GetFullPath($"{namespacePath}/__init__", _outputDirectory);
- RenderNamespace(ns, basePath + ".pyi");
- GeneratePyLoader(ns.Name, basePath + ".py");
- CreateTypedFileForNamespace(ns.Name);
+ yield return CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(File.ReadAllText(file), path: file);
- // Generate stubs for the clr module
- GenerateClrStubs();
- // Generate stubs for https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/Common/AlgorithmImports.py
- GenerateAlgorithmImports();
- // Create setup.py
- GenerateSetup();
diff --git a/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Parser/BaseParser.cs b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Parser/BaseParser.cs
index 13f4a2e..7c2578a 100644
--- a/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Parser/BaseParser.cs
+++ b/QuantConnectStubsGenerator/Parser/BaseParser.cs
@@ -114,7 +114,15 @@ private void ExitClass()
protected bool HasModifier(MemberDeclarationSyntax node, string modifier)
- return node.Modifiers.Any(m => m.Text == modifier);
+ return HasModifier(node.Modifiers, modifier);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Check if a node has a modifier like private or static.
+ ///
+ protected bool HasModifier(SyntaxTokenList modifiers, string modifier)
+ {
+ return modifiers.Any(m => m.Text == modifier);
@@ -122,9 +130,23 @@ protected bool HasModifier(MemberDeclarationSyntax node, string modifier)
protected bool ShouldSkip(MemberDeclarationSyntax node)
- return HasModifier(node, "private") || HasModifier(node, "internal")
- // some classes don't any access modifier set, which means private
- || !HasModifier(node, "public") && !HasModifier(node, "protected");
+ if (HasModifier(node, "private") || HasModifier(node, "internal"))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (node.Modifiers.Count() == 0 && node.Parent != null && node.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration))
+ {
+ // interfaces properties/methods are public by default, so they depend on the parent really
+ if (node.Parent is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax interfaceDeclarationSyntax)
+ {
+ var modifiers = interfaceDeclarationSyntax.Modifiers;
+ return !HasModifier(modifiers, "public") && !HasModifier(modifiers, "protected");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // some classes don't any access modifier set, which means private
+ return !HasModifier(node, "public") && !HasModifier(node, "protected");