port :8000
Endpoint : /api/register
"name": "Your name",
"email":"[email protected]",
"password":"Set a pawwsord",
"confirm_password":"same as password"
"email":"[email protected]",
"otp":"your otp"
Endpoint : /api/login
"email":"[email protected]",
"password":"your password"
will gwt a jwt token
Endpoint : /api/oauth2/login/ field
"name": "Your name",
"email":"[email protected]"
- Endpoint : /api/password-reset-request/
{ "email":"[email protected]" }
Will get an otp at this email
Endpoint : /api/password-reset/
{ "email":"[email protected]", "otp":"otp recieved", "new_password":"Set a pawwsord", "confirm_password":"same as password" }
Endpoint : /api/user
will get the data of the user Note: In the header in authorization add the jwt token recieved from login
Endpoint : api/event
will get tht list of all events
Endpoint : /api/event/{id}
will get the data of that particular event... of that id
team_name = {tech, management, marketing}
role = {member, core, head}
Endpoint : /api/team/team_name/role/
will get the list of the team member of the particular domain and of their particular role