- 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
- 'T' for Translational
- 'A', 'B', 'C'
- 'R' for rotational
- 'N' for null space
- 'E' for all DoFs
Controller Parameters z. Controller Type - Position Control - Axis-specific Impedance Controller - Cartesian Impedance Controller a. Position Control No parameters b. Cartesian Impedance Controller - Parameters - Damping - Stiffness - AdditionalControlForce - Safety Guards (Motion is aborted if violated) [Not Planned] - max cartesian velocity - max path deviation - max control force c. Cartesian Impedance Controller with overlaid force oscillation [Not planned] d. Axis-specific impedance controller - Damping - Stiffness
Motion Parameters
Not available for PositionHold?
a. Cartesian Velocity (mm/s) (not applied to joint overlay) - T1: 250 mm/s b. JointVelocityRel (%) c. CartAcceleration (mm/s^2) d. JointAccelerationRel (%) e. CartJerk (mm/s^3) f. JointJerkRel (%) g. OrientationVelocity (rad/s) h. OrientationAcceleration (rad/s^2) i. OrientationJerk (rad/s^3)
LBR status not available in FRI a. temperature [Not Planned] - Power Drive System - FCU of brakes - FCU of motors - CLB of PDSs - Joint - Torque sensor boards - Motor b. External Cartesian forces and torques acting on the robot flange - measure frame (statically fixed to the flange), orientation frame (as the coordinate system) - reliability check c. mastering state [Not Planned] d. ready for motion (only useful for background applications) [Not Planned] - No safety stop is active - The drives are in an error-free state - AUT e. Motion command activity f. Safety Signals [Not Planned] g. Referencing state [Not Planned]
Operations not available in FRI a. Master joints [Not Planned]
Tool load data a. select different tools