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Create Package

ElFatemehHonarvar edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 10 revisions

In this section we will learn how to build your first pypi package

Basic Calculator(calculatorfirstversion)

This calculator is a basic version of a calculation that can perform simple arithmetic operations including Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus, Exponentiation, and Floor division. The name of functions are as below

Addition : add_numbers

Subtraction : sub_numbers

Multiplication : mult_numbers

Division : div_numbers

Modulus : mod_numbers

Exponentiation : squ_number

Floor division : fdiv_numbers

To build your first pypi package

  1. Create a package

    • Prepare your code to share
    • Create the file
  2. Create the License and README files

    • License.txt will tell users the terms and conditions under which they can use your package. Go to and copy and past into your file the MIT license

    • will simply tell users what your package is

  3. Create file

  4. Install the required packages with pip or pip3

    • Setuptools
    • Twine
  5. Run the command to generate your source distribution :

python sdist bdist_wheel


  1. Register yourself

  1. Run the command to upload package :

twine upload --repository-url dist/*

  1. Test the package

pip install packagename

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