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How to contribute to RecycleIT

If You are doing this procedure for the first time see "Contribution for the first time", otherwise see "For later contributions".

1 Contribute for the first time

1.0 Read and agree to the License

RecycleIT is licencend under GPL-3.0. Make sure that you agree with this licence before contributing to the project.

1.1 Fork the project

  • Fork the project to your GitHub.
  • Then clone the forked project to your computer:
git clone

1.2 Create a new branch

  • The recommended name of the branch contains the name of the feature you are working on. For example I am writhn a "How to contribute" document and I will use "howto-contribute" for the name of my branch:
git branch howto-contribute

Then switch to your branch:

git checkout howto-contribute

1.3 Do your changes

Do your changes in the repository. For instance add a new code, fix a bug or modify the README. Then set the upstream to:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main howto-contribute

Add the file/code that you created/modified:

git add name-of-the-file

Then commit the changes with a meaningful comment:

git commit -m "A meaningful comment here please"

1.4 Push your branch

Push your branch to your GitHub fork:

git push origin howto-contribute

1.5 Create a pull request

After all this you will see a "Compare and pull request" green button in your GitHub. Click on it and make a miningful pull request by adding a title, the reason for your commit and a link to the issue (if you are resolving an issue).

At this stage you are done and you have to wait for the approval of your pull request.

2 For later Contributions

2.1 Sync your fork (not necessary for the first time)

Always sync your fork with the origin repository. You can do it on GitHub or in the command line:

# Add a new remote upstream repository
git remote add upstream

# Sync your fork on your device
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main

# Sync your fork on your GitHub repo
git push

2.2 Do your changes and create a pull request

Do not forget to switch to your desired branch before doing any modifications:

git checkout howto-contribute

Then, repeat the steps 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 from the previous section.