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2489 lines (1928 loc) · 83.3 KB

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2489 lines (1928 loc) · 83.3 KB



Patch Changes

  • 8dd9a5f: <rh-tooltip>: make tooltip content available to assistive technology
  • 5554e77: <rh-tile>: fixed layout of compact link tiles with icons
  • a37b594: <rh-cta>: workaround for Safari which sometimes double-renders icons
  • 64dab19: <rh-code-block>: enables copy and word wrap action for prerendered content
  • 33535ef: <rh-accordion>: restore missing hover colors
  • e1e325a: <rh-tile>: <rh-stat>: <rh-card>: <rh-icon>: no longer force headings to be in all caps
  • af13796: <rh-accordion>: corrected accordion header text font weight
  • b60ab7b: <rh-footer>: show content after 5 seconds if javascript fails
  • 518a2dc: <rh-cta>: improved accessibility by correcting active and focus styles
  • 8d51411: Use non-localized font stacks (see @rhds/tokens v2.1.1 release notes)
  • a37b594: <rh-icon>: workaround for Safari which sometimes double-renders icons
  • 8d51411: Bump version of @rhds/tokens
  • eb9cb2f: <rh-button>: improved accessibility by allowing focus when disabled'
  • 7ab9dc5: <rh-avatar>: corrected small viewport margin for plain variant avatars


Patch Changes

  • f63c46d: Color Context: prevent errors in certain SSR scenarios
  • 249a596: <rh-alert>: corrected typography and layouts
  • 613e827: <rh-code-block>: ensure that syntax colours and styles are applied when the element upgrades
  • 0d70e3f: <rh-tabs>: corrects active tab styles in SSR scenarios
  • 7bf5841: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected style regression in dark color palettes
  • 955d393: <rh-surface>: corrected themed text color
  • 3ef5687: <rh-alert>: change heading color for all states of alert to make them all the same
  • 557ede4: <rh-table>: better SSR support
  • f63c46d: <rh-cta>: fix some errors when hydrating in SSR scenarios


Minor Changes

  • 82ffb12: <rh-tile>: add link="private" attribute, indicating that the link is private, which changes the link icon from an arrow to a padlock, and link="external" attribute, which changes the link icon to the "external link" icon

  • 82ffb12: <rh-card> added --rh-card-header-background-on-light and --rh-card-header-background-on-dark CSS custom properties

    rh-card.custom-card {
      --rh-card-header-background-on-light: cornflowerblue;
      --rh-card-header-background-on-dark: darkblue;
  • 82ffb12: <rh-subnav>:

    • removed arrow-key keyboard navigation in favor of tab navigation.
    • add accessible-label attribute to explicitly label landmark.
    • corrects overflow icons
    <rh-subnav accessible-label="Customer service">
      <a href="#" active>Help</a>
      <a href="#">Contact Us</a>
      <a href="#">FAQ</a>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-code-block>: syntax highlighting via prerendered prismjs code-blocks. Use the highlighting="prerendered" attribute when rendering code blocks using server side prism, e.g. in a markdown fenced code block.

    <rh-code-block highlighting="prerendered">
      <pre class="language-css"><code class="language-css"><span class="token selector">a</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
      <span class="token property">color</span><span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token function">var</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>--rh-color-interactive-primary-default<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
      <span class="token punctuation">}</span></pre>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tag> added red-orange, yellow, and teal colors. NOTE that cyan is now deprecated, but will continue to work using the teal colors.

  • 82ffb12: <rh-table>: added auto-generated table cell headings for responsive layout on small screens.

  • 82ffb12: <rh-tag>: added desaturated variant:

    <rh-tag variant="desaturated">New</rh-tag>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tag>: added size attribute.

    <rh-tag size="compact">New</rh-tag>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-alert>: added new states: info, neutral, and caution, and deprecated note (now an alias to info), default (now an alias to neutral), and error (now an alias to danger).

  • 82ffb12: <rh-button>: add icon-set attribute, corresponding to <rh-icon set="...">

    <rh-button icon="giftbox" icon-set="standard">Donate</rh-button>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-navigation-secondary>:

    • removed arrow-key keyboard navigation in favor of tab navigation.
    • add accessible-label attribute to explicitly label landmark.
    <rh-navigation-secondary accessible-label="Main">
  • 82ffb12: <rh-badge>: added new states:

    • danger
    • warning
    • caution
    • neutral
    • info

    We deprecated:

    • critical (now an alias to danger)
    • important (now an alias to caution)
    • moderate (now an alias to warning)
    • note (now an alias to info)
  • 82ffb12: <rh-skip-link>: added optional href attribute:

    <rh-skip-link href="#main-content">Skip to main content</rh-skip-link>

    is equivalent to:

      <a href="#main-content">Skip to main content</a>
  • 82ffb12: <rh-code-block>: Added highlighting="client" for client-side syntax highlighting with Red Hat colour scheme

  • 82ffb12: <rh-tag>: added href attribute

    <rh-tag icon="information-fill" href="/info">Info</rh-tag>
  • 82ffb12: Theming: Added theming tokens to most elements

    Theming tokens let authors respond to the currently-active colour palette, and are especially useful when implementing patterns using themeable elements.

    <rh-card class="example-logo-text-and-cta">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <em>consectetur adipiscing elit</em>.</p>
      <rh-cta slot="footer" href="#">Call to action</rh-cta>
      .example-logo-text-and-cta {
        width: 360px;
        & em {
          color: var(--rh-color-accent-base);

Patch Changes

  • 82ffb12: <rh-audio-player>: corrected focus when keyboard navigating options menu
  • 82ffb12: <rh-audio-player>: use theme tokens
  • 82ffb12: <rh-accordion>: Make <rh-accordion-header>'s bold.
  • 82ffb12: <rh-table>: tables now adjust to the size of their containing element, not to the size of the viewport.
  • 82ffb12: <rh-accordion>: removed arrow-key keyboard navigation in favor of tab navigation.
  • 82ffb12: <rh-audio-player>: use official red hat icons
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tabs>: tabs now adjust to the size of their containing element, not to the size of the viewport.
  • 82ffb12: <rh-alert>: hide header when it is empty
  • 82ffb12: <rh-audio-player>: add a playback control to the mini layout
  • 82ffb12: <rh-card>: style some slotted links
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tile>: corrected layout when rendering some image slotted elements
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tag>: now supports color theming
  • 82ffb12: <rh-tabs>: allow tabs to participate in advanced layouts
  • 82ffb12: <rh-skip-link>: ensure link is always at top of the page, per guidelines
  • 82ffb12: <rh-site-status>: use <rh-icon> for status indicators


Patch Changes

  • 1ec3653: <rh-footer-universal>: improve compatibility with SSR
  • f77af9a: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected visibility of the borders when using the dark color palette
  • 1ec3653: <rh-alert>: fixed styles and typings for the RhAlert.toast() method
  • fecbe5d: <rh-button>: corrected style issue which caused layout side effects
  • 1ec3653: <rh-icon>: prevent error when hydrating server-side-rendered icons
  • cb5e01a: <rh-cta>: corrected icon not loading on default variant
  • f4fcd78: <rh-back-to-top>: builds-in the style guidelines in: back to top is fixed and always on top. Note that this change removes previously undocumented CSS custom properties --rh-back-to-top-position-right and --rh-back-to-top-position-bottom.
  • 5323a21: <rh-tooltip>: added border radius style to match specifications
  • b558e00: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected logo slot text line-height


Major Changes

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-accordion>: Removed the heading-tag and heading-text attributes from the rh-accordion-header element. <h2> (etc.) elements are no longer valid content for <rh-accordion-header>, but users are encouraged to wrap accordion headers in the appropriate heading element, in case javascript fails to load.


        <h2>First Header</h2>


      <h2><rh-accordion-header>First Header</rh-accordion-header></h2>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-accordion>: removed the unused icon part and attribute from <rh-accordion-header>

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-accordion>: removed the (previously undocumented) container part from <rh-accordion-header>

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-footer>: removed deprecated <rh-global-footer> element and deprecated global slot. Use <rh-footer-universal> element and universal slot.


      <!-- ... -->
      <rh-global-footer slot="global">
        <!-- ... -->


      <!-- ... -->
      <rh-footer-universal slot="universal">
        <!-- ... -->
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-tabs>: removed deprecated RhTabs.isTab() and RhTabs.isPanel() static class methods.

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: removed read-only cta property; use data-analytics attributes instead

  • fa2c4d2: Removed the rhds.min.js entrypoint and replaced it with a module that reexports all our element modules.


    import "@rhds/elements"; // get the minified bundle
    import "@rhds/elements/rh-cta/rh-cta.js";
    // => DOMException: 'rh-cta' has already been defined as a custom element


    import "@rhds/elements"; // get the entrypoint module
    import "@rhds/elements/rh-cta/rh-cta.js";
    // => get the same module referenced in the entry point
  • 8a061e9: <rh-tabs>: Removed the deprectated attribute that sets the theme for the tabs and panels Please use the --rh-tabs-active-border-color CSS property directly.


    <rh-tabs theme="base">
      <!-- ... -->


      style="--rh-tabs-active-border-color: var(--rh-color-border-interactive-on-light, #0066cc)"
      <!-- ... -->
      style="--rh-tabs-active-border-color: var(--rh-color-border-interactive-on-dark, #92c5f9)"
      <!-- ... -->
  • 8e68a6a: <rh-dialog>: removed deprecated --rh-modal-video-aspect-ratio CSS custom property


    rh-dialog.custom-dialog {
      --rh-modal-video-aspect-ratio: 3/2;


    rh-dialog.custom-dialog {
      --rh-dialog-video-aspect-ratio: 3/2;
  • 8e68a6a: <rh-footer>: removed deprecated CSS custom properties


    rh-footer.custom-footer {
      --rh-color-link-inline-on-dark: cyan;
      --rh-color-link-inline-hover-on-dark: cornflowerblue;
      --rh-color-link-inline-focus-on-dark: cornflowerblue;
      --rh-color-link-inline-visited-on-dark: cornflowerblue;


    rh-footer.custom-footer {
      --rh-color-interactive-blue-lighter: cyan;
      --rh-color-interactive-blue-lightest: cornflowerblue;
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-accordion>: remove unused bordered attribute

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-spinner>: remove deprecated color-palette attribute


    <rh-spinner color-palette="darkest"></rh-spinner>


    <rh-surface color-palette="darkest">
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: Removed previously-deprecated color-palette attribute

    Use themeable containers (e.g. <rh-surface> or <rh-card>) instead.


    <rh-cta color-palette="dark" href="#default">Default</rh-cta>


    <rh-surface color-palette="dark">
      <rh-cta href="#default">Default</rh-cta>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-alert>: removed deprecated toast boolean attribute


    <rh-alert toast>
      <h3 slot="header">Default</h3>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend
        elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.


    <rh-alert variant="toast">
      <h3 slot="header">Default</h3>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend
        elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-table>: removed deprecated CSS custom properties


    rh-table.custom-table {
      --rh-table-row-background-color: crimson;
      --rh-table-column-background-color: royalblue;


    rh-table.custom-table {
      --rh-table-row-background-hover-color: crimson;
      --rh-table-column-background-hover-color: royalblue;
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-navigation-secondary> removed deprecated alias rh-secondary-nav


      <!-- ... -->


      <!-- ... -->
  • 8e68a6a: <rh-tabs>: removed box and vertical attributes from <rh-tab>. Set them on <rh-tabs> instead.

    In most cases, you shouldn't need to update your templates, as long as <rh-tabs> has the right attributes

Minor Changes

  • fa2c4d2: ✨ Added <rh-health-index>

    Health index grades the health or security level of something.

    <rh-health-index grade="A">A</rh-health-index>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-alert> added static toast method

    import { RhAlert } from "@rhds/elements/rh-alert/rh-alert.js";
      state: "warning",
      heading: "Careful",
      message: "Toast is high in calories!",
  • fa2c4d2: ✨ Added <rh-video-embed>

    A video embed is a graphical preview of a video overlayed with a play button. When clicked, the YouTube video will begin playing.

        alt="Image description"
          title="Title of video"
          allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
      <p slot="caption">
        <a class="rh-video-embed-caption-link" href=""
          >View the infographic</a
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-pagination>: ✨ Added open variant and small size

    Users can now further customize pagination by choosing which variant and size are most appropriate for their applications.

    <rh-pagination variant="open" size="sm">
        <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#2">2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#3">3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#4">4</a></li>
        <li><a href="#5">5</a></li>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-card>: ✨ Added promo card variant

    The promo card variant allows users to easily display text and optionally an image side by side.

    <rh-card variant="promo">
        alt="product illustration"
      <h2 slot="header">Try our new product</h2>
      <p>Our new product is the best in class.</p>
      <rh-cta slot="footer" href="#">Start a Free Trial</rh-cta>
  • fa2c4d2: ✨ Added <rh-breadcrumb>.

    A breadcrumb navigation is a secondary navigation element consisting of a list of links to the parent pages of the current page in hierarchical order. It helps users find their place within a website or web application.

        <li><a href="../../../..">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="../../../">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="#" aria-current="page">Our Team</a></li>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-pagination>: ✨ Added support for dark color themes

    <rh-surface color-palette="dark">
          <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
          <li><a href="#2">2</a></li>
          <li><a href="#3">3</a></li>
          <li><a href="#4">4</a></li>
          <li><a href="#5">5</a></li>
  • fa2c4d2: ✨ Added <rh-icon>.

    Icons represents general concepts and can support text as a decorative element. The <rh-icon> element allows experience and content authors to add Red Hat icons of varying dimensions in the same area without shifting surrounding content.

    <rh-icon icon="alert"></rh-icon>

    <rh-icon> has experimental SSR support. It's not ready for production, but if you try it, let us know!

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: Added rh-cta-lightdom-shim.css as an optional file to help reduce layout shift before element is defined, where declarative shadow DOM is not an option.

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: added href attribute. When set, do not slot an anchor or button, instead, slot in the link text.

    These two are equivalent:

      <a href="/elements">Elements</a>
    <rh-cta href="/elements">Elements</rh-cta>
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-card>: Added CSS custom properties for card headings:

    • --rh-card-heading-font-family
    • --rh-card-heading-font-size
    • --rh-card-heading-font-weight
  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: added icon-set attribute to better control icon loading

    <rh-cta icon="success" icon-set="custom">...</rh-cta>
  • fa2c4d2: ✨ Added <rh-switch>

    A switch toggles the state of a setting (between on and off). Switches and checkboxes can often be used interchangeably, but the switch provides a more explicit, visible representation on a setting.

    <rh-switch id="switch-a" accessible-label="Switch A" checked>
      <span slot="message-on">Message when <strong>on</strong></span>
      <span slot="message-off">Message when <strong>off</strong></span>

Patch Changes

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-audio-player>: enforce typography for headings

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-card>: Corrected slotted header margin

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-tile>: corrected border color token

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-tile-group>: Corrected application of grid layout to slotted elements.

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: lazy-load the icon component dependency

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-tag>: update green border color

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: corrected cta tokens public api

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-cta>: Changed focus states to mimic hover states + an additional outline.

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-button variant="play">: Play icon is now centered in the circle of the button.

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-breadcrumb>: improved accessibility by adding underlines to links

    <rh-navigation-secondary>: improved accessibility by adding underlines to links

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-site-status>: fix element layout

  • 784da94: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected mobile menu keyboard accessibility, now properly closes when focus leaves

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-accordion-header>: removed deprecated and unused icon property

  • d564ef0: <rh-navigation-secondary>: improved accessibility

  • fa2c4d2: <rh-tile>: Fixed the headline, title, body text, and footer font-sizes to match the Tile specs for both the default and compact variants


Patch Changes

  • 45ab120: React: resolve another syntax error in generated modules


Patch Changes

  • 0f94d81: React: corrected syntax errors in certain generated modules
  • 0f94d81: React: moved files from /react/elements/* to /react/*, and updated the export map to match
  • cbd7c6a: Custom Elements Manifest: corrected module paths in the manifest
  • a5853c7: Copies lightdom CSS files into the package root, making it easier to use RHDS with CDNS like UNPKG.


Patch Changes

  • 8eebce6: <rh-tabs>: improved focus accessibility for keyboard navigation and assistive technology users.'


Patch Changes

  • 69e2cd9: <rh-tabs>: added support for rtl language overflow scroll buttons
  • 1b20464: React: add generated react wrappers to NPM package
  • 971214d: <rh-site-status>: automatically fetch status for the current domain
  • 835a008: <rh-card>: hide header, body, or footer regions when they have no content
  • 727c799: <rh-card>: applied heading font to card headings
  • b443fe2: <rh-code-block>: corrected 'show more' button styles
  • 8365fac: <rh-tag>: ensure correct font-family is used
  • 2f1324e: <rh-card>: removes landmark semantics from card, simplifying page navigation for screen reader users


Patch Changes

  • 862380b: corrected @patternfly/elements dependency to be included with the package


Minor Changes

  • fecdcbf: <rh-codeblock>: added line numbers

  • fecdcbf: ✨ Added <rh-site-status>

    Website status communicates the operational status of a website or domain using a status icon and link. It is usually located in the Footer component.

  • fecdcbf: ✨ Added <rh-back-to-top>.

    Back to top component is a fragment link that allows users to quickly navigate to the top of a lengthy content.

    <rh-back-to-top href="#top">Back to top</rh-back-to-top>
  • fecdcbf: ✨ Added <rh-skip-link>.

    A skip link is used to skip repetitive content on a page. It is hidden by default and can be activated by hitting the "Tab" key after loading/refreshing a page.

      <a href="#main-content">Skip to main content</a>
  • fecdcbf: ⚛️ Added React wrapper components

    You can now more easily integrate RHDS elements into your React apps by importing our wrapper components

    First, make sure that you list @lit/react as a dependency in your project

    npm install --save @lit/react

    Then import the element components you need and treat them like any other react component

    import { Tabs } from '@rhds/elements/react/rh-tabs/rh-tabs.js';
    import { Tab } from '@rhds/elements/react/rh-tabs/rh-tab.js';
    import { TabPanel } from '@rhds/elements/react/rh-tabs/rh-tab-panel.js';
    import { useState } from 'react';
    const tabs = [
      { heading: 'Hello Red Hat', content: 'Let\'s break down silos' },
      { heading: 'Web components', content: 'They work everywhere' }
    function App() {
      const [index, setExpanded] = useState(-1);
      return (
        <span>expanded {expanded}</span>
        <Tabs>{{ heading, content }, i) => (
          <Tab slot="tab" onExpand={() => setExpanded(i)}>{heading}</Tab>
  • fecdcbf: <rh-codeblock>: added Show more toggle

  • fecdcbf: <rh-codeblock>: added copy and wrap actions, with localizable slots for the button labels

    <rh-code-block actions="wrap copy">
      <span slot="action-label-copy">Copy to Clipboard</span>
      <span slot="action-label-copy" hidden data-code-block-state="active"
      <span slot="action-label-wrap">Toggle word wrap</span>
      <span slot="action-label-wrap" hidden data-code-block-state="active"
        >Toggle overflow</span
      <script type="text/css">
        :host {
          display: block;

Patch Changes

  • fecdcbf: <rh-menu>: improved focus accessibility for keyboard navigation users on firefox <rh-button>: improved focus accessibility on firefox
  • fecdcbf: <rh-accordion>: added a accents slot with placement options as inline and bottom
  • fecdcbf: Context: aligned context implementation with updated protocol defintions
  • fecdcbf: Update dependencies, including Lit version 3
  • fecdcbf: <rh-alert>: make sure alerts always have to correct (lightest) colour palette
  • fecdcbf: <rh-tabs>: allow tabs with long text content to fit into different-sized containers


Patch Changes

  • 1d1640705: <rh-tile>: corrected icon slot visibility with a slotted icon
  • d61b8dc71: <rh-dialog>: ensure that cancel, open, and closed events fire


Patch Changes

  • d87dfb94a: <rh-tabs>: fixed issue that stop tabs from correctly resizing on mobile
  • 01f100cf8: <rh-tile>: fixed issue with click target area of tile
  • 08722dd71: <rh-table>: corrected custom background hover color tokens.
  • 4259ba0ed: <rh-tabs>: improved documentation


Minor Changes

  • 5e64235d5: <rh-audio-player>: added Hebrew translations

  • 0829fa2c4: ✨ Added <rh-surface>.

    Surface is a container which sets background color and text color and provides that theme context to its child elements. Surface supports darkest, darker, dark, light, lighter, lightest color palettes.

    <rh-surface color-palette="darker">
      <rh-cta><a href="#">Call to Action</a>
  • c9b81875e: <rh-tabs-panel>: adds ability to override panel margin and padding

  • 31b28dcc6: <rh-pagination>: add numeric CSS shadow part, corresponding to the numeric page input

    Example: hiding the numeric paginator

    rh-pagination::part(numeric) {
      display: none;
  • 05fbc275a: <rh-tile>: add accessible-label attribute to override form control label

    Accessible labels are visually hidden labels for form controls. In the case of <rh-tile>, they are optional, so long as the text content of the tile is already an accessible label for the control.

    Use accessible-label when you would like to label the form control with something other than the tile's text content, or when the tile has no text content.

      <rh-tile-group radio>
        <rh-tile name="radio" value="1">Tile 1</rh-tile>
        <rh-tile name="radio" value="2">Tile 2</rh-tile>
        <rh-tile name="radio" value="3" accessible-label="Tile 3">
          <img slot="image" role="presentation" src="tile-3.webp" />
  • 58ab8e60b: Uses @rhds/tokens - Red Hat Design Tokens - version 2!

    ⚠️ if your pages directly override "crayon" colour values, (e.g. --rh-color-red-50) then this is a breaking change, since the token names have changed.

    However, if your project follows the theming guidelines and only overrides the semantic tokens, then you should automatically receive the new colour values.

  • 05fbc275a: <rh-tile>: radio and checkbox tiles now submit their values in <form> elements

Patch Changes

  • b123092da: <rh-tabs>: removed dependency on @patternfly/elements package.

  • 5e64235d5: <rh-alert>: fix <rh-button variant="link"> as slotted action

  • 976981b0d: <rh-alert>: fix inline variant's styles

  • 6a87885e8: <rh-badge>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • 719873947: <rh-blockquote>: remove user-agent margin from blockquote, in accordance with design guidelines

  • fcf22f028: <rh-button>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • 18f802f7f: <rh-table>: added color palette and theme support

  • c0af10745: <rh-card>: improved styles for first body paragraph when there is other content displayed first

  • 4f6ff65e7: <rh-card>: ensure footer is always on the bottom of the card

  • 6e8fad64b: <rh-card>: adjust whitespace of card parts to suit design

  • bf7c96ca4: <rh-code-block>: allow for pre-rendered (via prism.js) code blocks

  • f969ff1f2: <rh-tabs>: fixed layout of non-vertical box variant tabs

  • 54264f37c: <rh-spinner>: deprecates the color-palette attribute.

  • 8cb9790e2: <rh-tile>: fixed cursor when arrow is hovered

  • 976981b0d: <rh-alert>: remove padding for alerts which have only header content

  • 976981b0d: <rh-alert>: make variants case-insensitive

  • a6510e224: <rh-tabs>: adds default value for tab font-size

  • eefc04cb9: <rh-tooltip>: fixes issue where content would take up unwanted space before the element fully upgraded

  • 2137702b3: <rh-footer-social-link>: updated twitter logo with X

  • 0254749cb: <rh-tab-panel>: removed unused color-palette attribute

  • 8c5559cee: <rh-dialog>: remove the dependency on @patternfly/elements. NOTE: The open, close, and cancel events are no longer the same object constructor type as <pf-modal>, so instanceof checks may fail.

  • 2eb82a822: <rh-avatar>: removed non-existent name slot from the element manifest. This doesn't change the element, only the documentation. Instead of name, use the anonymous slot:

      <span slot="subtitle">Subtitle</span>
  • 5e64235d5: <rh-menu>: support color context

  • 6a134b5f4: <rh-tag>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • 369d5b7cf: <rh-card>: collapses margins between header, body, and footer

    NOTE that this changes the default styling of the header, body, and footer CSS Shadow Parts. They previously used padding for layout, and now use margin. If you modified their padding via the ::part selector, you will need to update your CSS


    .special-card::part(header) {
      padding: var(--rh-space-sm);


    .special-card::part(header) {
      margin-block-start: var(--rh-space-sm);
      margin-inline: var(--rh-space-sm);
  • 5e64235d5: <rh-dialog>: ensure dialog content is always on light theme

  • 42c167f9e: <rh-table>: improved color palette styles

  • 0d2d349d7: rh-table: corrected table height

  • a1c587d1b: <rh-navigation-secondary>: adds current page indicator to logo slot

  • c68165b4e: <rh-tabs>: adds deprecation notice on theme attribute

  • 54264f37c: <rh-spinner>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • baa382063: <rh-accordion>: fixed border color for dark color palettes

  • fb9e3eac0: <rh-accordion>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • d4e1ebd4b: <rh-tag>: while tag should not be used on dark contexts unless it has the white colour, this change ensures that tags that are used on dark context will be legible.

  • 422d6279b: <rh-tile>: ensure that tiles in a flex container grow along the cross axis

  • 61ca7202d: <rh-tooltip>: remove dependency on @patternfly/elements

  • b3f7b1877: <rh-tile>: added arrow animation on hover

  • 9f1249474: <rh-navigation-secondary>: fixed initialization of current page indicator


Minor Changes

  • 35c28e72: Added <rh-tile>.

    Tile creates a component that can be used in place of a link, checkbox, or radio button selection.

    <rh-tile-group radio>
      <rh-tile checked>
        <div slot="title">Title</div>
        <h2 slot="headline"><a href="#top">Link</a></h2>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        <div slot="footer">Suspendisse eu turpis elementum</div>
        <div slot="title">Title</div>
        <h2 slot="headline"><a href="#top">Link</a></h2>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        <div slot="footer">Suspendisse eu turpis elementum</div>
        <div slot="title">Title</div>
        <h2 slot="headline"><a href="#top">Link</a></h2>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        <div slot="footer">Suspendisse eu turpis elementum</div>
  • 9d3c7b09: ✨ Added <rh-table>.

    A table is a container for displaying information. It allows a user to scan, examine, and compare large amounts of data.

          <col />
          <col />
          <col />
            <th scope="col" data-label="Date">Date</th>
            <th scope="col" data-label="Event">
            <th scope="col" data-label="Venue">
            <td data-label="Date">12 February</td>
            <td data-label="Event">Waltz with Strauss</td>
            <td data-label="Venue">Main Hall</td>
            <td data-label="Date">24 March</td>
            <td data-label="Event">The Obelisks</td>
            <td data-label="Venue">West Wing</td>
            <td data-label="Date">14 April</td>
            <td data-label="Event">The What</td>
            <td data-label="Venue">Main Hall</td>
      <small slot="summary">Dates and venues subject to change.</small>
  • 39e76fc6: rh-card: header slot now displays items vertically instead of stacked, allowing for more than one item to display in the header.


      <img slot="header" src="kitten-400x250.jpeg"></img>
      <h2 slot="header">Headline, sm</h2>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
         Nullam eleifend elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris
         tincidunt. Pellentesque vel dapibus risus. Nullam aliquam
         felis orci, eget cursus mi lacinia quis. Vivamus at felis sem.</p>
      <rh-cta priority="primary" slot="footer">
        <a href="#">Call to action</a>
  • c9780fc2: ✨ Added <rh-timestamp>.

    Provides consistent formats for displaying date and time values.

    <rh-timestamp date="Tue Aug 09 2006 14:57:00 GMT-0400"
      >Tue Aug 09 2006 14:57:00 GMT-0400</rh-timestamp

Patch Changes

  • f4fcb1f3: <rh-navigation-secondary>: improved keyboard navigation

  • 681519b5: <rh-avatar>: <rh-code-block>: <rh-navigation-secondary>: Updated custom elements manifest summaries

  • ed6ff92e: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected and updated support for current page indicator

  • a6ca3987: <rh-cta>: brick variants are now full width.

    <rh-cta variant="brick"> should only be used within grids. Check your layouts to make sure they adhere to the guidelines.

  • 0c2d42b1: <rh-tabs>: corrects the custom element manifest's event name for the expand event

  • 7e2c9bb6: <rh-cta>: adds color-palette attribute back with deprecation notice


Patch Changes

  • ab339ac6: <rh-tag>: outline variant should now get the correct background styles added.
  • f79543b7: <rh-avatar>: uses SVG for default images instead of much larger base-64 PNG images
  • 77fa329a: <rh-audio-player>: Added @csspart docs.
  • f0f66ec2: <rh-tabs>: fixed vertical tabs text alignment
  • 716b52d1: <rh-cta> and other elements: color context support
  • cf8ee6cb: <rh-audio-player>: corrected subscribe slot documentation.
  • d709896f: <rh-cta>: corrected layout of icon brick variant
  • d709896f: <rh-cta>: ensured entire CTA is clickable
  • d709896f: <rh-cta>: fix a style bug which affects CTA links at narrow widths
  • ff90f4d6: <rh-footer>: prevent an error when using footer and react in certain chrome versions
  • 44a444a5: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected navigation bar height for small and large viewports'


Minor Changes

  • 9eedf473: <rh-tag>: added outline variant

  • bc0fd968: ✨ Added <rh-card>.

    Card creates a component with a header, body, and footer. The header and footer are optional.

      <h2 slot="header">Headline, sm</h2>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend
        elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt. Pellentesque vel
        dapibus risus. Nullam aliquam felis orci, eget cursus mi lacinia quis.
        Vivamus at felis sem.
      <rh-cta slot="footer">
        <a href="#">Call to action</a>
  • b4815ae7: ✨ Added <rh-audio-player>.

    Audio-player creates a custom UI for audio files.

      <h3 slot="title">Rethinking Networks In Telecommunications</h3>
      <p slot="series">Code Comments</p>
      <audio crossorigin="anonymous" slot="media" controls>
        <source type="audio/mp3" srclang="en" src="./rethinking.mp3" />
  • d784f716: ✨ Added <rh-code-block>.

    A container for a block of code. May be composed into a toolbar or contain copy buttons or other interactive components.

      <script type="text/text">
        Error: Error creating network Load Balancer: AccessDenied: User:
        arn:aws:sts::970xxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/ManagedOpenShift-Installer-Role/163xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is
        not authorized to perform: iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole on resource:
  • b2e607bd: <rh-tooltip>: added new CSS custom properties:

    • --rh-tooltip-arrow-size
    • --rh-tooltip-content-background-color
    • --rh-tooltip-content-color
    • --rh-tooltip-content-font-size
    • --rh-tooltip-content-padding-block-end
    • --rh-tooltip-content-padding-block-start
    • --rh-tooltip-content-padding-inline-end
    • --rh-tooltip-content-padding-inline-start
    • --rh-tooltip-max-width

Patch Changes

  • fca74374: Updated design system token metadata in custom elements manifest
  • 9eedf473: <rh-tag>: support dark color context
  • 4861f8a8: <rh-navigation-secondary>: corrected css parts and css properties manifest documentation
  • 1a569a2d: <rh-accordion>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • 9acd4e0f: <rh-tabs>: Vertical tabs on small screen size <768px will display as a horizontal
  • 760ef109: <rh-footer>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • c92f29f9: Adds <rh-context-picker> element in /lib. Moves the undocumented <rh-context-provider> element to /lib, and adds a deprecation warning.
  • 2245dfe0: <rh-footer>: contain focus outline to the width of the link text
  • b2e607bd: <rh-tooltip>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • 3785dfc0: <rh-tabs>: reduced padding on overflow scroll buttons
  • a99c620a: <rh-subnav>: decreased padding on overflow buttons.
  • 0504e5c5: rh-footer: fixes mobile layout on initial load
  • 86c606bb: <rh-button>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • f42910c3: <rh-badge>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • cced7a49: prevent "command not found" error which could occur when installing the npm package in certain situations
  • ee37ace4: <rh-alert>: clarify that the variant attribute takes values: alternate, inline (default) or toast
  • f4ff68dc: <rh-avatar>: corrected css custom property data type in custom elements manifest
  • b4815ae7: <rh-avatar>: fixed styles for names, links
  • b4815ae7: <rh-avatar>: fix bug which could hide the name of the avatar's subject if the element contains whitespace.
  • de61361d: <rh-cta>: make the entire background clickable
  • b5333ad8: <rh-navigation-secondary>: fix unclosed cta slot tag
  • de6c5869: <rh-pagination>: prevent false content validation warning
  • 06252186: <rh-pagination>: fix for pagination in right-to-left contexts
  • 4e272629: <rh-spinner>: updated and corrected custom elements manifest
  • 58124c4a: <rh-tabs>: corrected and updated custom elements manifest
  • 58124c4a: <rh-tabs>: replaced nonexistent --rh-spacer-xl token with the correct name --rh-space-xl
  • 04573fa2: <rh-accordion>: fixed keyboard navigation inside of nested accordions
  • 469a1c53: <rh-navigation-secondary>: reduce, validate, and simplify styles
  • 71dd262c: <rh-tag>: improve loading performance by removing unnecessary imports
  • 81c1676a: <rh-subnav>: corrected default background color to @rhds/tokens value
  • a0d20b6d: <rh-alert>: corrected css for header font-weight and padding


Patch Changes

  • 12b71432: <rh-accordion>: fixed font-weight of focused or active header
  • bac2b97c: <rh-tabs>: improved accessibility by updating PatternFly Elements dependencies. Assigns random IDs to tabs if none is provided.
  • 0f5ecacb: <rh-alert>: fixed font-family for header slot


Major Changes

  • acbb034d: <rh-navigation-secondary>: renamed rh-secondary-nav to rh-navigation-secondary

    • Renamed all sub components rh-secondary-nav-* to rh-navigation-secondary-*
    • Renamed all css custom properties --rh-secondary-nav-* to --rh-navigation-secondary-*
    • Deprecated usage of rh-secondary-nav-* tags
  • 16f2cf09: Color Context: Removed deprecated context tokens

  • 8f533e50: ✨ Added <rh-cta>.

    A Call to Action is a styled link that directs a user to other pages or sometimes displays hidden content.

      <a href="/subscribe">Subscribe</a>

    Color Contrast: added color context decorators and controllers.

  • 96731e4c: 💱 Renamed <rh-global-footer> to <rh-footer-universal> 💱 <rh-footer>: Renamed the global slot to universal

    Until the next major release, <rh-global-footer> will continue to work as an alias of <rh-footer-universal>, and the global slot will continue to work as the default content of the universal slot.

  • 58831e00: ✨ Added <rh-global-footer> standalone component.

    Global footer only

    <rh-global-footer> ... </rh-global-footer>

    Usage in

      <rh-global-footer slot="global">...</rh-global-footer>

    Adds font-size initial and em values instead of px values for a11y. Allow user stylesheet to increase and decrease font-size.


    Fixes double border on mobile.


    Removes is-mobile attribute

  • 80c58924: <rh-navigation-secondary>: fixed incorrect color map for dark variant color-palette="darker" to color-palette="dark"

  • 0266dd0f: <rh-secondary-nav>: removed the main boolean attribute in favour of aria-label.

    If before you used the main boolean attribute to set the aria-label of the shadow navigation, now, just use aria-label on the host.


    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation">
      <!-- shadow label for nav is "secondary" -->
    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation" main>
      <!-- shadow label for nav is "main" -->


    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation">
      <!-- shadow label for nav is "secondary" -->
    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation" aria-label="Hlavná">
      <!-- shadow label for nav is "Hlavná" -->
  • 80c58924: <rh-secondary-nav>: replaced variant="dark" attribute with color-palette="darker"

  • 5841b46b: <rh-footer>: removed the side-effect free RhFooter.js module.

    If you were relying on this to extend RhFooter, instead import from rh-footer.js or use whenDefined, Note that rh-footer will be registered already, so choose a new custom element name. BEFORE:

    import { RhFooter } from "@rhds/elements/rh-footer/RhFooter.js";


    import { RhFooter } from "@rhds/elements/rh-footer/rh-footer.js";


    const RhFooter = await customElements.whenDefined("rh-footer");

    NOTE: <rh-footer> is carefully developed to adhere to brand guidelines. If you find that your project has need to extend RhFooter, please reach out to the design systems team, so that we can work with you to use <rh-footer> as-is.

Minor Changes

  • 172bacfb: ✨ Added <rh-spinner>.

    Spinner consists of an animated circle and sometimes a message, and it indicates that a section is loading.

    <rh-spinner> Loading... </rh-spinner>
  • e40e87dc: ✨ Added <rh-button>.

    Button is a form-associated custom element. Buttons allow users to perform an action when triggered. They feature a text label, a background or a border, and icons.

  • 99cf19e9: ✨ Added <rh-tag>.

    A tag is an inline-block element component that provides a distinct visual style for metadata in a UI. Supports adding icon by attribute or slotted.

  • ba05def7: ✨ Added <rh-blockquote>.

    Displays a quote with author's name and title.

      <p slot="quote">
        In open source, we feel strongly that to really do something well, you
        have to get a lot of people involved.
      <span slot="author">Linus Torvalds</span>
      <span slot="title">Software Engineer</span>
  • 4725692d: <rh-footer>: fixed sidegap spacing, introduced a new CSS custom property --rh-footer-section-side-gap.

    rh-footer.custom-gap {
      /* use a larger gap in the footer */
      --rh-footer-section-side-gap: var(--rh-space-xl);
  • 5376e551: ✨ Added <rh-subnav>.

    The subnav component is used when an alternate navigation structure is needed to provide additional navigatation on a site that does not need the product branding or structural depth that rh-secondary-nav provides

      <a href="#">Users</a>
      <a href="#">Containers</a>
      <a href="#">Databases</a>
      <a href="#" active>Servers</a>
      <a href="#">System</a>
      <a href="#">Network</a>
      <a href="#">Cloud</a>
  • 0ed6700c: ✨ Added <rh-tabs>.

    A tab set of layered content, including tab widgets and their associated tab panel. When a tab is activated, the associated panel content becomes visible. Tabs automatically display their panel when they receive focus.

      <rh-tab>Tab 1</rh-tab>
      <rh-tab-panel>Panel 1</rh-tab-panel>
      <rh-tab>Tab 2</rh-tab>
      <rh-tab-panel>Panel 2</rh-tab-panel>
  • de7fd69b: ✨ Added <rh-context-provider>.

    Component meant to be used internally within rh-elements shadow templates or demos to override colour context.


    • fixed the colour context overrides for slotted content.
    • renamed the variant attribute to type.
  • f58c607e: ✨ Added <rh-accordion>.

    Accordion displays multiple, related disclosure widgets.

        <h2>Item One</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        <h2>Item Two</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        <h2>Item Three</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • b8af17ca: ✨ Added <rh-alert>.

    An alert displays auxiliary information on a website. An alert can have one of several states of severity.

      <h3 slot="header">Default</h3>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend
        elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
      <button slot="actions" data-action="dismiss">Dismiss</button>
      <button slot="actions" data-action="confirm">Confirm</button>
  • 110def91: ✨ Added <rh-avatar>

    An Avatar is a placeholder graphic for a photo or an image that is placed to the left or on top of text.

      name="Grace Hopper"
      subtitle="Rear Admiral"
  • b625710c: ✨ Added <rh-footer>.

      <a slot="logo" href="/en">
          alt="Red Hat logo"
      <rh-footer-social-link slot="social-links-end" icon="web-icon-github">
        <a aria-label="Github" href="#github">Github</a>
      <h3 slot="links">Products</h3>
      <ul slot="links">
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenStack Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">See all products</a></li>
      <h3 slot="links">Tools</h3>
      <ul slot="links">
        <li><a href="#">My account</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Customer support</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact training</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenStack Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">See all products</a></li>
      <rh-footer-block slot="main-secondary">
        <h3 slot="header">About Red Hat</h3>
          We’re the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source
          solutions―including Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes. We deliver
          hardened solutions that make it easier for enterprises to work across
          platforms and environments, from the core datacenter to the network
      <rh-footer-block slot="main-secondary">
        <h3 slot="header">Subscribe to our free newsletter, Red Hat Shares</h3>
        <rh-cta><a href="#blocks">Sign up now</a></rh-cta>
      <h3 slot="footer-links-primary" hidden>Red Hat legal and privacy links</h3>
      <ul slot="footer-links-primary">
        <li><a href="#">About Red Hat</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Jobs</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Events</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Locations</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact Red Hat</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Blog</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Cool Stuff Store</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Diversity, equity, and inclusion</a></li>
      <rh-footer-copyright slot="footer-links-secondary"></rh-footer-copyright>
  • 86d075e8: <rh-secondary-nav>: match the default color-palette to design spec, use token color values

  • c677b9e8: ✨ Added <rh-pagination>.

    Pagination is a web component for navigating paginated content.

        <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#2">2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#3">3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#4">4</a></li>
        <li><a href="#5">5</a></li>

    Read more on the Pagination docs

  • 32489905: ✨ Added <rh-stat>.

    An element which can be used to display statistics inside of an app.

    <rh-stat size="large" icon="rh-atom">
      <span slot="title">Stat Title</span>
      <span slot="statistic">Stat</span>
      <span slot="description"
        >Stat body text that includes two lines and a footnote<sup>2</sup></span
  • ffc4dddf: ✨ Added <rh-badge>.

    A badge is used to annotate other information with numerical content.

    <rh-badge number="1">1</rh-badge>
  • 8edb3df8: ✨ Added <rh-secondary-nav>.

    A non-primary navigation for products and subcategory pages.

    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation">
      <a href="#" slot="logo">Logo</a>
      <ul slot="nav">
        <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
            <a slot="link">Link 2</a>
            <rh-secondary-nav-menu slot="menu">
                <h3 slot="header">Title of Links</h3>
                <ul slot="links">
                  <li><a href="#">Link 2.1</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Link 2.2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>

    lib: renamed RHDSScreenSizeController to ScreenSizeController. lib: updated matchMedia() breakpoints in ScreenSizeController to use min-width values for standard breakpoints

  • b940eab4: ✨ Added <rh-tooltip>.

    A tooltip displays floating content next to a portion of inline content.

      Red Hat Design System is an interoperable
      <rh-tooltip position="top">
        <rh-icon icon="info" aria-label="information"></rh-icon>
        <span slot="content"
          >Interoperable components work in any frontend framework, or none</span
      set of components with Red Hat branding guidelines built in.
  • 0703a7ea: <rh-tooltip>: improved performance and removed need for process.env.NODE_ENV

  • e59eceab: ✨ Added ScreenSizeController

    import { ScreenSizeController } from '../../lib/ScreenSizeController.js';
    export class RhPagination extends LitElement {
      #screenSize = new ScreenSizeController(this);
      render() {
        const { mobile, size } = this.#screenSize;
        return html`
        <div id="container" class=${classMap({ mobile, [size as string]: true })}>

Patch Changes

  • aa2d5b40: <rh-tooltip>: calculated the tooltip offset when the element is first updated

  • 1f196b58: <rh-stat>: fixed several bugs

    • BREAKING: removed @pfelement decorator
    • BREAKING: removed is-mobile attribute
    • BREAKING: removed description slot, replace with anonymous slot
    • replaced internal MatchMediaController with ScreenSizeController
    • documented slots and css properties
    • hid empty slots
    • made updateIcons method private, and refactor it to run on slot change and affect only the icon slotted into icon
    • initialized properties in class field initializers
  • b627f538: <rh-secondary-nav>: fixed bugs:

    • Moved overflow from mobile menu list to outer container
    • Fixed border on dark variant in compact view
  • 139044fe: <rh-secondary-nav>: added mobile-menu slot to allow for translations, RTL support.

  • 84da26fd: <rh-footer>: corrected href for footer logo links. They were incorrectly pointing to the href="/en" url. They have been changed to href="/".

  • fd78f884: <rh-footer>: fixed styles when used on

  • 86d075e8: Color Context: added missing light color palette option

  • aa2d5b40: <rh-blockquote>: added colour context and updated style tokens

  • b7aa79aa: Color Context: added attribute option to @colorContextConsumer (defaults to false), allowing elements to make their context private to the shadow DOM.

  • da26ab31: <rh-alert>: clicking close button now removes the element.

  • d36937b3: <rh-button>: improved readability of <rh-button danger> in dark color contexts.

  • 41e27ddc: <rh-tag>: fixed styles and tests connected with upstream changes in BaseLabel

  • 2831b7e5: Improves page-loading performance of individual elements

  • 4d5a5385: <rh-secondary-nav>: updated demos

  • 96453bf6: <rh-navigation-secondary>: realigned color-palette default to new surface token values

  • eea1ec17: <rh-footer>: prevent warnings in certain JavaScript frameworks

  • 94eeec07: <rh-global-footer>: fixed logo links, as per <rh-footer>

  • 17d5bf87: <rh-footer>: fixed primary columns not being equal.

  • 185df893: Color Context: fixed context features, making sure they update the host element.

  • b6cd5137: <rh-footer>: fixed several bugs:

    • secondary start slot not being used but still showing gap #488
    • two column breakpoint on global footer not present #496
    • tertiary slot in global footer has a margin-start padding that needs to be removed #498
    • reduce the spacing beneath the primary footer nav / language switcher to match the xd #499
      • corrected the margin at Tablet, landscape breakpoint to 64px
    • add max-width on footer-block child elements #524
    • social icon size changed to 24px down from 28px (band aide) #525
    • add no-js styles to reduce flash of unstyled content before upgrade #543
    • remove Summit logo #534
    • ensure blocks in main secondary are flush to the top of the region
    • header colors are being overwritten by base styles. #563
  • 9bf77eb7: <rh-subnav>: Added rh-subnav-lightdom.css to reduce layout shift before element is defined

  • db3c6af1: <rh-spinner>: made color context implementation private (removed on attribute).

  • ac4ef8fc: <rh-footer>: main footer logo fills height first

  • e2d0e2a8: <rh-cta>: ensured that arrow in default CTAs is aligned to the end of the last line of text

  • 54a2bbcc: <rh-alert>: fixed empty footer actions container still taking up blockwise space.

  • 52476709: <rh-footer>: fixed several bugs:

    • links should be styled to match dark context colors. #307
    • social-links slot should not override the social-links internal rh-footer-links
    • social-links hrefs should point to the default RHDC links
  • ee8e16d1: <rh-secondary-nav>: updated styles for rh-context-provider in shadowroot to ensure cta centering.

    Color Context: added light and dark context-color css rules to match surface tokens --rh-color-surface-light and --rh-color-surface-dark

  • d46168fe: <rh-subnav>:

    • Applies !important to ensure slotted links styles
  • 99a1e142: <rh-secondary-nav>:

    • Removed component scaling with user font size preference by replacing em based spacers with space tokens.
    • Updated font-family stacks with font tokens
    • Fixed nav bar height not adjusting when logo text wraps to 3 lines
    • Fixed button background on color-palette="darker"
    • Fixed focus out handler bug closing menu when clicking on flyout menu
  • b04d8c8f: chore: included lib directory in npm package.

  • 09996556: <rh-cta>: fixed layout when using the icon attribute

  • 1a6cfee7: chore: added missing tslib dependency

  • c6d26a43: <rh-footer>: added TypeScript types for the rh-footer tag name.

  • ce2ce34a: chore: added missing development dependencies

  • 750f451a: Added support for PFE 2.0 icon color in rh-footer

  • fe8f11f6: <rh-stat>: fixed dark theme font color contrast.

  • 42331698: Fixed nested colour contexts

  • 7f1ae4a8: <rh-footer>: fix typography in various page contexts (#790)

  • d6de21ae: chore:

    • added tsconfig to pfeDevServerConfig in web-dev-server.config.js and web-test-runner.config.js
    • unpinned pfe-tools version.
  • 3d579793: Color: replace "danger" red colors with non-brand reds

  • 9229f99a: <rh-alert>: prevent page styles from overriding component styles

  • e40e87dc: <rh-context-provider>: notify children of context when adding them using javascript.

  • e40e87dc: <rh-context-provider>: set color context, rather than palette, on consumers

  • 33aa1846: <rh-cta>: ensure slotted links are clickable

  • b02d46c5: <rh-footer-universal>: improves layout of copyright statement

  • 54ce28ab: <rh-footer>: improved loading performance for minified bundles

  • 15b1100c: <rh-footer>: fixed layout at exactly 992px screen width

  • f2cb6393: <rh-footer>: improved support for screen readers

  • f2cb6393: <rh-footer-universal>: improved support for screen readers

  • 94b43fcc: <rh-footer-universal>: improved accessibility for screen reader users, and others

  • 694fd26b: <rh-alert>: fixed typography and description margins, and added a cursor style for the slotted actions.

  • 6f29b7ca: <rh-alert>: used design tokens for icon dimensions

  • 0d802409: css:

    • added missing font-family stacks when base css isn't applied
    • Red Hat Design Tokens for font family stacks
    • fixed a regression in spacing for slotted <rh-cta>
  • 57f660c4: <rh-cta>: made color context implementation private (removed on attribute).

  • 69abc30a: minor fixes:

    • included lightdom styles in the package.
    • prevented custom element double-registration by removing PFE dependencies.
  • 620b59a2: chore: shipped the files in lib to npm

  • e36bf5c6: <rh-accordion>: prevented unwanted scrollbars from appearing in headers

  • b23a8038: <rh-tooltip>: fixed tooltips on dark contexts

  • 38a788cf: <rh-alert>, <rh-cta>, <rh-footer>, <rh-secondary-nav>, <rh-stat>: added Red Hat Design Tokens.

    <rh-cta>: fixed layout styles.


    • fixed primary links grid gap spacing on desktop
    • added parts for accordion header/panel
  • 2efcf306: <rh-secondary-nav>:

    • fixed the nav level slotted cta color context when viewed in a mobile nav dropdown
    • fixed :hover color for dark variant logo text
  • 448e4543: <rh-footer>: fixed a console error which would fire if the icon was not found

  • d7af0721: <rh-secondary-nav>: updated documentation

  • 9087c137: <rh-footer>: reduce bundle size when loading footer with other RHDS elements

  • ccd0e376: <rh-accordion>: fixed double border on expanded state

  • ccd0e376: <rh-footer>: fixed accordion styles at mobile screen sizes (#707)

  • 6f8c8e79: <rh-footer>: fixed representation of social media links list for assistive technologies

  • 399bca02: <rh-cta>: made inner border visible in focus and active states

  • c269740d: <rh-tabs>: fixed color context default values

  • ba3e8474: <rh-footer>: grid areas show gap regardless of existing (#575).

  • a76169e3: added the lib/ directory to the exports in package.json. Users can now do things like import controllers into their own projects:

    import { ScreenSizeController } from "@rhds/elements/lib/ScreenSizeController.js";
  • 73a4a9ef: <rh-footer>: update icons

  • 52b9fce3: <rh-subnav>: improved accessibility for keyboard users

  • c38202a3: <rh-spinner>: added tokens to standardize styling for slotted text

  • c0001bcf: <rh-secondary-nav>: update build dependencies

  • 4f52fbb5: <rh-tooltip>: improved screen reader support

  • 034e28d4: <rh-blockquote>: added Red Hat Design Tokens.

  • d2e77b5b: <rh-tooltip>: removed on attribute

  • 21da484a: <rh-accordion>: fixed styles for RTL languages.

  • 3edd725f: <rh-cta>: fixed styles

  • b7aa79aa: <rh-stat>: fixed icon slot and attribute

  • 7001943c: <rh-cta>: hide arrow from assistive tech


Patch Changes

  • d46168fe: <rh-subnav>:
    • Applies !important to ensure slotted links styles
  • fd3e0663: Removed undocumented rh-demo element


Major Changes

  • acbb034d: Renamed rh-secondary-nav to rh-navigation-secondary

    • Renamed all sub components rh-secondary-nav-* to rh-navigation-secondary-*
    • Renamed all css custom properties --rh-secondary-nav-* to --rh-navigation-secondary-*
    • Deprecated usage of rh-secondary-nav-* tags

Minor Changes

  • 5376e551: ✨ Added <rh-subnav>.

    The subnav component is used when an alternate navigation structure is needed to provide additional navigatation on a site that does not need the product branding or structural depth that rh-secondary-nav provides

      <a href="#">Users</a>
      <a href="#">Containers</a>
      <a href="#">Databases</a>
      <a href="#" active>Servers</a>
      <a href="#">System</a>
      <a href="#">Network</a>
      <a href="#">Cloud</a>
  • 0ed6700c: ✨ Added <rh-tabs>.

    A tab set of layered content, including tab widgets and their associated tab panel. When a tab is activated, the associated panel content becomes visible. Tabs automatically display their panel when they receive focus.

      <rh-tab>Tab 1</rh-tab>
      <rh-tab-panel>Panel 1</rh-tab-panel>
      <rh-tab>Tab 2</rh-tab>
      <rh-tab-panel>Panel 2</rh-tab-panel>
  • 110def91: ✨ Added <rh-avatar>

    An Avatar is a placeholder graphic for a photo or an image that is placed to the left or on top of text.

      name="Grace Hopper"
      subtitle="Rear Admiral"

Patch Changes

  • 2831b7e5: Improves page-loading performance of individual elements
  • eea1ec17: <rh-footer>: prevent warnings in certain JavaScript frameworks
  • 6f29b7ca: <rh-alert>: used design tokens for icon dimensions


Patch Changes

  • ccd0e376: <rh-accordion>: fixed double border on expanded state
  • ccd0e376: <rh-footer>: fixed accordion styles at mobile screen sizes (#707)


Patch Changes

  • e40663d3: fix: bundle in package phase


Patch Changes

  • b28681d0: Removed postinstall husky script from users


Minor Changes

  • e40e87dc: ✨ Added <rh-button>.

    Button is a form-associated custom element. Buttons allow users to perform an action when triggered. They feature a text label, a background or a border, and icons.


Patch Changes

  • 84da26fd: <rh-footer>: Corrected href for footer logo links. They were incorrectly pointing to the href="/en" url. They have been changed to href="/".
  • 94eeec07: <rh-global-footer>: fixed logo links, as per <rh-footer>
  • 42331698: Fixed nested colour contexts
  • e40e87dc: <rh-context-provider>: notify children of context when adding them using javascript.
  • e40e87dc: <rh-context-provider>: set color context, rather than palette, on consumers
  • b23a8038: <rh-tooltip>: fixed tooltips on dark contexts
  • 62fe8299: Update to PatternFly Elements RC
  • 21da484a: <rh-accordion>: fixed styles for RTL languages.
  • 7001943c: <rh-cta>: hide arrow from assistive tech


Minor Changes

  • 99cf19e9: ✨ Added <rh-tag>.

    A tag is an inline-block element component that provides a distinct visual style for metadata in a UI. Supports adding icon by attribute or slotted.

  • f58c607e: ✨ Added <rh-accordion>.

    Accordion displays multiple, related disclosure widgets.

        <h2>Item One</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        <h2>Item Two</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        <h2>Item Three</h2>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
          tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • ffc4dddf: ✨ Added <rh-badge>.

    A badge is used to annotate other information with numerical content.

    <rh-badge number="1">1</rh-badge>
  • 0703a7ea: rh-tooltip is being moved from the previous version of pfe-tooltip to the newest version which includes the migration from popperjs to floating-ui.

    This will provide user experience and performance improvements and eliminate the need for the process.env.NODE_ENV variable to be set by the user going forward.

Patch Changes

  • aa2d5b40: <rh-tooltip>: calculated the tooltip offset when the element is first updated

  • aa2d5b40: <rh-blockquote>: added colour context and updated style tokens

  • b7aa79aa: Color Context: added attribute option to @colorContextConsumer (defaults to false), allowing elements to make their context private to the shadow DOM.

  • 41e27ddc: <rh-tag>: Fixed styles and tests connected with upstream changes in BaseLabel

  • 185df893: Color Context: fixed context features, making sure they update the host element.

  • db3c6af1: <rh-spinner>: made color context implementation private (removed on attribute).

  • 54a2bbcc: <rh-alert>: fixed empty footer actions container still taking up blockwise space.

  • ee8e16d1: <rh-secondary-nav>:

    • updated styles for rh-context-provider in shadowroot to ensure cta centering.
    • BREAKING: fixed incorrect color map for dark variant color-palette="darker" to color-palette="dark"

    Color Context: added light and dark context-color css rules to match surface tokens --rh-color-surface-light and --rh-color-surface-dark

  • 750f451a: Added support for PFE 2.0 icon color in rh-footer

  • 57f660c4: <rh-cta>: made color context implementation private (removed on attribute).

  • aa2d5b40: <rh-dialog>: internal refactoring

  • 6f8c8e79: <rh-footer>: fixed representation of social media links list for assistive technologies

  • a76169e3: chore: added the lib/ directory to the exports in package.json. Users can now do things like import controllers into their own projects:

    import { ScreenSizeController } from "@rhds/elements/lib/ScreenSizeController.js";
  • d2e77b5b: <rh-tooltip>: removed on attribute

  • 3edd725f: <rh-cta>: fixed styles.

  • b7aa79aa: <rh-stat>: fixed icon slot and attribute.


Minor Changes

  • 172bacfb: Added <rh-spinner>. Spinner consists of an animated circle and sometimes a message, and it indicates that a section is loading.

    <rh-spinner> Loading... </rh-spinner>


Patch Changes

  • 73a4a9ef: Updated <rh-footer> to use new <pfe-icon>


Patch Changes

  • da26ab31: Added behaviour to <rh-alert>'s close button: clicking it now removes the element.


Minor Changes

  • c677b9e8: Added <rh-pagination>, a web component for navigating paginated content.

        <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#2">2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#3">3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#4">4</a></li>
        <li><a href="#5">5</a></li>

    Read more on the Pagination docs

Patch Changes

  • 139044fe: Added mobile-menu slot to rh-secondary-nav to allow for translations Added translation demo demonstrating new slot and rtl support
  • 72fdbc06: Fixes for <rh-secondary-nav>:
    • Remove em based font-styling, use rems
    • Move font-size: initial from rh-secondary-nav-lightdom.css to D7 specific stylesheet fix (proxy demo)
    • Fix carets to properly scale with font-size based on rh-tokens
  • ba3e8474: <rh-footer> grid areas show gap regardless of existing #575


Patch Changes

  • d6de21ae: Add tsconfig to pfeDevServerConfig in web-dev-server.config.js Add tsconfig to pfeDevServerConfig in web-test-runner.config.js Unpins pfe-tools in package.json, allows versions > next.29 to be installed.


Patch Changes

  • c0001bcf: Recent update to @patternfly/pfe-tools breaks rh-secondary-nav


Patch Changes

  • b627f538: Changes to <rh-secondary-nav>:
    • Moved overflow from mobile menu list to outer container
    • Fixes border on dark variant in compact view
  • b6cd5137: Footer bug fixes
    • secondary start slot not being used but still showing gap #488
    • two column breakpoint on global footer not present #496
    • tertiary slot in global footer has a margin-start padding that needs to be removed #498
    • reduce the spacing beneath the primary footer nav / language switcher to match the xd #499
      • corrected the margin at Tablet, landscape breakpoint to 64px
    • add max-width on footer-block child elements #524
    • social icon size changed to 24px down from 28px (band aide) #525
    • add no-js styles to reduce flash of unstyled content before upgrade #543
    • remove Summit logo #534
    • ensure blocks in main secondary are flush to the top of the region
    • header colors are being overwritten by base styles. #563


Patch Changes

  • 2efcf306: Changes to <rh-secondary-nav>:
    • Fixes the nav level slotted cta color context when viewed in a mobile nav dropdown
    • Fixes :hover color for dark variant logo text


Patch Changes

  • 99a1e142: Changes to <rh-secondary-nav>:
    • Removed component scaling with user font size preference by replacing em based spacers with space tokens.
    • Updated font-family stacks with font tokens
    • Fixed nav bar height not adjusting when logo text wraps to 3 lines
    • Fixed button background on color-palette="darker"
    • Fixed focus out handler bug closing menu when clicking on flyout menu
  • 694fd26b: rh-alert: fixing styling for font-family, header font-size, description margins, and adding a cursor: pointer style for the slotted actions.


Patch Changes

  • 38a788c: Alert, Stat, Secondary Nav changes:

    CTA Changes:

    Footer Changes:

    • use design system tokens for consistency and themability
    • fix: fixed primary links grid gap spacing on desktop
    • fix: added parts for accordion header/panel


Patch Changes

  • fe8f11f: Stat: Fixes dark theme font color contrast.
  • 620b59a: Ships the files in lib to npm


Major Changes

  • 8f533e5: - Adds color context decorators and controllers. Affects footer, dialog, CTA, secondary nav, and stat.

    • Adds <rh-cta>, a styled link that directs a user to other pages or sometimes displays hidden content.

        <a href="/subscribe">Subscribe</a>

Minor Changes

  • b940eab: Adds <rh-tooltip> element to display floating content.

      Red Hat Design System is an interoperable
      <rh-tooltip position="top">
        <rh-icon icon="info" aria-label="information"></rh-icon>
        <span slot="content"
          >Interoperable components work in any frontend framework, or none</span
      set of components with Red Hat branding guidelines built in.

Patch Changes

  • 1f196b5: Changes to <rh-stat>:
    • BREAKING: remove @pfelement decorator
    • BREAKING: remove is-mobile attribute
    • BREAKING: remove description slot, replace with anonymous slot
    • replace internal MatchMediaController with ScreenSizeController
    • document slots and css properties
    • hide empty slots
    • make updateIcons method private, and refactor it to run on slot change and affect only the icon slotted into icon
    • initialize properties in class field initializers
  • ac4ef8f: Footer: Main footer logo fills height first
  • d7af072: Changes to <rh-secondary-nav>:
    • BREAKING: replaces variant="dark" attribute with color-palette="darker"
    • replaces internal #textDirection method with DirController implementation for consistent RTL support
    • updates documentation
  • 034e28d: Blockquote: Add design tokens to rh-blockquote's css files


Patch Changes

  • 0d80240: * Fixes missing font-family stacks when base css isn't applied
    • Adds rh-token CSS custom properties for font family stacks
    • Fixes regression in spacing for slotted cta


Minor Changes

  • 8edb3df: Adds rh-secondary-nav

    A non-primary navigation for products and subcategory pages.

    Renames RHDSScreenSizeController to ScreenSizeController and updates references. Updates matchMedia() breakpoints in ScreenSizeController to use min-width values for standard breakpoints

    <rh-secondary-nav role="navigation">
      <a href="#" slot="logo">Logo</a>
      <ul slot="nav">
        <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
            <a slot="link">Link 2</a>
            <rh-secondary-nav-menu slot="menu">
                <h3 slot="header">Title of Links</h3>
                <ul slot="links">
                  <li><a href="#">Link 2.1</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Link 2.2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>

Patch Changes

  • 4d5a538: Fixes path for light dom CSS in secondary-nav demo


Minor Changes

  • ba05def: Add 'rh-blockquote'

    A blockquote for displaying quote, author, and author title..

    <rh-blockquote color-palette="lightest" align="inline-start" size="default">
      <p slot="quote">
        In open source, we feel strongly that to really do something well, you
        have to get a lot of people involved.
      <span slot="author">Linus Torvalds</span>
      <span slot="title">Software Engineer</span>

Patch Changes

  • 1a6cfee: Adds missing tslib dependency


Patch Changes

  • 17d5bf8: Fixes rh-footer primary columns not being equal.


Patch Changes

  • b04d8c8: Include lib directory in npm package


Minor Changes

  • bdc1121: Ship components unbundled

Patch Changes

  • c6d26a4: Typescript: Map footer element classes to tagnames


Major Changes

  • 58831e0: Adds <rh-global-footer> standalone component

    Global footer only

    <rh-global-footer> ... </rh-global-footer>

    Usage in

      <rh-global-footer slot="global">...</rh-global-footer>

    Adds font-size initial and em values instead of px values for a11y. Allow user stylesheet to increase and decrease font-size.


    Fixes double border on mobile.


    Removes is-mobile attribute


Minor Changes

  • de7fd69: Added rh-context-provider component, which is meant to be used internally within rh-elements shadow templates to override colour context. In rh-dialog, fix the colour context overrides for slotted content. See patternfly/patternfly-elements#2036 (comment) In rh-dialog, changed the attribute variant="video" to type="video", because <pfe-modal> uses variant for width.

  • 3248990: Add rh-stat

    An element which can be used to display statistics inside of an app.

    <rh-stat size="large" icon="rh-atom">
      <span slot="title">Stat Title</span>
      <span slot="statistic">Stat</span>
      <span slot="description"
        >Stat body text that includes two lines and a footnote<sup>2</sup></span


Patch Changes

  • da9ba6d: Remove patch-package dev dependency


Patch Changes

  • ce2ce34: Add missing devDependencies which prevent installing the package


Patch Changes

  • 5247670: Fixed [bug] <rh-footer> links should be styled to match dark context colors. #307 Fixed the social-links slot to not override the social-links internal rh-footer-links Fixed the social-links hrefs to point to the default RHDC links


Minor Changes

  • e59ecea: Add RHDSScreenSizeController

    import { RHDSScreenSizeController } from '../../lib/RHDSScreenSizeController.js';
    export class RhPagination extends LitElement {
      #screenSize = new RHDSScreenSizeController(this);
      render() {
        const { mobile, size } = this.#screenSize;
        return html`
        <div id="container" class=${classMap({ mobile, [size as string]: true })}>

Patch Changes

  • fd78f88: Fix <rh-footer> styles when used on


Patch Changes

  • 69abc30: Include lightdom styles in the package. Prevent custom-element double-registration error by removing pfe-1.0 dependencies.


Minor Changes

  • b625710: Adds <rh-footer>

      <a slot="logo" href="/en">
          alt="Red Hat logo"
      <rh-footer-social-link slot="social-links-end" icon="web-icon-github">
        <a aria-label="Github" href="#github">Github</a>
      <h3 slot="links">Products</h3>
      <ul slot="links">
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenStack Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">See all products</a></li>
      <h3 slot="links">Tools</h3>
      <ul slot="links">
        <li><a href="#">My account</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Customer support</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenShift</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact training</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat OpenStack Platform</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">See all products</a></li>
      <rh-footer-block slot="main-secondary">
        <h3 slot="header">About Red Hat</h3>
          We’re the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source
          solutions―including Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes. We deliver
          hardened solutions that make it easier for enterprises to work across
          platforms and environments, from the core datacenter to the network
      <rh-footer-block slot="main-secondary">
        <h3 slot="header">Subscribe to our free newsletter, Red Hat Shares</h3>
        <pfe-cta><a href="#blocks">Sign up now</a></pfe-cta>
      <h3 slot="footer-links-primary" hidden>Red Hat legal and privacy links</h3>
      <ul slot="footer-links-primary">
        <li><a href="#">About Red Hat</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Jobs</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Events</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Locations</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact Red Hat</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Red Hat Blog</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Cool Stuff Store</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Diversity, equity, and inclusion</a></li>
      <rh-footer-copyright slot="footer-links-secondary"></rh-footer-copyright>


Minor Changes

  • b8af17c: Add <rh-alert>

    An alert to display information on a website.

      <h3 slot="header">Default</h3>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend
        elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
      <button slot="actions" data-action="dismiss">Dismiss</button>
      <button slot="actions" data-action="confirm">Confirm</button>