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Libraries we are checking

Erlend Oftedal edited this page Mar 5, 2016 · 72 revisions

Feel free to suggest other libraries as well.

Note: "checked" here means going through the issue trackers and release notes to see if any security issues have been reported, not necessarily actively looking for new security issues.

DOM Libraries

Framework Last checked / Version Checked by
jQuery 2016-03-05 / 1.12.1 and 2.2.1 @eoftedal
jQuery migrate 2016-03-05 / 1.4.0 @eoftedal
jQuery mobile 2016-03-05 / 1.4.5 @eoftedal
jQuery UI 2016-03-05 / 1.11.4 @eoftedal
YUI 2016-03-05 / 3.18.1 @eoftedal
prototype 2016-05-03 / 1.7.3 @eoftedal
dojo 2016-05-03 / 1.10.4 @eoftedal

MV* Frameworks

Framework Last checked / Version Checked by
Angular 2016-03-01 / 1.5.0 @eoftedal
ember 2015-10-08 / 2.1.0 @eoftedal
Backbone 2015-10-08 / 1.2.3 @eoftedal
Ampersand 2015-10-08 / 8.0.1 @eoftedal
Aurelia 2015-10-08 / 0.15.3 @eoftedal

Template Engines

Framework Last checked / Version Checked by
Mustache 2015-10-08 / v2.1.0 @eoftedal
Handlebars 2015-10-08 / v4.0.2 @eoftedal
Dust 2015-10-08 / v0.3.0 @eoftedal
Jade 2015-10-08 / 1.11.0 @eoftedal


Framework Last checked / Version Checked by
TinyMCE 2015-10-08 / 4.2.6 @eoftedal
ACE Editor
Aloha Editor
YUI Rich Text Editor


Framework Last checked / Version Checked by
jQuery prettyPhoto 2016-02-05 / 3.1.6 @eoftedal
jPlayer 2016-02-05 / 2.9.2 @eoftedal
sessvars 2016-02-05 / 1.01 @eoftedal
easyXDM 2016-02-05 / 2.4.19 @eoftedal
plupload 2016-02-05 / v2.1.8 @eoftedal
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