1 | 1 | {
2 |
| - "Asimov": "Creatures possessing this trait cannot attack or defend against creatures with the Human subtype", |
| 2 | + "Asimov": "Does not deal damage to other creature cards, only to players.", |
3 | 3 | "Blocker": "The creature cannot declare attacks, but can defend",
4 |
| - "Changeling": "This creature possesses all creature subtypes simultaneously. Any effects which affect a specific subtype apply to Changelings", |
5 |
| - "Clockwork": "The creature can copy a single keyword on another creature on the field, until they lose the clockwork keyword or leave the field", |
6 |
| - "Deadeye": "This creature can always hit opponents, regardless of effects or immunities", |
| 4 | + "Changeling": "This creature possesses all creature subtypes simultaneously, even outside of the field. Any effects which affect a specific subtype apply to Changelings", |
| 5 | + "Clockwork": "On Summon: The creature can copy a single keyword on another creature on the field, until they lose the clockwork keyword or leave the field", |
| 6 | + "Deadeye": "The following effect triggers when the creature damages the opponent.", |
7 | 7 | "Faction": "Groupings of cards that can often share effects and traits together",
8 | 8 | "First Strike": "This creature has attack priority in combat",
9 |
| - "Fury": "The creature must attack at every possibility", |
10 |
| - "Graytide": "When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +1/+1 for the number of creatures on your side of the field with Graytide, until the end of the turn", |
| 9 | + "Fury": "This creature is not tapped when it kills another unit in combat.", |
| 10 | + "Graytide": "This creature gains +1/+1 for the number of other creatures on your side of the field with Graytide.", |
11 | 11 | "Hivemind": "The creature enters combat with a hivemind token on it.The first time this card would take damage, remove that token instead. This does not apply to immediate removal effects, only points of damage",
12 | 12 | "Holy": "Immunity to all event cards",
13 | 13 | "Immunity": "The creature cannot be affected by card effects or combat of its immunity type. This includes both friendly and opposing effects",
14 | 14 | "On Equip": "This effect is activated once its item cost is paid and it enters the battlefield, equipping itself to a chosen card on your side of the field (Unless otherwise stated)",
15 | 15 | "On Summon": "This effect is activated once its creature cost is paid and it enters the battlefield",
16 |
| - "Squad Tactics": "When this creature attacks an opponent's creature and defeats it in combat, the owner of the defeated card takes 1 lifeshard of damage from combat", |
17 |
| - "Taunt": "All opposing creature attacks must be directed towards the creature with Taunt" |
| 16 | + "Squad Tactics": "This effect is activated when a card is added to your hand.", |
| 17 | + "Taunt": "The following effect triggers when this card is on the field and any other card is added to your hand." |
18 | 18 | }
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