diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/mobs.dm b/code/__DEFINES/mobs.dm
index 5ab16b5a5ff59..7f007e5b30ec4 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/mobs.dm
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/mobs.dm
@@ -954,6 +954,9 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(layers_to_offset, list(
/// Types of bullets that mining mobs take full damage from
+/// Helper macro that determines if the mob is at the threshold to start vomitting due to high toxin levels
+#define AT_TOXIN_VOMIT_THRESHOLD(mob) (mob.getToxLoss() > 45 && mob.nutrition > 20)
/// The duration of the flip emote animation
diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/role_preferences.dm b/code/__DEFINES/role_preferences.dm
index ee7e5dfee0d12..88e64164acd4b 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/role_preferences.dm
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/role_preferences.dm
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#define ROLE_OPERATIVE_MIDROUND "Operative (Midround)"
#define ROLE_PARADOX_CLONE "Paradox Clone"
#define ROLE_REV_HEAD "Head Revolutionary"
-#define ROLE_SENTIENT_DISEASE "Sentient Disease"
#define ROLE_SLEEPER_AGENT "Syndicate Sleeper Agent"
#define ROLE_SPACE_DRAGON "Space Dragon"
#define ROLE_SPIDER "Spider"
@@ -150,7 +149,6 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(special_roles, list(
diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm
index 539e6d234c00e..8ac5f27c4c9b9 100644
--- a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm
+++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm
@@ -756,26 +756,6 @@
log_game("[key_name(revenant)] was spawned as a revenant by the midround ruleset.")
return revenant
-/// Midround Sentient Disease Ruleset (From Ghosts)
- name = "Sentient Disease"
- midround_ruleset_style = MIDROUND_RULESET_STYLE_HEAVY
- antag_datum = /datum/antagonist/disease
- required_candidates = 1
- minimum_players = 25
- weight = 4
- cost = 8
- repeatable = TRUE
- var/mob/camera/disease/virus = new /mob/camera/disease(SSmapping.get_station_center())
- virus.key = applicant.key
- INVOKE_ASYNC(virus, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob/camera/disease, pick_name))
- message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(virus)] has been made into a sentient disease by the midround ruleset.")
- log_game("[key_name(virus)] was spawned as a sentient disease by the midround ruleset.")
- return virus
/// Midround Space Pirates Ruleset (From Ghosts)
name = "Space Pirates"
diff --git a/code/datums/components/infective.dm b/code/datums/components/infective.dm
index fc2081481d937..0e5341eabbfe5 100644
--- a/code/datums/components/infective.dm
+++ b/code/datums/components/infective.dm
@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@
RegisterSignal(parent, COMSIG_GLASS_DRANK, PROC_REF(try_infect_drink))
RegisterSignal(parent, COMSIG_ORGAN_IMPLANTED, PROC_REF(on_organ_insertion))
- else if(istype(parent, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs))
- RegisterSignal(parent, COMSIG_GIBS_STREAK, PROC_REF(try_infect_streak))
/datum/component/infective/proc/on_organ_insertion(obj/item/organ/target, mob/living/carbon/receiver)
@@ -180,6 +178,5 @@
diff --git a/code/datums/status_effects/debuffs/tox_vomit.dm b/code/datums/status_effects/debuffs/tox_vomit.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c1f5aa651efb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/datums/status_effects/debuffs/tox_vomit.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/// Simple status effect applied when a mob has high toxins and starts to vomit regularly
+ id = "vomitting_from_toxins"
+ tick_interval = 2 SECONDS
+ alert_type = null
+ /// Has a chance to count up every tick, until it reaches a threshold, which causes the mob to vomit and resets
+ VAR_PRIVATE/puke_counter = 0
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ if(owner.stat == DEAD || HAS_TRAIT(owner, TRAIT_STASIS))
+ return
+ puke_counter += SPT_PROB(30, seconds_between_ticks)
+ if(puke_counter < 50) // This is like 150 seconds apparently according to old comments
+ return
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/sick_guy = owner
+ sick_guy.vomit(VOMIT_CATEGORY_DEFAULT, lost_nutrition = 20)
+ puke_counter = 0
diff --git a/code/game/objects/effects/decals/cleanable/humans.dm b/code/game/objects/effects/decals/cleanable/humans.dm
index 064f3d0f5d0b0..c95bffdc62676 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/effects/decals/cleanable/humans.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/effects/decals/cleanable/humans.dm
@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@
drydesc = "They look bloody and gruesome while some terrible smell fills the air."
decal_reagent = /datum/reagent/consumable/liquidgibs
reagent_amount = 5
- ///Information about the diseases our streaking spawns
- var/list/streak_diseases
/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/Initialize(mapload, list/datum/disease/diseases)
. = ..()
@@ -120,7 +118,6 @@
RegisterSignal(src, COMSIG_MOVABLE_PIPE_EJECTING, PROC_REF(on_pipe_eject))
- LAZYNULL(streak_diseases)
return ..()
@@ -147,8 +144,7 @@
/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/proc/streak(list/directions, mapload=FALSE)
- LAZYINITLIST(streak_diseases)
- SEND_SIGNAL(src, COMSIG_GIBS_STREAK, directions, streak_diseases)
var/direction = pick(directions)
var/delay = 2
var/range = pick(0, 200; 1, 150; 2, 50; 3, 17; 50) //the 3% chance of 50 steps is intentional and played for laughs.
@@ -170,7 +166,7 @@
- new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter(loc, streak_diseases)
+ new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter(loc)
icon_state = "gibup1"
diff --git a/code/modules/admin/sql_ban_system.dm b/code/modules/admin/sql_ban_system.dm
index c39706795acd0..9a713588abd6d 100644
--- a/code/modules/admin/sql_ban_system.dm
+++ b/code/modules/admin/sql_ban_system.dm
@@ -391,7 +391,6 @@
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_abilities.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_abilities.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3267944e05c62..0000000000000
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_abilities.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-Abilities that can be purchased by disease mobs. Most are just passive symptoms that will be
-added to their disease, but some are active abilites that affect only the target the overmind
-is currently following.
-GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(disease_ability_singletons, list(
-new /datum/disease_ability/action/cough,
-new /datum/disease_ability/action/sneeze,
-new /datum/disease_ability/action/infect,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/mild/cough,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/mild/sneeze,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/shedding,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/beard,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/hallucigen,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/choking,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/confusion,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/vomit,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/voice_change,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/visionloss,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/deafness,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/narcolepsy,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/fever,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/chills,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/headache,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/viraladaptation,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/viralevolution,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/disfiguration,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/polyvitiligo,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/itching,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/heal/weight_loss,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/heal/sensory_restoration,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/medium/heal/mind_restoration,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/fire,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/flesh_eating,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/genetic_mutation,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/inorganic_adaptation,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/starlight,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/oxygen,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/chem,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/metabolism,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/dark,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/water,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/plasma,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/radiation,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/heal/coma,
-new /datum/disease_ability/symptom/powerful/youth
- var/name
- var/cost = 0
- var/required_total_points = 0
- var/start_with = FALSE
- var/short_desc = ""
- var/long_desc = ""
- var/stat_block = ""
- var/threshold_block = list()
- var/category = ""
- var/list/symptoms
- var/list/actions
- ..()
- if(symptoms)
- var/stealth = 0
- var/resistance = 0
- var/stage_speed = 0
- var/transmittable = 0
- for(var/T in symptoms)
- var/datum/symptom/S = T
- stealth += initial(S.stealth)
- resistance += initial(S.resistance)
- stage_speed += initial(S.stage_speed)
- transmittable += initial(S.transmittable)
- threshold_block += initial(S.threshold_descs)
- stat_block = "Resistance: [resistance]
Stealth: [stealth]
Stage Speed: [stage_speed]
Transmissibility: [transmittable]
- if(symptoms.len == 1) //lazy boy's dream
- name = initial(S.name)
- if(short_desc == "")
- short_desc = initial(S.desc)
- if(long_desc == "")
- long_desc = initial(S.desc)
- if(world.time < D.next_adaptation_time)
- return FALSE
- if(!D.unpurchased_abilities[src])
- return FALSE
- return (D.points >= cost) && (D.total_points >= required_total_points)
-/datum/disease_ability/proc/Buy(mob/camera/disease/D, silent = FALSE, trigger_cooldown = TRUE)
- if(!silent)
- to_chat(D, span_notice("Purchased [name]."))
- D.points -= cost
- D.unpurchased_abilities -= src
- if(trigger_cooldown)
- D.adapt_cooldown()
- D.purchased_abilities[src] = TRUE
- for(var/V in (D.disease_instances+D.disease_template))
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/SD = V
- if(symptoms)
- for(var/T in symptoms)
- var/datum/symptom/S = new T()
- SD.symptoms += S
- S.OnAdd(SD)
- if(SD.processing)
- if(S.Start(SD))
- S.next_activation = world.time + rand(S.symptom_delay_min * 10, S.symptom_delay_max * 10)
- SD.Refresh()
- for(var/T in actions)
- var/datum/action/A = new T()
- A.Grant(D)
- if(world.time < D.next_adaptation_time)
- return FALSE
- return D.purchased_abilities[src]
-/datum/disease_ability/proc/Refund(mob/camera/disease/D, silent = FALSE, trigger_cooldown = TRUE)
- if(!silent)
- to_chat(D, span_notice("Refunded [name]."))
- D.points += cost
- D.unpurchased_abilities[src] = TRUE
- if(trigger_cooldown)
- D.adapt_cooldown()
- D.purchased_abilities -= src
- for(var/V in (D.disease_instances+D.disease_template))
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/SD = V
- if(symptoms)
- for(var/T in symptoms)
- var/datum/symptom/S = locate(T) in SD.symptoms
- if(S)
- SD.symptoms -= S
- S.OnRemove(SD)
- if(SD.processing)
- S.End(SD)
- qdel(S)
- SD.Refresh()
- for(var/T in actions)
- var/datum/action/A = locate(T) in D.actions
- qdel(A)
-//these sybtypes are for conveniently separating the different categories, they have no unique code.
- category = "Active"
- category = "Symptom"
-//active abilities and their associated actions
- name = "Voluntary Coughing"
- actions = list(/datum/action/cooldown/disease_cough)
- cost = 0
- required_total_points = 0
- start_with = TRUE
- short_desc = "Force the host you are following to cough, spreading your infection to those nearby."
- long_desc = "Force the host you are following to cough with extra force, spreading your infection to those within two meters of your host even if your transmissibility is low.
Cooldown: 10 seconds"
- name = "Cough"
- button_icon = 'icons/mob/actions/actions_minor_antag.dmi'
- button_icon_state = "cough"
- desc = "Force the host you are following to cough with extra force, spreading your infection to those within two meters of your host even if your transmissibility is low.
Cooldown: 10 seconds"
- cooldown_time = 100
- StartCooldown(10 SECONDS)
- trigger_cough()
- StartCooldown()
- return TRUE
- * Cause a cough to happen from the host.
- */
- var/mob/camera/disease/our_disease = owner
- var/mob/living/host = our_disease.following_host
- if(!host)
- return FALSE
- if(host.stat != CONSCIOUS)
- to_chat(our_disease, span_warning("Your host must be conscious to cough."))
- return FALSE
- to_chat(our_disease, span_notice("You force [host.real_name] to cough."))
- host.emote("cough")
- if(host.CanSpreadAirborneDisease()) //don't spread germs if they covered their mouth
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/disease_datum = our_disease.hosts[host]
- disease_datum.spread(2)
- return TRUE
- name = "Voluntary Sneezing"
- actions = list(/datum/action/cooldown/disease_sneeze)
- cost = 2
- required_total_points = 3
- short_desc = "Force the host you are following to sneeze, spreading your infection to those in front of them."
- long_desc = "Force the host you are following to sneeze with extra force, spreading your infection to any victims in a 4 meter cone in front of your host.
Cooldown: 20 seconds"
- name = "Sneeze"
- button_icon = 'icons/mob/actions/actions_minor_antag.dmi'
- button_icon_state = "sneeze"
- desc = "Force the host you are following to sneeze with extra force, spreading your infection to any victims in a 4 meter cone in front of your host even if your transmissibility is low.
Cooldown: 20 seconds"
- cooldown_time = 200
- StartCooldown(10 SECONDS)
- trigger_sneeze()
- StartCooldown()
- return TRUE
- * Cause a sneeze to happen from the host.
- */
- var/mob/camera/disease/our_disease = owner
- var/mob/living/host = our_disease.following_host
- if(!host)
- return FALSE
- if(host.stat != CONSCIOUS)
- to_chat(our_disease, span_warning("Your host must be conscious to sneeze."))
- return FALSE
- to_chat(our_disease, span_notice("You force [host.real_name] to sneeze."))
- host.emote("sneeze")
- if(host.CanSpreadAirborneDisease()) //don't spread germs if they covered their mouth
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/disease_datum = our_disease.hosts[host]
- for(var/mob/living/nearby_mob in oview(4, disease_datum.affected_mob))
- if(!is_source_facing_target(disease_datum.affected_mob, nearby_mob))
- continue
- if(!disease_air_spread_walk(get_turf(disease_datum.affected_mob), get_turf(nearby_mob)))
- continue
- nearby_mob.AirborneContractDisease(disease_datum, TRUE)
- return TRUE
- name = "Secrete Infection"
- actions = list(/datum/action/cooldown/disease_infect)
- cost = 2
- required_total_points = 3
- short_desc = "Cause all objects your host is touching to become infectious for a limited time, spreading your infection to anyone who touches them."
- long_desc = "Cause the host you are following to excrete an infective substance from their pores, causing all objects touching their skin to transmit your infection to anyone who touches them for the next 30 seconds. This includes the floor, if they are not wearing shoes, and any items they are holding, if they are not wearing gloves.
Cooldown: 40 seconds"
- name = "Secrete Infection"
- button_icon = 'icons/mob/actions/actions_minor_antag.dmi'
- button_icon_state = "infect"
- desc = "Cause the host you are following to excrete an infective substance from their pores, causing all objects touching their skin to transmit your infection to anyone who touches them for the next 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 40 seconds"
- cooldown_time = 400
- StartCooldown(10 SECONDS)
- trigger_infection()
- StartCooldown()
- return TRUE
- * Trigger the infection action.
- */
- var/mob/camera/disease/our_disease = owner
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/host = our_disease.following_host
- if(!host)
- return FALSE
- for(var/obj/thing as anything in host.get_equipped_items(include_accessories = TRUE))
- thing.AddComponent(/datum/component/infective, our_disease.disease_template, 300)
- //no shoes? infect the floor.
- if(!host.shoes)
- var/turf/host_turf = get_turf(host)
- if(host_turf && !isspaceturf(host_turf))
- host_turf.AddComponent(/datum/component/infective, our_disease.disease_template, 300)
- //no gloves? infect whatever we are holding.
- if(!host.gloves)
- for(var/obj/held_thing as anything in host.held_items)
- if(isnull(held_thing))
- continue
- held_thing.AddComponent(/datum/component/infective, our_disease.disease_template, 300)
- return TRUE
-/*******************BASE SYMPTOM TYPES*******************/
-// cost is for convenience and can be changed. If you're changing req_tot_points then don't use the subtype...
-//healing costs more so you have to techswitch from naughty disease otherwise we'd have friendly disease for easy greentext (no fun!)
- cost = 2
- required_total_points = 4
- category = "Symptom (Weak)"
- cost = 4
- required_total_points = 8
- category = "Symptom"
- cost = 5
- category = "Symptom (+)"
- cost = 4
- required_total_points = 16
- category = "Symptom (Strong)"
- cost = 8
- category = "Symptom (Strong+)"
- name = "Involuntary Coughing"
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/cough)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to cough intermittently."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to cough intermittently, spreading your infection."
- name = "Involuntary Sneezing"
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/sneeze)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to sneeze intermittently."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to sneeze intermittently, spreading your infection and also increasing transmissibility and resistance, at the cost of stealth."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/shedding)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/beard)
- short_desc = "Cause all victims to grow a luscious beard."
- long_desc = "Cause all victims to grow a luscious beard. Ineffective against Santa Claus."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/hallucigen)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to hallucinate."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to hallucinate. Decreases stats, especially resistance."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/choking)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to choke."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to choke, threatening asphyxiation. Decreases stats, especially transmissibility."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/confusion)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to become confused."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to become confused intermittently."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/vomit)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to vomit."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to vomit. Slightly increases transmissibility. Vomiting also also causes the victims to lose nutrition and removes some toxin damage."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/voice_change)
- short_desc = "Change the voice of victims."
- long_desc = "Change the voice of victims, causing confusion in communications."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/visionloss)
- short_desc = "Damage the eyes of victims, eventually causing blindness."
- long_desc = "Damage the eyes of victims, eventually causing blindness. Decreases all stats."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/deafness)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/fever)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/chills)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/headache)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/viraladaptation)
- short_desc = "Cause your infection to become more resistant to detection and eradication."
- long_desc = "Cause your infection to mimic the function of normal body cells, becoming much harder to spot and to eradicate, but reducing its speed."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/viralevolution)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/polyvitiligo)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/disfiguration)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/itching)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to itch."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to itch, increasing all stats except stealth."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/weight_loss)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to lose weight."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to lose weight, and make it almost impossible for them to gain nutrition from food. Reduced nutrition allows your infection to spread more easily from hosts, especially by sneezing."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/sensory_restoration)
- short_desc = "Regenerate eye and ear damage of victims."
- long_desc = "Regenerate eye and ear damage of victims."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/mind_restoration)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/fire)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/flesh_eating)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/genetic_mutation)
- cost = 8
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/inorganic_adaptation)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/narcolepsy)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/youth)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to become eternally young."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to become eternally young. Provides boosts to all stats except transmissibility."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/starlight)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/oxygen)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/chem)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/metabolism)
- short_desc = "Increase the metabolism of victims, causing them to process chemicals and grow hungry faster."
- long_desc = "Increase the metabolism of victims, causing them to process chemicals twice as fast and grow hungry more quickly."
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/darkness)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/water)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/plasma)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/radiation)
- symptoms = list(/datum/symptom/heal/coma)
- short_desc = "Cause victims to fall into a healing coma when hurt."
- long_desc = "Cause victims to fall into a healing coma when hurt."
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_datum.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_datum.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 17364feec5597..0000000000000
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_datum.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- name = "Sentient Disease"
- roundend_category = "diseases"
- antagpanel_category = ANTAG_GROUP_BIOHAZARDS
- show_to_ghosts = TRUE
- var/disease_name = ""
- owner.set_assigned_role(SSjob.GetJobType(/datum/job/sentient_disease))
- owner.special_role = ROLE_SENTIENT_DISEASE
- var/datum/objective/O = new /datum/objective/disease_infect()
- O.owner = owner
- objectives += O
- O = new /datum/objective/disease_infect_centcom()
- O.owner = owner
- objectives += O
- . = ..()
- . = ..()
- to_chat(owner.current, span_notice("Infect members of the crew to gain adaptation points, and spread your infection further."))
- owner.announce_objectives()
- if(!istype(owner.current, /mob/camera/disease))
- var/turf/T = get_turf(owner.current)
- T = T ? T : SSmapping.get_station_center()
- var/mob/camera/disease/D = new /mob/camera/disease(T)
- owner.transfer_to(D)
- ..()
- var/mob/camera/disease/D = new_owner.current
- D.pick_name()
- var/list/result = list()
- result += "Disease name: [disease_name]"
- result += printplayer(owner)
- var/win = TRUE
- var/objectives_text = ""
- var/count = 1
- for(var/datum/objective/objective in objectives)
- if(objective.check_completion())
- objectives_text += "
Objective #[count]: [objective.explanation_text] [span_greentext("Success!")]"
- else
- objectives_text += "
Objective #[count]: [objective.explanation_text] [span_redtext("Fail.")]"
- win = FALSE
- count++
- result += objectives_text
- var/special_role_text = LOWER_TEXT(name)
- if(win)
- result += span_greentext("The [special_role_text] was successful!")
- else
- result += span_redtext("The [special_role_text] has failed!")
- if(istype(owner.current, /mob/camera/disease))
- var/mob/camera/disease/D = owner.current
- result += "[disease_name] completed the round with [D.hosts.len] infected hosts, and reached a maximum of [D.total_points] concurrent infections."
- result += "[disease_name] completed the round with the following adaptations:"
- var/list/adaptations = list()
- for(var/V in D.purchased_abilities)
- var/datum/disease_ability/A = V
- adaptations += A.name
- result += adaptations.Join(", ")
- return result.Join("
- var/icon/icon = icon('icons/mob/huds/antag_hud.dmi', "virus_infected")
- return icon
- explanation_text = "Survive and infect as many people as possible."
- var/mob/camera/disease/D = owner.current
- if(istype(D) && D.hosts.len) //theoretically it should not exist if it has no hosts, but better safe than sorry.
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- explanation_text = "Ensure that at least one infected host escapes on the shuttle or an escape pod."
- var/mob/camera/disease/D = owner.current
- if(!istype(D))
- return FALSE
- for(var/V in D.hosts)
- var/mob/living/L = V
- if(L.onCentCom() || L.onSyndieBase())
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_disease.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_disease.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8960ac2768993..0000000000000
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_disease.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- form = "Virus"
- name = "Sentient Virus"
- desc = "An apparently sentient virus, extremely adaptable and resistant to outside sources of mutation."
- viable_mobtypes = list(/mob/living/carbon/human)
- mutable = FALSE
- bypasses_immunity = TRUE
- var/mob/camera/disease/overmind
- var/disease_id
- ..()
- GLOB.sentient_disease_instances += src
- . = ..()
- overmind = null
- GLOB.sentient_disease_instances -= src
- if(overmind)
- overmind.remove_infection(src)
- ..()
-/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/infect(mob/living/infectee, make_copy = TRUE)
- if(make_copy && overmind && (overmind.disease_template != src))
- overmind.disease_template.infect(infectee, TRUE) //get an updated version of the virus
- else
- ..()
- if(istype(D, /datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease))
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/V = D
- if(V.overmind == overmind)
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/D = ..()
- D.overmind = overmind
- D.disease_id = disease_id
- return D
- if(overmind)
- overmind.add_infection(src)
- ..()
- src.properties["stealth"] += 6 //SD gets an extra bit of stealth, as a treat, to avoid getting caught out so early
- if (!disease_id) //if we don't set this here it can reinfect people after the disease dies, since overmind.tag won't be null when the disease is alive, but will be null afterwards, thus the disease ID changes
- disease_id = "[type]|[overmind?.tag]"
- return disease_id
- if(cures.len)
- return
- var/list/not_used = advance_cures.Copy()
- not_used.Cut(1, 6) // Removes the first five tiers of cures.
- cures = list(pick(pick_n_take(not_used)), pick(pick_n_take(not_used)))
- // Get the cure name from the cure_id
- var/datum/reagent/D1 = GLOB.chemical_reagents_list[cures[1]]
- var/datum/reagent/D2 = GLOB.chemical_reagents_list[cures[2]]
- cure_text = "[D1.name] and [D2.name]"
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_mob.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_mob.dm
deleted file mode 100644
index acefd0e37173c..0000000000000
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/disease/disease_mob.dm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-A mob of type /mob/camera/disease is an overmind coordinating at least one instance of /datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease
-that has infected a host. All instances in a host will be synchronized with the stats of the overmind's disease_template. Any
-samples outside of a host will retain the stats they had when they left the host, but infecting a new host will cause
-the new instance inside the host to be updated to the template's stats.
- name = "Sentient Disease"
- real_name = "Sentient Disease"
- desc = ""
- icon = 'icons/mob/silicon/cameramob.dmi'
- icon_state = "marker"
- mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_ICON
- move_on_shuttle = FALSE
- see_invisible = SEE_INVISIBLE_LIVING
- // Pale green, bright enough to have good vision
- lighting_cutoff_red = 5
- lighting_cutoff_green = 35
- lighting_cutoff_blue = 20
- initial_language_holder = /datum/language_holder/universal
- var/freemove = TRUE
- var/freemove_end = 0
- var/freemove_end_timerid
- var/datum/action/innate/disease_adapt/adaptation_menu_action
- var/datum/disease_ability/examining_ability
- var/datum/browser/browser
- var/browser_open = FALSE
- var/mob/living/following_host
- var/list/disease_instances
- var/list/hosts //this list is associative, affected_mob -> disease_instance
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/disease_template
- var/total_points = 0
- var/points = 0
- var/last_move_tick = 0
- var/move_delay = 1
- var/next_adaptation_time = 0
- var/adaptation_cooldown = 600
- var/list/purchased_abilities
- var/list/unpurchased_abilities
- .= ..()
- ADD_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_SIXTHSENSE, INNATE_TRAIT) //at least they'll have SOMEONE to talk to
- disease_instances = list()
- hosts = list()
- purchased_abilities = list()
- unpurchased_abilities = list()
- disease_template = new /datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease()
- disease_template.overmind = src
- qdel(SSdisease.archive_diseases[disease_template.GetDiseaseID()])
- SSdisease.archive_diseases[disease_template.GetDiseaseID()] = disease_template //important for stuff that uses disease IDs
- var/datum/atom_hud/my_hud = GLOB.huds[DATA_HUD_SENTIENT_DISEASE]
- my_hud.show_to(src)
- browser = new /datum/browser(src, "disease_menu", "Adaptation Menu", 1000, 770, src)
- freemove_end = world.time + FREEMOVE_TIME
- freemove_end_timerid = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(infect_random_patient_zero)), FREEMOVE_TIME, TIMER_STOPPABLE)
- . = ..()
- QDEL_NULL(adaptation_menu_action)
- disease_template = null
- for(var/V in GLOB.sentient_disease_instances)
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/S = V
- if(S.overmind == src)
- S.overmind = null
- browser = null
- . = ..()
- if(!. || !client)
- return FALSE
- if(freemove)
- to_chat(src, span_warning("You have [DisplayTimeText(freemove_end - world.time)] to select your first host. Click on a human to select your host."))
- . = ..()
- if(freemove)
- . += "Host Selection Time: [round((freemove_end - world.time)/10)]s"
- else
- . += "Adaptation Points: [points]/[total_points]"
- . += "Hosts: [disease_instances.len]"
- var/adapt_ready = next_adaptation_time - world.time
- if(adapt_ready > 0)
- . += "Adaptation Ready: [round(adapt_ready/10, 0.1)]s"
- . = ..()
- if(isobserver(user))
- . += {"[span_notice("[src] has [points]/[total_points] adaptation points.")]
- [span_notice("[src] has the following unlocked:")]"}
- for(var/datum/disease_ability/ability in purchased_abilities)
- . += span_notice("[ability.name]")
- message,
- bubble_type,
- list/spans = list(),
- sanitize = TRUE,
- datum/language/language,
- ignore_spam = FALSE,
- forced,
- filterproof = FALSE,
- message_range = 7,
- datum/saymode/saymode,
- list/message_mods = list(),
- if(!message)
- return
- if(sanitize)
- message = trim(copytext_char(sanitize(message), 1, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN))
- log_talk(message, LOG_SAY)
- var/rendered = "[src] says, \"[message]\""
- for(var/mob/listener in GLOB.mob_list)
- if(issentientdisease(listener))
- to_chat(listener, rendered)
- else if(isobserver(listener))
- var/link = FOLLOW_LINK(listener, src)
- to_chat(listener, "[link] [rendered]")
- return
-/mob/camera/disease/Move(NewLoc, Dir = 0)
- if(freemove)
- forceMove(NewLoc)
- else
- if(world.time > (last_move_tick + move_delay))
- follow_next(Dir & NORTHWEST)
- last_move_tick = world.time
-/mob/camera/disease/can_z_move(direction, turf/start, turf/destination, z_move_flags = NONE, mob/living/rider)
- if(freemove)
- return ..()
- return FALSE
-/mob/camera/disease/Hear(message, atom/movable/speaker, message_language, raw_message, radio_freq, list/spans, list/message_mods = list(), message_range)
- . = ..()
- var/atom/movable/to_follow = speaker
- if(radio_freq)
- var/atom/movable/virtualspeaker/V = speaker
- to_follow = V.source
- var/link
- if(to_follow in hosts)
- link = FOLLOW_LINK(src, to_follow)
- else
- link = ""
- // Create map text prior to modifying message for goonchat
- if (client?.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/enable_runechat) && (client.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/enable_runechat_non_mobs) || ismob(speaker)))
- create_chat_message(speaker, message_language, raw_message, spans)
- // Recompose the message, because it's scrambled by default
- message = compose_message(speaker, message_language, raw_message, radio_freq, spans, message_mods)
- to_chat(src, "[link] [message]")
- . = ..()
- if(!mind.has_antag_datum(/datum/antagonist/disease))
- mind.add_antag_datum(/datum/antagonist/disease)
- var/datum/atom_hud/medsensor = GLOB.huds[DATA_HUD_MEDICAL_ADVANCED]
- medsensor.show_to(src)
- var/static/list/taken_names
- if(!taken_names)
- taken_names = list("Unknown" = TRUE)
- for(var/T in (subtypesof(/datum/disease) - /datum/disease/advance))
- var/datum/disease/D = T
- taken_names[initial(D.name)] = TRUE
- var/set_name
- while(!set_name)
- var/input = sanitize_name(tgui_input_text(src, "Select a name for your disease", "Select Name", max_length = MAX_NAME_LEN))
- if(!input)
- set_name = "Sentient Virus"
- break
- if(taken_names[input])
- to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot use the name of such a well-known disease!"))
- else
- set_name = input
- real_name = "[set_name] (Sentient Disease)"
- name = "[set_name] (Sentient Disease)"
- disease_template.AssignName(set_name)
- var/datum/antagonist/disease/A = mind.has_antag_datum(/datum/antagonist/disease)
- if(A)
- A.disease_name = set_name
-/mob/camera/disease/proc/infect_random_patient_zero(del_on_fail = TRUE)
- if(!freemove)
- return FALSE
- var/list/possible_hosts = list()
- var/list/afk_possible_hosts = list()
- for(var/i in GLOB.human_list)
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = i
- var/turf/T = get_turf(H)
- if((H.stat != DEAD) && T && is_station_level(T.z) && H.CanContractDisease(disease_template))
- if(H.client && !H.client.is_afk())
- possible_hosts += H
- else
- afk_possible_hosts += H
- shuffle_inplace(possible_hosts)
- shuffle_inplace(afk_possible_hosts)
- possible_hosts += afk_possible_hosts //ideally we want a not-afk person, but we will settle for an afk one if there are no others (mostly for testing)
- while(possible_hosts.len)
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/target = possible_hosts[1]
- if(force_infect(target))
- return TRUE
- possible_hosts.Cut(1, 2)
- if(del_on_fail)
- to_chat(src, span_warning("No hosts were available for your disease to infect."))
- qdel(src)
- return FALSE
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/V = disease_template.Copy()
- var/result = L.ForceContractDisease(V, FALSE, TRUE)
- if(result && freemove)
- end_freemove()
- return result
- if(!freemove)
- return
- freemove = FALSE
- move_on_shuttle = TRUE
- adaptation_menu_action = new /datum/action/innate/disease_adapt()
- adaptation_menu_action.Grant(src)
- for(var/V in GLOB.disease_ability_singletons)
- unpurchased_abilities[V] = TRUE
- var/datum/disease_ability/A = V
- if(A.start_with && A.CanBuy(src))
- A.Buy(src, TRUE, FALSE)
- if(freemove_end_timerid)
- deltimer(freemove_end_timerid)
- set_sight(SEE_SELF)
- disease_instances += V
- hosts[V.affected_mob] = V
- total_points = max(total_points, disease_instances.len)
- points += 1
- var/image/holder = V.affected_mob.hud_list[SENTIENT_DISEASE_HUD]
- var/mutable_appearance/MA = new /mutable_appearance(holder)
- MA.icon_state = "virus_infected"
- MA.alpha = 200
- holder.appearance = MA
- var/datum/atom_hud/my_hud = GLOB.huds[DATA_HUD_SENTIENT_DISEASE]
- my_hud.add_atom_to_hud(V.affected_mob)
- to_chat(src, span_notice("A new host, [V.affected_mob.real_name], has been infected."))
- if(!following_host)
- set_following(V.affected_mob)
- refresh_adaptation_menu()
- if(QDELETED(src))
- disease_instances -= V
- hosts -= V.affected_mob
- else
- to_chat(src, span_notice("One of your hosts, [V.affected_mob.real_name], has been purged of your infection."))
- var/datum/atom_hud/my_hud = GLOB.huds[DATA_HUD_SENTIENT_DISEASE]
- my_hud.remove_atom_from_hud(V.affected_mob)
- if(following_host == V.affected_mob)
- follow_next()
- disease_instances -= V
- hosts -= V.affected_mob
- if(!disease_instances.len)
- to_chat(src, span_userdanger("The last of your infection has disappeared."))
- set_following(null)
- qdel(src)
- refresh_adaptation_menu()
- if(following_host)
- UnregisterSignal(following_host, COMSIG_MOVABLE_MOVED)
- RegisterSignal(L, COMSIG_MOVABLE_MOVED, PROC_REF(follow_mob))
- following_host = L
- follow_mob()
-/mob/camera/disease/proc/follow_next(reverse = FALSE)
- var/index = hosts.Find(following_host)
- if(index)
- if(reverse)
- index = index == 1 ? hosts.len : index - 1
- else
- index = index == hosts.len ? 1 : index + 1
- set_following(hosts[index])
-/mob/camera/disease/proc/follow_mob(datum/source, newloc, dir)
- var/turf/T = get_turf(following_host)
- if(T)
- forceMove(T)
-/mob/camera/disease/DblClickOn(atom/A, params)
- if(hosts[A])
- set_following(A)
- else
- ..()
-/mob/camera/disease/ClickOn(atom/A, params)
- if(freemove && ishuman(A))
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = A
- if(tgui_alert(usr, "Select [H.name] as your initial host?", "Select Host", list("Yes", "No")) != "Yes")
- return
- if(!freemove)
- return
- if(QDELETED(H) || !force_infect(H))
- to_chat(src, span_warning("[H ? H.name : "Host"] cannot be infected."))
- else
- ..()
- to_chat(src, span_notice("You have altered your genetic structure. You will be unable to adapt again for [DisplayTimeText(adaptation_cooldown)]."))
- next_adaptation_time = world.time + adaptation_cooldown
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(notify_adapt_ready)), adaptation_cooldown)
- to_chat(src, span_notice("You are now ready to adapt again."))
- refresh_adaptation_menu()
- if(browser_open)
- adaptation_menu()
- var/datum/disease/advance/sentient_disease/DT = disease_template
- if(!DT)
- return
- var/list/dat = list()
- if(examining_ability)
- dat += "Back
- dat += "
Cost | Unlock | Name | Type | Description | |
[A.cost] | [purchase_text] | [A.required_total_points] | [A.name] | [A.category] | [A.short_desc] |