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Journal of Eye Movement Research (JEMR)
[ETRA] ( Eye-tracking Research and Applications
- 偏计算机,算法及交互
Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild - work shop
- 由ETH的Xucong Zhang,Seonwook Park,University of Birmingham的Hyung Jin Chang 等举办
COGAIN (Communication by Gaze Interaction)
- 比较注重对残障人士辅助交互,近年来合在ETRA一起举办
- 偏心理生理神经以及医学和眼科学科。
ECVP (European Conference on Visual Perception)
- 偏心理学,神经科学和认知科学
ECEM (European Conference on Eye Movements)
Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence - Uni Bielefeld - CITEC
- Dr. rer. nat. Thies Pfeiffer (Dipl. Inform.)
Usable Security and Privacy - Bundeswehr University
Medieninformatik - University of Glasgow
- Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Systems Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Bulling
Group for Median Informatics - University of Munich
Perception Engineering, Department of Computer Science - University of Tübingen
- Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Kasneci
Quality and Usability Lab - TU Berlin
- Dr.-Ing. Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons (diploma in psychology)
Engineering Psychology and Applied Cognitive Research - 工程心理学与应用认知研究 TU Dresden
- Prof. Dr. SebastianPannasch
General Psychology - University of Ulm
Blickshift in Stuttgart
Pupil labs in Berlin
- 清帆科技 视线方向追踪
- GazeRecorder Webcam Eye Tracking
- pygaze use PyGaze toolbox for box tracking
lookie-lookie Javascript demo with Tensorflow.js
digital-twins class eyes tracking . This is code and this is youtube video
- ETH-XGaze Challenge,based on ETH-XGaze project, and u can find the code here. The Xgaze Dataset iDataset (face patch images with size of 224224 pixels about 130 GB, face patch images with size of 448448 pixels about 497 GB, and the full raw images about 7 TB). The ETH-XGaze Dataset is available on request. Please register here to gain access to the dataset.
- EVE Challenge, based on Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-tracking, and u can find the code in this. based on EVE dataset. The EVE Dataset is available on request. Please fill in this Google Form to gain access to the dataset.