Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be:
cd ~/workspace
Clone the project by running the following command:
git clone
cd serendipity-2.0/backend
To serve the applications (from the /backend directory):
docker-compose up -d
The containers may take a minute or two to startup.
Navigate to:
You can stop the containers using the following command:
docker-compose down -v
To serve the applications (from the /backend directory):
# Create a dedicated namespace for our deployments
kubectl create ns serendipity
# Deploy the Serendipty Identity Service
kubectl apply -n serendipity -f serendipity-identity-server.yaml
# Deploy the Serendipty PWA and BFF
kubectl apply -n serendipity -f serendipity.yaml
The containers may take a minute or two to startup.
Navigate to:
You can stop the containers using the following command:
kubectl delete -n serendipity -f serendipity-identity-server.yaml
kubectl delete -n serendipity -f serendipity.yaml