The competition of Open Platform League, Domestic Standard Platform League will be held, according to the General Rules posted in this page. Using the RoboCup 2018 Rule Book Chapter 3 “General Rules & Regulations”:, as a base, the RoboCup Japan Open 2019 General Rules have slightly modification to it as following:
All items in this section in the rulebook are not adopted for RCJ2019, and are replaced to following items:
- Registration is done through the RoboCup Japanese National Committee.
- No qualification (team selection) is required. All applied team able to participate.
For RCJ2019 arena, the room dimension and furniture will be constructed based on the rule of WRS2020. However, there might be minor changes depending on the situation of the competition, which may due to the deviation by the construction of room dimension or door location, the procurement of furniture, etc.
There will be no Arena network (WiFi at the venue) is provided. In the case of necessity to access to the internet, ensure that each team connect to the public networks such as 4G. Since there are no official Arena Network is provided, the connection to the public network is possible even for DSPL. However, it is prohibited for setting up own team’s WIFI access point at the venue.
This item adopts the content of RoboCup 2019 Rulebook. Also, additional devices which are noted in RoboCup 2019 Rulebook, are possible to install as well. The contents are summarized as the following:
- Any laptop PC that can be safely loaded on HSR with the Mounting Bracket is allowing to install.
- The following are permitted as additional devices. - One USB audio output device (eg USB speaker etc.) - One IEEE 802.11ac device, one IEEE 802.3ab device
Reference: 3.5.3 Official Standard Laptop for DSPL and 3.5.4 Authorized add-ons for DSPL
Also, the following are permitted as RCJ2019 rules.
- Mobile router with USB or Ethernet cable connection.
Regarding the total external dimensions of the additional devices, it should be less than 30 cm for USB speakers, and less than 15 cm for other devices. Also, the cable should be less than 20 cm, either is connected to HSR or Laptop PC.
- Since there is no Official microphone, each team can use a Bluetooth microphone prepared by themselves. Bluetooth microphone is not installed in the robot, it is used handheld.
All items in this section in the rulebook are not adopted for RCJ2019, and are replaced to following items:
- There will be no division for Stage 1 and 2. In RCJ2019, all participated team can challenge in all tasks. In addition, it will be implemented with rules, allocation points, and schedules which will be announced separately.
- As a replacement for Stage 2 of Open Challenge, for both OPL and DSPL, all participated team can challenge to the Final, to have the chance in showing own technology of each team for Open Demonstrations.
Operate with the time limits set in each task.
Operate with the restart rules set in each task.
In order to avoid the undesired situation for participated team and audience, such as in the case of unable to start the tasks due to no speech recognition, or in the case of unable to continue the task due to failing in grasping objects, thus it is recommended to actively use the bypass method. In addition to these rules, RCJ 2019 strongly recommends the following items:
- Actively use the QR code to the substitution of voice recognition
- Utilise the HRI by touch display that is mounted on the robot, etc. Refer to p44.
- Instructions for a referee by using robot’s voice and display. The referee as much as possible to comply with the instructions, for examples, open the door, remove the chair, grasp thing and put it on hand, and others, that the robot indicates clearly. However, it can not cope with the points beyond the limits of the referee, such as voices too small, inability to hear instructions in English or Japanese that are not the native language, or small images that can not be read, etc.