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General Purpose Service Robot

In the task, robots are evaluated the skills which are required on overall Stage 1.


The rule will be based on "[5.2. GeneralPurposeServiceRobot] in RoboCup2018 Rulebook" of RoboCup2018. Please read the Rule Book for the detail.

Additional Rules

There are some original additional rules for the Japan Open as follows.

Command Generation

  • Team leader chooses the command category.
  • A TC generates a command by the command generator.
  • If the robot can't understand the command, the team can choose the options below:
    • Give the command again by a TC or a custom operator.
    • Use the Continue Rule.
  • You can change to the custom operator at any time.
  • Each command is allowed to give to the robot three times.
  • The pre-defined questions are not used.

Retrieving the command

  • A robot has to repeat the command. But it must not be parroty. The repeating must include all of the information about the command.

Command Generator

In this competition, we will use the command generator which was used in RoboCup 2018 Montreal. You can find it here. Note: The object name, object name, place name, and person name will be changed for this competition.


Not allowed.

Data Recording

Data recording is not required.

OC Instructions

Setup day

  • Specify and announce the locations name.
  • Specify and announce the entrance and exit door.
  • Announce the objects.
  • Specify and announce the location where the robot has to wait for the commands.

Score Sheet

  • The maximum time for this test is 10 minutes.
  • TC will consider the partial scores of each command.
Action                Score   
Getting instructions:
Understanding the command on the 1st attempt 3x12
Understanding the command on the 1st attempt (Custom Operator) 3x6
Understanding the command at a later attempt 3x1
First Command Successfully Solved:
Command Category 1 12
Command Category 2 24
Command Category 3 36
Second Command Successfully Solved:
Command Category 1 24
Command Category 2 48
Command Category 3 72
Third Command Successfully Solved:
Command Category 1 48
Command Category 2 96
Command Category 3 144
Leave the arena:
Leave the arena after successfully accomplishing a command 12
Special penalties & bonuses:
 Not attending -50
 Outstanding performance 20
Total score (excluding penalties and bonuses) 300