In the previous exercise, you've enhanced the data model of the business object (BO) entity Travel (see Exercise 2).
In the present exercise, you will define and implement the unmanaged internal early numbering to set the primary key TravelID
of new Travel instances during their creation in your application. You will also use the static field control to specify some fields to read-only.
A number range object will be used to determine the unique travel identifiers.
- 3.1 - Define the Internal Early Numbering
- 3.2 - Implement the Internal Early Numbering
- 3.3 - Preview and Test the Enhanced Travel App
- Summary
Reminder: Do not forget to replace the suffix placeholder
with your choosen or assigned group ID in the exercise steps below.
Numbering is about setting values for primary key fields of entity instances during runtime. Different types of numbering are supported in RAP which can be divided into two main categories:
- Early numbering: In an early numbering scenario, the primary key value is set instantly after the modify request for the
is executed. The key values can be passed externally by the consumer or can be set internally by the framework or an implementation of theFOR NUMBERING
method. The latter will be implemented in the present exercise.- Late numbering: In a late numbering scenario, the key values are always assigned internally without consumer interaction after the point of no return in the interaction phase has passed, and the
sequence is triggered.Further reading: Numbering
Define the (unmanaged) internal early numbering in the behavior definition
of the Travel entity.
🔵 Click to expand!
Open the behavior definiton
of the Travel entity. -
Specify the statement provided below just after the statement
authorization master( global )
, just before the opening curly bracket{
as shown on the screenshot.early numbering
The warning message
Early Numbering for CREATE ZRAP100_R_TRAVELTP_### is not implemented
is now displayed for the statementcreate;
You can hover the yellow underlined statement to display the message or have a look at the Problems view.You can ignore it for now. You will handle it later.
As you can seen in the behavior definition, the administrative fields
, andLastChangedBy
been set to read-only during the service generation. Their values are automatically set by the ABAP runtime thanks to element annotations specified in the base CDS view entityZRAP100_R_Travel_###
.The Travel BO uses the early numbering in this scenario. To ensure that the primary key field
is filled when creating new travel instances, but is read-only on further processing of these instances, the operation-dependent field access restrictionsfield (mandatory:create)
andfield (read-only:update)
are used respectively. -
Delete following statement:
field ( mandatory : create ) TravelID;
Specify the field
as read-only field since it will be set at runtime by the internal early numbering.Info: The static field control is used to restrict properties of particular fields.
For that, replace the statement
field ( readonly ) TravelID;
You can use the ABAP Pretty Printer function (Shift+F1) to format the source code.
To complete the definition, you need to declare the required method in behavior implementation class. You can use the ADT Quick Fix to do that.
Set the cursor on the statement
and press Ctrl+1 to open the Quick Assist view.Select the entry
Add earlynumbering method for create of entity zrap100_i_travel_### in local handler ...
from the dialog to add theFOR NUMBERING
to the local handler classlcl_handler
of the behavior poolZRAP100_BP_TRAVELTP_###
.The behavior implementation class
will be enhanced appropriately.You are through with the definition of the early numbering and can now go ahead and implement its logic.
You will now implement the logic for the unmanaged internal early numbering in behavior implementation class (aka behavior pool)
of the Travel BO entity. A number range object will be used to determine the IDs of new Travel BO entity instances.
Please note:
Due to time constraints (and simplification reasons), the proper error handling when using number ranges is not part of this implementation example. Nevertheless, you can find a more comprehensive implementation example of a managed BO with a number range object in the behavior implementation class/DMO/BP_TRAVEL_M
located in the package/DMO/FLIGHT_MANAGED
. A description of this implementation is provided in the RAP development guide Developing Managed Transactional Apps on the SAP Help Portal.
🔵 Click to expand!
Check the method interface of the method
in the declaration part of the local handler classlcl_handler
.For that, set the cursor on the method name and press F2 to open the ABAP Element Info view and examine the full method interface, for example, the importing and changing parameters. You can navigate to the different (derived) types.
Signature of the
method for managed BOs:IMPORTING
- includes all entities for which keys must be assigned- Implicit
parameters (return paramters):mapped
- used to provide the consumer with ID mapping informationfailed
- used for identifying the data set where an error occurredreported
- used to return messages in case of failure.
Further reading: Implicit Response Parameters
Now go ahead and implement the method
in the implementation part of the implementation class.First, it must be ensured that the imported Travel entity instances do not yet have an ID set. This must especially be checked when the BO is draft-enabled.
For that, remove all instances with a non-initial
from the imported parameterentities
which contains all Travel entities for which a key must be assigned. Insert the code snippet provided below into the method implementation and replace all occurrences of the placeholder###
with your group ID.DATA: entity TYPE STRUCTURE FOR CREATE ZRAP100_R_TravelTP_###, travel_id_max TYPE /dmo/travel_id, " change to abap_false if you get the ABAP Runtime error 'BEHAVIOR_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT' use_number_range TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_true. "Ensure Travel ID is not set yet (idempotent)- must be checked when BO is draft-enabled LOOP AT entities INTO entity WHERE TravelID IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND CORRESPONDING #( entity ) TO mapped-travel. ENDLOOP. DATA(entities_wo_travelid) = entities. "Remove the entries with an existing Travel ID DELETE entities_wo_travelid WHERE TravelID IS NOT INITIAL.
Use the Number Range API to retrieve the set of available numbers, based on entries in
and determine the first available travel ID.The number range object
of the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario (located in the package/DMO/FLIGHT_REUSE
) is used in the example implementation provided below.Please note: All participants are using the same number range object
, therefore, the assigned Travel ID will not be gap-free.For that, enhance the method implementation with the provided code snippet as shown on the screenshot below. As already mentioned, the error handling is kept to the minimum here.
IF use_number_range = abap_true. "Get numbers TRY. cl_numberrange_runtime=>number_get( EXPORTING nr_range_nr = '01' object = '/DMO/TRV_M' quantity = CONV #( lines( entities_wo_travelid ) ) IMPORTING number = DATA(number_range_key) returncode = DATA(number_range_return_code) returned_quantity = DATA(number_range_returned_quantity) ). CATCH cx_number_ranges INTO DATA(lx_number_ranges). LOOP AT entities_wo_travelid INTO entity. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = entity-%cid %key = entity-%key %is_draft = entity-%is_draft %msg = lx_number_ranges ) TO reported-travel. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = entity-%cid %key = entity-%key %is_draft = entity-%is_draft ) TO failed-travel. ENDLOOP. EXIT. ENDTRY. "determine the first free travel ID from the number range travel_id_max = number_range_key - number_range_returned_quantity. ELSE. "determine the first free travel ID without number range "Get max travel ID from active table SELECT SINGLE FROM zrap100_atrav### FIELDS MAX( travel_id ) AS travelID INTO @travel_id_max. "Get max travel ID from draft table SELECT SINGLE FROM zrap100_dtrav### FIELDS MAX( travelid ) INTO @DATA(max_travelid_draft). IF max_travelid_draft > travel_id_max. travel_id_max = max_travelid_draft. ENDIF. ENDIF.
⚠ If you get the following error message:
then change the value of the variableuse_number_range
use_number_range TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_true.
Set the Travel ID for new Travel instances without identifier.
Enhance the method implementation with the following code snippet as shown on the screenshot below.
"Set Travel ID for new instances w/o ID LOOP AT entities_wo_travelid INTO entity. travel_id_max += 1. entity-TravelID = travel_id_max. APPEND VALUE #( %cid = entity-%cid %key = entity-%key %is_draft = entity-%is_draft ) TO mapped-travel. ENDLOOP.
Remember to regularly use the ABAP Pretty Printer function (Shift+F1) to format your source code.
You can now preview and test the changes by creating a new travel instance in the Travel app.
🔵 Click to expand!
Refresh your application in the browser using F5 if the browser is still open -
or go to your service bindingZRAP100_UI_TRAVEL_O4_###
and start the Fiori elements App preview for theTravel
entity set. -
Create a new Travel instance.
No dialog for manually entering a Travel ID should be displayed now. The Travel ID will be assigned automatically by the logic you just implemented.
Now that you've...
- defined the early numbering and the static feature control,
- implement the early numbering, and
- preview and test the enhanced Fiori elements app,
you can continue with the next exercise – Exercise 4: Enhance the BO Behavior – Determinations