Git release tags are the single source of truth for release
numbers and release triggers. There is no version information in the
pom file. A default version number is contained in
, which should be kept up to date. However, it is
overridden in the CI/CD pipelines by the release tag.
Releases of installable packages will be created with github actions
on tags with a name matching the pattern
. But only tags matching the
pattern [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
will result in an update of the
descriptor file.--So, releases with a suffix are considered kind of
beta and will only occur in the tag's release bundle.
To produce a release:
- first push the branch to be released
- then tag it with the tag name matching the above pattern
This will produce a release on releases/tag/<TAG_NAME> and update the descriptor file.
The pattern for release tags is protected.