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208 lines (159 loc) · 8.75 KB

Project Proposal

Project Description

Currently there is no resource for UW students to see specific reviews and suggestions about a particular course. Similar services, such as RateMyProfessor focuses on the professors themselves, while UW course evaluation only displays numerical ratings without much explanation for the course structure, details, or helpful suggestions. As UW students and developers, we want to solve this issue by building an application RateTheCourse to help UW students make more informed decisions about the classes they want to take: by creating an application where they are able to see reviews for a particular course and view the difficulty of the course, see the recommendations from other students, and able to submit reviews/evaluations of a course anonymously.

Technical Description

Architectural diagram mapping

User Client
Gateway layer - verify student is UW student, receive session information
MySQL database - store information of all users
Redis session store - save session information
Mongoose database - information of all the evaluations/ratings of a course
Course evaluation microservice - search for evaluations based on major/number, submit a form for evaluation of class \

User Stories and Priority

Priority User Description Technical Implementation Strategy
P0 As a student I want to be able to search for all the evaluations for a particular course submitted by all students Access the Mongoose database, return a response body that will be displayed in the front-end
P0 As a student I want to be able to submit a evaluation of a course I took Insert into the Mongoose database, provide a request to the back-end
P0 As a student I want to be able to Sign in and Sign up as user Store log in credentials in database, authenticate user and store sessions inside Redis database.
P1 As a student I want to be able to update my evaluation after submisssion User clicks on edit button, updates the fields, save evaluation updates in Mongoose database
P1 As a student I want to be able to update the information in my profile after sign up Update the MySQL Users database, return a response displayed on the front-end
P1 As a student I want to be able to remove my evaluation after submission User clicks on remove button, delete evaluation in Mongoose database

API EndPoints


v1/user: saves users who make accounts

  • GET (application/json) : to get a specific user account based on User ID.

    • 200: Successful response with user information
    • 400: Bad request if ID is not in valid format
    • 401: Cannot verify User ID
    • 404: User is not found with given ID
    • 405: Method is not 'GET'
  • POST (application/json) : to create new user account, Sign up

    • 200: created new user account
    • 400: bad request if user account already exists, incorrect body
    • 401: unauthorized user information access
    • 405: method is not 'POST'
    • 415: content-type is not 'application/json'
  • PATCH (application/json) : to update user email Id or password

    • 200: Successful response with updated user information
    • 400: bad request if ID is not in valid format, cannot decode body
    • 401: unauthorized user information access
    • 405: Method is not 'PATCH'
    • 415: Receive unsupported body, unable to update user


/v1/sessions: saves user session when logged in

  • POST (application/json) : Post new user session
    • 201: created a new session for a user on sign in
    • 400: bad request if body is not correct
    • 401: user does not exist or cannot be authenticated
    • 405: method not allowed
    • 415: unsupported media
  • DELETE: Delete user session after user logs out
    • 400: bad request
    • 403: forbidden request if not user's session
    • 405: method is not 'DELETE'


v1/courses : information on all the courses v1/courses?code= : information on courses that match code (from user input)

  • GET (application/json) : to get all courses in the database
    • 200: Successful response with course information
    • 500: Internal server error

v1/courses/{courseID} : to retrieve information on specific courses

  • GET (application/json) : to get information on the specific courses in the databse
    • 200: Successful response with course information
    • 500: Internal server error

v1/courses/{courseID}/evaluations : to retrieve all evaluations on specific courses \

  • GET (application/json) : to get information on the specific courses in the databse
    • 200: Successful response with course information
    • 500: Internal server error


v1/evaluations: information on all the evaluations submitted

  • POST (application/json): to add evaluation to a course
    • 201: Created new evaluation
    • 401: Unauthorized user information access
    • 500: Internal server error

v1/evaluations/{id}: information on the specific evaluation submitted

  • PATCH (application/json) : to update evaluation text description, rating etc

    • 201: Updated evaluation parameters
    • 401: unauthorized user information acces
    • 403: User is not creator (forbidden access)
    • 500: Internal server error
  • DELETE: students who posted the evaluations will be able to delete their evaluations

    • 200: Successfully deletes student evaluations.
    • 401: Cannot verify review ID
    • 403: User is not creator (forbidden access)
    • 500: Internal server error

Data Models

We use MongoDB as our data storage for courses and evaluations, Redis as the storage for sessions, and MYSQL for the user data.

  • Evaluation: The courses are evaluated and reviewed by students. The evaluations are specific to a course. A single course can have multiple evaluations based on the quarter, year and instructors involved. One user can submit only one evaluation per course. User will be able to edit and delete evaluations.
	evaluation: {
		id: int
		studentID: int
		courseID: int
		instructurs: [string] (multiple instructors can be included separated by ‘ , ’ or ‘ ; ‘) \
		year: date
		quarter : string
		creditType: string
		credits: int
		workload: int  (on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least amount of work and 10 being the most work)
		gradingTechniques: int (on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the easiest grading technique and 5 being the most difficult grading technique)
		description: string
		likedUsers: [int] ( list of unique studentIDs who have liked the evaluation. The length of the array provides count of likes. Need to check if the studentID exists before adding to the list, to maintain unique studentIDs)
		dislikedUsers: [int] ( list of studentIDs who disliked the course)
  • Course: The evaluations are specific to a course. This data model contains course information such as Course Title, Course Code, Credits and a brief Description text.
	course: {
		id: int
		code: string
		title: string
		description: string
		credits: int
  • Student: represents student information
	student: {
		id :  int64
		email:  string
		passhash: []byte
		userName: string
		firstName: string
		lastName:  string
		avatarPhotoURL:  string
  • NewStudent: represents new student information, used during user registration
	newStudent: {
		email: string
		password: string
		passwordConf: string
		userName: string
		firstName: string
		lastName: string
  • Student Credentials: used during user login
	credentials: {
		email: string
		password: string

Initial Infrastructure Diagram