Application for Raspberry Pi + LED strip applications
Living overview:
- Main program for LED and clock control
- Uses RPI system time for clock time
- Pulls settings from settings.txt
- Pulls color profile from colors.txt
- Pulls animation list from animations.txt
- Auto-run on startup
- Includes:
- Boot sequence / LED test
- Determines mode (clock vs static)
- Begins display ASAP
- Continues to operate, even in AP mode
- Link to HTML to show color / animation changes live?
- Not sure how to do this...
- Basic web app used to change user settings of clock
- Served via captive portal and/or static IP once RPI is in AP mode
- Reads wifi SSIDs, allows user to enter credentials, writes to wpa_supplicant.conf
- Reads profiles from color_profiles.txt, takes user selection of profile, writes selected profile to color.txt
- Optional color wheel selection to save custom profile to color_profiles.txt, refresh list and allow user to select that profile
./profiles/active/colors.txt Structure:
[profile name]
- R/W
- Will be regenerated if deleted or corrupted
- List of color profiles. Some preloaded, some user configured
- Used to feed colors.txt - same structure but repeated
- R/W
- Trigger/animation pairs
- Structure:
[trigger type]
- R/W
- Will be regenerated if deleted or corrupted
- Available animations for various triggers
- Handles both clock and static modes
- All animations and triggers have corresponding functions in
[trigger type]
- Set of flags and values used for miscellaneous settings.
- Example settings:
- Time offset
- Time refresh rate
- Extra WLAN settings, if applicable
- SW update URL
- Clock vs static mode
- Factory default settings for settings.txt
- Read only
- Used to change the RPi from a DHCP client to an AP on wlan0
- Triggered by button push on device
- Used to manage R/W of colors.txt and color_profiles.txt
- Not sure if this is necessary or if the HTML can just handle the I/O
- Current list of dependencies.
- To be replaced with installer / venv requirements list.
- Configuration file for wifi access settings
- Standard config file for RPI
- TBD - will likely keep local copy and add path to RPI