[email protected]:CYGNUS-RD/analysis.git git checkout tune_sel
This could be avoided reading directly the H5 files, but for now it is like this... See instructions in:
The usual name of the runs after the conversion is histogram_Run00494.root or histograms_Run01515.root if it was already a root file.
python3 reconstruction.py configFile.txt --pdir plots --max-entries X -jX
- configFile.txt is the configuration file with all the settings.
- pdir is the directory where the plots will be saved.
- max-entries is the number of images you want to analyse.
- j is the number of cores you want to use.
- Python 2.X (Stable version) or Python 3.X
- Root 6.X
- cycler==0.10.0
- decorator==4.4.0
- imageio==2.6.1
- joblib==0.14.0
- kiwisolver==1.1.0
- matplotlib==3.1.1
- networkx==2.4
- numpy==1.17.3
- Pillow==6.2.0
- pyparsing==2.4.2
- python-dateutil==2.8.0
- PyWavelets==1.1.0
- root-numpy==4.8.0
- scikit-image==0.16.1
- scikit-learn==0.21.3
- scipy==1.3.1
- six==1.12.0
Download the code from github:
git clone [email protected]:CYGNUS-RD/analysis.git
git clone https://github.com/CYGNUS-RD/analysis.git
cd analysis
Get a file for a specific run taken with the DAQ (eg. run 2113):
wget https://swift.cloud.infn.it:8080/v1/AUTH_1e60fe39fba04701aa5ffc0b97871ed8/Cygnus/Data/LAB/histograms_Run02113.root
Change the run number in the config file (Line 34)
emacs -nw configFile.txt
Then run the code on all the events
python reconstruction.py configFile.txt
If your computer has X cores
(check on linux with cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/^processor/{print $3}’
You can speed up the processing by parallelizing it:
python reconstruction.py configFile.txt -j X
You can now look at the output ROOT file with a tree containing 1 event/image with:
root -l reco_run02113_3D.root