The most complicated case of intersection is the refraction (combined with the reflection) at the border surface of two optical media with different indices of refraction (See: To summarize what an index of refraction (IOR) is: It is a factor that is used to describe the "bending" of light when it goes through the border between two optical media (For example, a transition from air to water).
List of the IOR for different media
Furthermore, in contrast to all reflections so far, we now generate two rays. One ray that represents the portion of the light reflected at the surface. And a second ray that represent the portion of light that makes it through the border. The first ray is simple to calculate, it is mirrored using specular reflection and weighted accordingly. The other one is a little more tricky and uses Snell's law to compute the refraction angle (theta_r) based on the angle of incidence (theta_I).
Assuming we are given the incoming ray R_0 and with an angle of incidence theta_I to the surface normal N. We can use the equation:
To compute the refracted ray R_refraction. However, the refracted ray does not always exist. If the critical angle is reached, the equation will break for non-complex values as the term under the square root becomes negative. This becomes useful to us. Checking if the term under the root is negative can be used to decide whether the refraction ray needs to be cast by our ray tracer.
Assuming the refracted ray exists ( cos²(theta_t) > 0 ) we can calculate the refracted ray using:
However, due to implementation reasons, this formula is slightly adjusted in the code. The reason for this is to avoid flipping the normal vector which is necessary depending on the direction R_out approaches the media border.
Now that we know how the direction of our two outgoing rays is calculated, we still do not how "much" light is refracted or reflected. Ideally we would have a percentage value to weigh our rays after calculating them. For this we will use the Fresnel equations or to be more exact the Schlick's approximation for said equations.
To calculate the weights of each ray, the fresnel reflectance is approximated using the formula shown above. Afterwards, the reflected ray is weighted by the reflectance FR_effective and the refracted ray is weighted by its inverse (1 - FR_effective).