: Released to production1.2.0
: Changed <provider_checksum> node to regular node. Must be run in combination with assembly
: Significant refactoring of cleanup scripts and movement of methods to a new Util class. Update integration tests.1.3.0
: Add the ability to re-accession1.3.1
: Bug fixes related to re-accessioning1.3.2
: Bug fixes related to smpl content metadata processing1.3.3
: Add the ability to leave the progress log filename as nil in the config file, and it will be created automatically.1.3.4
: Add contentMetadata and resourceTypes of 'image' during pre-assembly if you specify :simple_image as project type.1.4.6
: Add functionality to discovery_report to provide information on whether objects are registered and if they have APOs1.4.7
: Allow "book_as_image" as new project content type.1.4.8
: Fix workflow_status report so it doesn't crash if a workflow is not found1.4.9
: Bug fix in cleanup method1.5.0
: Add the ability to accession or re-accession only specific items via "except" or "only" parameters1.5.1
: Updates to discovery report to only show objects that will be processed1.5.2
: Add some utility methods to quickly update datastreams for a list of DOR objects1.5.3
: Add more options to the discovery_report to make it useful when running manifest style projects1.5.4
: bug fixes to discovery report1.5.5
: Add some more reporting info to the discovery_report (to tell you how many problems were found when running)1.5.6
: Added additional check to discovery report -- check for any files that are present in the bundle directory but not referenced in the manifest1.5.7
: Add the ability to check the uniqueness of source IDs to the discovery report1.5.8
: bug fixes, update to fix tests1.5.9
: update generate_collection_report to add more columns1.6.0
: rename generate_collection_report to project_tag_report and add a new report that uses the progress YAML file to only report on successfully accessioned druids1.6.1
: allow users to specify a manifest file for descriptive metadata purposes even if should_register=false; allow users to bypass image validation1.7.0
: allow for 'joined' method of content metadata generation; allow user to specify publish/preserve/shelve attributes by mime-type1.7.1
: add further validation checks to ensure only compatible values are set in YAML before proceeding, some refactoring to keep bundle class smaller, remove 'use_druid_minter' parameter and set it to a new style of getting druids, show warnings if you set development only parameters1.7.2
: set completion_report to check actual workflow states in DOR instead of relying on SOLR, which can be out of date1.7.3
: small bug fix when checking writable status of directories and files; try and find druids from barcodes when running discovery report1.7.4
: more validation fixes, to indicate that container barcode projects must have the APO DRUID set1.7.5
: add another check to discovery_report which confirms readable file permissions on object files1.7.6
: bug fix in discovery_report for barcode projects1.7.7
: move the Utils class into it's own gem so it can be used elsewhere ... methods that were PreAssembly::Utils are now Assembly::Utils; refactoring to account for new DruidTools gem usage1.7.8
: bug fixes; update how configuration is done to make it part ofassembly-utils
: add time stamps to progress display on screen (or intonohup.out
: allow the web service call to retry 5 times, sleeping between each call in order to avoid pre-assembly crashing if the dor web service is temporarily unavailable1.8.1
: refactor: adjust object_file class to subclass from Assembly::ObjectFile so we don't need to redeclare convenience methods1.9.0
: use the content metadata generation methods in the updated Assembly::ObjectFile gem, which expands the possible types of metadata that can be generated, update templates and documentation1.9.1
: use the new DruidTools gem to generate staged content in the druid tree format:/oo/000/oo/0001/oo000oo0001/content
: update how set relationships are stored in an object -- add both an isMemberOf and an isMemberOfRelationship1.9.3
: small updates to force new usage ofassembly-objectfile
gem for latest contentmetadata generation; additional output at end of preassembly1.9.4
: update discovery_report to include checks for APO existence and existence of assemblyWF workflow definition1.9.5
: more additions to discovery_report to provide total size and count by mimetype of discovered files; eliminate need to directly compute md5; this is now done via theassembly-objectfile
: add a new configuration parameter that determines if items are staged using the new style of druid trees or the old style of druid trees in the dor workspace1.9.7
: provide the option to have no contentMetadata.xml file generated during pre-assembly. Useful if you have a current custom created one ready to stage.1.9.8
: update web service call to remove "v1" from URL1.9.9
: allow the content metadata creation style to be discovered from already registered objects by inspecting the 'Process : Content Type' tag. The default is used if not found or mapping incomplete.1.10.0
: added support for the dir_validator gem1.10.1
: updated discovery report to fetch druids; add files needed for mjf1.10.2
: update discovery report to optionally show all staged files; add new parameter to stageable discovery to optionally stage files only1.10.3
: show detailed exception messages if initiate_accessioning_workflow step fails after several attempts (useful for debugging)1.10.4
: update discovery report1.10.5
: update README to indicate new convenience methods available inassembly-utils
, update required version ofassembly-utils
: Update service_root configuration to allow different service URLs (e.g. with or without v1) for test and production1.10.7
: Allow the dor register call to retry 5 (configurable) times, sleeping between each call in order to avoid pre-assembly crashing if the dor web service is temporarily unavailable1.10.8
: Add a new parameter to allow pre-assembly to be throttled (add a sleep time between objects)1.10.9
: Catch errors on register_object_in_set method call, and allow for retries before raising an exception1.10.10
: Add spaces in filenames checks to discovery report1.10.11
: Catch errors onget_pid_from_suri
method call, and allow for retries before raising an exception1.10.12
: Delete assemblyWF and accessionWF workflows from objects when re-accessioning using updatedassembly-utils
: Bump up to latest versions of assembly gems; fix bug in publish attributing adding during content metadata generation1.11.2
: If user had a trailing slash on the bundle_dir parameter, object discovery might fail. Remove any trailing slashes during setup.1.11.3
: Make SMPL contentMetadata generation more robust so it doesn't crash if the checksum is missing from the preContentMetadata file.1.11.4
: Changed the object type and resource type from 'file' to 'media' for SMPL conntent metadata.2.0.0
: Allow user to stage items via symlink instead of copy -- useful when source bundle directory contains large files. New YAML config parameter is called "staging_style" and can be set to "copy" or "symlink" (default is "copy").2.0.1
: Attempt cleanup if registration step fails -- try to delete object and purge from solr before trying again2.0.2
: Add some more intelligence to the validate_usage step to better indicate errors in YAML configuration; default to new druid tree2.0.3
: Verify that pid starts with druid: when initializing the assembly workflow2.0.4
: Restructure project specific folder to be more generalizable. Add new "revs" project specific file that does LC term lookups when generating MODs.2.0.5
: Add new "revs" project specific files with country and state parsing for location nodes on MODs.2.0.6
: Add some new "revs" project specific methods to check format field2.1.0
: Add a basic remediation framework for mass remediating objects.2.1.1
: More updates to remediation framework; revs metadata and image updating specific code2.1.4
: Allow DOR items to be registered even when a label is not provided in the manifest, by using a default label instead2.1.5
: If registration fails, try to delete object by source ID as well as by druid2.1.6
: Update remediation to allow you to skip workflow checks for in accessioning and versioning required when testing in development and production.2.1.7
: Update remediation script to allow you to pass in a pre-assembly log file as well as a CSV with druids2.1.8
: Show total number of objects and remaining in remediation output2.2.0
: Allow the user to specify multiple sets/collection objects that should be associated with an item when registering2.2.1
: Adjust how validate_files works to also check for color profile since that check is no longer provided with the existing method2.2.2
: Change default mapping for flipbook registered object to simple_book content metadata; don't override yaml content metedata type with registered object content tag unless user explicitly indicates this should be done2.2.3
: Move SMPL preContentMetadata generation methods into a class and allow it to be run automatically whenever SMPL accessioning occurs2.2.4
: Make SMPL content metadata generation per object so that you do not need to run an extra step ahead of pre-assembly2.2.5
: Make SMPL searching of checksums in MD5 file case insensitive for the role folder2.2.6
: Add some additional info to the discovery report for SMPL manifest projects2.2.7
: Enable automated combination of all techmd.xml files for SMPL projects into a single technical metadata datastream; cleanup old methods2.3.1
: Remove revs specific shared methods from revs project file, include their functionality from the new revs-utils gem2.3.2
: Small changes to discovery report around checking for APOs and objects; do not fail if label column is missing from manifest forshould_register=false
: Use latest version of assembly-image andassembly-objectfile
: Use latest version of revs-utils. Allow manifests to have UTF-8 characters (switch manifest loading fromcsv-mapper
to standard CSV library)2.3.8
: Fixes to manifest loading and access to always use hash style references for columns (instead of allowing for struct like syntax that came from csv-mapper). Fix rdf gem to 1.0.9 untilactivefedora
is updated to v62.3.9
: Send default title to registration service if no label is provided in the manifest2.4.0
: Added a new MODs generation report so you can test your MODs desc md template before you actually run accessioning.2.4.1
: Update a revs related mods test.2.4.2
: Remove dependency onlyber-core
, update other gems (includingdor-services
: Allow user to specify a tag to be applied to each object when registering2.4.4
: Add some additional scripts to help prep Revs content. Allow desc_metadata_templates to be specified with an absolute path as well as a relative path.2.4.5
: Add in retry logic around validate_files since it still seems to fail sporadically. Update to therevs_create_yaml
script. Use new version ofassembly-objectfile
which gets mimetype from file extension.2.4.6
: Add garbage collection each X objects pre-assembled; add optional memory profiling2.4.7
: Do not add descmd xml template to every digital object when processing to lower memory usage. Add a new script for easier batch processing.
To check which version is running, cd into the home directory of the project
and look at the VERSION
cd /home/lyberadmin/pre-assembly/current