ern GUI using Python This project involves building a modern Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Python and advanced UI libraries. The GUI will include features such as hand brightness and sound control, allowing users to adjust the brightness of their screen and control the volume of their device using hand gestures. The system will also feature a voice assistant, enabling users to control the GUI and other applications using voice commands. Additionally, the GUI will include a price comparison engine, allowing users to compare prices of products across multiple websites.
Features Hand brightness and sound control Voice assistant for controlling the GUI and other applications Price comparison engine for products across multiple websites Technologies Used Python Advanced UI libraries Machine learning techniques Installation To run this project on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine. Install the required libraries and dependencies. Run the project. Usage Once the project is up and running, users can use the following features:
Adjust screen brightness and volume using hand gestures. Control the GUI and other applications using voice commands. Compare prices of products across multiple websites using the price comparison engine. Contributing If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
Fork this repository. Create a new branch. Make your changes and commit them. Push your changes to your forked repository. Submit a pull request. Credits This project was created by [Your Name].
License This project is licensed under the [License Name] License - see the file for detail