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Layer7 API Gateway - OAuth Toolkit (DEPRECATED)

Note: This Chart is deprecated. The OTK is integrated with Gateway into a single chart. Refer to gateway directory

This Chart deploys the API Gateway - OAUTH TOOLKIT with the following optional subcharts: hazelcast, mysql, influxdb, grafana.

It's targeted at Gateway v10.x onward.

This Chart is currently in an alpha state

Requires a custom Gateway image, more details to follow in the coming weeks.

Java 11

API Gateway is now running with Java 11 with the release of the v10.1.00. The Gateway-OTK chart's version has been incremented to 1.0.1.

Things to note and be aware of are the deprecation of TLSv1.0/TLSv1.1 and the JAVA_HOME dir has gone through some changes as well.

Install the Chart

From this Repository

Install from this repository assuming you've downloaded/forked the Git Repo

$ helm install gateway-otk --set-file "license.value=path/to/license.xml" --set "license.accept=true" .

From the Layer7 Repository (Please read!)

Install from the Helm Repository, the ssg chart will require authentication until is made GA. Customers that have been invited to try the Chart out will receive credentials in a separate email. Please reach out to [email protected] if you haven't received these.

$ helm repo add layer7 --username <username> --password <password>

$ helm install ssg --set-file "license.value=path/to/license.xml" --set "license.accept=true" layer7/gateway-otk

Upgrade this Chart

To upgrade the Gateway deployment

$ helm upgrade ssg --set-file "license.value=path/to/license.xml" --set "license.accept=true" .

Delete this Chart

To delete Gateway installation

$ helm delete <release name> -n <release namespace>

OTK Deployment Examples:

  • refer to the apim-charts/examples for more details

Custom values

To make sure that your custom values don't get overwritten by a pull, create your own values.yaml (myvalues.yaml..) then specify -f myvalues.yaml when deploying/upgrading


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Gateway chart and their default values. See values.yaml for additional parameters and info

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride Name override nil
fullnameOverride Full name override nil
license.value Gateway license file nil
license.accept Accept Gateway license EULA false
image.registry Image Registry
image.repository Image Repository caapim/gateway
image.tag Image tag 10.1.00
image.pullPolicy Image Pull Policy Always
image.secretName Creates an imagePullSecrets nil
image.credentials.username Registry Username nil
image.credentials.password Registry Password nil
replicas Number of Gateway replicas 1
updateStrategy.type Deployment Strategy RollingUpdate
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge Rolling Update Max Surge 1
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable Rolling Update Max Unavailable 0
clusterHostname Gateway Cluster Hostname my.localdomain
clusterPassword Cluster Password, used if db backed mypassword
management.enabled Enable/Disable Policy Manager access true
management.restman.enabled Enable/Disable the Rest Management API (Restman) false
management.username Policy Manager Username admin
management.password Policy Manager Password mypassword
database.enabled Run in DB Backed or Ephemeral Mode true
database.create Deploy the MySQL stable deployment as part of this release true
database.username Database Username gateway
database.password Database Password mypassword Database name ssg
serviceMetrics.enabled Enable the background metrics processing task false
serviceMetrics.external Point to an external influx database. Set influxDbUrl if true false
serviceMetrics.influxDbUrl InfluxDB URL http://influxdb
serviceMetrics.influxDbPort InfluxDB port 8086
serviceMetrics.influxDbDatabase InfluxDB Database Name serviceMetricsDb
serviceMetrics.tags InfluxDB tags env=dev
config.heapSize Java Heap Size 2g
config.javaArgs Additional Java Args to pass to the SSG process see values.yaml
config.log.override Override the standard log configuration true Custom logging properties see values.yaml
tls.customKey.enabled Not currently implemented false
additionalEnv Additional environment variables you wish to pass to the Gateway Configmap see values.yaml
additionalSecret Additional secret variables you wish to pass to the Gateway Secret see values.yaml
bundle.enabled Create and mount an empty configMap that you can use to load policy bundles onto your Gateway false
bundle.path Specify the path to the bundle files. The bundles folder in this repo has some example bundle files "bundles/*.bundle"
service.type Service Type LoadBalancer
service.loadbal.. Additional Loadbalancer Configuration see
service.ports List of http external port mappings https: 8443 -> 8443, management: 9443->9443
service.annotations Additional annotations to add to the service {}
ingress.enabled Enable/Disable an ingress record being created false
ingress.class Ingress Class nginx
ingress.annotations Additional ingress annotations {}
ingress.hostname Override clusterHostname nil
ingress.port The Gateway Port number/name to route to https
ingress.tls Use TLS on the Ingress resource false
ingress.secretName The name of an existing Cert secret, setting this does not auto-create the secret nil
livenessProbe.enabled Enable/Disable true
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay 60
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout 1
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Frequency 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold Success Threshold 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure Threshold 10
readinessProbe.enabled Enable/Disable true
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay 60
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout 1
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Frequency 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold Success Threshold 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure Threshold 10
resources.limits Resource Limits {}
resources.requests Resource Requests {}

Exposing Additional Ports

Add an entry under the ports section of the service section of the values.yaml file.

Sample entry that exposes ports 8443, 9443, and 8080:

  - name: https
    internal: 8443
    external: 8443
  - name: management
    internal: 9443
    external: 9443
  - name: http
    internal: 8080
    external: 8080

Ingress - Adding Routes

To prepare an Ingress controller for the purpose of deploying API Gateway on Kubernetes. Skip this step if you already have your Ingress controller set up from an existing or previous deployment.

Use Nginx controller

Deploy an Nginx controller with SSL passthrough enabled:

$ helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true --set controller.publishService.enabled=true --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true

Override ingress values in values.yaml file using ingress-values.yaml

  • New install

$ helm install -f ingress-values.yaml --set-file "license.value=LICENSE.xml" --set "license.accept=true" .

  • Upgrade

$ helm upgrade --install -f ingress-values.yaml --set-file "license.value=LICENSE.xml" --set "license.accept=true" <release-name> .

Using External Database

You can configure the deployment to use an external database. In the values.yaml file, set the create field in the database section to false, and set jdbcURL to use your own database server:

  enabled: true
  create: false
  jdbcURL: jdbc:mysql://myprimaryserver:3306,mysecondaryserver:3306/ssg?failOverReadOnly=false
  username: myuser
  password: mypassword
  name: ssg

In the above example, two MySQL database servers are specified with myprimaryserver acting as the primary server and mysecondaryserver acting as the secondary server. The failOverReadOnly property is also set to false meaning that the secondary server db is also writable.

More info on the JDBC URL:

In order the create the database on the remote server, the provided user in the username field must have write privilege on the database. See GRANT statement usage:

Subcharts - these do not represent production configurations

For Production implementations, please see the Chart links for recommended settings. The best approach would be deploying each independently MySQL doesn't have a tried and tested K8's production deployment so it's best to use an external service. You could also try Vitess ( reference implementation coming soon...


The following table lists the configured parameters of the MySQL Subchart - see the following for more detail

Parameter Description Default
mysql.imageTag MySQL Image to use 8
mysql.mysqlUser MySQL Username gateway
mysql.mysqlPassword MySQL User Password mypassword
mysql.mysqlDatabase Database to create ssg
mysql.mysqlRootPassword MySQL root password, not set by default nil
mysql.persistence.enabled Enable/Disable Persistence true
mysql.persistence.size Persistent Volume Size 8Gi
mysql.persistence.storageClass Storage class to use nil
mysql.configurationFiles Name overrid see values.yaml


The following table lists the configured parameters of the Hazelcast Subchart - see the following for more detail

Parameter Description Default
hazelcast.enabled Enable/Disable deployment of Hazelcast false
hazelcast.external Point to an external Hazelcast - set enabled to false and configure the url false
hazelcast.image.tag The Gateway currently supports Hazelcast 3.x servers. 3.12.8
hazelcast.url External Hazelcast Url
hazelcast.cluster.memberCount Number of Hazelcast Replicas you wish to deploy see values.yaml
hazelcast.hazelcast.yaml Hazelcast configuration see the documentation link


The following table lists the configured parameters of the InfluxDb Subchart - see the following for more detail

Parameter Description Default
influxdb.enabled Enable/Disable deployment of InfluxDb false
influxdb.service.port Service Port 8086
influxdb.persistence.enabled Enable Persistence for InfluxDb true
influxdb.persistence.storageClass Persistence Storage Class nil
influxdb.persistence.size Persistent Volume Claim Size 8Gi
influxdb.env Array of additional environment variables see values.yaml


The following table lists the configured parameters of the Grafana Subchart - see the following for more detail

Parameter Description Default
grafana.enabled Enable/Disable deployment of Grafana false
grafana.admin.user admin username admin
grafana.admin.password admin password, leave blank to auto-generate password
grafana.dashboardsProvider.enabled Allows dashboards to be preloaded true
grafana.dashboardsConfigMaps Configmaps that contain grafana dashboards. You can create your own and set here. see values.yaml
grafana.datasources.secretName Configures an InfluxDb Datasource. see values.yaml

Logs & Audit Configuration

The API Gateway containers are configured to output logs and audits as JSON events, and to never write audits to the in-memory Derby database:

  • System properties in the default template for the config.javaArgs value configure the log and audit behaviour:
    • Auditing to the database is disabled: -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.message.saveToInternal=false -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.admin.saveToInternal=false -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.system.saveToInternal=false
    • JSON formatting is enabled: -Dcom.l7tech.server.audit.log.format=json
    • Default log output configuration is overridden by specifying an alternative configuration properties file: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/node/default/etc/conf/
  • The alternative log configuration properties file is mounted on the container, via ConfigMap.
  • System property to include well known Certificate Authorities Trust Anchors
    • API Gateway does not implicitly trust certificates without importing it but If you want to avoid import step then configure Gateway to accept any certificate signed by well known CA's (Certificate Authorities) configure following property to true - Set '-Dcom.l7tech.server.pkix.useDefaultTrustAnchors=true' for well known Certificate Authorities be included as Trust Anchors (true/false)
  • Allow wildcards when verifying hostnames (true/false)
    • Set '' to allow wildcards when verifying hostnames (true/false)
