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Layer7 API Developer Portal

The Layer7 API Developer Portal (API Portal) is part of the Layer7 API Management solution, which consists of API Portal and API Gateway.


This Chart deploys the Layer7 API Developer Portal on a Kubernetes Cluster using the Helm Package Manager.

2.3.3 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.2.1.

2.3.2 General Updates

  • Ingress-NGINX Subchart is upgraded to version 4.5.2 to support K8s 1.25+ version.
  • Ingress-NGINX Subchart deployment is disabled by default in values-production.yaml. Use any Ingress-controller that supports SSL/TLS Passthrough.

2.3.1 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal, which has authenticator's high cpu usage fixed.

2.3.0 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.2.

2.2.10 General Updates

2.2.9 General Updates

  • This version fixes the broken functional issue of enrolling proxy so the advisory to use this version after 2.2.5

2.2.8 General Updates

  • Updating the portal version doc link.

2.3.0 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.2.

2.2.7 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.1.2.
  • Faclilates to parametrize imagePullPolicy for all three portal jobs: db-upgrade-portal, db-upgrade-rbac and cert-upgrade.

2.2.6 General Updates

  • Fixing bitnami repository dependency issue.

2.2.5 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.1.1 to support internal SaaS only release

2.2.4 General Updates

  • Removed pssg related environment variables from portal-enterprise and portal-data containers.

2.2.2 General Updates

  • The minimum and maximum memory limit of PSSG was increased as the underlying service is a Gateway that was upgraded to version 10.1 CR1.

2.2.0 General Updates

  • This new version of the chart supports API Portal 5.1.
  • NGINX-Ingress Subchart is upgraded to version 4.0.9 to support K8s 1.22+ version.
    • Subchart version 4+ is required for kubernetes 1.22+ due to change in Ingress class API.
    • Depending on the platform and the Ingress setup in your environment, configure '' and 'ingress-nginx.ingressClassResource' in values.yaml accordingly, by following Ingress-nginx's community documentation.
    • If you are not using the subchart use '' annotation to support backward compatibility.
    • Learn more about configuring multiple ingress controllers in one cluster.
  • The Demo database that is based on Bitnami MySQL subchart version is updated to 9.4.7.
  • Upgrade jobs are moved to pre-install and pre-upgrade stage. This eliminates manual deletion of jobs in future upgrades after API Portal 5.1.The overall bootup time remains the same as previous version upgrades, even though you may observe that the helm install takes additional time to show completion.
  • API Portal 5.1 no longer requires Solr component that is used to provide auto-suggest search history from the Portal dashboard. All the references to Solr are removed.
  • You can now configure existing imagePullSecrets or external registries to pull the images. Refer portal.useExistingPullSecret, portal.imagePullSecret in values.yaml
  • You can configure liveness and readiness probe of dispatcher component.
  • Added troubleshooting section related to RabbitMQ boot-up issues.
  • Updated documentation for persistent volumes and 'tls.job.enabled' and tls.job.rotate' properties regarding certificates.


  • Kubernetes 1.22.x
  • Helm v3.7.x
  • Persistent Volume Provisioner (if using PVC for RabbitMQ/Analytics)
  • An Ingress Controller that supports SSL Passthrough (i.e. Nginx)
  • docker secret.yaml available on the CA API Developer Portal Solutions & Patches page.


  • A dedicated MySQL 8.0.22/8.0.26/8.0.31 server See TechDocs for more information
  • 3 Worker nodes with at least 4vcpu and 32GB ram - High Availability with analytics
  • Access to a DNS Server
  • Signed SSL Server Certificate

Install the Chart

When using this chart in Production, save value-production.yaml as <my-values.yaml> and use this as your starting point. Adding -f <my-values.yaml> to the following commands below will apply your configuration to the chart. For details on what you can change, see configuration.

 $ helm repo add layer7
 $ helm repo update
 $ helm install <release-name> --set-file "portal.registryCredentials=/path/to/docker-secret.yaml" layer7/portal

ℹ️ Important
Credentials for RabbitMQ are generated when this chart is installed. To prevent loss after test/development use or accidental deletion, retrieve and store them in values.yaml for subsequent releases. You can also turn off persistent storage for RabbitMQ and/or manually remove the volumes following deletion or uninstall of the chart.

$ kubectl get secret rabbitmq-secret -o 'go-template={{index .data "rabbitmq-erlang-cookie" | base64decode }}' -n <release-namespace>

$ kubectl get secret rabbitmq-secret -o 'go-template={{index .data "rabbitmq-password" | base64decode }}' -n <release-namespace>

Upgrade the Chart

To upgrade API Portal deployment, run the following commands:

 $ helm repo update
 $ helm upgrade <release-name> --set-file "portal.registryCredentials=/path/to/docker-secret.yaml" layer7/portal

Delete the Chart

To delete API Portal installation, run the following command:

 $ helm delete <release name>

Manually clean up additional resources such as PVCs and Secrets. This protects your data if deleted accidentally.

Upgrade External Portal Database to MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 is supported as an external database starting from API Portal 5.0 CR-1. This section helps you understand the overall process of upgrading an existing Portal database running MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.

  1. Before upgrading the Database, see Before You Begin and Check Database Compatibility in TechDocs.

  2. Persist Analytics Data into Druid Database

 Connect the coordinator pod(s) and run below com
 $ kubectl exec -it coordinator-0|1 -n <namespace> sh

 Run the following curl command to persists Analytics data
 $ curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8081/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor/terminateAll'

 Run the below curl commands and wait until the runningTasks response is empty and the supervisor response is empty before proceeding with other steps.
 $ curl localhost:8081/druid/indexer/v1/runningTasks
 $ curl localhost:8081/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor
  1. Stop the running portal
 Get the Release name
 $ helm list -n <namespace>

 Uninstall the chart
 $ helm uninstall <release name> -n <namespace>
  1. Upgrade MySQL 5.7 to 8.0.26. For more information, see Perform the Upgrade TechDocs

  2. After MySQL is upgraded, ensure that you can connect to it and then follow the below steps to start the portal with MySQL 8.0.26. Ensure that the value of tls.job.enabled is set to false in values.yaml

Install the chart again
 $ helm install <release name> -n <namespace>

Additional Guides/Info


This section describes configurable parameters in values.yaml, there is also production-values.yaml that represents the minimum recommended configuration for deploying the Portal with analytics (if enabled) and core services in an HA, fault tolerant configuration.

Global Parameters

Parameter Description Default
global.portalRepository Image Repository caapim/
global.pullSecret Image Pull Secret name broadcom-apim
global.setupDemoDatabase Deploys MySQL as part of this Chart false
global.databaseSecret Database secret name database-secret
global.databaseUsername Database username admin
global.demoDatabaseRootPassword Demo Database root password 7layer
global.demoDatabaseReplicationPassword Demo Database replication password 7layer
global.databasePassword Database password 7layer
global.databaseHost Database Host ``
global.databasePort Database Port 3306
global.databaseUseSSL Use SSL when communicating with the Database true
global.databaseRequireSSL Require Database support of SSL connection if databaseUseSSL=true false
global.legacyHostnames Legacy Hostnames false
global.legacyDatabaseNames Legacy Database names false
global.subdomainPrefix Subdomain Prefix dev-portal
global.helpPage Documentation Help Page
global.storageClass Global Storage Class _
global.schedulerName Global Scheduler name for Portal + Analytics, this doesn't apply to other subcharts not set
global.saas Reserved not set
global.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels applied to all components not set

Portal Parameters

Parameter Description Default
portal.domain The Portal Domain
portal.enrollNotificationEmail Notification email address [email protected] Enable/Disable the Druid Analytics stack. Ensure to apply the minio-secret manually if the flag is set to true during 'helm upgrade'. A sample 'minio-secret.yml' is provided in apim-charts/utils, use 'kubectl apply -f ../../utils/minio-secret.yml -n <namespace>' to create minio-secret true Enable/Disable Aggregation, requires a min of 2 analytics.replicaCount false
portal.license.secretName License secret name portal-license
portal.license.value License value - ***Note: these are not required for Portal 5.x *** ``
portal.internalSSG.secretName APIM/PSSG secret name ssg-secret
portal.internalSSG.username APIM/PSSG username - auto-generated auto-generated
portal.internalSSG.password APIM/PSSG password - auto-generated auto-generated
portal.papi.secretName PAPI secret name papi-secret
portal.papi.password PAPI password - auto-generated ``
portal.otk.port OTK Port, update this to 9443 if migrating from Docker Swarm 443
portal.ssoDebug SSO Debugging false
portal.hostnameWhiteList Hostname whitelist ``
portal.defaultTenantId Important! Do not change the default tenant ID unless you have been using a different tenant ID in your previous install/deployment. There is a 15 character limit. See DNS Configuration for tenant ID character limitations. apim
portal.registryCredentials Used to create image pull secret, see prerequisites ``
portal.useExistingPullSecret Configures Portal Deployment to use global.pullSecret as imagePullSecret false
portal.imagePullSecret.enabled Configures Portal Deployment to use custom registry, this option is only evaluated only when portal.registryCredentials option is not used false
portal.imagePullSecret.username Custom registry Username nil
portal.imagePullSecret.password Custom registry Password nil


Parameter Description Default
tls.job.enabled Enable or disable the TLS Pre-install/upgrade job - if you migrated certificates over from a previous installation and want to keep them then set this to false. During upgrade ensure to set this value to 'false', or else depending on 'tls.job.rotate' value, certificates are recreated true
tls.job.rotate One of all, internal, external, none. This rotates the selected set of certificates and upgrades the relevant deployments. This field is considered only when 'tls.job.enabled' is true and helm action is 'upgrade' none
tls.internalSecretName Internal Certificate secret name - change this if rotating internal/all certificates portal-internal-secret
tls.externalSecretName External Certificate secret name - change this if rotating external/all certificates portal-external-secret
tls.useSignedCertificates Use Signed Certificates for Public facing services, requires setting tls.crt,crtChain,key and optionally keyPass false
tls.crt Signed Certificate in PEM format ``
tls.crtChain Certificate Chain in PEM format ``
tls.key Private Key in PEM format, if password protected supply .keyPass ``
tls.keyPass Private Key Pass ``
tls.expiryInDays Certificate expiry in days '1095'

To use a signed certificate make sure tls.useSignedCertifcates is set to true and specify tls.crt (public cert), tls.crtChain (intermediary) and tls.key using --set-file.

Ingress Options

Parameter Description Default
ingress.type.kubernetes Create a Kubernetes Ingress Object true
ingress.type.openshift Create Openshift Services false
ingress.type.secretName Certificate Secret Name to be created dispatcher-tls
ingress.create Deploy the Nginx subchart as part of this deployment. Note:- This is a third-party sub chart which is not supported/maintained by Layer7. Included only for reference/sample false Deploy the Nginx subchart with the specified name nginx
ingress.class.enabled Deploy the Nginx subchart with the specified name , if the flag is enabled true
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations additional annotations that you would like to pass to the Ingress object
ingress.tenantIds A list of tenantIds that you plan to create on the Portal. [] - see values.yaml
ingress.apiVersion added for future compatibility, extensions/v1beta1 will soon be deprecated, if you're running 1.18 this will be extensions/v1beta1
ingress.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set

SMTP Parameters

Parameter Description Default SMTP Host notinstalled
smtp.port SMTP Port notinstalled
smtp.username SMTP Username notinstalled
smtp.password SMTP Password notinstalled
smtp.requireSSL Require SSL for the SMTP Server false
smtp.cert SMTP Server certificate notinstalled

Container Deployment Configurations

Parameter Description Default
analytics.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
analytics.replicaCount Number of analytics nodes 1
analytics.image.pullPolicy Analytics image pull policy IfNotPresent
analytics.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
analytics.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
analytics.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
analytics.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
analytics.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
analytics.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
apim.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
apim.replicaCount Number of APIM nodes 1
apim.image.pullPolicy APIM image pull policy IfNotPresent APIM OTK Database name otk_db
apim.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
apim.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
apim.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
apim.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
apim.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
apim.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_TLS Enabled Port 8443 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_TLS Enabled Port 9443 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_TLS Enabled Port 9446 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_TLS Enabled Port 9448 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9449_TLS Enabled Port 9449 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_1885_TLS Enabled Port 1885 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 8443 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9443 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9446 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9448 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9449_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9449 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_1885_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 1885 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
authenticator.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
authenticator.replicaCount Number of authenticator nodes 1
authenticator.javaOptions Java Options to pass in -Xms1g -Xmx1g
authenticator.image.pullPolicy authenticator image pull policy IfNotPresent
authenticator.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
authenticator.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
authenticator.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
authenticator.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
authenticator.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
authenticator.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
dispatcher.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
dispatcher.replicaCount Number of dispatcher nodes 1
dispatcher.image.pullPolicy Dispatcher image pull policy IfNotPresent
dispatcher.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
dispatcher.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
dispatcher.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
dispatcher.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
dispatcher.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
dispatcher.readinessProbe Readiness Probe for Dispatcher {} evaluated as a template
If not specfied, http get request on nginx status gets checked
dispatcher.livenessProbe Liveness Probe for Dispatcher {} evaluated as a template
If not specfied, http get request on nginx status gets checked
dispatcher.additionalEnv.PROBE_IP_RANGE IP address range in CIDR notation to whitelist readiness and liveness probes for Dispatcher not set
dispatcher.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
dispatcher.additionalEnv.CONFIG_HTTPS_TLS Enabled HTTPS TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
dispatcher.additionalEnv.CONFIG_HTTPS_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled HTTPS Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
dispatcher.additionalEnv.CONFIG_HOST_ALLOWED_DOMAINS Use | to separate allowed domains. e.g. | not set
dispatcher.additionalEnv.CONFIG_MAX_REQ_PER_MIN_HEALTH_CHECK allowed rate limit per minute to the Portal health check endpoint 6
portalData.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
portalData.replicaCount Number of portal data nodes 1
portalData.javaOptions Java Options to pass in -Xms2g -Xmx2g
portalData.image.pullPolicy Portal-data image pull policy IfNotPresent
portalData.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
portalData.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
portalData.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalData.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalData.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalData.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
portalEnterprise.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
portalEnterprise.replicaCount Number of portal-enterprise nodes 1
portalEnterprise.javaOptions Java Options to pass in -Xms2g -Xmx2g
portalEnterprise.image.pullPolicy Portal enterprise image pull policy IfNotPresent
portalEnterprise.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
portalEnterprise.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
portalEnterprise.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalEnterprise.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalEnterprise.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
portalEnterprise.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
pssg.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
pssg.replicaCount Number of PSSG nodes 1
pssg.image.pullPolicy PSSG image pull policy IfNotPresent
pssg.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
pssg.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
pssg.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
pssg.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
pssg.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
pssg.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_TLS Enabled Port 8443 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled. see Portal TLS Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_TLS Enabled Port 9443 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_TLS Enabled Port 9446 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9447_TLS Enabled Port 9447 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_TLS Enabled Port 9448 TLS Versions If not specfied, Portal TLS defaults are enabled see Portal TLS Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 8443 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9443 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9446 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9447_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9447 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_CIPHER_SUITE Enabled Port 9448 Cipher Suites If not specfied, Portal Cipher Suites defaults are enabled see Portal Cipher Suites Defaults
tenantProvisioner.forceRedeploy Force redeployment during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
tenantProvisioner.replicaCount Number of tenant provisioner nodes 1
tenantProvisioner.javaOptions Java Options to pass in -Xms512m -Xmx512m
tenantProvisioner.image.pullPolicy Tenant provisioner image pull policy IfNotPresent
tenantProvisioner.strategy Update strategy {} evaluated as a template
tenantProvisioner.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
tenantProvisioner.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
tenantProvisioner.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
tenantProvisioner.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
tenantProvisioner.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
jobs.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
jobs.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
jobs.labels A list of custom key: value labels applied to jobs not set
jobs.image.PullPolicy Image pull policy applied to jobs IfNotPresent

Portal TLS Defaults

Portal TLS defaults if the parameters are not set.

Parameter Description Default
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_TLS APIM ingress Port 8443 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_TLS APIM ingress Port 9443 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_TLS APIM ingress Port 9446 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_TLS APIM ingress Port 9448 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9449_TLS APIM ingress Port 9449 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_1885_TLS APIM ingress Port 1885 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9449_TLS APIM ingress Port 9449 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
apim.additionalEnv.CONFIG_1885_TLS APIM ingress Port 1885 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
dispatcher.additionalEnv.CONFIG_HTTPS_TLS Dispatcher HTTPS TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_8443_TLS PSSG Port 8443 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9443_TLS PSSG Port 9443 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9446_TLS PSSG Port 9446 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9447_TLS PSSG Port 9447 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg.additionalEnv.CONFIG_9448_TLS PSSG Port 9448 TLS defaults if not specified TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3

Portal Cipher Suites Defaults

Portal Cipher Suites defaults if the parameters are not set.

Parameter Description Default

Portal Supported TLS Versions

Name Description Supported TLS Versions
apim APIM ingress HTTPS/MQTT-TLS supported TLS Versions TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
dispatcher Dispatcher HTTPS supported TLS Versions TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
pssg PSSG HTTPS/MQTT-TLS supported TLS Versions TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3

Portal Supported Cipher Suites

Name Description Supported TLS Versions

Portal Request XSS Filter

The value of this variable should contain rules for sanitizing malicious scripts that exist in a HTTP request. The value must be zipped and base64 encoded.

Run the following commands to create the zipped and base64 encoded value:

    $ zip your_policy_file.xml
    $ cat | base64

Note: the output from base64 should not contain any line breaks. Take the base64 output and set it to the variable below and restart portal stack.

Environment Variable Description
portalData.additionalEnv.ANTISAMY_FILTER_POLICY Zipped policy file in base64 encoded format
authenticator.additionalEnv.ANTISAMY_FILTER_POLICY Zipped policy file in base64 encoded format

Audit Event Logs

Audit event log purging is enabled and set to 365 days retention by default. Set this variable to customize the retention period. Set the value to 0 to disable this feature.

Environment Variable Description
portalData.additionalEnv.AUDIT_LOG_RETENTION_DAYS The number of days of logs to retain
portalData.additionalEnv.AUDIT_LOG_TRUNCATE_BATCH_SIZE The max number of logs to be removed during a single interval
portalData.additionalEnv.AUDIT_LOG_TRUNCATE_FREQ_MIN The frequency of log truncation intervals in minutes

RBAC Parameters

Parameter Description Default
serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Portal Deployments true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the portal.fullname template
rbac.create Create and use RBAC resources true
druid.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Druid true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the portal.fullname template
rabbitmq.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Bitnami RabbitMQ true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the portal.fullname template
rabbitmq.rbac.create Create & use RBAC resources true
ingress-nginx.podSecurityPolicy.enabled Enable Pod Security Policy for Nginx true
ingress-nginx.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Nginx true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the portal.fullname template
ingress-nginx.rbac.create Create & use RBAC resources true

Roles Required

If RBAC is required and a set service account is in use, the following roles must be bound to it.

- apiGroups: ["batch"]
  resources: ["jobs"]
  verbs: ["get"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["secrets"]
  verbs: ["get", "create", "update"]
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["endpoints"]
    verbs: ["get"]
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["events"]
    verbs: ["create"]

FS Permissions

If a strict PodSecurityPolicy is enforced, the following users/groups must be allowed.

Portal Core
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 100
    enabled: true
    runAsUser: 1001
    enabled: true
    fsGroup: 1001
    runAsUser: 1001
Portal Analytics

    fsGroup: 1010
    fsGroup: 1010
    fsGroup: 1010
    fsGroup: 1010

Telemetry Parameters

Parameter Description Default
telemetry.plaEnabled (For PLA customers) Set to true to turn on telemetry service as per your agreement, otherwise false. Tip: For more information on telemetry, see Licensing and Telemetry image and Configure Telemetry image false
telemetry.usageType The telemetry service behavior PRODUCTION
telemetry.domainName Domain name of telemetry service. ``
telemetry.siteId Site ID of the telemetry service ``
telemetry.chargebackId Chargeback ID of the telemetry service _
telemetry.proxy.url Proxy URL, required if you're using a proxy to communicate with the telemetry service. _
telemetry.proxy.username Proxy username _
telemetry.proxy.password Proxy password _

Portal Images

Parameter Description Default
image.dispatcher dispatcher image dispatcher:5.2.1
image.pssg PSSG image pssg:5.2.1
image.apim APIM ingress image ingress:5.2.1
image.enterprise portal-enterprise image portal-enterprise:5.2.1 portal-data image portal-data:5.2.1
image.tps tenant provisioner image tenant-provisioning-service:5.2.1 Analytics image analytics-server:5.2.1
image.authenticator Authenticator image authenticator:5.2.1
image.dbUpgrade db upgrade image db-upgrade-portal:5.2.1
image.rbacUpgrade Analytics image, per Portal version db-upgrade-rbac:5.2.1
image.upgradeVerify Upgrade verification image upgrade-verify:5.2.1
image.tlsManager TLS manager image tls-automator:5.2.1


For Production, use an external MySQL Server.


The following table lists the configured parameters of the Druid Subchart:

Parameter Description Default
druid.forceRedeploy Force redeployment (all druid components) during helm upgrade whether there is a change or not false
druid.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for the Druid Chart true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the druid.fullname template` Historical PVC Size 50Gi Minio PVC Size 40Gi Kafka PVC Size 10Gi Zookeeper PVC Size 10Gi
druid.minio.replicaCount Number of minio nodes. Minio replication count cannot be changed after Portal is installed. 1
druid.minio.image.pullPolicy Minio image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.minio.auth.secretName The name of the secret that stores Minio Credentials true
druid.minio.auth.access_key Minio access key auto-generated
druid.minio.auth.secret_key Minio secret key auto-generated
druid.minio.cloudStorage Enable Cloud Storage for Minio. GCP, AWS, Azure false
druid.minio.bucketName Minio bucket name - ensure that this is updated if using cloud storage. Minio will attempt to create the bucket if it doesnot exist, it is recommended that you create the bucket in the relevant provider prior to installing this chart. api-metrics
druid.minio.s3gateway.enabled Use minio as Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) gateway - false
druid.minio.s3gateway.serviceEndpoint AWS S3 service endpoint if required nil
druid.minio.s3gateway.accessKey AWS Access Key that has S3 access nil
druid.minio.s3gateway.secret_key AWS Secret Key that has S3 access nil
druid.minio.gcsgateway.enabled Use minio as GCS (Google Cloud Storage) gateway - false
druid.minio.gcsgateway.gcsKeyJson Google credentials JSON nil
druid.minio.gcsgateway.projectId GCP Project ID nil
druid.minio.azuregateway.enabled Use minio as an azure blob gateway - false
druid.minio.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.minio.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.minio.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.minio.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.minio.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.zookeeper.replicaCount Number of zookeeper nodes. It should maintain a quorum. Preferred for HA is 3 or odd counts. 1
druid.zookeeper.image.pullPolicy Zookeeper image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.zookeeper.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.zookeeper.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.zookeeper.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.zookeeper.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.zookeeper.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.coordinator.replicaCount Number of coordinator nodes 1
druid.coordinator.image.pullPolicy Coordinator image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.coordinator.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.coordinator.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.coodinator.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.coordinator.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.coordinator.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.kafka.replicaCount Number of kafka nodes 1
druid.kafka.image.pullPolicy Kafka image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.kafka.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.kafka.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.kafka.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.kafka.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.kafka.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set Number of broker nodes 1 Broker image pull policy IfNotPresent Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.historical.replicaCount Number of historical nodes 1
druid.historical.image.pullPolicy Historical image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.historical.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.historical.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.historical.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.historical.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.historical.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.ingestion.replicaCount Number of ingestion nodes 1
druid.ingestion.image.pullPolicy Ingestion image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.ingestion.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.ingestion.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.ingestion.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.ingestion.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.ingestion.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set
druid.middlemanager.replicaCount Number of middle manager nodes 1
druid.middlemanager.image.pullPolicy Middle manager image pull policy IfNotPresent
druid.middlemanager.resources Resource request/limits {} evaluated as a template
druid.middlemanager.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.middlemanager.tolerations Pod tolerations for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.middlemanager.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {} evaluated as a template
druid.middlemanager.additionalLabels A list of custom key: value labels not set

Druid Images

The following table lists the configured parameters of the Druid Subchart

Parameter Description Default
druid.image.zookeeper Zookeeper image zookeeper:5.2.1 Broker image druid:5.2.1
druid.image.coordinator Coordinator druid:5.2.1
druid.image.middlemanager Middlemanager image druid:5.2.1
druid.image.minio Minio image minio:5.2.1
druid.image.historical Historical image druid:5.2.1
druid.image.kafka Kafka image kafka:5.2.1
druid.image.ingestion Ingestion image ingestion-server:5.2.1


The following table lists the configured parameters of the Bitnami RabbitMQ Subchart -

Parameter Description Default
rabbitmq.enabled Enable this subchart true Host - must match fullnameOverride rabbitmq
rabbitmq.image.tag RabbitMQ image version 5.2.1
rabbitmq.fullnameOverride Overrides the name of the subchart rabbitmq
rabbitmq.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for RabbitMQ true Name of the created serviceAccount Generated using the rabbitmq.fullname template
rabbitmq.rbac.create Create and use RBAC resources true
rabbitmq.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for RabbitMQ true
rabbitmq.persistence.size PVC Size 8Gi
rabbitmq.replicaCount Number of replicas. It should maintain a quorum. Preferred for HA is 3 or odd counts. 1
rabbitmq.clustering.forceBoot If RabbitMQ is shut down unintentionally and is stuck in a waiting state set force boot to true false
rabbitmq.affinity RabbitMQ Affinity Settings see values.yaml
rabbitmq.service.port RabbitMQ Port 5672
rabbitmq.service.extraPorts MySQL Configuration equivalent to my.cnf see values.yaml
rabbitmq.extraContainerPorts MySQL Configuration equivalent to my.cnf see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.username RabbitMQ username see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.secretName RabbitMQ secret name see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.existingPasswordSecret RabbitMQ existing password secret see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.existingErlangSecret RabbitMQ existing erlang secret see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.password RabbitMQ password auto-generated on install - see values.yaml
rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie RabbitMQ erlangCookie auto-generated on install - see values.yaml
rabbitmq.extraPlugins Extra enabled plugins see values.yaml
rabbitmq.loadDefinition.enabled Enable load definitions see values.yaml
rabbitmq.loadDefinition.existingSecret Existing load definitions secret see values.yaml
rabbitmq.extraConfiguration Extra configuration see values.yaml
rabbitmq.statefulsetLabels RabbitMQ statefulset labels. Evaluated as a template {}


The following table lists the configured parameters of the MySQL Subchart -

Parameter Description Default
mysql.image.tag MySQL Image to use 8.0.31-debian-11-r36
mysql.auth.username MySQL Username admin
mysql.auth.existingSecret Secret where credentials are stored, see global.databaseSecret database-secret
mysql.initdbScripts Dictionary of initdb scripts see values.yaml
mysql.primary.configuration MySQL Primary configuration to be injected as ConfigMap see values.yaml


NOTE:- This is a third-party sub chart which is not supported/maintained by Layer7. Included only for reference/sample.

The following table lists the configured parameters of the Ingress-Nginx Subchart -

This represents minimal configuration of the chart that can be disabled in favor of your own ingress controller in the ingress settings. IngressClass resources are supported since k8s >= 1.18 and required since k8s >= 1.19

Parameter Description Default
ingress-nginx.podSecurityPolicy.enabled Tell Nginx to read PSP true
ingress-nginx.rbac.create Create & use RBAC resources true
ingress-nginx.controller.publishService.enabled Enable Publish Service true
ingress-nginx.controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough Enable SSL Passthrough true Creation of the IngressClass- with the name nginx
ingress-nginx.controller.ingressClassResource.enabled Creating the IngressClass- with the name specified, if this flag is enabled true
ingress-nginx.controller.ingressClassResource.default true value will make this the default ingressClass for the cluster false
ingress-nginx.controller.ingressClassResource.controllerValue value of the controller that is processing this ingressClass

DNS Configuration

To access API Portal, configure the hostname resolution on your corporate DNS server. The hostnames must match the values that you enter in your values.yaml.

IMPORTANT! If you are migrating from a Docker Swarm deployment, utilize legacy hostnames to ensure continuity of business. For details, see Migrate from Docker Swarm.

Resolvable Hostnames

API Portal requires the following hostnames to be resolvable:

Endpoint Hostname Legacy Hostname
Default tenant homepage apim-<subdomainPrefix>.<domain> apim.<domain>
Ingress SSG <subdomainPrefix>-ssg.<domain> ssg.<domain>
Message broker <subdomainPrefix>-broker.<domain> broker.<domain>
TSSG enrollment <subdomainPrefix>-enroll.<domain> enroll.<domain>
TSSG sync <subdomainPrefix>-sync.<domain> sync.<domain>
API analytics <subdomainPrefix>-analytics.<domain> analytics.<domain>

Hostname Restrictions

global.subdomainPrefix value observes the following restrictions:

  • Lowercase characters and numbers are supported
  • Hyphens are allowed
  • No other special characters are supported


Based on the following default values:

  subdomainPrefix: dev-portal

Resulting hostnames:

Endpoint Hostname Legacy Hostname
Default tenant homepage
Ingress SSG
Message broker
TSSG enrollment
TSSG sync
API analytics

Persistent Volumes

With the deployment of API Portal, PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC) are created for components as below:

  • RabbitMQ - Used by Portal containers for internal messaging. Containers publish and/or consume messages to and from RabbitMQ.

Analytics components:

  • Kafka - Responsible to stream analytics data to druid cluster. Ingestion server streams data to Kafka, which is then ingested into druid processes. If druid containers are not available, Kafka also acts as a message store and retains analytics data up to 6hrs.

  • Zookeeper - A critical container in Druid cluster. When not available, it becomes a single point of failure for the entire ingestion pipeline. Kafka and druid clusters both depend on Zookeeper for sync and coordination within their respective clusters.

  • Minio - Data store for persisting analytics data. Downtime of Minio leads to data loss as the real time data will not be persisted by ingestion tasks running in druid.

  • Historical - Serves data for analytics querying. If this is not available, analytics reports are not loaded in the API Portal UI.


RabbitMQ does not start

The chart was uninstalled and re-installed

RabbitMQ credentials are auto-generated on installation, these are bound to the volume that is created and for peer sync. So with re-install, rabbitmq nodes will not be able to connect to the existing volumes. Perform the following steps for rabbitmq to start. Note: It is recommended to do a helm upgrade rather than uninstall and install.

  1. Remove RabbitMQ Replicas (scale to 0)
$ kubectl get statefulset rabbitmq - take note of the total replicas, will likely be 1 or 3

$ kubectl scale statefulset rabbitmq --replicas=0

$ kubectl get pvc | grep rabbitmq
  1. For each data-rabbitmq-0|1|2 is returned
$ kubectl delete pvc data-rabbitmq-0|1|2
  1. Add RabbitMQ Replicas (scale to 1|3)
$ kubectl scale statefulset rabbitmq --replicas=1|3

After the rabbitmq is running, make a note of its credentials as specified above in Install Chart section - Credentials for Rabbitmq

Your Kubernetes nodes failed or RabbitMQ crashed.

If the RabbitMQ cluster is stopped or removed out of order, there is a chance that it will not be restored correctly. Or if sync between rabbitmq peers doesnot happen or set of rabbitmq nodes can never be brought online, then use the 'force boot' option.

  1. Set force boot to true
  • In your <my-values.yaml> file, set rabbitmq.clustering.forceBoot:true
  1. Upgrade the chart:
$ helm upgrade <release-name> --set-file <values-from-install> --set <values-from-install> -f <my-values.yaml> layer7/portal

Helm UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "db-upgrade" and "rbac-upgrade"

If helm upgrade of the portal fails with error "Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch 'db-upgrade'", it is becasue of the limitation in kubernetes where a job can not be updated.

  1. Run the following command to list the jobs in the namespace:-
$ kubectl get jobs -n  <nameSpace>
  1. Run the following command to delete jobs:
kubectl delete job db-upgrade -n <nameSpace>
kubectl delete job rbac-upgrade -n <nameSpace>

MySQL container in unhealthy state

The chart was uninstalled and re-installed

MySQL container health check is failing as it is using credentials that were auto-generated during current installation to access the database created during earlier installation. We have to recreate database with new credentials by deleting old volumes. This process causes loss of old data.

  1. Run the following commands to remove MySQL Replicas (scale to 0):
$ kubectl get statefulset <release-name>-mysql

$ kubectl scale statefulset <release-name>-mysql --replicas=0

$ kubectl get pvc | grep data-<release-name>-mysql
  1. For each data-<release-name>-mysql-<number> is returned, run the following command:
$ kubectl delete pvc data-<release-name>-mysql-<number>
  1. Run the following command to restore MySQL Replicas
$ kubectl scale statefulset <release-name>-mysql --replicas=<replica_count>


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This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.