Follow these steps:
Create and generate JSON payload for the Tenant Creation API call using the tenant parameters defined next.
Tenant Parameters | Standard | Notes |
adminEmail | * | The Admin email of the tenant |
noReplyEmail | * | The tenant no-reply-email |
portalName | * | Name of the portal. Lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) only. 255 characters maximum. |
subdomain | The portal subdomain | |
tenantId | * | The Tenant ID you create. Lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) only. 255 characters maximum. |
auditLogLevel | One of the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR | |
multiclusterEnabled | Either true or false. Set to true for a tenant with an API Portal integrated with on-premise API proxy clusters. Set to false for a SaaS Portal. | |
performanceLogLevel | One of the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR | |
portalLogLevel | One of the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR | |
tenantType | One of the following values: SAAS, ON-PREM | |
termOfUse | * | Your tenant term of use. One of the following values: a string such as "EULA", or "null" |
Save the file as payload.json. A sample payload is shown next:
"adminEmail": "YOUR-ADMIN-EMAIL",
"auditLogLevel": "TRACE",
"multiclusterEnabled": true,
"performanceLogLevel": "ERROR",
"portalLogLevel": "ERROR",
"portalName": "YOUR-PORTAL-NAME",
"subdomain": "YOUR-DOMAIN",
"tenantId": "YOUR-TENANT-NAME",
"tenantType": "ON-PREM",
"termOfUse": "eula"
Note: The tenant creation endpoint uses Mutual SSL/TLS, your Ingress Controller must support SSL/TLS Passthrough
This script takes in the following parameters
-d /path/to/payload.json
-n <namespace> | default: default
-k <keyname> | default: portal-internal-secret
Example usage
$ ./ -d ./payload.json -n myportalnamespace
The tenant has been added to the database. The tenant info can be found in the tenant_info.json file in the current directory.
Please follow the rest of the instructions at TechDocs to enroll your gateway with the portal.
1. You will need to navigate to the portal at <tenantUrl> and create a new API PROXY.
2. Copy the enrollment URL
3. Open your tenant gateway and enroll this gateway with the portal using the URL from step 2.
Please check you've set the correct namespace and have the Chart installed.
* Make sure the correct namespace is set -n <namespace>
* Verify the Chart is installed
$ helm list -n <namespace>
'portalHost' is not resolvable. Please make sure this points to your portal IP address.
* Verify that you have added the Portal endpoints to DNS or your hosts file and are able to resolve them
Please check you've set the correct key name, it should be portal-internal-secret, check tls.internalSecretName in your values file.
* Check tls.internalSecret name in your values.yaml file, if it doesn't match 'portal-internal-secret' then add -k <your-value>
401/403 Authentication Error
* Ensure that your Ingress Controller supports SSL/TLS Passthrough.