Merge Sort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It divides input array in two halves, calls itself for the two halves and then merges the two sorted halves.
Complexity: O(n log(n))
Space: O(n)
Stable: Yes
In-Place: not in typical implemetation
Possible optimizations:
- Use insertion sort for small subarrays
- Test if array already sorted
- Eliminate need of auxially array
extension Array where Element: Comparable {
mutating func mergeSort() {
mergeSort(lo: 0, hi: count - 1)
private mutating func mergeSort(lo: Int, hi: Int) {
guard lo < hi else { return }
let mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2
mergeSort(lo: lo, hi: mid)
mergeSort(lo: mid + 1, hi: hi)
return merge(lo: lo, mid: mid, hi: hi)
private mutating func merge(lo: Int, mid: Int, hi: Int) {
let aux = self[lo...hi]
var leftIndex = lo
var rightIndex = mid + 1
for i in lo...hi {
if leftIndex > mid {
self[i] = aux[rightIndex]
rightIndex += 1
} else if rightIndex > hi {
self[i] = aux[leftIndex]
leftIndex += 1
} else if aux[leftIndex] < aux[rightIndex] {
self[i] = aux[leftIndex]
leftIndex += 1
} else {
self[i] = aux[rightIndex]
rightIndex += 1
extension Array where Element: Comparable {
mutating func mergeSortBottomUp() {
var subArraySize = 1
while subArraySize < count { defer { subArraySize *= 2 }
for lo in stride(from: 0, to: count - subArraySize, by: subArraySize * 2) {
merge(lo: lo, mid: lo + subArraySize - 1, hi: Swift.min(lo + subArraySize * 2, count) - 1)