This document lists any errors and/or corrections to the printed material of the book. This does not indicate errors with the code in this repository, which is tested and updated separately.
NOTE: Page numbers are for the print version. Ebook page numbers may be 2-3 pages lower.
p.5 - [GRAMMAR] : "There never" -> "There's never"
p.40 - [CODE] : Missing var. At p.44 "c.screensize" can't be ok without this.
extends Area2D
var screensize = Vector2() ## this line is missing
func pickup():
p.49 - [CODE] : $MarginContainer/TimeLabel.txt
-> $MarginContainer/TimeLabel.text
p.74 - In the first sentence, Camera
should be Camera2D
p.76 - [MISSING] : Select the Enemy node, click on the "Node" tab, and add the enemy to the "enemies" group
p.76 - [CODE] : Missing indentation.
if area.has_method('pickup'):
if area.type == 'key_red':
if area.type == 'star':
p.121 - [CODE] : missing declaration: var screensize
Now, add this to
export (PackedScene) var Rock
var screensize = Vector2() ## this line is missing
func _ready():
screensize = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
$Player.screensize = screensize
for i in range(3):
p.168 - [MISSING] : missing suggested values for player properties
In the Inspector, set the run_speed
, jump_speed
, and gravity
to values of
, -300
, and 750
p.169 - [CODE] : missing newline character:
if state == JUMP and velocity.y > 0:
new_anim = 'jump_down'
p.169 - [FORMATTING] : header text is misplaced
Testing the moves