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admin console
admin console
Something isn't working.
A label that can be assigned to a PR to trigger a build of the app preview.
code quality
code quality
Code quality itself (readable) but e.g. also how we might enforce better quality automatically.
Pull requests that update dart code
Changing, updating, adding or removing one or more dependencies.
This issue or pull request already exists.
New functionality that we agreed on to add in the future.
feature: analytics
feature: analytics
Includes everything that is related to analytics and usage tracking
feature: attachments
feature: attachments
Attachments are files that can be added to homeworks or information sheets.
feature: authentification
feature: authentification
Logging in/out (anonymous, sign-in with X, etc.) and registration.
feature: comments
feature: comments
Comment on contents (homeworks, info sheets) to e.g. ask for clarifications on a task.
feature: donation
feature: donation
Donating money to us via Sharezone.
feature: feedback
feature: feedback
Users can send us feedback to improve the app.
feature: file-sharing
feature: file-sharing
Files can be shared inside Sharezone e.g. by uploading them in a file-sharing folder of a course.
feature: grades
feature: grades
Users can add their grades to Sharezone.
feature: group permissions
feature: group permissions
Group admins can set what permissions different course members can do (e.g. only read content).
feature: groups:classes
feature: groups:classes
Specific to only classes (instead of e.g. courses)
feature: groups:courses
feature: groups:courses
Specific to only courses (instead of e.g. classes)
feature: groups
feature: groups
Groups umbrella term for courses and classes.
feature: holidays
feature: holidays
feature: homework reminder
feature: homework reminder
Users can get a reminder notification for uncompleted homeworks.
feature: homework
feature: homework
feature: homework-submissions
feature: homework-submissions
Submissions can be toggled for homeworks so that pupils can upload their solutions for the teacher.
feature: ical-links
feature: ical-links
Users can subscribe to their timetable and events via iCal links.
feature: information sheet
feature: information sheet
Information sheets are posted to courses as a way to announce information.
feature: navigation
feature: navigation
Navigation inside the app (e.g. switching to a different screen).